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Any other Victim of Torture by Mind Control Technique called Neurophone in Ireland?

  • 11-01-2012 1:59pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 6

    My Personal Profile
    Gender: Male
    Age: Mid-Thirties
    Education: Post Graduate
    Country of Origin: Asian

    Year 2007 started fine, when the events that turned by life upside down occurred. The director of the small IT development firm in one of the counties in which I was working, had “Connections” with top authorities in “Law Enforcement Agency”. At work place I saw new people that I had never seen and people observing me. Colleagues called me abuses like Joker, Leach etc indirectly. I noticed that a lady is following me with a briefcase like object when I went out for lunch. At home things were no different. The next door neighbour moved out (disappeared!) all on a sudden. I noticed 2 people observing my house from inside. I continued to go to work amidst immense pressure at work place. Staff were whispering among themselves and observing me. Few days went on like this and during one night I started to hear voices in my mind and began listening to it. It was two or more people talking among them or people talking to me. Some of the conversations include (Any one else you feel victimised by mind control heard the same phrases?)

    He is absolutely brilliant
    Spy G**da
    Uniform G**da
    Foolish G**da
    Desperate G**da
    Hawkish Eye
    Destroy your computer
    Call “local” g**da station – station name not included due to privacy reasons
    You would be arrested soon
    You are a F****ing Fool

    I began fearing arrest by the “Law Enforcement Agency” in Ireland. I called my boss during the night and told him not to do it. He was convinced that I had gone out my mind and told to relax and take rest. Next day my wife noticed this and told me to calm down. That night I broke my laptop as per the instruction of the voices. I didn’t set fire to the house fortunately. I began to phone the local “Law Enforcement Agency” station when my friend snatched the phone from my hand. He came in after hearing desperate calls from my wife.
    My wife and friends decided to take me out of Ireland for “Treatment” by a Psychiatrist. I went next day back home accompanied by my wife and friend. I was diagnosed with “Schizophrenia” by my Psychiatrist! I started treatment the same day and was on medication till 2010. Since the doctor was not satisfied by my reaction to the medicines he told me that I has to be dealt as an in-patient. Seeing all the real mad people around me I felt the environment is unsafe for me and it is better to lie that the levels of voice conversations have come down dramatically. I did the same. But my Psychologist told me to ignore the conversations which I am doing till now. But at work place when I hear voice conversations about me I look around to see whether it is real. Because of distraction at my work place I couldn’t continue to work and resigned from two jobs within the last 5 months.
    In no way I could prove that the way I am tormented is not via “Schizophrenia” or Psychosis” by “Induced Schizophrenia” or “Induced Psychosis”, because there is no external proof for this. Luckily when I was researching I found various sites related to law enforcement agencies using mind control techniques like Neurophone etc to victimise / torture their prey without any direct body contact. The website by Paul Baird was an excellent place to start with. From my research I now know that I am tortured by Neurophone Technology borrowed by Irish “Law Enforcement Agency” to torture me. I have complained to Euro Parl (European Parliament) via email. I got an email back from them telling that such vague complaints cannot be enquired. Also I complained to Amnesty Ireland which didn’t even get back to me on this issue. Please read more about Neurophone Technology below which i extracted from I am back with treatment at a psychiatrist hospital in Dublin where I repeated the same story, but no one believed. How long, I dont know. These people are no humans. They are criminals with govt backing. I have decided to fight back in my own way. Would you?

    Extracted from Thanks to Paul Baird.

    The Neurophone
    The system can mimic anyone's voice and automatic computer translations (into any language) are incorporated. Each of us has a unique bioelectrical resonance frequency in our brains. EMF Brain stimulation may be encoded so that pulsating EM signals sent to the targets brain cause audio-visual effects which only the target experiences. The individuals "vibrational pattern" could be used as a signal filter like a radio receiving only the sound modulating the frequency of the station it's tuned to.The monitors simply adjust the volume downwards when you're in a position where the signal could hit someone else's body. Even if they heard it (briefly) they'd attribute it to another voice in the crowd etc.
    The magnetic field around the head, the brain waves of an individual can be monitored by satellite. The transmitter is therefore the brain itself just as body heat is used for "Iris" satellite tracking (infrared) or mobile phones or bugs can be tracked as "transmitters". In the case of brain wave monitoring the results are then fed back to the relevant computers. Monitors then use the information to conduct a "conversation" where audible neurophone input is "applied" to the victim.

    Human thought operates at 5,000 bits/sec but satellites and various forms of biotelemetry can deliver those thoughts to supercomputers in Maryland, U.S.A, Israel, etc which have a speed of over 300 trillion bits/sec which means just one (Blue Gene) supercomputer can process more information than ten times the entire world's population. These, even today, monitor millions of people simultaneously. Eventually they will monitor almost everyone...worse than any Orwellian "Big Brother" nightmare you could possibly imagine, only it will be a reality. Yet our world leaders, who know this, do nothing.
    Usually the targets are aware their brain waves are being monitored because of the accompanying neurophone feedback. In other words, the computer repeats (echoes) your own thoughts and then the human monitors comment or respond verbally. Both are facilitated by the neurophone.
    NB Whilst the live/human comments are individualistic and unrelated to the victims own thought processes oftentimes the artificial intelligence involved will parrot standard phrases. These are triggered by your thoughts while the human monitors remain silent or absent.
    To comprehend how terrible such a thorough invasion of privacy can be - imagine being quizzed on your past as you lie in bed. You eventually fall off to sleep, having personal or "induced" dreams, only to wake to the monitors commenting / ridiculing your subconscious thoughts (dreams).

    If the ability to "brain scan" individuals expands from the million or so currently under scrutiny to include ALL inhabitants of the planet (as per the Echelon surveillance system which already monitors ALL private/commercial telecommunications) then no-one will ever be able to even think about expressing an opinion contrary to those forced on us by the New World Order. There will literally be no intellectual property that cannot be stolen, no writing that cannot be censored, no thought that cannot be suppressed (by the most oppressive/invasive means).
    The use of this enables remote torture and interrogation. (Memories are triggered by neurophone questioning and the brain wave analysers deliver the answers).

    Any one else gone through the same torture? Please post your comments / experiences / updates etc

    at the Facebook Page
    or at the blog

    Let us stop this heinous crime against humanity...



  • Registered Users Posts: 910 ✭✭✭rick_fantastic

    have you forgotten to put on your tinfoil hat????

  • Registered Users Posts: 206 ✭✭brock92

    Are you Jim Corr?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 857 ✭✭✭rozeboosje

    I will not explain to you who I am. Just hear me out. There is indeed a conspiracy afoot. This conspiracy involves releasing into the environment trace amounts of psychoactive substances that can lead to people experiencing the most terrible forms of mental anguish. Believe me, your case is but a mild one. The sad thing is that there is actually an antidote readily available, but it can only be acquired by visiting a psychiatrist and by "playing along" with their suggestion that you may be suffering from "schizophrenia". They will prescribe you all sorts of "medication", but this is nothing of the sort. It's not actually medication, it is the ANTIDOTE, and it is very important that you try and get some and take it regularly. Don't think that you're out of the woods if and when you start feeling better. The government will continue to try and poison your mind. So keep visiting the "psychiatrist" and keep taking the ANTIDOTE that they give you, even if you start feeling better.

    Yours, etc

    A. Amico

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,897 ✭✭✭MagicSean

    The Dept of Justice can't even afford Garda cars. What makes you think they could fund mind control schemes?

  • Registered Users Posts: 910 ✭✭✭rick_fantastic

    its not the government... its the corporations... i blame google to be honest

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  • Registered Users Posts: 19,976 ✭✭✭✭humanji

    Rick Fantastic and Brock92, there's no reason to insult people.

  • Registered Users Posts: 741 ✭✭✭Stripey Cat

    Have you tried telling the voices in your head to get lost? Who are they to tell you what to do?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,876 ✭✭✭pirelli

    I have read your Post, and i have looked into the Neurophone and there appears to be a patent and fair amount of information. I have not validated whether this device works although the science is very possible.

    Schizophrenia is nothing to be ashamed of either and is a real disease that I hope can be cured.
    I think people just cling to what they understand to try resolve problems and I think you will have alot of difficulty being treated for schizophrenia and suffering from this device the neurophone in trying to convince people to help you deal with the conspiracy that is causing it.

    The virtue of humility and the blessings of technology in order to explain that no human can remotely disturb another:

    I was attacked from behind by a gang of 5 to 6 men. They sneaked up on me from behind in a public place. The people all saw and heard a bottle being smashed onto the back of my head in tandem with a rain of punches from 5 or 6 men to my head. They immediately called the garda. Numerous members of the public had already contacted the gardai before i knew what was happening.

    I too heard the bottle smash and felt a force on the back of my head but when you get a hard knock like that your brain is dazed and your imagining all sorts of things. After a split second my brian kicked back into gear and i began to register the punches raining down on the back of my head.

    I was still standing during all of this in a second or two and I turned my head and was shocked to see so many lads all working to smash my head in after one began to stab me I simply just walked away to a CCTV camera and they were all captured attempting to assault me.The attempt to knock me out failed however they did chase me with a sharp instrument threatening to stab me to the CCTV and i got a hard few kicks in the head but they in turn lost their freedom.

    I know form this experience that once you are resting in your peaceful abode, The pain subsides and heals very quickly... the cuts heal and the bleeding stops. No human can remotely no matter how hard he tries cause another to feel pain, to hear the taunts he wished him to hear. A human can not remotely cause injury unless he physically does so. Your can not feel the punches once they stop nor the pain once it is gone. The body it appears develops sense of peace and harmony and heals and repairs itself. No more thna it can remotely cause harm can it remotely defend itself against an organisation that wishes it harm.


    When i was in younger a student ratted me up to the headmaster and security guard was to escort me from the school. Now the student was lying but i could not prove that. On the way out i told the security guard to **** off. Whereupoun the buildings manager arrived on the scene to see us arguing.

    Then i recieved a summons in the post for assualt on the security guard and the buildings manager was acting as a witness claiming i had punched the security guard in the face. I was being charged with a serious assault and facing jail and this student was going to testifty against me.

    So I contacted a solcitor who advised i should consider pleading guilty, consider mind you not actually plea guilty. I went back to the school and to my surprise saw there was a CCTV camera covering the exact place where the security guard alleges he was assualted corresponding with the buildings managers entrance and claim to have witnessed said event. So i got out the law books and checked what i could do to defend myself. I discovered I coudl make a notice for evidence etc..

    I contacted the Garda ( who incidently never contacted me ) arranged to meet him in the garda station and produced a ton of legal notices to him mostly based on the CCTV. I explained the situation regarding the CCTV.He contacted me the next week and after himself and the school reviewing the CCTC he was withdrawng all charges. I was dissappointed they were not charged but satisifed I had proven i was innocent.

    So i would have been convicted and possibly imprisoned for a cirme i never committed almost definetly if it were not for this beautiful peice of technology. Also a person going around stabbing people..(one of which was me) was captured thanks to CCTV and if it were not for such a device he would have gone unapprehended almost certainly as would the identity of the other thugs.

    I think if such technology was this advanced we would find it in some shape or form in the Guantamano Bay, ( which according to released prrisoners, the only torture was good old traditional torture) we would find it at airports and police stations.

    The closest we have is the polygraph or the lie detector. This measures your heart rate and other body regularities to detect changes which may or may not indicate stress and anxiety around a topic. These are logical tools used to give indications of what may be stress and anxiety in relation to a topic or question. They are at best guesses. The police are known to be good at detecting the truth and studies have found that police have an over confidence in their abilities to detect truth and deceit compared with statistical findings.

    At best i would say no human can interfere with another remotely. Organisations can however destroy individuals happiness and security as can viscous bullies...corrpution etc.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 MCVIreland

    I know it might feel real absurd to many hearing my case. But if you research more you would find out more about crimes of this kind by govts. My aim is not to brain wash any one into my beliefs and thoughts. But to hear from people who have gone through the same agony as me and to form a group if possible.

    Yes, My psychologist told me to ignore these voices. But in many situations i cannot ignore this. I got 3 jobs within last 6 months and had to quit (resign) from all of it. Currently un-employed, and receiving full time "Treatment", I cannot simply sit back and relax to a crime (I believe so) commited by law enforcement here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 741 ✭✭✭Stripey Cat

    Why do you think the govt and law enforcement would target you particularly?

    What would they gain from it?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 MCVIreland

    My boss for whom I was working in 2007 had "Connections" with the Supt in the local "Law Enforcement Authority" station. I fell apart with my boss due to several reasons and I am hearing this voices after this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 741 ✭✭✭Stripey Cat

    MCVIreland wrote: »
    My boss for whom I was working in 2007 had "Connections" with the Supt in the local "Law Enforcement Authority" station. I fell apart with my boss due to several reasons and I am hearing this voices after this.

    So four years later, he is still pursuing this vendetta against you, even though you no longer work for him? And he is managing to convince fairly senior members of the Gardaí and the police force in your home country to act on his behalf?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 MCVIreland

    They might have any other reasons due to my geo / political / social backgrounds.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,876 ✭✭✭pirelli

    MCVIreland wrote: »
    They might have any other reasons due to my geo / political / social backgrounds.

    The most important thing is that you have a future and are not still in this condition in years to come.

    Essentially as i explained in my previous post (which i hope u will read) that this cannot happen remotley viz a viz another human. Let's assume such technology works so effectively that they can do this at will. Nothwithstanding that the small indistinct countries can have access to this technology and yet there is no evidence of it's existence is very unlikely. Nonetheless assuming such a technology exists, then your next challenge is to detect teh electrical waves and or magentic waves.

    You will also have to prove in some way this is happening, such as contructing a radio free shelter which you have ready access to. Then you can test whether you can hear these signals when you are in this shelter. This will quickly eliminate such basic devices as you have listed as the source of your torture. I understand that you are also ill at present so this will be an enormous challenge and i think you should get as mcuh help as you can.

    If your not serious about doing this then you do not really believe this yourself which perfectly reasonable as it is very very unlikely. However you can prove or disprove rather easily whether you are being tortured by these basic electronic devices. To see if you could detect such devices easily and hence destroy the myth that your suffering. As you are very ill at present and lack the means of vigilence and resourcefullness required to deal with your problem due to your illness you will need some very friendly people to help you. MYTH BUSTERS would be my first stop.

    Some lead from an iron monger and a trip to pete electronics by a friend knowlegable in the ways of electronics might help. Your going to have to be very polite and humble and very charming in order to get people to go along with this thoery and help you determine if there really is a such electrical and magnetic force being used to assault you.

    1. Why target you...because you fell out with your boss??

  • Registered Users Posts: 741 ✭✭✭Stripey Cat

    MCVIreland wrote: »
    They might have any other reasons due to my geo / political / social backgrounds.

    They might, but it seems more likely that they might not though, unless there is something very peculiar about your background.

    Why would they target you, and keep targeting you, for years, involving police forces internationally?

    What is so special about your background?

    Or is it more probable that there is a more straightforward explanation?

  • Registered Users Posts: 741 ✭✭✭Stripey Cat

    How are you MCVIreland?

    How is you health genearlly, apart from all this stuff?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,630 ✭✭✭Oracle

    Neurophone or V2K (Voice to Skull) is one of the most contentious issues within the area of what's known as Gangstalking. Most people would accept that sometimes people can and are stalked, and would also acknowledge that more than one person can be involved in stalking someone.

    However most people aren't aware of the methods, organisation and sophistication involved in some stalking. When more than one stalker is involved, and the stalking is organised, systematic and continuous, it's known as gangstalking. From research I've done, I believe gangstalking to be a widespread problem, one that's happening worldwide.

    "Voice to Skull" or Neurophone, is just one of the many techniques and devices some victims of gangstalking say is used on them. The issue of gangstalking is multi-faceted overlapping with other issues such as surveillance, covert technology and mind control. There's lots of information on the web about this, one of the better websites is by Eleanor White, at

    Introductory pdf booklet
    Victims Accounts
    CointelPro Docs
    Mind Control Forum
    Alan Frey Paper

    Also useful:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 MCVIreland

    Health is not too bad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,630 ✭✭✭Oracle

    I have been the victim of organised stalking over many years. This is what gave me the impetus to research this further. I could give a long list of harassment and incidents, here's just some that have happened within the last few years ....

    * Life made difficult at work, harassment, bullying, etc ....
    * Made redundant and not paid
    * Partner had similar experience
    * Both cars vandalised within months of buying them, and both in the same way.
    * Mail interfered with a few times. For example, a bank statement I opened, that was inside a sealed, reply paid, bank envelope, had a blue biro mark on the top. I assume the idea was to let me know it was opened, read, and then resealed. Another letter had vouchers stolen from inside, the ripped open envelope was then left back in my mailbox.
    * Several car incidents such as being run off the road by a huge HGV lorry. This was like a scene from a movie. This vehicle pulled out beside me on the right, then tried to force me into the hard shoulder, by deliberately steering towards me. This happened on a clear road, in daylight with no other traffic. I was doing about 50 mph so this vehicle could easily have overtaken me.
    * Being tailgated by 4x4 vehicles at night, with full-headlights on, for miles, I don't mean just a few miles, this could be 30 to 40 minutes or more. Also happened to partner.
    * Partner was followed in a car, by a man and woman. When they pulled in for a break they were watched at the hotel and attempt was made to steal car keys. They then followed my partner from the hotel, who had to go into a nearby shop to escape.

    There can also be an occult element to the stalking, involving for example, black cats, ravens and Satanic signs or symbols. For example, right now while I'm writing this post, I can see from the window on my left, there's about a dozen ravens perched on a tree "watching" me. It doesn't bother me, at this stage I'm used to it. A few have even followed me while I walk to the shop! Years ago while at a previous address, a black cat used to visit my house and sometimes I'd feed her. I moved more than 100 miles away and within weeks an identical black cat showed up at my door. She's still around today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 186 ✭✭afrodub

    MCVIreland wrote: »
    My Personal Profile
    Gender: Male
    Age: Mid-Thirties
    Education: Post Graduate
    Country of Origin: Asian

    Year 2007 started fine, when the events that turned by life upside down occurred. The director of the small IT development firm in one of the counties in which I was working, had “Connections” with top authorities in “Law Enforcement Agency”. At work place I saw new people that I had never seen and people observing me. Colleagues called me abuses like Joker, Leach etc indirectly. I noticed that a lady is following me with a briefcase like object when I went out for lunch. At home things were no different. The next door neighbour moved out (disappeared!) all on a sudden. I noticed 2 people observing my house from inside. I continued to go to work amidst immense pressure at work place. Staff were whispering among themselves and observing me. Few days went on like this and during one night I started to hear voices in my mind and began listening to it. It was two or more people talking among them or people talking to me. Some of the conversations include (Any one else you feel victimised by mind control heard the same phrases?)

    He is absolutely brilliant
    Spy G**da
    Uniform G**da
    Foolish G**da
    Desperate G**da
    Hawkish Eye
    Destroy your computer
    Call “local” g**da station – station name not included due to privacy reasons
    You would be arrested soon
    You are a F****ing Fool

    I began fearing arrest by the “Law Enforcement Agency” in Ireland. I called my boss during the night and told him not to do it. He was convinced that I had gone out my mind and told to relax and take rest. Next day my wife noticed this and told me to calm down. That night I broke my laptop as per the instruction of the voices. I didn’t set fire to the house fortunately. I began to phone the local “Law Enforcement Agency” station when my friend snatched the phone from my hand. He came in after hearing desperate calls from my wife.
    My wife and friends decided to take me out of Ireland for “Treatment” by a Psychiatrist. I went next day back home accompanied by my wife and friend. I was diagnosed with “Schizophrenia” by my Psychiatrist! I started treatment the same day and was on medication till 2010. Since the doctor was not satisfied by my reaction to the medicines he told me that I has to be dealt as an in-patient. Seeing all the real mad people around me I felt the environment is unsafe for me and it is better to lie that the levels of voice conversations have come down dramatically. I did the same. But my Psychologist told me to ignore the conversations which I am doing till now. But at work place when I hear voice conversations about me I look around to see whether it is real. Because of distraction at my work place I couldn’t continue to work and resigned from two jobs within the last 5 months.
    In no way I could prove that the way I am tormented is not via “Schizophrenia” or Psychosis” by “Induced Schizophrenia” or “Induced Psychosis”, because there is no external proof for this. Luckily when I was researching I found various sites related to law enforcement agencies using mind control techniques like Neurophone etc to victimise / torture their prey without any direct body contact. The website by Paul Baird was an excellent place to start with. From my research I now know that I am tortured by Neurophone Technology borrowed by Irish “Law Enforcement Agency” to torture me. I have complained to Euro Parl (European Parliament) via email. I got an email back from them telling that such vague complaints cannot be enquired. Also I complained to Amnesty Ireland which didn’t even get back to me on this issue. Please read more about Neurophone Technology below which i extracted from I am back with treatment at a psychiatrist hospital in Dublin where I repeated the same story, but no one believed. How long, I dont know. These people are no humans. They are criminals with govt backing. I have decided to fight back in my own way. Would you?

    Extracted from Thanks to Paul Baird.

    The Neurophone
    The system can mimic anyone's voice and automatic computer translations (into any language) are incorporated. Each of us has a unique bioelectrical resonance frequency in our brains. EMF Brain stimulation may be encoded so that pulsating EM signals sent to the targets brain cause audio-visual effects which only the target experiences. The individuals "vibrational pattern" could be used as a signal filter like a radio receiving only the sound modulating the frequency of the station it's tuned to.The monitors simply adjust the volume downwards when you're in a position where the signal could hit someone else's body. Even if they heard it (briefly) they'd attribute it to another voice in the crowd etc.
    The magnetic field around the head, the brain waves of an individual can be monitored by satellite. The transmitter is therefore the brain itself just as body heat is used for "Iris" satellite tracking (infrared) or mobile phones or bugs can be tracked as "transmitters". In the case of brain wave monitoring the results are then fed back to the relevant computers. Monitors then use the information to conduct a "conversation" where audible neurophone input is "applied" to the victim.

    Human thought operates at 5,000 bits/sec but satellites and various forms of biotelemetry can deliver those thoughts to supercomputers in Maryland, U.S.A, Israel, etc which have a speed of over 300 trillion bits/sec which means just one (Blue Gene) supercomputer can process more information than ten times the entire world's population. These, even today, monitor millions of people simultaneously. Eventually they will monitor almost everyone...worse than any Orwellian "Big Brother" nightmare you could possibly imagine, only it will be a reality. Yet our world leaders, who know this, do nothing.
    Usually the targets are aware their brain waves are being monitored because of the accompanying neurophone feedback. In other words, the computer repeats (echoes) your own thoughts and then the human monitors comment or respond verbally. Both are facilitated by the neurophone.
    NB Whilst the live/human comments are individualistic and unrelated to the victims own thought processes oftentimes the artificial intelligence involved will parrot standard phrases. These are triggered by your thoughts while the human monitors remain silent or absent.
    To comprehend how terrible such a thorough invasion of privacy can be - imagine being quizzed on your past as you lie in bed. You eventually fall off to sleep, having personal or "induced" dreams, only to wake to the monitors commenting / ridiculing your subconscious thoughts (dreams).

    If the ability to "brain scan" individuals expands from the million or so currently under scrutiny to include ALL inhabitants of the planet (as per the Echelon surveillance system which already monitors ALL private/commercial telecommunications) then no-one will ever be able to even think about expressing an opinion contrary to those forced on us by the New World Order. There will literally be no intellectual property that cannot be stolen, no writing that cannot be censored, no thought that cannot be suppressed (by the most oppressive/invasive means).
    The use of this enables remote torture and interrogation. (Memories are triggered by neurophone questioning and the brain wave analysers deliver the answers).

    Any one else gone through the same torture? Please post your comments / experiences / updates etc

    at the Facebook Page
    or at the blog

    Let us stop this heinous crime against humanity...

    Hi MCVIreland great post and thankyou for sharing your experience and research into this issue, I hope you are coping in the circumstance with this abuse/ torture you are being subjected to.

    As is more apparent this tech. is being used on a cross section of the population and has been reported by individuals aka Ti`s from most of the Industrialised Western countries and beyond.

    I can only morally support you with this abuse, as you are aware there is no assistance from `authorities` and you will be aware of the risk of insult added to injury by approaching them, good luck,stay strong and maintain your health all round as best you can.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 149 ✭✭eimear10

    Oracle have you reported these incidents to the Gardai?

    Also MCV before 2007 was none of this happening? also why are you using *'s in some words like G**da ?

    Scary stuff this!

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    MCV glad your health is well. :) . I can't speak for your individual situation but you seem like a well educated and intelligent young man so you must know that there are some people in Ireland that suffer from some of the effects that you describe are actually suffering from schizophrenia so it just might be that you are too, which is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Either way I sincerely hope things work out for you and you work with your doctors, and you live a happy and carefree life.

    (I just read back my own post and it sounds horribly patonising, but it's not intended, but sorry :)

    Sorry as well for the comedy geniuses here making fun of you, someone who is suffering. )

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,696 ✭✭✭Jonny7

    Oracle wrote: »
    I have been the victim of organised stalking over many years. This is what gave me the impetus to research this further. I could give a long list of harassment and incidents, here's just some that have happened within the last few years ....

    * Life made difficult at work, harassment, bullying, etc ....
    * Made redundant and not paid
    * Partner had similar experience
    * Both cars vandalised within months of buying them, and both in the same way.
    * Mail interfered with a few times. For example, a bank statement I opened, that was inside a sealed, reply paid, bank envelope, had a blue biro mark on the top. I assume the idea was to let me know it was opened, read, and then resealed. Another letter had vouchers stolen from inside, the ripped open envelope was then left back in my mailbox.
    * Several car incidents such as being run off the road by a huge HGV lorry. This was like a scene from a movie. This vehicle pulled out beside me on the right, then tried to force me into the hard shoulder, by deliberately steering towards me. This happened on a clear road, in daylight with no other traffic. I was doing about 50 mph so this vehicle could easily have overtaken me.
    * Being tailgated by 4x4 vehicles at night, with full-headlights on, for miles, I don't mean just a few miles, this could be 30 to 40 minutes or more. Also happened to partner.
    * Partner was followed in a car, by a man and woman. When they pulled in for a break they were watched at the hotel and attempt was made to steal car keys. They then followed my partner from the hotel, who had to go into a nearby shop to escape.

    There can also be an occult element to the stalking, involving for example, black cats, ravens and Satanic signs or symbols. For example, right now while I'm writing this post, I can see from the window on my left, there's about a dozen ravens perched on a tree "watching" me. It doesn't bother me, at this stage I'm used to it. A few have even followed me while I walk to the shop! Years ago while at a previous address, a black cat used to visit my house and sometimes I'd feed her. I moved more than 100 miles away and within weeks an identical black cat showed up at my door. She's still around today.

    This is psychological rather than something tangible. Paranoia can set in after a set of coincidences (or even without). Now your mind is searching for these events/signs and when they happen they add to the "pile of proof".

    Stop renting out horror films and enjoy life :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,696 ✭✭✭Jonny7

    MCVIreland wrote: »
    My Personal Profile
    Gender: Male
    Age: Mid-Thirties
    Education: Post Graduate
    Country of Origin: Asian

    Year 2007 started fine, when the events that turned by life upside down occurred. The director of the small IT development firm in one of the counties in which I was working, had “Connections” with top authorities in “Law Enforcement Agency”. At work place I saw new people that I had never seen and people observing me. Colleagues called me abuses like Joker, Leach etc indirectly. I noticed that a lady is following me with a briefcase like object when I went out for lunch. At home things were no different. The next door neighbour moved out (disappeared!) all on a sudden. I noticed 2 people observing my house from inside. I continued to go to work amidst immense pressure at work place. Staff were whispering among themselves and observing me. Few days went on like this and during one night I started to hear voices in my mind and began listening to it. It was two or more people talking among them or people talking to me. Some of the conversations include (Any one else you feel victimised by mind control heard the same phrases?)

    Let us stop this heinous crime against humanity...

    This is actually quite serious. For your first port of call I strongly suggest a psychologist, just because they come into contact with people who have had similar experiences - best just to get their opinion. Also try the "personal issues" forum, good luck.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,514 ✭✭✭PseudoFamous

    Uh, might be peripheral to this discussion, but if someone is suffering from paranoia/schizophrenia to a high degree, would telling them they have a mental illness not have them construe you as a "watcher"?

    Oh, and by the way, that 4x4 tailgating with full lights on isn't uncommon, it seems to be how some fools drive in Ireland.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,062 ✭✭✭al28283

    Seems like an awful amount of work has been put into stalking you. As with any job, the results eventually have to justify the time spent doing the job. So the question is, what are they getting out of it? Enough to justify the huge amount of effort and cost that must have been spent on what you say is happening?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,062 ✭✭✭al28283

    I think this is relevant

    even if it's not, it's a good movie

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,062 ✭✭✭al28283

    Oracle wrote: »
    There can also be an occult element to the stalking, involving for example, black cats, ravens and Satanic signs or symbols. For example, right now while I'm writing this post, I can see from the window on my left, there's about a dozen ravens perched on a tree "watching" me. It doesn't bother me, at this stage I'm used to it. A few have even followed me while I walk to the shop! Years ago while at a previous address, a black cat used to visit my house and sometimes I'd feed her. I moved more than 100 miles away and within weeks an identical black cat showed up at my door. She's still around today.

    Are you suggesting that the animals are somehow controlled by the people following you? And they can somehow relay information about you back to their superiors? If so, can you say what you do for a living? And what sort of information these animals might have gained from following you?

    If it's true, whatever method that has been used to train these animals to act in this way must have been extensive and costly. Again I have to wonder if it would be worth it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 228 ✭✭jimmymal

    The Neurophone
    Although the offered explanations for "Hearing Voices" can include everything from trickery to hidden transmitters to tinnitus to psychic/haunting experiences to possession or encounters with God/aliens (to so - called schizophrenic episodes) by far the most common REAL reason is covert Neurophone harassment as arranged by government agencies and/or other criminals.

    hey op,
    if you believe this take the pills.
    and get well soon.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,743 ✭✭✭blatantrereg

    scenario 1: A great deal of effort is put into organised torment of you for several years using amazing techniques and technologies that most people dont believe even exist. You are significant enough to the organisation behind this that undermining you is worth the considerable effort and exposure of their secret weaponry. Undermining you is so important that this is the approach they take rather than just killing you, which would seem to be safer and easier.

    scenario 2: The immense pressure you were under, the hostile environment, your feelings of intimidation and fear: The combined stress of these things surpassed your ability to cope with that stress, and you had a mental breakdown.

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