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Me Against The World...



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Wednesday Eve

    Plan was for 60min run with 20min @3:40pace. 20min WU felt clumsy, awkward, crap basically. Eating crap all day at work probably didn't help, but just in that kind of mood. Then after 7min @3:45 pace and I abandoned the speed work and struggled home tail between my legs. I bought a pair of NB 1080s 7 weeks ago now and have been rotating them with my other runners, but my feet are now in bits because of them. I have 100k done in them now and still when I do anything even approaching 4min per km in them I get terrible blisters. Straight away last night I got a very bad one on the outside of the ball of my left foot behind the little toe. This is now a blister on a blister on a blister and I couldn't even walk last night. I have blisters all over my feet, but I figured I'd eventually get used to them. Really doesn't look like it now. So Frustrating. I now have these which I can't run in, a pair of Brooks which feel like concrete bricks they're so big, Kinvara 2's which are very well worn after only 350km, and my racing shoes which are amazing to run in, even sockless, but stink the place out!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Thursday Lunchtime

    Plan was 30min easy run. After last night I wasn't expecting much. Put on the concrete blocks as they are quite soft due to their size, and with the run being easy I didn't expect any problems. Started off a little sluggish, and feeling tight through my right calf, probably as a result of hobbling home awkwardly last night. What I didn't expect was to average 4:29 pace for 7k very very comfortably. I could feel last nights blister but I don't think it affected my stride. Actually felt like I was plodding a little so the pace surprised me. Cadence was up at 92/93. Definitely easy effort though. Warm and muggy out but wasn't working hard.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    How annoying is that re the NB! Has happened me before with a pair of runners and after 100k had to cut my losses. Sold them on e bay though :) that would have been a tough session, 60min with 20 @3:40/km :o hopefully you will get to do this again once the blisters have healed. Glad today went well anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    interested wrote: »

    So the blisters were caused by a few Wispa bars? An unusual theory alright. Usually very good with what I eat, but sometimes those sugar monkeys need their fix/overdose!!
    How annoying is that re the NB! Has happened me before with a pair of runners and after 100k had to cut my losses. Sold them on e bay though :) that would have been a tough session, 60min with 20 @3:40/km :o hopefully you will get to do this again once the blisters have healed. Glad today went well anyway.

    Its a pain in the ar*e alright. Put a call into my usual running shoe shop and hes cool with swapping them for something else. Reckon I'll just go with the new Kinvaras as I had no issues right from run number 1 with the last version.

    Its a tough session alright, did it last week too. But its the pace I should be running off the bike for 5k and we need to push to get me there.

    Thursday Eve

    Went down to the pool with no plan. Not a great idea, but I bumped into one of the club swim coaches who was finishing up his set before heading over to the Thursday club session. Picked his brain for a session and after a 250m WU I did 3*(3*100 on 1:45, 2*200 on 3:30) with a 50 easy between each set. Holding 1:34-37 pace throughout, but the main focus was keeping the right arm nice and wide. Felt strong in the water, and while that arm did at times fall into old habits, it went well overall. 200m CD

    Friday Morning

    I don't like running in the morning. I especially don't like running fast in the morning. But with a brother to collect from the airport this eve and a drive down the country I was out by 6:45. A very interesting session. 60min with 4 sets of 400m in 75, 2min walk/jog, 200m in 37, 1min walk/jog, 100m in 18; 5min recovery between sets. Did these in the local park to avoid traffic/pedestrians etc. Had to hop the fence which meant the place was very quiet which was nice.

    400s in 75.5, 74.8, 72.1, 71.6
    200s in 35.1, 34.7, 37.2, 36.5
    100s in 18.2, 17.3, 17.2, 17.3

    Very slippy and windy out. Thankfully there was little rain. Got soaked on the way to work though :rolleyes:

    "Rest" day tomorrow but I might squeeze in an OW swim before heading to that wedding. Still wish I was going to Kilkee...

    Edit: Did somebody say Run Green?? :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Run green?? Woo hoo!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Training, eh. Yeah, still dong a little bit of that.

    Saturday Morning

    Headed over to Athlone to strip the race wheels, pedals, and saddle from my TT bike which is still in the shop. Two weeks they had it at that stage and absolutely nothing done as they were waiting for go ahead from the manufacturer.

    Got a quick dip in at Coosan Point where Athlone Tri club do their OW swimming. circa 1500m swam in 25min or 2.34km if you were to believe the erratic garmin file.

    At a wedding then for the rest of the day. Great day :cool:


    No. See confessions thread. :o

    However, I did manage to collect the TT bike I have a loan of for this weekend. And found out its a compact. Not Ideal, but we'll see.


    No, see confessions thread. :o

    Instead I set about adjusting the loan bike to fit me. Saddle up 2inchs, bars down 1inch. And making sure the racing wheel cassette lines up just right. :D


    Back on the wagon. Similar run session to Fridays except only 2 sets of 400m in 75, 2min walk/jog, 200m in 37, 1min walk/jog, 100m in 18. Did these a little harder than last time. Felt a little awkward and uneasy as I tend to do if I've missed a run session. Very very warm evening, and the drunken louts heading to the Chillis concert didn't help my mood! Anyway, splits:

    400s in 70.0, 71.6
    200s in 34.7, 33.7
    100s in 17.5, 16.9

    Finally got word on Tuesday that the lads in Athlone got the go-ahead to replace the frame. So brand new frame under warranty. They said it'll be ready on Wednesday but I won't get near them until the weekend so I'll collect before the race on Saturday. They're also going to try and replicate the setup I had as close as possible. Might still need tweaking, but hopefully they'll have the right length stem anyway.


    Out on this loaner TT bike as I'm not racing something I've never ridden. Plan was 3*15sec, full recovery, 3*30sec full recovery, 2*1min full recovery. Hard hard efforts as a tune up for Saturday. I did a long warmup and cool down as well as I wanted to spend a bit of time on the bike. Out the back of the airport, and did the efforts into the wind. Its always windy out there as its so exposed. Managed to hold onto 40kmph for the 1min efforts at the end, which wasn't bad. Towards the end of the cd I lifted effort a little with the tail wind to make sure I had enough gears to get through the race. 50*12 @95cadence had me breaking 50kmph. I'm still fairly comfortable up to 105-110 so I'm unlikely to run out of gears as its a fairly flat course. I have an 11 cassette so if it looks like being particularly windy out I might throw that on for the tailwind :D. Probably be ok though.

    Thursday Morn

    In the pool this morning. I nabbed the Monday session off one of the lads and did that
    400m progressive WU.
    3sets of 6*100 on 1:45, 90 seconds between sets. Held 1:35 or damn close for these. Hurt though!
    8*50 on 60sec and 50 hard 50 easy. Only able for 42 sec for the hard ones. Struggling!

    2800m in the hour. Tough going, but I needed a good swim as I hadn't been in the pool since last Thursday eve.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Thursday Eve

    Easy run with some strides. Did these in the park after swapping my blister causing shoes for a pair of the new Kinvaras. Legs felt heavy. Loosened out a little, but not great. Should be on on Saturday though.

    Friday Morn

    Easy 40min on the turbo with 4*200m @85% just to loosen out a little. TV is so sh1t at that hour!!! Would have liked to do it outside, but with the amount of rain we've had each of the previous two nights I pussyed out!!

    Roll on triathlon number 6 of 10 for 2012. Only 6 weeks of my tri season remaining. Hard to believe, but I want to give marathon preparations a proper go of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Enjoy and good luck this weekend.

    What races have you left in the 6 weeks?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Enjoy and good luck this weekend.

    What races have you left in the 6 weeks?


    Going to give the local Two Provinces sprint tri a bash, then Beast of the East, Brian Boru and CK all olys. Heading to a stag directly after CK so a proper end of season!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Good luck tomorrow!!!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Triathlone was the scene of my introduction to triathlon in 2009 as a last minute call up to a relay team. We managed a 1:26 that year and I vowed to come back and beat that time on my own the following year. So 2010, Triathlone was my third solo tri and the first time I’d done the entire swim front-crawl. I got round in 1:15 despite their being a partial up-stream swim and a longer run course than the previous year. I didn’t go back last year as I wanted to avoid all the hanging around, but in my new roll as a NS points ho I had to go race the sprint again.

    Looking at the start list I knew I could go well. Top ten was a realistic target. I also noted the main danger man in my wave was El Directors new’s nemesis from Invictus Tri club. I got down to Athlone early, collected the new bike :cool:, registered before the queues gathered, and headed off for lunch with Michelle. Back in then to set up (while Michelle went off trying on wedding dresses :rolleyes: and no, she didn't buy) and lots of chatting, Peter Kerns, Fazz, ElD, Needs Training, Haggis McCloud, and various other clubmates. Also spent some time sussing out the ins and outs of transition as these had changed slightly from 2010. With a long wait until my wave start I was taking my time, then a few of us strolled up to baggage drop, and hung around there for a while, more chatting!!

    Finally time to roll, suited up and headed down towards the swim start, passing Fazz as he was dismounting. Didn’t see which leg he leg with this time!! Quite a few people made a bit of a mess of their dismount from what I saw.

    Up to the swim start and I made sure to get into the water early (dying for a leak!). We were directed towards a canoe about 100m upstream, but seconds after reaching it we were 100m away again. This was going to be a quick swim. Hooter goes, and a fairly tame start. Got going well, and I could see there wasn’t many getting ahead of me. Got what ever draft I could, but not sure how much benefit there is in an entirely down stream swim. Swam fairly well, but I think I meandered a little more than I would have liked. Aimed for the right of the pontoon for the shortest run into T1 and picked off about 6 places on the run in. Swim was 8:46 and 49th fastest. Out of 600+ that’s not too bad. 25sec off Ms Fenton who is always a good marker for me in a swim. She's starting to get nervous :cool:!! Got to my bike and I could see Mr Invictus Tri just leaving with his. This race is on!!

    Clean transition, DNS's either side of me so I had loads of room. 6th fastest 2:20 (it was a long run in).

    Clean mount and I passed two more guys in the first 300m of the bike. :D Suddenly I’m right up behind my target, and I decide to pace (legally) of him for a bit, until I see him still fiddling with his shoes. Almost 1km into the bike :confused:!! So I power past him while he’s still messing and set about passing a steady stream of people from the earlier waves. There was a strong wind on the outbound leg and it was tough going at times. I was pushing hard, and my mouth and throat were getting very very dry from the effort. I’m also sliding forward on the saddle a lot. It’s a clubmates bike that I’d borrowed and I obviously hadn’t got the position spot on. 8km in and the messer goes past me again. I up it a little to keep in touch. First 5k avg 34.6kmph (21.1mph), second 5km 36.1 (22.4mph). So I was working hard into the wind. I got a little held up in traffic at the turn and my target got away a little. I was really starting to feel the effort, and dry throat at this point too. Then I remembered I had a drink and a gel. Took these and set about making the most of the tailwind home. 10-15km went by @42.6kmph (26.5mph). Shortly after 15km I got a very bad crosswind gust which nearly sent me flying across the road. Gave me a bit of a fright! After that I started to feel a little sickly, almost like I was going to vomit. Tried to ignore it and push on. Back into town and about 1km from home I sit up and let out a massive blech :o (classy!!), which seemed to help. I doubt the girl I’d just passed appreciated it though!! 15-20km @ 41.4 (25.7mph) and the final 650M @29.9kmph (18.6mph) which would have been mostly unclipping and running in to T2. 4th fastest bike split of 32:35 and an average pace of 38kmph (23.6mph). I lost 25 seconds to Mr McGarry on the bike, so he must have really hammered the return leg as I’d made up 20second to be with him at the turnaround :eek:.

    Into t2 hard and through in 1:20 for 10th fastest.

    Straight into a good rhythm on the run. I look down and see 3:15 :eek: (5:13/mile) pace. Oh, sh1t, I’m going out too hard again, I’m going to blow up. It was a little downhill so I just kept going. On the bridge and I’m doing 3:27 (5:33/mile). Ok, just ignore the watch and run as I'll start worrying about whether I can sustain this pace. First km down in 3:32 (5:41/mile). The second, which included the two “hills” in 3:44 (6:00/mile). I’m flying passed a huge amount of people, but I know they’re all struggling towards the end of the Olympic. It does keep you alert trying to find a gap and dancing through the crowd. A flat KM3 in 3:28 (5:34/mile). This is going very very well. Km4 up one hill in 3:40 (5:54/mile), km5 up the second hill 3:37 (5:49/mile), less people on the course now. This is crazy speed :cool:!! The final 700m I was right on the limit knowing while there was no-one in front of me there would be others in later waves who I could be “virtually” sprinting against. Brought it home @3:21 (5:23/mile) pace for that 700m!! Run split was 20:23 which was only good enough for 15th in my AG (not sure about overall) but I averaged 3:34 (5:44/mile) pace which would be a 5km PB for me (current PB is 18:00) so really happy with that.

    Crossed the line, and Mr. Invictus Tri is still standing there hands on knees. He beat me by 24 seconds in the end and we were first and second finishers in our wave. I finished 8th overall once all the other waves were in, and 3rd in my AG. Absolutely delighted with that, and thrilled with my run. After the debacle in Joey Hannan, and effectively blowing up in Tri an Mhi, its slowly been improving. However, I certainly wasn’t expecting to run pb pace off the bike. Off a borrowed bike. Maybe I should set a proper 5km PB soon!!

    Walking back from collecting the bike with RQ (nice to finally meet you) and alls grand until she starts talking gibberish :confused: (something about furlongs or something) so I decided I've use google to help translate my log into her gibberish language!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Sunday morning

    Just did an easy 3k run. My first run in my vibrams that I've been wearing for 2/3 weeks now as a causal shoe. No problems today either, but I won't be rushing out to do much more than 3k anytime soon. No point in risking any of the races I have coming up.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Nice one top 3 in AG. Great pace off the bike as well, impressive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Cracking stuff. Nice AG podium too. Fair play. That's impressive running :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    Great racing, particularly running and deserved result.
    Well done! Fair play.

    As a side note, back of pad calcs has you getting nearly 10 extra NS points for your 8th in sprint compared to my 12th in Oly!

    All depends on number of TI registered athletes, and likely less in sprint but needs to be a whole lot less or I'm screwed! :)

    Super result!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Nice one top 3 in AG. Great pace off the bike as well, impressive.
    pgibbo wrote: »
    Cracking stuff. Nice AG podium too. Fair play. That's impressive running :cool:
    Fazz wrote: »
    Great racing, particularly running and deserved result.
    Well done! Fair play.

    As a side note, back of pad calcs has you getting nearly 10 extra NS points for your 8th in sprint compared to my 12th in Oly!

    All depends on number of TI registered athletes, and likely less in sprint but needs to be a whole lot less or I'm screwed! :)

    Super result!

    Cheers lads.

    Fazz, you were already over 10 points ahead anyway so I wouldn't go losing sleep over it. Seriously impressive result from you in that field.

    Oh, and I like your swim split...... SNAP!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Congrats on the cracking job! I can hear the neon glow of pride and accomplishment from here! ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Brilliant BTH! Absolutely cracking running on a tough run course, in the sense that it is 'dragy' technical and crowded. I have lost out to Mr Invictus twice this week (in the space of 6 days :)) by 17sec and 7 sec! Imagine the battle the 3 of us would have had!! Were you on a P2? Your bike split was very very close to mine despite me just doing the bike leg so well done there too! Great to see you get the result you deserve dude, you've been a little unlucky this year up to now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Congrats on the cracking job! I can hear the neon glow of pride and accomplishment from here! ;)
    Brilliant BTH! Absolutely cracking running on a tough run course, in the sense that it is 'dragy' technical and crowded. I have lost out to Mr Invictus twice this week (in the space of 6 days :)) by 17sec and 7 sec! Imagine the battle the 3 of us would have had!! Were you on a P2? Your bike split was very very close to mine despite me just doing the bike leg so well done there too! Great to see you get the result you deserve dude, you've been a little unlucky this year up to now.

    Thanks guys.

    This photo4.jpg

    is what I raced on on Saturday. Reckon I may have lost a little time because its a compact, while my own is a 54/42, but managed to pull out a good split anyway. I'll get photos of the new bike up once I have her race ready, not much point in putting up a pic of the training wheels.

    It'll be interesting to see how I can convert that pace now on the longer Oly courses, although the Beast and Brian Boru aren't exactly fast courses. Should go well enough though, if all goes to plan.

    I was chatting to McGarry briefly afterwards. He doesn't seem too keen on doing any Oly's or at least the harder ones. Reckons he's not ready for them yet!! He did alright in Joey Hannan though :rolleyes:. You're doing CK this year again?? Hopefully that turns into a right battle!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Nice one BTH, I'm sure it felt very satisfying to bag a prize like that, well done!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    Those wheels are an insult to that frame ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Nice one BTH, I'm sure it felt very satisfying to bag a prize like that, well done!

    Very satisfying alright. Disappointing that they weren't having a prize giving on the day. Posting the prizes out apparently, although no guarantee there is AG 1-2-3 prizes anyway.

    interested wrote: »
    Those wheels are an insult to that frame ;)

    Ah give over will ya. Thats all I can afford, and they've been removed now anyway..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    Its not how they look but how their used - so you're good on that score.
    I have to admire Fazz, dropping the price of a ... well probably a small wedding on the Shiv, nice choice though eh ?

    My work here is done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    interested wrote: »
    Its not how they look but how their used - so you're good on that score.
    I have to admire Fazz, dropping the price of a ... well probably a small wedding on the Shiv, nice choice though eh ?

    My work here is done.

    Trust be, the way Michelle is talking the price of that Shiv barely covers the cost of the dress. It'll be a long long time before I'm getting any new gear...

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Trust be, the way Michelle is talking the price of that Shiv barely covers the cost of the dress. It'll be a long long time before I'm getting any new gear...

    Didn't think this through did ya. You're meant to buy all the fancy gear BEFORE you hand over a ring.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Trust be, the way Michelle is talking the price of that Shiv barely covers the cost of the dress. It'll be a long long time before I'm getting any new gear...

    Cue Me, Gibbo, MCOS, Dory etc getting invites ;)

    (I have a barely used 9 speed cassette and a once worn K-Swiss tri suit as a present)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    catweazle wrote: »
    Cue Me, Gibbo, MCOS, Dory etc getting invites ;)

    (I have a barely used 9 speed cassette and a once worn K-Swiss tri suit as a present)

    Ooooo....did I just get invited to a wedding???? Perfect!! Which tri store are you registered at??? ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Didn't think this through did ya. You're meant to buy all the fancy gear BEFORE you hand over a ring.

    I clearly didn't think this through..
    catweazle wrote: »
    Cue Me, Gibbo, MCOS, Dory etc getting invites ;)

    (I have a barely used 9 speed cassette and a once worn K-Swiss tri suit as a present)
    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Ooooo....did I just get invited to a wedding???? Perfect!! Which tri store are you registered at??? ;)

    Do Base2Race do wedding lists?? Now that would be useful!! You all prepared to fly to Bilbao next June??


    OW swim with the club. Took it relatively handy after Saturday, but we did a few group buoy turns which upped the tempo a bit. Somewhere in the region of 1800m covered.


    With only 5 weeks left of my Tri season, and with marathon training plans starting over on the boring single discipline forum, I have half an eye turning towards my own half at the end of August and my full debut in October. Coach is letting me do my own thing this week and next (he's off on a TI junket) so with all that in mind in decided on 8k easy, 5k at either full or half mara pace (depending on how I was feeling), and 3k easy. Held pretty much bang on 4:00/km (6:26/mile for you gibberish speakers!!) pace for the 5k so it was somewhere in between full and half pace (or planned/hoped pace anyway). Tried, and for the most part succeeded, in keeping the HR below 170 for the 5k. New HR strap arrived yesterday so it was nice to be looking at real HR numbers!! LSR this weekend to see where I stand. Hoping to be able to cover 25k comfortably enough.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭Chartsengrafs

    Fantastic performance at the weekend, well done.

    Early days yet, but have you a target for the marathon? How 'S' do you plan on doing your LSRs? This is something I've been having trouble with.
