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Half Iron - Half Man

  • 13-01-2012 1:37pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭

    Okay, have been posting on ART for a while and participating in the SBR challenge. Thought I’d start keeping a log to help myself keep track of training and aid motivation. If anyone has any bits of advice along the way, that’s great too!

    A bit of history – grew up with football and hurling. Always dedicated but no all star. As time became more precious in college, I started running a bit but never with any great frequency. Did DCM in 05 and 06 and plodded around. 32 years young now and this will be my 3rd year in Tri. Took part in a sprint tri initially 3 years ago as someone at work coaxed me into it. Loved it and been doing as much as possible ever since. Completed first HIM in 2011 in Galway – got around in 5 h 20 something mins but was a complete write off after the bike.

    I’ve been trying to maintain consistent training on the bike over the winter as it’s always been a weakness and takes from my run which is strong in comparison. Swim is average but consistent. I started swimming when I took up tri so I am no fish but my 1km TT last week was a shade over 18 mins (short course) and hope to take a minute off that before race season starts.

    Goals for the year:
    1. I’m looking at two Half Iron Man races – probably Tri an Mhi and Galway, but may throw in a 3rd in Swinford if things go well. I’m on Race Director duty for a National Series Oly race so will have to factor that in timewise also. I would love to get close to 5 hours but this would require getting my bike time down to 2h 50 region with fresh running legs for after. Goal time to be decided as year progresses.
    2. 5km time of 17m X sec. Shouldn’t be a problem hopefully as my current PB of 18m 27s was set in 2011 on a very hilly course.
    3. Set a 10km PB of 38 min or under. Haven’t done a 10km road race for some time. Did a 40 min 10 sec split as part of a (slightly long) Olympic Tri last year so should hopefully be achievable.
    4. If the year goes well and no injuries arise, I would love to give the marathon a proper bash at the end of the year and perhaps aim at 3h to 3h 15.
    5. Race more!
    Longer term goal is to tackle the Ironman distance in 2013. Was going to try one this year but decided that a better base would be required in order to do myself any sort of justice. The above goals will hopefully help make 2012 a year in which a good training base is put down for the future.

    And now for the excuses – currently commute 3 hours per day by car (this will change soon for the better!) and have an 11 month old at home also. Family is priority and all of the above is secondary. Training is squeezed in at silly o’clock and lunchtime sessions. (I’ve only very recently come to appreciate the usefulness of lunch time runs). Club sessions help provide a bit of structure to an otherwise random training schedule.

    Here goes!



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    I have 5.15 put down for Swinford as well but seeing your run times has put the fear of god in me, I am also surprised at how good your swim time from someone who if I remember correctly from last years SBR doesn't do much of it.

    Good luck with the year - a lot of tri logs this year for some reason :confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    Easy lunchtime run today. Great to have to sun on the back for a change even if a little cool.

    Distance: 10.6km
    Avg HR: 153 bpm
    Avg Pace: 4m 33s
    catweazle wrote: »
    I have 5.15 put down for Swinford as well but seeing your run times has put the fear of god in me, I am also surprised at how good your swim time from someone who if I remember correctly from last years SBR doesn't do much of it.

    Good luck with the year - a lot of tri logs this year for some reason :confused:

    Hi CW - hope to do a good run but my bike is what is holding me back. Was happy enough with last years swim total - I put down about 120km as far as I recall - haven't exact numbers to hand. Probably wont improve on that total this year but hope to match it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    EC1000 wrote: »
    I put down about 120km as far as I recall - haven't exact numbers to hand. Probably wont improve on that total this year but hope to match it.

    I must have been mixing you up with someone else, that's not a bad amount of swimming at all. Bike is my weakness as well although its only a little poorer than the run and swim. Well rounded you could call me ( or no good at all 3 )

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    Saturday AM:

    Road spin cancelled due to frost. 90 minute turbo - useful tempo workout with the club. 3.5km easy brick after just to give the legs a reminder of whats to come.

    Sunday PM:

    Planned LSR didn't happen due to family committments but managed to squeeze in a 6km run at 4m30s pace.

    Not a great weekend of training by any means but I'm happy with my frequency of training at the moment, if not the intensity/endurance. In the past I would probably not have managed any sessions this weekend but made a point of squashing them in around other committments.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Cheers for the log EC1000 and smart goals IMO. Seems you have good legs off the bike already so some time on the saddle will only improve boith that and your bike splits. Best of luck! Got your PM also and will do.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    Monday PM:

    Club swim session.

    10 x 200 steady

    Total dist: 2150m
    Total time: 50 mins

    Tuesday AM:

    8 x 50 w/up
    4 x 100 alternating fins/full
    4 x 200 alternating fins/full
    4 x 100 alternating fins/full
    4 x 50 fins
    4 x 50 swim down

    Total time 50 mins
    Total Dist 2400m

    Was in Dublin for work so called into NAC for a swim catchup session. Had missed a couple of sessions already this year so just wanted to get some distance in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    Wednesday Lunchtime:

    10.1km easy run
    Avg Pace: 4m30s
    Avg HR: 155 bpm

    Need to start injecting some intensity into my running but happy enough to be running without any niggles in any event.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    Hectic and frustrating day at work meant that lunchtime run went out the window. Late home so turbo moved to Fri morning:eek:

    Friday AM:
    Due to the above there was a very early alarm call with much sneaking around to not wake the young lad. 1st turbo of the year with any serious anaerobic stuff involved. Was following a set plan from the club and damn near fell off the bike after several max effort intervals.

    Time 60 mins
    Will edit HR and cadence data when check Garmin later

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    Saturday AM:
    Club spin - Easy spin with a couple of sprints thrown in. Great being on the road when the sun comes up.
    Dist 45km
    Time 1h 40m.
    Need to start increasing weekend distance soon.

    Saturday PM:
    Made it out for a run before dark. Legs were feeling a bit tired so kept it at a reasonable pace without pushing too hard.
    Dist: 10.8km
    Avg Pace: 4m 30sec /km
    Avh HR: 152bpm

    Sunday AM:
    Club off road duathlon. Dont usually do a lot of mountain biking but was good to push it this morning even if only a short 2.5km/3km/2.5km effort. Was interested in what I could manage for the runs and was well under 4min/km pace but Garmin issues mean no hard data.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    Monday Lunchtime Run:
    10.3km easy run.
    Avg HR: 152 bpm
    Avg Pace: 4m 29 sec.

    I've been doing a lot of 10km easy runs of late. Maybe verging on junk miles at this stage but my reasoning is that in previous years I picked up lots if niggles during the summer when I increased the number/length of my runs. This year I want a good base coming off winter/spring so that when I increase my frequency/mileage later on, I'm ready for it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Good stuff EC. One thing. As you said you're doing a lot of 10k runs, but there doesn't seem to be much variety. A quick glance back and your last three runs were virtually identical. Even during base training I would expect a bit of variety in pace/distance. There a master plan at play here??

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    Monday PM Club Swim Session

    Warmup - 300m
    1 x 400m (in on 7m06sec)
    3 x 200 (in on 3m33s, 3m33s, 3m34s)
    5 x 100 (in on 1m45s, 1m45s, 1m43s, 1m43s, 1m42s)
    10 x 50 (slowest 51s, quickest 48s)

    Total Dist: 2300m
    Time: 55min

    Felt really good in the pool tonight (for a change) and was getting faster towards the end of each set. Can feel a bit of swimming endurance coming back.
    Good stuff EC. One thing. As you said you're doing a lot of 10k runs, but there doesn't seem to be much variety. A quick glance back and your last three runs were virtually identical. Even during base training I would expect a bit of variety in pace/distance. There a master plan at play here??

    You're right about the running situation. Unfortunately no master plan as such. Unfortunately circumstances the last couple of weeks have dictated that my "long" weekend run had to be sacrificed and squeezing in a 10km was as much as I could get out for. My lunchtime runs can only last about 45mins so thats the reason they tend to be around 10km. I know that I need to do more interval/tempo work and that will hopefully happen during the lunchtime runs with my long run to be extended at the weekends. I've taken the attitude in the last couple of weeks that getting out for 10k is better than not getting out at all!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    Turned in to a rest day by default. Had planned getting out for a run but didn't happen due to work stuff.

    Wednesday PM:
    Was in Dublin for work for the day so popped in to NAC on the way home and was delighted to see the 50 metre setup still in place.

    Set: 20 x 100m.

    After Monday's session during which I was at my limit speed wise for the full hour I decided to pull it back for this one and concentrate on form. I made a point of breathing bilaterally for the full set. Normally I would do this for the warm up but as soon as the faster stuff started I would revert straight back to breathing every two strokes. Tried to stay focused on high elbow and catch after feedback I got from a video analysis over the winter. Great comfort for the set as there was only 3 or 4 in the lane which is very little over 50 metres :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    Thursday Lunchtime Run:
    Had made up my mind that since I am back running regularly without any niggles, I should start putting some intensity into my shorter runs, starting today. However, as with all good plans there was an issue, and today I forgot my Garmin which I has put charging last night :) However, decided to do it by feel using a wristwatch and did the following approximate distances (only the overall total is accurate)

    4km easy
    1km hard (5k pace)
    1km recover
    1km hard (5k pace)
    3km recovery

    Total: 10.6km (usual route so know overall distance). Felt good throughout and I can feel the effects of running much more regularly than I would ever have before (thanks SBR challenge!).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    Quick catch up - haven't been online for a few days :)

    Friday AM:
    Turbo session. Intervals of max effort - ladder intervals. Completely wasted by the end of this session.

    Time 55min.

    Saturday AM:
    Club spin. Roads were just about fit for cycling on. 50.1km easy.

    Sunday - didn't happen.

    Monday early PM:
    Club turbo session. Ladder intervals again. Good session - heart rate well in to Z4.

    Time 1 hr.

    Monday late PM:
    Club swim session.

    1 x 400m (in on 7m 8sec)
    4 x 200m (avg 3m 36sec)
    8 x 100m (avg 1m 48sec)

    Time: 1 hr
    Dist: 2,250m

    Was feeling the turbo session im my legs towards the end of the swim. Technique started ok but was all over the place by the end.

    Tuesday AM:
    Recovery run. Took it very easy as legs were feeling heavy. 12.1 km.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    Wednesday AM: Run
    Am off this week so its great to be able to take advantage of the sunny dry mornings :)

    Went for a very easy long run this morning. Kept the heart rate in Z3 throughout and maintained a slow pave of 5m/km. Covered 18km in 90 mins. Wasn't too worried about pace this morning, just wanted to spend an extended period on my feet as I had been doing a lot of shorter stuff lately.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    My fear when starting this log was that it would fall by the wayside and I would stop updating. Was off for a week and then started a new job which meant updating was not an option for a while. Quick recap:

    Thursday 2nd Feb:Short swim session as was heading off for the weekend and knew would not get a proper session in. Did 1.4km in 35 mins. Junk time in the pool.

    Saturday 4th Feb AM:Was at a stag so this 10.5km run (4m30s pace), whilst not earth shattering, was important because of the fact that it got done :)

    Monday 6th Feb PM:Club swim session.
    2 x 500m
    10 x 50m coming in on avg 43s.
    Total - 2150m in 55mins

    Wednesday 8th Feb:Lunch time run. New job, new surroundings. 6.5 km easy.

    Friday 10th Feb:Lunch time run.
    2km easy
    1.5km tempo (3m25s pace)
    4km easy
    7.5 km total in approx 35mins

    Saturday AM:Club spin. 60km in 2h 15min. Longest spin in quite a while and hoping to lengthen further in the coming weeks.

    Monday early PM:Club turbo session. Max effort intervals. Tough session with HR up into Z5 :eek:

    Monday late PM:Club swim session. Pyramid session -
    4 x 100m (avg 1m43s)
    2 x 200m (avg 3m40s)
    1 x 400m (7m40s)
    2 x 200m
    4 x 100m

    Total dist - 2500m in 60 mins.

    Will try not to abandon the log for so long again :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Top marks for getting out for a run on a stag do. That can't have been much fun, and I doubt you had any company for it either!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    Wednesday 15th Feb (lunchtime)
    Went for a run and aim was to do some speedwork. However, speed was down and HR was through the roof for what should have been easy for me. Assumed I was coming down with something. Distance - 7km.

    Thur/Fri: Unfortunately my suspicions were confirmed. Felt like crap for a few days. Training not on the radar.

    Saturday 18th Feb:Club spin. Hung on for 30km steady effort and then called a halt as I knew I wasn't completely over the bug.

    Sunday:Spent the day getting over the last of the bug. Was glad to have called a halt to yesterday's spin. There was a time when I would have ploughed on regardless and regretted it later.

    Monday 20th Feb (early PM)Club turbo session. Felt good again. TT efforts 10min/8min/6min with descending rest periods. Time - 60 mins. Z3/Z4 throughout.

    Monday 20th Feb (late PM)Swim session also with the club. Did a double take when I heard 1km TT. Flew the first half of it but cramped up in the 2nd 500 with the turbo session catching up with me. 18m25s but really feel like I am in sub 18min shape.
    Total dist - 2.05km
    Total time - 55min

    Wednesday 22nd Feb (am)Run before work for the first time in a while. 13km slow as its been 3 weeks since I got a decent run in (ie anything over 10km). 5km road race this weekend so wanted to do something longer mid week. Settling in to new wqork routine now so longer runs in store before May HIM.....

    Top marks for getting out for a run on a stag do. That can't have been much fun, and I doubt you had any company for it either!!

    Felt good once the initial getting out of bed bit was over. Definitely wasn't expecting company and I wasn't wrong!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    Wednesday AM:
    Pre-work run. A slow 12km consisting of 4 laps with a 900m hill on each lap. I’m definitely thinking of squeezing in my long run for the week at this time to free up valuable weekend training time. Suits well with the new job and the changing facilities there. Plan is to add a lap each week up to half mara distance.

    Thursday lunchtime:
    A bit of speedwork. 7km in total with a 1.5km at 5km pace followed by a further 1km at 5km pace. Hitting in the region of 3m30sec per km so very happy with that for this time of the year.

    Friday lunchtime:
    Short run just to loosen out the legs before my first road race of the year tomorrow. 6km very easy.

    Sacrificed my Saturday morning cycle in favour of a local small 5km road race. A huge hill on the course meant it was never going to be fast but happy to hit 5km in 18m40s. A decent workout and a 2nd place finish to boot!

    Club duathlon. There races are great fun and run over the same course every spring to a great way to gauge where I’m at. 2km/14km/2km flat out and delighted with how it went. Kept the average over 33km/h on the bike and ran well for a 3rd place finish. The consistent training is definitely standing to me and I can feel myself running more strongly off the bike. A good weekend and some nice speedwork in the bag.

    Monday PM:
    Club swim session. Technique based focusing on catchup and form.
    Time – 1hr
    Distance – 2100m.

    Tuesday 28th Feb - lunchtime:
    Easy run to stretch the legs after some faster stuff at the weekend.
    Time – 40mins
    Distance – 8kms.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    Okay, been keeping a record myself but have not been good about putting it up here, so here's a catch up :)

    Thursday 1st March AM:Pre work run. 16km done – my longest pre work run ever :) Great to get something like that done early in the morning and have a running high for the afternoon.

    Friday lunchtime:Small speed session completed. 7km run with 3km of speedwork thrown in in the middle. I’m quite tied for time during lunch time runs but it really focuses the mind so there is no faffing about.

    Saturday AM:A club spin to the Slieve Blooms. Great morning’s workout. 75km put down with two large hills (7km and 5km) thrown in for good measure. Money in the bank.

    Sunday: Nada
    Monday lunchtime:Again, a bit of speedwork thrown in the middle of a 7km run. Managed 3km at 3.30/km pace (2 x 1.5km). I’m conscious of one of my goals for the year – sub 18min 5km. If I stay injury free I hope it shouldn’t be a problem.

    Monday PM:Missed club turbo session. However, I did make the club swim session. Focus on technique and long stroke.
    2 x pyramid sets.
    Total dist: 2.15km
    Time: 55min

    Wednesday AM:Early morning pre work run. 19km (6 x 3km laps + 1km). Longest run in a while and felt it in my legs for the morning. Still, good to get the distance up. Averaging 4.45min/km and felt very easy.

    Thursday Lunchtime:7km run – 3kms at 5k pace. Very happy with my running at the moment. Not so happy with the volume of anything else though… Have a plan to fit in a 2nd swim set every week without affecting family life so that should kick in next week.

    Friday Lunchtime:Very tight for time so just got out for 5km steady. No great aim for this session. Just wanted to get another session in. After the weekend that should hopefully be 5 run sessions this week – consistency is getting there run wise. Now just need to up the intensity :)

    Saturday AM:An early start for a TI course all day in Dublin meant an easy 40 minutes spinning on the turbo was as good as it got today. Wasn’t too put out by this as I had a club duathlon Sunday morning which I was hoping to be fresh for.

    Sunday AM:Club duathlon – 4km/16km/2km.
    Great workout and very happy with my running. Finished where I expected to but felt strong throughout which makes a nice change. Don’t have my splits to hand but was 3min35/km for the 1st run and held 34kph on the bike.
    Total time – 54min 6 sec.

    Monday lunch:Just wanted to keep the legs ticking over after yesterday’s burst so very easy 5km run completed.

    Monday PM:Club swim session. Catch-up and f/c session.
    10x100 (50 catch up/50 full)
    5x200 (100 catchup/100 full).
    Total dist: 2200m
    Time 1 hr

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    Wednesday AM:
    Pre work run. 19km at 4.50 pace. Felt fairly easy and HR stayed low.

    Thursday lunch:
    7km run with some speedwork thrown in. 2 x 1500 at 3m38s pace with warm up and easy cool down.

    Thursday PM:
    45min turbo with 10 x 2 mins 80% HR / 1 min recovery.

    Friday lunch:
    7km at 4 min pace. RPE low/medium.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    Saturday 17th March AM:90 minutes turbo at approx 145bpm. Getting out this morning wasn't an option so this was the only alternative.

    Monday 19th AM:Out early for a spin - 58km with a couple of club mates for company.
    Time - 2 hrs

    Tuesday 20th lunchtime:Easy run as the legs were feeling heavy.
    Time: 35 mins
    Dist: 7km

    Wednesday AM:LSR for the week. Felt good and kept the pace at a very manageable 4m45s per km.
    Time: 90 mins
    Dist: 19km

    Thursday Lunchtime:Got out for a run and threw in some decent speedwork. Did 2 x 1500m at 3m34s pace.
    Dist: 7km
    Time: Approx 35mins

    Friday Lunchtime:
    7kms of running keeping the pace at 4m/km pace. Conscious of long cycle tomorrow and duathlon on Sunday so kept things fairly easy.

    Saturday 24th AM:Longest spin of the year so far. Up to see the sun rise while warming up and home before I was missed :)
    Decent club spin and nice to have the sun on the back for a change.
    Dist: 86km
    Time: Approx 3 hours.
    Longest spin of the year so far and more of the same needed.

    Sunday 25th AM:Club duathlon. 4km/16km/2km.
    Running is going very well. Went through the first 4km at 3m30s/km pace. Passed by a couple on the bike but happy with the overall effort and a great 52mins of a workout.

    Monday PM:Club swim. 10 x 200 with 10sec rest. Came in on 3m34s avg - decent session and wrecked after.
    Total dist - 2350m
    Time - 55 min

    Tuesday lunchtime:7km easy running. Just wanted to loosen out the legs before a long run tomorrow and after the weekends speedwork.
    5min/km pace avg.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    Wednesday lunchtime:Long run didn't happen this morning due to unsettled toddler so switched to a faster shorter run at lunch instead. 8km at just under 4min/km pace.

    Thursday AM:First session in a pool which I have found that I can tie in to my daily commute. Opens early and lots of room, even despite Pulse Tri Club being in the first 3 lanes :)
    10x 200m with 15 secs rest alternating fins/full. Still trying to straighten out my silly ankle.
    Total 2300m
    Time 55min (approx)

    Friday lunch:Lunchtime run with 2 x 1500m at 3.40min/km pace. Felt okay and didn't actually push this that hard.

    Saturday AM:Club spin with a little bit extra thrown in first to bring the distance up. 88km covered in approx 3 hours. Now that I have built up the distance to HIM level its time for the training spins to go solo on the TT bike in advance of Tri an Mhi in 6 weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    Monday 2nd
    7km easy lunchtime run
    12km club sprint bike race
    2100m club swim - main set was 10 x 200

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    Tuesday 3rd - lunchtime run 7km easy

    Wed 4th - 19km pre work run at 4m45s pace

    Thur 5th - 7 km lunch fun with 2 x 1500 at 5k pace

    Fri 6th - 1km swim at NAC squeezed in during a family day out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    Sat 7th - 86km club spin

    Mon 9th - club duathlon. 4km/16km/2km. Ran well, biked poorly. First 4km at 3m30s pace.

    Tue 10th - easy 7km at lunch to stretch the legs after yesterday

    Wed 11th - 19 slow run before work

    Thur 12th - 7km run with 2x1500m at 5k pace.

    Fri 13th - 90km at half iron pace. Home in 2h54min and felt good. HR well controlled. Aim to repeat next week with brick run thrown in.

    Sat 14th - 1km swim squeezed in to family weekend away

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    Sat 7th - 86km club spin

    Mon 9th - club duathlon. 4km/16km/2km. Ran well, biked poorly. First 4km at 3m30s pace.

    Tue 10th - easy 7km at lunch to stretch the legs after yesterday

    Wed 11th - 19 slow run before work

    Thur 12th - 7km run with 2x1500m at 5k pace.

    Fri 13th - 90km at half iron pace. Home in 2h54min and felt good. HR well controlled. Aim to repeat next week with brick run thrown in.

    Sat 14th - 1km swim squeezed in to family weekend away

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    Monday pm: club bike sprint -good fun and a decent 12km work out.
    Followed by club swim session:
    Main set was 10 x 200 going on 3m40. Tough session.

    Tuesday lunch:
    7km easy recovery run as legs felt heavy.

    Early long run out due to sick child up all night. Instead took a longer route at lunch and covered 9km flat out.... Bad day to forget my watch....

    Thursday lunch:
    Easy 7km as legs heavy again and had saturdays race in mind.

    Saturday am:
    Did nothing yesterday as I had been told to rest before VO2 test this morning. Didn't realise how hard this test was.... Not great prep before attempting my first goal of the year. However, completed the J Dolan memorial 5km this morning in 17m18s.

    ***First goal for the year completed!***

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    Monday 23rd lunchtime:
    7km recovery run very easy. Legs feeling heavy after the weekend for some reason.

    Monday PM:
    Club swim session. Warm up followed by 1km TT. Came in on 17m50sec with a little in reserve so very happy with that. That’s a PB for a pool 1km.

    Tuesday lunch:
    8km at a little more than easy. Forgot the watch so no idea what pace I was on. Its so refreshing to run without a watch at times :)

    Wednesday am:
    19km pre work run at 4min45sec pace. Conditions were awful – strong wind and plenty of rain. One of those runs that makes you feel great when you sit down after knowing its like money in the back. (Had planned to do the club TT tonight but cancelled due to high winds).

    Thursday lunch:
    7km consisting of warm up, 2 x 1500mm at a little less than 5km pace and warm down.

    Friday lunch:
    7km easy with low heart rate in the 140s. This was bordering on junk miles but I feel that I am benefitting greatly from more frequent running so willing to take a chance on this one.
    Saturday am:

    Up early and headed for Lough Lene to cycle the Tri an Mhi half iron route. The wind was blowing hard so knew it wasn’t going to be plain sailing but also wasn’t prepared for the hurt to follow. Its not a fast course by any stretch of the imagination and there is a dog of a hill just before Oldcastle. As I started off I was keeping an eye on my HR and average pace and I was concerned about how slow my pace was while keeping my HR at 133-139bpm. Turns out that the first half of the lap is pretty much uphill capped off by the tough hill. From Oldcastle back to base my average pace per km drifted all the way back towards 2min/km with the wind on my back and a nett downhill. Briefly thought about packing it in after 1 lap, especially when I saw that each lap was 47km but then copped myself on and dogged it out for another lap. All in all a tough cycle and I was really feeling it after. I stuck the bike in the boot and headed for a brick run after but only stuck it for just over 2km and called it a day. Nice to know what’s in store in 2 weeks but almost wish I didn’t!
    Sunday evening:
    Decided it was time to dust off the wetsuit and get some open water swimming in to prepare for the HIM….. it didn’t last long. I sure hope it warms up in the next 2 weeks :)
