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My no frills fitness journal!



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Crossfit: strength was snatch 5x3. Got up to 45 kg with proper form. Met con was 3 rounds for time 400m run 10 oh squat. Done the squat with a 20kg bar but really could have went heavier. Should have pushed it but sure what ya gonna do. Managed 6.36 minutes

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Own little session tonight.

    6 rft of 10 over head kb swings (moved up to 20kg bell tonight) and 5 shoulder pushups (like a scaled handstand pushup ) Managed 8.32

    Next amrap in 10 min of 10 pushups and 10 single arm bent over rows with 20kg bell. Managed 6 and 10 pushups.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo


    Strength: cleans 5 sets of 3 reps 50kg

    Met con: 3rft 10 wall balls (20kg) 15 kb swings (24kg) and 20 burpees.

    Horrible. End of.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Was in London for the weekend and I was a disaster. DIsgusted with my self. Ate crap all weekend and drank crap all weekend. Easily set my self back by about 2 weeks :mad: ah sure what can ya do

    Had my own session up in the gym today as follows

    Power snatch worked up to 5x3 @45kg

    Pull ups: 4 sets of 3 (failure)

    Squats 80kg 2x5 then 3 1rm @130kg. Ive hit heavier weight before, must be still tired from the weekend/work done before hand.

    Bench press 60kg 5 x10

    finsihed off with met con of 3rft 10 oh squats (30kg) 20 box jumps (think it was 20") and 10 deadlifts @60kg. Managed 9:48.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Today strength 5x1 press @55kg

    Met con: amrap 7kb swings 24kg, 7 pull ups, 7 burpees. Managed 6 rounds.

    Pullups are definitely my Achilles heels. Just can't do them

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Own session tonight clean 5x3 @60kg

    Pull ups 5 rounds of 4 ( max)

    Weighted dips 3x15

    Bent over rows 3x 10 50kg

    Finisher was 7 jump squats with 17.5kg dumbbell, 7 burpees and 7 dumbbell swings. I could only get 3 and nearly passed out so left it at that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Decided to get out on the bike this morning for first time in ages. Beautiful morning for it. Done 32km up around howth head. Forgot how much of a bitch that climb is!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Crossfit last night.

    10 minute pull up volume set. 4 band assisted pull ups on the minute every minute. Still very weak at these. I blame the weight!

    Met con was 21-15-9 OH squats @25 kg and burpee box jumps 24 inch box.

    Managed it in 8 minutes.

    Have boxing training starting tomorrow night for a white collar night. Debating weather or not to head out for a bit of a run today for preparation for the 10k and the end of the week.

    Busy Busy Busy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Boxing training tonight went good. Tough enough session, shadow boxing 3x3 min rounds, bag work 3x3 min rounds and skipping 3x3 min rounds. Bit of a warm up and warm down.

    2 hour walk earlier also.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,893 ✭✭✭pprendeville

    thehamo wrote: »
    Today strength 5x1 press @55kg

    Met con: amrap 7kb swings 24kg, 7 pull ups, 7 burpees. Managed 6 rounds.

    Pullups are definitely my Achilles heels. Just can't do them

    get one of these guys, they're the biz. just put them on the door frame and slowly buildup. anytime you pass under it try doing one. i couldnt do pullups before but can do up to 12 on a good day now.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    I've been looking at them alright but I always feel I'm not gonna use it/another piece of equipment lyin around the place.

    Tonight's cx fit

    Pull ups volume set. Did 1 strict pull up every minute for 10. Decided to stop using the bands and start building up.

    Met con 5 rft 10x power snatch @35kg and 10 toes to bar ( I did knees high). Done in 11 minutes. Absolutely goosed after it. Might have to look into some sort of recover supplement after the workout

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    X fit.

    Strength: oh squat 5x3 @40kg

    Met con 12 min amrap (many rounds as poss) of 10 thrusters (30kg) and 10 box jumps @30";. Bolloxed after it. First time jumping a 30" box so I'm very proud of my self!

    Jasus I'm lookin forward to Sunday and doing nothing!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Just back from a 10km run. Was an even from greystones to bray around the cliff path. Quite hilly. Felt crap at the start but got into it. Done in 55 minutes

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Boxing tonight.

    Was a good enough session but not as high intensity as I'd like. Basically 9 mins bag work, 9 mins skipping, 9 mins technical stuff(how to punch etc) and then finished off with 20 press ups and some abdominal work.

    Still worked up a serious sweat so musts done something for me!

    On a side note weigh in was tonight. I came in at 93.6 kg that's about 6kg lost since December last

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Xfit tonight.

    Tabatha oh squats and weighted lunges. 20 seconds each for 16 rounds @ 20 kg. finished off with 10 pull ups. Done a few light power snatches at the end also.

    Sore shoulder now. Hopefully a few pain killers and a heat pad can sort it out

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Christ weighted lunges make your ass sore!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    2 sessions today = a baaaaad choice. But good at the same time.

    Morning session:

    Row 5 minute warm up

    8sets of 3 pull ups

    Shoulder press 5x8 @17.5 kg db's

    Bench 70kg 8x8

    Bent over rows 60kg 8x8

    Supersets db curls and dips 4x10

    Evening session:

    Boxing training tonight. A lot of bag work 3 minute blocks with 10 second "sprints" on the bag. Same for skipping. A lot of shadow boxing, moving around on the feet keeping a good stance and shadow punching. Moved into some core/ab work, push ups, air squats

    Much tougher session tonight. Feckin shattered. Good nights sleep will be had.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Got a lunch time session in this morning.

    400 m run
    21-15-9 reps of squat clean 35kg and kb swings 16 kg

    Finished of with 5 strict pull ups.

    Shoulder is very sore. Will need to get it seen to

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Friday session.

    5x5 thrusters 45kg

    Then 5 rounds for time 20 burpees ( had to tip the chin bar) and 20 sit ups.

    Burpees. They never get easier

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Xfit tonight

    800 m warm up run

    Bit of split jerk skill work with an empty bar

    Met con
    12 min amrap of 10kb swings @ 24kg 10x 20lb wall balls and 200m run.

    Managed 5 rounds with 10 swings and 10 wall balls.

    Was at osteopath. Seems I have a bit of an anterior pelvic tilt with a lot of compensation goin on elsewhere. Got dry needling done and my back is worse than when I went in. Hopefully feels better in the morning

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Xfit. Doin hand stand push ups. Couldn't even do the the handstand let alone the pushup!

    Met con was 50 push ups and 50 goblet squats with a 24kg bell, 30 push ups 30 goblet squats and then 400 m run.

    Managed 11.12 minutes

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    was given a gift of a pt session so went and did it today.

    Man was it balls out hard.

    3 rounds of 30 seconds each, pressups, drop squats with 10kg weight, inverted rows and split squat jumps. did the first round with a weighted veest on. not nice.

    next 3 rounds, 30 seconds of squat to push press, bear crawls, up right rows and jumps. Felt like death after these

    Finished off with 2 rounds of tractor tyre 10 flips and 30 seconds of battling rope slams.

    Felt like puking after. Good session

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Havent posted in a few days.

    Didnt get to do anyting over the weekend due to a busy schedule.

    Monday: Boxing training Was an ok session. Sweat was pumping and heart rate was up, but same aul crap pver and over again. Getting quite bored of it.

    Tuesday: Crossfit Level testing going on at the moment. Did "cindy" for level 1 ability. Amrap of 20 min 5 pull ups, 10 push ups 15 squats. 7 rounds in 20 min is needed for the men, got it done in 8 so decided to test out my lifting instead of carrying on with the amrap. ( was done Monday and didnt get to do it)

    Lifting I could easily do everyting for level 1 so decided to try level 2. Knocked everything out of the ball park. Maybe im thinking I should aim for level 2 instead.

    Tonight: will be boxing training. Sparring starts tonight so at least that will be something different.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Friday night:

    Cross fit: wod was 150 wall balls for time. Did it in 11:21

    Then some level testing. Did 80 air squats in 2 min, 3 min plank, 7 ring dips, 30 second false grip ring hang, 20 box jumps, and 30 pushups.

    Today: just did a bit of mobility work while watching murder she wrote.

    Foam rolling all over, pain ball in glutes and scap, scap push ups, cable face pulls using bands, hip flexor stretch, and a bit of shoulder stretching and mobility stuff too

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Monday 24th April:

    Bought a new set of resistance bands to add to the home kit. Well worth the money (35 i think)

    Did a 20 miniute circuit with them, felt like my shoulders were going to fall off

    3 sets of 15-20 reps in quick succession of

    Up right rows, rear extensions and pull downs,

    straight on to

    Chest flys, single arm chest punch and double arm chest punch,

    straight on to

    Single bicep curl and double bicep culr, single arm over head tricep extension and then double arm

    straight on to

    Over head press, front shoulder raise and side shoulder raise.

    One set complete. Repeat for 3 times. Havent felt like that in years, shoulders felt HUGE.

    Then boxing trainig in the night. Getting a bit bored with it really. Same crap over and over. Bit of sparing is brought into it now though. Took a few mighty punches to the face last night, but sure tis all in good fun.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Tuesday 25th April

    Crossfit tonight.

    Snatch working up tp 10 min max reps. got up tp a 45 kg snatch with decent form and decided to leave it at that.

    Met Con was 10 minute amrap of
    15 burpees

    10 24kg kb swings oh.

    Managed 5 rounds. Was absolutely goosed. Thinking i might need a recovery week off:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Wednesday 25th. Exercise band work out. Pretty much the same as Monday but added in another set. So 4 sets of the circuit. 30 min all in all.

    Boxing later. Was shattered tonight for some reason. Not sure if I'm getting enough grub in with the whole IF thing. Anyways, 5 x 3 minute rounds skipping, 7x 3 minute rounds bag work and 3x 1.5 minute rounds sparring.

    I'm off to bed a tired and battered man

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Crossfit tonight

    Strength: squat snatch 2x1 80%, 2x1 85% and 2x1 90%

    Met con: 5 min amrap 24kg kb swing x 10 and 5 30" box jump

    2 min rest then

    2 min amrap double unders

    2 min rest then

    2 min amrap wall balls

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Friday 27th April

    Crossfit. Strength clean and jerk 80% 2x1 85% 2x1 and 90% 2x1 worked up to 57.5 kg but form was struggling a bit

    Met con: 8 min amrap of 20 air squats 10 40kg push press and 5 burpees. Managed 5 rounds. Then 2 min rest and into an 800m run for time. Did in in 3.06

    Saturday 28th April: 3rds cable circuit (as posted above) and 4 rds Of 10 16kg kb snatches

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Haven't been logging in a while, took a week off last week. Body was feeling shattered so felt I needed it. Back to it on monday with 1.5 hours boxing training. Yesterday was cross fit. Tough session for my first one back. 3 strict pull ups an 30 sec plank on the minute for 10 minutes. Met con was then 4 rounds of 200m run, 15 burpees, 10 oh 24kg kb swings and 20 walking lunges with a 24kg kb. I was goosed after it, very close to puking. 18.46 it took me. Had about 30 min boxing training aswell.

    Tonight crossfit. Wasn't too harsh really, a bit of athletic testing and then tabatha press ups and situps for 8 rounds of 20 seconds each.

    Fighting tomorrow night. Delighted its finished so I can get back to some proper training
