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Due September 2012 thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Fran79

    Squiggler - dont envy you for Friday. Good luck with that one. Hope you can get some sleep.

    Jeeney - looking forward to going on mat leave. It was also the only way to get to spend some time with my son before he started school (he starts 31 Aug). Aug was already fully booked (well over boooked) for leave before I started my job back in Feb - so kinda the only way to get any time off!!

    I think I would be too tired to work full time after this time anyway!! That and I don't fit into some of the spaces I need to get through to do some of my work as it is lol!! Unfortunately there is not a full time office option available where I work. Although my boss is taking me off the floor more now and getting me to do sit down stuff regulrly!

    Supadupa, dollyB, jeeney, squiggler - you made me feel a bit better about not going to classes......still a bit apprehensive as I had my first in the UK and still confused about the way things are done here!

    Supadupa - hope your not overdoing it with the house move.......look after yourself.

    Hope everyones ok

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭elaney

    uhh what a week ended up in A&E on Monday evening with my little man he had to have some stiches on his forehead after he had an accident.

    This child has never been sick and ends up in doctors and hospital on the same day.Oh well he is fine now thats all that matters.

    Does anyone elsd have pressure low down. My little man was down from 28 weeks last time i think it is the same this time. Have my scan Monday thank God.

    Hope everyone else is ok.

  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭DollyB

    elaney: Hope your little fella's okay the poor thing. But that's always the way when it rains it pours!! And a big yes to the preasure heads engaged for the last 5 weeks and the pain with it is only getting worse as baba grows. They said physio is avaliable for it and pregnancy belts but I don't know think I'm going to stick it out.

    Feel more confident about not going to classes now, one or two things I do want to ask Midwives as I am a newbie to this but after reading up on the classes I don't see them as a massive help to me.

    Hope everyones doing well :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭elaney

    Thanks Dolly. I went to two classes out of four on my first i couldnt make the last two because of work. I didnt learn anything new. It all just comes naturally. I remember not even being able to change a nappy but trust me you dont be long learning. The midwives are great in the hospital dont be afraid to ask questions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 97 ✭✭jeeney

    Squiggler wrote: »
    Also Jeeney, worth noting that you're the one who decides when you go on maternity leave, not your employer - as long as you take it no later than 2 weeks before due date and for no less than 4 weeks after the birth. Having worked for a number of public agencies over the past 5 years (and still working for one) it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that they're not familiar with the legislation (or don't understand it) :D Our employee handbook states that we're legally required to take maternity leave 4 weeks before the due date, which is wrong too :rolleyes:

    I think I'm actually going to have some coffee.

    I've also just been talking to my manager (I'm his deputy) and we're going to have to have a disciplinary chat with one of our staff on Friday (notorious for his temper tantrums) - so this week just gets more and more fun. I'm ready for the weekend already.

    Thanks for that squigs. Checked it out with HR anyways and they have calculated it right. Their policy is 'start date of maternity leave is no later than 2 weeks before the end of the expected week of confinement'. So they do calculate from the end of the week baby is due, and then count back two weeks. But that said, I can start my maternity leave earlier if I wish which is great. So I'll be taking an extra week and finishing at end of August now. Feel alot better about it now.

    Good luck with the disciplinary chat this morning squigs - hope it goes ok.

    Elaney and dollyb - lucky ye that heads down. I had scan on Weds and baby is breach. Hopefully though plenty of time yet to turn (30+4 weeks now). I have bad stomach pain today though, couldn't sleep much last night & I have to take it easy walking. Seem to be ok sitting down, but really uncomfy walking. Anyways that's my moan for today. So glad it Friday...roll on 5pm! :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Hi Girls!

    Jeeney, glad to hear that you got your leave sorted and are a bit happier with it. I've no idea what is going on with this baby at the moment but I suspect that it's breach like yours. Appointment with midwife on Tuesday, so will see what she says and maybe try some baby spinning techniques if it is still breach, before it gets any more cramped in there.

    Hope everyone is keeping well and feeling good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 123 ✭✭Excited_FTM

    Hi All,

    I have enjoyed reading your previous posts, I hope everyone is keeping well and enjoying the last few weeks of pregnancy.

    I'm new to boards, I am 23 and due our first baby on 1st Sept. I'm finishing up in work 20th July. Looking forward to a few weeks off to prepare the LO's arrival :)

    I'm not attending antenatal classes, as family and friends have said there is not much need. But i am willing to take any advice.

    Take Care :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 435 ✭✭MintyDoris

    Welcome Excited! I got a shiver when I read you had written 'the last few weeks of pregnancy' I am only getting used to being this pregnant!!!!

    There are a few reasons we decided to do the classes. I am under the GP and hospital shared care scheme so I don't get a lot of interaction with the midwives. Seeing as they are really the people you rely on when you are in labour, I felt I needed a bit of interaction with them too. I am also seriously considering changing GP. Not sure if I should at this late stage but the visit on Thursday was horrible and it's left me feel very down and unsupported

    Also, the antenatal classes seem to be a great way to get an idea of the real policies within the hospital. I did a lot of research when I chose the hospital but getting a different perspective is always helpful as opposed to just whats written on the website. This will hopefully help when settling on what goes into the birth plan and making sure it is well received

    Hope everyone had a good weekend

  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭DollyB

    Hi and welcome Excited_FTM hope you're having a happy and healthy pregnancy :)

    thats awful you felt that way after GP's visit could you talk to them about it? Are you in a clinic or is there just the one doctor?
    I'm in the same boat as you between the hospital and the GP. But I find that even though the appointments are quick if I want to ask the MWs something they will sit down and talk to me about it. Which I will be doing at my next visit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 582 ✭✭✭emmabrighton

    Just a quick update for all the September 2012 mammies. I am going to hazard a guess that Max and I have won the who will be born first competition. The one competition that I would much rather have lost. Max was born at 28 weeks and 2 days and has been living in the NICU for the last 12 days. I have been too afraid to post anything about him but just wanted to let you all know where I have been and that Max is a strong little fighter. No doubt thanks to all your good wishes. He has been on CPAP and more or less breathing by himself but yesterday decided to not bother a couple of times and the machine had to take over. Very upsetting!!! So, can I ask you all a favour and just keep him in your thoughts for the next little while? I really appreciate it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 32 Sunshine2000

    Congrats on your baby boy Emma. I often think of you and wish ye all the best. Every day he'll get stronger. The pic is amazing and i love the name. Such a fighter. I hope your looking after yourself also x

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Hi Excited_FTM, congratulations on your impending arrival and welcome to Boards, and the Sept mammies thread of course :)

    MintyDoris, sorry things aren't going well with your GP, it's really difficult when you feel that you're not being supported properly during the pregnancy. We've our first appointment with the midwife at my GP clinic tomorrow so curious to see how that will go.

    emmabrighton, I had a strong feeling you and I wouldn't be giving birth on the same day, regardless of the EDD's, but I didn't think you'd be holding your little guy quite so soon. Max is a great name, very strong, as it seems is he. Keeping you and Max in my prayers, that he gets stronger by the hour and you'll both be able to go home soon. xx

    Excited_FTM: 1st Sept
    Taxus baccata: 6th Sept
    Dollyb: 11th Sept
    sunshine 2000: 12th sept
    Trishka: 15th September
    jeeney: 17th sept
    Emer_b: 21st sept
    emmabrighton: 24th sept - BOY - born 4th July?
    squiggler: 24th sept
    MintyDoris: 26th Sept
    elaney: 28th sept
    Supadupa: 29th Sept
    Queen of sheebs: 29th sept
    fran79: 30th sept
    Vel: 30th sept

  • Registered Users Posts: 582 ✭✭✭emmabrighton

    Congrats on your baby boy Emma. I often think of you and wish ye all the best. Every day he'll get stronger. The pic is amazing and i love the name. Such a fighter. I hope your looking after yourself also x
    Squiggler wrote: »
    emmabrighton, I had a strong feeling you and I wouldn't be giving birth on the same day, regardless of the EDD's, but I didn't think you'd be holding your little guy quite so soon. Max is a great name, very strong, as it seems is he. Keeping you and Max in my prayers, that he gets stronger by the hour and you'll both be able to go home soon. xx

    emmabrighton: 24th sept - BOY - born 4th July?

    Thanks guys for your support,

    Yup Squiggler youre right, Max was born on 4th of July... just a tad bit early :) My brother who lives in NYC wanted me to call him Indie as in independence day :rolleyes:.

    One of my nephews (5) has been telling anyone who will listen that Max has to live in a glass cage (incubator) because he was born on the wrong day (ie Wednesday as opposed to 3 months early) :pac: Kids definitely say the cutest of things.

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭taxus_baccata

    OMG! EmmaB! Welcome Baby Max! You're in my thoughts and prayers xoxoxoxo

    Hi everyone! Not much news here, all is going well TG

    Minty Doris, sorry about the doc situation, hope it improves, explore your options and I'm sure a solution will present itself!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    emmabrighton, I think you made the right choice of name, how much had your brother had to drink when he suggested Indie? ;)

    That's so sweet about your nephew, kids do, indeed, say the cutest things. It's so funny to hear the conclusions they come up with based on what they overhear and observe. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭Queen of Sheebs

    Congratulation emma. wonderful news although a tad early! Will be thinking of you and baby Max. Take Care.

  • Registered Users Posts: 398 ✭✭SupaDupaFly

    Hi Emma,
    What a wonderful pic! So happy to see baby Max is such a fighter. Lots of prayers to both of ye. Loving the name too by the way, it is one on my list.

    Just to let you know my 31 year old sister in law was born at 28 weeks and weighed 1lb 3oz, she is now a children's nurse in crumlin and super healthy in everyway.

    Keep in touch,

    Supa x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,318 ✭✭✭Vel

    Congratulations Emma. Will keep you and Max in my thoughts.

    We have finally settled on a name - yay!

    Started to get heartburn in the evenings and at bedtime now and its thoroughly unpleasant.

    Our little girl is two next month and has firmly entered the land of the 'terrible twos'. We like them to walk as much as possible and tend not to bring the buggy out with us very often so cue a major tantrum in the shopping centre a few days ago when I refused to carry her (I'm actually not really able to at this stage anyway) and she refused to walk! I'm sure I've done it myself without realising but the amount of people staring over with disgusted looks on their faces was amazing, particulary as we were in a children's clothes shop, so I would presume they either have kids of their own or have friends/family who do. Luckily it doesn't really bother me too much but I can imagine how it might make some people feel.

    Hope everyone is continuing to do well. Its rather quite scary how fast it all seems to be going. My other two dragged in comparison.

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭elaney

    Oh Wow congrats Emma B. Lovely photo i will keep you and baby Max in my prayers. My cousin had a baby at 30 weeks in April she is a fine healthy
    little girl now.

    Snap with the terrible twos Vel my fella had a melt down behind the photo booth and the wall in the local shopping centre and i couldnt get him out i was mortified.

    Well had my hospital appointment today. My bp is up again and this time i have protein in my urine. The sample has been sent for investigation. Had high bp in last pregnancy but i didnt have the protein.

    Thankfully baby is grand and found out i am having a girl. Went out and bought some pink sleepsuits after. Hope everyone else is getting on ok.

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Fran79

    Congrats EmmaBrighton.

    So pleased you and baby Max are well - loved the picture!

    Have my hospital appt tomorrow afternoon - hopefully I wont be there for 5 hours this time!

    Wishing everyone health and happiness!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 483 ✭✭emer_b

    Congratulations Emma, he's so tiny but looks perfect. I'm sure he's getting the best of care and will be just fine. Its lovely that you can hold him so close even though he's so fragile. My Mum was telling me recently about when my brother was born 12 weeks early and she didn't even get to touch him for over 2 months while he was in an incubator. I was horrified! We've come a long way in health care thankfully.
    Had growth scan today, all is good even though babies weight is below average but still in the healthy range.

  • Registered Users Posts: 124 ✭✭TRISHKA

    Many congratulations Emma and welcom to the world baby Max, great name:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭DollyB

    Congratulations Emmab..He looks adorable Ye are in my thoughts and prayers :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 123 ✭✭Excited_FTM

    Anyone else feeling extremely warm/tired today?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    It's a pretty heavy day, not the easiest to deal with. I seem to feel extra cumbersome on days like this. Have to say, I'm actually kind of grateful for the miserable Summer we've been having. Judging by how I've felt on the few warm and sunny days we've had I'd have hated a good one.

    How is everyone doing today? Hope you are all keeping well.

    Had my first visit with the midwife at my GP's today. Went really well, no waiting, full check up and clean bill of health for both of us (and baby is now head down - for however long he or she decides to stay that way). Next appointment in 2 weeks. Was doing up the list of appointments for my manager and that brought it home to me that I've only 8 weeks left in work (at the most). And a lot to get done. Need to knuckle down.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Just popped in from July to give my well wishes to EmmaB!!!
    Best of luck to you and your little man!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    wow emma, massive congratulations to you and your little fighter, will keep ye both in my thoughts and prayers

  • Registered Users Posts: 435 ✭✭MintyDoris

    DollyB wrote: »

    thats awful you felt that way after GP's visit could you talk to them about it? Are you in a clinic or is there just the one doctor?
    I'm in the same boat as you between the hospital and the GP. But I find that even though the appointments are quick if I want to ask the MWs something they will sit down and talk to me about it. Which I will be doing at my next visit.

    This practice has 2 doctors and I was dealing with the first doc for the last year or so with a different medical condition. She was nice but we didn't really 'click'. I went to the second doctor last week as I was told she looks after the antenatal visits. I know I am a little sensitive and I wasn't well when I saw her but I was really appauled by her attitude. Even if she listened and explained things to me and put my mind at ease it would have been so much better. She treated me with distain and seemed to think all I wanted was to be signed off for the remainder of my pregnancy which is really not the case

    At the antenatal class on Monday I asked the midwife for her advice and she said I should make it my business to have a word with the midwife tomorrow at my hospital clinic visit. Assertiveness is NOT my strong point so it will be tough for me to really put my point out there and keep going until I get the help I need. I am really blessed with the support I have from my OH though. What a legend :o
    Just a quick update for all the September 2012 mammies. I am going to hazard a guess that Max and I have won the who will be born first competition. The one competition that I would much rather have lost. Max was born at 28 weeks and 2 days and has been living in the NICU for the last 12 days. I have been too afraid to post anything about him but just wanted to let you all know where I have been and that Max is a strong little fighter. No doubt thanks to all your good wishes. He has been on CPAP and more or less breathing by himself but yesterday decided to not bother a couple of times and the machine had to take over. Very upsetting!!! So, can I ask you all a favour and just keep him in your thoughts for the next little while? I really appreciate it.

    Ah Emma he is a BEAUT!!!!! Congratulations to you all, I think of you often. There is a candle burning brightly on my fireplace for you as I type this. Love the name too
    Squiggler wrote: »

    MintyDoris, sorry things aren't going well with your GP, it's really difficult when you feel that you're not being supported properly during the pregnancy.

    Thanks Squiggler, I know people are suffering with more important things and in the grand scheme of things it's not that important but I hate not being listened to.

    Minty Doris, sorry about the doc situation, hope it improves, explore your options and I'm sure a solution will present itself!

    Thanks Taxus :) Hopefully I get somewhere with the midwife tomorrow
    Squiggler wrote: »

    Had my first visit with the midwife at my GP's today. Went really well, no waiting, full check up and clean bill of health for both of us (and baby is now head down - for however long he or she decides to stay that way). Next appointment in 2 weeks. Was doing up the list of appointments for my manager and that brought it home to me that I've only 8 weeks left in work (at the most). And a lot to get done. Need to knuckle down.

    I was wondering how you got on with this. Delighted it went well for you, I really am. Do you reckon the baby will stay head down? I am finding it hard to figure out how mine is lying. The midwife did say though that if I am suffering from pressure, it's probably a sign that 'he' is head down

    I thought it was really lovely to see all the well wishes for Emma, especially from posters in other threads. Gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling (and no, this time it wasn't reflux :p)

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Congrats Emma b he is beautiful ye are both so strong xx

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  • Registered Users Posts: 398 ✭✭SupaDupaFly

    Too hot to sleep :-(

    Damn humidity. And big pregnant belly! Haha.
