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Due September 2012 thread



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    MintyDoris wrote: »
    Do you reckon the baby will stay head down? I am finding it hard to figure out how mine is lying. The midwife did say though that if I am suffering from pressure, it's probably a sign that 'he' is head down

    I thought it was really lovely to see all the well wishes for Emma, especially from posters in other threads. Gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling (and no, this time it wasn't reflux :p)

    I really hope so. Previous baby was head down throughout the pregnancy so I guess I was hoping for similar co-operation from this one. But it's a relief not to have a transverse baby anymore, that was really uncomfortable. Pressure is usually a good sign. My former midwife says that if you push gently (side to side) on the upmost part of baby and feel the rest move it's butt, if only that bit moves it's head (bobbing on neck).

    Yes it's been lovely to see all the support for Emma and Max. I hope they're both doing well. And all the other mammies and babies of course.

  • Registered Users Posts: 533 ✭✭✭Ericaa

    Hello everyone!
    Decided I should finally post in here, after snooping around a few times :D I hope everyone is doing well!

    I'm due on the 19th, can't believe how the time has flown!

    Squiggler wrote: »
    emmabrighton, I think you made the right choice of name, how much had your brother had to drink when he suggested Indie? ;)
    Awww, that's the name we've picked if we're having a girl haha

  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭Queen of Sheebs

    I'm 30 weeks and still breech! Baby has been in the exact same position for last 10 weeks. Anyone else still breech?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    I'm 30 weeks and still breech! Baby has been in the exact same position for last 10 weeks. Anyone else still breech?

    This baby insisted on breech or transverse until recently. Turned Monday night just in time for Tuesday's midwife appointment, but the midwife told me there is still plenty of room so he/she might turn again.

    Getting closer to the due date I'll probably try baby spinning if breach - maybe from 36 weeks or so. Several Boards mammies recommended it, along with a couple of midwives and some of my friends.

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Fran79

    Hello Ericaa!!

    I have no idea how baby is lying - I have never been told - or thought to ask.

    I'm pretty sure he stilll moves / spins around quite a bit! I can think of 2 evenings when I am pretty sure he has turned. I feel kicking all over at times lol.

    Hope everyone is ok.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 398 ✭✭SupaDupaFly

    I'm 30 weeks and still breech! Baby has been in the exact same position for last 10 weeks. Anyone else still breech?

    30 weeks today and baby moved from breech to transverse! Midwife told me today plenty of time for it to turn! Not a concern until 36 weeks. Hopefully he'll keep turning now that he has started!

  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭DollyB

    Hi ladies :) My guys down for the last 5 weeks or so hoping he waits that way knowing my luck he'll flip before I'm due :rolleyes:

    Had an awful time at my hospital check up today :( Asked midwife about the average feeds for a baby fed on expressed breast milk. She goes on a rant how about it is not possiable to just pump the milk and that I will have to nurse at night. blah blah I knew she was talking Cr*p but then she got another midwive to talk to me and said aslong as you nurse for the first week to establish your supply you will be fine while the other one stood over me and then started on about how I will breast feed at night and throwing nursing info sheets in my face!
    She also check my urine and said there is a trace in it. I explained that I have kidney problems and a small trance like that in my is normal. (I've been getting kidney infections over an extra tube which extracts the fluids for 5 years+ now and can read the tests myself it didn't look like I had a trace) So they asked me to do another one.

    Was in the mean time called to the doctor a new one who had no clue about my problems with my kidneys even though it is clearly stated on my file. Made a big fuss about antibiotics (which I had to tell her which ones I take to clear mine, she wouldn't believe me and had to scroll through my online records until she found out I was right). I told her I will hand in the second sample first as it nearly always comes back clear but she said no. The she told me if I did not go to antenatal classes I will have complications at birth WFT????

    I handed in the sample which surprise surprise came back clear, but another one of midwives threw it in the bin so I had to do another to get sent to the lab which she check first and again came back clear.

    I actually started crying just broke down because every time I go in I seem to have to reexplain the most obvious things. This midwife did bring me into the office and calm me down with H2b when she heard what the others were saying she freaked out and made the first midwife (who I was then told was on her first few days of training ) apologize to me, I couldn't really see her as I had the ever so sexy mascara eyes but h2b said she was giving nothing but dirty looks. Now I understand you have to start training somewhere but a little bit of manors go a long way!!

    Sorry for the rant :o Hope you're all doing well :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭elaney

    Wow Dollyb which hospital do you go to?. I have never had any problems with
    any of the midwives in my clinic. I didnt bf on my little man so i cannot tell you whats correct but my friend just pumps she was never fully comfortable with the latching. I had kidney infections throughout my first pregnancy and there was never a fuss made about my samples. I think i would have exploded if i was you. Why do they feel the need to scare or patronise you?.
    Hope you feel better soon and i wouldn't take any crap the next time.
    My little one has moved back up again no more pressure hope she will be down in the next doctors appointment. Im not back to the hospital again until 38 weeks. Was a bit surprised but they don't seem too worried about me.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Fran79


    Sorry to hear of the awful time you had at your recent visit.

    I agree with you about having to restate everything everytime you go! I am fed up of saying that this is my second!!! (ok no hospital notes from first time round cause he was born in the UK, but it is written in!) Also fed up of restating that first had a knot in his cord and that no I didn't have a drip to start labour as on my first my waters broke 12 hours before labour pains started!!

    If I had the money I so would have had a private midwife do my checks at home and assist me during labour.

    Hope everyone else is getting on well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭elaney

    30 weeks today and baby moved from breech to transverse! Midwife told me today plenty of time for it to turn! Not a concern until 36 weeks. Hopefully he'll keep turning now that he has started!

    My mum turned as she was wheeled to theatre when she was having my sister supa. We have plenty of time yet thank God.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭DollyB

    elaney: I'm with UCHG. I don't know what they were playing at tbh but I am sticking to certain ones now and leaving all questions to them and GP. Glad your finding them good :)

    Fran79: It really is annoying, I could see it wrote down right there and she still made me reexplain!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭elaney

    Im with Portiuncla Dolly i find them lovely. Hope thats the only time they make you feel
    so upset.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Happy Monday ladies! Hope you all had a good weekend.

    DollyB, so sorry to hear that you had such a miserable time at your hospital check up last week. I hope you've recovered from it and that future appointments are less stressful. Re the nighttime feeds, my sister had intended to pump and share bottle feeding duties with her husband, but she scrapped that, found it much easier to just reach over, bring baby to boob, feed baby and drop back in cot. Disturbed sleep less for everyone. She's on number 3 now and has exclusively bf each one until weaned. But everyone is different and no midwife (or Doctor) should be telling you what will work for you.

    elaney, that seems a long time between visits. Are you doing combined care? I thought from about 30 weeks appointments were supposed to be every 2 weeks (4 at the outside). That said, it must be nice to know that they're not worried about you and baby.

    Fran 79, it really is so frustrating when they don't bother to read the notes in front of them. Only had 3 hospital appointments on my first and was sick to death of repeating myself by the third. Actually, had the same at my booking appointment at the Coombe this time. First you fill in the form and send it to them, then you sit at the little window and repeat all the same stuff over again, then they take you into a little interview room where they ask you all the same questions again (only with a few domestic violence/drug questions thrown in) and then you meet with the consultant, who sits there with the bl**dy file open in front of him and asks the same stupid questions all over again! What a waste of everyone's time.

    A properly conducted antenatal appointment shouldn't need to take more than 20 minutes, including time to ask questions. That's more than enough time to check urine and blood pressure, listen to baby's heartbeat, do a bump feel/mini-scan and check that Mum is ok. So why on earth is it necessary to keep pregnant women sitting around (if they're lucky enough to find a spare seat) in hospitals for half a day?

    I'm now officially beginning to waddle. Baby seems to have dropped down and so I'm back to needing to pee about 50 times a night. I am also HUGE. I don't remember being this big at term last time - and there are 9 more weeks to go!

    But it's all part of the fun. Baby still seems to be happy sleeping through the night, if I roll over to get more comfortable I can feel him or her moving around a little to resettle and then all quiet again. Hopefully that means a good night sleeper after birth. :)

    Hope you're all keeping well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 97 ✭✭jeeney

    Hi guys,

    Sorry haven't posted in a while. Last time I posted (13th july) I was complaining of abdominal pain and as a result of that was sent into hospital by the GP and kept in all weekend. Was a bit scary as they had to rule out signs of pre-term labour. And so I got two nice injections of steroids for baby and a lovely internal as well to make sure cervix wasn't dialating. Ended up getting nasty uti too. Thankfully all is ok now. Took last week off work then to recouperate. And I needed it - had no energy for the first few days and it was only towards the weekend that I got my energy back and began to feel happy about the pregnancy again. All back to normal this week and I just hope baby stays in now for the next eights weeks..:)

    Squiggler - you commented on how late elaney's next apt is. My next hosptial apt isn't until 36 weeks (although they did say when I was in hosp they'd see me in two weeks time instead and that's this week, so will check up on that if I dont hear in post today or tomor). So every hosp is different if you ask me. I had my last apt at 30 weeks and then 36 (if I didnt have the above scare in between).

    Dollyb and Fran79 - sorry to hear ye are having hard time with your appointments. Hope things improve for ye.

    Hope everyone else doing well. I'm getting big now too and dread to think how big I'll be for finish in eight weeks time....:eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭elaney

    Glad you are feeling alot better now Jeeney. Must have been scary. Take it easy going forward although not easy with a little one i know.

    Yeah Squiggler back in hospital at 38 weeks although will make appointment with doctor before then. Was a bit surprised about it. I was sure i would be back around 35 weeks.

    Im not as big this time compared to the last i think its because its a girl and i have feck all appetite compared to last time.I have just put on a stone so far compared to two this time last pregnancy. Sickness is back everyday
    now though :(.

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Fran79

    Elaney - dont envy you with the sickness being back. Is it as bad as at the beginning of your pregnancy?

    Jeeney - glad to hear your feeling better.

    Sqiggler - Very jealous of your sleeping baby, mine is wide awake most of the night - like his brother. I think I will end up with a non sleeping baby again! I suppose that is the only upside of hubbie being unemployed; we will go back to sleeping in shifts (we did this with no 1 as hubby was working evenings at the time) Bed at 8 - 9pm for me up at 5am, hubbie gets the night waking / feeding. At least we both get 5-6 hours blocks of sleep this way.

    I'm bigger than first time round - starting to get worried about labour as first time round he was 5lbs 12oz. I'm pretty sure this one will be bigger so worried that labour will be longer as a result (only in labour for 3-4 hrs) and I will need stitches this time!

    Well heres hoping for a good week for everyone!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 97 ✭✭jeeney

    Thanks elaney and fran79 for your good wishes. And sorry to hear your sickness is back Elaney - hope it's not too bad. Nothing worse. You should definitely be seeing your doc before 38 weeks though, shouldn't you?

    God fran79 - your first baby was quite small for a boy! Well done for not having to get any stitiches. Why don't you ask at your next scan if they can give you an estimate of weight? You never know - you could just have a lot of amniotic fluid this time....

    Ya lucky you squigs that your babs sleeps through the night. Mine is like frans - likes to stay awake at night!

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Fran79

    Hi all

    Jeeney - he had a knot in his cord (too much womb gymnastics me thinks!!) was only 6 days early. So hence the low weight. I remember sitting bolt upright in bed when the midwife told me the weight...and saying "what! The midwife also asked if she could keep my placenta and cord to show her students the next day (like I wanted it back lol). Apparently it was an unusual knot.

    Don't know whether I will get another scan. I've had 2 (11 weeks and 25 weeks) so as all healthy no medical reason to have one. Unfortunately no spare cash to have a private one.

    I suppose I will have to wait and see lol

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Hello again all!

    Fran79, when did you find out that baby no 1 had a knot in his cord? Was it noticed before the birth?

    At least baby sleeping through the night means one of us is :p I wish I could sleep as well as baby and his/her daddy. This humidity is killing me and to add to my general misery I managed to hurt my left hip yesterday so it hurts whichever side I lie on. Moan, moan, moan...

    But, I did have a few giggles at the expense of the HSE/Hospital the other day when we finally received a letter from them outlining the proposal for care they've come up with. It includes dating scan (at 32 weeks, really?) and numerous other scans and tests which would have needed to have been done months ago to have been anything other than a waste of time and money. It also proposes monitoring procedures which are unsupported by any medical studies (all of the studies conducted concluded that they bring about no improvement in outcome, and actually increase risk of trauma/harm to the mother and baby).

    If we hadn't made our own alternative arrangements for antenatal care I'd have had none for the past 4 months and now they send a proposal that clearly wasn't thought out and does nothing to instill confidence that they know what they're talking about (or doing). :o

    Hope you're all keeping well. All on the countdown now :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,318 ✭✭✭Vel

    Glad to hear everyone, in the main, is doing well!

    I hit a wall of exhaustion this week and was at the doctor today to get signed off work until next week. Waiting on my last blood results back to see if I'm low in iron, but doctor says at this stage I won't be on the iron long enough to see any noticeable results if that is what is causing the tiredness and breathlessness.

    Was at hospital last week for routine check They did a scan and my measurements are fine, baby's head is down (which I'd figured due to extreme waddling when walking!) and heart rate fine too. I have protein in my urine, and that combined with a high reading on one of the blood pressure checks means I'm back in tomorrow for another check up.

    Sleeping well enough but consistently waking at 4/5am for an hour which is fine this week when I'm off work but not so great when I go back next week.

    We raided the attic a few days ago and got out some of our new baby stuff, just baby gros and the moses basket really. Skip ordered for the weekend so we can get rid of a lot of stuff to make room for No.3 in the house!

    I'm glad today is a little cooler. Monday was absolute torture!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭Queen of Sheebs

    I am so so uncomfortable. Have no idea what position baby is in but he/she has definitely moved as spd is alot better and so is feels likes the baby has had a major growth spurt and it is putting major pressure on my belly. Uncomfortable to the point of pain.:-( Another 9 weeks of this!!! Have so much pressure down below too. I'm sweating constantly and feel so warm all the time. Got about 4 hours sleep last night too. sorry for the big moan!

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Fran79

    Q of Sheebs - you moan.....we all know what you mean!

    Sqiggler - no one knew baby no 1 had a knot in his cord untill birth. All my checks etc during pregnancy were all fine and never had any probs etc (well apart from really bad constipation, thank god its not as bad this time round!!)

    Vel - sorry to hear your so tired - hope the week off work helps.

    I'm off to bed - between the baby kicking me all day!!!!! and tooth ache (dentist tomorrow morning) I am done in and fed up! To top it all off we have a customer visit on site tomorrow - could do without that.
    Is it wrong to wish that the dentist makes such a mess of my mouth that I have to spend the rest of the day on bed? I could do with it lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭elaney

    Hi Vel, Hope you feel better soon i have protein in my urine as well . My sister who is a nurse gave me strips to test it at the moment it is only a trace but i need to keep an eye on it. Bp is up too not as bad as last time.

    Queen of Sheebs moan away thats what this forum is here for. My little one is doing some amount of somersaults i haven't a clue now where she is sitting. All i know is she sat on my lungs for a while yesterday and the breathlessness was scary.

    Goodluck at the dentist Fran. When are you on Mat leave?. If it gets too much get your doctor to sign you off.

    Hope everyone else is ok.

  • Registered Users Posts: 72 ✭✭Inishowen lady

    Elaney- You are not alone, I'm feeling sick all the time now, I actually hadn't had morning sickness at any stage during the pregnancy but last week it arrived with a vengeance:(.

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Fran79

    Elaney - I'm on leave from 24th Aug (5 weeks before I'm due). I'm normally fine - just tired from tooth and baby was kicking a lot all day yesterday!

    Dentist was ok - given me some numbing gel and cant see any decay - obviously he didnt want to give me an xray. I am a bit of a freak as I still have a baby tooth at 32!! and had a filling in it last year. Its the same tooth causing probs now. Numbing gel seems to be working - painfree as long as I keep food off it. Hoping that this will last till after birth then the tooth may have to come out. Not looking forward to that as it may have fused to my jaw so will be a messy job getting it out and obviously will need xrays first. (Thank god I have a medical card!)

    Dont envy you with the breathlessness! sounds scary. Hopefully she doesnt sit like that again!

    I'd rather not be signed off - need the next few weeks wages as I still have a couple of things to buy and hubbie on JSA. Probably wont be getting any mat benefit either as I'm short contributions (been mostly unemployed the last few years - ironically get offered job and find out I'm pregnant in the same week!) Just hope the SW dont take too long to remeans test hubbie when I go on leave (still waiting for letter back from mat benefit section and work will give me a letter stating I am on unpaid leave)

    Right enough of me moaning...........hope everyone else is getting on better!

  • Registered Users Posts: 123 ✭✭Excited_FTM

    Hi everyone,

    the heat it still getting to me this week, i invested in a fan for my bed side locker on monday (well worth the €6.50) sleeping better at night now.

    this is my first week on maternity leave, i thought i'd have more house work done by today but i suppose tomorrow is another day.

    5 more weeks till due date. Has anyone packed their hospital bag yet?

    i hope everyone is keeping well :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭elaney

    Dont envy you Inishowen lady i'm used to the sickness now would hate getting it for the first time.

    I'm sure your glad the dentist is over Fran . Make sure you take it as easy as possible .

    Jealous of you excited FTM i wish i had only five weeks left.

    My little boy had his operation today. My God i'm glad daddy was there he went mad for an hour after. Sitting here with my feet up after a day starting at five o clock. I have never seen my ankles so swollen.

    Hope ye all enjoy the weekwnd.

  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭DollyB

    Hey girls how are ye all doing?
    I've had a bit of a drama week tbh..very bad pains on monday in my back went to maternity unit and like I thought they also thought kidneys. They done a trace and baba was fine but they suggested steroids just to be sure. So I said I would stay in and get the other steroid the next night. As they done more with trace baby's heart beat went low but was still healthy they got a fright as it was reading in at 110 for baseline but when baby was kicking it was shooting up to 160-165.
    Long story short they told me 3-4 times I was going to get a C-section but thank god the consultant stopped in and said there was no need. They kept me in and kept saying something was wrong but they didn't know what :( then when I got talking to the doctors who said no they baby is 100% fine :D not a thing wrong but they did say they haven't seen a baby move so much before, I'm probably in for a handful got let out yesterday and they have me switched to the head consultants clinic who was shocked by all the different stories I was getting told which were all wrong.
    Seriously you really would want to be able to speak up for yourself in there!

  • Registered Users Posts: 97 ✭✭jeeney

    God love ya Dollyb putting up with all that. The same thing happened to me - I had bad abdominal pain & like you they did trace and gave me steroids over two days too. But I didn't have to put up with so many conflicting stories like you. There was a suggestion of putting me on a drip at one stage, but that was as bad as it got. Apparently steroids are routine enough if you show any signs of pre-term labour. But yeah you're right - you do really need to speak up. Even my glucose level was up & there was talk of another gtt, but sure it was the steroids that did that, and they didn't really cop on to that til following day. You def get conflicting advice, esp when midwives change shifts, etc. Glad to hear you are ok now. Fingers crossed our little ones stay in until the end!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭elaney

    Hope you are feeling better now Dolly.

    Cannot believe it is August we can now officially say we are
    due next month.

    Hope everyone is well.
