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Due September 2012 thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,001 ✭✭✭Peanut2011

    Hi All,

    My partner posts here regularly and she is due end of September. We had one of the check ups in the hospital today and I find it a bit strange that the next hospital check up is in 7 weeks.

    She is 32 weeks today and she has been having some issues with blood pressure which seems to have been controlled with medication.

    After going to hospital in last 3 weeks once a week we find it strange that they would have now said next check up in 7 weeks. She is on shared care and her next check up with GP they say in 3 weeks.

    Is this normal? I would have imagined your check ups towards the end would have been more frequent.

    I know she will panic until she finds out if this is the norm or not and as she is on the way home I thought to post here now, so hopefully she can have some answers by the time she gets home.

    Thank you all in advance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭elaney

    Hi Peanut 2011,

    Is this her first pregnancy?. Im on my second i have had two hospital appointments one at 16 weeks and one at 30 weeks. Not due back until 38 weeks.

    On my first i also had high bp . I had appt at 32 weeks 36,38 and 40 weeks. I was induced at 40 weeks because of bp.Doctor kept an eye on the bp so i wasn't worried too much.I had to make sure i went to doc every two weeks and watched out for swelling in face, feet and hands.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,001 ✭✭✭Peanut2011

    Hi Elaney,

    Yes this is her first one. We just want to make sure there was no oversight. It's just strange to go from going every week to 7 weeks just at the end.

    I guess if anything comes up of concern we will just have to visit the hospital.

    As it is first we are just not sure what to expect from that side. I've looked in to this when i returned from the appointment and it seems to vary a lot.

    Thank you for the reply, much appreciated.

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭elaney

    I would visit gp in the next week or two to make sure bp is ok. Three weeks is a bit too long. The medication kept mine controlled. Doctor will set up another hospital appointment if they feel she needs to be seen before 38 weeks. My sister gave me a bp monitor she had i think you can get them in any chemist. This gave me great peace of mind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,001 ✭✭✭Peanut2011

    Thank you Elaney,

    We have the BP monitor as she was hospitalised last year with high BP so we got one than.

    I guess the next step is see the GP and take it from there.

    Really appreciate your help, it has put my mind at ease, hope it does hers as well once she reads this! :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 32 Sunshine2000

    Hey everyone, I haven't been on here in ages but hope all is going reasonable well for everyone. It's getting hard now isn't it. I just can't wait to meet my baby. 6 weeks to go!! I was only saying to the OH yesterday from this month on we'll be able to say next month!!!!
    Peanut this is my first baby also and my GP said I'll be seen by either her or the hospital every two weeks in the 3rd trimester. So iv GP tomorrow then hospital two weeks later etc.
    Emmabrighton hope your doing ok with your little boy. I often think how ye're getting on x
    I started to get the dreaded stretch marks last week, they're super itchy but I find the bio oil good.
    Iv been having regular physio for bad sciatica I had it yesterday it was so painful I was trying to not cry.( How will I manage in labour!!!!!!!) all my muscles around my bottom and hips are very tight so they want me to use hot water bottles and warm baths. I avoided the bath all along for fear of the baby overheating ( which I read somewhere) but I had one last night, not hot just warm and I really enjoyed it. It really helped my back and relaxed me.

    Is anyone else on mat leave? My GP signed me off two weeks ago with the sciatica I was finding walking difficult at that stage. I'm much better now I'm off but it's such a long wait when your doing nothing. I don't think any nesting has really kicked in but I do have all the baby clothes washed and hospital bag packed. We need to order the nursery furniture this week but I already have the cradle so that's ok.

    Sorry for the ramble guys but ye're fully updated now!!!! X

  • Registered Users Posts: 533 ✭✭✭Ericaa

    I had an appointment yesterday in the hospital. Gosh every time I walk out of the damn place I feel more and more insulted. I have to go back in two weeks time and I'm just dreading it.
    I have lots of piercings you see, and this seems to be a big deal to everyone in the hospital. BLEH!

    I hope everyone is doing well!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    ericaa, that's awful. Those people are supposed to be providing you with maternity care, not upsetting or insulting you.

    Everything is going well here. My GP is going on holidays for 4 weeks starting next week so after my midwife appointment yesterday we had a meeting with him to meet with another Dr in there who'll be providing backup if needed. My own GP will be back about week 37 so in good time :)

    Check up went really well, BP nice and low and everything as it should be with me and baby. And, even with the two appointments (and a wait between) I was in and out in under an hour.

    I hope you're all keeping well. We're nearing the home straight now. August already!

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭taxus_baccata

    Hi all,

    been a while since I've been on here myself, I've another 2 weeks ish left at work so I'm super busy! Which I love. Baby is loving the olympics! especially the swimming. Maybe its because I love the olympics and the swimming, but baby really seems to go crazy while I'm watching it! (or maybe it hates it and is having a little protest!! :D)

  • Registered Users Posts: 533 ✭✭✭Ericaa

    Squiggler wrote: »
    ericaa, that's awful. Those people are supposed to be providing you with maternity care, not upsetting or insulting you.
    I know :/ it's just making me dread having to stay there when baby is born!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Ericaa wrote: »
    I know :/ it's just making me dread having to stay there when baby is born!

    Hopefully, all going well, you'll not have to stay there too long, and baby will be so cute that you can distract them all that way :D

    It's really difficult though, when you've had bad experiences with a hospital, to try to steel yourself for the fact that you're going to have to put yourself and the life most precious to you, that of your little one, in their hands for any length of time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭Queen of Sheebs

    anyone have severe pain in their groin/very top of your legs?? i have spd and sciatica but not sure if it is related. I'm a bit better this morning but was crippled last night with it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Queen of Sheebs, I get that from time to time, I think it's just pressure pain. It usually goes away if I lie down for a while. If it's worrying you or persistent might be a good idea to get it checked out though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32 Sunshine2000

    I get that groin pain also it normally happens a day iv pushed myself too much. Try to relax and pop the feet up if u can.

  • Registered Users Posts: 398 ✭✭SupaDupaFly

    Hi girls, hope ye are all well.

    Just wondering have any of ye had unexplained bruising on your legs during pregnancy?
    I'm 32 weeks and have bruises all over my right leg. Like thumb prints. Leg is a bit swollen too but its the leg I fractured in the past so usually have a little fluid on it.

    Anyone experienced this in the past?
    Going to see my doctor in the morning anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭elaney

    I have had swelling in both ankles supa but not bruising. i would go to the doctor just to be on the safe side.

  • Registered Users Posts: 398 ✭✭SupaDupaFly

    elaney wrote: »
    I have had swelling in both ankles supa but not bruising. i would go to the doctor just to be on the safe side.
    Went this morning. Have been admitted with suspected DVT. Have to wait till tuesday for ultrasound on leg to confirm it. Looks like I might be kept in until baby comes. Devestated. Such a massive risk to both me and baby. Say a prayer girlies xx

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    SupaDupa, really sorry to hear that. Good thing you went and got it checked though. Hopefully it won't cause any problems and both you and baby will be well and healthy. Will pray for you both. x

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭elaney

    Sorry to hear that Supa. Ill say a prayer for you and your little one. You are in the best place x.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,318 ✭✭✭Vel

    Sorry to hear your news Supa. It must be a scary feeling but at least now you and baby can be monitored.

    All ok here. My blood results from a few weeks ago came back and showed me to be anaemic so have been taking iron for just over a week. They said that I probably wouldn't notice a difference for 2 weeks but I swear I have more energy already and the feeling of breathlessnes has decreased.

    Had a scan 2 week ago when I was in again for checks on the blood pressure/protein in the urine situation (all good!) and baby had moved from head down to breach :rolleyes: I'm not surprised as I was getting some fierce stab like kicks in my pelvis area. I'm trying to stay positive and there is still time for baby to turn, but I will be absolutely gutted after two natural births, with great recovery time, if I have to have a c-section. I'm pretty sure baby is still breach at the moment from the kicks.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭Queen of Sheebs

    Supa hope you're doing ok. Thinking of u and baby.
    Vel still time to little one was in the exact same position for 12 weeks but has finally turned! Still plenty of time to turn again, i know but here's hoping!!
    I hoovered the house this morning....wood floors downstairs and carpet upstairs. Monumental effort! Going for a nap now as ds is asleep too! Sciatoca and spd have been good for the last 2 weeks but dh was off so did all the lifting etc. He started a new job today so fingers crossed he'll be happy in it and enjoy it. Hope everyone else is doing well.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    SupaDupa, thinking of you today. Hope that all goes well with the tests.

    Vel, hope that baby turns right way up (or should that be down) soon.

    Queen of Sheebs, well done on getting all that cleaning done.

    I'm exhausted this morning. Didn't sleep very well over the weekend and Saturday and Sunday were really stressful. My parents have been having technical issues with their computer and I had a constant barrage of calls from them on Saturday. Very frustrating as they don't listen and it's very difficult to explain things to someone who won't stop talking long enough to let you answer their question.

    On Sunday they eventually came up with the computer and it took me less than 30 minutes to sort out all of the problems. But more phone calls after they got home again. Doesn't feel like I had a weekend, let alone a long one.

    Other than that all is well though. Baby continues to be active during the day and fairly quiet at night (probably sleeping).

    Feeling a lot of pressure down below now, and sometimes I feel like my hips are going to dislocate. Starting to waddle, though making a determined effort to walk as normally as possible.

    Hope everyone else is keeping well and had a good weekend.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Updated the list again, not long to go for some of you :)

    Excited_FTM: 1st Sept (or is it end August now?)
    Taxus baccata: 6th Sept
    Dollyb: 11th Sept
    sunshine 2000: 12th sept
    Trishka: 15th September
    jeeney: 17th Sept
    Ericaa: 19th Sept
    Emer_b: 21st sept
    emmabrighton: 24th sept - BOY - born 4th July
    squiggler: 24th sept
    MintyDoris: 26th Sept
    elaney: 28th sept
    Supadupa: 29th Sept
    Queen of sheebs: 29th sept
    fran79: 30th sept
    Vel: 30th sept

    Inishowen Lady?

  • Registered Users Posts: 123 ✭✭Excited_FTM

    Hey :)

    the 30th August by my dates all along, now doc is agreeing with me.:D lets hope the baby does too.:P

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Hey :)

    the 30th August by my dates all along, now doc is agreeing with me.:D lets hope the baby does too.:P

    I hope so too, though babies can have their own ideas about when they're willing to make an appearance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭taxus_baccata

    Hi All,

    Supa hope you are well, I was writing to you the other evening to say go straight to doc, but my battery died:(.
    I was laughing at the waddling comment, I'm sooooo a human duck at the mo and my maternity pants don't fit anymore !:eek: Can I possibly get any bigger!!!??? I think baby must have dropped because I have the "over bump" jeans which I love, but the part that isn't the elastic is now tighter along the lower bit of the bump. So its dresses from now on. I only have one pair of mama spanx and they have been washed so much that they are ready to fall apart! - why oh why didn't I buy 10 pairs!

    Really not long to go now, cannot believe that we are a week into August, we'll deffo see some more babies in the thread soon, I think!

  • Registered Users Posts: 72 ✭✭Inishowen lady

    Squiggler wrote: »
    Updated the list again, not long to go for some of you :)

    Excited_FTM: 1st Sept (or is it end August now?)
    Taxus baccata: 6th Sept
    Dollyb: 11th Sept
    sunshine 2000: 12th sept
    Trishka: 15th September
    jeeney: 17th Sept
    Ericaa: 19th Sept
    Emer_b: 21st sept
    emmabrighton: 24th sept - BOY - born 4th July
    squiggler: 24th sept
    MintyDoris: 26th Sept
    elaney: 28th sept
    Supadupa: 29th Sept
    Queen of sheebs: 29th sept
    fran79: 30th sept
    Vel: 30th sept

    Inishowen Lady?
    Whoops sorry Squiggler, I'm 28th Sept

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Whoops sorry Squiggler, I'm 28th Sept

    Just was going back over the list and noticed that we'd missed you :)

    Taxus baccata: 6th Sept
    Dollyb: 11th Sept
    sunshine 2000: 12th sept
    Trishka: 15th September
    jeeney: 17th Sept
    Ericaa: 19th Sept
    Emer_b: 21st sept
    emmabrighton: 24th sept - BOY - born 4th July
    squiggler: 24th sept
    MintyDoris: 26th Sept
    elaney: 28th sept
    Inishowen Lady: 28th Sept
    Supadupa: 29th Sept
    Queen of sheebs: 29th sept
    fran79: 30th sept
    Vel: 30th sept

  • Registered Users Posts: 123 ✭✭Excited_FTM

    How is everyone keeping?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    How is everyone keeping?

    How are you doing? Good of you to still check in here even though you've been "bumped" up to August :D
