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Due September 2012 thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭DollyB

    Hi everyone haven't been on in a while. Hope ye and bumps are all doing great, I'll have a proper read tomorrow :)
    We're hitting the home stretch ladies...I'm way to over excited...!!! :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Fran79, glad to hear that all is going well and that you had a relatively speedy hospital visit.

    DollyB, welcome back! :)

    It's so warm today! At least now the rain has started it should cool off a bit, but wow! Been feeling like a giant sweaty thing all day.

    Baby has still been doing plenty of moving around, which is good, just hope that next Tuesday morning it's halted with the head in the correct place for my midwife visit.

    Hope everyone is doing really well, only a couple of weeks (if even) for some of you now :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 32 Sunshine2000

    Hi all. Here here about the heat. I'm constantly in a bog of sweat!! ( cute )
    I had a hospital appt today all went well. Doc surprised that all baby's organs fully developed and baby making effort to breath on it's own. Lovely to see. He said it looked more like a full term baby from that point of view and said he wouldn't be surprised if I went early (I wish!!) my mother went early on all four of us so here's hoping! I'm taking it all with a pinch of salt.
    Still awaiting my nursery furniture but i have a cradle so at least the baby will have somewhere to sleep : )
    Is anyone else NOT nesting. I feel so lazy especially since I'm on mat leave but I do the bare amount of cleaning and a few jobs around the house and that's it!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 97 ✭✭jeeney

    Squiggler wrote: »
    Playing guess the baby part is always fun :D The best way to decide the head v bum question is whether when you push gently on it bobs independently or most of the baby moves.

    Thanks elaney, hope that baby is being co-operative for you. Oblique or transverse seem to be the worst possible positions - making vaginal birth impossible. Even breech wouldn't be as bad. Over the shock now and just trying to focus on what I can do to try to help resolve it.

    Squiggs - can you explain further how you'd know head from the bum? I still think my baby is breech, as really dont know if it's head or bum sticking up high. So if it bops independently then it's the head, and if all baby moves it's the bum, that right?

    And sorry to hear your baby has turned squigs. Hopefully by Tuesday they'll be in the right position! I have my next apt on Weds, so I'm hoping baby will be right position then too.

    Sunshine - I definitely aint nesting either, but then I've two weeks left of work yet. Oh roll on mat leave!

    Vel - I saw sunday's From here to maternity programme too. I don't know - I think I would have preferred the possibility of turning baby externally, even if it was going to be uncomfortable, rather than section. I found her husband to be very chauvinistic & he didnt really seem to care how the birth would affect his wife. Just 'get them out nice and quick' was his way of thinking... Bit of a pig if you ask me

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    jeeney, that's pretty much it in a nutshell, also the bum is softer and depending on how the baby is lying you might feel legs running off it.

    I've been doing forward leaning inversions (advised by the spinningbabies website for getting oblique baby in the right place) twice a day with the help of my lovely husband and am no longer feeling the left hip discomfort that I was so I think baby is now in a better position. Anyway, only 34+4 so still plenty of time. The inversions have also really helped relieve the back pain I was feeling and I waddle less since starting them so going to keep them up.

    Babies have been known to turn right at the very last minute, even during labour. I watched a couple of videos of External Cephalic Version (ECV) to turn a breach baby and it doesn't look too bad, would prefer to try that than automatically opt for a section I think.

    Hope everything will be fine for you jeeney and baby is being co-operative :)

    Some of those fathers on One Born would make you wonder why the mother let him get close enough to make her pregnant! :rolleyes:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭elaney

    How is everyone this week?. I have had a crap few days feeling weak and tired and my fingers are swollen and really painful.I had really painful cramps on Saturday thank God they dissappeared. Im not fully ready for this child yet. I might make an appointment with the doctor if it gets worse. Hope everyone else is feeling a bit better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32 Sunshine2000

    Elainey I was the same a few weeks ago with the weakness but I knew it wasn't my iron it felt more like a touch of the flu it eventually passed but I felt awfull.
    I was getting away with murder with the swelling but my hands, ankles/legs are bad enough at the mo. They don't even go down that much over night. A bit worrying as I have a wedding on Saturday I'm thinking my new shoes won't go near me : (
    The stretch marks seem to be winning the war at the mo. I don't seem to be able to control them at all but sur it could be worse.
    Back to my GP this week and hospital next week I think they said I'll be seen weakly by either GP or hospital from now on. Is anyone else having this?

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭elaney

    You're nearly there now Sunshine so that is pretty normal with the
    appointments. I made an appointment to see my gp this afternoon cos i haven't been in in a while and i think my bp might be up. I have a dull headache as well. I think i might have had some sort of bug so no harm getting checked out. I hear ya on the wedding i have a family wedding the second weekend in September and im not even going to get a dress or shoes till the week before. Hopefully i will find something to fit.:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 72 ✭✭Inishowen lady

    Elaney & Sunshine I'm in your boat too, brother's wedding in two weeks, never mind looking for things to wear & all the pretty shoes that don't fit me, at this stage I'm looking for excuses not to go. I know it would kill me on the day not being there, but I think the 4 hour 30 minute journey up to the wedding would kill me first.

  • Registered Users Posts: 97 ✭✭jeeney

    Sunshine, elaney & inishowen - ya weddings are such a nuisance at this stage! I have a very good friend's wedding two days before I'm due. I hate to be missing it, but again it's a few hours drive away and you just dont know what'll happen. Will have to play it by ear. But in terms of dresses, etc, I can't even start thinking about it yet if I do end up going. Might just go to the church and come home again!

    Squiggler - good luck with your apt today. Hope baby has turned! I think mine has now... But wont know for sure til apt tomorrow.

    Hope everyone else is well

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  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭elaney

    Im not bothered if i don't end up going but my mum wants me to. Like you Jeeney i will play it by ear. That is a big journey to a wedding Inishowen Lady make sure you bring your bag if you go. My neighbour went away for a weekend at 35 weeks and ended up having her baby in the nearest hospital she never thought to bring her bag. Baby is head down thank God well thats what doc says so hopefully he is right. I have gastroenteritus ( cant spell that) so couldn't eat till this morning i was starving. My bp is up but not too bad yet they will keep an eye on it. Good luck squiggler with the check up hopefully baby has turned. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Thanks for thinking of us this morning jeeney and elaney.

    Baby has turned and now we think it's breech :( But he or she has been turning somersaults when in the mood, I had a catherine wheel of hiccoughs spinning in my belly one of the days last week! Midwife isn't panicking and there is still plenty of time, but it would be nice if baby would engage and settle. Back in with her again next Wednesday and waiting for a call at some stage today to let me know whether they're happy for us to wait until then to get a scan done or they'd prefer it sooner.

    Hope everything is where it should be for you jeeney and your appointment goes well.

    Wedding girls, you have my sympathy. Went to the funeral of a friend's Mum a few weeks ago and it wasn't easy even then, wouldn't like to be going anywhere now. And at least for a funeral clothes are easy!

    Hope you're all keeping well and feeling good. The humidity is tough to deal with, I'd be going crazy if we didn't have a fan running in the bedroom all night to keep us cool.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32 Sunshine2000

    With the talk of the wedding I decided to try on the new pretty shoes I bought to go with my very plain black dress. ( the shoes were going to make up for the boring dress) I should have known... They won't go near me. My feet are very puffy these days. Now I'm going to have to get a plain pair of flat pumps. I just know I'm going to feel crap on Saturday cos it's going to be a very stylish wedding. Ok moan over!! : D I know it will be all worth it!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Sunshine, what about a pair of pretty sparkly flip-flops or something similar?

  • Registered Users Posts: 97 ✭✭jeeney

    Squiggler wrote: »
    Thanks for thinking of us this morning jeeney and elaney.

    Baby has turned and now we think it's breech :( But he or she has been turning somersaults when in the mood, I had a catherine wheel of hiccoughs spinning in my belly one of the days last week! Midwife isn't panicking and there is still plenty of time, but it would be nice if baby would engage and settle. Back in with her again next Wednesday and waiting for a call at some stage today to let me know whether they're happy for us to wait until then to get a scan done or they'd prefer it sooner.

    Aw sorry to hear baby has turned again squigs. Sounds like your little one is doing a hell of a lot of movement lately. :). At least you're getting plenty of apts with your midwife and you'll know within a week where baby is at. They may well have turned again by then! I'll have my apt tomor (36 wks now), and prob will be seen again at 38 wks hopefully, with doc in between.

    Ah sunshine, hope you get to enjoy the wedding even if you can't get some sparkly shoes! But as squigs said, sparkly flip flops might do the trick and may look nicer than pumps....

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭elaney

    Sorry to hear your baby is breech again squiggler. Doctor told me
    yesterday not to worry about position until 37 or 38 weeks until they are ready to engage.

    Sunshine, i got lovely sparly flip flops in heatons a few weeks ago. Also i
    have a plain black dress which i wore to a wedding last year. I was also worried it was too plain so i went into Pennys and got some lovely accessories.
    I pinned a flower to it and got alot of compliments. Only cost about 15 euro for the lot. Enjoy the wedding.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Aw, thanks girls. We're trying not to worry too much and I'll keep doing exercises to encourage baby to move, but the midwife said today that if baby is still breach next week we'll have to go to the hospital and schedule a 38 week section. We were hoping that we wouldn't have to deal with that until we'd reached 37 or 38 weeks, not at 36 :(

    Yes, certainly getting enough check ups! It's great though, I schedule them for early morning, get my normal bus and am in work after by 9.30 at the very latest! Another reason I want to put off the hospital as long as possible. The thought of going from that to difficult to get to, standing around in queues, more standing around and maybe getting out of there in 3 or 4 hours really doesn't appeal. :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 32 Sunshine2000

    Squiggler I'm Sending vibes your baby's way to turn down. That was something I was concerned about all along cos baby was transverse but it's head down now. I bet your little baby will surprise you with a turn shortly.
    Elaney thanks for the tips I'm going to go to penny's today to pimp my dress!! : )
    Did anyone else notice the heat last night?!?!?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Thanks Sunshine, all good vibes, thoughts and prayers are gratefully received :)

    The heat last night was obscene, even with the fan running it was opressive. Thankfully it's a bit cooler today!

    Hope you are all keeping well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Fran79

    Didn't notice the heat down here in the south east - I was up half the night though with extreme hip / back pain!

    You should have seen the palava trying to get up at 4 am to have a wee, and that was with hubbies help. Would have made a great comedy sketch! Thankfully our son is at his grandads for a couple of days (was our 8 year wedding anniversary Monday so went out for dinner! Probably the last chance we will get for a while).

    Made it into work 5 minutes late this morning, but only managed to stay for an hour and half before my boss sent me home - think she was fed up of having me groan every time I had to get up! She even offered to drive me home (I only live 5 mins from work).
    Thank God Friday is my last day.......I have been fine up till now ( well apart from tiredness).

    I have had the hip pain before, but it usually only lasts a couple of hours. This has been since 7pm last night now. Just need to persuade baby to move off my sciatic nerve! and then wait a little while for said nerve to recover.

    I am happily sitting at home now on the sofa propped up with pillows and cushions so I am comfy - well untill I have to get up and wee again! Thank god for the laptop - I had forgotten how bad daytime tv was!
    Will have to try and get up every hour so as not to completely seize up! Stairs are a definate no no at the moment!

    I hope the rest of you are fairing better today (sorry for the long moan).

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Just went back to have a look at the list again - lucky taxus with only 2 weeks to go!

    Taxus baccata: 6th Sept
    Dollyb: 11th Sept
    sunshine 2000: 12th sept
    Trishka: 15th September
    jeeney: 17th Sept
    Ericaa: 19th Sept
    Emer_b: 21st sept
    emmabrighton: 24th sept - BOY - born 4th July
    squiggler: 24th sept
    MintyDoris: 26th Sept
    elaney: 28th sept
    Inishowen Lady: 28th Sept
    Supadupa: 29th Sept
    Queen of sheebs: 29th sept
    fran79: 30th sept
    Vel: 30th sept

    Fran79, you poor thing! I've also been feeling very uncomfortable for the past few days, baby has been doing so much moving around. My back is in bits. Glad you're finishing up soon anyway. I'm wondering how I'm going to manage another 2 and a half weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭taxus_baccata

    Hi All,

    just started maternity leave on Monday. I'm getting up earlier now than I did for work! I've a ton of energy at the mo, I'm nesting like mad! I went out today and washed the car, then I went off and got the base fitted, we were waiting to see if the cars passed the NCT before buying! Then I tried to put the car seat on the base - great fun. Couldn't figure out how to get it out of the car. Now I think that the stupid thing is faulty as I cannot adjust the straps. Going to take it back to the shop tomorrow - glad I started messing with it today rather than in the hospital!

    Well how is everyone? Squiggler, you've got an acrobat in there for sure! Lets hope it finds the exit sign. Baby seemed to grow over the weekend, this morning it seemed to be kicking me in the ribs, which did hurt a bit.

    2 weeks to due date from tomorrow! I bet someone will be out the door before me though! Its like a baby lottery :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 533 ✭✭✭Ericaa

    Actually, turns out my due date is the 24th of September, same as you Squiggler!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Updated list then :D

    Taxus baccata: 6th Sept
    Dollyb: 11th Sept
    sunshine 2000: 12th sept
    Trishka: 15th September
    jeeney: 17th Sept
    Emer_b: 21st sept
    emmabrighton: 24th sept - BOY - born 4th July
    Ericaa: 24th Sept
    squiggler: 24th sept
    MintyDoris: 26th Sept
    elaney: 28th sept
    Inishowen Lady: 28th Sept
    Supadupa: 29th Sept
    Queen of sheebs: 29th sept
    fran79: 30th sept
    Vel: 30th sept

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Fran79


    I am now officially on maternity leave! Just need to make sure my boy has everything sorted for school, baby essentials done and sleep before new one gets here.

    Not long now!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 483 ✭✭emer_b

    Woohoo for me too Fran, on maternity leave also!!
    Got last few bits in Mothercare this morning so really looking forward to 3(ish) weeks of relaxing and nesting. Hope baby doesn't arrive too early!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭elaney

    You are lucky that your fella is going to school Fran mine is going through the terrible twos and driving me up the wall :rolleyes:. Getting really uncomfortable now and the weather is suppossed to get hotter at end of week. I knew that would happen before we are due. How are the rest of the September bumps doing?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    I'm quite jealous of those of you already on maternity leave. I've two more weeks to go, but finding everything much more difficult this morning than it was on Friday. I think it took me at least twice as long to walk to the bus stop this morning.

    Baby is still very active and mobile, did a lot of moving around last night and early this morning. We are still hoping and praying that he or she will have settled properly by Wednesday morning for the scan.

    It really won't be long until more babies start arriving!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,318 ✭✭✭Vel

    Good luck for Wednesday Squiggler.

    Baby was head down at my hospital apppointment on Thursday which I was delighted about. Still time to change position I know but am hopeful they'll stay put.

    I was originally planning to finish up at the start of September before my maternity leave, which doesn't start for 3 weeks but for now I'm going to stick it out in work. I don't get half as much rest at home on the days the kids are there and being minded by my mum and coming into work is nearly more relaxing! I jsut know if I finish up too early the time will absolutely drag, as I'm not due until right at the end of the month. So for now I'll continue to drag myself in!

    Popped into Penneys the other day and got some bits and bobs for the hospital. I think I'm going to pack my bags this coming weekend as I'd like it out of the way. Luckily we live about 10 minutes drive from Holles Street so I'm not too stressed if I've forgotten anything.

    I've noticed the hormones kicking in again like in the first trimester and making me emotional. I'm anxious to keep an eye on it given my experience with PND after No. 2 but hopefully things will be ok

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    That's good Vel, hope baby stays put for you!

    I still need to pick up a few things for my hospital bag. I've got the delivery bag packed but need to get pj's or nightdresses for the ward bag. Feeling so unmotivated though.
