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Due September 2012 thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    Arnica tablets basically help To heal you from the inside out, help with bruising etc.
    The tea tree oil is great if you have stitches or even if you don't and are just a bit sore down there. Dilute it in a bottle and squirt it. Or also a few drops on a pad and it's nice and soothing! I can't recommend boTh of these highly enough :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    arnica helps with healing after the birth

  • Registered Users Posts: 398 ✭✭SupaDupaFly

    Gee_G wrote: »
    As far as I know In chemists they only have one strength arnica tablets, theyre in a tiny purple tube, theyre like litTLe sweetners. As for the tea tree, any of them at all! And if you've been following us in the August thread they will both be your saviour!!!:)

    Thanks Gee_G anything is worth a shot :-) all the august mammies seem to have good experience with them so will definitely be using them both. Thanks for the info :-)

    All the other mammies out there, any recommendations for must have items for the hospital bag? Aside from the obvious :-) Interesting to know what ye all found most useful during your hospital stay

    Thanks xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,318 ✭✭✭Vel

    Wide awke - argh!

    Got most of the labour bag packed today. Just need some nappies and maternity pads and its good to go. May tackle the hospital bag tomorrow if I can bring myself to do it or may delegate and issue instructions to OH on how to do it! As its my third I'm pretty relaxed about the bags this time around but I remember having lists and cross checking for weeks before I had No. 1!! Just to say that it really isn't the end of the world if you forget something. Either the hospital will have it or a relative or your partner can bring in it.

    Supa, I had to spend a few nights in hospital after my last baby was born as she was being monitored and I found really good ear plugs a god send. When OH would come in to visit for a few hours I would stick them in and leave him to mind the baby! I just found the ward so noisy that it was hard to sleep.

    I would also recommend either bringing money for snacks or bringing some in. In Holles Street anyway, you get your last meal really early and sometimes the quality isn't the greatest so not a bad idea to have something on hand to snack on.

    I can't believe its September and can't wait until all the babies start arriving :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭elaney

    Supa vaseline is a saviour great for babies bottom i used to put it on at each nappy change and he never had a rash at least until he started teething.
    Its also very good for stitches when they are healing especially when they get to the tightening phase. I also second Vel with ear plugs its awful loud in the ward so they are useful if you want a bit of peace.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 32 Sunshine2000

    Let's go ladies!!!!! I can't believe it's September..... I thought it would never come. I heard hard sweets are handy to have cos the gas and air can be very drying. We picked up our buggy and car seat yesterday... Made it all very real. But I feel organised now, nothing left to do at all. Everything on ALL my MANY lists is ticked off. : ) hope everyone doing ok. We all just have to play the waiting game now! X

  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭Queen of Sheebs

    Vaseline for babies bums and also changing pads! I had to change my little man on the bed and its amazing how fast the poops fly out of them once the air hits their bums!! They saved the bed linen a few times. ARica is great for yourself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Fran79

    What snacks are people planning to take to the hospital?

    I had crisps and grapes last time round and it just wasn't enough!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    my mother and my sister brought me in sandwichs as the food in the hospital wasnt the best ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Welcome back Excited! Hope you won't be kept waiting too much longer :) Any sign of anything happening.

    Taxus, only 4 days to your due date!

    Thanks for all the advice and good wishes August Mums! Well done to all of you, hope you and your babies are doing well.

    ExcitedFTM: 30th August
    Taxus baccata: 6th Sept
    Dollyb: 11th Sept
    sunshine 2000: 12th sept
    Trishka: 15th September
    jeeney: 17th Sept
    Emer_b: 21st sept
    emmabrighton: 24th sept - BOY - born 4th July
    Ericaa: 24th Sept
    Squiggler: 24th sept
    MintyDoris: 26th Sept
    elaney: 28th sept
    Inishowen Lady: 28th Sept
    Supadupa: 29th Sept
    Queen of sheebs: 29th sept
    fran79: 30th sept
    Vel: 30th Sept

    I've been trying to decide what snacks to pack too. We had planned to pack hubby's bag this weekend but didn't get around to it in the end. Will have to get it done soon, we may end up going in early because of baby's continued acrobatics.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭taxus_baccata

    I can't believe its Monday and bump is due on Thursday :eek:

    Can you take arnica if you plan on breastfeeding?

    Welcome to the September thread ladies, I had a little look into yer thread from time to time and also the July thread. I'm sure that there are October, Nov, Dec. mammies to be having a peek in here, boy does the time move fast!

    I'm already having separation anxiety from bump, I really love being pregnant. I know its not for everyone, but I've had a lovely time and I love chatting to bump, telling him/her where we're going and what we're doing, talking to bump in the middle of the night. I love that feeling of not being alone, I know when bump arrives it'll also be great. Am I mad?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    No you are not mad at all, as I Said yesterday, its a huge part of our lives for 9 months and then it's gone!
    Not sure about the arnica while breastfeeding x

  • Registered Users Posts: 123 ✭✭Excited_FTM

    Hi Ladies,

    I'm 4 days over due today. I have a hospital appointment today, they said last week that they will give me a date for induction if i hadn't gone in by today. I'm not feeling too bad. More annoyed about messages (have you popped yet/ any pains yet/ hurry up and get that baby out) as if im not trying!! I know people mean well but i think thats the hardest part of going over!! Sorry if TMI but i think i started to loose my mucas plug last night. Not sure if this is a sign something will happen soon or not. I have the occassional tighting/pressure like feeling but it's only here and there.

    I know what you mean Taxus baccata i feel that way also. I find myself talking to bump unknown to myself. But i'm so ready to hold him/her in my arms.

    Hope everyone is keeping well, and making the most of the warm weather :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Hi Taxus, I feel the same about the bump. And can confirm that it can take a while to get used to not feeling those kicks, wriggles and squirms after the baby has arrived.

    I bought Ina May's breastfeeding book and have been finding it very good and informative. It recommended Arnica for after the birth and didn't suggest that it would cause any problems for breastfed baby. I did some other research too and it seems to be considered just fine.

    I'm more worried about my poor little one being dosed with antibiotics and painkillers if I have to have a section.

    Excited, hope your appointment goes well today and you'll be holding your baby soon. When you're over, even by just a few days, the texts and messages can be VERY annoying, and, for me at least, were counterproductive as they really stressed me out, not a state which is conducive to going into labour. This time we've only told people who need to know (OH's family haven't been told at all - his decision) and my Mother (the worst offender last time) has been told the baby is due in early October - as well as being told that any "anything happening" texts will mean I cut off contact until the baby is a month old.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,318 ✭✭✭Vel

    I have so much pressure in the pelvic area. I feel like the head could pop out at any time :D Its makes its extremely hard to walk anywhere.

    Maternity leave starting Wednesday week and it couldn't come sooner.

    I can't say I'll miss the bump at all! I just hate everything associated with being pregnant, other than the end result! For me the feeling of lightness and relief straight after was amazing. As this pregnancy was unplanned we have been having some conversations about preventing anymore accidents in the future and surprisingly OH didn't freak out when I mentioned the V word!!

    Good luck to the ladies due this week or already over due.

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭elaney

    Im exactly the same Vel. Im not great with pregnancy. This one has been horrible with constant sickness. I definetly didn't get "the glow". I love the feeling after of relief. I'm nearly sure this will be my last i have always only wanted two but sure who knows. Good look today Excited you should prob get a date for induction but you sound as if you are on the way fingers crossed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 398 ✭✭SupaDupaFly

    Hi girls, another week into it all :-)
    The heat is bloody killing me today. Not able for it at all. My OH had a hospital appointment and I nearly got sick with the thoughts of sitting in there on a day I don't have to haha.

    Got my app for physio for Friday, so nervous about it. Hope they can help with the SPD in some way. Even walking is killing me at this stage. Thanks god just over 3 weeks left.

    Got the rest of my hospital bag kitted out today. Pharmacist says arnica is safe to use whilst breastfeeding so that's a good thing. When do u begin taking it? Straight after the birth?

    So strange to think of baby outside of me, have gotten so used to feeling it wiggle away I'd say it'll be an odd empty feeling for the first while. I can totally understand where ye are all coming from with that one. Have to say I really won't miss the whole pregnancy thing at all though. So much went wrong for me its definitely put me off for life. I think it'll be one and one only for me and OH :-)

    Hope ye all have a great week and babies start arriving soon :-)
    Supa x

  • Registered Users Posts: 72 ✭✭Inishowen lady

    It's September- eeeekkkk!!

    Bags are packed. I've bought mostly 0-3 months stuff for baba, and 1 set of newborn size of vest, sleepsuit etc. Should I get more newborn sized stuff, I hear it's generally too small for new arrivals but don't want him swimming in stuff he's too big for either. It was only when I was washing and packing the baby stuff that I noticed how different the sizes are.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Have they given you any idea from the scans what size baby is? Newborn stuff can be very tiny - too small for most Irish newborns.

    I think you're probably safer with the 0-3 months stuff, and if you've been told you're having a baby on the longer/bigger side you might even need to go for 3-6 months.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 483 ✭✭emer_b

    God this is all getting very real, down to the last few days/weeks for us all. Started thinking about all the hospital nitty gritty stuff that I was avoiding for so long. Had a small freak out last night about spending a few days in hospital and all the invasion of privacy/dignity, loss of control of whats going on with my body, but I'm ok again today, got it all off my chest.
    I know what you mean Inishowen lady, the midwife told us 0-3 month clothes for the newborn but some of it just looks huge! I bought a 3 pack of newborn babygros just in case, not the end of the world if they only fit for a few days/weeks. All I've been told is that baby is "not too big, not too small" so I suppose I can expect around a 7 pounder.
    Was holding my 7week old niece yesterday, just can't believe theres one of them in me!!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 72 ✭✭Inishowen lady

    Was in with midwife after work and she reckons he is on the small side, so I think I'll get a few more bits and bobs at newborn size. Midwife ordered me to eat some big macs over the coming week

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Fran79

    Glad to hear I am not the only one having a freak out about clothes sizes!!

    First was soo tiny (5lb12), so I have tiny baby stuff, newborn stuff and 0-3mth (and all the sizes up to 4 years!! lol)

    My GP is pretty sure that this one will be bigger so have packed newborn stuff in the hospital bag - (still have a few things to get to go into that). Hubbie was shown where the tiny baby stuff and 0-3mths stuff was (newborn size is in the chest of drawers) so he can bring in more if needed. He was even talked through how I had organised the airing cupboard!

    Think baby has finally gone head down!!
    Not getting kicked down low anymore and hubbie noticed bump had dropped a little!

    So how is everyone else!! I am getting excited, but still wary as I keep getting flashbacks to birth no 1!
    Not looking forward to being in hospital either - I was home after 17 hours after No1. Dont think I can handle being in for more than a day! (I am not used to sharing as I am an only child lol)

  • Registered Users Posts: 123 ✭✭Excited_FTM

    Was at the hospital today, Doc did an internal check and said baby still isnt ready (i think she said something about the cervix been behind). but the head is down and said the fluid around the baby is perfect. Just a matter of patience.My next appointment in on Monday and she booked me in for an induction for the 12th. I felt like crying when i heard this, it seems to far away. I was just wondering whats the difference between an internal and a sweep (sorry if thats a stupid question).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,181 ✭✭✭2xj3hplqgsbkym

    As far as I know an 'internal' just means an internal exam to check where everyting is at and if cervix has started to dilate.

    A 'sweep' or membrane sweep is where the doctor breaks the membranes to try and hurry baby up a bit.
    I had one done on my first baby.
    It is very uncomfortable, like a smear, but a bit more poking around, and made me feel very undignified when I had it done.
    .....But it is not painful and only took a few minutes and for some it speeds up baby's arrival (for me it didn't). Afterwards I had a 'show' which is some blood and mucus, this is normal but doesn't mean baby is coming (mine came 7 days later).

    On a separate note- so tired of random people commenting on my size. A colleague this morning told me I was massive, exactly what I wanted to hear on a Monday morning with 4 weeks to go :mad:

    Anyone else get this?

  • Registered Users Posts: 123 ✭✭Excited_FTM

    Thanks Rosebush,i was told there wasnt any point in doing a sweep today after the internal as i wasnt ready :(

    I keep getting mixed reactions about my size, i wish people would just mind there own business. I've gain 14lbs.

    I'm quite moody today lol :L

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭elaney

    Oh excited FTM you poor thing i hope the next few days goes fast at least you have a date but that probably is no consulation.

    Fran you sound pretty organised. Im the same with hospital when i had number one it was the first time i ever was in hospital this will only be the second.

    Yeah Rosebush noone has said i'm massive but i do get the big eyed 'OH
    my God your blooming' comments.

    Has everyone there names picked?. I have a name i love but i dont think the OH is too keen on it. I let him pick the name of our boy and it grew on me but i think he wants me to pick something else i'm a bit annoyed cos any suggestions he has made i don't like. Im sure we will sort it out before babs comes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Fran79

    Elaney - dont be fooled I am not that organised lol!! I just had a productive weekend so could get a few things done. I am tired now cause of it!

    So glad I went on mat leave early. After this week I should be all set and ready with 3 weeks to go (I still think baby will be early, but try telling that to the medical "professionals")

    Names been picked for months! Hubbie suggested it and its grown on me even though it is related to his fav 80's tv show.

    Excited - your allowed to be moody! Make the most of it lol.

    Supa - how are you feeling? Hopefully not to painful for ya.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Emer_b, I can't even think about the hospital stay. I don't even like visiting hospitals and my experiences staying in them in Ireland have been nightmarish. I just have to keep my focus on when I can eventually go home with baby (hoping for a normal birth and to leave as soon as possible) and forget the bit in between.

    Fran79, hope that you're right and baby is now head down! :) Hope you will have another short stay this time.

    Excited_FTW, I know you must be feeling very frustrated about the wait, but babies don't understand deadlines and they arrive in their own time. Hopefully you will go yourself before the 12th, but if not then at least you do have a date. Attempting an induction when you're not ready for it would be a horrible experience for you and baby. You're better off without 4 or 5 rounds of failed gel and then another wait, or an emergency section.

    Rosebush, not getting too much comment from randomers, but when I'm out by myself I always have my headphones on listening to music so they don't really get an opportunity. I am massive, but most of them in work are smarter than to comment on it. Mostly they stick to encouraging comments, so I'm very lucky.

    Elaney, OH and I picked our names (first and middle) for a boy and a girl when we decided we were going to start trying, about 3 years ago. It's been weird having boys and girls names just waiting for a baby to give them to, but kinda nice too. There were names I liked that he didn't, and names he liked that I didn't but we are both really happy with our choices, and after last week's scan we know which set we're using this time.

    Can't wait to see birth announcements coming in :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭taxus_baccata

    Hi All,

    have figured out what the bump separation anxiety is (for me anyway) its the realisation that we'll have a baby. I had forgotton my fear of newborns, until I had a few dreams over the past few nights where, I drop, or sit on, or fall down the stairs with or in some way manage to hurt the baby, I wake up terrified!

    Fran, I'm an only girl and I share your pain! I found college really tough sharing with people, I love and crave my own space!

    I'm getting the blooming comments too, although I don't mind that much. I suppose its who they are coming from and the way they're delivered makes all the difference. What is annoying me is that I weigh considerably more than the hub now.

    I have noticed that people are generally really nice lately, I was in B&Q the other day and as soon as I walked into the customer toilets the whole queue of 4 ladies insisted that I go ahead of them! I wasn't even bursting I had gone in well on time and no amount of protest by me would sway them!

    Squiggler, was it you that started the thread about surprise sweeps etc. Well I'm in on Thursday -due date and I really don't want anything started yet! Was chatting to my sis in law a few weeks ago and she had two surprise sweeps!:eek: but thought it was totally normal, and was a bit baffled as to why I was freaking out in advance of due date app.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Squiggler, was it you that started the thread about surprise sweeps etc. Well I'm in on Thursday -due date and I really don't want anything started yet! Was chatting to my sis in law a few weeks ago and she had two surprise sweeps!:eek: but thought it was totally normal, and was a bit baffled as to why I was freaking out in advance of due date app.

    Yes, that was me. Sorry if it scared you. I don't know if you've done up a Birth Plan. If you have you could ask to discuss it with them before the examination part of the appointment. If we do go to the hospital for any appointments before labour has started I will be having a chat with them about our preferences, and making it clear that we/I don't want ANY 'procedures' including internal exams, sweeps etc., done without my/our prior agreement.

    I can't understand how anyone could find having someone stick their finger (s) in their cervix and (in any other context) sexually assault them, normal. With the consent of the woman involved... but without consent! If it was done to me I'd be making a complaint.
