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Due September 2012 thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭taxus_baccata

    Hi All,

    Back from hospital, baby's head engaged - great:D. Had an intern, v. patronising:(.

    Dr: "You do know that you are overdue, we can do a sweep"
    Me: "As I've already said, I'd like to wait. I'm not overdue, I'm due today"
    Dr: "A sweep is a totally natural thing. . . . ."
    Me: ".... eeh, yeah, I'd like to wait, thanks, can I go home now?"

    Our care has been totally midwife lead: I miss my midwives!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Taxus, that's great that baby's head is engaged. Shame about the Dr though... they're all like that in my experience and get worse the higher up the food chain they are.

    Hope everything continues to go well for you.

    I had a telephone conversation (he finally returned my call from yesterday) with our patronising jerk this morning that went like this.

    Dr: "You didn't come in yesterday"
    Me: "No, I was in work and nobody told me I was expected to"
    Dr: "Can you come in now?"
    Me: "No, as I told your secretary just now I am in work, do I need to?"
    Dr: "Well, your BP was high"
    Me: (speechless)

    My bp was 136/70 - which is not high by anyone's standards.

    I called yesterday to request an appointment early next week because if baby doesn't turn we need to schedule either an ECV or a section. I still have no appointment and have been ordered to present myself at Perinatal Assessment tomorrow afternoon. Baby and I were already checked on Wednesday and the only issue is the way baby is facing.

    My husband actually HATES this man after the dealings we've had with him so far, which is one of the many reasons we arranged alternative care.

    Anyone know where we can get a good voodoo doll? :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Fran79

    When do you generally hear back from Social Welfare about Maternity Benefit? I got the letter to say they got my form and that was it.

    I got a letter from them about 4 weeks after getting the letter telling me they had the form. They may move quicker as you are nearer your due date - I sent mine off 10 weeks before I was due.

    Ericaa - glad to hear that your uti is symptomless - at least your not in pain. Strange about the antibiotics in labour. Hearing about the cancellation of classes makes me kinda glad I didin't bother booking them.

    Squiggler - that guy sounds like a total jerk! Its no wonder your BP is a little raised (my last one was 110 / 70 so seems high compared to mine - sure its nothing to worry about)

    Taxus - your Dr sounds like a jerk too!!

    Supa - I know what you mean about whats "normal" and this is after being pregnant before lol.

    Going to try and get some rest today - absolutely shattered, cant get to sleep till gone midnight and then I am awake from about 5am everyday this week. I feel a nap coming on today whilst the boy is at school. Can't wait till his 3rd week of school when he will be on normal days (2pm finish rather than 12:30 finish)

    Spent an absoulte fortune yesterday getting things for baby. Changing bag in Tesco (was €13 so not too bad!), cereal bars and crisps for hospital bag, filled both cars with petrol so they are both hospital ready!! Now that was expensive lol. Checked the change jar and pulled out all the 20cent and 50cents in there for the hospital car park.

    Keep well everyone

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭elaney

    Ericaa i had Uti's for seven months of my last pregnancy its not pleasant.
    I have no idea why you would need them during labour you need to ask.

    I had a sweep done Taxus last time as i needed a quick induction due to
    bp. Doctor wasn't going to give me one until he realised my bp was high. My bp was 170/100 he explained everything to me and asked me if i still wanted it done as it would help the induction. The nurse then came in and stayed with me through it. I was due that day but they wouldnt have suggested it only for my Bp. I cannot understand why they are making women have sweeps on there due date when there is no reason for it.

    Squiggler 136/70 is not high mine was 141/83 at my last doctors appointment . It has been up and down since they weren't too worried about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 97 ✭✭jeeney

    Fran79 wrote: »
    I agree about the dampness!! I am using 2-3 panty liners a day.

    TMI alert
    I also get a bit itchy - but only near my clit / urethra not my vagina, but its not all the time so dont think it is thrush. Did a quick google and its probably due to pH changes. I've stopped using soap and cold water rinse 3 times a day and this week I have had a lot less itching. I never think to mention it to GP as I usually haven't itched that day before seeing him.

    Had it first time round too, but only for about a week.!

    Thanks fran79 for bringing this up. I'm exactly the same as you. Sometimes I have awful itchness and then dont have it other days and do forget to mention it to GP. I thought it was just me, as I didnt have this the last time round at all. I've had it for a number of weeks now - extra discharge and feeling of wetness the whole time. Plus - again TMI alert! - one of my labia is enlarged so makes it that bit more uncomfortable at times

    Ah squiggler, sorry to hear your baby has turned again. Fingers crossed for you he/she turns soon. What a little acrobat indeed!

    Excited - best of luck hon. Hope things start happening for you soon. I've been having weird aches too - like a change in what the braxton hicks used to be like? I always had them to the front - pelvic region, but now I get them in my back and might move towards my pelvis near end of contraction. And then sometimes it's pain in my back on its own. I still have a bit to go though, so I'm just putting it down to stronger BH's at this stage... Oh the joys of all these strange aches.

    Hope everyone else doing ok.
    Have a good weekend ladies and hopefully soon we'll start hearing of babies arriving :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 28 Smarten

    My partner went into the Coombe yesterday for an ECV as baby has been breeched for the last 4 weeks. Unfortunately, after a lot of trying from both consultant and doctor they baby would not budge. They said that looks like baby's bum was stuck in the pelvic area and was not moving. Consultant said he would be very insulted if the baby dropped into position after that! They booked Ash in for a c-section on the 20th Sept yesterday. We were due on the 27th and grandparents were heading on vacation on this date so all in all it turned out OK for everyone... Best of luck to all of the September mam's.. Huge respect to you all. You should be very produ :-)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Smarten, hope all goes well for you, your partner and the baby. A pity that the ECV failed, but I guess there is still a chance that baby might turn, and if it doesn't at least you have a plan.

  • Registered Users Posts: 72 ✭✭Inishowen lady

    Just back from GP I have a UTI too, given augmentin prescription, Ericaa I got a 7 day prescription. No mention of needing to continue it. He did mention that they have been known to "speed up things but wouldn't that be great to get it all over and done with"

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Fran79

    jeeney wrote: »
    Plus - again TMI alert! - one of my labia is enlarged so makes it that bit more uncomfortable at times

    Forgot to mention that my labia are a bit bigger than they were. Glad to hear its not just me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 398 ✭✭SupaDupaFly

    Fran79 wrote: »
    jeeney wrote: »
    Plus - again TMI alert! - one of my labia is enlarged so makes it that bit more uncomfortable at times

    Forgot to mention that my labia are a bit bigger than they were. Glad to hear its not just me!

    Glad to hear it mentioned on here :-) No one ever told me there would be big changes down there before the birth! A nasty varicose vein has appeared on one of mine. I cried for an hour after finding it :-( The drama haha.

    Physio today, told not much they could do. Gave me exercises to help. Told me stay off my feet except for going to bathroom, and eating! Looks like a boring 2 weeks left for me! Head is way down in my pelvis and baby has dropped completely so hopefully that means baby makes an appearance sooner rather than later :-)

    Sorry to hear about all the UTIs going around girls. They are a right pain. Haven't had one since I was 10 weeks gone.

    Hope ye all have a good weekend xx

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,318 ✭✭✭Vel

    Ericaa wrote: »
    I've been put on antibiotics for a UTI, bleh, and the doctor also told me I'll need antibiotics during labour :S does anyone know why this could be? My doctor doesn't like informing me of these things haha.

    Also found out that baby is head down, yaay!

    I had to have antibiotics during labour on my last birth as a urine sample had tested positive for Strep B earlier in my pregnancy. It can transfer across to the baby during the birth and can be quite serious. baby had to spend extra days in hopsital after being monitored because of it. Sorry not trying to scare you and this may not be the case with you at all but that's the only reason I know of that they give antibiotics during labour.

  • Registered Users Posts: 72 ✭✭Inishowen lady

    Lying in the Rotunda smiling insanely at the little bundle of joy that is Luke born at 3.03 this morning 3 weeks early. He's 7lbs 1 oz and of course the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen. Guess my GP was right Augmemtim speeds things up

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭elaney

    Congrats Inishowen lady! what a great weight and a lovely name.Oh how exciting you were due the same day as me. So whos next :).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Congratulations Inishowen Lady! Great news! Hope you and Luke are both doing well.

    ExcitedFTM: 30th August
    Taxus baccata: 6th Sept
    Dollyb: 11th Sept
    sunshine 2000: 12th sept
    Trishka: 15th September
    jeeney: 17th Sept
    Emer_b: 21st sept
    emmabrighton: 24th sept - BOY (Max) - born 4th July
    Ericaa: 24th Sept
    Squiggler: 24th sept
    MintyDoris: 26th Sept
    elaney: 28th sept
    Inishowen Lady: 28th Sept - Boy (Luke) - born 8th September
    Supadupa: 29th Sept
    Queen of sheebs: 29th sept
    fran79: 30th sept
    Vel: 30th Sept

    Who's next indeed! Any news of excited and taxus?

    Our little one is continuing the acrobatics and still not settling in any one position. Visit to the hospital yesterday was ok. Everything is fine aside from the unstable lie situation. We've to go in again on Tuesday and if it hasn't resolved then they are going to want to keep me in and under observation :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 32 Sunshine2000

    Congratulations...... Great news!! Glad all went well. X

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 483 ✭✭emer_b

    Oh congratulations inishowen, that's brilliant news! We're so long talking about babies it's a bit surreal now that they're arriving!
    I'm not due for 2 more weeks but your early arrival has given me the spurt I need to get myself organised today!
    Have a smile on my face though, great news.

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Fran79

    Congrats Inishowen!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Fran79

    Complete baby brain, but........

    Re itching down there. I suddenly thought of putting a little sudocrem on after my shower this morning!
    Seems to helping - my labia are not as sore (think the pH change must have been like getting acid burn lol).

    I haven't itched today at all either.

    Annoyed with my self that I didn't think of it sooner!

  • Registered Users Posts: 398 ✭✭SupaDupaFly

    Lying in the Rotunda smiling insanely at the little bundle of joy that is Luke born at 3.03 this morning 3 weeks early. He's 7lbs 1 oz and of course the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen. Guess my GP was right Augmemtim speeds things up

    Congrats Inisowen! Fab name too :-)
    So exciting the babies are starting to make an appearance. X

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭taxus_baccata

    Brilliant news Inishowen, fab name choice too!

    Moved into new house last night, baby was really active, really thought I'd go into labour, with the drama of the move over I just want baby to appear now! - I'm never happy huh! :D

    I've got occasional itchiness, but I noticed that it was my clothes - I have some dresses that have a kind of polyester lining, noticed that whenever I wear them i feel like tearing my skin off!:eek:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 398 ✭✭SupaDupaFly

    Hi girls waters went at half 12 last night. Were bright pink so came into maternity straight away. Scary stuff, got a big shock. Nothing since, no pains, nothing. Waiting to see consultant to see what plan is. Gel to soften neck of womb next step I think. Everything is fully closed down there so will be a long wait but will have baby today or tomorrow at least. Keep me in your thoughts! All birth plans gone out the window :-) Typical. Xx 

  • Registered Users Posts: 32 Sunshine2000

    Best of luck Hun. Your in the right place anyway. You'll have your baby soon xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Best of luck supa you are in good hands in Clonmel, hope everything goes welt for you x thinking of you x x x

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭taxus_baccata

    That's brilliant news Supa, this might sound mad but I've always imagined waters breaking as having a sound! like a small balloon pop! Cannot wait to hear all the news from you later! ;)

    I'm starting on the raspberry leaf tea this morning, have reflexology tomorrow so hopefully that'll get the party started! Hub thinks its going to happen today, he was so funny going off to work this morning!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    supa, praying all goes well for you and that you're holding your healthy and happy baby soon x

  • Registered Users Posts: 97 ✭✭jeeney

    Lying in the Rotunda smiling insanely at the little bundle of joy that is Luke born at 3.03 this morning 3 weeks early. He's 7lbs 1 oz and of course the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen. Guess my GP was right Augmemtim speeds things up

    Wow! Big congratulations Inishowen! Hope you and baby Luke are doing ok now. I bet big surprise for you too he coming three weeks early! Well done and it's fab and a bit surreal as someone else siad that the babies are arriving now!

    Supadupa - oh the best of luck doll. A big shock alright for your waters to go and they pink, you poor thing. But at least you are in the right place now and they will look after you well. Best of luck pet. How exciting it is to know that you'll be holding your little babs pretty soon...

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭taxus_baccata

    apologies if a bit TMI but here it goes. I'm mortified cos my legs are a little on the furry side at the mo. I had a bath yesterday and managed to get the bulk of the lower parts of my legs shaved. I'm a bit slow to go and get waxed, as I'm massive and the last waxing I got done was sooooooo painful at 20 weeks (and I used to be perfect with wax) now it wasn't my usual place to get waxed so maybe it was the person doing the waxing was rough. Is it ok to be a bit furry!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    taxus, I'm the same, shaving my legs is just so difficult now as bump is massive, and as for trimming "down there", well, I haven't been able to see "down there" for about 4 months and I'm not putting sharp scissors where I can't see what I'm doing.

    I was stressing about it, and then I stopped myself. Body hair grows naturally and who would I be trying to impress in the hospital anyway? I've decided that it's just not worth stressing about.

    I may end up in hospital for 2 weeks or more if baby is still in an "unstable lie" tomorrow so all efforts would be in vain anyway.

    Last day of work today!

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭taxus_baccata

    Thanks Squiggler! I was feeling awful, I've tried to do the perinium massage thing - I just can't reach down there! :o I really thought I was the only one, that maybe I have stubby arms or something! :eek:

    Pregnancy is turning me into a bimbo, and I haven't had my hair highlighted in over 10 months! :o

    Looking forward to getting my brain back!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 97 ✭✭jeeney

    Squiggler - good luck with apt tomorrow. Fingers crossed babs has moved...
    Glad to hear it's your last day of work, as you thought you'd never see that day!

    Taxus - ya don't worry about your legs, I haven't even attempted shaving up around my thighs. And as for the preinium exercises, I haven't even tried them this time. I just can't face doing them, as they didn't really help me the last time anyways..:(
