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Sporina's Quitlog



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,860 ✭✭✭sporina

    Honest Bob wrote: »
    Hi Sporina,

    Day 3 and sucking NiQuitin Lozenge. Physical withdrawls have never really been a problem but being out for a drink without a smoke-that's my downfall.
    Keep it going

    Hi bob, thanks for the post. :)
    So what is your strategy this time round?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,860 ✭✭✭sporina

    climbed another mountain today.. ah felt great to not be a smoker up there.. and my ability to climb is much better no doubt since I ceased smoking the filthy things..


  • Registered Users Posts: 38 MaryMaryMary

    Hope you dont mind me joining in....
    Im on Day 2 - day 1 went suprisingly well, went to bed early, so that was half the battle. This morning i woke up with the longing to smoke - thought - oh ill have one on the way to work and then realised i had quit!
    for me its the associations with different times of the day - the first smoke on the way to work, the 10am smoke break, the after lunch cigarette etc etc... I am determined to stop - I will be a non-smoker, i will be a non-smoker! Just need to keep telling myself that!
    Dreading the long days at the weekend - but promised myself a treat at the weekend, so might hit the shops and spend the money i would have normally wasted in cigarettes!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,860 ✭✭✭sporina

    Hope you dont mind me joining in....
    Im on Day 2 - day 1 went suprisingly well, went to bed early, so that was half the battle. This morning i woke up with the longing to smoke - thought - oh ill have one on the way to work and then realised i had quit!
    for me its the associations with different times of the day - the first smoke on the way to work, the 10am smoke break, the after lunch cigarette etc etc... I am determined to stop - I will be a non-smoker, i will be a non-smoker! Just need to keep telling myself that!
    Dreading the long days at the weekend - but promised myself a treat at the weekend, so might hit the shops and spend the money i would have normally wasted in cigarettes!

    Hey Mary, your contribution to my thread is as welcome as that of your decision to quit smoking!!! Congrats.
    I totally hear you on the associations with smoking.
    But believe me it WILL become normal that you do all those thing WITHOUT thinking of smoking.
    In a way, you will be glad that DO NOT HAVE TO SMOKE anymore.
    You can proceed to the next task at hand e.g washing the dishes, taking the dog for a walk, what ever, without having to smoke. You are free!!!

    Ok, but smoking is an addiction right - so the addiction will make you struggle a little - but only for a while.

    In the mean time you will reap the rewards of a non smoker.
    Enjoy no longer being a slave to the fag. Excuse my poor rendition of Alan Carr but I guess it makes sense - otherwise it would not have stuck so firmly in my mind.

    keep up the good work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 38 MaryMaryMary

    Thanks so much for your encouraging reply!
    Today Day 3, I am really really struggling. I had a very bad nights sleep. When i got up this morning, all i wanted to do was smoke. I'm seriously struggling to concentrate in work, feel dizzy but i am determined to be a non-smoker.
    Dreading the weekend already - I have no social plans and hubby is working, so long days at home on my own! Need to get some plans in place to do something.
    I am now a non-smoker and will continue to be, I will not smoke, i will not smoke,.......!!!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,860 ✭✭✭sporina

    Thanks so much for your encouraging reply!
    Today Day 3, I am really really struggling. I had a very bad nights sleep. When i got up this morning, all i wanted to do was smoke. I'm seriously struggling to concentrate in work, feel dizzy but i am determined to be a non-smoker.
    Dreading the weekend already - I have no social plans and hubby is working, so long days at home on my own! Need to get some plans in place to do something.
    I am now a non-smoker and will continue to be, I will not smoke, i will not smoke,.......!!!!!

    hi mary, oh you will be ok - you have to persevere. How many did you smoke a day? how long you been smoking? what is your plan for quitting? NRT? Did you read Alan Carr?

    You should totally have something planned for the weekend - even if it is just being good to yourself. Like have a relaxing weekend. Visit people. Watch movies. Go shopping. What ever it is that you like to do.

    I started doing a bit more exercise when I quit. You have more motivation to do so as you will be able to perform better. I feel great after a fitness class - knowing that I am being good to my body and this is reinforced as I can feel the benefits of not smoking i.e. being able to push myself harder now that I am not smoking.

    Its all good. When you get a craving separate it from YOU!!! Its the addiction speaking - not you. You have to be stronger than it for a while. But then you will not notice it less frequent; its power will diminish!!!!

    Be good to you. You are doing great!!!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 38 MaryMaryMary

    You are soooo encouraging - thank you for taking the time to reply to me!!
    I am on the nicorette patch - I know i wouldnt be able to go cold turkey. I went to the chemist at lunch time to get nicorette chewing gum - as i felt i needed the instant hit, but the lady said, no way to use both of them together, so i left it at that - went to the shop and got regular chewing gum.
    I'm hoping the saying ' the first 3 days are the worst' is true and tomorrow, ill be on top of the world!!!
    Plan is to get out running - but am going to start next week, as I'm far to busy wallowing in self pity at the minute!!!
    I know that i can do this, I just need to avoid all smokers for the next few weeks and avoid social occasions for a while.
    I will defo be treating myself to something nice at the weekend, maybe even go to the cinema to see a chick flick!! :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,484 ✭✭✭username123

    Well done MaryMaryMary, youre doing great, urrrgh, Day 3 - take a lemsip and treat it like youre not well because it sure feels that way!!!

    Definitely try to keep busy over the weekend. For me, glasses of water and fishermans friends were my craving kickers!

    Dont be thinking in negative terms of avoiding people and places. Dont put yourself into silly situations like very drunk with a group of smokers, but enjoy your life!! Do things you wouldnt have done before without smoking. Ive rediscovered the joy of going to a restaurant, its so nice not to HAVE to keep leaving the table to smoke, and me standing out in the cold, my husband left sitting alone - looking back I honestly dont know how I thought my smoking was enjoyable!!

    Definitely get into the exercise. And buy yourself something nice with the saved smoke money! I bought myself nice leather boots after the first month - they cost almost 4 weeks of smoke money :) (which was approx 40 euro a week for me). Now Im considering a particular pair of binoculars that I dont really need, but they only cost 2 weeks of smoke money so I feel Id be justified lol (Ill have a different habit to quit if I keep carrying on like this!).

    Sporina you good old quitter :) - hows the smoke free life treating you? Are you doing the nrt or done with that now? Enjoyed your 'climbed a mountain' post - thought it appropriate on many levels!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,860 ✭✭✭sporina

    Well done MaryMaryMary, youre doing great, urrrgh, Day 3 - take a lemsip and treat it like youre not well because it sure feels that way!!!

    Definitely try to keep busy over the weekend. For me, glasses of water and fishermans friends were my craving kickers!

    Dont be thinking in negative terms of avoiding people and places. Dont put yourself into silly situations like very drunk with a group of smokers, but enjoy your life!! Do things you wouldnt have done before without smoking. Ive rediscovered the joy of going to a restaurant, its so nice not to HAVE to keep leaving the table to smoke, and me standing out in the cold, my husband left sitting alone - looking back I honestly dont know how I thought my smoking was enjoyable!!

    Definitely get into the exercise. And buy yourself something nice with the saved smoke money! I bought myself nice leather boots after the first month - they cost almost 4 weeks of smoke money :) (which was approx 40 euro a week for me). Now Im considering a particular pair of binoculars that I dont really need, but they only cost 2 weeks of smoke money so I feel Id be justified lol (Ill have a different habit to quit if I keep carrying on like this!).

    Sporina you good old quitter :) - hows the smoke free life treating you? Are you doing the nrt or done with that now? Enjoyed your 'climbed a mountain' post - thought it appropriate on many levels!!!

    you know, reading a post like yours 123 makes me so glad we have access to forums such as these. Virtual or not. I mean we can talk to our loved one's about quitting smoking or what ever, but no one gets it like those who are going through it themselves.

    you are so right about the lemsip in a metaphorical way.. when quitting you are kinda ill as the body tries hard to fight the withdrawals of an addiction. So Mary, even more reason for us to be nice to ourselves for a while.

    Such a nice way to put it 123 - fair play to you. It would almost make me wanna set up a quitting smoking night out!!!:)

    I am getting on great. Still on the patches - gonna stick to the course - a month left. I know I will have to get off them but I have broken all the associations I had created with smoking thanks to the patches so I am still glad I used them. I needed the crutch as well.
    But otherwise I am so glad to be a non smoker - or ex smoker. God its crazy how I use to torture myself, waiting and looking for opportunities to get out and poison myself. Like yesterday at work, I went for a tea break with the others in the tv room and as I looked out the window at the rain I thought "8 weeks ago, I would have been out there puffing away, increasing my risk of chronic diseases as well as that of pneumonia.

    happy non smoking days.

    Oh, I have not done the big night out yet with smokers but I am pretty well prepared for when it does happen. Have a good few nights out this weekend but I will be with non smokers so I can't see it being an issue.
    And also, the thoughts of the guilt of smoking is enough to prevent me from doing it, I think; I hope.

    Well done to you too 123...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,484 ✭✭✭username123

    sporina wrote: »
    I am getting on great. Still on the patches - gonna stick to the course - a month left. I know I will have to get off them but I have broken all the associations I had created with smoking thanks to the patches so I am still glad I used them. I needed the crutch as well.
    But otherwise I am so glad to be a non smoker - or ex smoker. God its crazy how I use to torture myself, waiting and looking for opportunities to get out and poison myself. Like yesterday at work, I went for a tea break with the others in the tv room and as I looked out the window at the rain I thought "8 weeks ago, I would have been out there puffing away, increasing my risk of chronic diseases as well as that of pneumonia.

    happy non smoking days.

    Oh, I have not done the big night out yet with smokers but I am pretty well prepared for when it does happen. Have a good few nights out this weekend but I will be with non smokers so I can't see it being an issue.
    And also, the thoughts of the guilt of smoking is enough to prevent me from doing it, I think; I hope.

    Wow. Isnt that just the business? Delighted to hear its all going so well for you. Thats grand, youll have no bother finishing up with the patches Im sure. The crutch could well have been the difference between saving yourself a smelly smokey future or not - so AMEN to the patches I say - Hail to the Patches!! lol - we gotta do what works eh?

    Stop - i used to indulge in self torture every single day!

    One of my most looked forward to cigarettes was the one after a session in the gym - I mean seriously? I needed my head examined!

    I think you'll be grand on a night out with the smokers. I havent had one either, mind you theres not many smokers left I know, more so at a wedding or something Ill probably notice it. But i think itll be fine, the longer we are off the the stronger our resolve, and as Ive found, alcohol has not turned me into some crazy cave woman bludgeoning people for their cigarettes :) Not yet anyway!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,860 ✭✭✭sporina

    cheers 123..

    So did the night in with a bunch of gals; there was only one smoker among us but there was no temptation. :) Strange but true. I guess the fact that there were other ex smokers there too helped. Maybe.

    Also did the big night out with all the smoking area's etc but I was grand. Ok, I was not very drunk on either occasion but even so.

    I think I am really starting to treat this fear that is smoking when drunk, as another entity to myself. Like its another voice. And I am not listening to it.

    8 weeks off them today.

    Started on the lowest dose of patch.

    The buzz of not quitting has kinda worn off - but I know how disgusted I would be with myself if I ever smoke again.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,484 ✭✭✭username123

    sporina wrote: »
    So did the night in with a bunch of gals; there was only one smoker among us but there was no temptation. :) Strange but true. I guess the fact that there were other ex smokers there too helped. Maybe.

    Also did the big night out with all the smoking area's etc but I was grand. Ok, I was not very drunk on either occasion but even so.

    Well done. I think a lot of our fears are totally needless, just goes to show how strong that addiction was eh?

    I have been out for dinner, had a few drinks, been out with girls, walked through smoking areas etc... I havent been very drunk - but I wouldnt be drunk terribly often anyway, maybe 5 or 6 times in a year, so its not really a big issue.

    Yeah I agree you lose the buzz a bit, novelty wears off I guess! Although Im enjoying observing my improving cardiovascular system - Im doing a couch to 5k, I find myself warming down after a run thinking 'never in a million years while I was smoking would I have done this'. I used to take plenty of exercise, but it was mostly anerobic or endurance based as opposed to really getting the heart rate up!

    My new plan for life is to be fitter at 40 than ever before. Shouldnt be too hard seeing as I smoked since my late teens for 20 odd years!! Even if I sat around for the next couple of years Id probably still be fitter than I was lol!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,860 ✭✭✭sporina

    Well done. I think a lot of our fears are totally needless, just goes to show how strong that addiction was eh?

    I have been out for dinner, had a few drinks, been out with girls, walked through smoking areas etc... I havent been very drunk - but I wouldnt be drunk terribly often anyway, maybe 5 or 6 times in a year, so its not really a big issue.

    Yeah I agree you lose the buzz a bit, novelty wears off I guess! Although Im enjoying observing my improving cardiovascular system - Im doing a couch to 5k, I find myself warming down after a run thinking 'never in a million years while I was smoking would I have done this'. I used to take plenty of exercise, but it was mostly anerobic or endurance based as opposed to really getting the heart rate up!

    My new plan for life is to be fitter at 40 than ever before. Shouldnt be too hard seeing as I smoked since my late teens for 20 odd years!! Even if I sat around for the next couple of years Id probably still be fitter than I was lol!

    yeah I get you about the fitness - not smoking just motivates you to do more as you feel that it won't be so laborious. We can enjoy it more as non smokers. God, one can be tempted to say "why did I ever smoker etc" - but that neither here nor there really. Its all about being human. Onwards and upwards.
    Dying with pain after having a wisdom tooth removed - but on the upside - I don't have the "oh when can I smoke" issue… lol.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,484 ✭✭✭username123

    sporina wrote: »
    Dying with pain after having a wisdom tooth removed - but on the upside - I don't have the "oh when can I smoke" issue… lol.

    Ouch and yaaay!

    Hope you also have the happy feeling that comes with being a non smoker having your teeth attended to :) No guilt, no worrying about what the dentist thinks :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 38 MaryMaryMary

    12 days today and have to admit, i am super proud of myself!
    The nicotine cravings are gone, its just the associations - ie ill have a smoke after dinner, ah hello, no i wont, i dont smoke anymore!!
    So happy with myself! Have treated myself to some nice pressies and enjoying not running to the shop everyday for smokes!
    Going out tonight and again tomorrow nite, but im strong and i know i will not touch them!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,860 ✭✭✭sporina

    12 days today and have to admit, i am super proud of myself!
    The nicotine cravings are gone, its just the associations - ie ill have a smoke after dinner, ah hello, no i wont, i dont smoke anymore!!
    So happy with myself! Have treated myself to some nice pressies and enjoying not running to the shop everyday for smokes!
    Going out tonight and again tomorrow nite, but im strong and i know i will not touch them!

    i know - thats really funny eh?

    congrats!! You just have to keep treating your addiction like "another voice" - an evil one. Its not YOU - its the addiction!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,860 ✭✭✭sporina

    Ok - so 9 weeks today.. and great news!!

    I sat in a beer garden/smoking area all saturday night and did not smoke!!

    A tiny part of me wanted to but thats still the addiction me thinks!!

    I am so delighted.
    Long may it live..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,484 ✭✭✭username123

    sporina wrote: »
    Ok - so 9 weeks today.. and great news!!

    I sat in a beer garden/smoking area all saturday night and did not smoke!!

    A tiny part of me wanted to but thats still the addiction me thinks!!

    I am so delighted.
    Long may it live..

    Great to hear Sporina! Talk about walking right up to the Gates of Doom and flipping the bird eh??? Youve done brilliantly, many congrats on 9 weeks off the filthy feicers!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,860 ✭✭✭sporina

    Great to hear Sporina! Talk about walking right up to the Gates of Doom and flipping the bird eh??? Youve done brilliantly, many congrats on 9 weeks off the filthy feicers!

    ha ha I have never heard that before???

    Thanks - well there was a gang of us; most were non smokers but the pub was packed so we just ended up in the beer garden by default. It was grand. And actually, I noticed that there were not that many people smoking.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,484 ✭✭✭username123

    sporina wrote: »
    And actually, I noticed that there were not that many people smoking.

    Ive started to notice that more myself, the number of smokers is such a minority really, yet when I smoked I thought loads of people smoked!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,860 ✭✭✭sporina

    day 75!!! Yeah!!! I am so happy to be an ex smoker. Those of you who have been reading will remember my fear of going out and the risk of smoking? Well the other night I went out with a lot of smokers. No doubt I was anxious. At the start of the night when they started to pair off to go out to smoke, I felt I was missing out by not smoking. But it was just a thought. I have really learned to separate those toxic thoughts from rational thoughts. This process of quitting has been very therapeutic actually.

    So I didn't smoke - but I think the risk will always be there. And I am a little annoyed that I will always have to battle this. Or maybe I won't. I am still on the patches after all. 2 more weeks left on them. Things might be different in another 2 months.

    I think my teeth are whiter - or is that my imagination?? he he - perhaps!!

    I really hate the stale smell of smoke now though… yuk!

  • Registered Users Posts: 38 MaryMaryMary

    Day 37 for me now! Can't believe how far I have come! Now I won't lie and say it was all plain sailing- there were situations where I wanted to smoke but I didn't give me!
    I have found I am eating alot more but have replaced the biscuits with fruit and gave tried my best to get out for walks!
    Well done to everyone on this thread! We are proof that you can quit when the determination is in you!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,860 ✭✭✭sporina

    day ?? .. well its 3 months 2 weeks and 2 days… and I am one week off the patches so officially 1 week Nicotine free!!!!

    I was really worried about coming off the patches but I have not noticed any cravings or anything…

    i am sooooo thrilled!!

    And a girl at work told me yesterday that she had stopped also - just 5 days ago. And I felt like giving her a hug!! Was soo proud of her. And she needs to quit - she is a lot older than me and smoked 40/day. :::eek:

    long live BEING SMOKE FREE:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 Honest Bob

    Hi Sporina,

    Congrats so far.

    Day 60 for myself at the moment. Not quite the battle as before but the demon is still lurking and waiting to pounce during a moment of weakness.
    I cant believe that I haven't smoked in 2 months and having these boards to recall is great as I can see and read from other people that most of us are all going through the same experiences.

    Here's to the next 60 days.

    All the best


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,208 ✭✭✭coco_lola

    Day Two for me only - I decided yesterday I just didn't want to smoke any more. Work is not so bad, I get an odd itch around lunch time (just after I've eaten), at home is fine because my housemate doesn't smoke. It's in the car that kills me. I drive for an hour in traffic every day and that's when I would have smoked. Will have to find something else to do!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,860 ✭✭✭sporina

    hi all, been off the smokes now since Jan 16th!!!

    Still delighted with myself. I know I look better on the outside so I guess I must be starting to get better on the inside.

    And I had a very tragic personal situation to deal with last week; I thought I would cave in. And so many were smoking around me.
    It was like, there was a part of my head wanted a fag, and then there was something inside me wanted one. And then in the heel of the reel, the smell out me right off them. Era I do not think I would have done it anyway.

    But last weekend I was out and I so had it in my head to smoke. I even had a plan to rob one of my OH'S smokes.. but I did not - thanks god.

    I wonder if I am always going to have to battle it this hard when drunk/upset?

    So delighted to still be off them.. I do not think that I would have wanted to ever wake up again, had I smoked; I would have been soo disgusted with myself.

    Thanks all for reading - I love boards for this forum alone!

    Best of luck to ye all!!!

    xx S

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo

    I am on day 10 and I feel great being off them the cravings are beginning to wean away but there is still times when I feel like I should be doing something and dont know know what to do with myself it that makes sense ( O/H is delighted as I always seem to be cleaning dishes or something now to keep me occupied ) but the worse thing so far has to be the mouth ulcers I have developed since quitting smoking, has anyone else gone through this and if so how long did they last

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,860 ✭✭✭sporina

    OMG Yes I got mouth ulcers for ages…

    and to make matters worse, I was chewing chewing gum for a while and I bit my tongue once.. was so sore for ages.

    I just gargled salt and water for the ulcers;

    they are all gone now:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,484 ✭✭✭username123

    hey sporina - great to hear you are still on the winning team (with me lol!).

    Very sorry to hear about your tragic personal situation - the good to take from it is that you didnt smoke, and even though there was a mental struggle, you got the better of it. Life will always have tragedies and upset to throw at us, so we must stay strong in the face of adversity.

    I must be turning into a 'real' non smoker now, I had an exam today and the minute I walked into the exam room I could smell a horrible fug of stinkiness - yes, some dirty smoker ;) in the room, permeating it with a smelly aroma of ashtray!!

    I just thought - well at least this year it isnt me.

    Seriously - did we really smell like that? Every DAY?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 29 ezryder

    Hi Sporina,

    I quit 17th Jan so i'm 1 day behind you and still off them thank God!! They kinda pop in and out of my head every now and again but no real cravings at this stage.

    Whenever Im in a stressed out situation i just think a fag right now would make this 100% worse!!

    Yes, i had coldsores too but their gone now, seriously not a good look!

    Here's to the next 4 months :)
