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Everybody else is doing it, so why not me?

  • 16-01-2012 1:42pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭

    Hi all,

    Relevant stats first. Male, 34, 173cm, 78kgs.

    I have never been fit, never played any physical sports or was on any teams, even as a child. I was always more into hunting, fishing etc. I have always been overweight, and am actually at the lower end of my weight now. Ten years ago I would have been over 90kgs, but that was extreme. Usually around 80 - 85kgs.

    Why am I doing this?

    Basically, I am tired of looking in the mirror and being ashamed of myself. I have spent my whole life making excuses for my weight, I'm big boned, It's my metabolism, I haven't time for exercise etc. etc. I'm sure you've heard them all and even some more. Bullsh*t, every one of them.

    Secondly, although I'm not married, or even engaged, I am in a long term serious relationship and would like to have kids some day. I don't want to be the Dad that's not able to play with his kids. I want my kids to be proud of me and to follow my good example. I want them to grow up thinking that exercise is fun and something that's part of everyday life.

    Lastly, I now have more time on my hands than is ideal. Last year was very quiet work wise and I spent a lot of time moping around the house and getting depressed. IMO this is every bit as unhealthy as being overweight and something that needs to be addressed.

    What am I hoping to achieve?

    My absolute dream, realistic or not would be to complete an Ironman distance sometime. Not this year or next, and probably not even 2014, but maybe 2015. I'm not going to set goals that are unattainable. BTW the other small issue is that I can't swim, so I would have to start that from scratch.

    My short term goals for this year are as follows:

    10k Road Race - 22nd April
    140k Tour de Conemara - 27th May
    160k Sean Kelly Tour - 12th August
    National Lottery Half Marathon - 17th Sept

    I hope to build up a good fitness base and start swimming lessons in the autumn. Then I'll start doing some Tri's in 2013 and hopefully have completed all the individual component parts of an Ironman by 2014. Hopefully the 180k bike by the end of this year and the Marathon by the end of 2013.

    How am I going to do this?

    Before Christmas I completed the C25K running plan, and loved it. Don't get me wrong, I found it hard and struggled at times, but I hate quitting and I swore I wasn't going to give up. Now, the weather in general was quite good for the period, but I still had to face heavy showers and ice for some workouts. Over the Christmas period I just continued with the 30 min runs 3/4 times a week with no increase in time just to acclimatise my body to running non stop on a regular basis.

    I did a lot of research on the net and have devised my own training plan for the years. The basics are to start from a base level of 30 mins running and 2 hours cycling and increase my weekly volume by 10% each week for three weeks and then have a rest week of slightly over 50% of week 3. Week 5 will then restart at week 3 volumes and so forth. I will be working off time rather than kms. This will be made up of three bike sessions and three run sessions. The bike will probably be 2 x turbo and 1 x long ride at the weekend. For the running, I hope to run once a week on the roads to harden up my legs, once a week on the trails to work different muscles and once a week on a perfecly flat canal path which is great for pushing myself and has a very forgiving surface.

    I have the bare basics in terms of equipment. I have a Felt Z100 roadbike and a turbo trainer. I also have basic running gear and a Garmin FR60 HRM, plus the Garmin Fit App for measuring distances. Just this week, I had my gait analysis done and bought a proper pair of running shoes, Mizuno Wave Enigmas. While I would love lots of shiny new GPS watches and nice new wheels it just isn't going to happen any time soon.

    So, there we go. I'm sure it's all very dull to some of you, but I get great motivation from reading the logs on here, especially the IM stuff and, who knows, maybe someone in similar shoes to mine will get motivation from this.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Week 1

    Monday 2nd Jan

    33 Min Run, 5.6km, Pace 5.54 m/km, AHR 151, MHR 173
    Nice, steady run around the town early in the morning.


    Rest Day


    Turbo session - Simple Inverted Pyramid 60 mins, AHR 140, MHR 168
    Intervals of 5,4,3,2,1 then 1,2,3,4,5 with 2 min rest periods.


    30 Min Run, 5.1km, Pace 5.53 m/km, AHR 152, MHR 169
    Horrible morning, very windy and hard to get out of bed early, but I forced myself to get out of bed and did my session.


    30 Min Run, 5.5km, Pace 5.27 m/km, AHR 161, MHR 175
    Ran on the canal path this afternoon, tired and hungry but really pushed myself and enjoyed it in the end,


    61 Min Bike, 21.1km, Av. Speed 19.9 kmh, AHR 138, MHR 178
    Went for a spin on my hybrid rather than set up the turbo, uneventful but nice to get out in the fresh air. I'm sure there's plenty of bad weather to come when I won't have the luxury of a choice. Legs sore after running yesterday, but nice easy spin helped to loosen them a lot.


    131 Min Bike, 48.2km, Av. Speed 21.5 kmh, AHR 133, MHR 169
    First proper spin of the year, lots of layers. Horrible headwind for last 8km, hungry but not a bad workout. Must eat beforehand in future.

    Totals for Week 1

    Run 93 mins
    Bike 252 mins

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Week 2

    Monday 9th Jan

    33 Min Run, 5.75km, Pace 5.44 m/km, AHR 154, MHR 168
    I took my run in the woods this morning with the dog. Nice for a change, lots of changes of direction, differing surfaces and up and down a lot but no major hills.


    Rest Day


    Turbo session - Simple Inverted Pyramid 60 mins, AHR 141, MHR 169
    Intervals of 5,4,3,2,1 then 1,2,3,4,5 with 2 min rest periods.


    33 Min Run, 5.1km, Pace 6.28 m/km, AHR 145, MHR 157
    Around town again this morning. First time out with new shows - Mizuno Wave Enigma - so took it real easy. The shoes felt really different to the previous shoes which I just picked up somewhere cheap with no thought. These feel like the real deal and none of the aches and pains that I was getting previously.

    I have been having a few aches and pains recently around my hip area and research suggests that weak abs and glutes may be the cause. Found some exercises that should help and plan to do these twice a week.

    Side Lying Leg Lift - 10 sec x 10 each leg
    Plank - 10 sec x 5
    Single Leg Deadlift - 5 sec x 10 each leg
    Bridge 10 sec x 10


    Turbo session - Hill Reps 60 mins, AHR 141, MHR 165
    No set plan for this, just stuck the resistance up to max and grinded until knackered, then rested until HR came down and stuck the resistance up again. Did this 3 or 4 times.


    33 Min Run, 5.65km, Pace 5.50 m/km, AHR 151, MHR 170
    Along the canal again today. Took it very easy for the first half and then picked it up on the way back. Fantastic workout, felt like a million dollars. I love these new shoes, I really felt like I was running for the second half rather than just jogging.


    151 Min Bike, 59.5km, Av. Speed 23.6 kmh, AHR 133, MHR 174
    Started out really well, felt superb and really burst myself for the first hour. Stupid mistake, got very cold, and into headwind so suffered for the next hour but recovered a bit for the remainder. Slow and steady in future.

    Totals for Week 2

    Run 99 mins
    Bike 271 mins

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Week 3

    Monday 16th Jan

    36 Min Run, 6.36km, Pace 5.40 m/km, AHR 159, MHR 174
    This is my longest ever run to date in both distance and time. I didn't feel that great after my idiocy yesterday but just kept plodding along and felt good by the end. Pace and distance were both better than expected, and even though I'm starting to sound like a Mizuno Sales rep. I really think the gait analysis and proper shoes have made a massive difference.

    Side Lying Leg Lift - 10 sec x 10 each leg
    Plank - 10 sec x 5
    Single Leg Deadlift - 5 sec x 10 each leg
    Bridge 10 sec x 10

    The side lying leg lifts are far more difficult on the left leg which is where I have been having the hip issues so I think that this confirms my research that there is a weakness in the abs/glutes on that side. Of course, I'm not a medical professional and I know not to believe everything I read on the internet but I'll keep a close eye on it and if it doesn't improve then I'll seek proper physio help.

  • Registered Users Posts: 65 ✭✭thehookster

    Best of luck Pointer, you are flying it so far. Keep up the good work

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    good luck with the logs and the goals have a great set of realistic goals there so good luck and keep up the good work!!

    If you have any questions you are guaranteed to get a response on here..there is always someone who knows the answer!!!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Thanks Hookster and Younganne,

    That's my intention anyway, having to update the log might shame me into getting up when I'm having a bad day.

    I also keep all my stats on a spreadsheet as I'm a statistician at heart (some people say nerd but they're just jealous), and it freaks me out if my actual volums isn't greater than or equal to my goal volume for the week. :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28


    74 Min Bike, 28.5km, Av. Speed 23.1 kmh, AHR 129, MHR 163
    Today should have been a rest day but I had no work, so decided to go for a quick spin on the bike. This way I can get my workout done and not have to get up at 6.30 for my turbo session tomorrow. As well as that, I need to get used to going out on the bike in all weathers and not always taking the easy option. Who says it's not going to rain for some of my goal attempts. As it turned out, it didn't rain at all and it was very mild, few gusts but nothing too exciting.

    The only downside is that the HR figures are very low, whereas if I was on the turbo I would have pushed it a lot more and got a better workout. I still don't fully trust the slick and skinny tyres on the road and tend to hold back instead of upping the workrate. I guess I'll just have to work on this.

    I really need to get more value out of the shorter sessions. I'll keep the longer weekend spins slow and steady but I need to up the heartrate for the shorter ones.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28


    Rest Day
    Home again today and bored stupid sitting around the house. Felt like heading out a few times, but forced myself to have a rest day as I'm afraid that my body will implode if I overdo it. I'm already gone from 0 to 6 days a week in 3 months so I think it's sensible to be cautious.


    36 Min Run, 6.20km, Pace 5.48 m/km, AHR 160, MHR 172
    Headed out early this morning around the town for a run. Was itching to get out after a rest yesterday and it felt good. Still a small niggle in my left hip, but it's getting less and less each time and doesn't continue after I stop running so I'm just going to keep doing my ab/glute exercises and hope that cures it.

    I'm not mad about running around the town but it's handy as I just walk out the front door and away I go. If I go to the canal or the trails it involves taking the car and adds half an hour to the workout. As well as that I can do a 10k loop on footpaths and under street lights so it's as safe as you could hope for.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28


    Turbo session - Steady spinning 60 mins, AHR 125, MHR 150
    Really hadn't any interest or motivation in doing this, but just bit my tongue and got on with it. Nothing to report, just rode nice and steady for an hour. If I'm going out on the bike and I'm in bad form, I usually pick up after a few minutes and end up enjoying it. Not so with the turbo, it's just a necessary evil that has to be done. I'll have to work on this and concentrate on getting more quality into my short bike sessions.


    36 Min Run, 6.28km, Pace 5.44 m/km, AHR 160, MHR 172
    Along the canal again today. Nice run, bit blustery but enjoyed it all the same. Very happy that I'm keeping my pace pretty regular and really getting into the rhythm of running. It no longer scares me and I'm looking forward to upping the distances and doing a half marathon towards the end of the year.


    189 Min Bike, 69.5km, Av. Speed 22 kmh, AHR, MHR
    What a day, the wind was unreal and a bit scary, especially when side on. I thought I was going to end up in the ditch a couple of times. Other that than, kept it nice and handy and concentrated on just getting used to spending the time on the bike. I really need to structure my bike workouts better, short bike needs more intensity, and long bike needs to be slow and steady.

    HRM started acting up on me. For the first hour I was tipping along nicely in the 125 - 130 bpm range, then it suddenly jumped to about 230 and never went under 200 for the next 2 hours. Serious workout :D. The GF is a nurse and assures me that it's a mistake as I'd either be Superman or dead by now.

    So, that concludes the first 3 week building session of my plan. Feeling a bit fatigued to be honest, but met every target I set (even if some of the bike sessions were a bit lazy). Looking forward to a recovery week now, where I'll do one less session and cut the total volume to about 60%

    Totals for Week 3

    Run 108 mins
    Bike 323 mins

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28


    20 Min Run, 3.6km, Pace 5.33 m/km, AHR 156, MHR 177

    Short run this morning. Really feeling the fatigue from the last 3 weeks and the wind yesterday really knocked the stuffing out of me more so than the distance involved. Conditions were perfect, nice bright day, no wind and not cold either. While I could have happily sat on the couch all day, I felt it was important to loosen up the muscles after a tough day yesterday. This is a recovery week so keeping my volumes way down.

    Side Lying Leg Lift - 10 sec x 10 each leg
    Plank - 10 sec x 5
    Single Leg Deadlift - 10 sec x 10 each leg
    Bridge 10 sec x 10
    Push Ups x 20

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28


    Rest Day


    36 Min Run, 6.1km, Pace 5.54 m/km, AHR 152, MHR 168

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28


    20 Min Run, 3.3km, Pace 6.03 m/km, AHR 149, MHR 166

    Wasn't sure what to do this evening. It was raining and cold when I got home from work so I thought I was stuck on the Turbo for the evening, which didn't fill me with excitement TBH. After I had a small dinner the rain had stopped but it was still cold, so I decided to just chance it and wrap up warm for a short run. I must say it was one of the nicest and most enjoyable runs I've ever done. It just felt effortless with no aches, pains or niggles anywhere on my body. :)

    Now I'm starting to see the point of these regular recovery weeks, I really do feel stronger and fitter and can't wait to get back to the build weeks on Monday. I'll just have to work on my motivation for the turbo. :(

    Side Lying Leg Lift - 10 sec x 10 each leg
    Plank - 10 sec x 5
    Single Leg Deadlift - 10 sec x 10 each leg
    Bridge 10 sec x 10
    Push Ups x 20

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28


    Had a turbo session planned for this afternoon but wasn't feeling great and decided I'd leave it until Saturday instead. As it's a recovery week, I had two rest days planned and figured I'd do an hour on the Turbo Saturday and my long bike on Sunday.


    Still sick and girlfriend's father came over to help do a few DIY jobs so I spent the afternoon outside getting cold and wet, which didn't make matters any better.


    Sick again, so no turbo on Saturday and no long bike on Sunday either. Gives me a weekly total of zilch on the bike for this week. Not good, and it means that I failed to meet my weekly goal for the first time since October and as it's the end of the month I also missed my monthly goal. :mad:

    Totals for Week 3

    Run 76 mins
    Bike 0 mins


    36 Min Run, 6.24km, Pace 5.46 m/km, AHR 159, MHR 170

    This was just suffering for 36 minutes and TBH my girlfriend (nurse) warned me not to go out as she knew I wasn't well. Being a good boyfriend, I put on my gear as soon as she walked out the door and I went for a run.

    Bad idea, I felt like death warmed up and reallllllly suffered. For the first time since I started running, I had to stop in the middle and walk for 2 minutes to recover, but I managed to regroup after that and finished the workout.

    Honestly, it was pure thickness that made me go out. I was really disappointed in myself for failing to complete my first 4 week block, and adamant that it wasn't going to happen again. Surprisingly, I don't feel to bad now as I type this, so maybe a good dose of MTFU cured me.

    Side Lying Leg Lift - 10 sec x 10 each leg
    Plank - 10 sec x 5
    Single Leg Deadlift - 10 sec x 10 each leg
    Bridge 10 sec x 10
    Push Ups x 20

    I have been doing this block of exercises twice a week. I picked them up from magazines / internet etc as I was having some weakness issues involving my abs and glutes and they really seem to be helping. Starting this week, I'm going to increase to 3 times a week, and then I might increase the number of reps.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28


    Rest day


    Got home late from work in bad form and really didn't feel like doing a turbo session. Decided to get up early Thursday morning to go for a run and then do my missed turbo session on Thursday evening.


    36 Min Run, 6.16km, Pace 5.51 m/km, AHR 149, MHR 167

    Bloody cold out there at 7am but a gorgeous morning once I got moving. A really nice run after such a demoralising time on Monday. Just kept it nice and easy and the HR low, finished feeling really good. I started off really slow and built up from there. That seems to be my main issue, I start too fast, my HR shoots up and then I can't get it down.

    Maybe somebody would like to suggest that I really, really need a fancy new Garmin with pace function, and I can show it to my girlfriend. (Birthday's not far off, and it's for my health you know.):rolleyes:

    Side Lying Leg Lift - 10 sec x 10 each leg
    Plank - 10 sec x 5
    Single Leg Deadlift - 10 sec x 10 each leg
    Bridge 10 sec x 10
    Push Ups x 20

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28


    195 Min Bike, 72.1km, Av. Speed 22.1 kmh, AHR 133, MHR 174

    A full two weeks since I've been on the bike but felt good all the same. No wind this time, but rain instead. I didn't melt though, so that's always good.

    As I've missed all my bike sessions for the past two weeks, I felt it today.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28


    36 Min Run, 6.0km, Pace 6.00 m/km, AHR 149, MHR 167

    Had to work at 8am this morning so up at 6am for my run. Took it a bit too cautiously so a bit disappointed in my pace but I can't do anything about that now.

    Totals for Week 4

    Run 108 mins
    Bike 195 mins

    YTD Totals

    Run 524 mins
    Bike 1041 mins

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28


    40 Min Run, 7.04 km, Pace 5.41 m/km, AHR 159, MHR 170

    Warm but drizzly, so actually quite nice for running in. Went along the canal today, started off real easy and made sure to pick it up a bit after 5 minutes. I feel I was a bit too conservative on a few of my runs lately and finished with a bit too much left in the tank. So, I'm happy with my pace today.

    When I finish this 16 week base building block, I plan to change over to 2 x interval sessions, 1 x tempo session and 1 x long slow run and would like to keep to 5.45 as my easy training pace.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28


    Scheduled rest day


    Unscheduled rest day AKA too lazy to do a turbo session. Got home late from work again and couldn't face the thought of the turbo.

    My hybrid is out on loan at the moment but when I get it back I think I might just do laps of the town in the early mornings (yes I have lights) or the canal towpath rather than the turbo. Skipping sessions is just going to catch up on me in the long run. On my last 3 hour spin, I really felt like my legs had lost the habit of going around in circles, as I hadn't been on the bike in 2 weeks.


    40 Min Run, 7.02 km, Pace 5.42 m/km, AHR 150, MHR 170

    Wet again and surprisingly warm for 6.30 in the morning. Uneventful other than that, started easy and picked up the pace after a few minutes. This really seems to be the way to go. When I start off too hard my heart rate shoots up and I can't get it back down again.

    Side Lying Leg Lift 10 secs x 10 each leg
    Plank 10 secs x 5
    Single Leg Deadlift 10 secs x 10 each leg
    Bridge 10 secs x 15
    Push Ups x 20
    Squats x 20

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28


    Had to work Friday night so no turbo session.


    40 Min Run, 7.14km, Pace 5.36 m/km, AHR 159, MHR 170

    Lovely evening, cool but not too cold. Perfect running weather. Did my usual lap around the town but added a bit at the end to bring me to 40 mins. Made an effort to up the pace also.


    Work again today so that's another week with no bike sessions at all. :mad:

    Totals for Week 5

    Run 120 mins
    Bike 0 mins

    YTD Totals

    Run 604 mins
    Bike 1041 mins

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28


    205 Min Bike, 72.1 km, Av Spd 21.1 kmh, AHR 133, MHR 174

    More torture, I can feel my legs getting weaker every time I go out on the bike and I think it's all down to the missed short sessions during the week. It's almost as if they have lost the habit of going around in circles. My heart rate is fine due to the running but my legs are like two lumps of lead.

    Right, time for a complete change of plan as I'm just not getting the bike sessions done. There are a couple of main reasons for this.

    Work. I work very changeable hours and it's quite physical too so I'm often tired and in a bad mood in the evenings so in no form the the turbo which I hate at the best of times. I can't do early morning turbo sessions as the house is small and my girlfriend is still in bed.

    Home life. I work 40+ weeekends of the year so herself doesn't like it when we both have a Saturday or Sunday off and I'm away on my bike. TBH she's dead right and it really isn't fair. She doesn't mind me running as it's quick and I can do it early in the morning before we go anywhere. Bike sessions seem to take up the whole day though.

    I try if at all possible to never work Mondays as I often do 12 hours on a Sunday and it's all on my feet. So, the idea from now on is to do my long easy spins on Mondays, take Saturdays off to spend with herself and fit in the running and short bike sessions on the other days.

    The best laid plans...........

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28


    44 Min Run, 7.92km, Pace 5.33 m/km, AHR 159, MHR 170

    Nice early morning run around the town. Felt like I kept it quite easy, but pace was faster than usual.


    44 Min Run, 8.00km, Pace 5.30 m/km, AHR 159, MHR 170

    Was away today at a seminar and got home at a reasonable hour so decided to do tomorrow's early morning run this evening rather than have to get up at 6am. The early mornings don't actually bother me but it means the girlfriend is also woken up before she needs to be.

    I took a different canal route today which goes right through the middle of town and I couldn't get over the amount of people out running. I counted about 10 in the hour that I was out. Obviously a lot of them are still on their New Year's resolutions because if I passed them, they must be novices.

    Again, it felt nice and handy but surprised myself with the pace. In one way I'm delighted to see my pace improving but I'm also conscious of overdoing it and don't want to cause myself and injury and undo all my good work. Still, if it feels good and I'm not sore, then that can't be too bad.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28


    75 Min Bike, 28.4 km, Av Spd 22.7 kmh, AHR 133, MHR 160

    Nice spin in the rain. The more I do I do it the more I realise it's not that bad once you wrap up well and wear the right gear. I just need to get myself a pair of overshoes and a back mudguard asap.

    Must be lots of farmers spreading slurry because there's plenty of it on the roads at the moment. I haven't a problem with that and I'm all for natural fertilisers but it's not so great when it's all over a wet road.

    I was feeling a little tender today after yesterday's run, nothing serious, no sharp pains, just a little achey and I think today's short spin did me the world of good and really loosened up my legs. Feel 100% better after it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28


    45 Min Run, 7.95km, Pace 5.40 m/km, AHR 159, MHR 170

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28


    Was meant to be a bike day but had to go away for the day.


    Work so no bike again. But, on the plus side I did manage to get two bike days this week which is way better than I've managed for the past month.

    Totals for Week 6

    Run 133 mins
    Bike 280 mins

    YTD Totals

    Run 737 mins
    Bike 1321 mins

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28


    46.5 Min Run, 7.95km, Pace 5.51 m/km, AHR 159, MHR 170

    My usual 8km run along the canals and any hollow on the path was full of water. I was forever dodging around them and jumping over them to keep my feet dry so this interrupted my rhythm and consequently my pace.

    Even though it was wet and miserable when I started, I was overheating by halfway and was quite uncomfortable. I was wearing tights, a long sleeve technical top and a windproof vest so I don't think I can wear much less. I could drop the windproof vest but I always thought it was most important to keep your chest area warm and dry.


    Side Lying Leg Lift 10 secs x 10 each leg
    Plank 10 secs x 5
    Single Leg Deadlift 10 secs x 10 each leg
    Bridge 10 secs x 15
    Push Ups x 20
    Squats x 20
    Bicep Curls x 15 each arm
    Overhead Press x 20

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Have you thought about entering one of duathlons?

    Your running is grand and it might give you more of an incentive to do the turbo sessions if you know you have a race coming up?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Hi Couerdelion,

    Thanks for the input.

    I'd love to enter a duathlon and the local club are even running their own super sprint series starting this weekend but I work nearly every weekend so whenever I enter anything it means I lose a day's work which is already scarce enough. I can't even get out for club spins at the weekend and have to do all my long rides on my own, usually on weekdays. As well as that, it's another membership to pay and I'm already poorer than a church mouse.

    I do agree with you though, and I think having a race to train for would help to motivate me. I was actually near Punchestown on Saturday and saw all the race signage up for the Naas Series and I would have loved to have been there even as a spectator.

    However, there is a 5km race series starting locally in May on Wednesday evenings and I hope to do all of them as I intend to incorporate some speed work into my training once the initial 16 weeks are complete.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28


    44.5 Min Run, 7.69km, Pace 5.47 m/km, AHR 159, MHR 170

    I usually don't mind running in drizzle or light rain but I got a proper soaking this morning. Luckily it was warm as I don't think I could handle a soaking if it was cold.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28


    44 Min Run, 7.95km, Pace 5.32 m/km, AHR 162, MHR 172

    Absolute sufferfest, and not in any good way either. I never wanted to quit so much since the day I started running. I just wanted to keel over into the ditch but kept going until the end. I was way overheating, but was only wearing shorts and a long sleeve tee shirt. No gloves, hat, baselayer or windproof vest. I just felt like I had no energy whatsoever.

    I had to work that evening and felt a tickle in my throat for a few hours. By the time I got home that night, it was getting quite sore and by Saturday morning I had a really sore throat. I was laying fibreglass insulation during the week and despite face masks and all the rest I think this sh*t has cut the throat out of me and the exercise just inflamed it and infected it.

    At least I have some sort of explanation for feeling so bad. On a plus note, I'm really starting to build up my suffering threshold. :rolleyes:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 65 ✭✭thehookster

    Havent had a look at your log in a while but had a look today, your doing really well, fair play. Im hoping to get back on the bike soon, been running,swimming and football lately so didnt go out on the bike at all but reading your log has me mad to get out now :-)
