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From zero to ???



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭hot to trot

    Sunday. About 13 M. 2:00 Avg pace 9.20mm ( 155)

    Legs felt fine after marathon yesterday. Was going to do a 3 hour run with last hour a bit faster but decided to wait and get next weekend out of the way first.

    Achilles a bit twingy for first time in ages. I guess running the whole marathon was a big step for it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭hot to trot

    You are truly your own hero in running. It is up to you to have the responsibility and self-discipline to get the job done.

    Adam Goucher

    10pm last night. 7 M 1:04

    Mini taper so just did 7 miles. 3 at 85% effort, did every second one .Friend invited herself along so couldnt really do my own workout.
    Fastest were 8:16 ( into the wind) 7:20 ( with the wind) and 8:31 ( into the wind).
    Foam rolled and stretched afterwards. Smug:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭hot to trot

    You've only got to get out there and do it. Face up to it: man was meant to run.

    Percy Cerutty, running coach

    Wedensday 26th. Had mad session with personal trainer. Included was 90 single leg Bulgarian squats holding 2x 6kg kettlebells. About a million lunges, burpees and frog jumps for hour and 15 minutes.
    legs were so jelly after it .

    Thursday. 2 miles. couldnt manage any more. Legs completely trashed . Can hardly walk without them buckling.
    Friday... DOMS worse. EEk Causeway Ultra tomorrow .:eek:

    Causeway coast ultra
    Legs still very stiff. not too bad to walk but still a struggle and hard to get out of car.
    At least this will be super training for getting body used to running on tired stiff banjaxed legs. :rolleyes:

    Finished in 8:32. Used garmin 305 for the first time and didnt know that when you get a low battery alert you have to acknowledge it otherwise it stops the clock. Missed about 2 miles before I copped so if I had known I was as close to 8:30 I woudnt have stayed at last fuel stop for as long.

    There were steps at the end of the first mile or early in the second. I couldnt manage to get up them normally - still had to take one at a time and go sideways coming down . they stayed feeling the same for the entire day. :) So glad they didnt deteriorate much further. A number of bridges and one real stinker that took me ages to get across. Very very pleased I even did that time. It will stand to me , I am sure.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭hot to trot

    Seriously sick car since ran out of oil without warning at 2.30 am Sunday night . Have walked 6 miles since then but havent had proper run since Saturday. Bummer.
    Another gym session this afternoon and if I can get work finished and home by 10pm I will do a tempo 6M.

    Always struggle to train after race. When I have been gone from home for so long , there is a ton of stuff to catch up on in the house and work.:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭hot to trot

    Stahilll/Galway Bay Marathon Saturday.26.2M

    Another pb for this year. Back to 4.10 now. Getting there slowly.

    Sunday 16 miles around Fingal.

    Head now firmly fixed on . No more excuses.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    Impressive mileage over the two days there H2T!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭hot to trot

    Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.

    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German writer, artist, and politician

    Monday - Gym session.

    Tuesday 11 miles
    : 3M warm up . 6x 1 Mile with 2 minutes jog and one+ mile CD.

    Cant remember exact splits but think they were about 7.44 7.41 7.20 7.44 7.50 8.02.

    Will edit this when I get my garmin. Have to try to figure out this 305 or else just use my 405 for the shorter runs because I don't know what pace I am running 'til end of the session. Lots of stretching.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭hot to trot

    Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.

    Dale Carnegie, author and lecturer

    Marathon with Autism run. 4:30ish. Heart rate never above 148. Very easy long run which suited tired calves. They feel much better today.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    Thursday Marathon with Autism run. 4:30ish. Heart rate never above 148. Very easy long run which suited tired calves. They feel much better today.

    Well done HTT!
    I was contemplating doing that myself (Midnight marathon I assume?) but figured I'd better not as training has been leaving me a little less than energetic so far this week!
    When I was out for my run last night though I did notice a nice NW wind blowing so I hope you guys got the benefit of that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭hot to trot

    I did the first one as I had to be back to get kids sorted after school and do some work. Midnight one wouldn't have had me back in Mayo in time to get them out to school.
    Dying to hear how they got on .

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭hot to trot

    We all have bad days and bad workouts, when running gets ugly, when split times seem slow, when you wonder why you started. It will pass.

    Hal Higdon, author and runner

    Saturday 12.3 Miles 1:50 avg pace 8:54mm (157)

    Couldnt decide what to do so did 5 M warm up and then 4 HM miles and then the last 4+ at an easier pace again. Felt like a big fat slug. Really need to stop overeating and make more effort with healthier eating :(
    Wish I had a structured plan to follow. I find it hard to make it up as I go along. Too easy to skip runs and then do silly training when you do go out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭hot to trot

    Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.

    Brian Tracy, self-help author and motivational speaker

    Well I think I am finally back on the wagon after repeated falls lately. Just cant seem to get any consistency and making excuses etc etc. So , yesterday was the start back.

    Track session ; 3 M warm up and then 8x 800m
    Fastest I have ever done them , am pretty sure...
    3:17 3:14 3:29 3:27 3:36 3:23 3:41 3:29. 2.5k cool down.

    Total about 11 miles

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,742 ✭✭✭ultraman1

    just get out and run and leave the pies alone ye lazy bollix.......john o regan....(motivational quote set to me by text)
    you seem to have a better class of motovational quotes than me:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭hot to trot

    No matter our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

    Dale Turner

    Tempo run 10 miles. Gave it a good lash. 1:24. First and last miles were about 9mm and the rest were faster with Heart rate (WHR) about 85% .

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭hot to trot

    Friday.. 10pm Easy 6Miles. HRR 150

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭hot to trot

    27.5 Miles. Marathon time 4:41.. HRr 150 easy cardiac effort.

    Struggled from mile 15 on. Lots of walking , not helped by the banana spiked with laxative that Pat gave me !:rolleyes: which necessitated a 10 minute rest room stop .

    Got it finished anyway. Need to make more effort to fuel properly on long runs. Need also to HTFU and keep running when tired. Good training when they are tougher than when they go smoothly, I guess.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭hot to trot

    Sunday am. 20 Miles. Avg pace 9:23 (155) 1:1

    Felt much better today. Drank more and had elevenses bar.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭hot to trot

    Tuesday. Speed work again .
    2 miles warm up . 6 X 1200m with 3 mins recovery. Average 5.30ish.
    Cool down to bring distance up to 15 miles.

    Thursday 22 miles Run/walk. 9:25 avg pace HRR 156( 74%)

    Swims on Monday and Wednesday mornings. Need to convert these to runs somehow.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,915 ✭✭✭✭menoscemo

    Are you looking forward to monday??
    Have you done much practise at 5hr pace?

    The 5hr buch should get plenty of entertainment from your tales on Comrades and 24hr track races :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭hot to trot

    Really excited and looking forward to Monday. There arent many 5 hour pacing gigs , especially with Chairman O Keefe around:)

    Im not speedy enough for it to be a struggle and have mostly paced 4.30 and mostly unofficially.;)
    Have training to do before then so legs will be tired and happy to have a nice jog on the day.

    Hows your own recovery going ? Hope you enjoy a good day out yourself. See you at the expo

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭hot to trot

    Friday 9 miles before bed. Tempo run for the middle miles. Enjoyed this

    Saturday morning 20 Miles.3:35 Decided to run pacing race pace. Discovered how difficult it is to run 11:26mm:eek: Its more of a shuffle and I ended up in mile 2 tripping over a kerb from not lifting foot high enough , and I went flying. Felt something unpleasant shoot up the back of my left leg. After about 9 miles this was from calf up to my bum , so thought it might be a stretched nerve or something. Anyway after 10 miles I upped the pace or I wasn't going to get home in time to go to Dublin.

    Monday 26.2 Miles @5 hour pacing . Really enjoyed this. calf/hamstring got very crampy (at about 18 miles) where I pulled it on Saturday but it didnt get any worse and was able to run on it til the end.
    Was spot on for practically all of the miles. Missed the 26 mile marker so tried to mop up a few stragglers in the home straight. Saw nieces at barriers and gave them hugs. Wasnt anyone else left so crossed the line.5:00:30. Should have just got myself over and not bothered with the last few. Anyway. Job done for anyone who really wanted the sub 5.
    Hopefully the slow pace will stick to me for Sixmilebridge in 2 weeks although I still think it will be easier to run usual pace with a one minute walk break every mile.
    NO intervals tonight . Want to get this muscle thing cleared up fully.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭hot to trot

    Thursday. 10 Miles tempo. Lovely to get the legs moving again . No residual problem with the leg where I tripped over the step. Tiny bit twingy on right shin , probably from running slow in Dublin.

    Friday Started off at 10pm with new head torch. All going well until about 6 miles when shin started to twinge again. By 8 miles was really sore but struggled on. By mile 9 could hardly put it on the ground and was just as sore to walk. Limped back to town and ended up getting taxi the last 2 miles.
    Shin bruised, and swollen in lower third??? Feels like its in cramp and cant relax. Reminds me of when I had cramps when pregnant and it took days for them to ease out.
    Couldnt sleep all night with it .

    Saturday. Foam rolled it and tried to massage it . NOt much better although not limping as badly. Whats going on FFS Will ultrasound it tomorrow.:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭hot to trot

    Don't know what that was all about. Shin perfect this morning!

    Swim 36 lengths with new goggles. Much faster time thanks to the fact I didn't have to stop every length to empty the water out of them

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭hot to trot

    Don't know what that was all about. Shin perfect this morning!

    Swim 36 lengths with new goggles. Much faster time thanks to the fact I didn't have to stop every length to empty the water out of them

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭hot to trot

    So confused with training right now. Am more aware of what I shouldn't be doing that I don't know what I should be at :confused:

    Helpful to see other people training plans but when they are so much faster it almost seems to be irrelevant to me. Not sure whether I should abandon plans for big race and just enjoy running when I can.

    Wheels coming off big time. Just about getting out 3 times a week, although I did a 19M run/walk/run on Saturday night to give left leg a run out after work done on it at an EP1 bodywork course . Can now for first time in ages reach below kneecaps when I bend forward with straight legs . YAY :D:D:D

    Awesome difference. Pain level dropped by about 70% and I was able to bring leg forward effortlessly without feeling it was being held back with a bungee. Am more aware now of similar issue on other leg and the tight calf but at least there is a change in progress:D

    Personal note so I dont forget....

    Calcification and adhesions of sciatic at ischial tuberosities
    Spinal Balance in standing x3 left sacrum x1 right. + right C2 x3 plus unusual but added left C2 as (R) C2 was so tight.

    thoracic tight L>R x3

    rebalance 12th Rib/Navel with big correction.

    SUPINE Ischial/popliteal release failed on right cos left so tight . repeat Ish Pop on Left leg x3 with big drop. Ditto then release on right. Slr Increased by about 70% on left. Slr on right about 40%

    Residual pain on right leg needs ITB+ Achilles/calf release and Anterior tib combined with ???

    repeated Isch pop in Standing x3. Also can be used as alternative and effective alone in standing.

    SP balance also can be done sitting with feet on floor.
    Walk it in .
    Recheck Sp balance

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭hot to trot

    Went to track for leg loosener and to cheer myself up.

    2 M warm up at 9:10mm ( 145)

    Legged it for 1 Mile 7:40

    then was just jogging around when one of my patients joined me for his warm up. He ran Dublin in 2:32 and said he could have run another 4 miles and did a sprint finish. He was just barely moving his legs and I nearly burst a gut keeping up with him.:eek:.

    7:20 mile ( 179).
    recovery mile and then legged it again 7:40 (179) with recovery mile

    Total 7 miles 59 mins. Will hide next time I see him on the track.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭hot to trot

    Hadnt run since last Tuesday and wasn't feeling very confident so decided to stick with original plan of just doing a training run and not getting sucked into any kind of race stuff. Dithered between run/walk ratio and decided that it was easier to walk every time the clock got to 5,10,15 etc rather than trying to compute the numbers. Anyway that is the recommended for my pace on the website. I Put my garmin on "time of Day" for walk breaks and so I wouldnt be distracted by distance or time run.

    Hate early morning starts as I am so stiff and inflexible I can barely put shoes on for the first hour or two but I tried to warm the hips and calves up and stretch the bad one on the stairs in the BnB.

    Very nervous so was glad to get going. I ran the first mile to warm up and suss out the hill and roughly where I would end up walking. So from mile 2 I got stuck into it .... run 4 minutes, walk 50 paces ( perhaps not quite a full minute) and I stuck to this for hours. Only time I deviated was if I was on a downhill, I waited until I got to the level bit or some of the hill. I ran the hill if it didn't coincide with my walk break but usually I got some of it to walk.

    Dont usually eat and drink much but wanted to practice this so had a sip almost every time I got over the mat and nibbled my way for many of them as well. Started spending too long here and a loo break so took my second walk break of the mile here usually.

    Rain was lashing down and any thoughts of being indulgent when I spend 35 quid on a warm running top and 50 quid on a pair of thermal winter running leggings was quickly quashed as I stayed cosy throughout. I was really enjoying this. the support was great.
    Meno kept calling out my splits and half marathon and full marathon times and where other people were but I told him I didnt care I was sticking to my own plan and didnt care what others were doing. So far so good. (Marathon split was 4.20.- good time for me this year)
    Almost everyone was lapping me and it was nice to see the speedy ones fly past as they always said hello and gave encouragement. Was great to see Deirdre Finn on the road as well. Such a lovely runner.
    No problems so far and felt fresh apart from pain on outside of right knee from turning sharply to the left at the bottom of the hill. took a couple of paracetamol which I never do, slowed down and walked the corner and it disappeared. Happy days.:)

    I thought I had 11 laps to go as for some reason I thought it was a 54 mile race so when it finally dawned on me that it was 52 , I only had 7 laps to go . Cheered me up no end and I battled on.Curious to see time wise how I would finish.

    I didnt start to feel any leg aches until about 45 miles in . Calf muscles were a bit tight/crampy on one hill so I walked an extra few metres but fine again. Didn't even know I had hamstrings or any other muscles as they were all so comfortable. At this stage I was passing quite a few people which is always nice and I was still feeling good.
    Aimann seemed to be having trouble with his left knee. Couldn't see his hip with his jacket. It was doing a little shift every time the weight went on it. He had such a great run last year and a fast Dublin recently so I hoped he was going to be able to finish as well as last year.

    With 3 laps left the clock was 8.31ish. I wondered if I could get inside the 9 hours? I kept going but still put in the walk breaks. Should have skipped one :rolleyes: but I was afraid I would slow down altogether without it . Didnt think it was possible so I didn't bother . By the time it got to the last mile there was 8:51 on the clock. Could I make it in 9 minutes? Hadn't so far. Thought I would see how close I would get so legged it out of the aid station . NO more walk breaks for the last mile , almost . I Walked 30 seconds on the hill and once I got to the top I charged as hard as I could towards the finish. I saw Anto closing in at the turn for the mat and I booted as hard as I could. Teeth clenched I was closing in fast. Was just about to throw myself across the line when out shoots Antos arm to high 5 the MC at the mat. I thought he was going to knock me out as him being tall and me being short it was just about across my face and I was going fast.
    I could see Meno watching us aware what was going on, wondering would I steal it on the line and Anto oblivious to it all. Was hilarious.:D

    9:00:35 each :cool:

    Very happy to finish and finish so comfortably although I was a bit wheezy on the finish line from such a fast spurt at the end. Doubly and quadruply thrilled to find the other girl still wasn't in . She had placed 6th In Dingle 50M so I had expected her to win. So yet again , I pick up a prize by virtue of being the only surviving woman on the course.:P LOL There wont be any other way, for me .

    Went to change out of wet clothes and was alarmed when I saw a bruise just above my sock. Nothing hurt and I didn't think I had banged it , but by the time I got home it was quite extensive on the back of my leg and today its very swollen and stiff. Its definitely not as bad as last time when I couldn't even put it on the ground and am hopeful it wont keep me out long. But I am limping still so will give it loads of treatment and see how it goes.
    All in all I had a great day out . Next day I didnt have an ache anywhere except stomach muscles and right calf. Happy Days :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,742 ✭✭✭ultraman1

    Teeth clenched I was closing in fast. Was just about to throw myself across the line when out shoots Antos arm to high 5 the MC at the mat. I thought he was going to knock me out as him being tall and me being short it was just about across my face and I was going fast.
    I could see Meno watching us aware what was going on, wondering would I steal it on the line and Anto oblivious to it all. Was hilarious.:D
    dat MC cost me a second:p,,,well done finn and gloves are off;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭hot to trot

    Well done yourself , on the back of a savage first half. YOu did really well to hang in there in the second. You aint called Ultraman for nothing:cool:

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,915 ✭✭✭✭menoscemo

    Very happy to finish and finish so comfortably although I was a bit wheezy on the finish line from such a fast spurt at the end. Doubly and quadruply thrilled to find the other girl still wasn't in . She had placed 6th In Dingle 50M so I had expected her to win. So yet again , I pick up a prize by virtue of being the only surviving woman on the course.:P LOL There wont be any other way, for me .

    As usual you are doing yourself a disservice ;)
    Aoife ran 9:20 in the dingle 50 and you were 20 minutes faster on Sunday on a longer course in tougher conditions. Like everyone else, she was slowing badly in the second half and I am pretty sure you were already ahead of her by the time she was stopped.

    I said it on the day, but you ran the smartest race of all the people out there. Your run-walk strategy really paid off as while everyone else slowed badly in the second half you were still able to maintain the same pace and strategy. The fact that you were able to keep going constantly meant you kept the cold off too.

    Well done again on the win :cool:
