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Time To Get Serious

  • 03-03-2012 6:19pm
    Posts: 0

    H Folks. I've been lurking on these pages following people's progress over the last few months, so I said I'd take the plunge and start my own log.

    Background: I'm 30 and running for the last two years, but am hoping to start taking things a bit more seriously this year. My background is more in soccer and GAA, but got the running bug two years ago and have been doing reasonable mileage on my own without doing much racing.

    I joined a club at the start of last year but realised that the odd hours I work would make it pretty tough to give any sort of commitment, so I've been training on my own since. I trained for the Dublin marathon last year and was on course to achieve my goal of doing it in under 3 hours when disaster struck and I tore my groin in late September at the point when I was in the middle of very heavy training. I realise now the injury was probably down to inexperience, not stretching enough and training too hard.

    I took three full months off to let the groin heal and got back training just before Christmas and, touch wood, have had no major problems since. The injury requires a bit of management, but I'm happy that it's behind me now.

    So, I've been training pretty consistently for the last nine weeks and am feeling fit and strong. Right now, I am considering entering the Cork marathon but would like to do some short races before that and have not made any commitment to the marathon yet.

    Mostly, I would like to log my training and to get feedback from those who might have a bit more experience than me as I am not a member of a club and don't have the benefit of a coach. I also have serious issues with pacing myself in training and can go out far too hard sometimes.

    I haven't done a whole pile of racing, but here are my PBs, which probably don't reflect where I am now with my training.

    4 miles: 24.10 (a week after coming back from three-month break)
    5 miles: 29.05 (Raheny 5, 2012)
    13.1 miles: 1.25.05 (Cork half 2011)

    Goals: My aims are to stay injury-free and to improve the quality of my training. As for times, I'd like to go sub 1.20 for the half-marathon and then, all going well, maybe go sub 3.00 for 26.2.

    Today: 9 miles@7.20 pace.



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    Down at home in Cork this weekend so headed out to the UCC Farm for my long run. It was a bit mucky after a lot of rain on Saturday and the place was deserted because the Ballycotton 10 was on, but a very enjoyable run nonetheless.

    Did 13.36 miles @7.05 so was out for 1.34.46, which I was happy with.

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    The legs felt tired after yesterday's long run so I went out for a recovery run at lunchtime. I managed to convince my sister to come out with me as I knew if I went out alone there was no way I'd have enough discipline to maintain a slow pace.

    Still at home in Cork so went out to the UCC Farm again, where the sun was splitting the rocks and the underfoot conditions were much better than yesterday.

    Did five miles at approx 8.40 pace, so the legs should be good and fresh for the rest of the week.

    The plan is to get my entry for the MSB 5K on the 18th this week and to enter the Great Ireland Run next month too.

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    The plan was to do 8-9 miles at 7.30 pace this evening but got a bit delayed at work so ended up going much faster than I had planned so I could get back home to watch Arsenal-Milan. Turns out it was a good decision!

    Did an 8.5 mile route in the Phoenix Park at about 6.40 pace. I was fresh after my easy run yesterday and there was plenty of running in me. Still, it was probably a bit too quick and I may be a bit stiff tonight.

    By the way, anyone out there have any suggestions for pacing runs like that? I get a kick out of running quickly and don't have much self-discipline...I can only run slowly when I run with someone else. I suppose it's a lack of experience.

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    Plan to get out for a speed session in the Phoenix Park didn't work out as I got caught in work. Still got out for 7 miles at around 6.50 pace, though. Was tired, but enjoyed it once I got out there. Will do a session tomorrow when I should have a bit more time on my hands.

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    So, I managed to get out of work early today and was in the Phoenix Park by about 4.30pm, but my groin felt a bit sore and the legs were tired. I didn't think a session was a good idea so I just did my usual 8-mile loop @ 7.10 pace.
    The session will happen Saturday morning, whether I am hungover or not.

    That's 29 miles so far this week.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 97 ✭✭topday

    So, I managed to get out of work early today and was in the Phoenix Park by about 4.30pm, but my groin felt a bit sore and the legs were tired. I didn't think a session was a good idea so I just did my usual 8-mile loop @ 7.10 pace.
    The session will happen Saturday morning, whether I am hungover or not.

    That's 29 miles so far this week.

    Hey dancinpants, good to hear you are back training and clocking the miles again. Your time look great so a couple of months and you will be back to were you left off... sub 3hr Dublin would be sweet, you are on track for it.. That is my plan too.. I am running 8 months so fingers crossed I get it too!!

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    Hi topday, thanks for the encouragement. I'm probably a bit paranoid about injuries at the moment so the minute I feel as much as strain I tend to panic. Plenty of stretching and I reckon I'll be fine, though.

    At the moment it looks like I'll go for the Cork marathon at the start of June rather than Dublin in October, which probably means i need to start a programme pretty soon.

    Good luck with your training - sub-3 after eight months is a big target! If I could give you some advice it's to follow a decent programme and don't forget to do plenty of stretching in order to avoid getting injured, because being so new to running your body won't be used to the kind of punishment it's about to go through.

    Good luck with it...

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    Didn't update yesterday, so I'll throw it in here. Did eight miles @ 7.20 pace. Saw Sonia O'Sullivan in Kilmainham, which was the highlight of my run.

    I was out last night but kept it civilised enough knowing that I had a session planned for today. Got home at 2am and was in reasonable shape for my session in the Phoenix Park.

    So, I did 6 x 3 mins on with two minutes recovery in between each rep. The plan was to do them all at around 5.25 pace, but it was very windy up by the Magazine Fort and it was hard to keep them consistent. Last rep was the fastest which is always a good feeling. All in all, I was pretty happy with the session, although the six pints of Guinness last night didn't help.

    3.00 mins @ 5.31 pace.
    3.02 @ 5.17
    3.01 @ 5.41
    3.01 @ 5.23
    3.01 @ 5.42
    3.00 @ 5.09

    Miles so far this week: 44.

    Plan for tomorrow: 14 miles LSR.

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    Did 13.5 miles rather than the 14 I intended this morning. I couldn't be arsed running around the estate for an extra half mile to make up the shortfall.

    I've never seen so many runners in the Phoenix Park, which was great. Lots of nods and hellos from fellow runners, which always gives you a bit of a lift.

    I did the 13.5 miles in 1 hour 35.45 at an average pace of 7.05. An enjoyable run all told.

    Total miles for the week: 57.5.

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    Rest day today. I was out 11 days in a row so it's time to give the body a bit of a break. I'm busy at work and Arsenal are on the box tonight so it seems like as good a day as any to take a breather.

    Plan for tomorrow as 7-8 miles before work, which means a 6am start...Not looking forward to that.

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    Had a few pints while watching Arsenal match last night so the plan to get out before work went out the window.

    Went out tonight and wanted to test the legs ahead of the 5k Sunday so threw in a few quick miles on an 8-mile loop. Did final six miles at around 6.25 pace and threw in two 6.00 miles at the end. Legs feel knackered after, which is a bit worrying, but I reckon it could be down to having an awful lot of work on my plate at the moment and being behind on my sleep.

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    Right, went out last night and did 7.5 miles at as slow a pace as I can do without going nuts, which is around 7.40 pace. About four miles in I felt a tightness in my groin. I slowed down and stopped at one point but was miles from home so had to keep going. Groin was sore last night and worse today.

    I'm supposed to be racing Sunday, so I decided to head for the Phoenix Park this afternoon. Jogged there at around 8.30 pace and then stopped and did half an hour's stretching. Then did another five miles at 9.00 pace, being careful not to do any more damage. Unfortunately, there's no improvement and I think a trip to the physio is on the cards. Sunday's MSB 5k looks unlikely at this stage and may have to take a break for a few days. Groin problems will be the death of me.

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    Hi Folks. I haven't posted on here in a while, because I've been out with a groin injury. I went to a physic and, apparently, I have a problem with my hip which is pulling on the groin muscle. Anyway, I've been taking it handy for the last few weeks, getting out for slow runs every second day and doing the exercises I was given by the physio. I'm not sure if the exercises helped, but the rest definitely has.

    Anyway, after more than two weeks of holding back, I decided to have a blow-out on Saturday over about 10 miles. Surprisingly, I felt great and don't think I've lost much, if any, of my fitness. The good weather and the new pair of racing flats I bought helped.

    I felt no ill affects after so I decided to go for a long run on Sunday morning, clocking 14.5 miles@ just under 7 min pace. I was out for 1h 40 and felt fine after, although it's the last time I'll wear flats over that distance as I had a fine blister on my big toe after. Lesson learned.

    Today, I did a very handy 6.5 miles recovery run at about 8 min pace. Hopefully, I'm back on track and the injury is behind me. I haven't entered the Cork marathon yet, but, all going well, I'll make my debut over 26.2 miles on June 4.
