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Physics Work Placement / Internship

  • 08-03-2012 4:09pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4

    I'm currently studying an Honours Bachelor of Science in Maths & Physics and I'm looking for a summer placement related to Physics. I've looked up some of the main employers of physics graduates such as Intel, Analog Devices, Bausch & Lomb and Google and I'm wondering would any of you have any recommendations or advice as to what i should do?

    *Apologies if this is in the wrong section but I thought this would be the best place to ask.


  • Registered Users Posts: 5 gary15ie

    I did a summer placement in physics back in 2009 during my undergrad, I did it through my college, there are some colleges and universities that do summer placements for science students, its a really cool thing to do and get a lot of experience as well. I did mine in DIT, as far as i know Trinity do ones as well.
