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Leaving cert History

  • 11-03-2012 8:19pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 43

    1. My teacher supplies insufficent notes anyone know what revision books are good or places i can get notes? less stress more success is rubbish :O

    2 Documents: how to answer contextualisation? any useful documents?

    3. I have never got over a 10 in a paragraph. I adverage at around 8 but how do i get 11s/12s

    4. is an A literally very rare?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,819 ✭✭✭SureYWouldntYa

    sports_ wrote: »
    1. My teacher supplies insufficent notes anyone know what revision books are good or places i can get notes? less stress more success is rubbish :O

    2 Documents: how to answer contextualisation? any useful documents?

    3. I have never got over a 10 in a paragraph. I adverage at around 8 but how do i get 11s/12s

    4. is an A literally very rare?

    1. Revise Wise seems okay.
    2. Its like an essay, only shorter. Intro and conclusion. 1 1/2 Minimum to get full marks (4 page for 100 marks, 1.6 pages for 40 marks you'd think)
    3. Try to use only relevant information to the question and the time its from (ie 1939-1945). Make sure its also good points that you are making.
    4. A rate is 11-12 %, higher than some but lower than others, if you're good enough you'll get the A

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 166 ✭✭_pure_mule_

    sports_ wrote: »
    1. My teacher supplies insufficent notes anyone know what revision books are good or places i can get notes? less stress more success is rubbish :O

    2 Documents: how to answer contextualisation? any useful documents?

    3. I have never got over a 10 in a paragraph. I adverage at around 8 but how do i get 11s/12s

    4. is an A literally very rare?

    i have a good few a1 standard essays and plans if you want i can send them to you! pm your email adress if you like!

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 27,332 CMod ✭✭✭✭spurious

    Make your own notes on the different topics.
    You will learn much more than slavishly following someone else's work.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,434 ✭✭✭Jolly Red Giant

    sports_ wrote: »
    3. I have never got over a 10 in a paragraph. I adverage at around 8 but how do i get 11s/12s
    There are 60 cumulative marks available - that is 5 paragraphs at 12 marks per paragraph or 8 paragraphs at 8 marks per paragraph with a couple of 6 marks. If you get 60 CM marks you will pick up 30+ out of 40 for the overall evaluation.

    Trying to write 12 mark paragraphs will do your head in - 8 paragraphs at 8 marks each will give you an A essay.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 221 ✭✭ejayy

    i have a good few a1 standard essays and plans if you want i can send them to you! pm your email adress if you like!

    Hi I know i'm like a year late, but can I have those essays? :)

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  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 27,332 CMod ✭✭✭✭spurious

    ejayy wrote: »
    Hi I know i'm like a year late, but can I have those essays? :)

    Only if you can time travel.
    User not online since September 2012.
    Please don't drag up old threads.

This discussion has been closed.