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Clan map - Who is around us



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,749 ✭✭✭Smiles35

    I'm serious guys, I think we should make sure this alliance is over well before we get completely screwed by them and the Hungarians.

    Well, we deserve too get a kick in the balls first anyway for losing Northern Sikasso without a fight.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,692 ✭✭✭Dublin_Gunner

    Well, we deserve too get a kick in the balls first anyway for losing Northern Sikasso without a fight.

    And the loss of no tanks which leaves us in quite a strong position. If we had successfully defended it, we may have found ourselves in a whole pile of crap right now.

    Right now we have for the first time OUR own direction and interests to look after.

    The main stumbling blocks are 501 and their buddies.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 224 ✭✭Fionn Mc Coule

    phil3995 wrote: »
    Lets not start being like the rest of them, we should honor our agreement until they break then at least other clan know we are trustworthy. RDA & SIEG will most likely knock them off anyway.

    Although I don't know the complete story I think joining the blue alliance would be a good idea, as I believe scorpions have stopped their whole alliance attacking us so hopefully they're a decent group who won't backstab us.

    Just my thoughts.

    Maybe of some interest and i look at these things with pride and its why i picked my in game name as Fionn, Mc Coule

    The Unit motto is taken from an old Fianna poem and continues the link with which the name is associated. It is written in the Irish language and translated. The Fianna were the Elite Irish fighting forces who protected the old Kings of Ireland.

    Motto of present Irish Special Forces

    (As galige)
    Glaine ár gcroí
    Neart ár ngéag
    Agus beart de réir ár mbriathar

    (in english)
    The cleanliness of our hearts
    The strength of our limbs
    And our commitment to our promise

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,692 ✭✭✭Dublin_Gunner

    Maybe of some interest and i look at these things with pride and its why i picked my in game name as Fionn, Mc Coule

    The Unit motto is taken from an old Fianna poem and continues the link with which the name is associated. It is written in the Irish language and translated. The Fianna were the Elite Irish fighting forces who protected the old Kings of Ireland.

    Motto of present Irish Special Forces

    (As galige)
    Glaine ár gcroí
    Neart ár ngéag
    Agus beart de réir ár mbriathar

    (in english)
    The cleanliness of our hearts
    The strength of our limbs
    And our commitment to our promise

    My only Interests are for B-IE.

    All that talk of honour and everything doesn't matter a **** in CW, once you don't piss the wrong people off.

    After you went and sent them messages Fionn - you pissed off the Germans in the blue alliance. Now they want us to give them a piece of land in order to maintain our agreement.

    If we do that, we NEED to take land tonight, and I believe striking the 501 (as SIEG, RDA, R_R) are doing will put us in a perfect position to take it.

    Even look now, they are obviously after making an agreement with the 1CSTB to delay matches.

    I guarantee they will only have 1 chip each on Northern Ghana between them and HPTS.

    We could gain land with no effort, and remove the french problem, leaving us relatively free to push on south, all the while protected from the north.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Arts Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,431 CMod ✭✭✭✭Nody

    My only Interests are for B-IE.

    All that talk of honour and everything doesn't matter a **** in CW, once you don't piss the wrong people off.

    After you went and sent them messages Fionn - you pissed off the Germans in the blue alliance. Now they want us to give them a piece of land in order to maintain our agreement.

    If we do that, we NEED to take land tonight, and I believe striking the 501 (as SIEG, RDA, R_R) are doing will put us in a perfect position to take it.

    Even look now, they are obviously after making an agreement with the 1CSTB to delay matches.

    I guarantee they will only have 1 chip each on Northern Ghana between them and HPTS.

    We could gain land with no effort, and remove the french problem, leaving us relatively free to push on south, all the while protected from the north.
    I'll rather have us be wiped out attacking RDA then give them a free piece of land for hurting their feelings; what's next, we give them half the gold from our current provinces as tax?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,749 ✭✭✭Smiles35

    After you went and sent them messages Fionn - you pissed off the Germans in the blue alliance. Now they want us to give them a piece of land in order to maintain our agreement.

    Naw, they just think we're pussys Dub, and don't deserve to be on the land we do have.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,692 ✭✭✭Dublin_Gunner

    Nody wrote: »
    I'll rather have us be wiped out attacking RDA then give them a free piece of land for hurting their feelings; what's next, we give them half the gold from our current provinces as tax?

    I'd much rather keep the blue alliance friendly than the French.

    This is about us.

    We want to move south, 501 and their allies are in our way. I've had enough of doing everyone elses bidding for them without doing what we want.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,692 ✭✭✭Dublin_Gunner

    Naw, they just think we're pussys Dub, and don't deserve to be on the land we do have.

    ]Yeah probably, because we're too busy pleasing everyone else rather than doing whats best for us.

    The agreement with 501 has done NOTHING for us only restrict us.

    They are getting attacked from everywhere tonight, and are moving their friends into position to attack us.

    We need to make a move.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,749 ✭✭✭Smiles35

    I stay we stand our ground and stare RDA in the face. They are too scared of even come to attack our land and lose, in case they 'lose face' with the rest of their allies. That's a big advantage we have.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,692 ✭✭✭Dublin_Gunner

    I stay we stand our ground and stare RDA in the face. They are too scared of even come to attack our land and lose, in case they 'lose face' with the rest of their allies. That's a big advantage we have.

    They're being told what to do by ITA. I would have attacked them already only it would piss off the Germans behind us and we'd be gone from the map by now.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 58 ✭✭DesperateCry

    Give land for agreement? I would vote "never" but duh..It's leader's decision at the end (nice not having that responsibility :) )
    Also I do not think they saw us as pussy...but naive. We did let go 3 of our regions without a fight, yes we kept our tanks but so did they. We still could inflict good damage with t6-7 arty and t8 heavies.
    Diplomacy is a bitch.......

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,692 ✭✭✭Dublin_Gunner

    Give land for agreement? I would vote "never" but duh..It's leader's decision at the end (nice not having that responsibility :) )
    Also I do not think they saw us as pussy...but naive. We did let go 3 of our regions without a fight, yes we kept our tanks but so did they. We still could inflict good damage with t6-7 arty and t8 heavies.
    Diplomacy is a bitch.......

    And mostly due to the effing agreement we have with the French, while they do nothing for us, but are happy to swap territory with their mates HTPS.

    We're being used buy the French, just like little pawns, yet people are getting up in arms about it.

    We need to take opportunities just like RDA and SIEG did, or we'll always be looked on as pushovers.

    A strong alliance is more likely to take note if you're seen to be agressive, not passive.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,749 ✭✭✭Smiles35

    They're being told what to do by ITA. I would have attacked them already only it would piss off the Germans behind us and we'd be gone from the map by now.

    Ofcorse they are, and there's no point attacking them now anyway becuase then the other two who got our land will think we're trying to make a comeback for the bits they got.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,692 ✭✭✭Dublin_Gunner

    We really need to act on this.

    The Grey Alliance are coming to attack 501 along with SIEG.

    501 are moving to allow their friends HTPS sit below us, while they can hide away and replenish their tanks.

    We'd be keeping to our word for absolutely no reason. This agreement with the French has done nothing for us, apart from screw us over and restrict our movement. They are taking us for fools.

    Right now they are very weak, and I reckon we could take Northern Ghana without much of a fight as they need their chips elsewhere.

    We need to start being opportunistic.
    At least this way if we eventually get wiped off the map, we go down with a good fight, rather than getting hammered from all sides without much to do about it just to say our word is good.

    Noone cares if we honour agreements or not with anyone else -we're not that important.

    The French served what little purpose they had for long enough, and we need to think about ourselves.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 991 ✭✭✭ZZR1100

    The french have done noting for us, but have not done anything against us either.
    take Savanes off their allies tonight, followed by an attck on their friends the pirates the following night. if the french are still around by then, just cancel the Nap. chances are they will anyway after we attack their friends.
    breaking alliances with no warning gets on the forums ( see IC) and gives a clan a bad name that you cant get back. It will affect future aggrements with other clans if that happens.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,749 ✭✭✭Smiles35

    We'd be keeping to our word for absolutely no reason. This agreement with the French has done nothing for us, apart from screw us over and restrict our movement. They are taking us for fools.

    I don't think that's really true, we have'nt had to bother with watching our bottom flank since they've been there. And how have we helped their movement up above them? They have been loyal and just because they are bringing their friends in and we have none :*( is not a good reason to kick a dog when it's down.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,692 ✭✭✭Dublin_Gunner

    I don't think that's really true, we Havant had to bother with watching our bottom flank since they've been there. They have been loyal and just because they are bringing their friends in and we have none :*( is not a good reason to kick a dog when it's down.

    Which cost us 3 provinces.

    They've been using us. We've been protecting their north too, but anytime we wanted to move around they wouldn't agree.

    We been their little pawn.

    In fact, we've pretty much just been everyone's little bitch for absolutely no gain for us.

    We need to take opportunities and be ruthless when it serves us well.

    Taking Savana or whatever its called leaves up open to attack from HTPS, CPC AND 501.

    Taking Northern Ghana leaves us in a safer position, from where we can attack CPC from 2 zones
    ZZR1100 wrote: »
    The french have done noting for us, but have not done anything against us either.
    take Savanes off their allies tonight, followed by an attck on their friends the pirates the following night. if the french are still around by then, just cancel the Nap. chances are they will anyway after we attack their friends.
    breaking alliances with no warning gets on the forums ( see IC) and gives a clan a bad name that you cant get back. It will affect future aggrements with other clans if that happens.

    Yeah, and look at the slagging they got for moaning about it on the forums.

    Allegiences / NAP's get broken all of the time in CW.

    Keeping our friendliness with them has gotten us nowhere so far.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 224 ✭✭Fionn Mc Coule

    After you went and sent them messages Fionn - you pissed off the Germans in the blue alliance. Now they want us to give them a piece of land in order to maintain our agreement.

    Dub dont you go throw that sh*t at me , making out i am the cause of having to give the scorpions Hauts-Bassins, we talked about giving them that land last night and agreed to do so, all of us. :eek::confused::mad:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,749 ✭✭✭Smiles35

    Taking Northern Ghana leaves us in a safer position, from where we can attack CPC from 2 zones

    Why dont we wait till the 501 do their little land swap with the Hungarian's and just roll down through the Hungarian land?

    The French don't really care about the Hungarians either.

    Sure we might get an attack tonight. But we only have to hold upper west ghanna to be able to make our move tomorrow. Oh, and we may need a chip to be placed to space out the time between attack and departure.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 224 ✭✭Fionn Mc Coule

    My only Interests are for B-IE.

    All that talk of honour and everything doesn't matter a **** in CW, once you don't piss the wrong people off.

    Up to yesterday you were the one, the only 1 adamant that we would not stab the french in the back, you were the one that went on about honour. WTF?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 224 ✭✭Fionn Mc Coule

    Naw, they just think we're pussys Dub, and don't deserve to be on the land we do have.

    Not that long ago bruffio told us the German clans in the blue alliance wanted to attack us, only the scorpions refused they would have , so making out my message pissed off the Germans in the blue alliance tells me 2 things, 1st the Germans in the blue alliance are just using that as a pathetic excuse, 2nd someone is trying to pass of blame on me to either cover up a mistake they made or make out they are the ones that doing more that others to resolve the situation. :mad:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,692 ✭✭✭Dublin_Gunner

    Up to yesterday you were the one, the only 1 adamant that we would not stab the french in the back, you were the one that went on about honour. WTF?

    Because it seemed that it was worth it at the time, but all its done is lose us 3 provinces, and they really pissed me off yesterday in discussions.

    They are completely unwilling to to anything for us apart from use us to block one side while they were getting attacked.
    Not that long ago bruffio told us the German clans in the blue alliance wanted to attack us, only the scorpions refused they would have , so making out my message pissed off the Germans in the blue alliance tells me 2 things, 1st the Germans in the blue alliance are just using that as a pathetic excuse, 2nd someone is trying to pass of blame on me to either cover up a mistake they made or make out they are the ones that doing more that others to resolve the situation. :mad:

    Personally, if it keeps the Germans and by addition the Greys off our back, i'm for it.

    I also don't think we're gonna win on CPC's land tongiht either. They are a strong clan, and its a map we've never played.

    Not only that, but we will then be attacked separately by them and HTPS tomorrow, and could potentially be left with nothing.

    All over an agreement that really means nothing to anyone in the long.

    We need to start being opportunistic to get anywhere.

    We are constantly making agreements that allows other clans to do what they want - and for what??

    It'll all sort of gone tit's up on us anyway, and we could be off the map by tomorrow night if we're not careful.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,692 ✭✭✭Dublin_Gunner

    Dub dont you go throw that sh*t at me , making out i am the cause of having to give the scorpions Hauts-Bassins, we talked about giving them that land last night and agreed to do so, all of us. :eek::confused::mad:

    It wasn't a requirement before that. Bruff had to calm them down.
    Why dont we wait till the 501 do their little land swap with the Hungarian's and just roll down through the Hungarian land?

    The French don't really care about the Hungarians either.

    Sure we might get an attack tonight. But we only have to hold upper west ghanna to be able to make our move tomorrow. Oh, and we may need a chip to be placed to space out the time between attack and departure.

    My main reasons for this are twofold:

    1. CPC are very strong, just as strong in numbers as us, they most likely have nearly all of their tanks too.

    In other words, we are NOT guaranteed to take it.

    2. 501 and HPTS are swapping land. This was never an option for us with 501, and they are moving allowing our southern flank to be exposed.

    As they are having encounter battles with each other on 2 separate provinces, they are likely doing this so not only do 501 get a place to rest their tanks in safety, but HPTS would definitely attack us if we attack CPC.

    3. Likely to be very few chips each placed down because they need them, so we could hopefully waltz in and take it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 991 ✭✭✭ZZR1100

    we need to get a handle on this as we are just going around in circles and it will lead to a bust up imo.
    everyone has a differant opinion and opinions from anyone are welcome, but leave it to the guys who are supposed make the decisions make them.

    Deputy Commanders
    Responsible to act as a role model of B-IE esp. outwards vs. other clans (i.e. no taunting, cursing, threatening etc.). Failure to do this would indicate a failure to perform duty and risk them being removed from their position
    Place chips on map according to agreed schedule of maps
    Run the day to day activities in the clan
    Take day to day and strategic decision on longer term goals
    Most decisions, esp. all longer term impact decisions, done by vote on TS
    Meet on at least weekly basis on TS to discuss outstanding points
    Maintain a list of points to discuss and the outcome of said points
    All important decisions are taken by vote; at least 75% (i.e. 3 or 5 out of 4/6) majority required for decisions to hold
    If a decision does not reach the required votes the company commander has the final vote no matter how it ends up (i.e. if is 4 for suggestion A, 2 for suggestion B and the company commander says B then B it is even if the actual vote is 4 / 3).
    Appoint the FC for a given map or failing that have to lead the map themselves
    Can remove any person from any given position with a full vote (i.e. 4/4 or 6/6); for removal of DC replace the DC with the company commander instead

    Company Commander
    Responsible to act as a role model of B-IE esp. outwards vs. other clans (i.e. no taunting, cursing, threatening etc.). Failure to do this would indicate a failure to perform duty and risk them being removed from their position
    Act as administrator of the clan
    Work on policy documents (such as this one) to be discussed and voted by the DC
    Act as the final vote in case of a DC tie in votes
    Work on resolving issues in the clan that may arise
    Attend the DC meetings that occur
    Act as a go to person as back up for the Negotiator
    Work behind the curtains to pour oil on the waves and ensure things run smoothly
    Be the face outwards of B-IE

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 224 ✭✭Fionn Mc Coule

    And mostly due to the effing agreement we have with the French, while they do nothing for us, but are happy to swap territory with their mates HTPS.

    We're being used buy the French, just like little pawns, yet people are getting up in arms about it.

    We need to take opportunities just like RDA and SIEG did, or we'll always be looked on as pushovers.

    1st YOU signed the alliance with the French.
    2nd up to yesterday you were the 1 telling us we would honour our alliance.
    3rd people, as in everyone except you in the meeting yesterday said we didnt want to be known as a dishonorable clan for breaking the alliance, YOU created. (refer to 2)
    4th yesterday what did you think of what RDA and SIEG done. hatefull bast**ds was 1 thing u used to describe their actions.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,692 ✭✭✭Dublin_Gunner

    We've already been discussing it Frag, I was basically just putting up my reasons / opinions on it.

    We're still undecided.

    I don't want it a case of us leaving it too late and missing an opportunity,

    Everyone seems to think we'll just turn up against CPC and win.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,749 ✭✭✭Smiles35

    501 and HPTS are swapping land. This was never an option for us with 501, and they are moving allowing our southern flank to be exposed.
    This is what I'm saying, go down the southern flank.
    3. Likely to be very few chips each placed down because they need them, so we could hopefully waltz in and take it.
    That's true

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 224 ✭✭Fionn Mc Coule

    It wasn't a requirement before that. Bruff had to calm them down.

    You know what i am getting pissed off now, here is what i said to the SIEG diplomat. Now you read through that and tell me where i was wrong, actually as a DC and the fact i was in the talks with SIEG did i not have the right to ask why they acted like they did.

    Fionn_Mc_Coule  I can see now that your clan are not honorable
    Fionn_Mc_Coule  diplomatic discussions were in place, you did not return to inform us of your decision
    Fionn_Mc_Coule  You have an explination?
    Fionn_Mc_Coule  Do you remember the diplomacy the japanese gave the Americans before pearl harbor, sound familiar?
    Sencu  you have to ask steinmann he said to me i should wit about the desicion of huhn
    Sencu  and i didn't got any message from steinmann or huhn i could deliver
    Sencu  and now watch you tongou
    Fionn_Mc_Coule  but u attack 501s
    Fionn_Mc_Coule  why u attack them without knowing what HUHN intended
    Fionn_Mc_Coule  You more or less said yesterday that you would not attack 501s
    Sencu  i said i didn't know that doesn't mean that my commander didn't made a desicion aftar i left your ts is was going to sleep
    Fionn_Mc_Coule  could have got someone to contact us today
    Sencu  hmm thats not fair
    Sencu  and i thought ther could be an agreement made
    Fionn_Mc_Coule  no mate saying u would contact us and not, thats not fair
    Fionn_Mc_Coule  i am not blaming u personaly
    Sencu  i would have if i know i was until is was goning to sleep in your ts
    Sencu  i know
    Sencu  not telling you was not the respectfull wey of fighting
    Fionn_Mc_Coule  but i lost all respect for your clan and for the gray
    Fionn_Mc_Coule  alliance
    Sencu  i can understand that sry all i can do is say sry from my side
    Fionn_Mc_Coule  Sorry from you i accept
    Sencu  even thought i said yesterday somone should inform you if somtghing is descided
    Fionn_Mc_Coule  from your caln never
    Fionn_Mc_Coule  all current dealings with other clans will be shown the save messages and told how HUHN, RDA, ITA and SIEG do their buisness

    So if you want to make out it was me that caused our current problem because of that then f**k it, demote me or kick me, but i will not have anyone try to make themselves look better at my expense.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,692 ✭✭✭Dublin_Gunner

    1st YOU signed the alliance with the French.
    2nd up to yesterday you were the 1 telling us we would honour our alliance.
    3rd people, as in everyone except you in the meeting yesterday said we didnt want to be known as a dishonorable clan for breaking the alliance, YOU created. (refer to 2)
    4th yesterday what did you think of what RDA and SIEG done. hatefull bast**ds was 1 thing u used to describe their actions.

    Its a NAP Fionn, not an alliance, and there's nothing official apart from an agreement with Markenry or whatever his name is.

    I have no problem honouring any agreement once its for our benefit.

    We won't be known as a dishonourable clan, in fact, I really doubt any of them give a toss what we do.

    4 - I wanted to go and retaliate if you remember correctly Fionn. But every seems to bloody concerned with keeping everyone else happy.
    The time has come, as I was saying last night, to stop bending over because some french / german / whatever clan says they won't be our friends.

    Seriously WTF??? They all want us to do their bidding, and are unwilling to do anything in return. In other words its like were paying them all off so they won't attack us.

    Its time for US to do what WE want, in a manner beneficial to the clan.

    The French have served their purpose, done nothing for us in return, are unwilling to allow us expand.

    They are now very weak, they are swapping territories etc to try get some time to get some tanks back.

    Sticking with them any longer is dangerous for our health - we should take the opportunity now and remove them off the map.

    This territory swap they have going on is a perfect opportunity to gain land at what could be a potentially minimal loss - plus its the land we they wouldn't 'let' us take from R_R.

    And another thing, SIEG and their bunch of w@nker mates all seem to want to attack the French - if we let that happen without taking some of that territory, we'll have ll those right next door to our land, and we'll have little opportunity to go anywhere because of all the poxy agreements between Grey & Blue alliances.

    We need to act now, and gain a bit more land, or we can continue having 1 battle per night, not get anywhere and fade away.

    I fact I think we should attack the French at the 2 zones near, before Scorpions come in and we have all this pussy footing again not being able to move.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,749 ✭✭✭Smiles35

    Nah Dub, the way I see it is, we had one thing to do was watch the back of the French and we failed because we let ourselves get caught up in a silly plan to get the germans up the coast. (I loved it because it gave us a bit of purpose in the game.)

    The French are naturally bossy, that's not their fault. I've had enough shame for a week allowing RDA to get a piece of us. No more, holiday time.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 224 ✭✭Fionn Mc Coule

    Its a NAP Fionn, not an alliance, and there's nothing official apart from an agreement with Markenry or whatever his name is.
    You told us it was an alliance

    I have no problem honouring any agreement once its for our benefit.

    Well all the rest of us want to honour the agreement because its the right thing to do

    We won't be known as a dishonourable clan, in fact, I really doubt any of them give a toss what we do.

    Yes we would, if not by any others then by ourselves, as i said i will not stay in a clan or fight for anyone that is selfish minded and not willing to honour an agreement.

    4 - I wanted to go and retaliate if you remember correctly Fionn. But every seems to bloody concerned with keeping everyone else happy.
    The time has come, as I was saying last night, to stop bending over because some french / german / whatever clan says they won't be our friends.

    Yea so did we all in the start, now u say we shouldn't bend over backwards or care about others yet above you say we need to keep the blue alliance calmed for our benefit.?

    Seriously WTF??? They all want us to do their bidding, and are unwilling to do anything in return. In other words its like were paying them all off so they won't attack us.

    Its time for US to do what WE want, in a manner beneficial to the clan.

    The French have served their purpose, done nothing for us in return, are unwilling to allow us expand.

    They are now very weak, they are swapping territories etc to try get some time to get some tanks back.

    Sticking with them any longer is dangerous for our health - we should take the opportunity now and remove them off the map.

    This territory swap they have going on is a perfect opportinity to gain land at what could be a potentially minimal loss - plus its the land we they wouldn't 'let' us take from R_R.

    And as far as the last few, we all said, we didnt want to attack the french and break the agreement yet you keep going on and on and on, all the DCs said we are not attacking the FRENCH so no matter how much you want to attack them its not going to happen so forget about it and leave it be.

    thats about it

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,692 ✭✭✭Dublin_Gunner

    Nah Dub, the way I see it is, we had one thing to do was watch the back of the French and we failed because we let ourselves get caught up in a silly plan to get the germans up the coast. (I loved it because it gave us a bit of purpose in the game.)

    The French are naturally bossy, that's not their fault. I've had enough shame for a week allowing RDA to get a piece of us. No more, holiday time.

    Our protecting of the Fench put us in the poxy position we're in now.

    We need to take land before we're cleared off the map.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,692 ✭✭✭Dublin_Gunner

    thats about it

    You don't tell me what to do Fionn. And not all the DC's happen to agree on it either.

    We're turning into everyones pushovers. If we don't take the land, the Grey's will, and we'll be next. All the while sitting on our 2 zones of land afraid to do anything in case someone gets annoyed.

    I really don't see what the big deal is. Its an agreement I made, you're right, but now you seem to think its your decision to continue it or not?

    We need to be doing things that are of a benefit to our cla, not trying to be everyones friend.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Arts Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,431 CMod ✭✭✭✭Nody

    We got three ****ty pieces of land; attacking the 501s are not going to suddenly give us better land nor more of it. Attacking the 501s first will guarantee that we'll have at least two clans on our necks (501s and Hungarian Pirates) if not SIEG and a couple of other clans as well.

    At this stage the only thing of value we can get out of this cluster**** situation is that we're seen as a reputable clan that stick to our word.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,692 ✭✭✭Dublin_Gunner

    I seriously think people are forgetting this is a game.

    Alright, I please you all.

    I'll send chips into CPC, and lock down the rest.

    We'll lose, and then we'll be too afraid of annoying someone else to attack anywhere else and end up doing nothing for a week - provided we're not knocked of.

    Hardly my idea of showing people we're a strong clan.

    We need to play the game - but seriously if our idea of CW is going to be NAPping with everyone and sitting around, because we have no balls, we're seriously going to have to consider why we bother at all.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 28 bruffio

    all this **** has to and better stop now
    its ripping us apart
    its no ones fault we all made and make mistakes
    we learn we move on
    about haut bassins, we agreed last night t give it away and the reason they want it is to join in attacking the french

    i still stick by my opinion is that its too much work in south west africa for no reward if we got kicked out od it i9d be more than happy



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,749 ✭✭✭Smiles35

    I seriously think people are forgetting this is a game.

    Alright, I please you all.

    I'll send chips into CPC, and lock down the rest.

    Why are we sending chips in CPC when we have no idea which way they want to try first?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 224 ✭✭Fionn Mc Coule

    You don't tell me what to do Fionn. And not all the DC's happen to agree on it either.

    I did not tell u to do anything, i asked you to stop dictating, this is a clan where the majority rule. If you want to find out the truth get a vote and we will see.

    We're turning into everyones pushovers. If we don't take the land, the Grey's will, and we'll be next. All the while sitting on our 2 zones of land afraid to do anything in case someone gets annoyed.

    I really don't see what the big deal is. Its an agreement I made, you're right, but now you seem to think its your decision to continue it or not?

    Yes it is my decision as it is Daves, bruffios, Dans, DOTCs and every other member of the clan, NOT just yours.

    We need to be doing things that are of a benefit to our cla, not trying to be everyones friend.

    All i see is you want to do it your way and you keep going on about it no matter what was decided last night

    as far as the thats about it it was aimed at what i had to say in answer.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,692 ✭✭✭Dublin_Gunner

    Why are we sending chips in CPC when we have no idea which way they want to try first?

    Because that's what was decided.

    But, I probably won't be around for the 'battle' this evening. Its utterly pointless and more than enough people will be on.

    Bruff / Fionn - you guys place the chips where you want.

    Actually Fionn, I think you'll find the book stops with me on EVERY decision. And no, every member doesn't have a say in what we decide.

    But if you guys are willing to be a pathetic, napping, soft touch of a clan, you needen't bother with your vote Fionn.

    At least 15 members might get a game tonight.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 66 ✭✭cro_bully

    Everybody calm down and solve this on TS because you're just fighting here.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 598 ✭✭✭[DF]Lenny

    we had a constructive clear the air meeting last night , where is all this coming from , lets do what we said we would & importantly play WOT

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,692 ✭✭✭Dublin_Gunner

    Oh, and we could only send 14 chips into CPC as there was one locked in Upper Western Ghana. Stupid game doesn't let chips 'pass through'.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,692 ✭✭✭Dublin_Gunner

    Well done on Beating CPC tonight.

    Fionn's tactics worked a treat I believe. :)

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Arts Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,431 CMod ✭✭✭✭Nody

    Lets start a new one, locking this thread.

This discussion has been closed.