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Train hard to get lean ""the sequel"



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    I trained both Friday and Saturday. On both occasions i tried to add some upper body stuff and glute work. But the glute strain while not major started acting up. I do think it only minor as I am symptom free for 90% of the day. So I just need to be patient for the next week and really get stuck into rehab. I am going to hit the lacrosse ball and pigeon stretches' for the next few days

    Friday 36mins of cardio
    90sec of bike or rower
    stretch 30sec

    90sec of bike or rower
    stretch 30sec

    I will do a session today like above, it wont be a bad week. I will have trained six times albeit just light cardio and stretching

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Trained mix of cardio and mobility work for 40mins.


    25mins of
    90 sec bike
    3 Way glute exercise
    Face pulls X8
    Glute bridge X8
    mtn climbers 10 reps

    25mins of
    90sec bike
    Good morning green band 8
    X walks 10 steps each side
    Around the world lateral raises 8 reps
    V-ups 20sec

    Took a few days off after I couldn't shake the glute strain, I actually taught it was a disc injury. With the way it would act up, so I went to a physio and confirmed it was a glute strain and would take 2 weeks from the injury I had to get back in the saddle fully.

    Did that session yesterday and legs feel tired today :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    25mins of
    90 sec bike
    3 Way glute exercise
    Face pulls X8
    Glute bridge X8
    reverse ab curls 8 reps

    25mins of
    90sec bike
    band pull aparts 15 reps
    Pallof press 5 reps
    Horse stance 5kg for 25secs

    Heart rate was crazy high, I am an unfit f*$ker.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Swings 24kgX5X20
    Inverted rows 8X5
    Windmill 24kgX5X3/3
    Arnold Press 11kgX5X5

    Step up 20kgX10X6
    X Band walks 6/6 X6
    One arm row 32kgX6X6
    Long Plank 30secX6

    7rds of rowing 30sec on 30 sec off

    I had to skip the metcon as I was running late. I ight try to do it tomorrow, if I feel ok. Kept doing stretches between sets as a recover and for 10mins at the end.

    50 mins training ave bpm 131 and max 151

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Swings 24kgX5X20
    Face pulls 8X5
    Windmill 24kgX5X3/3
    Band pull aparts 8X5

    Deadlift 95kgX7X6
    Squat jumps 3X6
    decline press up 6X6
    Plank 25sec

    10mins amrap
    skipping 20sec
    sumo high pull 16kgX12
    Burpee 8 reps
    one arm press hallow press 5 reps e/s

    Was meant to be 12min amrap, but a call cut it short.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    bike 90sec
    lower body stretches 30sec

    25mins of
    Row 90sec
    Upper body stretches


    Swings 24kgX20X5
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5
    Face pulls 8X5 green band
    Band pull apart 8X5 red band

    skater squat with trx 6/5X6
    Chin up 5X6
    Kneeling one arm press 16kgX8/8X6
    Bird dog 5/5X6

    Bike 5mins
    punch bag 10mins

    doms were bad enough after Friday. Glute felt good after a week of training. Wrists are still sore when pressure is put on them, the likes of push ups make the cranky. Otherwise good to to get five days training done this week.

    The goal for June is to lose 2kg , 20 training sessions and try to build two habits of not eating in the car and eating after seven at night.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    15mins bike

    10 mins 30sec on 30sec off punch bag

    10mins rowing

    Stretch and foam roll for 15mins. Off program workout, i was moaning and p..sing around. Just committed to five mins of training and got to 35mins in the end. No pressure, just keeping the heart rate in the maffetone range.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Swings 24kgX20X5
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5
    Band pull aparts 8X5
    Arnold Press 11kgX5X5

    Curtsy lunges 16kgX8/8X6
    Swings 32kgX8X6
    band pull aparts diagonal 15X6
    Hollow rocks 20secX6

    15mins on the bike.

    Spent the previous three days sitting a lot, driving and at work. Glute was tight and tender, decided to drop the metcon and do the bike instead. Foam rolled and stretched out for 20mins after

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    5 mins on the rower

    Swings 32kgX20X5
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5
    Empty pockets 8X5 red band
    IYT 5/5/5X5

    Tempo deadlift 100kgX5X6 3sec 1sec and 1sec
    Squat jumps 3X6
    One arm press 24kgX5/5X6
    Russian twist 11kg X10X6

    10min amrap
    bike 45sec
    one arm high pull kettlebell 16kgX5/5
    burpee 3 reps

    Hit the foam roller before and after. The glute is tender for sure, spend a bit extra time on the mobility before and the warmup. Hopefully I will mange this over the next week or so. Ave bpm 132 and max 158, 58 mins

    May review - no weight loss, trained 18 times. A few minor injuries with the wrists and glute. But the blow out around the glute injury food and beer wise held me back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 530 ✭✭✭new2tri19

    Is this like a CrossFit style workout ?
    5 mins on rower - is this to a set power / intensity ?
    45 seconds bike - same question , I assume all out , how do you gauge it ?

    I like the idea of bike then hop off do some kinda amrap but it would be a bit awkward and slow for me changing out of clip in shoes maybe need to get mountain bike pedals .

    One arm press 24kgX5/5X6- what does this mean ? 24kg for 5 sets of 6 ? Do you do both arms ?

    one arm high pull kettlebell 16kgX5/5 - similar with this is this 5 sets of 5 ? You have a 32kg kettlebell just wondered is there an advantage to doing one arm over two arm with double the weight . I'd consider it more time effective to do the 32.

    Sorry for all the questions I like to get ideas from other people workout.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Thanks for the questions

    I hope I am writing the set and reps write.

    I just did rower yesterday as warm up - but deliberate or not I keep it at under 1:55/500 around 33 s/m when I am rowing for the most part.

    The bike in the end session is all out, but I have a rate monitor. Which again could be a self limiting as I probably go harder it I did not see the BPM. If that makes sense.

    Where I use 5/5 is single arm/leg although that could be writing it wrong. I will google it after this.

    In the end sets its a metcon I try go lighter than say moving to 32kg, as I am balls to wall and the form might be comprised. I dont want to pick a niggle

    The workouts I get a monthly subscription I pay to a PT. I say to myself I would switch to it rather doing the same the program over and over. Its not exactly as programmed but very close and it has more mobility in the plan than shown. I have back, knee and shoulder ops from sports and work related injuries. Too much and crazy training schemes/work when I was younger has me banged up. I am happy enough the program and just want for the next thirty years.

    I hope that answers the questions you have. I will try to make it clearer next time

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    I always took 5/5 (for example) to represent single arm/leg exercises and the number of reps each side anyway

  • Registered Users Posts: 530 ✭✭✭new2tri19

    Thanks man , I'm sure you are writing them out correctly I just don't get the lingo yet .
    That's a good session fair play I'd say it gets the heart pumping .I'll definitely copy some elements of it over to my own training .
    Yeah I don't really use heart rate that much on bike especially because mine seems to lag the effort by a good 30 seconds so 45 seconds bike would be hard to judge.
    I generally go off power and cadence.
    It's amazing though on zwift if I'm in a race I can hold power for an hour that otherwise I'd struggle to hold for 5-10mins .I always feel even if I'm going all out training it's probably only 70% of true max as no external influence to push past the mind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Never taught about the lag, I have used heart rate monitors for 20 years. Never dawned on me

    For sure the battle in the battle in the mind is easier with you are competing or up against someone. I would go harder in a group session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    bike 90 sec bring the heart rate up to maffetone 137bpm
    Shoulder weighted flex 5reps
    bootstrapper 16kgX5
    side bends 16kgX5/5

    bike 90 sec bring the heart rate up to maffetone 137bpm -+ 5
    Lat raises 8/8 red band
    Bicep curls 8 reps purple band
    single leg deadlift 16kgX5

    around 28mins of on the bike. bpm max 142 and ave 127. Easy session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Swings 32kgX20X5
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5
    Power pull trx 5X6
    Band pull apart 8X5 red band

    Iso lunge holds 20kgX20secX2X6
    Squat jumps 5X6
    One arm rows 32kgX8/8X6
    Pallof Press 5/5X6 purple band

    12mins metcon
    30sec bike
    Lateral hops 8reps
    deadlift 32kgX12
    Crab crawl 10m
    side plank 20sec

    Lateral hops moved felt a bit gritty in the last few rounds. ave bpm 132 max 161.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    bike 90sec bring heart rate up to 137bpm +/- 5
    Frog pumps 15 blue band
    Dead bug banded 10 reps blue band
    Swings 32kgX10

    bike 90sec bring heart rate up to 137bpm +/- 5
    Weighted Saddle ups 30sec
    Horizontal shoulder ext 11kgX5/5
    Wrist curls 11kgX8/8
    Swings 32kgX10

    Heart rate higher the passed two weeks, had a head cold and now after getting the vaccine it is running around 6 beats higher in the morning. As result this session cardio parts had to be taken at an easier rate to settle heart rate down.

    ave bpm 131 and max 144bpm

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    bike 90sec
    lower body stretches 30sec

    25mins of
    Row 90sec
    Upper body stretches

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Swings 32kgX20X5
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5
    Arnold Press 11kgX5X5
    Diagonal Band pull apart 8X5 red band

    Sinlge leg deadlift 32kgX5/5X6
    Swings 40kgX5X6
    Dips 5X6
    V holds 20secX6

    10min metco,
    swings 24kgX10
    Step ups 10 reps
    Mt climber 12reps - 3 rep pause
    bike to reminder of 2 mins -25-35sec

    Shoulder are starting to feel good. I have avoid press up for the most part up to this. All the windmills and band pull a parts helped. Ave bpm 129 max 159, 53mins.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Swings 24kgX20X5
    Push up 15X5
    Goblet Squats 24kgX10X5
    TRX inverted row 10X5 (Tempo)

    High pulls 16kgX10/10X4
    Sprawls 8X4
    Kneeling one arm press 16kgX8/8X4

    Plank 30 secX3
    Band pull a parts 30secX3
    Sit ups 12X3

    Good session, hear rate was high as I didn't get a good sleep last night. Damn it was hot, did the work out at work. The TRX inverted rows were tempo as I did not want to damage the door. 5 sessions this week, very happy with that.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Warm up for 8-10 mins of mobility and joint work

    Swings 32kgX20X3
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5
    Swings 40kgX20X2
    Band pull apart 8X5 red band

    Lateral raises 11kgX10X6
    Staggered deadlift 58kgX10X6
    lateral hop 8X6
    Downward dog 8X6

    Metcon 2
    squat jumps 10X5
    Bike 30-45sec
    Inverted rows 8 reps
    plank pull throughs 5kgX16
    Bicep curls 8 reps purple band

    Good session, I was lazy/too busy over the last two days. Really mixed minds about going a bit heavier on the weights. Only thing stopping me is life has got busier now the kids are back at sports. So do I need the extra stress of added weight when life is pressing in more than the passed few months. The program is using different methods to train by varying the time under tension, weight etc. Maybe I should be happy enough getting in my five days with work and life current pressures.

    Ave bpm 138 and max 161. Total tiem 53 mins. Foam roll and stretching for 15mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    50mins of cardio on cross trainer and bike at work.


    Swings 32kgX20X3
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5
    Swings 40kgX20X2
    Arnold press 22kgX5X5

    Metcon 20mins ( 1 mins X5 hopped on the bike for the remainder of the bike on each min if i had time left over)
    swings 24kg X10
    Push up 12
    Step up 10
    Palloff press 5/5

    Banded row one arm 8/8X4
    Triceps dips 10X4 green band
    Hamstring curls 8 reps trx
    Straddle bends 8/8


    bike 90 sec
    3 way glute 12 reps
    one arm band pull aparts 8/8 red band
    Plank toes 20sec


    bike 90 sec
    calf raises 16kgX8/8
    Saddle up 7
    side bends 16kgX7/7

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Monday 21 June

    Warm up - mobility and joint

    6rds - 24kg Bk workout
    Swings 24kgX20
    Press uo 10
    Goblet squat 24kgX10
    Clean 24kgX5/5
    One arm Press 24kgX5/5
    Inverted row 10
    Plank 30sec
    Rest till heart dropped to 120bpm - 30sec

    Bike 7 mins to take it up to 30mins

    A quick kb session I gave myself 25mins to and did it in 23mins. Not that is overly impressive. I want to get a session in today as I am finding it hard to hit my goal of five session a week.

    Ave bpm 135 max 161bpm -540cals

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Swings 32kgX20X5
    TGU 24kgX1/1X5
    Band pull aparts 20X5

    Step up 24kgX5/5X6
    Squat Jumps3X6
    Chin up 6X6
    Plank 30secx6

    Met con 12mins
    Bike 45sec
    Push press 32kgX8
    Renegade rows 16kgX4/4

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    bike 90sec
    lower body stretches 30sec

    25mins of
    Row 90sec
    Upper body stretches

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    25mins of
    Bike 90 sec
    Around the world lat raises 22kgX8
    Single leg glute bridge 8/8
    Bicep curls 8 purple band
    Squat calf raises 8

    25mins of
    Rowing 90sec
    Face pulls 8 reps
    Straddle up 8 reps

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Swings 32kgX20X5
    TGU 24kgX1/1X5

    Trap deadlift bar 100kgX6X6 mix of low handles and high
    Board jumps 3X6
    Decline push ups 10X6
    Hollow rocks 20sec

    Metcon 12mins 1 min to complete the 3 exercises and 30 sec rest
    swings 24kgX10
    Sprawls 5
    bike 25sec

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    40mins on the cross trainer


    Swings 32kgX20X3
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5
    Swings 40kgX20X3
    Band pull aparts 10X5 various types

    Landmine pause squats 50kgX6X3 - 55kgX6X3 paused in the btm for 3 sec
    Kneeling power jumps off box 3X6
    Arnold press 11.3kgX8X3 -13.6kgX8X3
    V ups 15secX6

    Metcon 30 sec on 30sec off 4rds
    thruster 16kgX4/4
    Step ups 5/5
    Plank to push up 5/5

    Man it was hot, meant to have another round in the metcon, but time was against me. max bpm 159, ave 134 total time 56mins.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    bike 90 sec
    3 way glute 12 reps
    swings 40kgX5
    face pull to rotation 8reps
    Flutter kick 10 sec

    X band walk 10 reps
    Waiter walks 24kgX25m
    Sit up 8 reps
    Swings 40kgX5
    bike 90 sec

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Warm up

    Halo with 16kgX5/5X3
    Goblet squat 16kgX3X3-sec
    Lat lunges 3/3X10sec
    Band dislocates 10X3
    Ankle rolls 10/10
    Leg swings 10/10
    Hip flexor 3/3X10sec
    Frog stretch 10
    Thoracic rotations 8/8
    Glute bridge 10

    KB workout

    Swings 32kgX10X5
    Goblet squats 32kgX10X5
    One arm press 32kgX5/5X5
    clean 32kgX5/5X5
    One arm row 32kgX5/5X5
    Ab wheel kneeling 5X5
    Bike 1 mins

    After each round I did stretching for a min as recovery. Total time 37mins. Ave 135bpm and max 157bpm. Garmin give it a score of 3.2 of aerobic and 2.2 for anaerobic. the latter score of 2.2 was maintaining my anaerobic base, while the first improved my aerobic base.

    I wanted to get two sessions in today, not a great idea. I miss a few sessions as I was travelling a lot with work earlier in the week. So if I get a session in tomorrow I will hit five for the week. That is my goal for as much of the year as possible. Also I have the second jab Monday and I might not get five next week, so that was in the back of my mind too.
