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Train hard to get lean ""the sequel"



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    24kg Kb snatchs 8/8X5X24
    24” box jumps 8X5
    Pallof press 8/8X5

    Bulgarian Split squat 8/8X6XBW
    Push Press 8X6X 40kg
    Chin up 4X6XBW

    SLDL 8X2X60kg
    Side plank 30secs

    Review of last month and 1.2 kg down and 20 sessions. Bpm 137 ave and max 159.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Finally found the fitness forum and my fitness log ..

    Train 5 times last week, so that the log up to date and it will cover the migration period


    25mins of

    90 sec bike

    single leg glute bridge 5/5

    prone lifts 5/5

    lateral shoot throughs 5/5

    Downward dog

    25mins of

    90sec bike

    Triceps push down 8 reps

    Shoulder dislocates 8 reps

    Bicep curls 8 reps

    Squat calf raises 8 reps

    Man was it hot and sweaty, even the sweat angel drowned. Ave bpm 129, max 142, 50mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    40mins cross trainer


    Swings 24kgX100

    Windmill 24kgX15/15

    Band pull apart, Arnold press and glute raises 

    Step up 24kgX5/5X3

    Btm up 16kgX5/5X3

    Row 45secX3

    Suitcase 32kgX20X3 

    Glute exercise 

    Pull up 5Xbw

    Single leg deadlift 32kgX5/5X3

    Pallof press 5/5 X3

    Row 45sec X3 

    Glute exercise 

    Boxing 5 mins of 30 sec on 30 sec off 

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Swings 24kgX100

    Windmill 24kgX15/15

    Band pull apart, Arnold press and glute raises

    Trap deadlift 100kgX6X6

    Squat jumps 3X6

    Push Up 10X6

    V ups hold 20secX6

    15mins Metcon

    45sec bike

    KB high pull 16kgX5/5

    Around the world lat raises 12kgX8

    Plank 25sec

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Swings 24kgX20X5

    Clean 24kgX10/10X5

    ITY 5/5/5X5

    Sit ups 10X5

    Glute stretch and exercise

    Push up 12X4

    Lunges 8/8X4

    Squats 15X4

    Glute stretch and exercise

    Single Leg deadlift 24kgX8/8X3

    Figure 8 16kgX8/8X3

    Knee to elbows 10X3

    Glute stretch and exercise

    38mins of work. Hip flexor killing me after sitting down for a period and lying on it. So I have been stretch and do a few rehab exercise I taught it would be right by now, as it started over a week ago. Hopped on the scale this morning, back up 1.2kg. Been crazy with beers and grub the last few weeks and it is showing. I am logging the workout, when I should be more worried about the food. As the habit of training is well established. I am going to put a note on the end of each day to track it from now on

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Friday 36mins of cardio

    90sec of bike or rower

    stretch 30sec


    90sec of bike or rower

    stretch 30sec

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Swings 24kgX100

    Windmill 24kgX15/15

    Band pull apart, Arnold press and glute raises

    Rom Deadlift 72kgX6X6

    Squat Jump 4X6

    Declined Push Up 6X6

    Side Plank 20sec X6

    15mins of each min

    KB Swings 24kgX8

    Sprawls 5

    Bike remainder of min

    The start of the workouts need to change. I was slow to change the 100swing and windmills as they are quick and bit of mind thing to get me into the workout. But not they are not adding anything. I think I will add weight to the swings and maybe switch to TGU instead of windmills. Been more focused on the food side for the last week, setting up a page to keep myfitnesspal inputs, goals for the day, workout. I hope to refine this by adding a excel to track weight, compliance and workout as a weekly review. I am not trying at this stafe to get the data 100% accurate , calories consumed or burnt. I may never, but try improve the data as much a can be done without been anal about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    20 mins of

    90 sec bike

    single leg glute bridge 5/5

    prone lifts 5/5

    lateral shoot throughs 5/5

    Downward dog

    20 mins of

    90sec bike

    Triceps push down 8 reps

    Shoulder dislocates 8 reps

    Bicep curls 8 reps

    Squat calf raises 8 reps

    I was tired the last few days, motivation down. Did the above session to just do something and kept it to 40mins easy movement

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Review of the month 18 training session and up 1kg in weight. I don't know I feel about I ma consistent enough with the training, but not really getting a grip of the nutrition. I did get some form of logging starting last week, but the weekend I kicked in the doors and lost track of myself eating wise. I think as well as logging I need to plan for the weekend


    Swings 32kgX5X20

    Windmills 24kgX3/3X5

    Face pulls, arnold press and band pull aparts

    Step ups 32kgX6/6X6

    Squat jumps 3X6

    Chin up 6X6

    Banded Chops 6/6X6

    10min metcon

    swings 24kgX10

    Push ups 10

    Situps 10

    Bike 45sec

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    25 mins of

    90 sec bike

    single leg glute bridge 5/5 or X band walks

    IYT 5/5/5

    Tricep push down 8

    Plank 2

    25mins of

    90sec bike

    ISO Over head holds 16kg

    Bicep curls 8 reps

    Squat calf raises 8 reps

    Lateral raises 12kgX11

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Swings 32kgX5X20

    Windmills 24kgX3/3X5

    inverted rowsX8X5 band pull apart8X5

    Single Leg Deadlift 40kgX6/6X6

    Lat hops 4X6

    Single arm floor press 32kgX5/5X6

    Palloff Press 5/5Xx6 blue band

    Met Con 15mins

    Sprawl 4

    bike 1 min

    Max bpm 160, ave 134

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    After seven or eight points the night before surprising i was in any form to work out at all.

    KB workout

    Swings 32kgX20X5

    One arm press 32kgX5/5X5

    Goblet Squats 32kgX5/5X5

    Cleans 32kgX5/5X5

    One Arm rows 32kgX5/5X5

    Single leg deadlift 32kgX5/5X5

    Hollow rocks 20sec X5

    Bike for 5mins

    The weekend have killed me the last two weeks, beers, crap food with friends back from aboard and in laws visiting. I guess I should not be too hard as you have to have a life.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Swings 40kgX10X5

    Swings 32kgX10X5

    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5

    Inverted rows 8X5

    Band pull aparts 8X5

    Sandbag lunges 25kgX6/6X6

    Squat jumps 4X6

    Chin up 5X6 2 sec over the bar hold

    Bird dog 30secX6

    6rds of

    Bike 40sec

    Push press 32kgX6

    Lunge holds 5sec each side

    downward dog

    plank 30sec

    Hard work today, head was not into nor was the body lots of aches. Stuck with it and got it done. Ave bpm 134 and max 158, 55mins total.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Back after the holidays, way too much food and drink. `Good break and felt mentally fresh, but boy did the body feel the the oppsoite. heart rate was pumping after the warm up of the swings.

    Swings 32kgX20X5

    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5

    Band pull aparts 8X5

    Step up 24kgX6/6X6

    Squat jumps 4X6

    Inverted rows 8X6

    Straddle up 15secX6

    Row 10mins


    40mins cardio

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast



    bike 90 sec

    triceps 8x green band

    bicep curl 8X purple band

    lat raises 8/8X red band

    pallof press 5/6 X blue band

    run 60sec 10m-5-10m

    glute bridge single leg 8/8

    x band walks 8/8

    side plank 20sec


    Swings 32kgX20X5

    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5

    pull up 2X5

    Band pull aparts 8X5

    5 rds 30sec on 30sec off


    hallow rock press 12kgX6/6


    clean and press 32kgX8

    Single leg deadlift 40kgX5X5

    single leg lat hops 2/2

    floor press 32kgX5/5

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast



    500m -300m-250m-250m-250m-250m-250m

    30sec rest

    Swings 32kgX20X5

    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5

    Band pull aparts 8X5

    aronald press 11kgX5X5

    Z press 32kgX6X5

    Chin ups 6X5

    knee tuck 8X5


    40mins cardio cross trainer

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Swings 32kgX20X5

    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5

    Band pull aparts 8X5

    Pull up tempo 2X5


    Bike 30sec

    handstand pus up off bench 5

    Shoot throughs 10

    Snatches 24kgX5

    Rotation lunges sandbag 22kgX12X6

    Lateral hops 4X6

    Tempo invert rows 6X6 3sec hold

    Glute work- x band walks, glute bridge

    avg bpm 133 and max 157. 52 mins and 679 cals.

    Still having problems with hamstring tenderness right hand side, glute strain on the left and IT band on the right. Not all the time, but they can show up various times. It like the yellow light on the dash, not urgent yet. . I really need to work on loosening the hips,glute and strengthen them in addition.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    The post above was yesterday. Forgot to hit post it. 😏

    Bike 45sec

    X band walks - glute kick back 8 reps

    Seated dumbbell good morning 13kg X 8 reps

    Shoulder dislocates black band 8 reps

    45sec bike

    reverse mountain climbers 8reps

    dowel lift and scap retraction 8reps

    for 50mins

    Started out with KB 16kg for the seated good morning and swooped them out, to dumbbells' as the depth was limited due to the handle. Probably the same effect as the weight was less but the ROM was more. Changed x band walks to glute kick back after half way. Hear rate was very high compared the actual work been asked of me. I felt tired, even though ?I had a good night sleep. Ave bpm 131 and max 151.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Swings 32kgX20X5

    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5

    Arnold Press 11.3kgX5X5

    Face Pulls green band 8X5


    KBs Cleans 32kgX12X6

    Push ups 12X6

    Sit up/knee tucks 12X6

    One arm press 16kgX5/5X6

    Band pull aparts 10X6 red band under arm

    TRX Hamstring curls 8X6

    Plank 20sec

    Ave bpm 132 and max 162bpm. Total time 48mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Swings 32kgX20X5

    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5

    Arnold Press 11.3kgX5X5

    Face Pulls green band 8X5

    10 mins on the bike and rower

    10 mins of 30sec on and 30 sec off on the punch bag

    I started doing a weights session and split squats but what every happen in the 2nd set my resting knee locked. I was hoping around and I couldn't straighten my leg. So I wrapped the voodoo bands and got myself right again. I said I would do a bit of cardio as the bike as it is good at loosening the knee when it is at me. After a few mins I felt good enough to finish the workout as a cardio session.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    25mins on the bike

    15 mins on the rower


    Swings 32kgX20X5

    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5

    Arnold Press 11.3kgX5X5

    Face Pulls green band 8X5

    Step up 24kgX6/6X6

    Gorrilla Rows 16kg(2)X8/8X6

    Suitcase carrier 40kgX6X15m

    20min metcon

    1 min bike

    bench dips 8 reps and bicep curls 8 reps

    swing and press one arm 24kgX10

    Planks 40sec and hollow rocks
