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Train hard to get lean ""the sequel"



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Press 5X2X28kg
    RDL 5X2X100kg
    Mixed chin up 3X4
    Snatch KB 5/5X5X24kg
    ab roll 5X1

    5/5 TGU 24kg KB

    agility sprints rds
    5m-5m,15m-15m,20m-20m, 30m-30m
    Bpm was 173 at the end rd

    cal 2446
    carb 135 grams
    fat 220 grams
    protein 110grams

    day 4 done

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Press 5X2X28kg
    Deadlift 3X3X130kg (1X150kg)
    Pull ups 3X3
    Swings KB 10X10X28kg
    ab roll 5X1

    Density training 20mins 8 rds completed, ave bpm 151, max 167
    50kg on the barbell
    3 chin ups
    3 deadlifts
    3 hang cleans
    3 presses
    3 front squats
    3/3 windmill 20kg
    sweet baby Jesus:eek:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    5 rds of
    5 NTE
    10 sandbag squats
    15 presses
    20 double unders

    Weighted vest 20kg on 5 rds of
    30m sprints
    5 squats
    5 push ups

    Press 5X2X28kg
    Deadlift 3X2X135kg
    chin 5X2
    Snatch KB 10X10X28kg
    ab roll 5X1

    30/30 secs rowing 10 rds

    5 rds of punch bag work
    1:20mins on, 40sec off

    cal 2534
    carb 150 grams
    fat 153 grams
    protein 149grams

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Press 5X2X32kg
    Single leg Deadlift 5/5X2X52kg
    one arm rows 3X3
    Snatch KB 5/5X5X24kg
    ab roll 5X1

    24kg KB swings
    24kg Goblet squats
    push ups

    3rds of
    40 m farmer walk 56kg
    40 m waiter walk 24kg
    45 sec plank

    Dan john 40 days easy strength done

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    5rds of
    1/1 TGU
    2 pull ups
    10 32 kg kb swings

    5rds of
    7 push ups
    14 OH squats 20kg bar
    21 DU

    P?*s poor tonight :o

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    After a couple of days off and eating like a horse, I did a small bit today. Going for another 40 days easy strength program. I have a fair bit of strength gain to work on and I did improve without the past few weeks doing it. I aim to finish this over the next 50 days.


    Press 5X2X32kg
    Single leg Deadlift 5/5X2X52kg
    pull ups 3X3
    Swings 10X10X32kg
    ab roll 5X1

    day 40 done

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Press 5X2X32kg
    Single leg Deadlift 5/5X2X52kg
    pull ups 3X3
    Swings 10X5X32kg
    ab roll 5X1

    weight vest 20kg push up and squats
    3+3, 6+6,9+9,12+12, 9+9,6+6,3+3

    sprints 10rds

    3rds of
    40 m farmer walk 56kg
    40 m waiter walk 24kg
    45 sec plank

    day 39 done

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Press 5X2X32kg
    Single leg Deadlift 5/5X2X52kg
    pull ups 3X3
    Swings 10X5X32kg
    ab roll 5X1

    24kg KB swings
    24kg Goblet squats
    push ups

    Skips/Sit ups
    100/50, 80/40,60/30,40/20,20/10

    day 38 done

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Press 3X3X60kg BB
    Deadlift 3X3X140kg
    pull ups 3X3
    Cleans BB 5X10X50kg
    ab roll 5X1

    TGU+ 20kg DB Snatch 5rds

    10 rds of 30 sec rowing, 30 sec rest

    Trained in a hotel gym, it was good as it forced me to adapt a bit more. You have to get used not having the weights you want or they are too slippy etc. The Pull ups were done in a smith machine and even with my knees raised I still touched the ground, giving rise to a strange pause/ reset for the pull. Hands gave up on me in the deadlift, burst a major blister on sunday and its killed me all week. That saying I have not looked after my hands at all.

    day 37 done

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Press 5/5X2X28kg BB
    Deadlift 3X3X130kg
    chinups 3X3
    KB Swings 10X5X28kg
    ab roll 5X1

    24kg KB swings
    24kg Goblet squats
    push ups

    5 rds of punch bag work
    1:20mins on, 40sec off

    Really no energy today, getting over a cold from last week. Strange thing I trained harder with it. Anyway job done

    day 36 done

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Press 5/5X2X32kg KB
    Deadlift 5X2X120kg
    Pull ups 3X3
    KB Swings 10X5X32kg
    ab roll 5X1


    Press 5/5X2X28kg BB
    Deadlift 3X3X130kg
    chinups 5X2
    KB Swings 10X5X28kg
    ab roll 5X1

    10X3 atomic push ups TRX
    10X3 Inverted rows on TRX

    agility sprints rds
    5m-5m,15m-15m,20m-20m, 30m-30m

    3rds of
    40 m farmer walk 56kg
    40 m waiter walk 24kg
    45 sec plank

    day 34 done

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Press 5/5X2X32kg KB
    Deadlift 5X2X120kg
    Pull ups 3X3
    KB Snatchs 10X5X24KG
    ab roll 5X1

    200m run
    30 box jumps, 30X24kg swings, 30 push ups
    200m run
    20 box jumps, 20x24kg swings, 20 push up
    10 box jumps, 10x24kg swings, 10 push up
    200m run

    did a few days training last week.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Press 5/5X2X32kg KB
    Deadlift 5X2X130kg
    Pull ups 3X3
    KB Snatchs 10X5X24KG
    ab roll 5X1

    Density training 20mins 7 rds completed
    40kg KB
    3 chin ups
    5 deadlifts
    5 hang cleans
    5 presses
    5 front squats
    3/3 windmill 20kg

    5 rds
    5 burpees
    5 32Kg Kb swings
    50 m sprint (Run:( )

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Press 5/5X2X32kg KB
    Deadlift 3X3X130kg
    Pull ups 3X3
    KB Snatchs 10X5X24KG
    ab roll 5X1

    24kg KB swings
    24kg Goblet squats
    push ups

    sprints 10rds

    3rds of
    40 m farmer walk 56kg
    40 m waiter walk 24kg
    45 sec plank

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Press 5/5X2X32kg KB
    Deadlift 5X2X120kg
    Pull ups 5X1, 3X2
    KB Swings 10X10X32KG
    ab roll 5X1

    5/5 TGU 24kg Kb

    5 mins of max man makers with 2X16kg KB, 15 :eek:
    man maker = push off bells, renegade row, clean and thruster

    6 rds in 10mins of
    3 clean and press 25kg sandbag
    25 DU

    I don't think I was ready for how much the man makers were going to be a killer. Must redo this again :cool:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    8km run 45mins

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Press 5/5X2X28kg KB
    Deadlift 5X2X100kg
    Pull ups 3X3
    KB Swings 10X10X28KG
    ab roll 5X1

    3rds of
    40 m farmer walk 56kg
    40 m waiter walk 24kg
    45 sec plank

    10 rds of 30 sec rowing, 30 sec rest

    5 rds of punch bag work
    1:20mins on, 40sec off

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Press 5/5X2X28kg KB
    Deadlift 5X1X140kg 5X1X100kg
    Pull ups 3X3
    KB Snatch 10X10X24KG
    ab roll 5X1

    5rds of
    30kg barbell thrusters X7
    24Kg KB swings X14

    10X4 atomic push ups TRX
    10X4 Inverted rows on TRX

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Press 5/5X2X28kg KB
    Deadlift 3X3X130kg
    Pull ups 3X2, 5X1
    KB Swing 10X13X28KG
    ab roll 5X1

    5/5 TGU 24Kg KB

    36m sprints 28-28m 10rds
    first five 3:1 recover second five 2:1 recover

    100 burpees

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Press 3/3X2X28kg KB
    Deadlift 5X2X135kg
    chinups 5X1, 3X2
    KB Swings 10X10X28KG
    Swiss ball roll out 5X1

    Density training
    50kg on barbell
    3 X chin ups
    3 X deadlift
    3 X Hang clean
    3 X Press
    3 X Front squats
    3/3 Windmill 16kg KB
    8 rds in 20mins ave bpm 164

    5 rds of punch bag work
    1:20mins on, 40sec off

    Shoulder felt wired during an attemp to do pull ups and press part of windmill :(

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Press 5/5X2X28kg KB
    Deadlift 5X2X120kg
    chinups 3X3
    KB Swings 10X5X28KG
    Swiss ball roll out 5X1

    24kg KB swings
    24kg Goblet squats
    push ups

    10X4 atomic push ups TRX
    10X4 Inverted rows on TRX

    10 rds of 30 sec rowing, 30 sec rest

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Press 5/5X2X28kg KB
    Deadlift 5X2X120kg
    Pull ups 3X3
    KB Swings 10X5X28KG
    Walk out 5X1

    modified 300 workout
    25 inverted rows
    50 60kg deadlifts
    50 Box Jumps (20")
    50 push ups
    50 sit ups
    50 squats
    25 inverted rows

    5 rds of
    1/1 TGU 24kg KB
    2/2 Windmill 16Kg KB

    5rds of 28m-28m
    work/rest 1:1

    I am bate, going to take tomorrow. Shoulders are still uhhh, Must get some one to look at my deadlifts, I feel I can go heavier. I dont have a problem with singles of 150kg, but my grip and form goes on the way back down. anyway day 23 done.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Press 5/5X2X32kg KB
    Deadlift 5X2X110kg
    Pull ups 3X3
    KB Swings 10X5X32KG
    Walk out 5X1

    5km run


    5km run.

    Had to really to push myself to get out and doing something today. Hopefully I will be more motivated tomorrow. :(

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Press 5/5X2X28kg KB
    Deadlift 5X2X120kg
    Pull ups 3X3
    KB Swings 15X4X28KG
    Swiss ball roll outs 5X1

    2X25kg DB hang cleans

    3rds of
    40 m farmer walk 56kg
    40 m waiter walk 24kg
    45 sec plank

    2 rds of
    10/10 24kg KB snatchs
    10 air squats
    10/10 one arm row
    10/10 reverse lunge
    10/10 24kg KB presses
    20 tow hand swings 24kg KB

    Press 5/5X2X28kg KB
    Deadlift 3X3X130kg
    Pull ups 4X3
    KB Swings 15X4X28KG
    Swiss ball roll outs 5X1

    5 rds of punch bag work
    1:30mins on, 30sec off

    10X4 atomic push ups TRX
    10X4 Inverted rows on TRX

    10 rds of 30 sec rowing, 30 sec rest

    day 21 done

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Press 5/5X2X28kg KB
    Deadlift 5X1X120kg, 3X1X130kg, 1X1X150kg
    Pull ups 3X3
    KB Swings 10X5X28KG
    Swiss ball roll outs 5X1

    10rds 5 X 28kg KB swings 56m sprints (28-28m)
    first five 3:1 recover second five 2:1 recover

    5 rds of
    1/1 TGU 24kg KB
    2/2 Windmill 16Kg KB

    5rds of
    8X100kg deadlifts
    3X BW chins
    1 min rest

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Press 3/3X2X28kg KB
    Deadlift 5X2X130kg
    chinups 5X2,
    KB Swings 10X10X28KG
    Swiss ball roll out 5X1

    Density training
    50kg on barbell
    3 X chin ups
    3 X deadlift
    3 X Hang clean
    3 X Press
    3 X Front squats
    3/3 Windmill 20kg KB
    8 rds in 20mins ave bpm 164

    30sec on 30 sec off 28kg KB swings

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Press 5/5X2X28kg KB
    Deadlift 3X3X130kg
    chinups 5X2,
    KB Swings 10X5X28KG

    24kg Kb swings 25X6
    Skipping 50X6

    10,8,6,4,2 of
    90kg Deadlift
    inverted rows
    trx push ups
    box jumps

    I have been putting on a bit of weight over the last few months. I hope to lose 6lbs over the next three weeks. I am going to try keep the carbs less than 200g, fat 100g and protein 200g on training days. On non training days
    200 protein, 52g crabs and 165g fat.

    The Goal
    " I will lose 6lbs in the next three weeks, by eating clean and training hard in order to look, feel and perform better."

    I am going to measure and weight myself each Saturday. I also want to test my deadlift and pull ups at the end.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Press 5/5X2X28kg KB
    Deadlift 3X3X130kg 1X160kg PB
    pull ups 3X3,
    KB Snatchs 10X5X24KG

    3rds of
    40 m farmer walk 56kg
    40 m waiter walk 24kg
    45 sec plank

    5 rds of punch bag work
    1:20mins on, 40sec off

    10X4 atomic push ups TRX
    10X4 Inverted rows on TRX

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Press 5/5X2X32kg KB
    Deadlift 5X2X120kg
    Chin ups 5X2
    KB Snatchs 10X5X24KG
    ab roll 5X1

    agility sprints 20,40,20 out on back on each of those three figures (120m total)
    then 8 28kg Kb swings, 16 push ups for 5 rds

    5 rds of
    1/1 TGU 24kg KB
    2/2 Windmill 16Kg KB

    10 rds of 30 sec rowing, 30 sec rest

    Happy enough with the diet so far and training. I have a bit of tennis elbow since two weeks DB hang cleans, keep rubbing it to manage the problem. Hope that will keep me going for another two weeks.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Press 3/3X2X32kg KB
    Deadlift 5X2X110kg
    Pull ups 5X2,
    KB Swings 10X6X32KG
    Ab wheel Swiss ball roll out 5X1

    Jay K cMVO2 Test 16kg KB Snatch 5mins
    1 min 10 reps ra
    1 min 14 reps la
    1 min 18 reps ra
    1 min 22 reps la
    1 min all out max reps ra (24)

    2 rds of
    20 swings 32kg KB
    10 push ups
    20 swings 32kg KB
    10 jump squats
    20 swings 32kg KB
    10 sholuder dislocats
    20 swings 32kg KB
    10 burpee

    3-6-9-6-3 20kg weight vest
    push ups and squats

    the cMVO2 test will be a base for a few weeks of viking conditioning sessions over the coming weeks.
