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Train hard to get lean ""the sequel"



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    45mins cycle on forest trail

    KB swings 200X1X32kg
    Spider man crawl 8mX5
    TGU 5/5X1X32kg

    Split Squats 8/8X3X20kg weighted vest
    Push ups 10X3X20kg
    Band pull apart 10X3 blue band
    shouler dislocates 5X3

    SLDL 8/8X3X56kg
    One arm rows 8/8X3X32kg
    rocking 10, prying the hips open

    Ab wheel 5X3
    windmill 3/3X3X16kg

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    One arm swings 20X5X32kg
    Spider man crawl 10mX5
    TGU 5/5X1X24kg
    lots of glute stretching

    Inverted row 10X3
    TRX Hamstring curls 10X3
    Stoney stretch 30 sec each side

    Front Squats 3X5X60kg
    wind mill stick 30sec each side

    Lower back felt stiff during one arm swings, so I dialed it back for the rest of the training. A bit sore and stiff too from the last two days training. I guess I had not the heart too and the stiffness and soreness just gave me the reason I was looking for. I wont be doing three days back to back like that again, but I had no choice this week as work had me up at 0400hrs Tuesday and Wednesday. So i was too tired to train those days.

    Swim in the sea 25mins mixed stokes in the evening, did it as a recovery and the cold water always help to get rid of the doms.

    Tonight lower back and glute mobility work.

    Tomorrow a walk and maybe a swim

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Missed over week training due to a back strain. Maybe stacking to many training days together, but the load were well low. I have been busy at work so maybe I was not recovering as good as I should have.

    Today 23rd July
    Swim in the sea 25mins mixed stokes

    One arm swings 20X5X32kg
    Spider man crawl 10mX5
    TGU 5/5X1X24kg

    Farmer walks 30mX3X56kg
    Ab wheel kneeling 5X3

    sprints 50m X 5rds

    cals 2327
    Protein 225
    Fat 113
    Carbs 104

    Dont know if i should use this log solely or put in a training journal as well. seems a bit of a waste of time writing it again. Anyway TGU flew up, so I think I will hit week test.

    Recap of today
    3 things I did well : trained, eat clean, achieved all work goals
    2 thing I would like to improve: mobility and mental strength
    1 thing I will work on tomorrow: mobility

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    One arm swings 20X5X24kg
    Spider man crawl 10mX5
    TGU 5/5X1X24kg

    10X25m sprints

    BW squats 10X5
    Push up 10X5

    Swim in the sea 25mins mixed stokes

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    One arm swings 20X5X24kg
    Spider man crawl 10mX5
    TGU 5/5X1X24kg

    10X25m sprints
    Farmer walks 30mX3X56kg

    glad to get through a session.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    30mins walk

    One arm swings 20X5X32kg
    Spider man crawl 10mX5
    TGU 4/4X1X24kg

    10X25m sprints
    planks 3X30 secs
    Windmill 3/3X3X16kg

    Trying to press the rest button again over the next few days and get in to the groove.That is the main focus. I have to stop short cutting the system, I am a guy who need to give total focus to everything. Going to keep it together for the next seven weeks and get it done


    3 things I did well today: 1) eat clean 2) good motivation 3) trained
    1 thing i want improve tomorrow: mobility

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    KB swings 20X5X32kg 2H
    Spider man crawl 8mX5
    TGU 5/5X1X32kg

    Split Squats 8/8X3X20kg weighted vest
    Push ups 10X3X20kg
    Band pull apart 10X3 blue band

    SLDL 8/8X3X56kg
    One arm rows 8/8X3X32kg

    Did a 45mins walk.

    Diet: 2618 cals
    Protein 211grm
    Fat 94grm
    Carbs 232 grm

    3 things I did well today: 1) eat clean 2) good motivation 3) trained
    1 thing i want improve today: mobility

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    KB swings 20X5X32kg 1H
    Spider man crawl 8mX5
    TGU 5/5X1X32kg

    Goblet Squats 10X3X32kg
    OAP 5/5X3X32kg

    IYT 5/5/5X2
    Hamstring Curls 8X2

    Did a 35 min walk.

    Diet: 2210 cals
    Protein 170grm
    Fat 66grm
    Carbs 215 grm

    3 things I did well yesterday: 1) GTG pull ups 2) mental workout 3) trained
    1 thing i want improve today: diet

    Put up a pull up bar at the back of the house, GTG pull ups each time i pass. these will help in tough mudder.

    trained 4 times last week, three weight session, one swim

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    KB swings 20X5X32kg 1H
    Spider man crawl 8mX5
    TGU 5/5X1X32kg

    KB snatch 5/5X10X24kg
    30sec on 30 sec off

    Sprints 25mX4
    Pull up 2X4

    ab wheel 5X3
    plank 3X30sec

    Diet: 1932 cals
    Protein 167 grm
    Fat 107 grm
    Carbs 15 grm

    3 things I did well yesterday: 1) eat clean) 3) trained
    1 thing i want improve today: mobility

    Bought a Jawbone UP wrist band, I know they are not 100% accurate.Its allows up to track sleep and activity, i will do a review in the coming weeks.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    I need to log some read training, I have not put anything down on paper for a few weeks. I have use a book and here in the past, I guess its good to put something down some where.

    completed the tough mudder a few weeks, delight
    Mix grip chins 3X4
    KB swings 20X5X32kg 1H
    Spider man crawl 8mX5
    TGU 5/5X1X24kg ( had to drop to 24kg, I have a strained lower ab muscle at TM)

    Goblet Squats 10X3X32kg
    OAP 5/5X3X32kg
    Lat stretch

    TRX OAR 8/8X3
    TRX hamsting curl 10X3
    hip stretch

    Pallof Press 5/5X3
    Plank 30sec X3

    30minscross trainer

    Mix grip chins 3X4
    KB swings 20X5X32kg 1H
    Spider man crawl 8mX5
    TGU 5/5X1X24kg

    Rom.Deadlift 6X3X80kg
    Dips 6X3
    Glute stretch

    BB Split squat 8/8X3 ( ab acting up, stopping me adding weight)
    Inverted row 8X3
    Calf stretch

    Farmer walk 45mX3X56kg
    Windmill 3/3X3X16kg

    30mins cross trainer interval session

    30mins swim mix stroke 1000m

    done and dusted, weight session tomorrow to finish the week

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    03 Nov 2014

    30mins walk

    Chin ups mixed 3X5
    KB swings 20X5X32kg 1H
    Spider man crawl 8mX5
    TGU 5/5X1X24kg

    Front Squats 5X3X75kg
    OAP 5/5X3X32kg
    Hip stretch

    TRX IYT 8/8X3
    TRX hamsting curl 10X3
    Glute Stretch

    Pallof Press 5/5X3
    Plank 30sec X3

    ab still score me back in the TGU front squat and I cant feel in the plank. But it is getting better,

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Tuesday 05th Nov
    30mins cross trainer

    30mins walk

    Friday 07th Nov
    Swim 30mins 1000m
    Walk 30mins

    Mix grip chins 3X4
    KB OHS 20X5X32kg
    Spider man crawl 10mX5
    TGU 5/5X1X24kg

    20mins of snatchs with kettle bells 15sec/15sec off
    7mins 16kg (7 snatches per 15sec)
    6 mins 20kg(6 snatches per 15sec)
    7 mins 24kg(5 snatches per 15sec)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    45mins walk

    KB swings 20X5X32kg 1H
    TGU 5/5X1X24kg

    Rom.Deadlift 6X3X80kg
    Dips 6X3
    Glute stretch

    BB Split squat 8/8X3
    one arm row /88X3X32kg
    Calf stretch

    Farmer walk 45mX3X56kg
    Windmill 3/3X3X16kg

    no love here today no love

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Monday 10th Nov

    Mix grip chins 3X4
    KB swings 20X5X32kg 1H
    Spider man crawl 8mX5
    TGU 5/5X1X24kg

    Front Squats 5X3X80kg
    OAP 5/5X3X32kg
    Lat stretch

    TRX IYT 5/5/5X3
    TRX hamsting curl 10X3
    hip flexor stretch

    Pallof Press 5/5X3
    Plank 40sec X3

    Ab strain is not improving it is holding me back on the plank, tgu and front squat. :mad:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    walk 30mins

    30minscross trainer
    interval 1 min on and 2 min off

    Mix grip chins 3X4

    Max KB swings 100/100X24kg
    6:20mins bpm 81%
    grip kind of gave out, maybe there was another 10 there
    rock and rolling taken out of original strenght

    TGU 5/5X1X24kg
    Shoulder mobilty

    Kb 2X24kg density training 15mins
    Clean Front squats, Press
    2,4 total rounds 5.5

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    30mins walk
    30mins cross trainer


    30mins swim 1200m
    and 30mins walk


    30mins swim

    mix grip chins 3X4
    KB swings 20X5X32kg 1H
    crawls 12mX5
    TGU 5/5X1X24kg

    Rom.Deadlift 6X3X90kg
    Dips 6X3Xbw
    Glute stretch

    BB Split squat 8/8X3
    inverted row 8X3Xbw
    hip stretch

    Farmer walk 45mX3X56kg
    Windmill 3/3X3X20kg

    Feel the like I am improving both strength and cardio. Going to keep this routine for two more weeks till my fitness test. Might do starting strength afterward, something strength wise.

    Need to hit three strength sessions a week till then, I am going to get physio for the ab muscle tear. Its just not getting better

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Bit of an update

    Back training over a week. Had a three break up to that, so just feeling it out. I have been planning my training and diet on an excel sheet for the pasted few months and for the most part I think it has been positive. No more guessing or hopping around with both training and diet, which up to this had lead me to running to stop over the past few years.

    During the year I did 10,000 swings workout, achieved the Simple standard from the Simple and Sinister workout and did a month of rite of passage. These are all kettlebell programs btw.

    Knee has improved, reduced the exercises that give it niggles like squatting and deadlifting. I have focused strengthening with one legged exercises and mobility, soft tissue work etc which has paid off. I hope to push on with squat and deadlifts in the future just not in large volumes as I still think that would cause niggles, but I feel I could start upping the weight.

    I am back as to log here in the hope for a bit of support in moving on with my next goals. These are to lose 3kg in the next month for my fitness test in the end of July. Everything I read says to get your goals out there to have a better chance of them working.

    Anyway today

    30mins cross trainer

    10/10X5X28kg one handed swings KB
    5/5X1X28kg TGU

    1:20 on 40 sec off boxing

    Cals Protein Carbs Fat
    2227 186 174 90

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Foam roll and mobility
    Rom. Deadlift 5X3X90kg
    Press one hand 5/5X3X32kg

    Step up 15/15X2X20kg
    Press up 15X2X20kg
    Lunges 15/15X2X20kg
    IYT 5/5/5X2

    Plank 2X30sec
    Sit ups 15X2
    Ab wheel kneeling 5X2

    Cals Protein Carbs Fat
    2496 150 248 123

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    30mins cross trainer


    foam roll and warm up
    Front squat 5X3X80kg
    Pull ups 3X3

    Sandbag circuit 30kg
    Single leg deadlift 15/15X2
    Press 15X2
    Rotational lunge 15/15X2
    Rows 15X2

    Windmill 3/3X3X16kg
    Plank 30sesX3 (push up posn)
    Sit up 10X3

    Quite busy the last few day so there was a slippage in training. I hope to hit another session today.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Missed yesterday session, no excuses for it.


    DB Swings 10/10X5X30kg
    DG TGU 5/5X1X30kg

    KB Snatches 100X20kg

    5rds of bag work
    1:20 on 40 sec off boxing

    Cals Protein Carbs Fat
    2905 260 205 108

    Had to train with dumbbells as the gym add only 20kg kettlebells, it felt real award. But glad I did not given and call it a day. Diet wise I need to reduce the number of carbs I am consuming.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    30mins walk, good recovery and general feel good thing to do in a green area


    Foam roll, dynamic warm up and crawling

    Front squat 5X2X90kg
    2X1X100kg PB felt easy enough
    one arm rows 5/5X3X35kg

    Single leg deadlift 15/15X2X30kg
    Press 15X2X30kg
    Bulgarian split squat 15/15X2
    TRX Rows 15X2

    Windmill 3/3X3X15kg
    Plank 30ses X3 (push up posn)
    Pallof press 5/5X3 blue band

    Diet I cant post up macros today cause myfitnesspal keeps freezing. Any it when fairly good
    BF: Eggs X3 , porridge , milk
    Lunch: Potato and leak soup 1 bowl, beef curry and rice, 120gm beef 30gm rice, apple and 30 almonds
    Dinner Chicken breaded, carrots 1 cup, .75 cup peas, 1 roast potato, stuffing 0.5 cup
    Snacks: quest protein bar, 75gm protein, , banna, peanut butter, protein milk 250ml
    misc 2ltrs water, green tea, vits

    I have no control over what i eat as I am away from home. Just trying to keep an eye on how much and what i eat at feeding times. Happy out with front squat at 100kg, there is more if I can work up the courage to push on.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Sorry I did not log for a few days, weight up a 1kg today. Grrrrr, this is not going to beat, I going over my diet log and trying to id areas of improvement.

    Wed day rest

    Foam roll and mobility
    Rom. Deadlift 5X3X90kg
    Press one hand 5/5X3X32kg

    Step up 15/15X2X20kg
    Press up 15X2X20kg
    Lunges 15/15X2X20kg
    IYT 5/5/5X2

    Plank 2X30sec
    Sit ups 15X2
    Ab wheel kneeling 5X2

    KB Swings 10/10X5X24kg
    KG TGU 5/5X1X24kg

    2mile max effort, time need to drop seriously. Glad I ran it as I had not ran it in 12 months.

    Review of the week

    Training has been good, moreover I was away from home and I stuck with it. Most cases when this has happened and the gym is busy I tend to either give up or tweak something. Might throw a small finisher no more than 5-10mins on each strength day to improve VO2, buffer latic acid and build mental strength for the fitness test.

    Diet, while I thought I was going ok. Its not clean enough, should be able to modify and id areas of improvement for next week. Going to try where possible weigh food and get more comfortable with estimating portion size.

    This is not going to beat me.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Foam roll and mobility
    Rom. Deadlift 5X3X90kg
    Press one hand 5/5X3X32kg

    Step up 15/15X2X20kg
    Press up 15X2X20kg
    Lunges 15/15X2X20kg
    IYT 5/5/5X2

    Plank £X30sec
    Sit ups 15X2
    Farmer walk 3X30mX72kg

    Tabata burpees

    2320 cals based on eye balling
    232gm protein, 196gm carbs, 77gm fat

    Walk this afternoon 40mins,

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Foam roll and mobility
    Rom. Deadlift 5X3X90kg
    Press one hand 5/5X3X32kg

    Step up 15/15X2X20kg
    Press up 15X2X20kg
    Lunges 15/15X2X20kg
    IYT 5/5/5X2

    Plank £X30sec
    Sit ups 15X2
    Farmer walk 3X30mX72kg

    Tabata burpees

    2320 cals based on eye balling
    232gm protein, 196gm carbs, 77gm fat

    Walk this afternoon 40mins,

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    KB Swings 10/10X5X28kg
    KG TGU 5/5X1X28kg

    5rds of bag work
    1:20 on 40 sec off boxing

    Rowing 30sec on 30sec off 5rds 150m min goal.

    est burn 642cals

    Cals Protein Carbs Fat
    2842 287 217 99

    Did not sleep well last night, so heart rate was elevated during workout. Also added to hunger, although when I planned today diet I did not think it was as high in cals. I had not planned for a banana and 0.5 choc bar though. Roughly have of cals accounted for by weighing and know portion sizes.

    Motivation is good, with a lot of self talk during the workout to push on. Plus during other times of the day to convince myself I can do this and lose the weight.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    walk and swim in the sea. Very refreshing 30mins or so. Diet was good yesterday 2296 cals

    foam roll and warm up
    Front squat 5X3X90kg
    Pull ups 3X3

    Sandbag circuit 30kg
    Single leg deadlift 15/15X2
    Press 15X2
    Rotational lunge 15/15X2
    Rows 15X2

    Windmill 3/3X3X16kg
    Plank 30sesX3 (push up posn)

    Diet was clean, but the portions in review were probably too large. Felt a small tweak in back front squats, fingers crossed it its nothing.

    Cals 2810
    protein 202gm , carbs 251gm fat 119gm

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    20 mins swim in the sea. Froze the head off me.

    KB Swings 10/10X5X32kg
    KG TGU 5/5X1X32kg

    20mins of 16kg Kb snatching
    15sec on 15 sec off

    Party for the young one in the house, diet went a bit a left feild. But not as bad as I would usually have done. A weeding today so its not great week to make a real impact on the scales. Lost that 1kg from last week. I guess next week will be the real make or break in terms of the approach I am taking.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Kick in the doors at the wedding on Saturday. only back to normal today:D


    180 swings of 24kg KB continuous
    KG TGU 5/5X1X32kg

    2 rds of 30sec on 30sec off with 32kg KB
    press right arm
    press left arm
    one arm row left
    one arm row right
    goblet squats
    side plank

    Nearly directly after 20 mins swim in the sea. Froze the head off me, should sort the doms as a plus anyway

    diet good yesterday and today, my fitness pal keep freezing

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Forgive me boardies, for i have sinned. It has been four days since my last session.

    I have a crazy hamstring injury. I did not feel anything or know how it happened. I first taught it was a slipped disc, but don't think so now. Its not a hamstring tear I would felt that. I think or rather google thinks its tendonitis. It left me limping, but coming around this evening.

    Hopefully back at it tomorrow

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast


    KB Swings 10/10X5X28kg
    KG TGU 5/5X1X28kg

    5rds of bag work
    1:20 on 40 sec off boxing

    Rowing 30sec on 30sec off 10rds 150m min goal.

    Back at it, woke up yesterday with no pain while moving, from the hamstring. It is tender to touch though so I rested yesterday. Went at it today even it still tender to touch, like any average joe gym user I could not miss another session with it. For fear I might lose what bit of fitness I have by resting till it completely healed. Hopefully I did no damage as I felt no twinge .

    3029 cals based on measuring
    174gm protein, 188gm carbs, 128gm fat

    In reality I guess all a long I have been out at least 1000+ cals with eye balling. Hence no weight loss, I guess I am still trying to experiment and carry out corrections as I go. Its a pity I only learn by corrections though
