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Train hard to get lean ""the sequel"



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Today 29-07-15

    Foam roll and mobility
    Rom. Deadlift 5X3X90kg
    Press one hand 5/5X3X32kg

    Step up 15/15X2X20kg
    Press up 15X2X20kg
    Lunges 15/15X2X20kg
    IYT 5/5/5X2

    Plank 3X 30sec
    Ab wheel kneeling 5X3
    Sit up 3X10

    protein 174gm carbs 246gm fat 106gm
    cals 2952

    carbs boo, cant help myself have a treat each day. Well tomorrow no:cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Gym closed early at work so I did not get done what I planned.

    30mins cross trainer

    75, push ups, squats and inverted rows.

    Cals 3013
    carbs 235gm, fat 109, protein, 319gm.


    see photo of diet for yesterday. Sorry I should have taken off the lids.
    BF turkey Bacon X 3, eggs X3, milk X 1 cup,porridge 1 cup, flax seed, honey, banana
    Lunch Chicken curry fruit 486gm, green beans 140gm
    Dinner Chicken curry fruit 486gm, green beans 140gm
    Snack apple almonds 22gm
    Misc 2ltrs water, green tea vits

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    foam roll and warm up
    Front squat 5X3X80kg
    Pull ups 3X3

    Sandbag circuit 30kg
    Single leg deadlift 15/15X2
    Press 15X2
    Rotational lunge 15/15X2
    Rows 15X2

    Windmill 3/3X2X16kg
    Plank 30sesX2 (push up posn)
    pallof press 5/5X2

    Cals Protein Carbs Fat
    2688 200gm 222gm 112gm

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    KB Swings 10/10X32kg
    TGU 5/5X24kg

    20/20/20 sec 3rs 2 sets
    snatch left 24kg
    snatch right 24kg
    mountain climbers

    high pull 24kg
    thrusters 24kg

    squat jumps
    sit up

    carbs 142g
    protein 184gm
    fat 102gm

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Going to post up a bit more regularly here from not. Fat, Forty and f**ked is where I am at.

    Here what I did today

    125 swings 32kg KB
    375 swings 24kg KB

    30/30 one arm presses 32kg

    only 9500 swings of 10,000 swings challenge

    pigeon stretch and pornstar thrown in to sort cranky shoulder

    and four mince pies to start my eating clean routine

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Here what I did today

    125 swings 32kg KB
    375 swings 24kg KB

    30 Goblet squats 32kg

    only 9000 swings of 10,000 swings challenge left. A bad night sleep was had, diet was better though. Was in no form for training but got started and got into the groove easily enough.

    Using my fitness pal it gave me a cal count of 2649, some meals measured other guessestimated so at least 20% error.

    any I am going to try an weight more meals and take a few photos to for reviewing

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Here what I did today

    125 swings 32kg KB
    375 swings 24kg KB

    60 Body weight dips.

    Thursday night played basketball for 50 mins, it was 2 on 2 and it was hard going. Heart rate was at 170bpm during it. The next day my knee blew up, so I strapped it up like on MWOD a couple of time and that did the trick to bring it down.

    Diet wise, cant Christmas end and people stop visiting, wife go back to work and stop leaving the house like the retreat from Moscow with sweet strew everywhere.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Well I am giving up, well just on the 10,000 swings challenge anyway. Completed the last two years and and fail to complete it twice now. Work is crazy I am going to be away form home at least two nights a week and with a colleague out for a few weeks at work it going to get crazier. So I can bring a bell with me around the country or be realistic and try do a program that is going to be less demanding. As the 10,000 swings is boring come week 2, a pain cause of the strict structure of the challenge which is to do it in a month. So if you miss a day, you are behind and you end up beating yourself up and in my case feeling bad about myself. So here goes the next program will be 3 days of HIIT and two strength or something to that effect.

    After procrastinating today about the swings I finally hit the gym and did a 30mins HIIT session.

    Diet was good today, well no junk. Under eat of 1200cals which is not good. But on the road and just could not get something to fit the bill so I am going to keep it at that today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    75 swings 32kg KB
    25 swings 40kg KB

    24kg TGU 5/5

    15mins of 2X20kg KB
    3 clean and press
    3 front squats
    Max BPM 162, 12 rds

    Windmill 3/3X3X20kg
    Ab wheel 5X3 (knee)

    walk 25mins lunch time

    slept well last night and diet good today. I really need to start weighting food for a week or so to see the exact I am getting in.

    I eat today
    150gm porrideg, 2/3 scrambled eggs, 2 bacon, toast wholemeal 70gm
    220gm turkey burger, 100 sweet potato, 150gm peas
    400gm chicken korma, 150gm green beans
    1 apple, 1 fulfill bar
    10gm BCAA, ZMA,VIT D

    as for yesterday poor night sleep, away from home and no plan so s**t

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    100 swings 28kg KB
    10 TGU 28kg KB

    RDL 90kgX3X5
    OAP 28kgX3X5/5
    Face pulls 8X3

    Push up 2X15
    Air Squats 2X15
    Chin up 2X15
    Lunges 2X15/15

    Diet today
    150gm porridge, 3.5 scrambled eggs, 3 turkey bacon, toast wholemeal 70gm
    220gm chicken breast 100 sweet potato, 150gm broc and green beans
    220gm chicken breast 100 sweet potato, 150gm broc and green beans
    1 apple,peanut butter 30gm, 2 fulfill bar, 1 bag Keoghs ( 2nd fulfil and keoghs boredom eating)
    10gm BCAA, ZMA,VIT D, Fish Oil

    Total cals 2872

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    100 swings 32kg KB
    10 TGU 24kg KG
    Pornstars 9kgX3X8/8

    Front squats 80kgX3X5
    One arm row 32kgX3X5/5

    step up
    one arm press
    single leg dead lift
    one arm row

    Pallof press 2X5/5
    Plank 2X30sec

    Knee felt wonky on front squats so left it 80kg, think the basketball may have done a small bit of damage.

    150gm porridge, 3 scrambled eggs, 2bacon, toast wholemeal 70gm
    90gm ham, 70 gm whole bread, 30gm cheese
    220gm chicken breast 100 air fired potato, 150gm peas and 100gm baked beans
    1 apple,peanut butter 30gm, 1 fulfill bar
    10gm BCAA, ZMA,VIT D, Fish Oil

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    holdfast wrote: »
    Pornstars 9kgX3X8/8

    I did try googling what these are but no bueno.

    I did however find out how pornstars get fit though, so there's that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    its an isolated rotator cuff exercises, I guess you would have to well endowed to mimic the movement. is link its in about 3/4 down

    Found that webpage too, cue an new program from tomorrow. Boom

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    100 swings 32kg kb
    10 TGU 32kg kb

    7 snatches one arm 16kg kb in 15sec. rest 15 sec then swop till 20 working rds are done for each arm.

    not arsed to do mobility , really need to get my ass i gear and come up with a system to make me work on mobility. Maybe I just need to do mobility work on the nights I dont train ?? I dont know its the first thing to drop or be cut short by me

    Diet today
    150gm porridge, 3scrambled eggs, 2 bacon, toast wholemeal 70gm
    15ogm turkey burger 100 sweet potato, 150gm broc and green beans
    400gm chicken curry 50gm rice, 100 green beans
    1 apple,peanut butter 40gm, 1 fulfill bar, 1 bag Keoghs ( 2nd fulfil and keoghs boredom eating)
    10gm BCAA, ZMA,VIT D, Fish Oil

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    holdfast wrote: »
    not arsed to do mobility , really need to get my ass i gear and come up with a system to make me work on mobility. Maybe I just need to do mobility work on the nights I dont train ?? I dont know its the first thing to drop or be cut short by me

    I usually do a bit the nights I don't train. Pick one thing to work on rather than try do everything. Or sitting on a squat for a bit every now and then has helped me as well. Doesn't need to be long...just a little bit regularly beats the hell put of trying to do a lot bit not doing it very often

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Missed posting two sessions here, swimming and strength day. They were similar as pasted posts


    75 swings 32kg KB
    25 swings 40kg KB

    24kg TGU 5/5

    RDL 90kgX3X5
    Dips 10kgX3X5

    step up 2X15/15
    Push up 2X15
    Air squats 2X15
    IYT 2X5/5/5

    Windmill 3/3X3X20kg
    Ab wheel 5X3 (knee)

    Diet today
    200gm porridge, 3 scrambled eggs, 2 bacon, toast wholemeal 70gm
    150gm turkey sandwitch, apple and peanut butter 30gm
    220gm turkey burger, mash 150gm potatoes, peas 150gm, baked beans 100gm
    2 fulfill bar,
    10gm BCAA, ZMA,VIT D, Fish Oil

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    40mins on the cross trainer 20 mins of 30 sec on, 30 sec of

    5 rd of 5 mins with 1 min rest

    10 swings
    10 press up
    10 goblet squat
    10 clean right/left
    10 presses right/left
    10 one arm row right/left
    5 ab wheel row out

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    100 swings 32kg
    10 TGU 32kg
    Lat stretch

    Front Squats 90kgX3X5
    Chin ups 3X5
    hip stretch

    5 mins of 24kg snatch
    80 reps, left arm started getting tired after 20 reps and drop the bell. Need to press more and improve the cadence to hit 100 in five mins. BPM 165 so there is a few a bit more room


    30mins cross trainer

    100 swings 28kg
    10 TGU 28kg

    one arm 28kgX5X3/3

    100 swings 32kg
    10 TGU 24kg
    Lat stretch

    RDL 90kgX3X5
    One arm Press 32kgX3X5
    hip stretch

    IYT 2X15
    Step up 2X15/15
    Press Up 2X15
    Air Squat 2X15
    Glute stretch

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    40mins cross trainer

    Thursday night good session of beer after so Friday was a right off


    100 swings 32kg
    10 TGU 24kg
    Lat stretch

    Front Squats 90kgX3X5
    Chin ups 3X5
    hip stretch

    one arm press 16kgX2X15/15
    SLRDL 16kgX2X15/15
    one arm row 16kgX2X15/15
    goblet 16kgX2X15

    Wind mill 20kgX3X3/3
    Ab wheel 3X5

    3 egg omelette with chicken and peppers
    veg soup, roll, chicken, onion and peppers
    steak, mash, peas, beans

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    75 swings 32kg KB
    25 swings 40kg KB

    RDL 90kgX3X5
    Press one arm 32kgX3X5/5

    step up 2X15/15
    Push up 2X15
    Air squats 2X15
    IYT 2X5/5/5

    pallof press 3X5/5
    Plank 3X30secs

    3 scrambled eggs, 2 bacon, toast wholemeal 70gm
    chicken sweker, sourdough bread, butter
    650gm broccoli, chicken creamy,potatoes thing
    1 fulfill bar,1 apple, bistro tayto

    hamstring were very sore the last few days. I was wanted to train yesterday, but it was no go with them. Dont know if it was the mobility work on Sat that did the damage.

    Anyway seem to getting into the habit of training in the last week or two. Let hope it keeps going and start nudging the diet in the right direction now

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    5 rd of 5 mins with 1 min rest

    10 swings
    10 press up
    10 goblet squat
    10 clean right/left
    10 presses right/left
    10 one arm row right/left
    5 ab wheel row out


    100 swings 32kg
    Lat stretch

    Front Squats 90kgX3X5
    one arm row ups 3X5
    hip stretch

    Push up 2X15
    Air Squats 2X15
    Chin up 2X15
    Lunges 2X15/15

    Wind mill 20kgX3X3/3
    Plank 30 sec X3

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Like a Bad smell I am back and resurrecting my old thread like it is the cool thing to do after three years

    KB swings 32kgX20X5
    KB windmill 24kgX3/3X5

    Landmine squats 55kgX8X4
    Chin up 5X4

    Clean and press 24kgX8/8X3
    Plank 30secX3

    KB swings 32kgX10X4
    Btm up press 16kgX5/5
    SLDL 32kgX8/8X4
    Inverted rows 8X4

    Walked 12000 steps
    Food 2913 cals, Protein 127gm Fat 102gm carbs 357gm

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    12536 steps, 7 30 hrs of sleep

    BFast - did not eat till lunch
    Lunch - 3 eggs, 60gm turkey, peppers, onion, 200gm of brown bread, butter, coconut oil
    Dinner - chicken, peppers, onion, salad, tortillas X3
    Snacks - apple, whey

    Cals 2707
    Fat 101gm
    Protein 171gm
    Carbs 295gm


    Rowing 6mins X 5

    Band work with various bands during intervals
    bicep curl
    tri push down
    lat and front raises
    face pulls

    KB swings 32kgX100

    Although I estimated the calorie intake 2707, it does not feel like that. Mainly cause I eyeballed it rather measuring it. I dont feel hunger which should be a indicator at this estimate

    Tomorrow I will weight myself. I should do this more each during the week to allow an average to be determine

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Walk 40mins,

    BFast - 3 eggs, 60gm turkey, peppers, onion, 200gm of brown bread, butter, coconut oil
    Lunch - Whey, peanut butter crunchy, banana, spinach
    Dinner - chicken krom and rice
    Snacks - apple, nachos, bowl of corn flakes
    Food wise it went pear shape, probably eat too little for lunch and kicked in the doors in the evening

    Today - working - so i threw the resistance bands in the car.
    4 rds of
    400m run
    Deadlift green band X8
    Squat green band X8
    Lateral raises and front raises X8 red band
    Bicep curls X Tricep push down purple band X8 each
    400m run
    Single arm pulls and single arm chest press purple band X8 each
    Pull through and pallof press purple band X8 each
    Chest pull apart red band X8

    Food - was at work so i eat what was in the canteen.
    Bfast 3 eggs, 3 bacon and 3 toast
    Lunch chicken goujons and fries
    dinner - chicken curry, rice and fries , cheese cake

    Not a great start to the weight loss. But two chance to learn lessons on been prepared could limit the poor choices

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Strength Workout

    KB swings 32kgX20X5
    KB windmill 24kgX3/3X5

    Landmine squats 55kgX8X4
    Chin up 5X4

    Clean and press 24kgX8/8X3
    Plank 30secX3

    KB swings 32kgX10X4
    Btm up press 16kgX5/5
    SLDL 32kgX8/8X4
    Inverted rows 8X4

    Walked 10000 steps

    I got to figure out the adding in the photos it will make it easier to show what I eat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Walked around 11,000 steps

    5km row in 20.10 mins

    3 rds of
    Snatch 16kg KB Right and Left 30 sec each
    Mt climber 30 sec
    90 sec of hip flexor stretch each side

    KB high pull 16kg 30 sec
    KB thrsuster 16kg 30sec
    Jumping jacks
    90 sec glute stretch

    3rds of
    TRX Chest press 30sec
    jump squats 30sec
    sit ups 30 sec
    90 lat stretch

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Steps 13,000, 7hrs 30mins sleep

    New program, purchased off breaking muscle "barbell shred". I have added a few extra exercises as the volume was low, as you would expect at the start of any program.

    KB swings 32kgX5X20
    KB windmill 24kgX3/3X5
    Arnold press and pull apart between each set (I had really painful shoulders a few months, still not 100% healed, but 90%)

    Trap Deadlift 90kgX8X4
    One arm press 24kgX8/8X4
    One arm row 32kgX8/8X4
    Lat stretch and shoulder dislocates

    Tabata KB swings 32kg

    TRX IYT 5/5/5X3
    Lunges 8/8X3
    Pallof press 5/5X3

    Hip/IT band is gritty, foam rolled to loosen out the glutes, quads, hamstring to hopeful reduce the pain

    BFast 3 eggs, 2 bacon, 3 toast, butter, apple (1.5P, 3C,3F, 1V)
    Lunch Whey, spinach, peanut butter, banana, lean mince bol, garlic roll 1/2 (2P, 2F, 2C)
    Dinner chicken, mash, carrots, broccoli, gravy (2.5P, 2F, 2V,2C)
    Snack, 2 rice cakes (1C)

    Total 6 protein, 8 carbs,7 Fat

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    13k steps circa, 7hrs 15hrs sleep


    2mins row warm up
    400m Row X5 mins with 90sec recovery (glute stretch)
    took around 1:18mins to 1:22mins it became a hard slog after 50sec to 60sec

    KB swings 32kgX80
    Upper body band work

    5mins row

    BFast 3 eggs, 90gm turkey, butter, peppers, onion, 3 toast, (2.5P, 3C,3F, 1V)
    Lunch Whey, spinach, peanut butter, banana,ham roll 1/2 (2P, 2F, 3C)
    Dinner chicken cascades (1.5P, 2F, 1V,2C)
    Snack, 2 rice cakes (1C)

    Total 6.5 protein, 8 carbs,7 Fat

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Circa 13,000 steps Sleep 7hrs


    Swings 32kgX20X5
    Arnold press 8kgX5X5
    Band pull aparts

    Landmine squats 70kgX10X4
    DBell bench press 50kgX8X4
    Suitcase deadlift 32kgX8/8X4
    RKC plank 20sec X4

    I have a strain on my right side above my hip, stopped me doing the windmills. Bench press started with 30kg dumbbells , but to ongoing issue with my shoulders i dropped to 25kg. No fun getting old

    BFast 3 eggs, 2 bacon, 3 toast, butter, apple (1.5P, 3C,3F, 1V)
    Lunch toasted ham, chicken, cheese sambo banana (2P, 2F, 3C)
    Dinner chicken curry, rice and naan bread (3P, 2F, ,2C)

    Total 6.5 protein, 8 carbs,7 Fat

    This morning down 0.8kg.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    holdfast wrote: »
    Total 6.5 protein, 8 carbs,7 Fat

    Ok I'm going to have to ask...are those just numbers for the macros relative to each other in terms of calories?
