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I can haz general discussion? 2!!



  • Registered Users Posts: 587 ✭✭✭Planemo

    mickstupp wrote: »


    But they never have Coke Zero, obviously indicative of NUIM's diabetes culture. #studentsagainstsaccharrine

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,671 ✭✭✭GarIT

    Seren_ wrote: »
    I'm sorry GarIT, but what the fcuk did you just say about attractive women and sexism? Also I wasn't at the protest, I was at work. They shared my FB profile picture.

    I apologise if your picture was taken from your Facebook, I had assumed differently, obviously it was wrong for them to use pictures from your Facebook.

    There have been several claims that this event was sexist, the purpose of my point was to point out that in general women of above average attractiveness usually benefit from sexism rather than suffer from it. If there was any sexism in this event it was that these women used being attractive females to extract money from men who were vulnerable to their hormones and natural desires, these women took advantage of males rather than were taken advantage of.
    From the photo on it does not look in anyway exclusively female.

    although i'm not sure if any of the guys are attractive enough for you for their compaints to matter on the subject.

    Can you please read the discussion again. The claim was made that anyone who said the protest was stupid or opposed the protest in any way was sexist, so the point I was making is how could opposing a protest be sexist, so I asked the rhetorical question of "was the protest all female?" to point out how ridiculous it is to claim that everyone who even just thinks the protest shouldn't have been today is sexist.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,671 ✭✭✭GarIT

    Planemo wrote: »
    But they never have Coke Zero, obviously indicative of NUIM's diabetes culture. #studentsagainstsaccharrine

    I think we rather not get cancer, that stuff is a slow poison in a bottle. Artificial sweeteners are bad, really bad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 52 ✭✭EWong

    GarIT wrote: »
    When you have 1960 views you are open to ridicule, look at NUIG as an example, extreme right conservatives will always get abuse as will extreme left liberals.

    The fact that you just compared wanting equality for both sexes to saying that homosexuals are pedophiles really speaks to how you view women's rights! hahaha

  • Registered Users Posts: 587 ✭✭✭Planemo

    GarIT wrote: »
    I think we rather not get cancer, that stuff is a slow poison in a bottle. Artificial sweeteners are bad, really bad.
    There's never been a study definitively linking aspartame to cancer!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,671 ✭✭✭GarIT

    EWong wrote: »
    The fact that you just compared wanting equality for both sexes to saying that homosexuals are pedophiles really speaks to how you view women's rights! hahaha

    I did not make a comparison like that. What I said was if you have very old fashioned views you will get abuse for it. IMO saying that women should not be allowed strip regardless if it is them themselves that want to is an old fashioned view.

    IMO a female should be allowed choose whatever career she wishes, I don't see why feminists would want to restrict where a woman can work.

    I do find feminists them claim women are oppressed in Ireland a bit of a joke though, anywhere where there was discrimination against women in Irish law has been removed, while several examples of discrimination against men still exist in Irish law, for example, a mother will always win custody, and unmarried father has no rights to see his children at all, men serve much longer prison sentences for exactly the same crimes. Outside of the law a woman with the same level of qualifications and experience as a man will earn 17% more on average. In Ireland women have it great

    What rights were violated here? If anything you want to take away women's rights by saying they shouldn't be allowed strip for money.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,671 ✭✭✭GarIT

    Planemo wrote: »
    There's never been a study definitively linking aspartame to cancer!

    I've read a few, no idea how reliable they are though. I wasn't actually being that serious. The American food standards agency claims it does cause cancer but there is too little of it in coke zero to cause harm but when they said that they assume you don't drink more than 1 bottle per week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,943 ✭✭✭✭PopePalpatine

    GarIT wrote: »
    I do find feminists them claim women are oppressed in Ireland a bit of a joke though, anywhere where there was discrimination against women in Irish law has been removed, while several examples of discrimination against men still exist in Irish law, for example, a mother will always win custody, and unmarried father has no rights to see his children at all,

    I'm not sure you can blame feminists for discrimination against unmarried fathers in the courts. That's been the case since at least the 1960s, and I very much doubt Lemass and Co. would have let feminists near the levers of power.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,671 ✭✭✭GarIT

    I'm not sure you can blame feminists for discrimination against unmarried fathers in the courts. That's been the case since at least the 1960s, and I very much doubt Lemass and Co. would have let feminists near the levers of power.

    I have not blames feminists. I have said that groups that claim females are treated as inferiors in Ireland are a joke.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,487 ✭✭✭banquo

    Guess I'll just have to get drunk and set everyone straight again.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 52 ✭✭EWong

    Ah for God's sake come on?? Nowhere on this discussion did anyone say that women shouldn't be stripping, if you'd actually looked back instead of making it up you'd actually see that I said that there should be no problem with that? Why would you use the Burkes in NUIG as an example if you didn't mean to equate this situation to that one? Get your story straight man? And you can easily twist fact round to suit your needs, for example of the 25% of all violent crimes men commit are against women. 1 in 5 women will be a victim of rape or attempted rape in their lifetime? Since 1996, there has been 196 women murdered in Ireland, 53% were murdered by a partner or ex-partner. For women aged 15-44 worldwide, acts of violence cause more death and disability than cancer, malaria, traffic accidents, and war combined, like come on! If you're gonna start quoting why women have it so... uh... "great" this is just gonna turn into that LAST thread we had and we know how well that turned out, eh? ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,943 ✭✭✭✭PopePalpatine

    GarIT wrote: »
    I have not blames feminists. I have said that groups that claim females are treated as inferiors in Ireland are a joke.

    I'd hazard a guess that most of Femsoc would see not being able to have an abortion unless their life was threatened as being "treated as inferiors".

    TBH, I don't see much of a problem with the strippers if it wasn't SU-funded.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,671 ✭✭✭GarIT

    EWong wrote: »
    Ah for God's sake come on?? Nowhere on this discussion did anyone say that women shouldn't be stripping, if you'd actually looked back instead of making it up you'd actually see that I said that there should be no problem with that? Why would you use the Burkes in NUIG as an example if you didn't mean to equate this situation to that one? Get your story straight man? And you can easily twist fact round to suit your needs, for example of the 25% of all violent crimes men commit are against women. 1 in 5 women will be a victim of rape or attempted rape in their lifetime? Since 1996, there has been 196 women murdered in Ireland, 53% were murdered by a partner or ex-partner. For women aged 15-44 worldwide, acts of violence cause more death and disability than cancer, malaria, traffic accidents, and war combined, like come on! If you're gonna start quoting why women have it so... uh... "great" this is just gonna turn into that LAST thread we had and we know how well that turned out, eh? ;)

    Today there were quite a few feminists saying that women shouldn't be allowed strip. It was said on this thread that women stripping for show was sexist. I know you have said that is not your problem, but for many others that is their problem. It is also clear from the posters that the protest was about sexism and not about funding or anything.

    I'll explain this again, I clearly used it to give an example of extreme conservatives getting abuse when they express their views. Somebody who thinks women should not be allowed to strip for money is an extreme conservative IMO and I was just saying if you have different views to the majority and shout about them in public you're going to have bad time. It was a comparison of reactions not a comparison of topic.

    Please point out where I have twisted stats, I'd love to hear this.

    I want to get some of this straight because this has me in tears laughing. You actually claim that the fact that 25% of violent crime committed by men against women is sexist? So you claim that 75% of violent crime committed by men is against men is sexist? So how do we stop this sexism? Do we make so that 50% of violent crimes committed by men are against women? Is you problem that men are three times more likely to attack another male? What about the stats for women? How many men do women attack are they sexist too for not evenly distributing who they attack?

    How is 1 in 5 women being a victim of attempted rape sexism? It's terrible and all but sexism? I've been the victim of sexual assault by women a few times but when a drunk woman grabs a random man's penis it is not seen as anything being done wrong. I have had girls try to hold me in place so that their friend could kiss me but that's nothing wrong either. I have had girls think it is ok to sit on my lap before and they have apparently done nothing wrong. There's three cases of sexual assault done against me that I am not even able to get the Gardaí to put on record. Last year I was bullied by a female student and was told if I don't have any serious injuries "what is the problem? Grow a pair and deal with it". Men not being able to report crime committed by women is sexism.

    Violence and rape are horrible things that should never happen but they are not sexist.

    So you are saying that the fact that only a small percentage of people being murdered are female is sexist? How is how murders females sexist? How many men are murdered by their wives, is it not a similar % to the women murdered by their husbands.

    You have given several examples of how bad things are done to women, ignore that the same things are done to men and claim that anything bad that ever happens to a female is sexist, what's that about? Bad things happen to both genders, unless these things happen specifically because of their gender or sexuality it is not sexist.

    Globally things are terrible for women. I haven't argued against that at all, what I am arguing against is the claims made today by prominent members of femsoc who anyone on this forum would know ,that women are oppressed in Ireland and that women working as strippers is an example of how they are oppressed, because a couple of women choosing to work as strippers oppresses all the other women in the country.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,671 ✭✭✭GarIT

    I'd hazard a guess that most of Femsoc would see not being able to have an abortion unless their life was threatened as being "treated as inferiors".

    TBH, I don't see much of a problem with the strippers if it wasn't SU-funded.

    I don't believe that the basis women are not allowed have an abortion based on their gender but rather based on whether a foetus is alive or not. Also men are not allowed legal abortions either. If a woman wants to keep a child the father has to support it regardless of if the father wants the child or not. If we are fighting for the right for a woman to say (I'm not ready for/ I don't want/or any other reason) a child why aren't we fighting for the right of men to do that too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,234 ✭✭✭Thwip!


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,764 ✭✭✭mickstupp

    Planemo wrote: »
    But they never have Coke Zero, obviously indicative of NUIM's diabetes culture. #studentsagainstsaccharrine
    I'm almost 100% sure I saw a row of Coke Zero in there too... vending machine beside the Reading Room of Noisy Doom.

  • Registered Users Posts: 52 ✭✭EWong

    You are using your "men get punished more for committing the same crime" as if you are trying to say that because of this sexism doesn't exist. And, you know what, i'm really glad that you find those stats about rape and sexual assault amusing, because let me tell you, as a victim of serious sexual assault, I actually don't find them really that funny? Like at all? See you're equating that 75% with only physical violence, those stats are about violence in general. And you're saying that the fact that the fact that a quarter of all offences men commit are against women, isn't sexist? Pick up a book mate, if you don't see how that is worrying or sexism in it's most terrifying form. Maybe you, as a man, just don't understand. Rape is primarily concerned with degrading the victim, male or female. So let's put it this way: 1 in 5 women will be forced against their will to have sex that they do not want. The person doing this is doing it to degrade the person involved. Degrading a woman into a physical object to inflict sex onto is DEFINITELY sexist. Why aren't you able to put it on record? Where's the law that says that? You used the law being in favor of women when crimes are committed as though this is exclusive to mens rights being violated, that's awful, it really is. But how about you stop trying to one up sexism against women with your very very sad stories about men getting longer jail time.

    Okay but this will turn back into that last bloody thread, so i'm gonna leave it there, go and enjoy rag week myself and have some craic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,487 ✭✭✭banquo

    Thwip! wrote: »

    Literally doubled over with laughter.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,671 ✭✭✭GarIT

    EWong wrote: »
    You are using your "men get punished more for committing the same crime" as if you are trying to say that because of this sexism doesn't exist. And, you know what, i'm really glad that you find those stats about rape and sexual assault amusing, because let me tell you, as a victim of serious sexual assault, I actually don't find them really that funny? Like at all? See you're equating that 75% with only physical violence, those stats are about violence in general. And you're saying that the fact that the fact that a quarter of all offences men commit are against women, isn't sexist? Pick up a book mate, if you don't see how that is worrying or sexism in it's most terrifying form. Maybe you, as a man, just don't understand. Rape is primarily concerned with degrading the victim, male or female. So let's put it this way: 1 in 5 women will be forced against their will to have sex that they do not want. The person doing this is doing it to degrade the person involved. Degrading a woman into a physical object to inflict sex onto is DEFINITELY sexist. Why aren't you able to put it on record? Where's the law that says that? You used the law being in favor of women when crimes are committed as though this is exclusive to mens rights being violated, that's awful, it really is. But how about you stop trying to one up sexism against women with your very very sad stories about men getting longer jail time.

    I did not say sexism against women doesn't exist, I said that women are not treated as inferiors as a group, everything bad that happens to women happens to men too. You can just say oh a few bad things happened to some women therefore all women are oppressed.

    I don't think you understand sexism, sexism is discrimination against anybody based on their sex or sexuality. You have repeatedly claimed some women are attacked by men = sexism. I can't even discuss this anymore that's crazy. I didn't laugh at people being attacked, what I said was you claiming that every time a women is attacked that is is discrimination based on her gender, that's stupid. It is in no way possible that all crimes committed against women are sexism, I'm sure there has to have been a crime committed against a women sometime for a reason other than her being a woman. What about all the crime women commit against men are they sexist against men?

    What do you mean by trying to use one up sexism, isn't that what you did before I replied with a similar post? Also in a discussion based on the claim by femsoc that "women are treated as inferior to men" who is treated worse is possibly the most relevant point.

    Do you actually have any evidence where something bad has happened to a female because she is female? Or are you just going to keep going with the well there was a crime committed against a women once, therefore the person that did it was sexist.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,671 ✭✭✭GarIT

    I'm not going to waste my time arguing anymore for tonight at least but I will leave with one thing. Femsoc claim that a woman stripping for money is sexism (discrimination against women) and that if a woman strips off in public it is oppressing to women everywhere if a man looks at her.

    So guys if you don't want to oppress women remember if a woman strips in front of you and starts rubbing herself on you don't look at her because if you look at her you have oppressed all the women everywhere. Thank you for your great efforts in creating equality femsoc :rolleyes:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,856 ✭✭✭kksaints

    Thwip! wrote: »

    Cant you just create a new thread and move all the dancer/stripper stuff to the new thread?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,234 ✭✭✭Thwip!

    kksaints wrote: »
    Cant you just create a new thread and move all the dancer/stripper stuff to the new thread?

    It would still continue, trust me.

    This is not my first rodeo

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,856 ✭✭✭kksaints

    Thwip! wrote: »
    It would still continue, trust me.

    This is not my first rodeo

    True. That article in the Sunday World was hiliarious stuff. This has be going on for around two weeks now?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,764 ✭✭✭mickstupp

    Too much srs bzns. General discussion thread lacks general discussion at the mo. I propose a banana.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,810 ✭✭✭Seren_

    Just one thing before this thread hopefully goes back to being its normal self.

    I'm well aware that many, many people don't agree with my political beliefs or see their relevance. I've spent hours debating with people who have totally opposite views, including people who find mine abhorrent (e.g. prolifers), and it's been grand. Disagreement is the spice of life after all and I do love a bit of drama. However, I have never felt as belittled, disempowered and ganged up upon as I did today reading over some of the responses in this thread. I've put a huge amount of time and effort into this forum over the past number of years, both as a registered user and a moderator, and I've also gotten a lot back from this forum. I've met some lovely people, and this was a really great place for me to come take my mind off when I was feeling like ****. But I don't think I'll feel comfortable posting in here after this. And that's a shame.

    I know a lot of you are thinking that I shouldn't take the internet so seriously and that I'm overreacting. But I'm the same person online as I am off it, and I get attached to things easily so yeah. I also recognise that none of you set out to hurt me personally (I hope) by your posts, but some things did hurt me and I don't feel like I should have to censor my feelings about this. I don't particularly care if you think this is stupid, I just needed to say it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,775 ✭✭✭✭Pudsy33

    I think I can speak for everyone when I say ganging up wasn't the intention. Totally respect all you said above.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,487 ✭✭✭banquo

    Look, it's my dog again!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,234 ✭✭✭Thwip!

    banquo wrote: »
    Look, it's my dog again!


    You should set up a twitter account for you dog and see if it gets more followers than you

  • Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 7,439 Mod ✭✭✭✭XxMCRxBabyxX

    Let's not yet into silky and personal digs. As the rules have been throughout this while thing, can everyone please stay civil and stick to polite debate. If this gets in any way nasty I will issue infractions and end it completely.

    Just came across this post. I'm not using my phone to mod again. I am very disappointed that not one person commented on my use of silky. Let downs all of you.


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  • Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 7,439 Mod ✭✭✭✭XxMCRxBabyxX

    I dedicate this to Thwip!
