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JBs training log



  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Friday 3rd of August

    Snatch practice
    20kg bar * loads.
    It took a while to warm up my shoulders this morning to a point where using just the bar was comfortable. All reps drop ino a full overhead squat.
    30kg * loads
    again drop into an overhead squat
    35kg * lots (with overhead squat)
    At this stage the guy behind the desk came back so I could get a proper eliko bar out of the locked rack. They're way better than the bars they leave out!

    40kg power snatch

    40kgs was way more comfortable on Wednesday. I wasn't getting enough height on the bar (or not moving uner it enough) so on some of the reps there was a press out rather than a proper snatch!

    Front squat and pull ups (palm facing away)
    40kg front *6
    60kg front *6
    pull-up *7
    60kg *6
    pull-up *7
    60kg *6
    pull-up *7
    60kg *6
    pull-up (wider)*7
    60kg *6
    pull-up *8

    60kg is quite light on the front squat but my lower back is still quite tight so I can't get as low as I would like, at the moment I'm not getting much below parallel. I know if I up the weight the back would be an issue!
    Happy with the pull ups. even if I had to use 3 different types of pull-up bar due to availability. c'est la vie.

    Dumbell bench
    17.5kg *10
    27.5kg *6
    27.5kg *6
    27.5kg *6
    27.5kg *6
    27.5kg *5 FFS.... :mad:

    Next PT session we're going to look at bench!

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Wednesday 8th August

    I haven't been to the gym since Friday, I thought a little break might do me good. Unfortunately this mornings training was all over the place! I'm getting quite frustrated with it now. I must sit down and reevaluate what I'm trying to do. I seem to have picked up a couple of niggles which is just annoying. I woke up this morning with a slight pain in my right shoulder. I thought it was just stiff and some stretching would sort it out. I stretched with the brrom handle over head and behind the back and my shoulders were really tight. It took ages to loosen them up. I then tried a few snatches with just a 20kg bar and right shoulder was not happy about it. So I had to scratch snatch practice off this mornings session which is a pity as I need to practice. My lower back is still stiff and inflexible and a bit of a niggle in it on the left side. It results in no deadlifts and only light squatting and not below parallel. There's no running for me this week either as I seem to have acquired a pain in my ankle and lower leg which had me limping a bit on Saturday and Sunday after standing up. I seemed to be able to walk it off in 10 mins or so. I suspect it might be related to the lower back issue. End result is I'm just a whiny crock this week. :(

    Front Squat and chin ups
    40kg *8
    60kg *6
    chins *7
    60kg *6
    chins *7
    60kg *6
    chins *7
    60kg *6
    chins *6.5
    60kg *6
    chins *6.5
    I'm not going to give myself the last chin on the last two sets as I really had to force my chin up.

    Flat Bench
    First time benching in forever.
    Bar *10
    30kg *10
    40kg *8
    50kg *6
    55kg *6
    55kg *6
    55kg *6
    55kg *6
    Bench needs alot of work. I'm going to focus on Bar benching rather than dumbell for a few weeks and see how I get on. I'm going to attempt to increase the weight each session or week and see how it goes.

    Over head press with dumbells
    I was looking for where my shoulder was sore
    10kg *8
    10kg *8 Hammer grip
    didn't really find where it was sore so I tried a few snatches with a Bar and after a few the pain in my right shoulder came back.

    Bicep curlz
    10kg dumbell *8
    30kg Bar *8
    30kg Bar *8
    30kg Bar *8

    Oh My God, I've become a bencher and curler:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Thursday 10th of August

    Arse trainer 25mins ramp to 100 and back down - 480cals
    Exercise bike 30mins level 8 ~85 rpm - didn't catchthe cals as I was talking too much I think it was around 310

    Lots and lots of stretching before and after. Worked on my shoulder a bit. Foam rolling it really helped loosen it up

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Friday 10th august

    shoulder was a bit looser this morning but still tight. It was too sore in the snatch position to even think about snatching today.

    Front Squat & chinups
    Bar *10
    40kg *10
    60kg *6
    chin up *8
    60kg *6
    chin up *8
    60kg *6
    chin up *8
    60kg *6
    chin up *8
    60kg *6
    chin up *6

    60kg is only jsut tipping along here. Next week I think I'll up it slowly. I need to mind my lower back, I do not want to tweak it again. The 8th rep on the second last set of chins was a struggle, technically it probably wasn't a full chin but I gave it to myself anyway. Last set of chins I had zero hope of getting the last 2 reps.

    Flat bench - Bar
    Bar *10
    40kg *10
    50kg *8
    55kg *8
    57.5kg *6
    60kg *6
    60kg *5
    55kg *6

    Just playing around here to see whats comfortable. 60kg was a struggle but I'll persevere with it the next day. Felt a slight twinge in my shoulder towards the end which didn't help.

    Dumbell row
    25kg *8
    25kg *8
    25kg *8
    25kg *8
    25kg *8

    Bicep curlz
    straight bar 20kg *8
    30kg *8
    30kg *8
    30kg *8

    Overhead press
    20kg Bar *8
    30kg *8
    30kg *8
    35kg *8

    No problem at all with my shoulder on either the row or the overhead press. It just seems to be some motions and positions that trigger pain!

    Lot sof stretching and foam rolling sfterwards. Rolling my bad shoulder was quite painful but it feels alot better now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Monday 13th August

    Lots of stretching to start. Shoulders are starting to loosen up a good bit. I might try snatching later in the week.

    Front Squat & chinups

    Bar *10
    40kg *10
    60kg *6
    chin up *8
    60kg *6
    chin up *8
    60kg *6
    chin up *8
    60kg *6
    chin up *8
    60kg *6
    chin up *7+1

    Decided to go a bit lower than parallel on the squats today and it was comfortable so I think I'll up the weight a little the next day.

    Flat bench - Bar
    17.5kg dumbells *10
    Bench freed up do moved over to that.
    Bar *10
    40kg *8
    50kg *8
    60kg *6
    60kg *6
    60kg *6
    60kg *6

    60kg was much more comfortable today.

    Dumbell row
    27.5kg *8
    27.5kg *8
    27.5kg *8
    27.5kg *8

    Overhead log press
    27kg Bar *8
    37kg *6
    37kg *6
    37kg *6

    Upright row
    just threw these in for something different. I must look up how to do them right casue I don't think I was doing it correctly.
    Bar *8
    30kg *8
    30kg *8

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  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Wednesday 15th August


    warmup arse trainer -
    ramp to level 80 10 mins 175calsToday was a PT day and after a bit of discussion with him we are going to change the program. I was feeling like I was getting stuck in a rut so a change for a few weeks might shake things up a bit.
    The plan is to split the workouts into 3 days of Day 1: back and shoulders, Day2: legs, Day 3: chest (with some arm stuff).

    Tonight we started with the chest routine as I am quite apprehesive about bench etc.

    Flat Bar Bench
    I needed instruction on technique etc as I had really only done dumbell stuff before. First thing was he advised my grip was too wide so I gripping it alot narrower now.
    Bar *12
    Bar *12
    40kg *8
    50kg *8
    60kg *6
    60kg *6
    60kg *6
    I found this quite tough with the narrower grip. We were also pausing just above the chest and then driving up. On my own I would not have been able to do 6 on the last 2 sets. Having him spotting me really helped. I'm not sure how I'll get on with this on my own.

    Incline bench with fat bar
    Bench was at about 45degrees and keeping elbows right in at the side. The motion took a bit of getting used to.
    Bar *8
    Bar *8
    Bar +20kg *8
    Bar +20kg *8
    Bar +20kg *8

    Dumbell flys
    15kg *8
    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8

    I've never done flys before. 15kg was a bit heavy as I was not used to the range of motion so droppedd to 12.5kg (which was too easy) but I stuck with it for today. I'll try something heavier the next day.

    10These were difficult...

    Core work
    various bits and pieces.

    Bike - level 8 90rpm 15mins - 180cals

    Forgot to do some dips. only did one set as it was late I was tired and the rubber grips on the dip staion kept rotating ...


    I've drastically increased the stretching regime as I'm finding it's helping alot.

    So friday I will probably do legs and then dive into the schedule above next week Monday, Wednesday, Friday
    I must put a bit of thought into the structure of the exercises should be good. I will reintroduce deadlifts but only light ones for the time being.
    I think I'll also perhaps include some body weight stuff on the cardio days. pullups pushups etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Thursday 16th August

    Exercise Bike -level 8 85 to 95rpm 60mins - 620 cals

    I could have burned more cals but I ended up talking for the last 30mins.

    Ab circuit
    I haven't really done abs and stuff in ages so I should really ad it back in.

    Sit ups with medicine ball held over chest *20
    mountain climber variations (hands on mediceine ball, knee to elbow then knee to other elbow without foot touching the gnd. ) 10 each side
    leg raises *5
    rotate legs clockwise (big circle, at the top the feet are in the top of the leg raise position, bottom of cirlce is bottom of leg raise position) *5
    leg raises *5
    rotate legs anti clockwise *5
    front plank 45s
    side plank *30s each side
    pushups *20

    repeat above *2

    the leg raises section is all in one go and my abs knew all about it afterwards.

    lots of stretching

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Friday 17th August

    today was the first day of "legs" for my new program. I haven't done some of these exercises before so I was just trying to find my feet so to speak.

    Light Deadlifts
    Bar *10
    Bar *10
    50 kg *8
    60kg *8
    60kg *8
    60kg *8
    80kg *4
    80kg *6

    I was very hesitant with these as I still have a twinge in my lower back. At 60kg I could pull and let down the bar directly to the floor. At 80kg my back did not allow me sufficient range of motion to get the bar back to the floor. The bar ended about 2 inches from the floor so I just pulled from there again.
    I made an apointment with a physio for next week!

    Front squat
    Bar *10
    40kg *10
    60kg *8
    60kg *8
    60kg *8
    65kg *8

    I can definitely push more than 65kg in the front squat but again I'm taking it easy. I don't currently have the range of motion to go below parallel.

    Barbell lunges
    Bar *8 each side
    40kg *8
    40kg *8
    40kg *8
    40kg *8

    this was grand. I hadn't done barbell lunges before so I wanted to get used to doing them first. I will increase the weight next week. I haven't done any type of lunges in ages so my glutes are complaining a little now!

    leg press
    No weight *10
    40kg *8
    80kg *8
    100kg *8
    100kg *8
    100kg *8
    120kg *8

    Again a new one for me. It took me a minute to realise that the machine had a safety release on both sides. doh.
    I'll definietely be using at least 120kg for my work sets the next day as 100kg was too light and 120kg at the end wa grand.

    So a bit of refinement for next week required but I'm reasonably happy with that. I will add in the leg curl machine aswell next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Sunday 19th August

    The OH mentioned that I was putting on a bit of belly fat which is true as I've been eating more being less careful with the diet (sweets, crisps and beer have made a bit of a comeback) and I've been neglecting the cardio a bit so I decided to head to the gym for an hour this evening.

    I'm limited to the exercise bike as I don't want to aggrevate my ankle too much. I'm also on my new weights program of back and shoulders on Monday, legs on Wednesday and chest on friday. I'm a bit sceptical about only doing one body part once a week as I've been doing compound lifts 3 days a week so I said as I was in the gym I'd do a light bench to tide me over until Friday!

    Dumbell Bench
    20kg *12
    25kg *8
    25kg *8
    25kg *8

    Dumbell Flys
    10kg *12
    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8

    Exercise bike
    level 8 - 85 to 90 rpm - 40mins -430 cals.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Monday 20th August

    Today was back and shoulders day. It was also completly wing it day as I hadn't a notion what I was going to do before I did it.

    Light Deads/ Chin ups
    Bar * 12
    60kg *8
    from blocks
    60kg *8
    chins *10
    80kg *6
    chins *8
    80kg *6
    chins *8
    80kg *6
    chins *7.5

    Over head log press
    27kg *10
    37kg *8
    42kg *6
    42kg *6
    37kg *6

    Dumbell rows
    20kg *8
    27.5kg *8
    27.5kg *8
    27.5kg *8
    27.5kg *8

    Seated dumbell shoulder press
    12.5kg *8
    15kg *8
    20kg *6
    20kg *6
    20kg *6

    Upright barbell rows
    20kg bar *8
    30kg *8
    30kg *8
    30kg *8

    Barbell bicep curlz
    Bar *8
    30kg *8
    30kg *8

    Disappointed with the chins as I was doing 5 setc of 8 last week. For the next day I will be upping the weight on dumbell rows the upright row and the bicep curlz. I will be upping teh reps on the shoulder press and the log press. Hopefully the physio will be able to magically fix me so that I can do deads again.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Tuesday 21st August

    Exercise Bike - 40mins - level 8 - 85 to 95rpm - 485 cals

    Ab circuit.
    Chin ups (Palms facing away wideish grip) *8
    Sit ups with medicine ball held over chest *20
    mountain climber variations (hands on mediceine ball, knee to elbow then knee to other elbow without foot touching the gnd. ) 10 each side
    leg raises *5
    rotate legs clockwise (big circle, at the top the feet are in the top of the leg raise position, bottom of cirlce is bottom of leg raise position) *5
    leg raises *5
    rotate legs anti clockwise *5
    front plank 50s
    side plank 40s each side
    strict pushups *20

    repeat above *3

    lots of stretching

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Wednesday 22nd August

    Light Deadlifts
    Bar *10
    40 kg *8
    50kg *8
    60kg *8
    70kg *8
    70kg *8
    70kg *8

    Keeping this really light and easy. All were pulled from the floor. Lower back is still a major limiting factor. (Physio today!)

    Front squat
    Bar *10
    40kg *10
    50kg *8
    60kg *8
    70kg *8
    70kg *8
    70kg *8

    70kg was a bit of a struggle. the last set was quite messy but I completed it fine. Hopefully it will be a bit easier next week.

    Barbell lunges
    Bar *8 each side
    40kg *8
    40kg *8
    40kg *8

    leg press
    No weight *10
    40kg *8
    80kg *8
    120kg *8
    160kg *8
    160kg *8
    160kg *8

    My legs are just a little short for the leg press machine. I have to really push with my toes to get the safety bars on and off. Gives the calves a bit of a workout anyway.

    Leg curl
    I hadn't used this machine before. You have to lie down facing down with it. I have no idea what the numebrs mean but anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Thursday 23rd August

    Exercise bike level 8, 85 to 90 rpm, 30mins, 330cals

    I nearly forgot that the physio told me to do fast walking on the treadmill for my ankle.

    Treadmill, 15mins, 3% incline, 7 to 7.5km/hr, 110cals (who sets up the calorie counters on these machines)

    Walking on the treadmill is soooooooo booooring.... Hopefully I can go back to jogging in a couple of weeks.

    Lots of stretching.
    Physio recommended lots and lots of single leg bridges for my back. Especially on the left side. I have way more control on the right than the left. the difference even with the injury is quite pronounced.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Friday 24th August

    Chest day. I must figure out a few more exercises today.

    I was late to the gym this morning. I woke with a massive cramp/knot in my left hamstring around 5. (I'm really starting to feel old now with all these niggles). so when I drifted back to sleep I missed my alarm so I wasn't up until after 6.40 so wasn't in the gym till 7.25.:mad:

    Bench still rubbish at this
    Bar *10
    Bar *10
    40kg *8
    50kg *8
    55kg *8
    60kg *6
    60kg *6
    60kg *6
    60kg *4

    Incline Bench with Fat bar (narrow grip Keeping elbows tucked right in)
    Bar *10
    Bar *10
    20kg on Bar *8

    I have no idea how much the Fat bar weighs but it seems really light.

    Dumbell Flys
    10kg *8
    12.5kg *8
    15kg *8
    15kg *8
    15kg *8
    15kg *8

    Dips (Bodyweight)

    Bicep curlz Dumbells
    17.5kg *8
    17.5kg *8Lots of stretching and physio recommended exercises

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Monday 27th August

    Light Deads/ Chin ups
    40kg *8
    70kg *8
    chins *8
    70kg *8
    nutral grip chins *8
    70kg *8
    chins *7+1
    70kg *8
    neutral grip chins *8
    70kg *8
    Chin *4
    Chin *6

    Deads were recommended by the physio for my lower back. I did them nice and quick. I had planned on 60kg but mis counted (I have no idea how) and ended up with 70kg. Last set was tough as the lower back was starting to complain. Doing them quick and then striaght into chins was a real punisher on the grip.

    Over head barbell press
    20kg *10
    30kg *8
    40kg *6
    40kg *6
    40kg *6
    35kg *8
    35kg *6

    Dumbell rows
    20kg *8
    27.5kg *8
    27.5kg *8
    27.5kg *8
    27.5kg *8

    Seated dumbell shoulder press
    10kg *8
    15kg *8
    20kg *6
    20kg *6
    20kg *6

    Upright barbell rows
    20kg bar *8
    30kg *8
    30kg *8
    35kg *8
    35kg *8

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Went into the gym this evening and was surprised to see half the floor in the weights area taken up including the platforms. Apparently they're leveling the floor because they're installing squatrack/platforms and replacing all the benches and stuff which should be good. Hopefully they won't be long doing it.

    Exercise bike
    40 mins level 8, 90 to 95 rpm, 40 mins, 530 cals

    I decided to do some light weights work.

    Bar *10
    40kg *10
    50kg *8
    55kg *6
    55kg *4
    55kg *5
    55kg *5

    pretty poor...

    7 neutral


    10kg *8
    10kg *8
    10kg *8
    10kg *8

    I think I may have been fooling myself before. I kept my arms straight on these this time and well it's way more difficult with the auld arms straight.

    Rolling tricep extensions
    10kg *8
    10kg *8
    10kg *8
    Have never done these before and I don't really do any tricep work (which I must start) so these were sore.

    Some abs stuff and stretching.

    The whole session was a bit all over the place and a bit of a mess. I ended up doing a set of chins in with the bench and mixing chins in with dips etc etc so a bit of a mess but good. I don't normally do stuff like this on a Tuesday so it's nice to add it in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Wednesday 29th August

    Light Deadlifts
    Bar *10
    40 kg *10
    40kg *8
    60kg *8
    60kg *8
    60kg *8
    70kg *8

    Keeping this really light and easy. All were pulled from the floor. Lower back was strained a litte on Monday after the pulls then. This is very frustrating. The physio has advise to continue deadlifting to try and strengthen the lower back and to stretch it.
    As half the floor in the gym was gone and there was only one squat rack (which was occupied) I had to clear a space on the floor and use the metal plates. I much perfer pulling with bumper plates but you have to make do with whats there.

    Front squat
    Bar *10
    40kg *10
    60kg *8
    70kg *8
    70kg *8
    70kg *8

    dumb bell lunges
    20kg *8
    20kg *8
    20kg *8

    leg press
    40kg *10
    80kg *8
    120kg *8
    160kg *8
    160kg *8
    160kg *8

    Leg curl
    I have no idea what the numebrs mean but anyway.

    Did some weighted chins Wednesday evening just to see if I could and I could.
    So what I did was as many chins as I could with a dumbell and when I couldn't do any more I dropped it and kept going.

    Chins palm facing away
    8 with 6kgDB + 4
    Palms facing
    6 with 11kg +4
    6 with 11kg +4

    I think I might try this in the gym from now on. I seem to be able to do more at home than in the gym. It could just be the doorway pull up bar at home has a narrower tube and grip to it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Thursday 30th August

    Exercise bike, 40mins, level 8 85rpm, 440cals
    level 8 on this bike is definitely harder than on the other one. It was quite warm in the gym, I was sweating absolute buckets.

    Fast Walk on treadmill. 15mins, 7.5km/hr, 5% inlcine
    This is so boring. My ankle is still not right though so I'll have to put up with it for another bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Friday 31st August

    Bar *10
    Bar *10
    40kg *10
    50kg *8
    60kg *7
    60kg *8
    60kg *8
    60kg *5

    I was a bit annoyed with myself that I didn't get 8 on the first set of 60. I'm still afraid to push it on the bench. The sets of 8 were messy enough on the last couple of reps but I'm happy with that.

    Incline Dumbell elbows tucked in
    The gym isn't fully put back together yet so the incline barbell bench isn't back so I had to use dumbbells.
    12.5kg *8
    17.5kg *8
    17.5kg *8
    17.5kg *8

    There was only 1 10kg dumbell so I used 12.5kg instead. I had to cheat a little by bending my elbows but not too much
    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8

    Dips - Body weight
    I might try these weighted the next day.

    Rolling tricep extensions
    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8

    12.5kg was slightly too heavy but the 10kg dumbells weren't back so I used these. Form started to suffer. I also managed to smack myself in the face on the last set with both dumbells:mad:.

    Bicep curlz
    20kg bar *8
    35kg *8
    35kg *8
    35kg *8

    I always feel like a bit of a tit doing bicep curlz with a straight bar in the rack. And now that the rack is replaced with a rack/platform I feel like even more of a tit!
    New platforms are nice though.
    I had some time this morning so I did some snatches with just the bar on the new platforms. I wanted to see how my shoulder was in the top of the snatch and it was fine so I think I might do some snatch practice over the weekend.

    I also tried the pullup bar on the new squat racks. The racks are "Pullum" and the grip is a complete hand shredder. It might toughen up my soft girly hands a bit. The clearance above the bar is a bit tight. The top of my head brushed the ceiling.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Saturday 1st September

    Exercise Bike 10 mins level 8 warmup 120cals

    Power Snatch practice
    50mins of snatch practice. I hadn't gotten very far with the snatch, just a few sessions really, befor emy shoulder and back were at me and meant I had to stop. So today was the first time I'd done it in weeks.
    It took me a while to get stable enough with just a bar and then I moved on to 30kg and just practiced practiced practiced.
    At the end of the session I felt like I was making progress.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Inspired by this thread of people posting before and after images, and other people posting pictures in their logs I decided to post an update and a couple of pictures of myself. I took the pictures today and the light is not great. I'm pretty private so I edited the images a bit as I don't really like the idea of identifiable shirtless pictures of me being up on the web.


    Age 31
    Current Weight 71.5kg
    Height 1.72m (this obviously isn't going to change)
    current BMI 24.2
    Waist 82cm (just over 32inches)

    My aims for the next couple of months are to put on a couple of kilos and to drop my fat levels.
    From the vanity side of things, I have a bit of stubborn fat around my waist (feckin love handles) that I want to get rid of. I'd like to have visible abs (in the right light I kinda have some now but not really).
    I want to increase strength levels in all my lifts in the gym.

    2 years ago I was a rather unfit 81kg so I don't want to go back to that.

    Over the last few weeks I've been cutting back on the carbs and increasing protein. I've noticed a bit of a decrease in fat levels withput my weight dropping so I'm going to continue that course and see how I go.


  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Monday 3rd September

    Light Deads/ Chin ups
    Bar *8
    40kg *8
    70kg *8
    chins *8 (wide grip)
    70kg *8
    chins wide grip +12.5kg *4 +4 BW
    70kg *8
    chins neutral grip +12.5kg *5 + 3 BW
    70kg *8
    neutral grip chins +12.5kg *5 + 3 BW
    70kg *8

    Deads were more comfrotable on my lower back than last week. Over the last week I've noticed my lower back issue move down into the top and side of my glute. I can't hit it with a stretch though which is annoying. I'm back to the physio on Wednesday.

    I seem to be able to do way better on chins at home :(

    Over head barbell press
    30kg *8
    40kg *6
    40kg *6
    40kg *6
    40kg *6

    Dumbell rows
    20kg *8
    27.5kg *8
    27.5kg *8
    27.5kg *8
    27.5kg *8

    Seated dumbell shoulder press
    15kg *8
    20kg *8
    20kg *8
    20kg *6
    20kg *5

    Upright barbell rows
    20kg bar *8
    30kg *8
    35kg *8
    35kg *8
    35kg *8

    Pulled these a bit higher than last week, Right up to the chin.

    BW *10
    BW *10

    Went to a Pilates class tonight too. I thought it was good. I was sweating anyway. Although I seemed to be the only one, so I don't know if that was a good or a bad thing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Tuesday 4th September

    I had a PT session this morning. We did a Body fat measurement on the tanita scales. This scales weight reading is a bit different form the one in the main gym.

    Weight: 71.3kg
    Body Fat: 12.1%

    Trainer said that I wouldn't want to drop the Body fat any lower than that.

    I also found out this morning that there's a sports pilates class on a Monday night too which is supposed to be better than the regular Pilates class. As I didn't have any trouble with the Pilates class yesterday and was able to hold all the positions (properly) without much problem. I think I'll try the sports pilates class next week.

    PT looked at the program this morning and we've decided on a new program split. so I'm going to do a 2 program split twice a week. Program A on Monday and Thursday and program B on Tuesday and Friday. There are other ancilliary exercises like curlz and stuff that can be thrown in on the days I have time.
    I'll give this new program a go for the next few weeks and see how I get on.
    The new program has some new exercises in it that I hadn't done before so we went through those this morning too.
    In terms of a workout I didn't really do much

    Push-ups on knuckles

    Exercise Bike
    16.5mins @ levl 8 90-95rpm 200cals

    Stretching and rolling and run out the door to work!

    After work I went for a bit of a run. I wanted to test my ankle as I haven't run on it in a month. So I took it nice and handy. It was a lovely evening for it.
    4km jog 19mins 30s.

    Afterwards I took a look at my new program and decided to try a bit of it at home. I'm severely limited as I only have 2 York dumbbells with 20kg of plates for each. I don't have a proper bench so I used the bench with the kitchen table which is a bit wide.

    Dumbbell bench
    20kg x12
    20kg x12
    20kg x15
    Ridiculously easy. A year ago I wouldn't have thought so.

    single leg dumbbell RDL
    20kg x8 each leg
    20kg x8
    11.5kg x 8
    I was Ridiculously unstable. I'm glad I practiced these at home and not in the gym for the first time.

    11.5kg x8
    11.5kg x8
    11.5kg x8

    11.5kg x 7 + 3 BW
    11.5kg x8
    11.5kg x5 + 3 BW

    Arnie press
    11.5kg x8
    11.5kg x8
    14kg x8

    Bicep curls
    14kg x8
    14kg x8
    14kg x10
    I couldn't be bothered changing the plates again so didn't bother.
    I'm glad I practiced some of those exercises before I go to the gym.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Thursday 6th September

    Went to the physio yesterday he went digging around in my back and in the muscle that goes behind the glute. He told me the name of it but I don't remember. All I know is that it's bloody sore today. I just hope that it fixes the problem as I've had this problem since the end of June.

    Anyway I was at the gym this morning.

    Front Squat
    Bar *8
    40kg *8
    50kg *8
    60kg *8

    The second set at 70 was a complete mess as my left side was quite sore after the physio. I was only doing half reps.

    Log Press
    27kg log *8
    42kg *8
    42kg *8
    42kg *6
    42kg *2

    Barbell Lunge
    bar *8
    40kg *8
    40kg *8
    40kg *8

    Arnie Press
    12.5kg *8
    17.5kg *8
    17.5kg *8
    17.5kg *8

    Single leg dumbell RDL
    12.5kg dumbells *8 each side

    My balance is a bit all over the place so the single leg RDLs are a great addition.

    Lot of stretching afterwards. The physio gave me some stretches to do.
    I thought I was going to cry after the stretches. But then again I'm soft.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Friday 9th September

    Barbell flat Bench
    Bar *8
    Bar *8
    40kg *8
    50kg *8
    60kg *8
    60kg *8
    60kg *8

    Thats the first time I managed to do 3 sets of 8 with 60kg. I think I'll up the weight to 62.5kg next week and see how I get on.

    Light Deads
    Bar *8
    Bar *8
    50kg *8
    50kg *8
    70kg *8
    70kg *8

    Seated Row (cable machine)
    60lb *8
    90lb *8
    110lb *8
    120lb *8
    120lb *8

    I haven't done this exercise before. I'm not sure how its done. I think I was doing it right. No leaning forward sit straight etc.

    10kg *8
    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8

    Chin 12.5kg *7
    Dip BW *10
    Chin 12.5kg *4 + 4BW
    Dip 12.5kg *8
    Chin 12.5kg *5 + 3BW
    Dip 12.5kg *8

    Incline Dumbell Bench (keeping elbows in )
    15kg *8
    17.5kg *8
    17.5kg *8
    17.5kg *8
    They still haven't installed the incline bar bench after the gym refit. hopefully it'll be in next week

    Barbell Curlz
    Bar *8
    35kg *8
    30kg *8
    30kg *8

    35kg was a bit heavy this morning....

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej


    100m sprint (ha what a joke)
    100m sprint

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Monday 10th September

    Front Squat
    Bar *8
    Bar *8
    40kg *8
    55kg *8
    70kg *8

    Front squats were alot better today.

    Log Press
    27kg log *8
    42kg *8
    42kg *8
    42kg *8
    42kg *2

    On the last set of 8 I didn't quite press out on the last two reps so I did two make up reps.

    Barbell Lunge
    bar *8
    40kg *8
    50kg *8
    50kg *8

    Went a bit heavier today. It was ok.

    Arnie Press
    12.5kg *8
    17.5kg *8
    20kg *8
    20kg *8

    Last rep at 20kg was a struggle but I made it.

    Single leg dumbell RDL
    12.5kg dumbells *8 each side
    Balance is a bit all over teh place but it was better than last week.

    Dumbell Skull crushers
    7.5kg *10
    10kg *8
    10kg *8
    10kg *8

    Students are back so it was alot busier than normal. I assume it'll get worse before it gets better. Must get up earlier so that I'm in for 7 rather than 7.15

    Went to "Sports Pilates" tonight too.
    I thought it was very good. I'm definitely going to go back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Tuesday 11th September

    20kg DB *8
    20kg DB *8
    27.5kg DB *8
    27.5kg DB *8
    27.5kg DB *8

    62.5kg *4
    62.5kg *5

    There were no barbell benches available when I arrived in at 7.05 this morning so I had to do dumbbells. After I was finished a bench freed up and I did a couple of reps on 62.5kg. There was a bit of spotter assistance on the last rep.

    Light deads
    Bar *8
    Bar *8
    50kg *8
    70kg *8
    70kg *8
    70kg *8

    I'm doing these at a bit of pace now. It's not aggravating my back as much as it was. I might increase the weight slightly.

    Seated Row (cable machine)
    90lb *8
    120lb *8
    120lb *8
    120lb *8

    10kg *8
    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8

    Chin 12.5kg *6 + 4BW
    Dip 12.5kg *10
    Chin 12.5kg *4 + 4BW
    Dip 12.5kg *10
    Chin 12.5kg *3 + 5BW
    Dip 12.5kg *10

    Dips were tough today!

    Incline Dumbell Bench (keeping elbows in )
    15kg *8
    15kg *8
    17.5kg *8
    17.5kg *8
    They still haven't installed the incline bar bench after the gym refit. hopefully it'll be in next week. My forearms had pretty much seized up before this exercise so it took a few mins before I could do it properly

    Hammer Curls
    17.5 kg *8
    17.5kg *8

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Went for a short jog after work. Went a bit quicker than I had intended.
    Jog 4km, 18mins 30s

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  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Front Squat
    Bar *8
    Bar *8
    40kg *8
    55kg *8
    75kg *8

    Log Press
    27kg log *8
    47kg *6
    42kg *8
    42kg *6
    42kg *4

    Went for 47kg and could only manage 6. Twas just too heavy. I dropped it back to 42kg.

    Barbell Lunge
    bar *8
    40kg *8
    50kg *8
    50kg *8

    Arnie Press
    15kg *8
    20kg *6
    20kg *8
    20kg *8
    20kg *8

    Single leg dumbell RDL
    15kg dumbbells *8 each side

    Dumbell Skull crushers
    10kg *8
    10kg *10
    10kg *10
