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JBs training log



  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Bar *8
    Bar *8
    40kg *8
    50kg *8
    60kg *8
    62.5kg *7
    60kg *8

    Went for the eighth rep at 62.5kg and nearly dropped the bar. It was lucky the bench had racks at multiple heights as I would have been pinned if I hadn't been able to get the bar into the lowest rung. So the eight rep was a fail. I dropped back to 60kg for the last set and that was fine...

    Light deads
    Bar *10
    Bar *10
    50kg *8
    80kg *8
    70kg *3

    I upped the weight to 80 from 70 earlier in the week. I was on the 7th rep and I thought to myself that this was very easy and that I hadn't felt even the smallest twinge in my back. At that point I felt a twinge. Just by thinking about it I seem to have triggered something. the 8th rep then I felt it again. I dropped to 70 but I was still feeling it so I just left it.

    Seated Row (cable machine)
    90lb *8
    120lb *8
    120lb *8
    130lb *8

    On Wednesday after doing these on Tuesday my back had some DOMs which I never get with the dumbell row. I upped the weight on the last set which was fine. I'm still finding my feet on this one.

    10kg *8
    12kg *8
    12kg *8
    12kg *8

    Chin 12.5kg *7 + 3BW
    Dip with small chain *10
    Chin 12.5kg *5 + 5BW
    Dip (small chain) *10
    Chin 12.5kg *4 + 4BW
    Dip (small chain) *10

    I used a chain instead of a dumbbell on the dips today. I thoughit worked out fine. I don't know what the chain weighs though. It doesn't seem that heavy. If I had to guess I'd say 6 or 7 kilos.

    Incline Press (fat bar) Narrow grip Keeping elbows tucked right in
    Bar (15kg) *10
    35 kg *8
    40kg *8
    35kg *8

    I upped the weight to 40kg but I was sacrificing form for reps so I dropped back to 35kg.

    Straight Barbell curlz
    Bar *8
    35kg *8
    35kg *8
    35kg *8

    Face pulls
    4 sets of 10 increasing the stack each time. I didn't keep track of the numbers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Gym was really busy this morning. It was busier at 7.15 than it was during the summer at 17.15. Anyway disaster of a session.

    started out with lots of stretching etc. Felt quite good no problem at all with my lower back which was the first time in ages.

    Front Squats
    Bar *10
    Bar *10
    40kg *8
    55kg *8
    75kg *3

    On rep number 4 at 75kg I felt a pain in my lower back left side.:mad: Same place that I've had problems before. I dumped the bar and stood up. That was the end of the session.

    I stretched it out as best I could and then went home. I put an ice pack on it for 10 mins and then went and had a hot shower, put some voltotol cream on and went to work. It doesn't seem too bad yet but the longer I sit down the tighter and more painful it's starting to become. If I keep moving it seems ok.
    I have a physio appointment for tomorrow so hopefully he can fix me.
    I was looking forward to the session and all this morning. And of course sports pilates is out for later too.
    Damn it.:mad: and things were going so well. Looks like in furture I need to just satisfy myself with low weights on Squats and Deads forever. Or at least only increase the weight by a couple of kilos every 6 or 8 weeks and raise them super slowly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Bar *8
    Bar *8
    40kg *8
    50kg *8
    60kg *8
    60kg *8
    60kg *8

    I had a bit of bother benching. I couldn't get my left foot flat on the ground due to a pain down the back of my leg/Hamstring. I moved to a lower bench which helped and I stretched and rolled it out which also seemed to help.

    Light deads
    Skipped Deads due to the unpleasantness with the squats yesterday.

    Seated Row (cable machine)
    90lb *8
    130lb *8
    130lb *8
    130lb *8

    10kg *8
    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8

    Chin 12.5kg *7 + 3 BW
    Dip with small chain (9kg) *10
    Chin 12.5kg *5 + 5BW
    Dip (small chain 9kg) *10
    Chin (small chain 9kg) *5 + 3BW
    Dip (small chain) *10

    I was wrong with my guess of the chains weight. It was written on it today. 9kg.

    Incline Press (fat bar) Narrow grip Keeping elbows tucked right in
    Bar (15kg) *10
    35 kg *8
    45kg *8
    40kg *8

    Straight Barbell curlz
    Bar *8
    35kg *8
    35kg *8
    35kg *8

    Afternoon Physio

    Went to the physio in the afternoon and he reckons I have a bulge in one of the disks in my lower back :eek:. He thinks it's pressing on the nerve which is why I have a pain in the back of my leg.
    He gave me some stretching exercises, told me to take some nurofen and to ice it for swelling and use heat too (not at the same time obviously).
    He didn't think an MRI was necessary but he said he could refer me if I wanted. I think this was due to the shock on my face when he told me he thought it was a disk bulge. I'll lay off anything heavy that will directly load my lower back for a while and reassess at the end of the week.
    No squats and deads for me again I fear..... And I thought things were going so well.
    Apart from getting stiff after sitting for a while and a slight ache down the back of my leg I'm not feeling any ill affects.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    No more front squats for me. I decided to see if I could use the leg press machine. This seemed to go ok, no significant loading on my lower back but I didn't go as heavy as I could just in case.

    Leg press
    40kg *8
    80kg *8
    120kg *8
    140kg *8
    140kg *8

    Log Press
    27kg log *10
    37kg *8
    42kg *8
    42kg *8

    I kept the weight lower on this than last week, just to be on the safe side. It seemed fine. I'm going to be quite cautious about stuff like this for a while.

    Barbell Lunge
    bar *8
    40kg *8
    40kg *8
    40kg *8

    again kept the weight down from last week.

    Arnie Press
    15kg *8
    20kg *8
    20kg *8
    20kg *8

    Single leg dumbell RDL
    12.5kg dumbbells *8 each side

    Dumbell Skull crushers
    10kg *10 *8
    10kg *10
    10kg *10

    12kg was a bit heavy so I went back to 10kg.

    2 sets of facepulls for 10 reps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Flat Bench
    Bar *10
    Bar *10
    40kg *8
    50kg *8
    60kg *8
    60kg *8
    60kg *8

    I was feeling a little under the weather this morning so this was tougher than it should have been

    no more deads for me. Bulged disk in the lower back has finished off deads and squats for me for a while.

    Seated Row
    90lb *8
    130lb *8
    140lb *8
    140lb *8

    10kg *10
    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8
    14kg *8

    Chin BW *10
    Dip large chain *10
    Chin +12.5kg*5 + BW *4
    Dip large chain *10
    Chin +12.5kg*3 +BW *4
    Dip large chain *10

    Just did body weight chins at the start and they were easy. This last couple of weeks of doing weighted chins seems to be working well. As I said I'm a bit under the weather today so my performance dropped off a bit.

    Incline Fat bar press (narrw grip)
    Bar *10
    Bar *10
    35kg *8
    40kg *8
    40kg *8

    Barbell Curlz
    Bar *10
    30kg *8
    35kg *8
    30kg *8

    Only a so so session.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Monday 24th Sep

    Leg press
    40kg *10
    80kg *10
    120kg *8
    140kg *8
    140kg *8

    Log Press
    27kg log *10
    37kg *8
    42kg *8
    42kg *8

    Barbell Lunge
    bar *8
    40kg *8
    40kg *8
    40kg *8

    I might change this to a differnt type of lunge mybe holding a kettle bell or something. I'm paranoid about having weight on my back at the moment.

    Arnie Press
    12.5kg *10
    20kg *8
    20kg *8
    20kg *8

    Single leg dumbell RDL
    12.5kg dumbbells *8 each side

    Dumbell Skull crushers
    10kg *10
    12kg *8
    12kg *8
    12kg *8

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Tuesday 25th September

    Gym was absolutely mental this morning. There was a team in training so there were groups everywhere. Each group had a coach with them. I'm not sure about the quality of the coaches as some of the deadlifting looked back breaking. (I should know about bad form here from personal experience)
    So there was no hope of getting a barbell bench so went with dumbells instead.

    Flat Bench dumbells
    20kg *8
    27.5kg *8
    27.5kg *8
    27.5kg *8

    Seated Row
    100lb *8
    140lb *8
    140lb *8
    140lb *8

    10kg *10
    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8

    I was still not feeling 100%. I've been fighting something off since last week. It really showed in the chins today.
    Chin +12.5kg *5 + 5 BW
    Dip large chain *10
    Chin +12.5kg*4 + BW *4
    Dip large chain *10
    Chin +12.5kg*2 +BW *4
    Dip large chain *5 +3 +2

    Incline Fat bar press (narrw grip)
    Bar *10
    35kg *8
    40kg *8
    40kg *8

    Hammer Curlz Dumbells(correct form this time, I looked it up on youtube it must be right:rolleyes:)
    15kg *8
    15kg *8
    15kg *8

    Face pulls

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Wednesday 26th.

    It was a PT day today. I think it went fairly well.
    We did a couple of new lifts and variations on what I'm doing so that I can mix and match into my current program a bit better.
    There was a bit of repitition from yesterdays session so those were a bit of a struggle.

    Dumbell Bench
    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8
    15kg *8
    15kg *8
    17.5kg *8
    17.5kg *8
    30kg *6
    30kg *6
    27.5kg *8

    30kg dumbells were HEAVY. If I wasn't being spotted they weren't going up. 27.5kg felt very heavy after.

    Lying down flat facedown Row (I have no idea what this is called)
    Bar *10
    40kg *8
    40kg *8
    40kg *8
    40kg *8
    This was grand. Really focusing on squeezing the shoulders at the top. I think I will add another 10kg to this next time.

    Standing dumbell shoulder press
    this is performed with knees bent and giving it some leg drive.
    10kg *8
    10kg *8
    10kg *8
    10kg *8
    The weight was quite light but it was surprisingly heavy at the end.

    Burpee with chin
    So this was basically doing a burpee and on the jump portion grabbing the pullup bar and doing a few pull ups. Of course me being not the tallest person in the world I couldn't actually reach the bar to do the pull. I got the first one with the tips of my right fingers only and pulled myself up but definitely wan't doing it again. So the variation I ended up doing was burpee then hop on a box and then do the pulls. The pull-up bars downstairs are lower so I should be able to reach.

    I lost count of the reps and number of pulls. I'm going to work a variation of this into my workouts.


    3 sets of 10. I didn't catch the weight.

    Pushups variation
    Hands on two benches feet on a box. Get the chest down lower than the hands and hold then push up.

    8 reps

    That was too easy so we pushed the benches further apart.

    8reps holding for liike 10seconds at the bottom of the last rep.

    So there's definietly stuff there I can work into my regualar sessions so that I'm doing some variations during the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Thursday 27th September

    I did resistance stuff Monday Tuesday and Wednesday so I decided to just do some cardio this morning.

    Stationary bike. - 40mins level 8 - 450cals.

    Followed by some stretching.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Leg press
    40kg *10
    80kg *10
    120kg *8
    140kg *8
    140kg *8
    140kg *8

    Log Press
    27kg log *10
    42kg *8
    42kg *8
    42kg *7.5 (just didn't get it locked out on the last rep)
    37kg *7.5 (same again)

    Towards the end of the second set at 42kg and from the middle of the third set I was using leg drive aswell.

    Lunge (holding Kettlebell)
    20kg bell *8 (each side)
    20kg *8
    20kg *8

    I don't really want to put any weight on my back at the moment.

    Arnie Press
    15kg *8
    20kg *8
    20kg *8
    20kg *7

    Single leg dumbell RDL
    15kg dumbbells *8 each side

    Dumbell Skull crushers
    10kg *10
    12.5 kg *8
    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8

    Hammer Curlz
    15kg *8
    17.5kg *8

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  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Flat Bench
    Bar *8
    40kg *8
    50kg *8
    60kg *8
    60kg *8
    60kg *8

    I appear to be stuck at 60kg. My last experiment at 62.5kg was a bit of a disaster but I think I have to try it again or else I'm not going to get anywhere.

    Lying down barbell row (for want of a better name for it)
    Bar *8
    52kg *8
    52kg *8
    52kg *8
    Focussed on squeezing the shoulder blades at the top and pausing. Felt good.

    10kg *8
    17.5kg *8
    17.5kg *8
    17.5kg *8
    I findflys to be an odd one. If I keep my arms straight I can only do low weight as the limitation is coming up from the bottom. But at the top with the low weight I'm not getting any squeeze in the chest. So I decided this week to bend my elbows a bit and up the weight. I think I'll alternate low weight and higher weight every second session.
    If anyone has any advice I'd love to hear it.

    Seated Row

    120lb *8
    140lb *8 (this was a mess, I needed to drop the weight. the rows from earlier obviously having an affect here)
    130lb *8
    130lb *7.5

    Chins (all body weight today)
    wide grip *10
    Neutral *8
    Wide *6
    Neutral *6

    A bit dissappointing.

    Dips with Larger chain

    Incline Fat bar press (narrw grip)
    Bar *8
    Bar *8
    35kg *8
    40kg *8
    40kg *8

    I went to Sports Pilates in the evening. It was easier than the last day. the class was quite full again. It was a different teacher. I'm looking forward to next week when the regular teacher is back. She seems to be better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Leg press
    40kg *10
    80kg *10
    120kg *8
    140kg *8
    140kg *8
    140kg *8

    Log Press
    27kg log *10
    42kg *8
    42kg *8
    42kg *8

    Lunge (holding Kettlebell)
    24kg bell *8 (each side)
    24kg *8
    24kg *8

    Arnie Press
    12.5kg *8
    20kg *7
    20kg *8
    20kg *8

    Single leg dumbell RDL
    15kg dumbbells *8 each side

    Dumbell Skull crushers
    12kg *8
    12kg *8
    12kg *8

    Hammer Curlz
    12.5kg *8
    18kg *8
    18kg *8
    18kg *8

    I know this is fierce vain but Hammer curlz are great.

    I've decided to definitely stay away from putting any weight on my back for a while or pulling anything heavy directly off the floor. I need to give my bulged disk a chance to heal properly. It's been improving this week but it's really slow progress. I'm going on Honey moon in 7 weeks and I won't be back until the end of December. So the next time I do a squat or a deadlift will be January. And even then it'll be really light and very slow progress.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Cardio this evening. I'm neglecting cardio so badly these days.

    Stationary bike. 40mins level 8, 85 to 95rpm - 440cals.

    I was pretty wrecked after it. after 35mins I just couldn't keep the RPM over 90. So I dropped back and used the last 5 mins as a warm down. Sweated buckets!

    I miss doing any sort of snatching and clean/jerk. Not that I was any good at all. I was still learning the basics of the power versions never mind the full versions. I can't really pull anything heavy from the floor with my back at the moment so I've decided to just practice the movement. I started a little tonight with just a stick. I'll use an empty bar at the weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Flat Bench
    Bar *8
    40kg *8
    50kg *8
    60kg *8
    60kg *8
    60kg *8

    I had decided yesterday that I was going to go for dumbells today but then I got to the gym and thought, No I'll use the bar. I had planned on going up to 62.5kg but as I struggled to get the last rep out on the first set of 60 I knew that wasn't going to happen. I should have gone with dumbells.

    Seated Row
    100lb *8
    140lb *8
    140lb *8
    140lb *8
    10kg *10
    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8Really concentrated on these today and they felt good. Much better than before.

    chin +12.5KG 7 +3 BW
    Dip +chain 10
    Chin +12.5KG 6 +3BW
    Dip + larger chain 10
    Chin +12.5KG 4.5 +3BW
    DIP + larger chain 10

    Dips felt really strong today.

    Lying down barbell row
    (for want of a better name for it)
    Bar *8
    50kg *8
    50kg *8
    50kg *8
    Focussed on squeezing the shoulder blades at the top and pausing.

    Incline Fat bar press (narrw grip)
    Bar *8
    Bar *8
    40kg *8
    40kg *8
    40kg *8

    Positives from today.
    Dips felt really good. I'll try and add more weight next week
    Flys felt really good too. concentrating on them has helped.

    Bloody bench.... Must reevaluate what I'm doing here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Friday 5th October

    Leg press

    70kg *8
    110kg *8
    150kg *8
    170kg *8
    150kg *8
    150kg *8

    I didn't notice the extra 30kg sitting on top of the leg press machine. I just though that everything felt a bit heavy.

    Log Press
    27kg log *8
    42kg *8
    44.5kg *8
    44.5kg *2 , 42kg *6

    Lunge (holding Kettlebell)
    24kg bell *8 (each side)
    24kg *8
    24kg *8

    Arnie Press
    15kg *8
    20kg *8
    20kg *8
    20kg *8

    Single leg dumbell RDL
    15kg dumbbells *8 each side

    Dumbell Skull crushers
    10kg *10
    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8

    Straight Bar Curlz
    Bar *8
    35kg *8
    35kg *8
    35kg *8

    Saturday 6th October

    Freestyle fitness yoga. I initially though that this was ok and easy. My abs were a bit sore on Sunday though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Monday 8th October

    Lying down barbell row (for want of a better name for it)
    Bar *10
    40kg *10
    50kg *8
    50kg *8
    50kg *8

    Flat Bench
    15kg *10
    15kg *10
    20kg *8
    20kg *8
    25kg *8
    25kg *8
    25kg *8
    25kg *8
    25kg *8

    I had no choice but to go for dumbells today as the gym was very busy. There was feck all dumbells available. I had wanted to move up the dumbells as far as 30kg but 22.5kgs were in use the 27.5kgs were in use and I could only find one 30kg. Back to the bar bench on thursday.

    Seated Row
    100lb *8
    140lb *8
    140lb *8
    140lb *8

    12kg *8
    12kg *8
    12kg *8

    chin +12.5KG 7 +3 BW
    Dip +chain 10
    Chin +12.5KG 5 +4BW
    Dip + larger chain 10
    Chin +12.5KG 6 (Neutral) +3BW
    DIP + larger chain 10

    Incline Fat bar press (narrw grip)
    Bar *8
    35kg *8
    40kg *8
    40kg *8

    Wasn't a particularly good session. I wasn't really in to it. I was late, the place was busy, I was cranky....

    I went to sports pilates in the evening. Oh my God. My abs are in bits. Brid was back giving the class and went hell for leather tonight. Was good though. I think she might have scared some people away.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Leg press
    40kg *10
    80kg *10
    120kg *8
    160kg *8
    160kg *8
    160kg *8

    As I accidentally went a bit heavy on Friday I decided to up the weight a bit on this today. I can say for definite that the leg press was easier when I was squatting regularly.

    Log Press
    27kg log *8
    44.5kg *8
    44.5kg *8
    42kg *8

    Lunge (holding Kettlebell)
    24kg bell *8 (each side)
    24kg *8
    24kg *8

    Arnie Press
    15kg *8
    20kg *8
    20kg *8
    20kg *8

    Single leg dumbell RDL
    17.5kg dumbbells *8 each side

    Dumbell Skull crushers
    12kg *8
    12kg *8
    12kg *8

    Hammer Curlz
    17.5kg *8
    17.5kg *8
    17.5kg *8

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    It was a PT session this morning.
    We did a whole lot of bodyweight exercises. I'm going to work them into a kind of conditioning session once or twice a week. I know I've said stuff like this before but I'm going to do it now I swear...

    Box jumps (34.5") * loads

    Standing long jumps *2reps *5sets

    Squat jumps * loads

    split jumps * loads

    push-ups *6 *3
    These pushups are where you push yourself up and touch your chest with your hands and your feet leave the ground too. A bit of practice and they were fine.

    Power burpees *10 *3
    (exploding back and pushing with a wide stance rather than the usual loping push back of the leg)

    So for my conditioning session the next day, I'm going to use the track and jog the long sides sprint the widths and every seond lap or so so a set of the above. I might even throw in some pull-ups as there are pull up bars ont the track. Should have me nice and wrecked going to work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Flat Bench
    Bar *10
    Bar *10
    40kg *8
    50kg *8
    60kg *8
    60kg *8
    62.5kg *7

    Lying down barbell row
    Bar *8
    40kg *8
    50kg *8
    50kg *8
    50kg *8

    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8
    15kg *8

    Pull +12.5KG *8 +2 BW
    Dip +large chain 10
    Pull +12.5KG 6 +4BW
    Dip + large chain 10
    Pull +12.5KG 4 + 5+1 BW
    DIP + large chain 10

    Seated Row
    100lb *8
    140lb *8
    130lb *8
    130lb *8

    Incline Fat bar press (narrow grip)
    Bar *8
    Bar *8
    35kg *8
    40kg *8
    40kg *8
    40kg *8

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Leg press
    40kg *10
    80kg *10
    120kg *8
    160kg *8
    160kg *8
    160kg *8

    160kg felt really heavy today.

    Log Press
    27kg log *8
    42kg *8
    44.5kg *8
    44.5kg *8
    44.5kg *6

    Lunge (holding Kettlebell)
    24kg bell *8 (each side)
    24kg *8
    24kg *8

    Arnie Press
    17.5kg *8
    20kg *8
    20kg *8
    20kg *8

    Single leg dumbell RDL
    17.5kg dumbbells *8 each side

    Dumbell Skull crushers
    12kg *8
    12kg *8
    12kg *8

    Straight bar Curlz
    35kg *8
    35kg *8
    35kg *8

    I'm going on my stag this weekend so I'm fully expecting Mondays session to be either missed or just plain awful.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Well I didn't get up this morning for the gym. Still really tired after the weekend. Although it wasn't a complete write off exercise wise.
    2 hours Saturday flying my power kite on the beach and 2 hours surfing (with a major hangover) on Sunday. I'm still going to try to go to pilates later.

    Went to Pilates,
    It was tougher and easier than last week. I was still under the weather from the weekend but physically I found it ok. Last week my abs were sore for a few days after but this week it seems ok. I probably didn't push it to the max though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Leg press
    40kg *10
    80kg *10
    120kg *8
    160kg *8
    160kg *8
    160kg *8

    Overhead Press (straight bar)
    20kg *8
    40kg *8 (felt quite light)
    50kg *3 (too heavy, far too much jerking going on)
    45kg *8
    45kg *8

    Straight bar is quite differnt to the log. I'm not really used to it so positioning and stability are a bit of a problem. I think I'll add this in for 1 session a week and hopefully improve.

    Lunge (holding Kettlebell)
    28kg bell *8 (each side)
    28kg *8
    28kg *8

    Standing dumbbell Press
    12.5kg *8
    15kg *8
    15g *8
    15kg *8

    Single leg dumbell RDL
    17.5kg dumbbells *8 each side

    Dumbell Skull crushers
    12kg *8
    12kg *8
    12kg *8

    Still wrecked from the weekend..
    Gym was very busy this morning. All the benches were taken. I had to vary my routine a bit which is no harm I suppose.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    I decided to try some interval type stuff this morning. I haven't done anything like this before so it took a bit to get into it. I learned a couple of lessons though. I shouldn't have the same breakfast I have before a gym session. I really had to force myself to keep it down which affected the session big time. I'm also still a bit run down after the weekend and i'm definitely fighting something off which doesn't help. So enough with the excuses...

    I did this on the track. The track is 225m indoors. The weather outside is not really conducive to using the outdoor track. There's also stations on the indoor track which are handy.
    The basic interval bit is running around the track sprinting the widths and jogging the lengths. Then I threw in sets of pull ups, pushups, burpees, and box jumps.

    Jog 1 lap to warmup
    4 interval laps (My chest was about to explode. And my breakfast was struggling to stay down)
    8 pullups
    8 squat jumps
    2 Interval laps
    8 pullups
    10 box jumps
    15 (alternating hand position) pushups
    10 burpees
    2 Interval laps
    8 pullups
    10 box jumps
    20 (alternating hand position) pushups
    2 Interval laps
    8 pullups
    10 box jumps
    20 (alternating hand position) pushups

    I had too many rest periods in there too. that all took about 25 to 30 mins. Now that I've done it once I think I'll program it a little differently next time. I'll structure it a bit differently. there's definitely scope in there for improving it and making it more difficult as I get better at it.

    On a seperate note, my weight has been a little all over the place this week.
    Monday evening it was 74.3kg.
    Tuesday morning it was 73.6kg.
    This morning it was 72.6kg.
    I was surprised Monday as I haven't been over 74kg in nearly a year and then it was fat. I'm trying to put on weight at the moment but I'm trying to do it cleanly. It's not going so well. I know I just need to eat more but it's getting to the stage where I feel like I'm force feeding myself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Training has been a bit of a disaster all week. I started off the week a bit run down after an alcoholic weekend. I don't really drink that much so that knocked me for six. And then in the middle of the week I seem to have picked up what at first felt like a mild chest infection and has now turned into a bit of a tummy bug. Neither of which are bad enough to make me take time off work just bad enough for me to be feeling a bit miserable. About a third of the office is out sick today which seems to indicate that something is going around.

    Flat Bench
    Bar *10
    Bar *10
    40kg *8
    50kg *8
    60kg *8
    60kg *8
    60kg *8
    These felt strong. I'm not sure if I was using the 20kg bar or a 22.6kg bar as the number has worn off it. I'm putting it down as the 20kg.

    Lying down barbell row
    45kg *8
    50kg *8
    50kg *8
    50kg *8

    10kg *8
    12kg *8
    12kg *8
    14kg *8

    Seated Row
    100lb *8
    140lb *8
    140lb *8
    130lb *8

    I needed to drop from 140 to 130 but then 130 felt quite light!

    Pull +12KG *5 +3 BW
    Dip +large chain 10
    Pull +12KG *5 + 3BW
    Dip + large chain 10
    Pull +12KG *3 + 2BW
    DIP + large chain 10

    when I'm not feeling well it always shows in the pullups. A good bit down from last week.

    Incline Fat bar press (narrow grip)
    Bar *8
    Bar *8
    35kg *8
    40kg *8
    40kg *8

    Hammer Curlz
    18kg *8
    18kg *8

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Flat Bench
    Bar *10
    Bar *10
    43.6kg *8
    53.6kg *8
    63.6kg *8
    63.6kg *8
    63.6kg *6
    The Bar was thicker and slightly heavier than what I am used to.
    All the same I seem to be making zero progress on the bench. I think the next day I will up it to 65kg and see how many I can do.

    Lying down barbell row
    50kg *8
    50kg *8
    50kg *8

    12.5kg *10
    12.5kg *10
    12.5kg *10

    Pull +12.5KG *8 +2 BW
    Dip +large chain *10
    Pull +12.5KG *5 + 4+1BW
    Dip + large chain *10
    Pull +12KG *4 + 4+1BW
    DIP + large chain *10

    Seated Row

    100lb *8
    130lb *8
    130lb *8
    130lb *8

    Incline Fat bar press (narrow grip)
    Bar *8
    35kg *8
    40kg *8
    45kg *8

    Went to Sports Pilates in the evening too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Today was a PT day. We used some suspension cord (trx style) and the rig out on the track.

    Started out with the monkey bars. The first 2 are textured to lull you into a false sense of security but the rest of them are smooth painted metal!
    A made it all the way across all be it slowly. A little practice and I'll be swinging properly. Did that a couple of times. did a couple of pull ups on the last bar.

    With the suspension straps I did
    pushups (much more difficult than they look)
    squat rows.
    feet in suspension and pushup then pull feet in to chest.

    Also did rows on the bar rig. Bar is over 2m off the gnd. Feet are resting on the bar opposite.
    some dips
    some standing long jumps. and some 1 leg standing long jumps or hops.

    Finished with the following no rest between sets.
    15 pushups
    15 sit ups
    14 pushups
    16 sit ups
    13 pushups
    17 sit ups
    12 pushups
    18 sit ups
    11 push ups
    19 sit ups
    10 pushups
    20 situps

    All pushups were done on the knuckles.

    I probably missed out a few bits and pieces, My shoulders were a bit tired afterwards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Leg press
    40kg *10
    80kg *10
    120kg *8
    160kg *8
    160kg *8
    160kg *8

    Overhead Press (log)
    27kg *10
    44.5kg *8
    44.5kg *8
    44.5kg *8

    Lunge (holding Kettlebell)
    28kg bell *8 (each side)
    28kg *8
    28kg *8

    Arnie Press
    15kg *8
    20kg *8
    20kg *8
    20kg *8

    Single leg dumbell RDL
    17.5kg dumbbells *8 each side

    Dumbell Skull crushers
    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8
    12.5kg *8

    Hammer Curlz
    18kg *8
    18kg *8
    18kg *8

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    So I haven't logged since the end of October.
    I got hitched towards the end of november so workouts in november were more intermittant than previous and I just didn't log them here. I wrote them down but didn't log them. they were much of the same really. Honeymoon was 4 weeks in New Zealand and a week in Australia over Christmas. Workouts were pretty sporadic. Hotel gyms are seriously ****, and tend to have cocktail bars to act as distractions. The only proper workout I got was in Wellington because the hotel was so **** it didn't have a gym but gave out passes to a les mills gym in the city, score! Holiday was reasonably active besides that. Lots of walking, hiking, kayaking etc. So I only put on 3kg over the holiday.

    So I went back into the gym when I got home at the end of December. Within a week I had hurt my lower back again.... Pretty minor this time a bit of physio and twas grand. Took about 10 days off and went back at it again. About a week later I decided to do a boot camp class and after about 20 mins I tore my left calf. :mad: , really ****ing annoying. I was due back to the physio anyway so instead of working on my back he had my calf to work on. Diagnosed as a grade 2 tear. Brilliant. Its been 2 and a half weeks since I tore it I'm still walking with a small limp and the bloody thing is still sore. Lots of physio exercises to do. He says it'll be a 6 week injury, I didn't belive him but here we are 2 and a half weeks in.

    Its a new physio I'm going to and he seems better than the last fella. Although when he put the Kinesio tape on my leg last week I was wondering a bit. He did an assessment and told me the I have mobility issues in my right shoulder. This I knew already I just hadn't appreciated how bad it had gotten. The right shoulder is the first to give up on every exercise.
    Anyway I've been stuck at home the last couple of weeks just doing body weight stuff, Chin ups (neutral grip), pull ups, push up variations and core strengthening exercises to help my lower back.
    Who knew practicing chins every day makes them alot easier.
    So last week I went to the gym to get up on a bike and pedal away at an easy resistance for 30mins a couple of times. While I was there I just used chinup bars and pushups etc.

    On Friday I went back lifting a little. just upper body stuff.

    Friday 8th Feb
    30mins on a bike level 6 85rpm 290cals

    Bar *10 *2
    40kg *8
    50kg *8
    60kg *8*3
    stupid shoulder

    Lying down row
    Bar *10
    40kg *8
    50kg *8
    45kg *8

    15chins Neutral grip
    12 dips BW
    12 chins Neutral grip
    12 dips BW
    10 chins Neutral
    12 dips BW

    Arnie Press
    15kg *10
    17.5 kg *8
    20kg *8
    20kg *8

    Hammer curlz
    14kg *8
    14kg *8

    Saturday 9th Feb

    30mins on a bike level 6 85rpm 290cals

    I then went to stretch my shoulders using a broom. One of the platforms was empty and it just looked so inviting.I was very bold:o I grabbed a bar and did some snatches.It didn't agrevate my calf too badly but my standing weight distribution isn't even with the injusry so this type of activity isn't exactly the best idea.
    I did some overhead squats for movement patterns, lower back stability and flexibility. thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it.....

    Lots of work with just a broom

    Power snatches (awful awful technique)
    Bar *3 *3

    Snatch with over head squats
    snatch +5 over head squats
    5 sets
    I had enough of being bold and limped off the platform and went and did some upper body and core stuff

    Incline bench fat bar

    Bar *10*2
    35 *8

    Seated row
    90lbs *12
    110 *10
    120 *8
    130*8 *2

    Pullups using the TRX type set-up inthe stretching area.

    I did my calf stretching inbetween the sets.

    Machine flys
    I forget the numebrs but it was something like
    40kg *8
    60kg *8
    60kg *8
    65kg *6 +2

    Rear delt thingys

    Arms out at the side shoulder height 90 degree bend and rotate the shoulder
    4kg dbs *15
    3 sets
    Oh the burn on the shoulders with those.

    Core work
    Superman *10s each side *5
    Pilates 100s *2

    Elbow to knee crunches stretching other leg away shoulders off the ground and feet not touching the ground. (what is this called)
    30 +10 quick
    2 sets
    Leg raises with shoulders off the ground *10
    2 sets
    Side plank leg raised 15s then scoop arm under the chest *8
    2 sets

    This was difficult as my leg was complaining.

    Slap chest pushups *20

    Monday 11th Feb
    I was late to the gym this morning as I didn't getto sleep till 1am and alarm went off at 6.05 but I didn't get up till 6.35
    so arrived at the gym 7.25

    30mins on a bike level 6 85rpm 290cals
    I will start doing interval type stuff tomorrow as my leg improves.

    Gym was really busy. What's happened to my quite monday mornings?

    Bar *8 *2
    40kg *8
    50kg *8
    60kg *8
    60kg *7
    60kg *7
    I really need to get this shoulder sorted. Physio on Thursday. I did lots of shoulder stretching and stuff so the benching actually took 20mins.

    chins +dips
    12 Neutral chins BW
    12 Dips + chain
    11 wide Neutral chins BW
    12 dips + chain
    10 wide Neutral chins BW
    12 dips +chain

    My weight is now back down to 73.3kg, now that I'm back on a proper diet again which is good. I don't want to drop below the 73kg mark but I do want to get a bit leaner. I'm responding well to the extra core work so I might up that a bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Mon 11th Feb (evening)

    I do my core stuff in the evenings now when I have time. The physio has said to do supermans but I add in the rest as I'm already on the floor, I might as well. I also have some stretches to do to loosen out my hip flexors and stretches on my injured calf. All this stuff just takes ages. I have no time for it in the morning. The whole thing takes abouut an hour.

    Hip flexor stretches.
    1 foot elevated on something high (I use the kitchen table) clench the glute of your standing leg and raise your arm reaching for the ceiling on the arm on the standing side.

    10 seconds each each side *5
    3 sets

    In between these sets I use a brrom to stretch out my shoulders

    Core stuff
    10s each side *5
    3 sets.
    In between each set I stretch my calf (calf raises, forward stretches and back stretches, takes about 5 mins)

    Pilates 100s
    Elbow to knee *30 (slow tempo)
    Elbow to knee *10 (fast)
    leg raises (shoulders off the floor) *20
    side plank with leg raised 15 seconds
    Side plank dipping the arm under *10
    side plank knee to elbow *8
    2 sets

    Touch chest pushups *20
    Diamond pushups *10
    Regular chest tot he floor pushups *20

    Tue 12th Feb
    Exercise bike all at level 6
    10min 85-90rpm
    10 min intervals 1 minute on 115-120 rpm, 1 min off 75-80 rpm
    10 min 90-95rpm
    344 calories

    Seated row
    90lb *10
    100lb *10
    110lbs *8
    120lbs *8
    130lbs *8 *2

    Arnie Press
    15kg *8
    20kg *8 *3

    Skull crushers Dumbells
    10kg *10 * 2
    15kg *6
    The 10kg dumbells were too light and the 15kgs were definitely too heavy. No sign of any 12s around this morning....

    Face pulls
    50lbs *10
    70lbs *10 *3
    80lbs *10 (too heavy)

    Side pull thingys for shoulders on cable machine
    25lbs *8 each side *3 sets

    Did a set of neutral grip pull ups on the way out 12 reps.

    I forgot to do the fly machine....
    My program is all over the place at the moment while I'm waiting for my calf to heal.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Tue 12th Feb (evening)

    I do my core stuff in the evenings now when I have time. The physio has said to do supermans but I add in the rest as I'm already on the floor, I might as well. I also have some stretches to do to loosen out my hip flexors and stretches on my injured calf. All this stuff just takes ages. I have no time for it in the morning. The whole thing takes abouut an hour.

    Hip flexor stretches.
    1 foot elevated on something high (I use the kitchen table) clench the glute of your standing leg and raise your arm reaching for the ceiling on the arm on the standing side.

    10 seconds each each side *5

    In between these sets I use a broom to stretch out my shoulders, shoulder dislocates, overhead squats and stuff like that.

    Core stuff
    10s each side *5
    3 sets.
    In between each set I stretch my calf (calf raises, forward stretches and back stretches, takes about 5 mins)

    Tried some L sits. I don't have any bars so I tried using the handles in the bath. A bit cramped for space and a bit mental but was ok.
    Tried some on the floor. completely different animal. I managed to do a few for about 3 seconds. I then hit the right balance point and managed to do one for 10s. I tried again after my core session below but it wasn't happening at all...

    Pilates 100s
    Elbow to knee *30 (slow tempo)
    Elbow to knee *10 (fast)
    leg raises (shoulders off the floor) *20
    side plank with leg raised 15 seconds
    Side plank dipping the arm under *10
    side plank knee to elbow *10
    2 sets

    Neutral Pull-ups *10

    Wed 13th Feb
    Bike Level 6
    10min 85 -90rpm
    10 mins intervals, 1 min on at 115-125rpm, 1 min off at 85rpm
    10mins 90rpm
    378 cals
    Same bike as yesterday but the reported calories burned were higher. I think I pushed myself a bit more too.

    Dumbell flat Bench
    17.5kg *10
    20kg *10
    22.5kg *10
    27.5kg *8 *3
    Felt ok. Felt it in my right shoulder though. Could probably have pushed 30kg DBs ok.

    Lying Row
    Bar *10
    40kg *8
    50kg *8
    55kg *8 *3

    Incline Fat bar bench
    Bar *10
    35kg *10
    45kg *8 *3
    50kg *8

    Fly Machine
    40.9kg *8
    59.1kg *10
    68.2kg *8 *3

    Hammer Curlz
    14kg *8
    17.5kg *8
    15kg *8
    I tried to do these pretty controlled especially on the way down. The 17.5kg were a bit heavy and I lost form a bit. I went straight from 1 set to the other, about 20 to 30 seconds between them. Just enough time to put the DBs back and pick up another pair.

    Pull-ups on the TRX style rig (I think its called red cord)
    2 sets of 10 Netral grip on the handles.
    these were good. Not too much swinging. Height is a bit of a problem on this rig as at full hang my knees are about 10cm off the ground.
    On the last rep of each set I did a very slow controlled descent. These felt really strong.

    Much better session than yesterday. Pull-ups felt great. Rows were great.
    I need to get my calf fixed so that I can start working the legs again. Feel like they're wasteing away a bit.
    Physio tomorrow morning so no training.
