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JBs training log



  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Wed 13th Feb (evening)

    Rehab and core stuff

    Hip flexor stretches.
    10 seconds each each side *5

    In between these sets I use a broom to stretch out my shoulders, shoulder dislocates, overhead squats and stuff like that.

    Core stuff
    10s each side *5
    3 sets.
    In between each set I stretch my calf (calf raises, forward stretches and back stretches, takes about 5 mins)

    Pilates 100s
    Elbow to knee *30 (slow tempo)
    Elbow to knee *10 (fast)
    leg raises (shoulders off the floor) *20
    side plank with leg raised 15 seconds
    Side plank dipping the arm under *10
    side plank knee to elbow *10
    2 sets

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Thursday 14th Feb

    Physio this morning

    Lots of poking and prodding. Calf appears to be healing well. I seem to have acquired a massive knot just behind my knee due to compensating and stuff.

    He went at my shoulder aswell. I have some stretches to do over the week so we'll see if they help.

    I didn't do anything else today. I thought about going to the gym after work but I was a bit late and time got away from me. I was feeling sorry for myself and I was going to be going to the gym on Friday morning anyway so I decided not to do anything thursday evening. :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Friday 15th February.

    Wohoo I hauled my arse out of ben this morning at 6.15 instead of the usual 6.35, which means I was on a bike in the gym at 7.08. yeah.

    Exercise Bike
    all level 7
    10mins @90rpm
    10mins intervals 1min on at 120rpm 1 min off at 85-90rpm
    10mins @90rpm
    410 Cals
    I upped the resistance by a notch today. I was on a different bike (same make though) so I don't know if that made a difference.

    Rehab type stuff
    Calf raises*25 single leg (on bad calf)
    20 on 2 legs
    skipping on bad foot *25 (owie)
    step ups (using the front of my bad foot only) *20

    Shoulder stretch *10
    I hadn't really planned on doing these this morning but I felt I needed them as I now have a big knot in my bad calf.
    I'm supposed to do multiple rounds of the above but it takes forever so I'll do the rest at home later.

    Bar *10 *2
    40kg *10
    50kg *10
    50kg *10
    50kg *10
    50kg *8
    60kg *5

    concentrating on my right shoulder during these. at 40 and 50 my shoulder seemed to behave itself. At 60 it did not. Needs more focus.

    incline plate loaded Leg press
    40kg *10
    80kg *10
    120kg *10 *3
    I wanted to see how my calf held up and it felt fine. the limited range of mortion and control meant that my calf wasn't really engaged. It's depressing that 120kg seemed heavy.

    DB row
    20kg *10
    22.5kg *10
    25kg *10
    27.5kg *10*3
    felt grand

    Snatch/Overhead squat
    Snatch the bar up (badly) and then do 5 over head squats

    Got nice and low on the squats. With my leg and back and shoulder issues this will need a bit of work. I'll keep it nice and light for a while. I had a good look in the mirror and when pushing up from the squat I'm pushing more with my good leg. Keep it light and pratice practice practice.
    Must do some regular squats (light) at some stage.

    10 front squats with the bar, just cause I had it in my hand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Saturday 16th Feb

    Started off as usual with the bike for 30mins.
    I had planned on doing 10mins steady 10mins of intervals and 10 mins steady but when I got to the intervals, I noticed my chest quite tight so that wasn't happening. For the last few weeks I've been back on my asthma inhalers after being free of them for more than a year. As I don't feel ill I'm going to blame the big bag of very salty popcorn from the movies on Friday night.

    30 mins level 7 90rpm 365 cals

    After that I did my rehab on my calf
    a round of
    hipflexor stretches,
    single calf raises
    2 leg calf raises
    skipping on bad leg

    3 rounds of that. It took about 30 to 40 mins

    Then I decided to do some overhead squats for core stability.

    Overhead squats
    Bar only
    Power snatch + 5 overhead squats
    3 rounds

    Power snatch + 5 overhead squats
    3 rounds

    Power snatch + 5 overhead squats

    Power snatch + 2 overhead squats

    At 37.5kg my stability went to hell and I was very wobbly coming up out of the squat.

    I decided to leave it at that. All squats were ATG. As low as I could go. The weight was light so it was easy to get low.
    The snatches were awful I need to practice.

    OH Press
    As the bar was loaded I did some strict overhead presses.
    I haven't overhead pressed in ages (5 or six weeks) as the last time I did I hurt my lower back (although that was with the log and not the bar). 37.5kg was all I was willing to risk on this.

    37.5kg *8 *3

    Easy enough. All strict presses no bouncing or pushing with the legs.

    Front squat
    I was just about to strip the bar when I decded to do a set of front squats. I didn't bother changing the weight. After not really having done anything with legs since November, they felt quite tired doing the front squats after the OH squats. Weight was light I was just tired.
    37.5kg *8

    Neutral BW *12
    Rgular Pull-up *12
    Neutral wide grip *10
    chin narrow grip *5

    This is the first time In months I've put in a set of regular pulls. My tendonitis seems to be alot better. I think I need to avoid aggravating it for another few weeks and I might finally get rid of it.

    Todays session actually wiped me out a bit. The calf rehab really worked it hard. It felt good to be doing overhead squats and stuff. I need alot of work at it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Monday 18th Feb

    Exercise Bike
    10mins level 7 85 to 90rpm
    8 mins intervals 1 min on @110 to 120, 1 min off @80rpm
    7 mins level 7 @90rpm
    Total 25mins 302 cals.

    This was tough. I had to stop the intervals after 4 rounds instead of 5 as my chest was about to explode. Better than Saturday but not by much. I think I must have a mild infection or something.

    DB Bench
    20kg *10
    22.5kg *10
    27.5kg *8 *4
    The 27.5kg felt heavier than last week but I wasa still able to do 4 sets of 8. I would have gone to 30 if someone else didn't have them.

    Seated cable row
    90lb *10
    110lb *10
    130lb *8
    140lb *8
    150lb *8
    140lb *8

    Pull ups/Dips
    10 Neutral
    10 dips with chain
    8 Neutral
    10 dips with chain
    7.5 Neutral
    10 dips with chain

    Pull ups were awful this morning. I was using the bar on the cable machine which I don't like, but I still shouldn't have been that bad.

    Machine Flys
    50.1kg *8
    59.1kg *8
    68.2kg *8 *3

    Went home at lunch and did my calf rehab.

    Went to sports pilates in the evening.
    I thought I should have been better than I was. I'm not as flexible as I was so I need to work on that. It was a good class.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Tuesday 19th Feb

    Exercise bike

    10 mins at lvl 7 85 to 90rpm
    10 mins intervals, 1 min on @ 110 to 125rpm, 1 min off at 90rpm
    10 mins at lvl 7 90 to 95rpm
    396 cals

    I haven't squatted in a long time because I hurt my back. Physio said there's no reason I shouldn't be able to do it.

    Back squat Bar *8
    Front squat Bar *8
    Back squat 40kg *8
    Front squat 40kg *8
    Back squat 50kg *8
    Front squat 50kg *8
    Back Squat 60kg *8
    Back Squat 60kg *8

    Overhaead squat Bar *5
    30kg *5

    I was very nervous and apprehensive doing these. I didn't want to go too heavy. I just decided to mix in front and back. Wrist flexibility on my left hand needs work for the fronts squat but was ok. I was a little unstable in the front squat at 50kg so I didn't chance the 60kg. 60kg back squat was ok. I was definitely pushing more on my right than left but I think thats down to the calf injury on the left. I will definitely be easing back into squats very gently.

    30kg *8
    40kg *8 *2

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Wednesday 20th Feb

    Exercise Bike

    lvl 7
    10mins at 85rpm
    6mins intervals 1 min on @115rpm 1 min off at 85rpm
    14mins @ 85 to 95 rpm
    352 cals
    Chest was tight again this morning so I had to give up on the intervals. Legs were a bit tired too.

    Bar x10 x2
    50kg x10 x 2
    60kg x 8 x2
    60kg x 6
    Took ages at this. really focussing on keeping my right shoulder in the correct position. Mobility issues in my right shoulder means that it "pop" forward towards the top of the repitition. I really need to focus to stop it doing this. Needs way more work.

    Pull ups/Dips
    Neutral pulls x 12
    BW dips x 10
    Neutral pulls x10
    Dips x 10
    Neutral pulls x 8
    Dips x 12
    Neutral pulls x 6

    I noticed the last day doing chain weighted dips that my right shoulder was doing something different to the left so went with BW dips today. Both shoulders appeared to behave the same. Will keep to BW but up the reps. Pull ups were on the bar I dislike. Disappointed I didn't get 12x3.

    DB Row
    22.5kg x8
    25kg x8 x2

    really late for work so left it there. This felt heavy too. My shoulders were tired.

    On a separate note my glutes were sore today after the squatting and lunges yesterday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Thursday 21st Feb

    10min Bike warm up

    TRX session
    sets of
    Squats , single leg squats, reverse lunges, rows, press, hugs, IWT, push out,

    with feet elevated in the straps
    swings, knees to elbow, knees to chest, pikes,
    Plyo pushups, pikes, knees to chest.

    There were probably more bits but I've forgooten them. Each exercise was multiple sets of 8 to 12 reps.

    It was my first time really doing much of this stuff and it was more difficult than it looked. I think it might need a bit of practice.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Friday 22nd Feb

    Was late this morning so cut the bike back to 20mins
    20 mins level 7 232 cals

    Bar x10 Back
    Bar x 10 Front
    40kg x 8 Back
    40kg x 8 Front
    50kg x 8 Back
    50kg x 8 Back
    60kg x 8 Back
    60kg x 8 Front
    60kg x 8 Back

    Squats felt ok. My calf is struggling a bit with the load so I'm not going to increase the weight next week (maybe). Front squat was ok today at 60kg which I was surprised by.

    OH Press
    20kg Bar x8
    30kg x 8
    40kg x8 x2
    40kg x5 +3 push pressWas disappointed I didn't maintain strict form on the last set. I'll try the log next week.

    20kg Bar x8 (each side)
    40kg x 8
    40kg x 8

    TRX Pullups (Neutral grip)

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Monday 25th Feb

    20mins (85rpm) 213 cals
    No Push in the legs at all, chest tight (not good)

    Bar x 10 x2
    40kg x10
    50kg x10 x2, Paused
    60kg x 6
    60kg x 5
    60kg x 8

    Shoulder doesn't seem to be improving. I fI concentrate on getting in the right position, I'm very stiff and can only manage a few reps at 60kg. If I forget everything and just push I can do more, but my shoulder is in completely the wrong position

    Pulls /Dips
    Neutral grip x 12
    BW Dip x10
    Neutral grip x 10
    BW DIp x10
    regular pull 6 +2
    BW Dip x 10

    Pulls were pathetic.

    Machine fly
    59.1kg x 8
    68.2kg x8 x3

    DB row
    20kg x 8
    25kg x8 x2

    Poor session..

    Went to Sports Pilates in the evening. That was good. flexibility is increasing a bit.

    Tue 26th Feb

    30mins steady 270cals. Different bike to usual. completely different calorie reading, but I knew that would happenFront Squat Bar x 9
    Snatch + 5 OH Squats with Bar x 4sets
    Snactch with Bar x 5
    30kg Snatch x 5
    Snatch +5 OH Squats 30kg x 3 sets
    Snatch 30kg x 3
    OH Squat 30kg x 5

    Something wrong with my hip flexors today I just couldn't get and hips into the snatch even with no weight. I just concentrated on doing some OH squats instead. Low back is feeling ok.

    Went to the physio Tuesday afternoon, he worked on my calf and shoulder. He wants me to concentrate on building strength in my calf and has given me a plan for that. Also he wants me to stop doing any bench pressing, instead he wants me to do dumbbell floor presses which I have never done before.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    Wed 27th Feb
    This week has been a bit of a disaster training wise. I didn't get up for the gym this morning and Mon and Tue were poor so I guilted myself into doing a circuit this evening as I didn't get up this morning.

    So a dumbell circuit consisting of the following

    DB Front squat x10
    DB Lunge x 8 each side
    DB Bentover row (Slit stance) x10
    DB Curl and press (hammer grip one arm at a time) x 10 each arm
    Neutral Pull up x 8
    Clap pushups x 12

    All DB exercises done using a pair of 12.5kg dumbells with a 2 min rest between sets.
    My cardio vascular performance was poor. By the third circuit I was dreading the pull ups. On the last circuit I needed a couple of mini breaks between sets. Pushups at the end were easy but my forearms were tired towards the end so the pull ups were difficult.

    Thursday 28th
    85 to 95 rpm lvl 7 230 cals

    Calf rehab
    Weighted single leg calf raise x 8 x 4 sets
    Single eccentric calf raise on step x8 x 4 sets
    Super set
    Step up with calf raise & barbell on shoulder
    skipping on one leg x 45s
    4 sets

    No power at all in my bad calf. Calf raise machine was set to pin position 1 and it was tough. I tried a few sets on my good leg and no bother at all. I was much worse than I expected.
    I did both legs on each of the exercises except for the skipping in order to keep some sort of balance. This rehab was tough, I'm a bit sore after it. It took way longer than I thought it ould so I had to run out at the end so I wouldn't be late for work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 886 ✭✭✭brownej

    I haven't been logging here but I have been logging in my little green book that I bring with me to the gym

    I'm on a new program which this week consists of the following.

    Monday Morning

    Static KB snatches (no swinging)
    12kg *8 each arm
    16kg *8
    20kg *8 *2 sets
    24kg *8

    Box jumps
    34" *8 *3
    40" *8

    Medicine ball pushups (rolling the ball from hand to hand)
    *16 *4

    Body weight row (feet on box)
    +10kg plate *8*3

    EZ bar overhead press
    +20kg *10
    +30kg *10 *3
    I don't know how heavy the EZ bar is!

    Weighted pull ups (12kg vest)
    Neutral grip *6, 6, 6, 5, 5
    No vest *6

    Monday Evening
    Sports Pilates isn't being run for the summer so it was the regular pilates class. A little slower than the sports pilates class but still good.

    Tuesday Morning

    KB Box goblet box squat sitting on the box pausing for 3 seconds leaning back and driving up.
    24kg *10
    32kg *10 *4
    This really gets me sweating. Holding on to the KB for that long seems to be the struggle for this.

    Dumbell Bench Press. feet on bench taking all pressure off the lower back
    20kg *8
    26kg *8
    30kg *8
    30kg *5 *3
    Benching really really frustrates the hell out of me.

    Bulgarian split squat using a low box
    Bar *8 (each leg)
    40kg *8 *3

    Pull ups
    Regular *8
    Neutral *8

    I'm slowly reintroducing regular pullups as I have yet another niggle.

    Plan on doing TRX this evening and then for Thursday and Friday repeating the above. If I have some extra time I will probably put in some tricep rope pushdowns, face pulls, shoulder rotation thingys and as its summer, curlz.

    I must say I'm loving the new program (Monday). Tuesday is a bit all over the place and I need ot look at restructuring.
