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Developing our Senses

  • 01-04-2012 8:30pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭

    I remembered just today that a friend of mine who lost his sight in an accident developed a ringing noise in his ear when a friend was just about to call.

    I was first made aware of this by him when I visited him and he said "I knew you were coming". "How did you know that" I said, "Because I got your ring".

    I seem to have noticed recently the coincidence of me thinking of someone, a close friend etc, and the phone then rings from them or I bump into them in town.

    Last week, I hadn't seen a friend for about a month and I took my phone out of my pocket to ring him, as I walked to the porch to make the call, phone to the ear, he drives past the house in the car, looking directly at me.

    That happens quite a lot to me now. Any opinions, (apart from the obvious coincidence:D).



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,433 ✭✭✭MrMojoRisin

    I've heard of people's other senses becoming more heightened following accidents, or experiencing more clarity following a life-threatening or life-changing accident or event.

    There's an interesting article here about the changes people apparently undergo following a Near Death Experience (NDE), for example:
    It's interesting how a researcher from Washington University says that, because of the absence of a pulse and oxygen anywhere from 10 minutes to a few hours, the brain (and all its centers) can be rearranged. Maybe that explains the change in people? It also might be connected to what your friend experienced after his sight was lost. Possibly.

    A few instances where you think of someone before seeing or hearing from them could be nothing more than a coincidence, as you said. If it's happening all the time, on a regular basis, then that could be synchronicity (a collection of so-called 'meaningful coincidences') at work. Carl Jung wrote a book about synchronicity:

    I suppose he wasn't your typical psychiatrist/psychoanalyst because he believed in things like telekinesis (the movement of objects without using contact or other physical means), Extra Sensory Perception (ESP), astrology, spiritualism, telepathy, and clairvoyance.

    It could be argued that the people themselves attribute meaning to these coincidences, so it's always going to be subjective; although that isn't an issue when you're only concerned with its meaning to you personally. What it means to you is what matters.

    It could also be argued that we see meaning where we want to see it and we only remember all the so-called coincidences while discounting all the incidents in between (because they aren't meaningful to us, though you'd wonder what constitutes 'meaningful').

    I've had a fair few coincidences happen in my life. I don't think I can remember all of them, there have been so many, but here's a collection that come to mind right now..
    • Just a fortnight ago, myself and a friend were talking about religious vocations, i.e. the priesthood, online, and I was telling him a story about a nun I met up in Maynooth before. The following day, there was a headline in The Irish Examiner about nuns using the Internet to promote the nunhood as a vocation, accompanied by a photo of a few nuns.
    • I had a dream about a woman I know (but don't know well), who I had been told had cancer, where she was very close to death in the dream. I had never dreamed, or thought much, about her before this. Two days later, I was told she had passed away. This happened only about a month ago.
    • I was driving along with my father one day and I mentioned a fella he knows named Jim. When we reached some red traffic lights about two minutes later and were stalled there, Jim pulled up beside us on the right in his car and waved to us.
    • I was walking along a country road after visiting a friend's house a short distance away one night, when I was struck by this feeling/thought that something was definitely going to happen. I was certain that someone in a car was going to approach me while I was walking along, and I just thought it'd probably be some idiot joyriders because we had heard them whizzing around outside earlier.
    Not being in the mood for any stupid b.s., I picked up my pace and, about five minutes later, a car did indeed stop beside me - a Garda car. I totally forgot that I had a Stanley knife in my back pocket, so when the guard asked me if I was in possession of anything, I immediately said no. They were p!ssed off when two other guards searched me and retrieved the knife - thinking that I was deliberately trying to deceive them, I'd say - and I narrowly avoided being taken off to the station.

    * There have been quite a few times when I've been walking around, sure that I'd bump into someone I know, and did. Most of the time, I wouldn't have a particular person in mind, apart from thinking that it'd be someone I hadn't seen in a few years, or someone I saw only recently.

    • I've often either gone out the door with a jacket because, despite it looking like a lovely, stable summer's day, I thought it'd pour down later, and it did, or else I went out without any jacket when it was a drizzly, overcast day because I thought it would clear up later, and, again, it did.
    • I was chatting to a girl at a reception desk about Christmas - this was just before Christmas - and about trying to buy presents for people and, for whatever reason, I mentioned something about farms. Then she told me that she lives on a farm. She looked more surprised than I did, tbh.
    • I was having a conversation with a woman I had only just met about a friend of mine who had been to Nice and said he had fell in love with the place, and the woman said that she regularly goes there on holiday because it's her favourite holiday destination. In this same conversation, I started talking about the benefits of private schools versus public schools as well, and she told me that she sends her two kids to a private school.
    • I've often had a song in my head and then it comes on the radio or the TV. That seems to happen to a lot of people.
    • One day, I was talking to a couple of people, and the conversation drifted towards death (does your soul continue?, is it worth bothering with a headstone?, etc) . After I got home, I got a text saying that a young guy I know had been killed in a car accident.
    • My cousin started posting a couple of videos of Whitney Houston singing on her Facebook page, beginning almost two weeks before Houston died. One video was of Houston singing at The Grammy's, and it turned out Houston died a day before some pre-Grammy Award celebration. I had never seen her post videos of Houston during the three years she's been using the site before then.

    She said she just suddenly got into her music in a big way and, one day before Houston died, she had been watching a video online of Houston singing at Bobby Brown's mother's funeral as well.

    • Another time, last year, I noticed that she posted a link to a video of Ryan Dunn from 'Jackass' doing a trolley cart stunt and, within about four hours of her posting that, news came through that Dunn had been killed in a car accident.
    • On another occasion, we were IM-ing each other, and, while we were talking about global oil supplies running out, she said that she wouldn't be surprised if some American oil giant like Exxon Mobil would sign a deal with a Russian company to carry out oil exploration there. Less than a week later, I saw there was a story on Bloomberg (and most major news outlets) about how Exxon Mobil had signed some multi-billion dollar deal with a Russian oil company.
    • One evening, I saw that a guy I know had posted on Facebook that he was soaking up some Bob Marley music, but not mentioning the song(s) in his update. I commented, "We're jammin'. Hope you like jammin' too (the lyrics from Marley's song 'Jammin'')." Then he IM-ed me, saying that that was the exact Bob Marley song he was listening to when I left the comment.
    • Another time, I was IM-ing that same friend, and we were just chatting about stupid crap (as you do), and I got on to the subject of R. Kelly. I said that the only song of his worth listening to was the one saying, "Hot and fresh out the kitchen (I couldn't remember the bloody name of it)." He told me it was called 'Ignition." About an hour later, there was an offline IM from him to me, telling me that, after he sat into his car and started her up - and the radio came on - the song 'Ignition' by R. Kelly was playing.
    • While another cousin of mine was out in Finland doing some agricultural course and practical fieldwork about three years ago and his birthday was coming up, I decided to send the guy a belt as a present. It turned out that his favourite belt had snapped in two shortly before that, and he had been meaning to buy a new one to attach to his overalls.
    • A while back, a girl I know, who I was very good friends with, but who I hadn't seen in about two years, had her birthday coming up, so I decided to send her a few DVDs for it. Films like 'The Way Back', 'The King's Speech' and 'Black Swan'. She said afterwards that she had been meaning to see all of those exact films in the couple of months before her birthday (I think they were all still in the cinema then). So she was delighted that I had given them to her.
    • I don't remember my dreams often - I actually can't remember what I dreamed about last night, for instance - but I had a dream about two weeks ago that my dentist would call me on Tuesday to make an appointment for me to come in. I had the dream on Saturday night/Sunday morning and, when Tuesday came, sure enough, there was a call from my dentist's trying to arrange a suitable appointment time for me.
    • I was in a taxi one night, on my way home after a night out, and I was prattling on about various rubbish to the driver. God only knows why, but I started going on about cancer and how, with things like tumours, they can be detected too late. Then the driver said that the anniversary of his sister's death from a brain tumour was coming up.
    God, there have been loads of coincidences that have happened to me over the years.

    BTW, that was a funny story about the friend you hadn't seen in about a month just drive by like that. That's definitely something you'd find hard to ignore or overlook. I don't think there's any scientific explanation for coincidental happenings but, seeing as this is the Paranormal forum, you could suggest that coincidences are a reminder of there being an intelligence at work in the universe that applies to timing, and that things and people are more interconnected than they seem. That 'cause and effect' has a broader, intelligent purpose, which we don't always see. That's my own take on it all anyway.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Yeah Yeah Yeah

    Cheers for that Mr Mojo.

    Lots to ponder there, for example the Taxi driver, you'd wonder if his sisters anniversary had been on his mind and his thought energy transferred to you, hence you bringing it up in conversation.

    I'm entirely open to that being a possibility.

    I've just remembered one of my own again:

    In 1998, I used a solicitor to do house conveyancing. And I hadnt the need to call him again until 2007.

    I think I seen him once in passing during that space of time.

    When I did call him, after a gap of nearly 9 years, he said "Thats strange (or words to that effect) I had a dream about you last night".

    And I see no need for a Solicitor to make things up!;)

    I no doubt, had been thinking about calling him the previous day.

    Strange coincidence? Or maybe people who I dont know well, and who haven't seen me for years, maybe they do have dreams about me on a regular basis:D? but I doubt it.

    PS: There a few members postin some great stories, advice and experiences, and very well written too, t'would make a great wee book.
