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Due Dec 2012....



  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,953 Mod ✭✭✭✭Moonbeam

    Aww:-) they are so cute.
    My 3 year old can not wait for her new baby either.
    She has sleeping arrangements planned and toys and she wants to be allowed to hold the baby and mind her:-)
    She told me to go to the shop to get something and she would mind her 1 year old sister until I got back:-)
    The 1 year old is baby obsessed,she might get a shock!

  • Registered Users Posts: 394 ✭✭jeni

    Moonbeam wrote: »
    Aww:-) they are so cute.
    My 3 year old can not wait for her new baby either.
    She has sleeping arrangements planned and toys and she wants to be allowed to hold the baby and mind her:-)
    She told me to go to the shop to get something and she would mind her 1 year old sister until I got back:-)
    The 1 year old is baby obsessed,she might get a shock!

    He he imagine, you heading off shopping, and her sitting there doing mammy ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭irishrose1981

    hi everyone sorry i have'nt been on in a while been very sick,lost my voice ect,was at the doctors today and was told that baby is still breached but not to worry i still have lots of time left for the baby to 30 weeks,i am scared,but i hope the baby turns down want a normal birth.i guess with the past two weeks my body and me have gone through a lot of ups and downs.i hope everyone is doing much better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 394 ✭✭jeni

    hi everyone sorry i have'nt been on in a while been very sick,lost my voice ect,was at the doctors today and was told that baby is still breached but not to worry i still have lots of time left for the baby to 30 weeks,i am scared,but i hope the baby turns down want a normal birth.i guess with the past two weeks my body and me have gone through a lot of ups and downs.i hope everyone is doing much better.

    Hope your feeling better hun, i asked my doc last week were my babs was and she said it doesnt really matter were it us untill 34 weeks and even then they just keep watch, try not to worry about it baby can turn at anytime i know a girl who was walking down to have a section and baby turned around and she had a normal delivery, stay positive ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭irishrose1981

    ah thanks jeni, i think its just with the way ive been the last two weeks not been well,hubbie even said it to me its just because ive had a bad week or two that i feel the way i am and i guess he is least i know the baby is ok,and heartbeat is strong even though i was put on tabs for a bad cough because i lost my voice,doctor said it is its getting better but will take a little bit longer to heal up.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Hey ladies,
    I am soooooo excited. Physio said that my pelvis is alligned. The muscles are still very tense in that area so they are still pulling on the pelvis which could be causing me some pain, so i have excercises to try relax those muscles, but i have to strenghten the core muscle that runs across the pelvis. No more physio therapy until hopefully after the baby. Have to give her a ring if i need her or if the pressure of the growing baby starts to affect my mobility again. Best news ive had in ten weeks. Im still sore and restricted mobility wise as i get sore very fast when walking etc but hey at least i am not in and out to her every week and at least she wont be trying any more manually manipulating me. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 409 ✭✭FunkSoulSista

    Princessa glad to hear you are physio free for a while!

    Irishrose hope you are back on track soon you poor thing.

    Had a bit of a scare yesterday, found a wee bit of blood but couldnt figure out where exactly it was coming from so ended up in hospital for a check over. I have the lovely hemorrhoids anyway the last while so that was a possibility but the blood wasnt coming from that end. Doctor in hospital said he didnt see any in the vagina so was sent home and told to come back if anymore. Didnt exactly come away knowing much although they were all very very nice and reassuring. Had another little bit last night but I'm sure its not from the back if you know what I mean. Had my clinic checkup this morning and said it to the midwife, she wasnt as pleasant as the last one I saw so wasnt as comfortable talking to her. Took a swab so thats gone off for tests. I feel like they are all thinking its the hemorrhoids and that I'm being silly.

    Babs is kicking away anyway so not too worried but its the not knowing what it actually is that is bothering me.

    Hope you all are doing well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    I had a bit of a bleed last night too, rang this morning when i saw it in my panties and they said come out for a check over. They put me on the trace. Loads of kicks and movements, no cramps so they sent me home. They didnt even do a scan or check the vagina, they just said its prob a bit of spotting. Come out if i have cramps or more bleeding as im only a 15 min drive from the hospital. No hemorrhoids. I had unexplained bleeding on my first throughout the pregnancy so i guess they arent too concerned as she was fine. They didnt even ask if id had sex (Which i hadnt) but it was like they had no interest in finding what caused the blood, it was red so it was fresh. I dunno, was out there for over four hours and i wasnt even offered a glass of water. :(

    Home now, so resting up with my little madam, dont want to be back out there...

  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭mel1

    Hi girls,

    Sorry to see lots of you having problems, im sure and hope most of which are nothing to get too worried about.:o
    On the other hand isnt it extremly unsatisfactory how dismissive a lot of these doctors and nurses are?
    I went for my second scan on wed, fortunatly i have had nothing to worry about bleeding wise but my old doc (who left my surgery few weeks ago) asked me to let them know that i possibly have a prolapse of the rectum wall, which i only asked them about as i was a little concerned about the delivery and if it would be a problem, and he compleatly made me feel like i was wasting his time! Tried to tell me it was piles, seriously do they think every problem in pregnancy downstairs is related to piles?
    Tried to explain that i have had this problem for quite a while before i got pregnant and he just dismissed me like a school kid! I was so embarresed in the first place (which was why i didnt have it looked at b4 now) havin to try to explain in detail in front of my husband and was only concerned it would cause a problem with delivery.
    He also did the scan and didnt even let me see the screen! "theres the head, arm leg, thats grand", all over! had been so excited, he took the wind from my sails!:mad: Think women docs would be much more appropriate for that kind job if men cant understand it! How would they!:confused:

    Other than that i am enjoying being pregnant at the minute. baby is bouncing non stop all day everyday!

    Hope everyone else is doing well.;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭mel1

    Princessa wrote: »
    Rachineire i dont think i am getting 10 kicks an hour either, i get a few kicks but def not 10. I will mention it to them in the hospital when i am there on the 16th. I am getting kicks and movements so i am not too worried.

    Ha ha my god rachineire you must be wrecked by the end of the day, im the same though. I am always pottering about and i hate when i have nothing to do. The OH said if i wasnt on the crutches that i would be like road runner running around :D.

    I must do an inventory too. I wrote a little list of what i need and i told the OH we are picking up nappies and stuff soon and going christmas shopping ha ha. I want to be super organised and have nothing to do or get in Dec.

    Oh my, i tought i was doing great cause i would have swore that my nurse said must feel at least 10 kicks every DAY!!!!!!!:eek: not 10 every hour. ~May look into that!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 394 ✭✭jeni

    Thats horrible, just cause they see it day in day out, does not mean we have

    they should defo be more understanding,

    ive be so lucky this time, on my first i had an awful time one midwife told me after some blood test that i had clymidia, n left it at that, well i went home balling, didnt know what to think, is the baby ok, has my hubster ben playing around, i was in bits, anyhow hubster brought me straight to our doc, she cleared it up, what ever was in my blood was either clymidia OR high blood pressure, i had high blood pressure, but hubster complained about the midwife sending me home in such a state and not explaining it

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭Rachineire

    What??? I can't believe a mid wife would tell you that you have clymida and send you on your merry way like that!! Insanity! Sounds like everyone has had a rough week! I'm sorry about the bleeds girls but really happy everything is ok! And irishrose I hope you start feeling better soon, I'm finding the third trimester exhausting without being ill!!
    Girls I have to say I'm finding myself in a funk that I can't seem to pull myself out of. I'm tired and weepy and lethargic. I have every reason to be excited and happy and thankful for my health but I can't help to focus on every negative. We are having to cancel our babymoon we were going to go on in October, I had tickets to a long awaited concert in Belgium that I can't attend either or get my money back for. Work has cut my hours which is fine since I'm getting more tired but that makes money so much tighter. And I'm headed into the third holiday season away from my country and loved ones and I feel so lonely.
    Not sure if it's just the hormones or if its me but I can't seem to get myself out of this rut :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Oh my god Jeni that is terrible, if i was told that i would be at sooooo upset too. She could have done some damage if you had went home in a fit of anger instead of tears and started packing up all the hubbys bits for the front garden!

    Awwwwh Rachineire, its completely normal to feel this way. I also have days like that, my parents live in another country. Im not close at all to my brother, so its just my sister really. I miss my Mum terribly but even more so when i am pregnant i find (Well i did last time and i miss her this time). I am very lucky that my OH mum is sooooo good to me, she will sit down and have a cuppa and a chat with me so that helps a little. Id love to be able to call up to my mum sometimes just for an ole whinge or whatever, its just not the same over the phone.

    Your hormones would be crazy at the mo, up one minute, down the next so its normal to feel like that. Just wait until day 3 or 4 after you have the baby, you will cry if you are happy. You will cry if theres no milk in or like rachel in friends you will cry if you put your slippers on the wrong way :D. It feel so strange, You're so happy that your baby is here and you love it so much and all the visitors are lovely and bringing you presents and things are great..... and you just want to sob your heart out. Damn hormones!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Hi ladies.

    Sorry to hear that everyone is having a rough week. I thought it was just me. Feeling down this week. Should be excited that I'm nearly 6 months gone but everything seems to be getting to me. Everyone seems to think its fine to tell me I'm enormous ("surely you must be due any day now"), I'm wrecked and never sleep properly, the heartburn is a killer; iv no idea what to eat any more, and I feel like iv so much baby stuff to get / sort out that time will run out on me. OH is very relaxed about the whole thing which is good in a way but I wish he'd bloody help more!!! Ugh....ok rant over.

    I hope every one has a better week this week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭irishrose1981

    was at the middoc today as the tabs i was put on for a bad cough caused me to get very sore and all down there,so doc took me off it and gave me cream and something else to clear it up,i hope this works now,doc said it was more than likely the tabs i was put on for my cough caused it,

    tigerton i know how you feel some men are like that,just try and rest and ask him to help.

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Hugs to you Tigerton and you too Irishrose1981. Hope you feel better soon.

    Its totally normal to feel like that Tigerton. I am almost 27 weeks and i made a list of things i wanted done by this stage and nope no ticks on the list. I am going into town with the OH if he is off on Mon and i am doing all the bits i have to do in there. Then i have to figure out how to motivate him to do all the bits around the house. Hes so easy going, he's like ah we will be grand. Im like making lists and stressing ha ha. So much i want done in the next 10 weeks and the last 26 weeks have just seemed to fly by...

  • Registered Users Posts: 323 ✭✭scrgirl

    Girls im the same have nothing done and im 29+3!! And we are house hunting, we are renting and probably need a bigger place (but tbh this place would do for the first year), I just would like more space. but more space means more money which means less savings so less chance of takin unpaid maternity leave. i really dont know what to do. We viewed a house yesterday that ticks almost all the boxs, but I'm frozen with indecision. also I'm concerned that it may be a bit late to move, I wold be nearly 8 months gone on moving day if we did go with this one, woud the stress of moving be too much? i need advise! i also think this not knowing if we are moving is holding me up from buying baby stuff.
    Hope everyone is feeling better tody btw.

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    When i was pregnant on our first little girl, we moved when i was 32 weeks pregnant. Il be honest it is tough. Do you have people that you can rope in to help? My sister came out and scrubbed downstairs for me before we moved in, she dettoled the presses and cleaned the fridge etc for me while i did upstairs. The house had apparently been professionally cleaned but i was not Princessa clean :D.

    The OH had to do all the lifting of the boxes etc and then place them in places where i could unpack. Its so tiring that it does take awhile to fully move in and you find there will be boxes lying about even up to 2 weeks being in the house as you really do have to pace yourself. Its def managable though. I think we were fully moved in, nursery set up by 35 weeks. If you are going to do it i would def recommend that you rope in help, sisters, friends, inlaws give them a box and say put the contents of that in there.

    We are the same as you at the mo, we would love to move again, we would like an extra room downstairs for the kids toys and what not but we dont know what to do at this stage. We are looking just nothing has jumped out at us, and as you said they are more expensive. We will have to make a decision too, whether to just stay till after the baby or just go for it and move like we did last time when i was big and waddling. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Princessa wrote: »
    Hugs to you Tigerton and you too Irishrose1981. Hope you feel better soon.

    Its totally normal to feel like that Tigerton. I am almost 27 weeks and i made a list of things i wanted done by this stage and nope no ticks on the list. I am going into town with the OH if he is off on Mon and i am doing all the bits i have to do in there. Then i have to figure out how to motivate him to do all the bits around the house. Hes so easy going, he's like ah we will be grand. Im like making lists and stressing ha ha. So much i want done in the next 10 weeks and the last 26 weeks have just seemed to fly by...

    Thanks Princessa. This is exactly like me and my OH- I have about 50 lists going and he's all "ah we'll be fine we have loads of time".
    I'm sure we will be fine but I'd feel better if we could get a move on and get sorted. Haven't even painted the nursery yet. Time has gone so quickly so far!
    Had a good sleep last night so I am feeling a bit better today!

  • Registered Users Posts: 394 ✭✭jeni

    Hope everyones feeling better think were all hitting the preverbial 3 oclock slump in our pregnancy ;)

    Hit a new record last night 14 straight nights with morning sickness its a pain in the ;( and its that bad its tearing parts of my throat making it bleed and it sooo sore ;( poor hubby is gona drop kick me out the window any day now hes ben great so far but come on a man can only take so much,

    On a good note babs is learning the samba its the coolest feeling ever totally makes up for the above :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 450 ✭✭Piper101

    Everyone seems to have hit a wall!! Hope it gets better, on the plus side at least we're on the home stretch...

    I had a very quiet baby this week Wednesday to fri but seems to be fairly back to normal now, growth spurt maybe?

    Anyway question for those who have reached this stage, 28 week consultants appt this Thursday, what happens?
    My first one was at 11 weeks and took about 3 minutes just wondering do I need to prepare myself for this one....

  • Registered Users Posts: 450 ✭✭Piper101

    Emmm... Didn't expect this! Anyone else's nipples leaking?

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭xiwang

    Piper101 wrote: »
    Emmm... Didn't expect this! Anyone else's nipples leaking?

    I think mine started doing it, yes. I haven't actually seen anything come out yet but have spots on my nighty in that area that look like dried milk and I don't think that would be anything else.

    Oh I hit a wall as well. OH is not much help, he makes dinner the odd time but most of the time only when we have visitors. I have a friend over for half a week early October so at least I know I only have to wait until then for him to do something ... other than that he seems to be stuck between manflus and hangovers and I am getting tired of it big time.

    I am starting to find it hard to motivate myself to do any workouts or the dishes or anything, but then when I sit down for more than 20 to 30 minutes I get sore around the upper right abdomen area and the only thing that seems to help is move.

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭xiwang

    Good thing I haven't found any motivation today, I had washing the new clothes on my to-do list, turns out Aldi recalls the sleepsuits from the last baby event and thanks to my laziness they are still unopened

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭Rachineire

    xiwang wrote: »
    Good thing I haven't found any motivation today, I had washing the new clothes on my to-do list, turns out Aldi recalls the sleepsuits from the last baby event and thanks to my laziness they are still unopened
    Yeah I returned all of mine this morning! I was so upset about it! But I was able to go to Tesco and basically replace them out. A little more expensive but super cute ones! I didn't buy as many this time. I will just buy as we need after baby is here or wait and see what friends and family give us :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    The OH said to me before he went into work that he is going to try take a few days off in a few weeks to get the nursery sorted. Its our spare room so loads needs to be fired out from there, needs to be painted, then all the baby stuff moved in. Id love to get it done sooner than the next few weeks. What is that in man time anyways ladies :D?

    I did all my hoovering today and washed the floors and did the washing that never seems to end. I was sooooooo tired after it. Wanted to get the bedsheets changed too but tomorrow is another day. Hoovering is so hard with the SPD. Im not suppose to do it at all but sure has to be done!

    Baby must have loads of space in their, its moving about like a little nutter today. Kicks, turns, squirms you name it. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 409 ✭✭FunkSoulSista

    Piper101 wrote: »
    Emmm... Didn't expect this! Anyone else's nipples leaking?

    I literally just noticed this evening, just a wee bit of liquid around nipple, eek!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,031 ✭✭✭Patser

    Physically got to see the baby moving in My Wife's tummy tonight! You could see the lumos shifting suddenly with the kicks or whatever!

    Obviously excited about the Ryder Cup and all my yelling (Unless s/he's a Kilkenny supporter and then I'm sure it ain't mine)!

    Freaky and cool!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭Rachineire

    scrgirl wrote: »
    Girls im the same have nothing done and im 29+3!! And we are house hunting, we are renting and probably need a bigger place (but tbh this place would do for the first year), I just would like more space. but more space means more money which means less savings so less chance of takin unpaid maternity leave. i really dont know what to do. We viewed a house yesterday that ticks almost all the boxs, but I'm frozen with indecision. also I'm concerned that it may be a bit late to move, I wold be nearly 8 months gone on moving day if we did go with this one, woud the stress of moving be too much? i need advise! i also think this not knowing if we are moving is holding me up from buying baby stuff.
    Hope everyone is feeling better tody btw.

    Thats such a tough decision!! moving WAS hard! I was 26 weeks pregnant (25 weeks? GEEZ I can't remember anything anymore!) and It was killer! I also wouldnt let anyone help me and was in crazy nesting everything must be 100% sterile mode. Seriously i was going from sunup to sundown and making myself sick! I think it would have still been hard but much easier if I had let other people do the things for me that I shouldnt have been doing! (painting ceilings, scrubbing toilets and floors, washing windows, lifting suitcases and OH was ready to KILL me!) But when I think about it, I bet it was a lot easier to move while pregnant than to move with an infant! The way I would look at it is you may not want to be moving when baby is small and you might want to be settled before they are here. The lack of space might not bother you at first but maybe after babs gets mobile it might wreck your head? The house we found is right at the top of our budget and money IS tight, especially since my hours have been cut back at work but we plan on staying here the next couple of years and found a place we can expand as a family. It was a tough decision for us too. I waited to buy some baby stuff as well until we were moved, but I had everything I bought in flat packs and when we moved in my OH set it all up and it was nice to get that weight off our shoulders. I really hope you guys can figure out something soon I'm sure its wrecking your head!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭Rachineire

    Patser wrote: »
    Physically got to see the baby moving in My Wife's tummy tonight! You could see the lumos shifting suddenly with the kicks or whatever!

    Obviously excited about the Ryder Cup and all my yelling (Unless s/he's a Kilkenny supporter and then I'm sure it ain't mine)!

    Freaky and cool!

    Thats great Patser- great to hear a partners perspective as well! we have been able to see baby moving around for a couple of weeks now- My OH gets a kick out of it! I think it makes it more real for him :) Enjoy it!
