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Due Dec 2012....



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭Rachineire

    Thanks for all the advice- Mel I can't believe they left her waiting like that for hours!! makes me not look forward to the labour ward! I got a chance to talk to one of the consultants when I was at work last month (he came in to buy something, funny coincidence!) and he was saying the week I'm due is usually super busy since they are trying to get everyone in before christmas! :eek:

    Baby has been moving a little more. I think he is moving different- maybe less room in there. Must be growing tons as well since I am bigger than I was monday...I swear by the time I'm due I will be all bump and nothing else!

    Princessa I can't believe they sent her home that soon after a section!! I understand a complication free birth, but a section....yeesh! My friend's sister had her baby in dublin last year and she was home the same evening as she had the baby....her first as well! She was happy to be at home but wish she had more time in the hopsital as she was exhausted from labour!

    Re the feeling that they might be annoyed at me, im not sure what it is, I get intimidated about calling the maternity or even going there. I feel like I'm wasting thier time with my little worries or I will go there just to be told im paranoid and sent home. I always seem to have tons of questions and whenever I go to the maternity for an appointment I can't remember a single one or it seems silly when I get there! I've never even met my consultant whose clinic I'm in! I really must grow myself a backbone or I have a funny feeling I'm going to get walked all over when I'm in having the baby.

    Also must really get on my hospital bags. for some reason I have planned them all out but can't seem to bring myself to actually putting them together! Anyone else done this?

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,953 Mod ✭✭✭✭Moonbeam

    Princessa wrote: »
    Mel1 thats terrible isnt it? Even if they mentioned it to her earlier that we cant section you for at least 4-6hrs as we have no beds in post natal, her hubby might have been able to run and get her some entertainment in a tescos or a tracksuit to go sit in the cafe and have a cuppa, keep her phone on her and get the midwife to ring her as soon as things change.

    I honestly think its the little things you do for people that make the difference. If somebody just takes the time to explain things to you, or trys to relate and see things from your point of view it really means so much.

    My friend had her baby during the summer, she was an elective section for 2 previous sections. Had her section monday and on wednesday morning she was asked to go home as there was a bed shortage. The lady in the bed opposite her had her baby at 4am - no epidural and was also asked to go home at 8am. My friend did go home and had to go in to get the clips removed on day 4 post section then. Crazy stuff. She said they were asking all mothers on their 2nd/3rd etc babies would they go home due to bed shortage and it was elective section day.
    On my 2nd.
    I had a straight forward labour no epi and wanted to go home the same day but they made me stay the night so baby could see the doc on his rounds the next day.
    I was in a semi private ward with 6 beds and it was awful so just wanted to escape.

  • Registered Users Posts: 409 ✭✭FunkSoulSista

    Rachineire wrote: »
    Also must really get on my hospital bags. for some reason I have planned them all out but can't seem to bring myself to actually putting them together! Anyone else done this?

    I'm exactly the same, trying to gear myself up for doing it today!

    Things have suddenly gotten a lot more real, think seeing my young nephew recently might have done it. I'm a bit scared of it all at the moment, hate not knowing what to do and not feeling confident in myself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 450 ✭✭Piper101

    I'm the same, heads melted with all I have to do and haven't even started on my hospital bag. By that I mean I have all the baby clothes for the hospital but literally nothing for myself!

    Was in tescos today, might start trying to get something everyday like breast pads one day and talc the next. Saw some night shirts for 11.50. Thinking I could get away with just getting a few sizes bigger than getting maternity ones which are so expensive. What do you think? They are button down which would work for nursing. Like I said have NOTHING for myself!

  • Registered Users Posts: 394 ✭✭jeni

    I'm exactly the same, trying to gear myself up for doing it today!

    Things have suddenly gotten a lot more real, think seeing my young nephew recently might have done it. I'm a bit scared of it all at the moment, hate not knowing what to do and not feeling confident in myself.

    Im the same, ive gotten some of the stuff for my bag, but i cant bring myself to do it, its like im afraid, on my first i had her at five on friday morn i was home n all on sat morn, i really want that this time, i hate been away from my lil one, and im so scared ill miss her crimbo day, as doc says im due next day, and i really dont want a section because ill be slower getting better after, i didnt have an epidural first time either n i really dont want one this time,

    Im a walkin anxiety bomb today

    my sister says im going through another famous stage, The aaaargh panic stage ;)

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  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,953 Mod ✭✭✭✭Moonbeam

    It still feels so early for packing bags and getting stuff...
    I really should get a move on;)

    I really want the baby to arrive before the 23rd or after the 27th, there will be no one we know near us for christmas so we have no choice but to travel to the inlaws for chidcare for the 3 and 1 year olds..
    The child could be born anywhere lol
    It is a bit nerve wrecking.

    He/she is squishing my lungs atm:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭xiwang

    I feel a bit like I'm in denial at this point. Went to the library today and didn't get anything to do with babies and almost felt guilty about it. I feel like I am comfort eating and have been hogging the chocolates and nutella spoons all weekend and not feel any better about for it. We did got the cot now and as I type the first baby items are in the tumble dryer, but apart from that I only started with the hospital bag when I read about it here. The only things in there at the moment are a pack of nappies, maternity pads and breast pads tho ...

    I bought two nighties from Penneys last month for 6 euro each, about 6-8 sizes larger than I would normally wear, they also button down, actually my mother spotted them. First I started wearing them because the thought of wearing something new for labour just seemed wrong. Now the thought of not wearing them and having them sit in the hospital bag almost makes me cry, I got so used to them and they are so comfy and by now they actually fit ...

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    I have NOTHING for myself either ladies, my sister gave me a box of breast pads that she didnt use as she didnt breastfeed and her milk seemed to dry up really fast. Thats literally all i have. No night shirt for delivery, no maternity pads, no big pjs... Nothing. Getting a bit nervous now i must say. My mum is home at the end of the month so she said we will go get the bits and pack the bag. Going to get the OH to do the nursery at the start of Nov... Arrrrgh so much to do..

    Im def in the starting to panic stage. Its all getting so real the more uncomfortable i am getting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭irishrose1981

    god i cant wait to have the baby,wish it soon as ive had such a bad week,and then nearly passd out in town yesterday when i was out with my sister n brother inlaw,they had to hold me up and find somewhere for me to sit down.have lots of pracks and hicks big time and my back omg is killing me could go at anytime even at 33 weeks i was told and just to have my bag ready so its ready 3 weeks now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭irishrose1981

    omg i feel if the baby is going to come the pain on the lower of my tummie is sore and by god has the baby got some kick n punch when it does kick and punch my poor sides and hibs everywhere is sore the last few weeks, but it is sore all this week more than normal,i hope everything goes well on the day as im scared as hell for some reason and dont know why.hubbie,daughter and my sister and all are on stand by 24/7 just incase anything happends.

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  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,953 Mod ✭✭✭✭Moonbeam

    When the kicks bruise it amuses me :-)

    Irishrose - it is normal to be terrified but all we can do is hope for the best.
    I hope you do not go too early.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭Rachineire

    Just back from our mini babymoon in cork. Have to say, even though I was gutted I couldn't go to Belfast or Belgium I'm so happy I only went on a small trip! I'm 32 weeks gone and I've gotten so uncomfortable lately- I could barely manage walking around cork! We had a fancy dinner planned for the night and ended up getting sandwiches and eating them in our hotel room as I was so wrecked!! In bed by 8pm as well! We stayed at the Fota island resort and it was so great to splash out on ourselves! Perfect day in the fota park as well! It was small enough that I could waddle my way around the whole thing no problem :)

    Baby was super active the entire trip as well. I'm convinced the days he's quiet he MUST be having a growth spurt as I seem to expand big time after he is quiet. Hopefully he won't be as quiet again as he was earlier over the weekend.

    Have the week off for holidays, planning on washing all of the baby clothes and blankets we have purchased/gotten from friends. Going to try and pack up clothes bits for me and baby and buy toiletries this week and have those bags set aside. Anyone else pick up their eu moms bag from supervalu? Really handy bits for hospital bag in there! I will use the bag as a "dads bag" for my OH while I'm in. Snacks for labour ward and magazine and etc.

    Irishrose I'm sorry your in so much pain!! Baby is really putting you through the wringer!! Has your gp said anything about it? I would definitely be asking him what could be done! Hope you get some rest and feel better soon!

    How was everyones weekend?

  • Registered Users Posts: 323 ✭✭scrgirl

    Warning moan alert!! sorry bu i need to vent! Myself and oh never fight, we might have a little sulk every now and then but that's it. Untill now!! Tonight is the 3rd night in a week I've gone to bed early in a huff. It's always over the same thing, I feel that I'm doing EVERYTHING. All baby related stuff all house stuff all planning stuff aswell as working full time and feeling quite stressed at work, oh and Growing a Baby! He admits I am doing more and says sorry but it feels like he us just saying that to keep the peace. So i end up feeling frustrated and annoyed. Grrrr. I hate fighting and I hate feeling like this. But it's overwhelming sometimes. Sometimes I think it's hormones and I'm being unreasonable but the truth is I am doing everything :( Anyone out there relate?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭Rachineire

    scrgirl wrote: »
    Warning moan alert!! sorry bu i need to vent! Myself and oh never fight, we might have a little sulk every now and then but that's it. Untill now!! Tonight is the 3rd night in a week I've gone to bed early in a huff. It's always over the same thing, I feel that I'm doing EVERYTHING. All baby related stuff all house stuff all planning stuff aswell as working full time and feeling quite stressed at work, oh and Growing a Baby! He admits I am doing more and says sorry but it feels like he us just saying that to keep the peace. So i end up feeling frustrated and annoyed. Grrrr. I hate fighting and I hate feeling like this. But it's overwhelming sometimes. Sometimes I think it's hormones and I'm being unreasonable but the truth is I am doing everything :( Anyone out there relate?

    Aw *hugs* I feel for you. Pregnancy can be so stressful and create friction in a couple that would normally never happen. I read a lot about it and felt the same way you did early on in my pregnancy. I sat my OH down and told him that I refused to do everything and that I was sick of being the only one who looks at baby stuff or is proactive about it. He told me that I needed to let him know what I needed for him to do. Now I tell him he needs to research changing mats or on his day off I make him a "honey-do" list of things that need to be done. It's not perfect but it's better and he is learning how to be involved and I'm less stressed.
    Your not being unreasonable at all!! You need help, your in your third trimester and its exhausting and growing a human is a full time job not including working full time!! I hope things go better for you and your OH pitches in some with baby stuff and around the house!

  • Registered Users Posts: 394 ✭✭jeni

    30 weeks today wohoo ;) and another person told me i dont look pregnant at all this morning, i love my bump im proud of it, im gona start wearing clothes that make me look like a baloon :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭xiwang

    scrgirl wrote: »
    Warning moan alert!! sorry bu i need to vent! Myself and oh never fight, we might have a little sulk every now and then but that's it. Untill now!! Tonight is the 3rd night in a week I've gone to bed early in a huff. It's always over the same thing, I feel that I'm doing EVERYTHING. All baby related stuff all house stuff all planning stuff aswell as working full time and feeling quite stressed at work, oh and Growing a Baby! He admits I am doing more and says sorry but it feels like he us just saying that to keep the peace. So i end up feeling frustrated and annoyed. Grrrr. I hate fighting and I hate feeling like this. But it's overwhelming sometimes. Sometimes I think it's hormones and I'm being unreasonable but the truth is I am doing everything :( Anyone out there relate?

    I can totally relate to that scrgirl. We did all our fighting over it in the first and second trimester though and things have gotten a bit better since. By now he does almost everything I ask for (with the exception of dishes), yet I do have to ask for it, he wouldn't see what needs to be done by himself, and in most cases he needs help doing it or at least me being in the same room. As in, if I ask him to put fresh sheets on a bed, I can wait for a month, but if I ask him to help me put fresh sheets on a bed now (the now has to be part of the sentence, really), he walks up with me and does it all by himself once he sees me trying to bend over.

    Lists and reminders unfortunately do not help at all so far, I really need to be physically there and ask him for help to get any results as of yet with anything other than food, to his credit he does most of the cooking, very often unasked as well, I think to him making food for me is like an active participation in growing the baby.

    Hope you can get him to help you more and hope you are feeling better today!

  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭mel1

    ~I Love my husband more than life its self, but it has to be said

    Men are, for the most part DUMMIES. I used to think they just pertended to be, but nope have come to terms with the fact that they are actually not very smart! They need to be told on a daily baseis what you need from them and you have to -


    Use the words, now, today, right away, ect or they just dont get it and think it will do whenever he gets around to it.
    Three year i waited for 4 tiles to be replaced in the laundery room, till i lost the head last week! Dish washer has been broke at least a year, shower need replacing but they dont see these things till their little world explodes and they are told "noooooo you cant buy that new drum kit, we need this that and the other"
    After last weeks debarkle everythings gettin fixed :D! Poor man, must have had some headache by time i finished chewing his ear off as we rarely ever argue!
    He is a great provider but his mammy was his ruination, never had to look after anything himself.

    AGGGGG! men from mars and all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭Rachineire

    +1 Mel!! I love my MIL but she spoiled my OH! He never had to lift a finger at home- clean socks and underwear just appeared, sheets changed themselves.

    I just had to instruct my OH for the 1000th time how to separate laundry and load and unload washer/dryer as we are washing baby clothes today.

    Speaking of washing baby clothes, I'm washing all the new Muslin cloths and new vests and everything that was passed down to us, but I can't bring myself to wash the new little outfits we bought him yet. They are too new and cute. important is pre-washing? Pretty vital huh?

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,953 Mod ✭✭✭✭Moonbeam

    I never washed any of the new stuff.
    #2 has sensitive skin and it did her no harm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭Rachineire

    Moonbeam wrote: »
    I never washed any of the new stuff.
    #2 has sensitive skin and it did her no harm.
    Innnteresting.....I might just wash the vests and sleepers that came in the multi packs and leave the little outfits alone. I brought them all downstairs to take the tags off and put them in wash piles and nearly started crying and took them straight back upstairs and hung them back up haha! Hormonal much? :D

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  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,953 Mod ✭✭✭✭Moonbeam

    I nearly cry with my daily washing pile:)
    my tumble drier is a condenser and currently I can not empty it myself as it is at floor level and bending that low is impossible!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 323 ✭✭scrgirl

    Thank you girls for the brilliant replies, I'm laughing my head off here! I am sooooo stooooooopid, its this pregnancy brain, I know men are dummies I learned this years ago, we do have to spell things out to them!! And for some reason I forgot this fact recently and expected him to be this amazing person who proactively responded to all my needs before I even realised them myself! Ha!! What a fantasy!! Anyway we made up and this evening he phoned from work to see if we needed anything from the shops and told me he had dinner sorted.... we shall see how long this lasts!! Ah bless at least he tries!
    (apologies to any of the men reading reading this if you feel I am over generalising!! But it seems to be a lot of the girls here's experience!)

    I havent started washing yet, getting bits and pieces for the hosp bag, baby is pretty sorted but it looks like I could be delivering naked! Better get a move on! Did anyone find any cute winter suits that would suit a boy or girl anywhere?

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    SCRGIRL there is hardly anything neutral around. Everything seems to be blue or pink. I think Dunnes have a few Winnie the pooh neural outfits, little long sleeves with soft dungarees things over them.

    The OH is sick of listening to me and looking for gender neutral things so he said that he will pop into town when i have the baby and get a coat and an outfit in the colour to take the baby home in ha ha.

    Yes Men are from Mars, def. Things have to be spelled out to them. The OH turned around to me this morning and gave me a hug and said he appreciates all that i do and he is going to help out more as i was stomping around the house all morning doing loads and i am a bit run down at the mo, nothing major just a scratchy throat, but when you add three year old, spd and third trimester to feeling a bit crap it just equals danger ha ha.

    I had a hospital apt yesterday and the midwife informed me that around the 32 week mark the fetal movements reduce. She said just keep note of whats normal for me and if I FEEL that the movements have deviated from whats normal for me then i am to come in, they prefer to be safe.
    So dont be worried ladies, they obv see it everyday of the week. Im not 32 weeks yet but she was just preparing me that they might reduce as i am not back until 34 weeks.
    My consultant was on holidays yesterday but i got to talk to his reg. He was lovely and as long as the fetal weight remains good there should be no problem with an induction about 38weeks. Theres a note in my chart that i am to meet the consultant at my 34 week apt to hammer out the details. Thrilled. Had a mini scan and baby looks good - head down and placenta isnt under the baby anymore, its kinda at the side. But its on the move so the Doc thinks its will be in the right place by the 34 week scan - Yay.

    Got the OH to book the little ones party today - check. Now to tackle getting the carrycot of the pram and painting the babys room next. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭xiwang

    Mothercare have a snow suit in white, not the prettiest but neutral in any case.

    I ended up buying a dark blue one, figuring if it happens to be a girl after all I just put some pink ribbons on when we go for public walks or pictures, because I didn't like the neutral ones I saw when I was out shopping the other day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭Rachineire

    Dunnes has those cute Winnie the pooh ones like princessa said, also Tesco has a grey one with cute little teddy bear ears! Going to wait to buy one ourselves, my mom bought us one in America, hopefully it will get here before baby does!

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    I hope it arrives before the baby does rachineire, it would be great to have something for the baby that prob nobody else will have.

    Im going to trust the OH and leave him pop into town, might be nice for him to go pick out the snowsuit and outfit to take his new daughter/son home in... Im sure our three year old will help her Daddy find something appropriate.

    Thats a good idea xiwang, i was going to buy a navy one in penneys that looks a bit boyish and just put pink with it if its a girl but i said no i want to wait and get the baby pink/baby blue colour, i will like it more in the long run...

  • Registered Users Posts: 323 ✭✭scrgirl

    just discovered these ones on babygap site, quite cute

    I looked at that mothercare one in the shop and it feels quite hard, not soft for a tiny baby!

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Scrgirl... they are very cute. They look nice and soft too for a little newborn to come home in =)... Aaaaaah im getting so excited. :D:D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭mel1

    I had kept a lot of the newborn stuff from my last baba, as it was either still on hangers or almost good as new. Bought a bottle of fairy and washed it all. Still looks new, happy days!

    Have quite a few all in one heavy winter jacket type things and if its a boy (fingers crossed, as i have 2 little ladies) well hes gonna look pretty in pink for a few days!

    BTW I havent even a bag, never mind havin one packed. 30 weeks tomorrow!!!

    Irish rose, pity you have been so unwell, but the bun need to stay in your oven for another good while. You may get lots of R&R. I have no idea how any of ye can maintain a full time job and battel through pregnancy as well, just doin nothin is exausting!

    Oh yea, just to rub it in, did a bit of xmas shoppin this morning, am good to go me thinks.

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  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,953 Mod ✭✭✭✭Moonbeam

    all my new born stuff and most of my 0-3months stuff is neutral.
    TK Maxx lovely have gorgeous little sets.

    Saw so much nice baby stuff today kind of wishing I knew if bump was a boy or girl:) If it is a girl I get to buy nothing if it is a boy I get to go shopping!!!
