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  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    We are the same, we pretty much have out little girl name. Boys names we have like several we can choose from. Lots of people are starting to ask me too, just tell them, i dunno we are going to wait until its born and we can see what she/he looks like and debate the name. I was talking to my friend, she had a little boy last Aug and she said she was the same she had several boys names and just waited till he was born to name him. My other friend had a baby during the summer, she had two boys at the time and had no boy names at the time, may have just been wishful thinking as she really wanted a girl. She had a girl in the end so it didnt really matter...

    Boy names must just be harder to pin down.

    I am the same RACHINEIRE i am def bigger than i was friday. I dont see how i can grow for another 10 weeks ha ha.

    So im hoping this week will fly by ladies, its my birthday Friday and my mum is home on Saturday for over 3 weeks. We will be cracking on my lists i hope. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭Rachineire

    Princessa wrote: »
    We are the same, we pretty much have out little girl name. Boys names we have like several we can choose from. Lots of people are starting to ask me too, just tell them, i dunno we are going to wait until its born and we can see what she/he looks like and debate the name. I was talking to my friend, she had a little boy last Aug and she said she was the same she had several boys names and just waited till he was born to name him. My other friend had a baby during the summer, she had two boys at the time and had no boy names at the time, may have just been wishful thinking as she really wanted a girl. She had a girl in the end so it didnt really matter...

    Boy names must just be harder to pin down.

    I am the same RACHINEIRE i am def bigger than i was friday. I dont see how i can grow for another 10 weeks ha ha.

    So im hoping this week will fly by ladies, its my birthday Friday and my mum is home on Saturday for over 3 weeks. We will be cracking on my lists i hope. :D

    Boys names are way harder to pin down!! We had a girls name picked out no problem. There was one name we both fell in love with and will probably use it for a little girl if we ever have one!
    We are still undecided as it is with names. The one we are thinking of going with we call the baby that at home but who knows what will happen when hes actually here!

    Started packing my hospital bags last night- it looks like our living room has EXPLODED with all the bits and ends and bags of things! My non-pregnant brain could have that organized in a half hour, my baby brain can't seem to figure out how to best seperate it all! I actually just sat back after a few minutes and let my OH do most of the packing haha! I just told him what I wanted in what bag and watched tv :p
    It did make it seem very real though packing up the little vests and baby grows and opening the soothers. Can't believe that I will actually have a little person that will be using this stuff!

    Thats so exciting about your mom coming Princessa! I was thinking mine would be here for christmas but its not looking likely now! ah well, hope springs eternal!

  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭mel1

    Do any of you have a good bag list?

    Mammy bag and baby bag!

    Cant seem to get my head together at all.But at least i actually have a bag now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭xiwang

    Names ... it would really be handy to know what we're having just for the sake of names, but so far we have narrowed it down a bit.

    Most trouble to me at the moment re names is a family tradition from my side of the family, which is to give the kid three names, first the parents' choice, second the kid's grandparent's name from father's side, third the kid's grandparents' name from my side (as in our mothers' or fathers' names, depending on whether it is a boy or a girl).

    I can't make my mind up whether or not I should follow the tradition, I really hated my names as a kid and now I think it is a lovely bit of tradition, OH is not convinced, he likes the tradition but not the names the kid will have as a result.

    Apart from my mother no one in my family seems to give a **** about the pregnancy, so the less I hear from them the more I am tempted to forget about the tradition. At the same time, I think maybe they come to terms with the kid once it's here and then I probably would feel bad for abandoning the tradition.

    Re hospital bag, I use the one from eumom, it's sitting on my kitchen room table and waiting for me to cross more things off

  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭mel1

    And that is a really great list, thanks xiwang, jus wha i was looking for!

    japers, one name is hard enough without the hassle of three, none of my kids even have a second name.

    I am lucky to have really great inlaws who are have great intrest in this pregnancy espicaly our younger cosins (19 - 24 year olds, who havent had the experience of small babies and dont realy remember the last ones, they facebook me every day, keep check of progress, are already hopeing to be godparents and as two of them are training to be nurses are well delighted with keeping up with progress! Love them to bits, pity they live a good distance away.
    As for my own family, what can i say, we have nothing in common so i dont really bother with them. They have no interest in my life and hate my in laws so i give them a wide birth, pity they only live down the road.

    Ironic or what!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭Rachineire

    Here is a bump picture! I feel massive :(

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,953 Mod ✭✭✭✭Moonbeam

    Aww Rachineire:))
    You look fabulous and that is a fine bump!

    I am waiting for bump to take another growth spurt! I wish he/she would get off my bladder first:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭mel1

    bump 30 weeks.jpg

    Heres mine

    30 weeks last thursday! gettin it hard to do the washin up, sink is soooo much further away!

  • Registered Users Posts: 323 ✭✭scrgirl

    Lovely bumps girls! heres me at 32weeks+4 :) (today)

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,953 Mod ✭✭✭✭Moonbeam

    I am ooohing and awwing here at the bump pics:)

    I will attempt to get one later:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭irishrose1981

    all the bumps look good, you should see mine and im 35 weeks on thursday. i mite put up a pic il see.

  • Registered Users Posts: 394 ✭✭jeni

    Ah girls your bumps are cool nice and big, mine is still quite small i know everyone is different, i didnt look pregnant untill the last few weeks on my last so im not worried ;) eeeek im sooo excira for us all ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 394 ✭✭jeni

    Just after buying a trial pack of bambino reusable nappies, anyone ever seen them before, i really wanted them on my first never got round to it, im gona maybe try use a combo of reusable and disposable, could be just a pipe dream :)

    I was born with a clicked hip my poor mam had to put six terry cloth nappies on me at a time, for six months maybe thats were my need to use them comes from lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭mel1

    Wow, i have no experience at all with reuseable nappies, never even saw one! And i thought i was an older model to be havin a baby, at least it feels like that when i go for my scan and am sitting between all the younger girls. Another scan tomorrow btw.

    I honestly wouldnt even understand why anyone would choose to make the huge commitment of useing them, unless it was for enviromental reasons and even then, i assume you have to clean the poo out of them and im not sure if even the enviroment could convince me to want to do that!

    Maybe im just shallow and i dont want the extra hassel and work of reuseable nappies. Please dont think i am knocking your decision to use them either.
    I wonder will any of ye be posting here after the birth of our children as i really would like to see if you manage to continue to use them for a long period of time.

    On another time consuming note, I am hoping to brest feed this one. was a total failure at it the first time and never even considered it for the second so hope with the few extra years i may have gained some extra patience to try harder this time! Maybe ye discussed it b4 i joined the tread but just courious how many are going to try brest feeding and is anyone else useing reuseable nappies?

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,953 Mod ✭✭✭✭Moonbeam

    I weighed up the pros and cons of reusable nappies the cons > pros so did not bother.
    I breastfed my 1st 2 for the 1st 3-4 months ,it can be torture but everyone should attempt to give it a go. I could not last longer doing it but hopefully this time it works out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭xiwang

    I intend to breastfeed and hope it works out well.

    Re the reusable nappies, I think I would like to try them and have disposable ones for going out - I can't see myself carrying full reusable nappies home to wash to be honest, say if we're at the grandparents over night or something. Other than that, I really want to use them as much as I can.

    Main motivation for it, to be honest, would be money, especially since we'll probably be looking to have more than one, and I can think of a million things my child would prefer me to spend a few grand on than nappies really.

    On a different note, I got confirmation re my maternity benefit today, glad I got it now because I was starting to worry a bit. Only 8 weeks to go now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭mel1

    Well i honestly never thought anyone even considered useing reuseable nappies anymore. Seems as though quite a few of you have either given it a lot of tought or will actually be useing them.
    Well there ya go!

  • Registered Users Posts: 323 ✭✭scrgirl

    I'm going to breast feed all going well. My oh is supportive but only since I drew his attention to all the evidence that supports bf. he is still a little dissapointed he won't have much of a role in feeding.

    I'll be buying some reusable nappies to try but not until I get the hang of breast feeding and get baby and myself into some semblance of a routine. I'm no super woman!

  • Registered Users Posts: 394 ✭✭jeni

    Id love to breast feed, but selfishly im really prudish, i keep having weird dreams that im breastfeeding behind my hubsters back, i duno ill see how things go

    Ive researched alot about the nappies, they are very easy to use, and cleaning them is easy too (aledgedly) there are airtight bags and bins, little inserts that you tip into toilet and flush, the nappy covers are really cute too, but im gona use both, realistcly when were out and maybe at night ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa


    30 week bump.

    Yeah i am def breast feeding. I am hoping i can keep it up for the first 3 months. No to the reusuable nappies. Huggies or Aldi now will do us just fine.

    Everything is getting so real now, got really scared earlier, that everything is going to change soon. Nothing will be the same again and it just really scared me for a little while. Just hope my daughter takes to her sibling well, i know it will be a bit weird at the start for her but im hoping that it will be like she/he was always here after a little while.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭Rachineire

    I love all the bumps ladies!! :D

    I was thinking of going the cloth diaper route. I was completely overwhelmed though when I started to research all the different brands and types (insert and pre folds and etc.) Also the initial cost was really steep for us. I've left it for the moment but I think I will still look into it at some stage. I hate the idea of having all of the disposable nappies in the landfills and cloth saves so much money over time! And they aren't that much work- not like the old style muslin cloth diapers. Especially when you use the inserts it seems! I think for any other babies we might have I will probably try to cloth diaper!

    And regarding far as I know at this moment I'm not going to do it. There is something about it that just upsets me. I have no idea what but when I think about it I get upset. I might feel completely different when the baby is born but for the moment I am planning on formula- and leaving my options open.

    Xiwang- how long ago did you submit your maternity benefit forms? I got a letter of confirmation that they received the paperwork from them but nothing else....I've got less than 8 weeks to go and am starting to get a little worried haha! My HR at work is less than stellar and I feel kinda in the dark about pay and the benefit. I mean, when does it start and does it go straight into my account or do i need to go to the post office at first? :confused::confused:

    Also a TMI question, is anyone going to try the Perineum massage stuff? Or has anyone done it and found it helpful? I was thinking of doing it cause the thought of an episiotomy is slightly terrifying but its not so easy to get down there these days and the OH wasn't jumping for joy when I was asking him about it:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭mel1

    As far as im aware most irish hospitals do not preform episiotmy any more. I had it done while giving birth with my first, didnt even know it was done till afterwards, yea for epidural, when they put a stich in it (which riped open afterwards from straining due to constipation, so small hint also bring some stool softener to hospital with you) it healed itself, badly, now its like a bit of flesh just hangin there!

    Second time round they said it was better for the area to rip itself if it neaded to which it didnt!
    Never heard of the pernium massage however it sounds quite embarresing unless you do it your self!
    Imagine asking your OH to massage that, LOL, he freaks out if i ask for a foot massage. He terrified of feet!

    Which leads me to another question, anyone going for natural childbirth with out aid of epi?

    I have never went to any of those birthing classes so that maybe why i dont know about these things, however maybe im as well off!

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭xiwang

    I keep on forgetting about the picture, but finally got around to post it

    Rachineire, I sent my maternity application form in at the end of August at 24+6 weeks pregnancy, but they ask to get it that early when self-employed. I received the confirmation letter after three weeks, but the actual letter stating what payment will be awarded took over two months. It states that *payments will be lodged to the nominated bank account on Mondays*, so I guess this is the same if employed v self-employed, if you give them your bank account details. If it is going through the employer maybe someone else can answer how this works and how long it takes for the money to be with you.

    I am seriously hoping to go without an epidural, not exactly fully natural, I'd gladly take the gas and air and possibly the pethidine but the thought of getting an epidural is freaking me out big time, I find the thought of that much more terrifying than any other part of labour, but maybe I change my mind once the pain kicks in, who knows.

    Re the perineal massage, I only heard about that yesterday and there is NO CHANCE I'll ask OH to do it, I get lucky if the midwives can force him to touching my back while I'm in labour, feet are off the radar anyways, you'd wonder how this child was conceived with his enjoyment of touching me :p

    I guess I'll have a look if I can get down there in a few weeks time, physio girl said not to start it before 35/36 weeks, I mean I get the idea of stretching might make sense so I'll give it a go, she said the best way to reach down is while sitting on the toilet, which makes the whole thing even less attractive, but I guess I can at least try.

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,953 Mod ✭✭✭✭Moonbeam

    I rang up about my maternity benefit because I am self employed.
    What happened to me previously was I got the payment then the letter but I was a PAYE worker then.
    Ring them if you need to they are pretty nice on the phone:)

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,953 Mod ✭✭✭✭Moonbeam

    Bumpy @ 30 weeks:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭irishrose1981

    did anyone get the flu needle, was at the docs today everything went fine doc said feels like the babys head is down n heartbeat is strong,plus b4 i left she calld me back into her room and i got the flu needle b4 i left the docs as i didnt get it till then.

    been getting sick again as im near the end of the pregnancy and god do i hate getting sick. was nearly in bits crying today when i got home after droping me little girl off at school with hubbie was i missd her so much and was so happy when we pickd her up after school and hugd her big time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 394 ✭✭jeni

    I got my needle a few weeks back hun i dont know if it was a side effect or not but i was the very same after, very sick as in vomiting alot, and just wreaked and emotional maybe it is a symptom itll be over in a few days

  • Registered Users Posts: 394 ✭✭jeni

    At a girls night thingy for my little ones school tonight great fun she got her nails done, then i got my eyebrows threaded, then she wanted to do some zumba dancing so we went over and waited, while waiting the girl running it comes over and tries to charge for the two of us, i say no sorry i cant, she says ah you should it works wonders on your tummy will help flatten it, ffs im 31 weeks pregnant im not fat

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭xiwang

    some people just don't use their brains seriously, what a stupid thing to say to you jeni :(

    The flu jab was discussed in the main pregnancy thread as well, and many believe it is not researched enough to be convinced it's safe. Re the being sick immediately afterwards, that is absolutely normal though, after all you are after getting a needle with a certain amount of flu DIRECTLY into you (and baby), and some react stronger to that than others, depending on their immune system.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭irishrose1981

    jeni wrote: »
    At a girls night thingy for my little ones school tonight great fun she got her nails done, then i got my eyebrows threaded, then she wanted to do some zumba dancing so we went over and waited, while waiting the girl running it comes over and tries to charge for the two of us, i say no sorry i cant, she says ah you should it works wonders on your tummy will help flatten it, ffs im 31 weeks pregnant im not fat

    i would have let her have it jeni,some people you can tell who is pregnant and who isnt dont mind her jeni.
