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Due Dec 2012....



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭Rachineire

    Piper101 wrote: »
    Ps although planning on breastfeeding myself and the oh picked up a few 'just in case' bottles on Saturday. We did our research and decided on MAM bottles, they are self-sterilising and all the reviews are excellent. Had bought a steriliser half price in the mothercare sale but needed it anyway for the breast pump etc delighted with these bottles (they are really pretty too!!)

    Self sterilising? How does that work? Just wash them in the dishwasher or with very hot water and they are good to go? I know in america sterilizers aren't really a thing because it is done in the dishwasher!
    I know what you mean being excited about the bottles being pretty! I wanted some pretty bottles but avent just doesnt make them! I was tempted to buy the blue ones but its just a waste of money as they are double the cost of the regular ones! :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 450 ✭✭Piper101

    Rachineire wrote: »

    Self sterilising? How does that work? Just wash them in the dishwasher or with very hot water and they are good to go? I know in america sterilizers aren't really a thing because it is done in the dishwasher!
    I know what you mean being excited about the bottles being pretty! I wanted some pretty bottles but avent just doesnt make them! I was tempted to buy the blue ones but its just a waste of money as they are double the cost of the regular ones! :rolleyes:

    They have a twist off part on the bottom which you fill with water, put the teat inside the bottle (I think) and then microwave for 3 minutes and its sterilised! They were pretty reasonable as well, €16 for 3 bottles, like I said planning on feeding myself so hopefully won't need many at the start anyway (getting scared about breastfeeding tho :( )

  • Registered Users Posts: 450 ✭✭Piper101

    Not swollen...yet!!! Oh the things I have to look forward to lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭irishrose1981

    TeresaM wrote: »
    Hey all...
    Irishrose, when are you due honey? I hope things happen for you soon too.. I would love to go a bit early but as oh won't be home till 2 weeks before due date, I would like to wait till then LOL.. like I really have any choice!

    i was nine months there on thursday which is 37 weeks so i am 38 weeks now tomorrow,but hospital lets you go up to 40/41 weeks as some babys dont wonna come out yet, was at my docs there this morning and told her how i was as i was in pain and in and out of the loo every 5 or 10 mins. she said it could just be false labour and if i wantd her to send me in to be sure she would but i told her i didnt wonna go anywhere near the hospital till my waters go them self and she said i was doing the right thing there as they would more than likely just send me home so i am waiting it out till it happens.and she wants me back next week as she cant have me not been seen by anyone for a week if i havent gone into labour by then, i must say i have a really good doc and shes been keeping an eye on me since i had her.

  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭mel1

    TeresaM wrote: »
    great that you got your maternity benefit sorted out! thats definately a weight off your mind! I just got my forms back from my employers after they had them for almost a month!! :O I will go down to the office with them tomorrow and get the ball rolling! yikes!

    jeni, great that head is down!! :) hope your bp starts playing ball soon! Do you have far to go to your hospital to get checcked? Hope its not too far!

    I have my hospital appt on thursday.. Looking forward to it really, I don't think they will do much really, just check bp, urine and belly to see if head is still down. Will be 35 weeks on thurs too... woop woop...
    OK, I do have a TOTALLY TMI question for you girlies...... waaaay tmi.. lately when I go and sit on the toilet I have noticed that I am SOOO swollen down there :( Like unbelieveably so... Its gross and weird.. Has anyone else got this? i have never said it to the doc's as its soo embarrassing! I kinda think its the baby pressing down but not sure.. any thoughts would be cool..
    Other than that I just have the usual suspects... heartburn is wicked tonight... dreading going to bed! ah well... gotta be done.
    Not long left girlies!!! :D:D

    ive been very swollen for quite a while now, little uncomfortable!

    have been havin real bad cramps all day, like a second day period pain, its horrible. Grumpy as feck all day to again just like periods! 34 weeeks tomorrow!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 394 ✭✭jeni

    Is going to toilet a million times a thing ??

  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭mel1

    jeni wrote: »
    Is going to toilet a million times a thing ??

    Havent you always been going to toilet an million times a day cause i have!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭Rachineire

    mel1 wrote: »
    Havent you always been going to toilet an million times a day cause i have!

    Same here- I got a little bit of a let up during the second trimester, but my guy has liked to hang out down low so my poor bladder has taken a beating! I think i average 5 or 6 times a night depending on how much I've drinken that evening. I try and cut down on liquids but I find myself sooo thirsty all day long!

    Heres something random- I drool tons now when I'm sleeping at night! not sure why but I wake up every morning (or for a pee break in the middle of the night) and my pillow is soaked! I find it disgusting but I can't seem to make myself stop lol

    Piper, those bottles sounds pretty cool alright- super handy for when you are visiting at someones house or on the go!! I didn't know they made bottles like that alright! Yeah breastfeeding is pretty intimidating. I'm not planning on it, but nothing is set in stone. We have enough bottles and sterilizers though for either eventuality.
    on that note- I found the breast pumps to be sooo expensive!! I mean, what if you go and buy one and spend well over 100 euro and you find out you can't breastfeed for one reason or another? I am just shocked by the cost of them! Even the hand expressers are like 40 euro and I hear that they aren't that great! :confused:

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,953 Mod ✭✭✭✭Moonbeam

    i was nine months there on thursday which is 37 weeks so i am 38 weeks now tomorrow,but hospital lets you go up to 40/41 weeks as some babys dont wonna come out yet, was at my docs there this morning and told her how i was as i was in pain and in and out of the loo every 5 or 10 mins. she said it could just be false labour and if i wantd her to send me in to be sure she would but i told her i didnt wonna go anywhere near the hospital till my waters go them self and she said i was doing the right thing there as they would more than likely just send me home so i am waiting it out till it happens.and she wants me back next week as she cant have me not been seen by anyone for a week if i havent gone into labour by then, i must say i have a really good doc and shes been keeping an eye on me since i had her.

    I would base it more on contractions then your waters breaking mine only broke minutes before baba was born:)
    Hopefully baba comes soon I am really hoping for 38 weeks! o I have babs for christmas I am terrified of the size of a baby if I go over.

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭xiwang

    Swelling - check, peeing - check, dribbling - check

    I still have the feeling I got away fairly lightly in this pregnancy, and I finally psyched myself up to start the perineal massage last night, just to make life a bit more unenjoyable for now. Not quite sure if I did it right, got a burning sensation alright and felt proper awkward for about half an hour. Anyone else actually doing that stuff?

    I used a mirror and that was not a pretty sight, swelling confirmed and I do need a good groom, just not quite sure if I can bring myself to go get waxed now ...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭mel1

    xiwang wrote: »
    Swelling - check, peeing - check, dribbling - check

    I still have the feeling I got away fairly lightly in this pregnancy, and I finally psyched myself up to start the perineal massage last night, just to make life a bit more unenjoyable for now. Not quite sure if I did it right, got a burning sensation alright and felt proper awkward for about half an hour. Anyone else actually doing that stuff?

    I used a mirror and that was not a pretty sight, swelling confirmed and I do need a good groom, just not quite sure if I can bring myself to go get waxed now ...

    Funny stuff! Sorry shouldnt have laughed. Was the grooming bit that got me and the massage.

    I think the dribbeling might be from snoreing!
    Nope not going to do the massage thing as i would feel like a proper ******s and dont think i would even be able to find or reach it at this stage.

    As for the grooming thing same applies, think im going to have to bite the bullet and ask OH to get the electric shaver at it for me before the midwife thinks she looking for a babe in the woods:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭xiwang

    mel1 wrote: »

    As for the grooming thing same applies, think im going to have to bite the bullet and ask OH to get the electric shaver at it for me before the midwife thinks she looking for a babe in the woods:D

    I find it hard to decide what I find worse, OH seeing how bad it is down there, or going into the labour ward like this, or going through the pain of a wax at this stage. I put the wax off so far because I thought I don't want it to grow back before d-day, but I didn't think I would swell up like that and now I am literally scared to go.

  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭mel1

    xiwang wrote: »

    I find it hard to decide what I find worse, OH seeing how bad it is down there, or going into the labour ward like this, or going through the pain of a wax at this stage. I put the wax off so far because I thought I don't want it to grow back before d-day, but I didn't think I would swell up like that and now I am literally scared to go.

    To be honest I dont do wax anyway just short shave. I'm uncomfortable with strangers anywhere there. Tried it once. Oh the pain. And then felt like a little girl of ten. So short shave for me all the way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 394 ✭✭jeni

    I got the oh to do a job for me the other day was quite funny, ;)

    I didnt bother last time didnt care i couldnt see it ;)

    My friend was just after giving birth n doc came in a few mins later to give her a stitch or two n the doc was like, well you could of shaved down here would of made my job easier, old bag,

    Actually couldnt bring myself to do the massage thing, i didnt have any rips last time so im praying it be same this time

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭xiwang

    I can't believe the doc actually said something like that, oh my god as if the woman didn't have enough worries already!

    I think I heard that the massage is only worth it on the first, on subsequent births you're supposed to be stretched already so the massage wouldn't help much.

    I'll give it another shot tonight, my hope is that it gets less weird over time - the thought of doing this every night for five weeks or so is quite strange.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭Rachineire

    jeni wrote: »
    I got the oh to do a job for me the other day was quite funny, ;)

    I didnt bother last time didnt care i couldnt see it ;)

    My friend was just after giving birth n doc came in a few mins later to give her a stitch or two n the doc was like, well you could of shaved down here would of made my job easier, old bag,

    Actually couldnt bring myself to do the massage thing, i didnt have any rips last time so im praying it be same this time

    Cant Believe the doctor said that!! what a cow!!

    Its gone pretty bad down there- now i would usually do a short shave myself, and if i had the spare cash i do like to get a nice wax, but my skin is sooo sensitive there is no way I'd risk a waxing now as i hear it hurts so much more when pregnant! I am going to ask my OH to help me out- I need his help for my legs anyways. He might grumble but im sure he will help- he helped me get in this situation anyways hehe :rolleyes: I don't care about being embarressed to have him help me with that, will see a lot more when I'm in labour anyways and besides, he has seen me very sick and im sure there isn't much worse than that and he still thinks im pretty (hah!) :cool:

    Just went to my last physio appointment...I'm kinda sad I got on so well with the girl. She told me she was moving out to the orthopedic unit in january so i wont even see her for the pilates class! I think i might try and have something nice to bring her for the next time im in the maternity with a little thank you card! I would have been crippled if it wasn't for the physio!

    I only have 30 days until my due date!! EEK! I'm kinda wondering if i could talk my way into an induction OH doesnt drive, I have no family here and his family isn't really that accessible to us if I needed a quick lift into the hospital if I go into labour in the middle of the night. I have the strep B so they told me I needed to get in quick enough after my labour starts progressing as I need time for the antibiotics. Would be nice to have a date that I can just go drive myself in, they can start the antibiotics and the induction together. Any thoughts on my chances of them going with that? Wishful thinking?

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭irishrose1981

    i know this is kinda a silly question to ask but with the way i am and sore down there i just cant bring myself to do anything with oh all i want is a hug and kiss nuthing else as im so sore,anyone else like that.

    i shave all the time down there and do my legs and all myself,even tho there are times i cant do it i still have to on my own.

    hope baby comes soon as pain down there is starting to get abit sore now,im more scared of going thu the labour as its been five and a half years since i was there.

    everyone is asking me have you not gone yet ah i hope you have the baby soon and do you know what sex the baby is and i said yes 80/90% is a boy but happy if its a girl to either way once baby and me are fine thats all that matters.

  • Registered Users Posts: 394 ✭✭jeni

    i know this is kinda a silly question to ask but with the way i am and sore down there i just cant bring myself to do anything with oh all i want is a hug and kiss nuthing else as im so sore,anyone else like that.

    i shave all the time down there and do my legs and all myself,even tho there are times i cant do it i still have to on my own.

    hope baby comes soon as pain down there is starting to get abit sore now,im more scared of going thu the labour as its been five and a half years since i was there.

    everyone is asking me have you not gone yet ah i hope you have the baby soon and do you know what sex the baby is and i said yes 80/90% is a boy but happy if its a girl to either way once baby and me are fine thats all that matters.

    I hate that question, have you not gone yet, well yes i have my tummy just stayed this size, and i like to waddle its my new walk now stop asking silly questions im fat uncomfortable n pissed off :)

    Dont be worried bout your other half hun he has to understand last thing anyone wants to do at this stage is that (well me n you anyway) im finding it hard to motivate my self to do anything, if anyone knocks in and sees my kitchen theyll think ive ben burgled ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 323 ✭✭scrgirl

    A friend of mine had a baby 2 weeks ago and she had not done the perenium massage, ended up with 8 stitches. Ouch! She said its the only thing she would do differently and strongly advised me to do the massage. So I started this morning. Defo only did it fit a couple of mins not 5 and found it akward and uncomfortable but will try and stick with it. As for the grooming its au naturel down there these days it's been a while since I could reach. Will maybe get oh to help with a trim, not sure i would trust him with a razor down there!

    Rach, do you know induction is much more painful than natural labour? (So i have heard, contractions come faster and more intensive) Are you sure you want that option?
    If you are sure you should ask. Considering most of us first time mums will go over and perhaps end up being enduced anyway they might agree to a date a few days after your due date esp as it's close to Xmas. No harm asking.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭Rachineire

    scrgirl wrote: »
    A friend of mine had a baby 2 weeks ago and she had not done the perenium massage, ended up with 8 stitches. Ouch! She said its the only thing she would do differently and strongly advised me to do the massage. So I started this morning. Defo only did it fit a couple of mins not 5 and found it akward and uncomfortable but will try and stick with it. As for the grooming its au naturel down there these days it's been a while since I could reach. Will maybe get oh to help with a trim, not sure i would trust him with a razor down there!

    Rach, do you know induction is much more painful than natural labour? (So i have heard, contractions come faster and more intensive) Are you sure you want that option?
    If you are sure you should ask. Considering most of us first time mums will go over and perhaps end up being enduced anyway they might agree to a date a few days after your due date esp as it's close to Xmas. No harm asking.

    Yeah I know about the labour being harder when Induced. I know its not going to be a picnic either way though and I would love to have a date kinda set saying ok, this is when it will happen, especially since my OH doesn't drive and it does worry me if I go in the middle of the night or something. I'm still driving fine now, but getting bigger all the time, what if i can't fit behind the wheel at ten days overdue haha? Also I really want baby to come well before christmas if I can swing it that way! :p

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  • Registered Users Posts: 323 ✭✭scrgirl

    Rachineire wrote: »

    Yeah I know about the labour being harder when Induced. I know its not going to be a picnic either way though and I would love to have a date kinda set saying ok, this is when it will happen, especially since my OH doesn't drive and it does worry me if I go in the middle of the night or something. I'm still driving fine now, but getting bigger all the time, what if i can't fit behind the wheel at ten days overdue haha? Also I really want baby to come well before christmas if I can swing it that way! :p
    Well I really think they would agree then, they agree to c sections for lots of reasons that are not strictly medical. I assume as long as there is no risk to you or baby they would agree. When is your next app with cons? Best of luck with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 394 ✭✭jeni

    Go to your own doc tell him your story maybe elaberate a bit, throw in a few tears, he might do a letter maybe ;)

    Im due 26th but were hoping for round 20th gona sit down and have a serious chat with bump ya never know lol :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭Rachineire

    Thanks Ladies!

    Scrgirl, my next consultant appointment isnt until december 3rd which will make me 38 +2!! If my own doctor doesn't write me a letter I will be doing some begging at that appointment for sure!

    Jeni, yeah that's kinda along the lines I was thinking...i was thinking of trying to play up the I have no family here line, getting a lot of anxiety ect. I mean, its true, it does worry me, I mean its not keeping me up but its definitely in the back of my mine! I'm just hoping they are all agreeable! I have to see the doctor next week so I will try and go monday or tuesday and see what he says!

    Haha yes serious chat with bump I like it! So far my baby has taken every opportunity he can to prove me wrong! So I think if I told him he has to stay in until after christmas he will be ready to go december 1st!

  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭mel1

    I was thinking about asking for an early induction also around 38 weeks that would make it 2 weeks befor xmas, and was hoping that the fact that i had to be induced twice already might mean they would consider it. Mentioned it to my own doc and she said it was douthfull they would take me in untill the very last min as there is never a spare bed in Mullingar, (dont know what the situation is in the rest of your hospitals).:( BIG BABY BOOM!!

    The process of induction in itself is very unplesent for those of you who wish to know however the up side is once it works (and it might take 4 or 5 times) everything is very fast and i believe you must have an epi as labour is so much more painfull but you wont feel a thing.

    and as for the being in the mood, well i have had no problems with that, been constantly in the mood for almost nine months now, think he starting to get fed up of it too if that is possible! Poor ould devil hes nackered!

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭irishrose1981

    jeni wrote: »
    I hate that question, have you not gone yet, well yes i have my tummy just stayed this size, and i like to waddle its my new walk now stop asking silly questions im fat uncomfortable n pissed off :)

    Dont be worried bout your other half hun he has to understand last thing anyone wants to do at this stage is that (well me n you anyway) im finding it hard to motivate my self to do anything, if anyone knocks in and sees my kitchen theyll think ive ben burgled ;)

    ah hubbie understands i cant as im near the end of the pregnancy and crying in pain alot,he is great was in bits crying after we came back after bringing our daughter to school,and broke down crying in pain with my back and down there,hubbie said maybe we should get you to hospital hun and i told him no just help me to the chair so i can rest and he made me tea as well and was rubbing my back as i was crying with the im just resting for now pain is on and off so fingers crossd girls that baby comes either the weekend or next week as pain does hurt and i wont lie it hurts so rest at every chance you get.

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭TeresaM

    hi ladies,
    sorry wasn't on in few days.. flat out! Well Garys birthday went great! they had fun on Saturday at cinema and indoor play area in Bundoran that was great!! :) Could have slept for 2 days after tho :p:rolleyes:

    its funny to see the chat about waxing and trimming etc.. had a little giggle to myself.. I just had waxing done on Wed night!! full leg and bikini!! :eek::eek: Thankfully a friend of mine does it and it more comfortable (like I wouldn't want anyone else doing it, not comfortable like nice!!! LOLLL) To be honest I have been waxing for years and it just doesn't bother me that much anymore! BUUUT.... yeah, bikini was sensitive alright!!! Mind you, very worth it!! It was scary down there I'm quite sure of it!! hehe:eek:;) My poor hubby... I waxed my own legs when i wa around 6 months I think and couldn't do my bikini line so just left it.. And never got back to it!! when he was home last I STILL didn't hve it done LOLLL.. not that he would ever say anything... he is the best. We did have a laugh the other day we were chatting on whatsapp and I told him I was getting it done.. that it REALLY needed it.. He just said Yep for sure honey!! lol
    anyway, was def worth it! and I have just under 5 weeks left so time for one more wax...:( And I'll be nice and smooth and clean cut when oh gets home ;):D I can't wait till he gets home again.. Missing him loads

    So how are you girlies today?? My appt went fine yesterday with Docs... sure they really don't do anything! bit pointless travelling for them but hey what do ya do!


  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭xiwang

    TeresaM wrote: »
    [...]My appt went fine yesterday with Docs... sure they really don't do anything! bit pointless travelling for them but hey what do ya do!


    Good to hear it all went well. I keep on thinking that everytime I have an appointment in the hospital, it seems like such a waste of an hour traveling time and another hour waiting if they only take bp and measure the belly, but then again, we probably would complain if there were less appointments - at least I would.

    My appetite has plummeted completely over the last 2 days, I used to get so hungry every 2 to 3 hours and had 5 or 6 small meals to cope with it, but the last few days I hardly got hungry for lunch and dinner! I thought the last month was the only time a pregnant woman actually needed to eat a bit more?

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,953 Mod ✭✭✭✭Moonbeam

    I think my bump has dropped it is so low and baby feels huge but bump is not huge.

  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭mel1

    Anyone else feeling a bit down and teary eyed? Been feeling bit depressed last few days.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭TeresaM

    mel1 wrote: »
    Anyone else feeling a bit down and teary eyed? Been feeling bit depressed last few days.

    yeah, I get like that sometimes too.. I really don't like it much. Dunno why it happens really but I always just pretty much blame it on my hormones and the fact that we are close to the end and maybe our hormones are even more out of whack...:( I had a particularly bad day sunday week ago! cried on and off all day! was awful! was soo glad that my son was away visiting the neighbours :) and in his playroom!! it helped when my hubby rang tho, although I didn't want to talk to him at first cause I knew I would just cry again! I hope you are feeling better soon! I just made sure that the next day I went to visit a friend for coffee and stayed out of the house until my wee fella was finished school!. <3 xx
