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Toiler's Constant



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Sat 17.8k progression run in 1:21:30

    This was the same route as last weeks progression run, with only Alan for company. It came in 3.5mins faster than last week. We started off slowish, but ran harder to get up the biggest hill by Coolattin (loads of Canadians there for a "Gathering" weekend, great weather for it), and kept going hard down the hill. By this stage we had reached Shillelagh, faster than intended, and we were both feeling the pace a bit, but kept up the effort to go (marginally) faster towards the end. Alan put 30 seconds into me over the last 2km, but I'm happy with the effort put into this run. It's the final nail in the coffin for LSR's, I much prefer a run like todays, than a longer slow plod.

    Mile-o-metrics: 8:09, 7:34, 7:57, 7:59, 7:34, 6:46, 6:59, 7:04, 7:03, 7:05, 6:59.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Fri 7k jog

    Well I've been fooked since the swim, a pretty bad pain in my shoulder. I couldn't lift my arm over my head for a couple of days, obviously I strained a muscle during the swim. I think this came about through breathing on two during the race, and consequently leading with one arm (with bad form towards the end). Its my first swimming injury, and still hurts a little, so I'll stay out of the pool until next week. Besides a little easy turbo and one 7k jog today, I've done nothing but drink beer and wine. My head hurts today, but the few days off did me the world of good. I'm still unsure if I'll do the marathon, can't really be arsed with the necessary long runs. Besides that I'm looking forward to hitting a few 10k running races over the winter, I'll probably settle down into an 8 week 10k specific schedule in a week or two.

    I know what you mean. My heart says yes to DCM, but my body is going eehhhhhh!!!!!

    I'm still trying to get over the fact I won't do an OW swim for another 8-9 months, the marathon is designed to take my mind off that depressing fact.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Mon 90 mins turbo

    Easy spinning, no real aim or goal but to keep turning over watching two episodes of Breaking Bad.
    griffin100 wrote: »
    I know what you mean. My heart says yes to DCM, but my body is going eehhhhhh!!!!!

    I'm still trying to get over the fact I won't do an OW swim for another 8-9 months, the marathon is designed to take my mind off that depressing fact.

    But you have a marathon pb to aim for right? That's worth getting out there for. It's looking like another 3-week training session for me, or nothing at all. I hear you on the OW swims, it was a great summer for them this year. Lots of pool work to come, though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Mon 90 mins turbo

    Easy spinning, no real aim or goal but to keep turning over watching two episodes of Breaking Bad.

    But you have a marathon pb to aim for right? That's worth getting out there for. It's looking like another 3-week training session for me, or nothing at all. I hear you on the OW swims, it was a great summer for them this year. Lots of pool work to come, though.
    +1 really enjoyed the 2 swims I did this year and will be back for more next summer. Maybe with a bit of training this time :pac:

    Is Breaking Bad good? Just watched second last episode of Dexter season 8, first show I've ever gotten into. People recommending Breaking Bad

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Is Breaking Bad good? Just watched second last episode of Dexter season 8, first show I've ever gotten into. People recommending Breaking Bad

    Brilliant show, and it just gets better with each season. There's only two more episodes left, boo hoo, but I envy anyone who has all of it from season 1 to watch. You'd better insulate yourself from people discussing the ending over the next two weeks though!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,821 ✭✭✭blockic

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Brilliant show, and it just gets better with each season. There's only two more episodes left, boo hoo, but I envy anyone who has all of it from season 1 to watch.

    +1 to that!

    Cracking episode today! :cool:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    I’m a new convert to it. Amazing show. I’ve just started season five, after watching season 4 in a couple of days. I have threatened several people with death today over potential spoilers. I’m not a boxset person at all, only other show I’ve ever watched from beginning to end is The Wire. I’m trying to watch them all in time for the finale.

    That said, I can’t imagine it been ideal for turbo. Then again, gets your HR way up!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Sun 22nd Sept 18mile run 2:40

    Right, day 1 of marathon/winter training starts. I've had a busy workload this week, so didn't do much but work, study, and then ease myself into slumber with a few choice beers or wines. Time to knock that stuff on the head for a while, I have an important exam in Number Theory & Computational Logic in a few weeks, and I need to get a distinction in it. The annoying thing about these exams are they are more a test of your ability to recall information in three short hours, rather than an examination of your understanding of the subject. The work involved to get the few extra points to get into the distinction bracket is exponentially larger than just studying for a 70-84 score. So I'll need a clear sharp mind for the next while.

    That will hopefully feed into a clean and sharp body, if I want to get around the marathon in 3:30. Today's run was a test of my inherent endurance- my longest run recently has been about 12 miles. I woke at 6:45, had a small glass of water and headed out the door, into a slumbering misty landscape. Too early- I had to use an emergency pit stop after the first mile (thankfully my route is along fields and forests). I wasn't sure how far I'd get, so did a loop that would allow for shortcuts home if needed. Twelve miles was to be the minimum. Up into the forests along Hillbrook, to throw in a few hills. Unfortunately I had to throw in another two pitstops along this section:o. When I did get going though, it felt good, running along the forest trail with a view of low clouds and mist pockets hanging down in the fields below, the sun rising and starting to pick out the valleys across to Croighanmoira and Lug beyond.

    After 6 miles I exited back onto road, and I was glad to do so, as sharp stones on the trails were hurting my feet (minimal shoes). Running along the empty road here felt good, and I ran past the switchback that led to a 12 mile loop. Up and down a hill, and onto the Railway Walk. This meant I would do at least 15 miles, but the pace started to rise without much effort, so I kept going along down the river through Tomnafinnogue. The only noticeable stress was a slight pull on my calves, but otherwise my breathing etc was fine. I expected to feel the icy sting of carb depletion after 14 miles, but it never came. Perhaps the Tri training has increased my fat burning capabilities?

    Now it was a choice of looping back on the flat, or climbing over a small hill, so I chose the hill. No real problems, and I picked up the pace along the top. The last couple of miles were my fastest, and I certainly could have gone on for a bit more, but 18 miles is enough for the moment. Overall I'm happy with the pace (albeit slow), the testing hills and terrain, and most of all with my fueling capabilities (in that I didn't fuel and didn't bonk). My legs will be sore and stiff tomorrow, but a successful first LSR of the program :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Sun part 2 3 miles trail run in 31:20

    Wicklow Fit4Life were having a trail race, two laps of Sloggers backyard. I would have raced it had I not had the LSR scheduled, but my two kids were on for giving it a go, further than they've ever run before though. Met SJ and Beepbeep at registration. BB was here to race, and his face dropped when he saw my car arrive, luckily for him I wasn't racing so the M40 prize was to be all his;)

    My daughter (9) was deemed too young, but my son (11) was registered, with Missy allowed to run one lap. The gun went, off we go up the first hill... my kids, along with everyone else, flew off, while I struggled to get my legs moving, in last place. After a while I caught up with the kids, and we continued on the first lap. Missy is very competitive, so even though she was only doing one lap she made sure she overtook a load of adults on the downhill, as I continued along with Junior. He was struggling up the hill for lap 2, and was finding it tough going, but kept a steady pace, and gave it everything to race in along the final 300m. Second Junior, and a voucher which he's thrilled about. He just popped his head in the door now and asked "Dad, can we start going for laps for training?", so another one hooked, and that's what Fit4Life is all about.

    (My legs feel the better for my 3 mile trot, so its a win-win all round)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Wed 10k run

    I was kind of mad setting off on this run (Boards AC singlet order imploded due to printing company f*ckwittery, and a load of organisation for nothing), it was raining, so I ran hard and got some anger out of my system. Running is the second best exercise in order to do this, and by the end I was tired but calmer. Nice wet rainy day for running in the forest, 5 miles done hard, 1 mile jogging with strides for warm down. I was considering going hard for the whole 10k, but was hurting towards the end, and after throwing in an 18-miler off nothing a few days back, I'm wary of over-stressing the body.

    Mile-o-scores were 7:09, 7:01, 6:48, 6:54, 7:00 for the anger management part.

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  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Sorry about the order. Maddening.

    I may regret asking, but what is the first best exercise to get anger out of your system. Ive tried boxing but its wrecking my knuckles.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Running is the second best exercise in order to do this...

    Yes, always a hotly contested debate about the relative effectiveness of swimming, cycling or running to work anger out of the system.

    Or, was there an alternative...?:eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Come round some time and I'll show you.

    You too Izoard, I ain't fussy, and I got a lot of anger.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Come round some time and I'll show you.

    You too Izoard, I ain't fussy, and I got a lot of anger.
    Nah, I prefer to swim without a leash, thanks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Come round some time and I'll show you.

    You too Izoard, I ain't fussy, and I got a lot of anger.

    You are a good looking chap, but not my cup of tea, in fairness.

    I think Oryx has availability....

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Izoard wrote: »
    You are a good looking chap, but not my cup of tea, in fairness.

    I think Oryx has availability....
    I think the fur bikini gives that impression, but none of it is true.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Thurs 2,000m swim

    This is the first time in the pool in a long, long, time, and I didn't know what to expect. I worked on bringing down my running and bike times over the summer, deciding to literally tread water in my backyard pool to tick over at the swimming. Greater gains were made elsewhere, but this winter will be all about being proficient across all three disciplines. And that means getting back in the pool, three or four times a week, hopefully starting up the coached sessions again, and getting my 400m TT down under 5:45.

    Today it was a case of "see what has been lost". I did 900m straight, and it felt very alien. What is form? What is a stroke? How does one breath? I may as well have been a swim novice- stroke skills are something that are easily lost. This straight swim was done about 1:55/100m pace.

    Next, lets see if I can do a set of 5*100 off 2:00. These weren't too bad considering, all in 1:42-1:45.

    50m easy, and another set, 5*100 off 1:50. They were certainly harder, and I had to work on maintaining form and streamline position. In 1:33-1:48, slowing for each one.

    Overall I'm happy enough, this little test probably went faster than I expected, but there's a long way to go to get back to the sort of form I want to be at. Swimming is my best discipline, and I'm looking forward to see how far I can push it over the next few months.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Oryx wrote: »
    I think the fur bikini gives that impression, but none of it is true.

    Where has the fur bikini gone???

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Izoard wrote: »
    Where has the fur bikini gone???
    It was giving me a bad name.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Oryx wrote: »
    It was giving me a bad name.

    Was the fur bikini your avatar (I think 1,000,000yrsBC poster?).

    I don't see the avatars. Use your imagination Izoard, that's what I've been doing for ages.

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  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Was the fur bikini your avatar (I think 1,000,000yrsBC poster?).

    I don't see the avatars. Use your imagination Izoard, that's what I've been doing for ages.
    You dont see the avatars because you have gone blind, then?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Was the fur bikini your avatar (I think 1,000,000yrsBC poster?).

    I don't see the avatars. Use your imagination Izoard, that's what I've been doing for ages.

    That's what you get for living in rabbit-ears land.

    We have colour TV and the interweb here, so I haven't used my imagination since circa 1976.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Oryx wrote: »
    It was giving me a bad name.

    At least give us a body shot of your new friend....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Thurs pm 55mins turbo

    SF "A very dark place". A very dark, sweaty, ventilated, place;)

    And now, for your pleasure, the Moonlight Sonata:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Fri 55 mins turbo

    Easy spinning, just about broke a sweat. I was busy with a whole load of work crap all day today, and before I knew it I had dinner made and ate, and three glasses of wine on board. And had missed my lunch run slot, and it was too dark to run half drunk. So an easy turbo session to feed the agenbite of inwit (remorse of conscience), while rewatching the penultimate Breaking Bad.

    My theory for the last episode:
    I reckon Walt made a deal with Todd in the desert when Hank was killed, and promised him Lydia if he kept Jesse alive. The ricin is an ingredient for (Walt's) last cook: Blue meth will be known as a killer and his legacy dies with him.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Sat 62 mins turbo

    Sufferfest "Angels". Between ferrying kids around, work (on a Saturday:mad:), and study, I can't get outside to run the past few days. Thank Grud for the turbo- I put in a nice hard session just now.

    This morning I looked longingly at the pool, as the kids had swim lessons (no space for me to get in for a few laps though; poor auld dad). They were up late last night and suffered accordingly. I glared as my daughter quit mid-lap and took a time out. I could very easily turn into one of those overbearing parents, but I refrained from beating her afterwards. Instead I let her competitive nature take over, telling her not to worry, it doesn't matter that she will be dropped down to a slower group, while the others get faster. She's still mulling this over- I have a feeling she'll go to bed early and be rested for next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,082 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    The BBC have a good youtube channel Documentary World you'll find some interesting stuff to watch in there, the addicted to pleasure 6 part series by Brian Cox is good.
    There's a plugin for FireFox that let's you download to your HD.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,082 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    Thought you might like this :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,441 ✭✭✭Slogger Jogger

    Well, we all have a Breaking Bad void in our lives now :( The ending was a bit Hollywood but I kind of liked it. He used the ricin as I expected. Nice move with the snipers :D A brilliant show.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Wed 2.6k swim

    Straight swim, a lad opted to join my lane rather than the the slower guy next door. He bust a gut at first to stay ahead of me, but I lapped him about 6 or 7 times over the 1km he joined me. Why bother? Otherwise a decent swim, felt ok and about 1:50 pace. I was glad to grab the swim in a hectic day, up at 4:30am with my head in the books. Its all I'm thinking about till this day next week.
    Well, we all have a Breaking Bad void in our lives now :( The ending was a bit Hollywood but I kind of liked it. He used the ricin as I expected. Nice move with the snipers :D A brilliant show.

    I liked the ending too, although I thought there would be more twists, in a show full of twists. I guess it sort of wrapped everything up in a way it had to. Great show all right, may as well start rewatching it from scratch.:)
