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Dublin Marathon 2012 - Mentored Novices Thread



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Target 3.54, result 3.54.19. Delighted. Race report later.

  • Registered Users Posts: 291 ✭✭dechol

    amazing experience! unfortunately did not get to mc grattans cause kids were cranky and it was a bit busy for them. i ran with 5 hour pacers and they were brill. came in at 4.57 so thrilled with that.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    3.54, very happy with that considering the ITB issues. What an experience today was the support was overwhelming, felt like the Tour De France coming around College Green to Finish with everyone out on the road. Amazing. Report to follow!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J

    Target 4:45

    Result 4:44.

    Must say the people of Dublin were fantastic. Absoultely wonderful.

    And i want to sign up for another one now.. .

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 75 ✭✭elPadrino

    Well it turns out Marathons are tough :) Came home in 3:51 odd. Very pleased with my first effort. Hope everybody else went well.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 616 ✭✭✭NoelJ

    So so happy to be done. Found out today my watch wasn't the greatest and I was always training that bit less. Kinda of threw my timing out the window which was very annoying. Finished it in 4:16. Really didn't expect the last 6 miles to be that bad. I did the first 20 miles in 2:58 but the last 6 took me 1:18 which was a lot longer than I thought.

    Least I can say I'm a marathoner. I'll be back next year to do a sub 4:00.

    Cheers everyeon!

  • Registered Users Posts: 615 ✭✭✭KillianByrne

    The 4.15 pacers brought me out & the 4.30 pacers brought me home!

    Finished 4.30.30

    Big sore legs from mile 15 onwards, dropped the speed & walked a couple of times. Fosters Ave to the finish was really tough, didn't expect it to be so hard.

    I am now a marathon runner, Yay!

    I ran with a boardsie through the park (Robert?) hope you finished strong mate, thanks for saying hello.

  • Registered Users Posts: 206 ✭✭darabbit

    Target time 5hr finish time 4.57:)
    It was tough and I had to put on both ITB straps as I was in agony.

    Three things really helped today and deserve a massive thank you:

    Firstly the girl who encouraged me to keep going when I started to walk at mile 20... If u are a boardsie.. Thank u so much.. That little bit of encouragement was the difference in a -5 or +5 finish.

    Secondly, to the 5 hr pacers. The vision of ye nipping at my heels helped spur me on. I refused to let ye pass me so i was forced to run!

    The crowds today were amazing. I felt like an elite and loved all the hi fives from the kids and shouts of encouragement from everyone.. It sure beats the sheep in Connemara!!

    Thanks to this group here for all the support and wise words. I would have loved to meet ye today but I could barely walk so headed for ice bath to reduce ITBs!! Hope ye enjoyed the drinks and post race catchup.

    I wish ye all a speedy recovery and going by the posts so far, things are looking really positive for this group:)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 236 ✭✭jinxremoving

    well that was some experience. Thanks to one and all on boards for keeping me going when times were tough in training. Thanks to the very nice 5 hour pacers as well. I found it a lot harder than i thought i would, once i hit clonskeagh i felt like death. did a mixture of walking and running from then on. supporters were amazing at keeping spirits up. the very nice girl who gave me a mini mars bar at nutley lane because i was crying because 'chocolate makes everything feel better'.

    it took me 5 hours 25 minutes and i am thrilled beyond belief that i ran a marathon. didnt make it to mcgrattans as i could hardly move at that stage. will catch up with everyone again at some stage..maybe next years improvers thread? :D

    sitting here shaking and a bit disoriented so hope this post is coherent!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 26 cluainbolg

    Started off with 4 hr pacers going great then at 16 mile someone plugged. Me out although 4 hrs was wishful thinking pacers done great work and the atmosphere was brilliant a day to remember

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,852 ✭✭✭ncmc

    Well done everyone for a fantastic achievement. Won't go into a long rigmarole, started behind the 4 hour pacers, ended up in front of them by the time we got to the start. Found the congestion at the start difficult, people were weaving in and out which was quite dangerous. My iPod snapped off my belt at mike 2 and I couldn't get back to retrieve it :( Was a bit alarmed at the 4 hour pacers getting quite far ahead of me, I just couldn't get near them. But it spaced out in the Phoenix park and I was able to run with them the rest of the way.

    No major issues, my left knee was sore and my right hamstring was tight, but nothing I couldn't handle. Felt pretty strong all the way through, pulled away from the pacers at mile 20 and finished in 3.57 (watch time). Really pleased with that and with how good I felt all the way through. No hint if the dreaded Wall! I'm wondering now if I could have pushed on a bit more, but the main thing is I enjoyed the experience and am chomping at the bit for the next one!

    Only met one Boardsie, Mike the mechanic, was disappointed not to meet more, but maybe next year!

    Congrats to everybody involved, it was a fantastic event and the support from the public and other runners was phenomenal.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 992 ✭✭✭dazza21ie

    29th October – Dublin Marathon 2012

    Basically this was the goal race from last year once I crossed the finish line. While I was delighted to finish last year given that I had next to no preparation done I felt somewhat annoyed with my time of 6:14:03. I knew that there was more there if i prepared properly.

    At the start of the log I put my neck out and said I wanted a 2hr PB which would mean circa 4:14. It was very easy back then as I wasn't even started the training program. But still I thought at the time it was doable. Training went very well. I really do count my blessings that I made it to this race without any injuries bar a couple of minor niggles near the end. I followed Hal's Novice 2 program quite religously (made too much so) and missed on run over 20 weeks (repeated to weeks in the middle). So unlike last year I had no regret standing on the start line feeling under prepared. I'm sure I could have done more but I think I gave training a fair enough go. My main concern before the start was whether I had the strength built up to maintain the desired pace for the full distance. In both my last two longer distance races over 10k and half marathon I had problems in holding the pace I set off with and suffered in both after the midway mark before making something off a recovery to get finished.

    Anyways I travelled down on Sunday, took a quick trip out to the RDS and back for an early night after laying everything out and double checking. Woke up nice and early to a lovely morning and was feeling quite good. Shared a taxi with a lad staying at the hotel into the start area and was there for around 8. Was chatting to a few different ones on the way in and up to the start area but seemed to pick 3:15 runners (or targetting anyway) so I kept quite for a while! Got chatting to a fella from Kildare in the baggage area who hoped to follow the 4:15 pacers too. Hope he got on alright. Around half 8 I stripped off and dropped off my bag. Then headed off for a light warm up. Timed it nicely as when I was coming back up everyone was moving into the starting pen. Had to hurdle a fence to get in behind the 4:15 pacers, never was the most agile of persons!

    And off we went. I was around 10 rows behind the pacers starting off but within first mile I was right behind the pacers. I nearly trip up Marthastew at one stage so I eased off a little and move to her right. Wouldn't have wanted to be responsible for taking out one of the pacers! Got chatting to her for the first time just as we were going up O'Connell Street.

    First five miles seemed quite easy and all felt good. The miles in the park were a real pleasure, quite envious now of all those who get to do their training runs through there regularly. I think it was in the park that Donna from Derry caught up with us beside the pacers. She was quite comical. Seen our own Killian Byrne for the first time too. He was runnning in front of the pacers for a while before dropping in line with us. I was running along side him for a while and at that time he seemed to be working quite hard and dropped back. Was glad for him to see him again after the halfway mark. We were joking that we had a celeb in our group. Fair play to him, just seen that he went on to finish in 4:30.

    Exiting the park I felt great and was still shadowing the pacers. Encountered the first real noticeable hill just coming up to mile 9 but it was nothing out of the ordinary. I think it was around mile ten that I started to feel the effort. The run from there up until near the half way mark took its toll. The hardest part was that the road got quite narrow and there was big numbers around. I might have been a little to pre-occupied with keeping right up with the pacers when dropping a little back would not have hurt too much. Went through the halfway mark in 2:06:46 which is a new official PB (not sure what it was in Sligo Half as course was long).

    Got a wave from my sister was out not far from the halfway point. Was glad that I managed to spot her as she had come out after finishing her 3rd of 3 nightshifts. I was going well but the demons had already entered the head at this stage. The legs were feeling alright, they noticed the effort but weren't giving out too much. It was the rest of the body that was starting to tire. It was probably midway through mile 16 when the mind won over and I slowed for a walk. The the sub 4:15 dream quickly went out the widow. I didn't overly mind as it probably wasn't on in reality. I reckoned that it was going to happen at some stage. I probably could have kept going for a couple of more miles but it wasn't meant to be for this race. I got going again and the splits for miles 16 and 17 were ok. I tried to just get going again at an easier pace with a few of getting within 4:30. The problem was once the mind got me to stop once it got it to happen again and again. And after a couple of stops it meant the legs which had been ok started to cramp up.

    I knew pretty quickly that even 4:30 wasn't on and I was just waiting for the pacers to pass me by. From there on in it became a run walk strategy just to keep things going. I started worrying that the 4:45 pacers would be the next to pass me, would have been waiting a while for them as there was none! Kept things going as best I could. Had to stop briefly around 20 miles just to stretch out right leg as the cramp was really kicking in. Took a toilet break around mile 21 too. My pace was ok when I got running (probably should have tried to keep it very easy) but the legs weren't willing at this stage. Was glad to start counting down the last few miles and when near the end I picked things up to an easy jog, I really wanted to be running across the line this year and manage that alright. So finished in a chip time of 4:41:06. A new PB and an improvement of 93 minutes or so from last years effort. While not as quick as planned or desired it does still show some huge progress in a year and I am pretty satisfied. A PB is a PB after all and I don't think any of the Kenyans managed one!!

    So after all that I am a bit tired to say the least. Despite the troubles on the course I very much enjoyed the day. Legs are a bit tender but nothing that a nice bath, little rest and short bit time won't solve. Definitely will be back out on the road within the next week (hopefully!). What makes this run enjoyable is the people around you. From the very start of the day there is a great camaradie amongst athletes regardless of ability. Was made smile throughout. From the people at the start with their costumes on like the guys dressed as clowns and the guy dressed as an airplane (to raise awareness of Top Gun!!), everyone out along the course with their signs, the two little boys along the road shouting “go faster”. The support along the way was absolutely brilliant. At one stage I thought about turning on my ipod when struggling but I don't think it would have helped as much as those shouting us on. Big thanks to those handing out the jellies which just distracted you from your pains for that little period. The cheers near the end were quite special. The people of Dublin did themselves proud today. Big thanks to the 4:15 pacers too. Not your fault that I didn't stick with you for the whole distance. In particular thanks to Marthastew, she never stopped talking or encouraging while I was near her anyway. So glad I didn't take you out in the first mile:D and best of luck in London.

    Was going to go to McGrattans to put some faces to usernames but my sister kindly came in to see me at the finish for which I was grateful. So I included here in my first step to recovery, a nice meal in TGI Friday's!!

    Hope everyone enjoyed the day and look forward to reading other reports. Apologies if mine is too long winded.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    4:16 had a great day enjoyed it all the more when I gaveup on the 4 hour pacers around mile 18. Hit the wall. The crowd were super!! Enjoy the evening all

  • Registered Users Posts: 228 ✭✭Walkedit

    Target 5:00
    Result 4:52 Amazing & Fantastic

    (that's what ended on runkeeper but my hands were numb at end so took maybe 2 mins to get it end, mayb)e 4:50, which would be neutral split! (is that what we say?). Either way I'm well chuffed, had a great day and an amazing result for me.)

    A special thanks to DeeDee who was my partner for 20 miles, we hit HM at 2:25 (3 mins better then my actual HM! two PB's in one day), couldn't have asked for better you kept me on track, great company/craic throughout, especially after HB hill which I was all mouth about, after that I would have slowed up without your HTFU. As you were then running with Claire you club buddy I hope it was OK that I pushed on once we got to the Stillorgan dualler, I got a second wind and decided to ride it home. I'm hoping you had a goodone over the last few miles.

    Also Shortie Chic & Fifi (Have a great trip to Canada) who made the start really good, the four of us all calmed each other down, last we saw of ye was just after hitting the park so I'm expecting ye got or bettered the 4:45 ye were after. Go the girls!

    And the 5 hr pacers we were just ahead or behind until the park when we opted to stay a few '00 yds ahead and didn't see ye after except on catch ups from loo stops. But knowing ye were there and that ye had our back was great.

    I kept going and felt I pushed the last few miles although it got progressively harder, When did Nassau st get sooo long!. Caoimhe who'd joined me to encourage me home for last 10m had the biggest struggle to keep/catch up, but ran herself into the ground to stay in touch, parting with remains of brekkie soon after the finish line, which we hit almost together.

    I also met a lovely lady Shannon on Shelbourne road and we ran two miles together pushing each other on until she slowed up and I went on again, but as I went up the green carpet she had caught up having run the last 1-2 miles with Caoimhe and we all finished together. Spoke to her briefly after and it was her first and she was delighted to get sub 5

    I'll try to make sense of everything afterwards but I felt that the training approach and advice paid off big time, not seen my splits yet but it seemed we rattled out 11.11 min miles from 2-26, and at the end, in the last 6 miles it was all passing folk who had clearly started out quicker then they could manage but were now walking - which we were repeatedly warned about. Doing it steady all through paid off. This time there was no wall. Thanks again Young Anne and all the Mentors ( Saw RayCun as we went around DeeDee knew him)

    Lastly there was the Dublin crowd and weren't they magnificent. So many people out giving their time to be out witnesses and offer their support. It would not be the same without them.

    Not sure actually that I'll have much more to say in a 'full race report' so this may be it!

    I went to McG's after but didn't see anyone except the Concern team so we wandered on. I guess we were too late or too tired, would l have loved to relive it a bit with DeeDee, Shortie & Fifi, pacers and to have met a few more but wasn't to be. TBH I was wasted so it would have been a short visit anyway.

    Hope everyone else is OK, it's great to see the reports rolling in. I guess the analysis starts now as we try to hold on to the experience, both our little community and our race and then will be time to think about what's next. I've already been asked will I be doing another one - HELL YEA. New challenges beckon 4:45, 4:30, 4:15 and maybe some day sub 4.

    Anyway I'm sitting here still wearing my race clothes - minus shoes + DCM 13 shirt (it's only massive), a long soak beckons
    Have a great evening and enjoy your success everyone, we're all heroes, we've all done it, we're all MARATHONERS

    Cheers for now

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 297 ✭✭Deedee2012

    Walkedit wrote: »
    Target 5:00
    Result 4:52 Amazing & Fantastic

    (that's what ended on runkeeper but my hands were numb at end so took maybe 2 mins to get it end, mayb)e 4:50, which would be neutral split! (is that what we say?). Either way I'm well chuffed, had a great day and an amazing result for me.)

    A special thanks to DeeDee who was my partner for 20 miles, we hit HM at 2:25 (3 mins better then my actual HM! two PB's in one day), couldn't have asked for better you kept me on track, great company/craic throughout, especially after HB hill which I was all mouth about, after that I would have slowed up without your HTFU. As you were then running with Claire you club buddy I hope it was OK that I pushed on once we got to the Stillorgan dualler, I got a second wind and decided to ride it home. I'm hoping you had a goodone over the last few miles.

    Also Shortie Chic & Fifi (Have a great trip to Canada) who made the start really good, the four of us all calmed each other down, last we saw of ye was just after hitting the park so I'm expecting ye got or bettered the 4:45 ye were after. Go the girls!

    And the 5 hr pacers we were just ahead or behind until the park when we opted to stay a few '00 yds ahead and didn't see ye after except on catch ups from loo stops. But knowing ye were there and that ye had our back was great.

    I kept going and felt I pushed the last few miles although it got progressively harder, When did Nassau st get sooo long!. Caoimhe who'd joined me to encourage me home for last 10m had the biggest struggle to keep/catch up, but ran herself into the ground to stay in touch, parting with remains of brekkie soon after the finish line, which we hit almost together.

    I also met a lovely lady Shannon on Shelbourne road and we ran two miles together pushing each other on until she slowed up and I went on again, but as I went up the green carpet she had caught up having run the last 1-2 miles with Caoimhe and we all finished together. Spoke to her briefly after and it was her first and she was delighted to get sub 5

    I'll try to make sense of everything afterwards but I felt that the training approach and advice paid off big time, not seen my splits yet but it seemed we rattled out 11.11 min miles from 2-26, and at the end, in the last 6 miles it was all passing folk who had clearly started out quicker then they could manage but were now walking - which we were repeatedly warned about. Doing it steady all through paid off. This time there was no wall. Thanks again Young Anne and all the Mentors ( Saw RayCun as we went around DeeDee knew him)

    Lastly there was the Dublin crowd and weren't they magnificent. So many people out giving their time to be out witnesses and offer their support. It would not be the same without them.

    Not sure actually that I'll have much more to say in a 'full race report' so this may be it!

    I went to McG's after but didn't see anyone except the Concern team so we wandered on. I guess we were too late or too tired, would l have loved to relive it a bit with DeeDee, Shortie & Fifi, pacers and to have met a few more but wasn't to be. TBH I was wasted so it would have been a short visit anyway.

    Hope everyone else is OK, it's great to see the reports rolling in. I guess the analysis starts now as we try to hold on to the experience, both our little community and our race and then will be time to think about what's next. I've already been asked will I be doing another one - HELL YEA. New challenges beckon 4:45, 4:30, 4:15 and maybe some day sub 4.

    Anyway I'm sitting here still wearing my race clothes - minus shoes + DCM 13 shirt (it's only massive), a long soak beckons
    Have a great evening and enjoy your success everyone, we're all heroes, we've all done it, we're all MARATHONERS

    Cheers for now

    Jaysus that's some report, I'm too tired to type, will give a full report tommorrow. Thank you for the 20 miles it was great fun, enjoyed it immensely which I'm sure I wouldn't have without the company. Did 4.56.06. My clubmate was having a big problem with her foot from UCD and walked a fair bit from there. Real pity cos her legs were strong. I stuck with her and slow jogged whenever she had to walk. We finished strongly. You played a blinder walkedit and deserved your great time. Heartbreak hill, what hill?

  • Registered Users Posts: 18 aoifo

    4hrs 32mins -delighted
    What an amazing experience, found the first 15miles went by so quickly was quiet cold thou, found the last 3miles were the hardest had to give myself a few mental talks to keep going, but all in all kept going and got in 4hrs 32. The crowd around dublin today were fantastic.
    Now for a well deserved beer :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 14 W_J_Happen

    Target: 4.15
    Result: 4.8.33

    What an amazing day! Can't believe it - I certainly didn't finish feeling never again more like bring on the next one so I can go sub four! Loved it! Never experienced the 'world of pain' I'd heard so much about (thank God!) I found the real physical pain came when I stopped running after the finish line but that didn't matter because by then I was a marathon runner!

    Spotted Younganne around the 12 mile mark - felt like I'd seen a celebrity!

    Bring on next year - see you all in the improves thread!

    From now on, whatever happens, we have run a marathon (an actual, real life marathon!!!!)


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 163 ✭✭Dr Gradus

    I just have to say it's largely to the credit of you lot that I was able to train correctly and efficiently in order to get across that line today!

    I was happy enough to just get through the damn thing, but to finish just under 4.30 was an added bonus!

    The support of the crowd was actually unbelievable, even at that absolute horror of a time I had heading up towards the RDS.

    Thrilled everyone so far seems happy with their time!


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 328 ✭✭Alanm

    Finished in 3:44, was on target for about 3:35 but really struggled over the last 10k or so. Absolutely delighted to have finished though and my only regret is that I tried to push myself a little too hard and in hindsight I should've gone with 3;45 pacers from the start! Little lad was a bit sick so couldn't get into the pub to meet anyone afterwards, hope there were nice pints had.

    Thanks a million to everyone on this thread over the last 4 months or so, you've all been brilliant! Congrats everybody.

  • Registered Users Posts: 140 ✭✭Teeley

    What a day!! It was a surreal experience being 1 of 14,300 people running the DCM! The crowds were kind with their words of encouragement, oranges and sweets.
    My (very basic) garmin gave up the ghost before the 2 mile mark and totally lost my pacing after that..didnt help the head!
    Finished in 3:55..thrilled with myself!

    Well done to us all! When and where to next??!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,042 ✭✭✭Runchick

    Target was 4.30, finished in 4.27, absolutely delighted but too knackered to write a race report just yet! Well done everyone, some amazing running done today :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 67 ✭✭niteowl1

    TARGET 3:59.59
    FINISH 3:50:38

    great day, crowd support was unreal. YEAH!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 198 ✭✭npresto

    Stuck with the 4hr pacers but found it quite crowded so ran in front of them. When we were on North Circular Road I looked back and the pacers were about 300m behind me. I was running at a nice pace but looking back now can see I ran too fast. The marathon only really began for me at the top of Roebuck Hill. I was getting dizzy spells I started to fade and the 4hr pacers caught up with me at 22 miles. I struggled but managed to stay with them until Nassau St and I hit the wall with 500m to go. I could see the finish line but was running like newborn Bambi. I got tunnel vision and I collapsed when I crossed the finish line and medics quickly got me to the medical tent. Tested my blood and took temperature and tried to get me moving. They asked me a **** load of questions. What day it was? What the date was? Who was the Prime Minister? They kept me there for over an hour.

    Big thanks to the medical team today and huge thanks to the fantastic support from the crowds.

    It was a horrible last 6 miles and right now I don't think I'll run a marathon again.

    Thanks a million to everyone on this thread over the last 4 months or so, you've all been brilliant! Congrats everybody.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭career_move

    3.57.49. Delighted. :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,184 ✭✭✭Gavlor

    npresto wrote: »
    Stuck with the 4hr pacers but found it quite crowded so ran in front of them. When we were on North Circular Road I looked back and the pacers were about 300m behind me. I was running at a nice pace but looking back now can see I ran too fast. The marathon only really began for me at the top of Roebuck Hill. I was getting dizzy spells I started to fade and the 4hr pacers caught up with me at 22 miles. I struggled but managed to stay with them until Nassau St and I hit the wall with 500m to go. I could see the finish line but was running like newborn Bambi. I got tunnel vision and I collapsed when I crossed the finish line and medics quickly got me to the medical tent. Tested my blood and took temperature and tried to get me moving. They asked me a **** load of questions. What day it was? What the date was? Who was the Prime Minister? They kept me there for over an hour.

    Big thanks to the medical team today and huge thanks to the fantastic support from the crowds.

    It was a horrible last 6 miles and right now I don't think I'll run a marathon again.

    Thanks a million to everyone on this thread over the last 4 months or so, you've all been brilliant! Congrats everybody.

    You will because you can ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,630 ✭✭✭folan

    i stopped to help a girl whos legs went from under her around 19 miles. anyone know her? it was near the icc? stayed with her as long as i thought i was useful.

    made my time, happy out.

    not planning on doing another

  • Registered Users Posts: 114 ✭✭Colostomy Bag

    Anyone know exactly what time the 4h30 pacers finished? I started the race with the 5hr pacers (not sure exactly how many minutes/seconds we crossed the start line behind the 4h30 pacers) but I never saw the 4hr30 pacers again until the last 5k of the race. Managed to catch up with them and finish about 15 seconds in front of them. I mistakenly thought this would give me a good few minutes ahead of the 4h30 chip time (seeing as I started well behind them) - I came in at 4h28m.

    On a separate note, I got the large long sleeve T-shirt at the end, it is way too small, more like a normal medium. I am determined to get an XL (after all that hard graft!) can anyone tell me how I should go about exchanging my L for an XL or even an XXL if they exist?

  • Registered Users Posts: 44 lrak

    I targeted 5 hrs and came home in 4.57, absolutely delighted! Great craic and commaraderie with the 5 hr pace group, big well done for a brilliant job. Well done to everyone who attempted, trained and finished today, your all amazing! Weren't the crowds super; didn't walk at all but really found the last 4 miles tough, but turning that corner onto College Green and around Trinity onto Nassau St to the Finish is something I will never forget. We did it!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 116 ✭✭Sara2002

    I wanted under 5 hours and came in at 04.56. Delighted. Really enjoyed it, the crowds were fab, so supportive. Delighted with how i paced myself, finished feelingstreet. I can see why they call it the friendly marathon. I'm joining a running club next so I can up my came for my next marathon. Paris in April :-)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 35 curr33

    Anyone know exactly what time the 4h30 pacers finished? I started the race with the 5hr pacers (not sure exactly how many minutes/seconds we crossed the start line behind the 4h30 pacers) but I never saw the 4hr30 pacers again until the last 5k of the race. Managed to catch up with them and finish about 15 seconds in front of them. I mistakenly thought this would give me a good few minutes ahead of the 4h30 chip time (seeing as I started well behind them) - I came in at 4h28m.

    On a separate note, I got the large long sleeve T-shirt at the end, it is way too small, more like a normal medium. I am determined to get an XL (after all that hard graft!) can anyone tell me how I should go about exchanging my L for an XL or even an XXL if they exist?

    If there is no official way to swap, I'll swap my extra large. that was all they had left when I got there. They don't seem to factor in that women are a bit smaller!
