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Does Loc8 work on Nuvi 265W?

  • 27-04-2012 7:53am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 498 ✭✭

    I tried unlocking my Nuvi 265W on the myloc8ion site, it detected the 265W but stayed "searching".
    Since i could not progress I assumed it's not supported, though myloc8ion say 2x5 devices are supported..
    Garmin say the 265WT is supported & will sell the activation for Loc8.
    They do not list the 265W.

    I updated the 265W to the latest SW, no difference.

    There was one post last year on this (in bargain alerts), the user had problems but did get it working.

    I asked on the myloc8ion site - no reply yet.
    I asked Garmin - no reply yet.

    265WT & 265W should be similar (except for traffic) so does anyone know if Lo8 is available & working on the nuvi 265W?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 475 ✭✭jspuds

    Yes, I have the same model and it works for me

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 498 ✭✭gerryo

    jspuds wrote: »
    Yes, I have the same model and it works for me
    Excellent news! Thanks for getting back.
    Guess I'll buy the unlock code from Garmin.

    From asking around, not many people are aware of this, it looks
    easier to use than co-ordinates.
