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The C&H relationshippy lovey dovey thread of love



  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 30,892 Mod ✭✭✭✭Insect Overlord

    Well, this did happen in the end.

    What, someone got away? And you were sitting at a bar talking about it?


    It's a bitch, but it'll sort itself out with time.

    Eventually, like.

    Long after the pain has numbed your cold, jaded soul, and hope is but a bitter ember smouldering dully in the corner of the dusty, cob-webbed hovel that is your cynical consciousness.


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,893 ✭✭✭Davidius

    All you need to do is realise that the pursuit of love is merely your primitive biology acting in a self-interested yet chaotic fashion. You must transcend such primitive urges and become a truly sentient agent who requires no companionship and whose pursuits are that of which no ordinary man can dream. Only then can you know what it is that separates man from his cousins on this world. You will become the next stage in human evolution, not biologically but metaphysically. Your eyes will see further than any man has known and it will be your own doing. There will be no giants' shoulders to stand on for there are no giants, only you and your state of mind. No longer a mere animal, bound to a simple cosmic existence by the carbon and hydrogen, you will be immortal. You will be the Alpha and the Omega. You will be the perfect being. You will be God.

    And chicks really dig the omnipotence thing so you'll definitely get laid.

  • Registered Users Posts: 695 ✭✭✭Banjo Fella

    All you need to do is realise that the pursuit of love is merely your primitive biology acting in a self-interested yet chaotic fashion.

    Hmm. I often wonder if the desire for relationships and romance is solely a biological, progenitive urge? Like, unless it's lying latent within me and I'm totally unaware of it, I have no compulsion towards having kids in the foreseeable future… for me, the main draw is the comfort associated with, y'know, hugging someone I like right in the emotions! Plus, it would make no sense for me to sometimes feel attracted to folks of my own gender if I was only in it for the gametes. There must be more going on!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,893 ✭✭✭Davidius

    Hmm. I often wonder if the desire for relationships and romance is solely a biological, progenitive urge? Like, unless it's lying latent within me and I'm totally unaware of it, I have no compulsion towards having kids in the foreseeable future… for me, the main draw is the comfort associated with, y'know, hugging someone I like right in the emotions! Plus, it would make no sense for me to sometimes feel attracted to folks of my own gender if I was only in it for the gametes. There must be more going on!
    This is the hand of chaos. Clearly you have begun to seed in the metaphysical plane, necessitating an interaction between your biology and the realm of the deistic. Biology is a bad programmer who can't fool-proof her code for shít so naturally the sex-drive acts rather unexpectedly with all these errors with buffer overflows and octal numbers. The interaction itself can be trivially modelled by using smooth manifolds and homeomorphic mappings that are restricted to the open sets where 'erections' are well-defined.

    The same-gender attraction is because your biology felt an analytical supercomputer was inefficient and near impossible in terms of resource usage so just has you humping random objects based on statistical tables. Fortunately for you (assumingly) she had the foresight to at least restrict it to other people. I'd say it might be a more complex interaction to do with gene preservation but she's not too bright. It might also be possible that you have not accepted Jesus.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,111 ✭✭✭Jesus Juice

    It's over rated. Maybe I'm just lazy but the thoughts of another relationship anytime soon, I get that "I don't wannnnnna go to school today!" feeling.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭Colm!

    I think I'm overdue a post here. Been meaning to do this for a while but I've been putting it off; right now I'm after a night out and I'm getting no sleep so I'll rant here.

    This whole relationships thing kind of scares me; not because I think I'll find nobody (matter-of-fact I think I might have that much already sorted) but because I feel like it's coming much easier to everyone else, and I have no clue where I'm going - when I do find someone, how am I ever going to meet any expectations? How am I going to stand a chance against anyone else?
    I've had some good chances in the past three years and a strange ability to **** them all up. Not purposefully, not in any bad intent, just sheer stupidity and not knowing what the hell to do with myself. What questions am I even meant to be asking? Where the hell do I need to be?
    I'm trying to stay hopeful, keep going and trying my hardest. Yet most nights out just feel the same. I spent a while tonight chatting up a girl to see her shifting someone she had seen two seconds prior in a nightclub. Fair enough, another wrong step taken, no harm or shame in it, but something just seems strange about how someone else can make better use of two seconds than I can of more time. Shifting strangers in nightclubs isn't exactly what I aspire to, but if I can't get that much right, it doesn't bode well for me. I haven't "gotten the shift" in a year and a half or more now. And I've been out a good bit.
    Something has caused me to think lately a lot more of this "love" thing. Somehow something has clicked that I'm a bit lonely and longing now; it's not fun. There's someone I guess I'd like to take some risks for; maybe I'll get it right. Yet I'm starting to lose confidence (eventually) and it's scaring me a bit.
    I'm done with nights out like this; all the pubs and nightclubs in West Cork are starting to get depressing. I love the kinda house-party scene I've been at for a few 18ths but going out like this in the state I'm in and the way I'm thinking is doing me no good.

    (I needed to vent.)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,498 ✭✭✭Jamie Starr

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 636 ✭✭✭anirishlad

    I guess this describes my love life anyway :(:pac:

    I dont know, pretty much everybody in my "circle of friends" has been in a relationship and I just dont get how they do it. I keep telling myself ill eventually get lucky but when you fail every single feckin time you start to lose confidence and start questioning yourself.

    Am I ugly? Am I boring? Am I a dick? Am I weird? Am I stupid? Am I nerdy? Am I so awkward that it puts people off? Am I too fussy?

    I guess i'll keep trying, I just wish things were more obvious.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,463 ✭✭✭Leftyflip


  • Registered Users Posts: 14,009 ✭✭✭✭wnolan1992

    Leftyflip wrote: »

    Sums up my life really. :(

    Any time I think there's even a remote possibility of a member of the opposite sex having the slightest bit of interest, that question circulates in my head on an infinite loop until, invariably, it becomes apparent that she was just being nice, or I totally miss the opportunity.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 818 ✭✭✭MauraTheThird

    Since becoming recently single, I've completely turned anti-relationship. I've always been a "fall in love, get married, have kids, live happily ever after" kind of person but I am now a bitter version of my former self.


    Two people in my class have reached the milestone of being ONE MONTH TOGETHER (everybody say N'awwwwwwwwwwwwwh). It's sweet and all, but I don't think I could deal with that sort of intensity again. They live in each other's pockets and it drives the rest of our class crazy to have to alter ourselves so they can sit beside each other in labs, tutorials and whatever else. I understand that whole feeling of being caught up in other's presence but now, it just pisses me off. As in, one of them (who i am friends with) started chatting me on FB about how happy he was etc etc and I literally logged off because the voice in my head was going " VOM VOM VOM ". It's cat really. I am happy for them but I dislike it being forced in my face all the time. GO AWAY WITH YOUR SMUGNESS >.<

    So, basically, happy to be alone but not happy to bask in other's loveydoveyness.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,089 ✭✭✭jefreywithonef

    Decent article on how evil couples are.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,321 ✭✭✭Jackobyte

    Have found myself genuinely making an effort with the opposite sex for the first time in years over the last few weeks. Just at a stage where I think I'm ready to actually try a relationship for the first time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 270 ✭✭Supermensch

    Folks, is there a way to present a girl with jewellery without 'leading her on'?

  • Registered Users Posts: 337 ✭✭Jacks Smirking Revenge

    Every girl I've ever gone out with has turned out to be a total Cunt so I'm disillusioned with "love" to say the least.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,590 ✭✭✭Pigwidgeon

    My boyfriend stayed with me the other night when I was so drunk I got sick all over me and him. Then kicked him off the couch we were sleeping and told him I couldn't kiss him because I had a boyfriend. He then sat on the floor beside me all night holding a sick bucket for me and making sure I was ok. This was all before he had to work an 18 hour shift. Now that's love.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,498 ✭✭✭Jamie Starr

    Pigwidgeon wrote: »
    My boyfriend stayed with me the other night when I was so drunk I got sick all over me and him. Then kicked him off the couch we were sleeping and told him I couldn't kiss him because I had a boyfriend. He then sat on the floor beside me all night holding a sick bucket for me and making sure I was ok. This was all before he had to work an 18 hour shift. Now that's love.

    Is it love? Or is it more a case of PURE GENIUS?! Possibly the best "Sure, I did this, but you DID THIS" moment just waiting for the next time he messes up. Unless he has a backlog of screw-ups that have been stricken from the record by your new one.


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,590 ✭✭✭Pigwidgeon

    He has a backlog of drunken mess nights so I'm still several up. Mwhahaha

    Although after 4 years I wouldn't expect any less from him tbh and he'd be the same I'd say.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,059 ✭✭✭Screaminmidget

    Folks, is there a way to present a girl with jewellery without 'leading her on'?

    Throw it at her.

  • Registered Users Posts: 270 ✭✭Supermensch

    Throw it at her.

    A la Joe Greene, Hey Kid, Catch!, or with venom? It's a bracelet, I could feasibly frisbee or, with practice, skip, it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭SChique00

    HAWHAW how apt for my situation right now - oh no wait, I'm not on my own! Tea loves me, tea makes me feel good about myself, tea's there for me when there's important sh!t to be done and doesn't distract me by whining about its emotional needs.
    My advice to any fellow singletons feeling down? DRINK TEA. It's the only partner you'll ever need. :cool:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 636 ✭✭✭anirishlad

    A summary of how every girl i chase goes:

    First 2 weeks-Awesome we can talk about anything :D
    Next 2 weeks-Things start getting stale, maybe meet up which usually goes great.
    Next 2 weeks- Things start slowly falling apart, excuses are made
    Final 2 weeks- Guess its time to try again with somebody else :/

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,850 ✭✭✭Indiego

    In my first 'proper' relationship atm.. as in, I actually see him regularly and I can be myself around him, and we've been together a month today, which probably doesnt seem like much but it means so much to me.. and had the most amazing day with him :') its nice to feel loved.. its been something I've been missing for a long time..

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,965 ✭✭✭SarahBeep!

    Indiego wrote: »
    In my first 'proper' relationship atm.. as in, I actually see him regularly and I can be myself around him, and we've been together a month today, which probably doesnt seem like much but it means so much to me.. and had the most amazing day with him :') its nice to feel loved.. its been something I've been missing for a long time..

    Oh you are so cute <3

    I was in college today because me and BF were meeting a friend for coffee (I'm off campus this semester, he's graduated so we'd never be there at the same time) and we ended up sitting at the same table that we sat at one year ago (give or take 3-4 days) where I decided I HAD to have him.

    It was awesome sitting together after a year when we now live together and are planning to immigrate together.

  • Registered Users Posts: 780 ✭✭✭cheesefiend

    It's days like this one [cold and wet], when despite myself all I want is a kiss, a cuddle, some hot chocolate and a good movie. Almostnever is coming over later, she has no idea what she's in for!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭Colm!

    So... I've somehow gone from half-hopeless to an incredibly awkward situation where I'm dealing with two girls who're interested in me.
    Which is annoying. I meet a girl in a club one night, try to keep in contact but it usually took her three days to reply to any text. Yet as soon as I say "yeah, that isn't going to work" and try to get with someone else, I check my phone and see "I heard about what you were up to last night :) who is she". Now first girl's telling me she only wants to be friends... while texting me constantly and a friend of mine telling me "No, she really likes you. Seriously."

    So now I've got mixed messages, choices to make and this weird sense of guilt.
    ...Kanye said it best: "This shit is fucking ridiculous"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 843 ✭✭✭Whatsernamex33

    I don't think I could be any happier if I tried. I love my boyfriend. His eyes are pretty. :) I love hugging him. :P

    And that's all I gotta say on the matter. :P

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭Precious flower

    Feel like I should have been born in the 1940's or something sometimes!:pac: I don't want to just be shifting some randomer in some pub or having one night stands with a complete stranger I want the whole romance thing is that too much to ask for?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,965 ✭✭✭SarahBeep!

    Feel like I should have been born in the 1940's or something sometimes!:pac: I don't want to just be shifting some randomer in some pub or having one night stands with a complete stranger I want the whole romance thing is that too much to ask for?

    Not in the slightest.

    I got part of my Christmas present from him on Friday.
    We drove down to his family home because they have loads of land and (long story short) they own a forest. We went right down the back and he showed me a 4ft Colorado Spruce tree he had planted.
    He said the first Christmas it's more than just the two of us I'll come out here and I'll cut this tree down and that can be our Christmas tree.
    He's older than me so he's a bit more serious about the future and stuff, it was nice.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 428 ✭✭Acciaccatura

    Colm! wrote: »
    So... I've somehow gone from half-hopeless to an incredibly awkward situation where I'm dealing with two girls who're interested in me.
    Which is annoying. I meet a girl in a club one night, try to keep in contact but it usually took her three days to reply to any text. Yet as soon as I say "yeah, that isn't going to work" and try to get with someone else, I check my phone and see "I heard about what you were up to last night :) who is she". Now first girl's telling me she only wants to be friends... while texting me constantly and a friend of mine telling me "No, she really likes you. Seriously."

    So now I've got mixed messages, choices to make and this weird sense of guilt.
    ...Kanye said it best: "This shit is fucking ridiculous"

    If an opinion without Y-chromosomes is worth anything, it sounds like the first girl likes you, but wants to get to know you better. If she really wasn't interested, she wouldn't be inquiring about "what you were up to", and texing you constantly. So I don't know, she probably just wants to take things slow and see how they play out. I may probably have completely interpreted this whole thing wrong, but us girls can be very cryptic :P
