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Couch to Boston - or Bust



  • Registered Users Posts: 277 ✭✭BenMicheal

    So with the 10 miler as part of the Dublin Marathon Series fast approaching my training this week has been gradually reduced with the eye on the big day! That said, as is my nature, I can’t sit still! After no run yesterday I had an idea to alleviate that today with a spot of cross training so to speak -a nice round of golf.

    After shaving a few shots off my lowest round (I only started playing 6 weeks ago so still hitting Cricket scores) I got home only to have an urge for a run. An urge that survived through dinner, so with nothing left to do I went on a run.

    Decided to do at least one length of the beach and when at the end decide the rest of my route. Running down I felt good. My goal was 3 miles and knowing this I wasn’t too concerned about pace, however midway through and after running up the first notable incline on the route, feeling good, I decided I wanted to run a few more. When I got to the end of the beach, I turned and proceeded through a more hilly section of the town. Relishing the hills I came to the steepest hill in the down and as I had a split second doubt about whether to run it or not the theme from Rocky (the one at the end after his fight) kicked in on the Ipod – I had to run it, and run it I did! When I got to the top I felt like doing a little boxing shuffle and raise my arms Rocky style (I didn’t).

    Got home and checked the GPS 3.45 mile in 29 minutes at 8.20 per mile. Good shift put in!

    Only concern though is that by about mile 3 the soles underneath the ball of my foot ‘heats up’ which is something I probably need to rectify before Saturday.

    In the mean time I plan to get some weight training punched in at the Gym tomorrow and rest till Saturdays race, so fingers crossed I’ve punched in enough hours on the beach just to get around and that old injuries don’t flare up.

    With all this in mind (or nerves) I’m gonna up my goal time to 1.45for the 10 Mile race :-/

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 788 ✭✭✭rasher_m

    BenMicheal wrote: »
    So with the 10 miler as part of the Dublin Marathon Series fast approaching my training this week has been gradually reduced with the eye on the big day! That said, as is my nature, I can’t sit still! After no run yesterday I had an idea to alleviate that today with a spot of cross training so to speak -a nice round of golf.

    After shaving a few shots off my lowest round (I only started playing 6 weeks ago so still hitting Cricket scores) I got home only to have an urge for a run. An urge that survived through dinner, so with nothing left to do I went on a run.

    Decided to do at least one length of the beach and when at the end decide the rest of my route. Running down I felt good. My goal was 3 miles and knowing this I wasn’t too concerned about pace, however midway through and after running up the first notable incline on the route, feeling good, I decided I wanted to run a few more. When I got to the end of the beach, I turned and proceeded through a more hilly section of the town. Relishing the hills I came to the steepest hill in the down and as I had a split second doubt about whether to run it or not the theme from Rocky (the one at the end after his fight) kicked in on the Ipod – I had to run it, and run it I did! When I got to the top I felt like doing a little boxing shuffle and raise my arms Rocky style (I didn’t).

    Got home and checked the GPS 3.45 mile in 29 minutes at 8.20 per mile. Good shift put in!

    Only concern though is that by about mile 3 the soles underneath the ball of my foot ‘heats up’ which is something I probably need to rectify before Saturday.

    In the mean time I plan to get some weight training punched in at the Gym tomorrow and rest till Saturdays race, so fingers crossed I’ve punched in enough hours on the beach just to get around and that old injuries don’t flare up.

    With all this in mind (or nerves) I’m gonna up my goal time to 1.45for the 10 Mile race :-/

    I was getting that problem with the soles as well. In my case buying a proper pair of socks done the trick. Its the sweat causing friction which is causing the heat/irritation and tenderness.
    Im not talking Aldi socks here, i got a pair in Lifestyle...cost 17 quid but worth every penny.

  • Registered Users Posts: 277 ✭✭BenMicheal

    So today was the next test on the road to Octobers marathon, and the first test since the injury problems of May & June - Frank Duffy 10 mile!

    From a general overview I thought the event itself was brilliant & thoroughly enjoyed it. It's when you start getting into distances like this that you really start to get proper feedback that will help you in the marathon - and today I learnt a lot!

    The start was all a rush, missed the first luas so ended up just catching the shuttle bus which dropped me at the start with 15 mins to go. After putting my bag in and having a quick stretch I just about made it to the very back of the pack as they began to jog upto the start. This left me the very last but 5 over the start line. That said It was irrelevant really as I was running my own race with finishing being my main aim & a time secondary! All was going well and I finished the first half in good condition and on top of my planned pace. As I kicked on through the second half my aim was to maintain a healthy pace. I picked out another runner who was running around the same speed as me and kept pace with him for about 2 miles (that said, he looked at me about 4 times with a progressively more worried look - so sorry if your reading). All was going well until o got to the hills! In a nut shell they murdered me!! I've read some stories about 'heartbreak hill' in the Boston Marathon, and while the hills today may not have been on that level, they broke me! What was worse was how deceiving they were particularly the second one. I stopped momentarily at the water table for a gulp and tried to start back up but felt like a toy with dying batteries. I eventually got back upto speed but couldn't find a rhythm. Mid way through mile 8 I had to stop and walk for 100 meters, trying to start running again I felt sore and started to walk again after 200 meters I started to run again and was determined to finish strong and once I turned onto the home straight I ended up nearly sprinting for the line (still tryna figure out where the legs for it came from) and got a shout out from the MC as I crossed the line! Today I finished the Frank Duffy 10 Mile in 1 hr 37mins.

    I was delighted to finish & content with the time. That said I learnt a lot today that will stand to me so that's a bonus.

    Firstly, I learnt and was able to gauge the sheer challenge that the marathon will be. My previous longest distance was 10k so a good portion was new territory for me and I felt strong.

    Second, The whole line from Ali that it's not won in the ring but in the gym and road away from the cameras rang through today. I half knew going into today I hadn't enough distance under my belt in training and that rang through today.

    Third, my ability to pace myself has come on in leaps and bounds and that aided me today.

    With the right attitude and right training I will be hitting the road hard for the Half Marathon - Bring it on!

  • Registered Users Posts: 277 ✭✭BenMicheal

    After sleeping like a log I awoke to dull pains at the back of my knees and decided to give a run today a miss. What I did though was book my place in the Half Marathon as I had not done so due to the constant presence of some injury or another.

    After the race and when I received my chip times I started to compare the 10 miler (time of 97.05) with the previous 10k (time of 49.54) I had completed using the MacMillan calculator. The first thing to stand out was the gulf in the times due to lack of training/injury. My 10km time of 49.54 would have rose to 58.04 according to the calculator – If I’m honest I was shocked.

    All this taken into account, and using the figures from the MacMillan calculator, I have set myself a mini-goal for the half marathon of achieving my goal time based on the 49.54 10k time – 1.51.15.

    Bearing in mind that the calculator predicts that based on yesterday’s result I should complete the half in 2.09.30 I have some work to do – Bring it on!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 277 ✭✭BenMicheal

    So with a rest day yesterday to recover from the 10 milerace, I ‘hit the ground running’ today and got what I planned to be a niceshort run in to get the legs moving again.

    I set out on my normal route running from my house to thetop of the beach and then running the length of it, as I turned to run back up Idecided to alter my plan and took the longer route home around the town. As I got to a cross roadsto turn for home I felt strong and decided to go the opposite way and try eekout a bit more distance. As I ran, rather than feeling the pinch I was enjoyingmyself and still feeling strong, started to look for more ways to add distanceonto my route. Eventually I decided to head home but on the way round I decidedto incorporate the steepest hill in the town in an attempt to simulate thehills at the 7-8 mile mark of Saturday’s race/half marathon route. Still feelingstrong I ran the hills at relative ease (if only it was the same last Saturday).I eventually got home after turning a light 2 mile jog into a 5 ½ mile tour ofthe town with mile splits of 9.13. Needless to say I didn’t set the worldalight and hope to bring that split time down over the next three weeks in linewith my statement of intent (see above) – but all in all a good shift.

    I also have decided to run to a training plan again now thatthe injuries seem to have cleared up so hopefully this will improve my allround running and smash my Half Marathon goal time! (That said, as I type heremy Achilles is starting to give me some grief so fingers crossed its an auldmagic sponge job and I’ll be grand!!)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 277 ✭✭BenMicheal

    Today was a rather disappointing session if I’m honest!

    After my last run (see above) my Achilles started to niggle at me the next morning. Since the Frank Duffy 10mile race I’ve decided that I have confidence in my previous injuries to start upping the mileage and so have reverted back to a proper Marathon training plan. Although trust my luck that on the first proper day of it my Achilles act up. With all this in mind my plan today was to run a light quick run and planned to log in 5k (rather than the 5 mile the plan suggests).

    I started off as around my usual route going from my house to the foot of the beach. As I turned onto the beach a very strong head wind was blowing and I kicked on through it. Soon though I started to feel the run in my legs and by the time I got close to my point for turning around and running back I had to stop. I looked at my GPS and found I was running 4.38min/Km at the start with this jumping up to 5.15min per/km during the 2 km stretch with the head wind. Take into account that the MacMillan calculator suggests that after my 10k race in April I should run 5km at splits of 4.48 never mind that with the Frank Duffy 10 miler data I should be running 5.36 splits I was far faster than this and really overcooked myself from the start.

    All told I was disappointed initially that I have a slight injury AGAIN! Then that I completely let pacing lapse on the run – Not concentrating AGAIN! As well as not being able to run 5k. I’m off to the American Football tomorrow so won’t be able to log a run which slightly adds to the disappointment as I’m eager to rectify it! Really disappointed.

    Anywho, ended up logging a disappointing run of 4.62k in 27.58mins with splits of 6.02 (including stopping and walking period) – Its all-academic really, the lessons to be learned are noted already 

  • Registered Users Posts: 277 ✭✭BenMicheal

    Since my last post I have been plagued with another injury – A badly sprained leg. While on the one hand it goes some way to explaining the problems I had in the post Frank Duffy 10 mile posts (The doctor said I most likely injured it during the race and it progressively got worse as I trained) on the other hand it’s starting to feel like I’m perpetually running into a brick wall.

    Nonetheless after two weeks out I finally got running tonight. I planned to get at 5 - 7 mile run logged and try get on track with my marathon training. After getting fed and watered away I went and kicked off going a different route than usual to add variety to my plan.
    After starting and getting into my stride I felt good and was really enjoying being out for the first time in a while. After running around the residential areas of the town I hit the familiar patch of the beach and as soon as I did got hit with the gale that the houses had sheltered me from. Winter I definitely on its way, but I loved running against strong wind. (Firstly it acts as good resistance training and secondly it gives you a boost when you see people running with the wind pass you knowing you’re working harder on your run).

    Everything was going well and the legs felt good, then I got to the top of the town and I had to stop.

    Basically, what happened is I out of nowhere erupted with coughs which I don’t know if they were caused by me losing my breath or a hart palpitation. After about 30 seconds to a minute I stopped coughing and got my breath back and aborted the run.
    I logged 3.5 miles, but was in no way happy definitely needed to be doing more if I’m to be prepped for the end of October. With the marathon in 47 days’ time and only logging a pitiful 3.5 miles I have a lot of work ahead of me.

    In the meantime I think Ill be visiting the doctors AGAIN in the morning!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,324 ✭✭✭JustAThought

    Bad Luck :(

    On reflection of your experiences to date; what advice would you give a new beginner ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 277 ✭✭BenMicheal

    Still on the recovery stretch, but manage to log a decent run today.

    Kicked off after lunch planning to log another 3.5 mile run, running at a steady pace I felt good. Kicking on through ended what I had guestimated was my first mile, checked the GPS to see I was running at a pace of 8.22. Feeling good in the legs I was happy, my plan was 9 minute miles and I was well exceeding it. The goal however was 3.5 miles to see where the ankle was at and not on the clock so I kept focus on my pace. While running my new route I eventually met up with familier ground and looked at the GPS still clocking a pace under 9 minutes (8.43) and with the ankle feeling great, I felt like a king. I persevered back to my house and clocked off the GPS after logging 3.22 miles. A light run by what I should be doing at this stage but injury taken into account definetly a positive day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 277 ✭✭BenMicheal

    Bad Luck :(

    On reflection of your experiences to date; what advice would you give a new beginner ?

    Well I suppose the very first rule everyone should learn isthat there are no shortcuts to success. The effort you put in on thebeach/paths/grass in the rain/snow/sun is the only thing that will stand toyou. I know this is very general and maybe not so much ground-breaking innature but if it’s the only thing you take on board while running you willsucceed no matter what.

    Outside of this I would definitely say the following:

    1. Get a proper set of runners - In other words go to aproper running shop and tell then you’re running goals etc. they will probablycheck your running style and make a recommendations for a runner. AVOIDChampion Sports or Lifestyle etc. as they are more aimed towards the fashionend and event he few running runners they sell they won’t be able to give theknowledge and advice of a specialist store. If you’re stuck go to elverys theysomewhat know what they are on about/do good deals but definitely go to arunning shop first.

    2. Get a GPS device - I use (free)RunKeeper app for Iphone,others use Garmin watches which can be argued are more accurate yet come at aprice.

    3. Get a training plan for your goal - I.e marathon plan fora marathon etc.

    4. Set up a training log on - will motivate you torun and log as well as being handy for charting progress.

    Once you have these three in place just follow the plan andwatch your progress and then maybe do the following.

    1. Familiarise yourself with the race calendar on the eventspage and try fit a few races in that match your training plan. Will get youused to race conditions etc.

    2. Book your place in a race far in advance; this will giveyou a short term goal to work towards en route to your long term goal (in mycase the marathon)

    After this I do the following but may not suit all:

    1. Go to the Gym as well as run - will give you a chance to strengthenyour body as a whole as well as focus on the legs and core which are veryimportant areas to focus on if you’re looking to improve your running.

    2. I take a glucosamine supplement & a vitamin thatcontains Selenium - both of which are important for joint care.

    3. For recovery from running/gym I incorporate Whey proteinshakes into my diet. In between I take cycles of creatine monohydrate.

    I think that’s pretty much it?

    If I can help in any way, or want clarification on anythinghere post it here and I'll try my best to clear it up. As i said this may notbe for everyone and is more an overview of what I do. One area I will befocusing on a lot more (and i might even chart it in my blog) is the dietaryaspect and its benefits in the run up to the marathon.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 277 ✭✭BenMicheal

    I’ve decided to properly test how well my injuries have healed and jump right back into my pre set marathon plan with six weeks remaining.

    This week my plan is as follows:
    Monday: Rest
    Tuesday: 42 minute interval training.
    Wednesday: 5 miles easy
    Thursday: 27 minute intense interval
    Friday: 6 miles easy
    Saturday: 3 miles easy
    Sunday 21 miles

    I aced Monday, having a lovely rest & Logged an hour in the gym.

    Today was the first day back properly running to a plan in a long time as previously I had been logging miles and testing where I was at with various injuries.

    Today the plan was to run intervals at 5 minutes at marathon pace (sub 4 hours) with two minutes at 10k pace (I used my Samsung 10km night run time) and kicked off wanting to put in a solid shift. I planned my route to take in the most hilly stretches of the town and ended up running 4 steep, yet short hills. The first hill came in the middle of the first mile, & needless to say I felt good. The second mile proved slightly more challenging as it occurred within my faster interval. I felt good and strong as I hit the halfway point of the run as I finished my third fast interval I began my ascent of the third hill and proved even more challenging but I have to admit looking back on it I relished the hills. I kicked on around the beach area and was feeling it a little by the time I got to the foot of the final and purposely steepest hill in the town – this would be a decent test – and I passed it. Delighted I pushed over the 42 minutes to log an extra half a mile to bring me over the 5 mile mark and ended up logging a total of 5.16 miles in 45.34 minutes at a mile split of 8.49.

    As a gluten for punishment after the run I logged an hour in the gym – Ill sleep tonight!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 277 ✭✭BenMicheal

    Today was a busy day. After being kept back in work a lot later than planned and having to grab a KFC for dinner the chances of getting a session in was looking bleak. However I was determined to log some miles and as soon as I got home I put the running gear on me straight away and hit the road.

    My plan for the night was to log 5 miles at an easy pace. As I was already exhausted and wanting to try them out before using them in a race situation I brought an energy gel with me. Although tierd I kicked off on my five mile adventure of sorts.

    On my run route I tried to plan to include a few hills and took the route that resulted in the biggest hill in the town being at the start of the route, this certainly woke the legs up and as I continued the run I decided to take obscure routes both adding variety to the run. I soon hit the 3 mile mark and decided to use the gel trying to get used to taking it while running (impossible at first) and I have to be honest I’ve tasted better things on my travels than the kinetica Cola gel. However gel down (eventually) I kicked on joining up with my regular route around the beach. About to turn for home, I decided to turn the screw and ran up towards the gym. When I reached it I jumped in and got 45 minute resistance training into the deal as well.

    Although 50-50 at first I’m still on track for my weekly plan. That said I’m exhausted and dreading work tomorrow.
    Totalled 5.09 miles in 46.54 with 9.13 mile average, Tomorrow I have a short interval session planned – provided my body doesn’t pack in :-p

  • Registered Users Posts: 277 ✭✭BenMicheal

    In a bid to keep myself honest, I’m posting to note that due to work commitments I was unable to get a run in today so have foregone the short interval that I had planned. Although very disappointed, it could be for the best as my body has been in agony all day and with the plan do my longest run ever on Sunday a bit of rest might be the trick.

    Tomorrows 6 mile run is most definitely on the cards tho! Rain hail or shine I’ll be logging miles!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 277 ✭✭BenMicheal

    So true to form I, after finishing work at 9pm and very nearly giving in and staying on the couch, got out and logged a run.

    I’ve tweeked my plan slightly for the week as well as dropping the planned 27 minute interval session I have decided to drop the 6 mile easy run also and in doing so move my 21mile run to tomorrow. What this meant was that tonight was a 3 mile easy run.

    So reluctantly I got off the couch and hit the road. One started however I felt good and kicked on. I knew the route so I knew a lap of the town would be about three miles and without having to worry about pace I was just focusing on running. As I reached the end I felt like I had a lot of juice in the legs and could go on for over, but had to think about tomorrow.

    I ended up logging 3.09 miles in 27 min 27 seconds at a pace of 8.53 min/per mile.

  • Registered Users Posts: 277 ✭✭BenMicheal

    So after watching the Singapore GP and the All Ireland I decided that the time had finally come to get my long run in. My plan was to do two lengths of the beach followed by two laps of the town with laps of the various sports pitches I came across along the way. My plan goal was to hit 21 miles, although realistically I aimed to hit 15 miles doing so at a pace of 10.30-11.00 minutes
    I started off and did the two lengths of the beach at relative ease before hitting the first pitch on my route. My plan was to do ten laps and continue on with the lap of the town. By lap eight of the pitch I felt strong and decided to keep running with the aim of tiering myself out more before I took on the steepest hill in the town. I had yet to check my progress but continued on as I felt strong attacked the hill and continued on around the town. I took a brief break to take on an energy gel (Kinetica Berry – Rotten taste) and continued on. I was starting to feel it, but felt strong considering I must have been running well over 90 minutes at this stage. I continued again up the steep hill but once I reached the top I felt spent. Finally I checked my progress 12.1 miles. Exhausted I threw in the towel and ran for home adding an extra mile finishing 13.21 miles at a pace of 10.11 min/mile.
    A lot faster than planned but a good bench mark for where I’m at and what I have to do in the next five weeks. That said, as soon as I got home and stretched I felt as if I had enough energy to run another 13.2!
