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Due January 2013!!!



  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Thanks Nicky987. I had bleeding throughout my whole pregnancy on my first. Luckily i had a load of fetal movements in the bed before i even went to the bathroom and saw the blood yesterday so i knew Babs was happy in there, i had no pains or tightenings so i wasnt too bad. On my first though at the start i used to be a nervous wreck when i saw blood. If it was a lot of blood i prob would of been up the walls till i got out there.

    Think i will ask for a scan at my apt in two weeks seems they only did a trace yesterday.

    How is everybody feeling? Mon 12 weeks is christmas eve then roll on Jan! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 190 ✭✭petalgumdrops

    Have been busy catching up on whats been going on as i havent been on.. had issues with internet and was generally very busy over the past few weeks... So sorry to hear that Thumby and Princessa have been unwell... Hope yas are both doing better now..

    Princessa - how are u managing now with the SPD? has the pain eased at all - r u still on the crutches?

    Well we had our 20-22 week scan a couple of weeks back- they changed my dates :( only by a couple of days so im now due the 12th of January :) Also found out wer gonna have another little Girl.. so excited..

    im 26 weeks now and still no sign at all of a bump... I had the same on my first baby can feel lots of movement but just dont look pregnant at all.. as im quite petite i thought id be showing 2nd time round by now! hows everyone else feeling? how many visits to the hospital have yas had.. i have my 2nd visit now on the 8th.. had first at 12-13 weeks. then scan at 22 and now 2nd visit nxt week.. :)

    I must say i feel fantastic tho.. not one ache or pain.. I must have very uneventful pregnancies :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Congratualtions on the little girl petalgumdrops you must be delighted, and your daughter will be too to have a little sister to play dollies with etc.

    I must say i do have a bump now but everybody is telling me i am literally just a ball and im really low. Popped into town yesterday with the little one and 4 people stopped me and were like "Oh you are all bump", "Oh be careful now you are very low already". Im sure you will wake up in a week or two and bump will just be there. That happened me on my first.

    Thats fantastic that you are having an uneventful pregnancy. Yeah i still have the crutches for the SPD but i know my limit i can manage to get around without them for short sloooow distances ha ha. The physio excercises really do work because i am def not as sore as i was a few weeks ago and i was smaller then. Gp just worried that when baby gets to 5, 6, 7 lbs that i might be set back a bit by the weight in my pelvis but i am determined to keep going and keep pottering about.

    What a misreable day out!! I asked my little girl, "What are we going to do today its raining out and Daddy has to go to work?" To which she replies "I dont know Mum but we better put an umberella over our heads". Ha arent they just brilliant!

    My daughter is dead set that we are having a girl and that her name is going to be Isabelle. We have Éabha (Ava) for a girl though and we are both pretty set on that and we havent really finalised a boys name. Thinking that baby will be bringing a dolly called Isabelle when its born as a pressie, who know if it is a girl we might look at bubs and love the name Isabelle. Its just mad to us how set she is on it. No idea where it came from either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 gravid

    Hi everyone!

    Havent been here in a while... Hope everyone is doing well. Im feeling good, BP is good and I feel plenty of movement, but since the last visit to my GP, he got me a little worried about the fact that the baby is breech... He did say, and I have read, that there is a good chance that she (yup, having a girl!) can turn at any time, but I find myself thinking about it the whole time now. Have googled exercises that are supposed to help the baby turn so might start doing them too.

    hope everyone feeling good!

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    There is some load of little girls going to be born this Jan, lots of ye seem to be saying ye are having little ladies :D.

    I wouldnt worry about the breech position Gravid. Babies do so much moving about they can turn at any stage. When i did my materninty placement in hospital a woman was in for an elective section for breech position and baby was head down ready to go. Had to give her tea and toast and send her home with no baby in her arms to wait for natural labour. I know its hard but try not to think about it, i was told my placenta is below the baby and they will re scan me at 34 weeks and im trying to push it to the back of my mind until then. I just keep thinking that theres no point in worrying about stuff like that till the mid 30 week stages. :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 33 gravid

    Thanks for reassurance Princessa! I know, no point in worrying at this stage.

    Yea, there seems to be a majority of us having girls! My husband was initially a bit disappointed, but is coming around to it now (although he is already worrying about the sex of our possible subsequent children!! ;-) )

  • Registered Users Posts: 190 ✭✭petalgumdrops

    haha Princessa your little girl sounds gas.. They are so funny.. My little one is starting to take her first steps - shes all go and gets funnier by the day... she makes me laugh so much..

    I hardly showed on my first - when i went in to have her at 6 days overa few midwives thought i was about 4 or 5 months pregnant. with a jumper or loose top you would never guess.. This time its the same... I suppose i should be glad but i think its nice to have a bump - reminds the Hubby that i actually am pregnant and to help out hahaha...

    So glad that the physio seems to be working for ya - or at least giving you some relief. Isabella is a lovely name as is Eabha.. I have no idea what im gonna call my lil one.. I like sophie, Amy and Katie.. although i change my mind that much!

    Congrats on the little girl Gravid - im having a lil girl too :) What date are u due?

    Maybe we could make a list of due dates and hospitals that we can update as time goes by (and as babies are born).. alot of the other due threads have them.. Maybe people could PM me their due date and Hospital and ill make the list???

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Yeah she is gas, the things she comes out with are brilliant. She was looking at pictures with me earlier, and she turned and told me, "Mammy you didnt have a big fat belly there" Ha ha. They are brilliant. I am soooooo excited about this baby as i get so much joy from my daughter, i cant imagine having double the joy.. I know i will have double the work, half the sleep, quarter of the money ha ha but its all worth it. i just love it.

    Yeah i am a bit sore but i am managing so i cant really complain.

    Thats a good idea petalgumdrops. I will PM you.

    Gravid he is worrying that he wont get his little boy out of you as this one is a girl is all :rolleyes: Men huh? :D He he maybe you will be back on the pregnancy forum next year too if the OH wants a lil man :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Morning ladies,

    I'm delighted everyone is feeling so well atm, by jaysus the amount of little girls due in jan. (who knows I might even end up with another one, i have a sneaky suspicion i'm carrying a girl again)
    @Princessa I'm delighted your SPD is behaving itself a bit more. As for the bleeding don't worry yourself too much about it, easier said than done i know) just try and rest up as much as you can, i had it on my other 3 pregnancies, all unexplained and all perfectly safe as the kiddies were all born healthy and pretty for 3 early deliveries (8lb2 a month premmie, 7lb9 2 weeks early and 6lb12 2 weeks early my last was a girl so she took after me size wise lol).
    Unfortunately it looks like the cholestasis is back, i've to get retested again. I'm not due back for my 3rd visit until the 12th of this month but I ended up on the phone to the emergency dept in the Coombe at 2am crying down the phone I was in tht much pain from the itching, i've actually managed to bruise myself last night as well as make my legs bleed again. They wanted me to go straight up on the spot but when I said I couldn't they told me to go in this morning, but i haven't as i just have do much to sort out childcare wise and my oh is the same. It's not the easiest of things to drop everything and get 6 kids looked after at 2am so i'm going to leave it for today and if it kicks off again tonight as bad as last night will go up first thing in the morning. Although to be perfectly honest i'd say i'll be going in the morning as the itching has calmed down but is still driving me insane, up till now i've usually been able to get throughout he day with only a mild bout of it here and there but right now i just want to take a saw to my legs.
    Rant over, so sorry girls but i'm just going out of my mind with this atm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    THUMBY: were your symptoms this bad the last time so soon on in your pregnancy? I think you will be having your baby before all of us will. Id say you be lucky to get to 32/33 weeks and they will want to take baby out if you have it this bad already. I really feel for you.

    Yeah i am not too worried, i am having plenty of kicks and movements and i had it on my first and the bleeding was heavier on her and she is perfect. Il watch out for it and call out if its heavy or if i have contraction like pains but it wont come to that, i feel good.

    Yeah its not the easiest task when there is kiddies involved to just run out of the house, even if you are admitted to hospital for a few days you have a lot more to think of when you have kid(s) at home. And you have the brady bunch to think of between ye :D.

    I hope its not too bad for you today, you poor thing. Hope you get your little girl too, whens your scan?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Princessa wrote: »
    THUMBY: were your symptoms this bad the last time so soon on in your pregnancy? I think you will be having your baby before all of us will. Id say you be lucky to get to 32/33 weeks and they will want to take baby out if you have it this bad already. I really feel for you.

    Yeah i am not too worried, i am having plenty of kicks and movements and i had it on my first and the bleeding was heavier on her and she is perfect. Il watch out for it and call out if its heavy or if i have contraction like pains but it wont come to that, i feel good.

    Yeah its not the easiest task when there is kiddies involved to just run out of the house, even if you are admitted to hospital for a few days you have a lot more to think of when you have kid(s) at home. And you have the brady bunch to think of between ye :D.

    I hope its not too bad for you today, you poor thing. Hope you get your little girl too, whens your scan?

    Lol @Brady Bunch, maybe we should switch from Lilly to Jan or Marsha :D
    I was no where near this bad untill about 30 odd weeks on Kacie, It had only begun to itch around now on her. My entire body is as itch as a, well I won;'t say what i'd compare it to as it's disgusting lol but i just want to scream with it. I'm pretty sure i've knocked at least fifty quid off my airtricity bill with the amount of cold showers i'm having instead of hot. I really don't know if i can hang until tomorrow morning to go in either, i've never been this itchy during the day. I have my poor kids driven demented as well as the poor things had to help me scratch cause i just can't reach everywhere at once. I'm trying to use housework as a distraction but the constant movement is making it worse and as you know yourself, with little ones in the house you can't stop doing the everyday things just because of a pregnancy condition.
    I don't mind an early induction as it far outweighs the risks of going full term but the thoughts of havin the babs so early frightens the f*ck out of me, more so for the risks associated with delivering so early. But if this just keeps getting worse there's not alot I won't agree to, as i Know the higher my levels of bile salts the more risk posed for the babs. I just want to go sit in the freezin cold river five mins away from my house for the day. I can't but still I want to lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Thumby, so sorry to hear things have flared up again.... So frustrating I bet!!! Maybe try and visit the Combe at some point soon to see what else can be done, I know it must be so hard.

    So I turned 23 weeks yest by the new dates.... So frustrating cos should be 24!!! Ah we'll never mind. Have dr on Wednesday so looking forward to hearing the heartbeat again for reassurance.

    Thinking of having a 3d scan in a few weeks, any comments on same??

    I'm looking to fly just to uk at 29 weeks, providing dr will give me the all clear to fly there shouldn't be any problems should there??? Mums booked a ferry over to bring lots of stuff for me but she's travelling alone so thought I could keep her company on the journey???

  • Registered Users Posts: 190 ✭✭petalgumdrops

    **** JANUARY 2013 LIST *****

    Petalgumdrops EDD 12/01/2013 Holles street

    Princessa EDD 01/01/2013 Waterford

    Nicky987 EDD 27/01/2013 Rotunda

    Missie aggie 06/01/2013 homebirth

    Will add more as they are pmd to me :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 190 ✭✭petalgumdrops

    Sorry to hear ur so bad Thumby - i hope you are getting some relief.. I wouldnt like to have to deal with that...

    Hope everyone is feeling well.. Has anyone bought any bits and pieces yet? i havent done a thing.. I have most stuff from my first little girl but will buy some new babygrows and blankets etc... Do yas think i should get a new mattress for the baby crib?

    @ Nicky there should be no reason why ya wouldnt be able to fly.. I went to Italy last summer at 28 weeks and I had no problems what so ever.. ya will enjoy the break. I didnt get a 3D scan done on my last baby but im thinking of getting one this time... When would be the best time to get it done? im 26 weeks now :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Well ladies, looks like i'm off to the coombe once i have the school runs done. Had another **** night last night. Excuse the language but i'm just beyond exhausted atm and cranky as hell to boot, can't even have my morning coffee which is never a good thing :-(

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Ah that's no good Thumby, get well soon

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Thanks tigerton. Ah it will be the same as last week, they'll draw bloods and ring me later today with the results. At least this time i'm prepared and have the kids sorted if i need to be admitted. I just want this damn itching to calm back down to a tolerable level again.
    Anyhow enough poor me. How is ye doing today?

  • Registered Users Posts: 116 ✭✭missis aggie

    I feel for you Thumby.. I had eye infection last week and it was really irritating so I can't even imagine how you feel :( hope you get better soon :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Well no results back before the perinatal unit closed for the so i'm stuck waiting till tomorrow to find out what's going on. I'm so glad i didn't hang around the fecking place waiting like they had asked/expected me to. Thank god for my stubborn streak lol.
    So how is everyone else today?

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    I know its scary the thought of going that early, but honestly with the advances in medicine and science there are plenty of babies born premature and they grow up with no complications and are perfectly happy and healthy if it does come to that.

    What will they do if your levels are higher Thumby?

    Thanks for making up the list petalgumdrops, we can peak at it now and now when everybody is due.

    How is everybody feeling? Ive been feeling quite good the last few days i must say. Bit tired by the time it gets to the night time but sure thats to be expected.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 190 ✭✭petalgumdrops

    Sorry to hear ur unwell Thumby :( Hopefully u will get good results 2moro..

    Felling grand princessa - have a bit of a flu so thats my only problem.. Hopefully it doesnt last too long as my wee girl has it too.. I have next hospital visit on monday.. Cant wait :) !2 weeks today is xmas.. The time is gonna fly for us :) must start picking up some things :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 gravid

    Ah Thumby hopefully you get the news you want tomoro and that they can do something for you.

    We got a travel system the other day... Was a sale on the Baby elegance Ego as it is going out of production (being replaced by a newer model). Put it together yesterday and we are fairly happy with it. Got a good few old baby clothes that me and my siblings wore all those years ago! They are still in very good nick and we can be sure of any chemicals being washed out at this stage! ;-)
    Still need to buy crib, nursing table etc. so planning a trip to IKEA for all that soon!

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Having a crap day.

    Went for my check up in Rotunda only for my blood pressure to be up so high they have decided to keep me in. It's been high before but went back down and is now higher than ever. So I'm in here for the night.

    (Would much rather be st home with my cats and my OH :()

  • Registered Users Posts: 190 ✭✭petalgumdrops

    Aw Tigerton thats terrible.. what date are u due? What are they doing with ya? Did they give u the blood pressure tablets? Hopefully it will go back down over night and u will be home tomorrow

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Due 2 jan. they're just monitoring my blood pressure for the moment to decide if I need medication. So just getting it checked every few hours. Fingers crossed I can go home tomorrow.

    I will say I'm getting a taste of things to come cos I'm on a prenatal ward. Three women in labour here before they go to delivery suite. We are in for a very fun time by the sounds of it ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Thumby, sorry you had another bad night hope you got the results you wanted today. What can they do if they are high again??

    Ahhh tigerton how annoying!! Hopefully you just need a rest and your gp will resolve!! Hope you manage to get some sleep tonight and get free tomo!!

    I had my gp check up today, all ok and heard the bubs heartbeat so happy days.

    Met up withy ethe girls today and a spot of lunch which was nice but boy am I tired today and my feet are in agony.... So soar!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Hope you got good results today THUMBY.

    Awwwwh poor you Tigerton. Id be frightened to check my blood pressure now, been stressed off my head all day and in tears, i can even feel myself being snappy with my little princess which isnt fair but im just stressed and upset. I hope that it comes down asap for you. Is there anything in your urine are they worried about the dreaded pre-eclampsia?

    NICKY987 feet up for the evening, bit of tele and a cuppa for you. :D

    Gravid - I love love love Ikea!!! They have really cute baby bits up there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19 Sleeping Beauty

    Thumby, poor you, hope it all works out for you.

    Is anyone else hoovering the food down? I just eat and eat :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Oh thank God sleepingbeauty. Me too. The OH actually comments on it quite a lot (seems a lot to me, he dont think he does it that often but he does). Maybe i should came down a bit. 13 weeks to go. Il be the size of a house...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Thanks guys. It's more frustrating / boring than anything being kept in so far. (The frustration prob isn't helping with the blood pressure). My BP has always been slightly raised so my gp had warned me that it may act up during pregnancy.
    They have been lovely in here though and assured me that babs is doing fine!

    I'm the same the the eating. I'm a food Hoover!
