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Due January 2013!!!



  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Meshel and Nicky987 ye could be meeting in the post natal ward if ye both go on time. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Did a bit of shopping today can check a few things off the list.

    Moses basket mattress
    10 pairs of newborn socks
    4 hats
    A nappy bag (Reduced to 10e thrilled)
    4 blankets (2 cellular, 1 fleece, 1 fancy one)

    :D Happy now for the night that i got a few more bits in. Then i will get stressed again in another few days about all the other bits i still have to do/get :D.

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Meshel- may see you on the other side with our bubs!

    Princessa sorry about physio but maybe its just for a review as yoir changing physios.

    Ahh i love gettin bits, very exciting! Where did ya get the hats from??

    So i feel bubs moving mainly evening and mornings but dont think OH can yet but im not the skinnest of people before pregnancy so maybe that will effect it?

    Hows everyone?

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Nicky987 wrote: »
    Meshel- may see you on the other side with our bubs!

    Princessa sorry about physio but maybe its just for a review as yoir changing physios.

    Ahh i love gettin bits, very exciting! Where did ya get the hats from??

    So i feel bubs moving mainly evening and mornings but dont think OH can yet but im not the skinnest of people before pregnancy so maybe that will effect it?

    Hows everyone?

    Yeah my physio had said she was going out to the community for 12 weeks and she would show my case to her supervisior to allow the supervisior make a decision if another phsyio should take over my case. She suggested that aslong as i kept doing the excercises and what id been taught that she suspected i wouldnt need to come back in and out to another physio. She gave me her mobile number and told me to ring her if i get too sore or my mobility decreases once the baby gets bigger and i have more weight and pressure in the pelvis. My case wasnt being discharged. So maybe they just want to see how im coping as i havent had physio in over a week and my apt isnt until next week. I dunno we will see. Im really sore today.

    I got the hats in Dunnes is all. They are just plain white, one size but they look like they will fit a newborn and for a good few weeks after that.

    Im exactly the same, morning, evening and into the night baby is moving and kicking about. Rests away during the day :D:D.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19 Sleeping Beauty

    Glad I'm not the only one eating all the food that's not glued to the surfaces! But seriously, after I've eaten all the protein/calcium/vitamins, etc... you know the list, it's well over the normal amount and what about the treats? I HAVE to have my treats! And I have them :) daily :)
    And doesn't it just drive you mad when people say that it's ok as you eat for two :mad: which to me means 1) I know i DON'T need to eat for two as baby's only 2 pounds or so, thus 2) they admit I eat too much :mad:

    Browsing charm bracelet websites here as fancy smth little and nice. What do you think? Thomas Sabo? Links?

    How do I add myself to the list?
    Sleeping Beauty EDD 06/01/2013 Holles

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  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    That's great Princessa - I'd be pleased to get that much off my list! 10e for a nappy bag is a bargain too!

    I think I'm gonna go shopping for my buggy / travel system tomorrow. Will feel a bit better when we have that!

    Went to the cinema this evening and baby kicked all the way through the film. Though every time I tried to show my OH and put his hand on my bump, babs would stop kicking. It's already a bold child :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    How do I add myself to the list?
    Sleeping Beauty EDD 06/01/2013 Holles
    Tigerton wrote: »
    Went to the cinema this evening and baby kicked all the way through the film. Though every time I tried to show my OH and put his hand on my bump, babs would stop kicking. It's already a bold child :D

    Send petalgumdrops an ole Pm sleeping beauty, she is keeping track of the list and she will slot you in up near the top seems you are due the 6th.

    Ha ha ha that always happens me too Tigerton, im like feel feel baby is going mad... then nothing. :D I was put on the trace when i was out in hospital last week and the baby actually moved so much it moved the trace and the heartbeat went missing off the screen. Touch me not i think... :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 gravid

    Tigerton, its the exact same here! My OH hasn't been able to feel any kicks yet as she calms down every time he puts his hand on my belly!

    I got loads of baby stuff in IKEA the other day... Cot, mattress, bumper pad, sheets, mattress protector, changing mat and covers, baby bath, sleeping bag, and probably few more bits... All for under €200

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Thats fantastic Gravid, still have to pick up a few of those things you mentioned. Any excuse to drag the OH back up to Ikea, i just love it there... :D

    Ladies i feel like i have just popped. I literally woke up yesterday and my bump has like doubled in size. Really sore back. Sitting her with a heat pack on it now. Think il go to bed soon and try get some sleep..

  • Registered Users Posts: 78 ✭✭Meshel

    Nicky987 wrote: »
    Meshel- may see you on the other side with our bubs!

    Princessa sorry about physio but maybe its just for a review as yoir changing physios.

    Ahh i love gettin bits, very exciting! Where did ya get the hats from??

    So i feel bubs moving mainly evening and mornings but dont think OH can yet but im not the skinnest of people before pregnancy so maybe that will effect it?

    Hows everyone?
    God yeah, got few more outfits over the weekend but just can't find really nice newborn babygros. Tesco's ones were just real boring. Might head into next on thur for a browse they have some lovely stuff on the web.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Meshel Marks and Sparks have some cute ones with nice colours. Slightly dearer than some (I think about 16 euro for 3 sleep suits) but very cute.

    Ordered our buggy / travel system the other day. Went for the baby elegance. So glad to be getting a few more bits off the list.

    My blood pressure was more or less normal at the GP today so back to work for two days then have to get it checked again. I'm praying it stays normal cos my doc hinted that I may get signed off until I'm due other wise. I'm not one to turn down 12 weeks rest but I think il go crazy at home on "bed rest" for that long.

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Think low and be as stress free as possible Tigerton. Thats great that you are checking a few things off the list.

    We are too finally thank god. The OH's sister said that she ordered us a bath today so thats another tick i can put on the list thrilled. Think i have enough neutral blankets, towels, baby grows, vests, hats, scratch mittens, socks, bottles and dummies (im breastfeeding for awhile so wont need them for awhile anyways).

    Still have a good few bits to get like the pram carrycot, mattress, changing mat, all the nappies, vasoline, cotton balls etc, nursing pillow, snowsuit etc etc. Still have to do all the big things like paint and sort out the baby room but im finally seeing ticks on my list.

    Ladies i am 28 weeks as of 12 midnight. Final trimester, so over the next month we will all be heading into the final hurdle of our pregnancies... ALREADY!! :eek::eek::eek:

    My mum is home at the end of the month for a visit so i am going to get her some white wool and she can get the crochet needle out. Shes amazing so im going to try pick up her skill. She passed on her apple tart making skill to my sister so im going to try take up the crochet. I feel so old! ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    JANUARY 2013 LIST *****

    Princessa EDD 01/01/2013 Waterford

    Tigerton EDD 02/01/2013

    Plahc EDD 05/01/2013 CUMH

    Missie aggie EDD 06/01/2013 homebirth

    Petalgumdrops EDD 12/01/2013 Holles street

    Nicky987 EDD 27/01/2013 Rotunda

    Meshel EDD 28/01/2013 Rotunda

    Nicky30 EDD 28/01/2013 Limerick

    Thumby EDD Induction January

    Is that everybody ladies? Sorry petalgumdrops just said id add Meshel in for you.****

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Tigerton- glad your bp is getting better, hopefully will stay good once you get back into usual routine.

    Princessa it's great getting things ticked off isn't it??

    How's everyone else getting on??

    I've had a busy week or two with work so nice to have a day off today!!! Working the weekend again but looking forward to having next weekend off- feel like me And my OH are like ships in the night so looking forward to spending some quality time with him soon!!

    So I wrote outa list today off all the bits we have and now trying to make a list of all the things we still need!!!

    Where is a good place to get Moses mattress and crib mattress?? My sisters are lending me the Moses and crib but you are advise to get a new mattress- is this right???

    Still can't decide on the cot bed.... Any suggestions???

  • Registered Users Posts: 26 jlacey

    why not the Rotunda? i heard they were good

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Jlacey I'm attending the rotunda and so far haven't had any problems with them

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Well hello ladies. How be everyone? :-) all good i hope.

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Hey ladies, how are ye keeping?

    Oh its such a good feeling saying tick, tick, tick. My mum is home at the end of this month so she said we will pop into town and get the bits i need for my hospital bag so im hoping in three weeks or so i will have all my bits for the hospital bag.

    Still need to get sheets for the baby, i went through loads of them on my little girl as she was forever spitting up. Ive heard though that pillow cases are great for the moses basket. Never tried them....

    Hows the itch Thumby?

    Nicky 987 i only know places in Waterford if you are down this neck of the woods. I got my moses basket mattress for 12e so i wouldnt say they are much dearer than that elsewhere, cot mattresses seem to vary from 35-65e. Yeah its recommended to get a new mattress.I am using the moses basket from my little girl, i gave it to the OH sister last year for her little man so its had a bit of use so just got a new mattress and il give it a wash to freshen it up a few weeks before the due date.

    Its great when you can get bits and bobs off others, the OH sister is giving us a lovely vibrating bouncer and a swing. My sister has loads of hats and mittens and bits like that for us. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Aww i'd say you can't wait to see her princessa.
    The itch is tolerable, no more mentally destabilising attacks thankfully!
    Have a hospital app this morning so i'm hoping that i'll get a scan today as well and possibley find out the sex. Fingers crossed (or legs uncrossed as the case may be) :-D sure if not i have my anomaly scan next week. But still i want to know today *stamps foot like a spoilt brat*
    Anyhow have a great friday girlies.

  • Registered Users Posts: 190 ✭✭petalgumdrops

    JANUARY 2013 LIST *****

    Princessa EDD 01/01/2013 Waterford

    Tigerton EDD 02/01/2013

    Plahc EDD 05/01/2013 CUMH

    Sleeping Beauty EDD 06/01/2013 Holles street

    Missie aggie EDD 06/01/2013 homebirth

    Petalgumdrops EDD 12/01/2013 Holles street

    Nicky987 EDD 27/01/2013 Rotunda

    Meshel EDD 28/01/2013 Rotunda

    Nicky30 EDD 28/01/2013 Limerick

    Thumby EDD Induction January

    Thanks Princessa Just added Sleeping beauty too x

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  • Registered Users Posts: 190 ✭✭petalgumdrops


    Hows everyone been? 28 weeks 2moro cant believe it- its just flown.. Have been sick this past week and the tiredness has me killed.. Other than that im perfect.. Hows everyone keeping? any news?

    I havent bought a thing... Must at least make a start on picking up stuff for my hospital bag! I have loads of stuff from my Little Girl so will be reusing alot as shes only turning 1 next week and im having another girl anyway so be a waste.. I will buy new babygrows and bits and bobs. will need new bottles too but im defo a last minute kinda person!

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Best of luck Thumby!

    I'm back for a blood pressure check up too. Hopefully it goes well or at least that I find out more about what's causing it to be so erratic.

    How is everyone doing?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Thanks tigerton. Hopefully everything goes great for you. If you're in the coombe i'd suggest getting there soon if you're not already there. I was waiting for 40 mins to park and i'm now stuck in at least a 20 min q just to check poxy well in! And i'm bursting too :'(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Thanks tigerton. Hopefully everything goes great for you. If you're in the coombe i'd suggest getting there soon if you're not already there. I was waiting for 40 mins to park and i'm now stuck in at least a 20 min q just to check poxy well in! And i'm bursting too :'(:'(

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Petalgumdrops i would love to be more laid back but i am just not. I need to have a plan and a list for everything. Then when plans fall apart as they do, i get as stressed. Its terrible, its just how i am built.

    Thumby that always happens me, i save my pee so that i can give them some in the bottles then theres a huge queue. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Princessa your like me I love a list!!!

    Popping out later with OH as working the weekend again so may even get a few more bits!!! Need to sort out a cot bed tho but just can't decide!!! Frustrating!!!

    Thumby hope you got to pee eventually!! I tend to see before I leave!!! Glad the itch has improved slightly but bet your enjoying ticking of the days as they go by!!

    Tigerton how did you get on today?? Isit back to work or time for some more rest??

    I was sooooooo tired last week but seem to have more energy this week so making the most of it!!

    Just found out today my OH is working away AGAIN next week!! I'm a shift worker who has worked the last 3 weekends so have hardly seem him and I'm off mon, tues, we'd and guess what.... oH working away mon to thrus!!! These are days I get lonely. Then as his back I'm back to work!!! Guess I shouldn't complain tho as at least he is working. His contract up in dec and praying it gets renewed. Don't know what we would do if it didn't!!! To be honest I try not to think about it.

    So is anyone getting the flu vaccine???

    As I work in a hospital as a nurse it's offered to everyone. I've never got it before but not sure if I should get it now I'm up the duff??

    Also the uk are giving out the whooping cough vaccine in last trimester as there is a outbreak of it. Is it being offered here in Ireland does anyone know??

    How's everyone else doing???

    Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Thanks ladies. Got on grand - my blood pressure was more or less normal so she said its all fine and sent me home after a few hours. I feel like the girl who cried wolf! But I'm relieved its normal and I'm home and didn't have to stay again. I think they will keep an eye on it a bit more closely but other than that its all good. Also got some stomach tablets for my chronic heartburn - midwife was not impressed when I said how much gaviscon I'm getting through :D

    How did you get on Thumby?

    How is everyone else keeping?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Delighted you were given the ok tigerton. I eveeeennnnntually got to pee. Bloods are still under 6 thankfully and I'M HAVING A BOY. :-D well doc was 90% certain anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Thanks Thumby. That's super news. Congrats!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Thanks Tigerton. I'm delighted, and i'm having great fun winding himself up as he doesn't know :-D
