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Due January 2013!!!



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    I'm feeling alot better about it now princessa. I'm one of these people that needs to be given all the information or else i'll worry. Silly i know. I'm booked in for another scan at the 34ish weeks but it seems like ages away!
    Besides something else has come up not pregnancy related that needs my attention atm so that's gonna keep me distracted for a bit. I can't believe your 34 week scan is so close already, your pregnancy is really starting to fly now. How's the spd? Oh how did you get on with your new physio?

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Thumby wrote: »
    I'm feeling alot better about it now princessa. I'm one of these people that needs to be given all the information or else i'll worry. Silly i know. I'm booked in for another scan at the 34ish weeks but it seems like ages away!
    Besides something else has come up not pregnancy related that needs my attention atm so that's gonna keep me distracted for a bit. I can't believe your 34 week scan is so close already, your pregnancy is really starting to fly now. How's the spd? Oh how did you get on with your new physio?

    No thats not silly at all, thats very normal. Ive noticed that in work, theres two kinds of people theres the ones that dont want to be told anything, dont want to know what to expect etc and then the ones that need the information to stop them excessively worrying. Id need all the info myself too.

    Yeah tuesday 4 weeks i will have my 34 week scan, cant believe it. Same as on my last pregnancy im really starting to pop now. Once i get to 30 weeks i just pop. I have the pregnancy waddle down.

    Uh i am coping but i do notice im getting sorer the bigger i am. Everytime i try to roll in the bed i click and oh its so painful. Im as stiff as a poker then in the morning as i guess im trying not to move in the night. Get to speak to the consultant at the apt in 4 weeks so im hoping il get a date for a 38 week induction. The reg said 39 weeks but thats christmas so im going to try push for 38weeks as babies are cooked from 37w anyways. Midwife and his reg seemed to think it wouldnt be a problem. My physio was reading my notes and was like oh theres talks of inducing you due to maternal pain they normally dont do that. She was grand though, gave me a new support belt, tens machine and basically i am to take it easy and just wait for the weeks to pass and after baby is born i will have intensive physio and be flying. Better be with two kids under me. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 52 ✭✭Expecting The Unexpected

    Princessa, Do you mind if I ask you a question?

    I am 22 weeks and have just started in the last two days getting serious pain between my legs in what I would consider my pelvic bone. Do I wait for my next consultants appointment in 3 weeks or should I try and get a physio appointment for myself? do the hospital provide physios for you as part of the service? I have a physio class booked with the hospital but thats a group session and a few weeks away.

    I am worried if I dont address this pain now it might get worse or maybe its just this week in particular I am growing?! I havent slept in two nights so hoping to get something sorted for it. Slept with a cushion between my legs which helpled but who knows.

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Princessa, Do you mind if I ask you a question?

    I am 22 weeks and have just started in the last two days getting serious pain between my legs in what I would consider my pelvic bone. Do I wait for my next consultants appointment in 3 weeks or should I try and get a physio appointment for myself? do the hospital provide physios for you as part of the service? I have a physio class booked with the hospital but thats a group session and a few weeks away.

    I am worried if I dont address this pain now it might get worse or maybe its just this week in particular I am growing?! I havent slept in two nights so hoping to get something sorted for it. Slept with a cushion between my legs which helpled but who knows.

    Hi expecting the Unexpected. I would get yourself to your GP asap. They will send off a letter to the physio dept to get you out for an apt dont wait for your consultants apt. You will need one on one with a physio - a group session wont cut it, they will need to teach you excercises to strenghten the muscles in your pelvic region, they can also teach you ways to minimise the pain associated with SPD. Little things like how you get in and out of the car, how you walk up the stairs, etc etc.

    I was hospitalised at 17 weeks so the physio came to the ward to teach me how to use the crutches and get me the support belt etc, been going to physio since then, its provided by the hospital. Although theres not much more they can do for me now as i know the excercises and what no to do etc, so i had physio on thursday and im just to ring out for an apt if my mobility slips in a few weeks as the baby gets bigger.

    Your GP will def send out a letter for you that you need an apt asap for pain +++ related to SPD. If they can teach you the strenghtening excercises at an early point before the babys weight gets too big in your pelvis you might get some relief. The excercises honestly do work but you do have to do them every day. Pm me if you want to ask me anything. I hope you get sorted soon.

    If you are really worried you could go privately to a physio until your public apt came through. I had physio in the hospital but my apt was for a few days after my discharge, maybe i was just "Lucky". Get the ball rolling by getting yourself to the GP anyways. Hope this helps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 52 ✭✭Expecting The Unexpected

    Princessa wrote: »
    Hi expecting the Unexpected. I would get yourself to your GP asap. They will send off a letter to the physio dept to get you out for an apt dont wait for your consultants apt. You will need one on one with a physio - a group session wont cut it, they will need to teach you excercises to strenghten the muscles in your pelvic region, they can also teach you ways to minimise the pain associated with SPD. Little things like how you get in and out of the car, how you walk up the stairs, etc etc.

    I was hospitalised at 17 weeks so the physio came to the ward to teach me how to use the crutches and get me the support belt etc, been going to physio since then, its provided by the hospital. Although theres not much more they can do for me now as i know the excercises and what no to do etc, so i had physio on thursday and im just to ring out for an apt if my mobility slips in a few weeks as the baby gets bigger.

    Your GP will def send out a letter for you that you need an apt asap for pain +++ related to SPD. If they can teach you the strenghtening excercises at an early point before the babys weight gets too big in your pelvis you might get some relief. The excercises honestly do work but you do have to do them every day. Pm me if you want to ask me anything. I hope you get sorted soon.

    If you are really worried you could go privately to a physio until your public apt came through. I had physio in the hospital but my apt was for a few days after my discharge, maybe i was just "Lucky". Get the ball rolling by getting yourself to the GP anyways. Hope this helps.

    Ok thanks for this!! Really helpful. i was wondering with regard to the GP - is it covered under my combined care to go to the GP for something like this that is pregnancy related? Or do i have to pay? I have already had my combined care appointent two weeks ago so was just wondering. Either way I will go.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    How's everyone getting in???

    Been quiet here lately...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Morning nicky.
    How be you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    All ok here thumby,

    Did my last night shift the other day so happy days only days to do now!

    Have a busy few weeks ahead with visitors!

    Baby list coming on well only few things left now... Happy days!

    How r u??

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    I swear to jaysus if i hadn't already wanted my tubes tied i would now. On top being crippled with very painful bh's for the last week or so according to my doc i "may" have a uti. I've no symptoms though but he has me on antibiotics anyway.
    How's everyone else doing today? Better than me i hope. Lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Ah Thumby.... Not good news. Hope the antibiotics work and you get a bit of relief from them.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 37 plahc

    Oh no thumby i hope thay you will feel better soon.
    Well 30 weeks today and in the home straight. Suddenly the end does not feel that far away. Although I want it yo be over I am also a little bit scared. I dont know how different 2 kids will be and also had depression after ds so really dont want to be there again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 190 ✭✭petalgumdrops

    Hi Girls

    Sorry Ive been busy lately and just caught up on all the news id missed. Im 31 weeks 2moro. Cannot believe how quick its gone by. Literally haven't had a minute to enjoy it haha.. Feeling great. Finally made a start on my hospital bag and baby stuff. Got a few babygrows, bibs, hats, socks and other bits and bobs! need to get stuff for myself now :) Excuse for new pjs and slippers etc :)

    Hows everyone feeling? x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Morning girlies,
    Hope everyone is doing well. Nicky how are you feeling now? No more bleeds I hope.
    Sorry I haven't been around as much lately, it's been a few hassle filled weeks. The uti didn';t clear up with the antibiotics and I gave some poor woman a fright in Mothercare on Thursday evening as she thought I wasgone into the labor the pains hit that bad, so it was back to the gp yesterday morning who sent me up to the hospital, after telling me there was no way in hell I was getting braxton hicks because 1 it's too early for them (i'm offically 24 weeks today) and 2 they aren't painful at all. The hospital disagreed with him as they seen the contractions for themselves, didn't even need to feel my bump as they were hitting me, but did and were shocked at how strong they were. I'm in for a fun time when real labout comes around. Although they have upgraded my uti to a full blown kidney infection and were "concerned" I had gone into preterm labour. Thankfully I wasn't *wipes sweat from brow* phew lol. They won't put me on any more anitbiotics though until they get my urine cultures back so they know what will work this time. So im expecting that phone call on monday. In the mean time i'm on as much bedrest as possible and then couch rest when the little one is up and about, i'm under orders not to walk anywhere at all unless absolutely necessary as they are still concerned I could go into labour until I get and finish my new dose of meds. Oh and on top of all that myself and the oh split up a week and a half ago.
    Good news is we are starting the babys bag and my actual hospital bag on wednesday, I've no choce in the matter according to him. The damn sweet insufferable idiot that he is.
    Anyhow, hope everyone has a great weekend. Anyone got anything nice planned?

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Thumby you really have had a run of it. Fingers crossed cultures back on mon and they can put u on the right antibiotics.

    I'm ok 28 weeks tomo and no further bleeds. Have dr hospital appt on Monday so hoping to hear the heartbeat again,

    All k here had family over last week they left today so that was nice but I've gone into a panic tonight.... Feel like there is so much to do around the house and so little time. There is clearing out I do, tidying to go, cleaning, organising... Just don't seem to be getting anyway. Hoping to decorate baby room in dec and put some wall art up in there then new year hoping to put cot up, crib etc.

    How's everyone doing??? Another month closer now!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭Nicky30

    28 weeks tomorrow too :D

    Not due to the maternity until 31 weeks.

    Pram and a few bits sorted.

    Still can't decide between a cot and a moses basket.

  • Registered Users Posts: 116 ✭✭missis aggie

    31 weeks today !!! Its only 9 to go :) I'm getting into the "nesting" stage. Got a list from my midwife with everything I need for my home birth and we are moving out our little girl from our bedroom to her own room. So very very busy and I wish to have most done by December. Its already so busy everywhere :O
    At the same time I feel my energy levels are falling a bit, what about you ladies? I hope your all well :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Nicky30 wrote: »
    28 weeks tomorrow too :D

    Not due to the maternity until 31 weeks.

    Pram and a few bits sorted.

    Still can't decide between a cot and a moses basket.

    I went with the moses basket for the first while with all of mine, as it was easy enough to move from room to room. Although in saying that I still have the cot from my daughter so I may just use that upstairs for this one, well when I get her out of it that is. That won't be long in coming though as she's destroying the mattress now, looks like i'll be going bed shopping tomorrow as well as baby shopping on wed lol.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    31 weeks today !!! Its only 9 to go :) I'm getting into the "nesting" stage. Got a list from my midwife with everything I need for my home birth and we are moving out our little girl from our bedroom to her own room. So very very busy and I wish to have most done by December. Its already so busy everywhere :O
    At the same time I feel my energy levels are falling a bit, what about you ladies? I hope your all well :)

    Be careful with the nesting missis aggie, lol, make sure you don't over do it. I did on my first and went into labour 4 weeks early as I kinda sorta broke my waters because of everything I was doing. Silly me :o
    Make sure ya rest up as much as you can though as well instead of saying to yourself "just this insert chore here and then i'll take a break" get as much rest as you can, believe me you'll notice the difference doing the nesting thing with a toddler in the house as opposed to no babies already. Enjoy it though. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Glad everyone seems to be getting on we'll and its grat to see the weeks getting closer.

    I've spent the morning at the hospital today- had th glucose test then had my doctors appt. got a bit of a telling off for not going in last week when I had the spotting but other than that all good. Saw the little one on the screen, head in my pelvis so all looking good. Have to go back in 6 weeks - 34 weeks to the hospital and 32 weeks to the gp.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Nicky987 wrote: »
    Glad everyone seems to be getting on we'll and its grat to see the weeks getting closer.

    I've spent the morning at the hospital today- had th glucose test then had my doctors appt. got a bit of a telling off for not going in last week when I had the spotting but other than that all good. Saw the little one on the screen, head in my pelvis so all looking good. Have to go back in 6 weeks - 34 weeks to the hospital and 32 weeks to the gp.

    Aww it's great ya got on so well Nicky. Hopefully your glucose test will come back normal. It really does start to fly when all the apps seem to be getting so much closer together. Enjoy the pressure i'm sure babs will move again and give you a bit of relief (soon) :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Just realised princessa has been fairly quite lately. Has anyone heard from. Hope everything is ok with her.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭Rachineire

    Thumby wrote: »
    Just realised princessa has been fairly quite lately. Has anyone heard from. Hope everything is ok with her.

    I think her laptop died! And her mom is visiting! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Hi ladies

    How are we all keeping?

    I'm 32 weeks now and feeling enormous. Trying to get the last few bits for my hospital bag so I can get it packed and forget about it.
    I'm hoping time flies in between now and Xmas!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Hey tigerton.
    How's you hun? I'm doing great kidney infection has finally cleared up :-D poxy bh's are still driving me mad though.
    I'm sure the weeks will fly for ya considering xmas is only around the corner. I'm not back to the hospital for six weeks which i was delighted with thinking ah sure that's ages away, until they gave me the date of my app, 21st of dec. I nearly had a heart attack on the spot it made it all so much closer (xmas and the babs) lol. They're still expecting me to have him in jan though. So hopefully ten and a half more weeks not fourteen +.
    How was your weekend did you get up to anything nice?

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    I'm great Thumby. How are you getting on?
    Oh the Braxton hicks are annoying me too. Sometimes I get a big one that'll almost have me doubled up! Mostly they're ok though.
    Had a lovely quiet weekend. The inlaws were visiting so we did a bit of shopping and went for a lovely dinner and that was it.
    We've started doing our ante natal classes - makes it all very real :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Hi ladies,

    How's everyone getting on??

    I've been away from here for a while as been busy with visitors. Mum was over for the week (sadly left today) had a great time and really enjoyed my week of work. Was very much needed although makes going back to work all that harder tho.

    So I'm not sure if I have started to nest, I hope not as think its a bit to early (30weeks as of tomo!) have done so much clearing out, cupboards, stock, wardrobes etc...

    We were going to paint babies room middle of dec but chose colours today and going to get it painted tomo while I still have some energy left!

    Hoping to order the cot in next couple of weeks and then I'm pretty much sorted. Just a few little bits to get for me like mat pads etc... Haven't packed bag yet prob do that in a few more weeks. What is every one packing- are you taking a holdall or small trolley case or what???

    Hope all is well with everyone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Nicky987 wrote: »
    Hi ladies,

    Just a few little bits to get for me like mat pads etc... Haven't packed bag yet prob do that in a few more weeks. What is every one packing- are you taking a holdall or small trolley case or what???

    Hope all is well with everyone.

    Hi Nicky!

    I'm 33 weeks and still havnt packed my bag yet either. I have 90% of the stuff but its all in a heap in the spare room.
    I think I'm going to do a small back pack for labour and a small trolley case for after. Anything else I need il send my other half off to get - I'm going to the Rotuna which has loads of shops near by.

    I'm nesting a little bit, but generally I'm too wrecked to do much.
    My blood pressure has been up and down a lot in the past few weeks and ended up being kept in hospital for 2 nights this week as they had thought it could be preeclampsia. Thankfully it's not, just high BP, but I'm now supposed to take it easy. I'm making my OH do the nesting on my behalf now :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭Nicky30

    30 weeks tomorrow too :) It's getting closer.

    Next scan is 26th of November, then full appointment on the 4th of December.

    I'm on iron tablets and pregnacare.

    I find i'm paranoid about what i'm eating, decaf tea only, broccoli etc

    We haven't decided to do a nursery as i won't like her in a room on her own just yet.

    I'm going to put the moses basket next to my bed.

    Hope everyone else is doing well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Yeah Thumby I was thinking a small bag for labour then holdal for rest of stay. I'm in the rotunda too so very local if I need anything last min.

    Sorry to hear you we're back in hospital again but at least per eclampsia stayed at bay and your home resting now. I get tired so easily but just can't seem to stop!!!

    Nicky little one won't be in nursery yet but wanted to give it a fresh cot of painted.... Her crib will be safe and sound next to our bed for as long as can be.ive no more scans book. Back to gp week after next then back to hospital at 34 weeks.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 190 ✭✭petalgumdrops

    Hi all

    Glad everyone is feeling well.. havent been on in a bit. v busy with work etc. just over 33 weeks now so the time will fly in from here on..Have few bits got but not much really need to get organised.
    4 weeks of work left - cant wait :) When are you all taking maternity leave? Ive been feeling great no trouble bar heartburn now and again but its not too bad.

    Hope every1 is well xx
