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Due January 2013!!!



  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Thumby wrote: »
    Woohoo tig, get bouncing on that ball and knocking back the rasberry leaf tea!

    I'm working on it. I've been watching tv on the ball.

    I read that I can't have raspberry leaf tea cos if had high blood pressure.

    Il give it a week and il start with the spicey food, pineapple etc! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Hello ladies, finally i have the laptop back. Sent it to be repaired and it came back with the same problems so it had to go away for a second time. :rolleyes:

    Im 37 weeks today. Hospital apt next tuesday when i can FINALLY discuss an induction. Very uncomfortable and not sleeping. Feeling misreable today, woke up with a throat like razor blades and ive just got worse as the day went on. The OH took down the duvet for me so i am snuggled up on the couch.

    How are ye doing? Ye all set?

    I have pram set up, moses basket beside the bed. Baby room and kitchen painted, new wooden floors in our bedroom and babys room, car seat and bouncers washed, hospital bag packed - minus nursing bras and i have a few white baby grows, vests, blankets and sheets washed and stored away, baby toiletries and nappies in too. Think we are pretty much ready.

    Not going to bother with any of that raspberry, pineapple, spicy food crack this time. Tried EVERYTHING on my daughter and still went 10 days over so i am not bothering. :D

    Hope ye are all well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Hi Primcessa

    Welcome back! Glad you're well.

    I'm in a similar boat to you - I'm 37 weeks tomorrow. I'm not sleeping well either and iv what feels like a big heavy head cold - iv had it on and off for at least a week but the past few nights its made it v hard to sleep.

    The good news is we are nearly at the finish line (thankfully) :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Welcome back princessa! You sound super organised now. I've still next to nothing done. Lol sort it all after xmas. I'm in the hospital on friday (30 weeks on saturday) and i'm literally wishing the time away right now. I joined the spd club a week and a half ago on top of everything else. Lol. Fingers crossed they agree to the early inducement for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    The consultant said i would have a much faster birth if i went natural as with the pelvis being so "Movey" it will open up and just allow baby pass out very quickly but he completely understands why i want an inducement so he just said if my cervix is favourable we will talk about it properly, if its not he would prefer if i would wait and see if i can go naturally. Hes afraid of intervening as it leads to a higher risk of emergency sections etc.

    Baby is moving around like a little nutter at the mo, so weird as it has no space so its a real turning jabbing movements im getting. They weighed baby at the 34 week scan and it was over 6lbs 7oz already. I am not terrified i am lugging around a whopper baby...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Sounds like

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Sounds like you may end up having a section anyway if they leave you to go full term princessa. That's one big bean you're cooking :-D

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Apparently i am nice and neat though Thumby, i think people are saying it to compliment the big round pregnant lady on the crutches ha ha.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Lol princessa either that or they are very smart/fear for their lives!
    Today i had some randomer ask me was i ok cause i was walking funny and looked like i was inpain. When i told her no i wasn't she said it must be terrible being overdue! Thing is i was in the clothes that make me look smaller than i actually am :-( that's the second time this week i've gotten the overdue word thrown at me. :'(

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Princessa wrote: »
    They weighed baby at the 34 week scan and it was over 6lbs 7oz already. I am not terrified i am lugging around a whopper baby...

    My little one was measuring around the same at 34 weeks. And I am HUGE at the mo. my OH has been calling baby Gigantor.
    I don't mind having a big baby but a huge baby scares me a little...!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Tigerton wrote: »
    My little one was measuring around the same at 34 weeks. And I am HUGE at the mo. my OH has been calling baby Gigantor.
    I don't mind having a big baby but a huge baby scares me a little...!

    Oh thank god. The OH tells me i have some gut on me lol. I feel massive!!!

    Oh Thumby i know the feeling, people are constantly asking me why i am on crutches and im like "Ah pee off stop being nosey" at this stage.

    Cuddled up inside today, the OH bought me the Home alone boxset to get me in the christmassy move and to keep me in so i rest. Feel misreable, unfair getting sick and being this pregnant!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Princessa wrote: »
    Oh thank god. The OH tells me i have some gut on me lol. I feel massive!!!

    Oh Thumby i know the feeling, people are constantly asking me why i am on crutches and im like "Ah pee off stop being nosey" at this stage.

    Cuddled up inside today, the OH bought me the Home alone boxset to get me in the christmassy move and to keep me in so i rest. Feel misreable, unfair getting sick and being this pregnant!

    Completely agree with ya hun, it's horrid being so housebound especially for so long. My doc has told me i'm on bed/couchrest for the rest of the pregnancy because of the spd, (it's like i get rid of one thing and something else happens, so i'm hoping that because i have this now that maybe, just maybe my placenta has moved enough). I will admit to ignoring docs orders this week which i have severly ended up suffereing for too. but i had no choice in it. So my x is treating me friday night and bringing me out, we're going to see the hobbit, we figure that should be alright cause i'll only be in the car and then sitting in the cinema.

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Have you had any physio Thumby? I had 12 weeks of physio and all i have to do is ring and i can go out for more but i am 37 weeks now and the GP said that the only thing thats going to cure me is delivery. I am still doing the excercices i learned to keep me some what mobile but i am a penguin, i just waddle from place to place.

    I think you should ring and try get some physio etc, might really help you.x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Princessa wrote: »
    Have you had any physio Thumby? I had 12 weeks of physio and all i have to do is ring and i can go out for more but i am 37 weeks now and the GP said that the only thing thats going to cure me is delivery. I am still doing the excercices i learned to keep me some what mobile but i am a penguin, i just waddle from place to place.

    I think you should ring and try get some physio etc, might really help you.x

    Nope, my gp is letting the hospital deal with it, thankfully i'm in there this friday (30 weeks on sat woohoo). I wasn't due up there until the 21st of the month but had to bring it back a week as my poor dad (who babysits madam when i go) has been called for dury duty from the 18th, i have him warned to get out of it somehow or else i'll be turnin up in the court and handing him three kids while i'm in labour hahahaha.
    I'm still mobile mainly because i've no choice but to be but by jaysus does it kill me to move. I ended up walking 3 miles on monday, kid forgot his pe gear and it was of course the one day i'd no feckin car so i was in total agony since, and fallin flat on my ass yesterday didn't help either but sure. Them's the joys. My little man is doing grand though kickin away like theres no tomorrow and my gp is pretty sure hes gonna be a big un too. i'm pretty sure myself that babs' head is engaged as well which really isn't helping but with just over ten weeks left i'm sure he'll move back out again. lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    I'm joining in Ladies if that's ok :) due date is 9th of Jan but I found out today that I'm having a section on the 4th of Jan!

    Princessa when are you back in the hospital? I can't believe they have told you how big baba is at 34 weeks and left it at that! I know the scans are just guestamites but still!

    Thumby you really need to take it easy hun! This SPD sucks big time! When I don't have my 11 month old on my own I'm using crutches just to get around! Otherwise it's leaning on the buggy lol! 3 weeks to go woo! I'm 18 months pregnant out of the last 21 months! I can't wait to feel normal again, but I bet I'll miss being pregnant when he's out hehe

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Well i haven't done a tap all day and just had taco chips so i'm a happy camper now. Lol.
    I wouldn't repack the bag to much tig if i was you, just leave all the extra stuff you need laid out where himself can find them easily and bring them into you when ya need them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Welcome Tigress. Must be great to have a date set for the section!!

    I did too much today- went to town to get a few bits. Then decided to make cookies and then offered to make dinner for me and OH. I'm wrecked now. I'm hoping that will help me sleep tonight!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 81 ✭✭SaucySue

    Hey girls, hope everyone is feeling better this evening and that we all sleep through tonight - asking for miracles I know!

    I've just over 3 weeks to go now, cannot wait for the bloating, breathlessness etc to be over and to meet our little girl!! Finish up work this week too so thats great too looking forward to snoozes and catching up on few bits around the place.

    Those of you who have been given an idea of what weight / size baby is, how do they do that exactly, and do all hospitals do it? Had 36 week appt in hosp last week and all they did was measure bump with measuring tape and said its measuring fine?! Would love some indication of actual weight/length etc to know if shes big or small at moment! Maybe they dont do that in my hospital tho - Galway- they only scan once throughout pregnancy at 20 weeks so maybe cant tell just by feeling?

    Anyway other than my impatience alls pretty good here, cant remember what proper night sleep is like but thats probably good practise. Nursery is all ready, baby clothes all washed and hospital bags ready to go. Need to decide if think will want Tens machine so can organise renting one if so, have ye thought aboit what ye are doing? I've pretty much been avoiding thinking about the whole labour thing really but will have to start sometime I suppose. Do ye have birth plans? Worth doing one?

    Sorry for all questions!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    SauceySue they an out measure baby with a scan so if they didn't do a scan they could only say he/she is feels big or normal.. They'll prob do a scan on your next appoint to have a look at baby and waters etc and should tell you then but some places don't tell you so's not to stress you out!
    The tens machine is amazing! I've never done labour myself but have very bad SPD and it gives great relief! It's also meant to be good for after a section (wish I knew that last time lol) I wouldn't bother renting one though I think it costs €40 in boots to rent but you can buy a new one in Mothercare at the mo for €50! And you'll always have it then! Bet ya can't wait to finish work now :) make sure you rest loads cause you'll have none when baby arrives :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Jaysus i wish someone in would mothercare in newbridge that! They were a hundred and something in there last week!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Tigeress wrote: »
    Princessa when are you back in the hospital?

    I am back to the hospital on Tuesday the 18th, i cant wait. I want some answers, i feel massive and im ready for baby to be born. Its just cruel at this stage, so hard to get up and do things. Who knew you used your pelvis so much huh?

    Its sucks that the consultant is real anti intervention, he wants me to do it as natural as possible and im like yeah thats fine just give me an ole jump start on the labour is all im asking for.

    My friend had a baby during the summer and she had sciatica so her consultant said "Ah your in pain and baby is over 6lbs" and sectioned her at just over 37 weeks, she was suppose to be sectioned at 39 weeks for 2 previous sections. So want her consultant right now. My physio told me that maternal pain isnt high on their list of priorities :(.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    It's crazy how different each hospital is! The SPD is awful :( I'm in agony myself with it.. I think it's so common these days though that they just don't take it into account no matter how hard it is on you.. The only positive is knowing that the pain will be gone as soon as baby arrives!

    I absolutley cannot wait to be able to get down on the floor with my little ones and play!

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    I'm getting such a lots of Braxton hicks this evening. Anytime I've a big one or a random cramp or pain I start thinking "this is it"....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Awake the last hour and there's not a chance of me getting back to sleep. The one night i need it and all. I'm in the hospital later this morning. Ah well. Hope everyone is all right.

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Did ya get some sleep in the end Thumby? Best of luck at your hospital apt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Hey tig, nope no sleep. And my idea of pushing for an early section backfired on me too! I was hoping they'd offer me an early inducement as a compromise but no! The doc i seen today agreed to an early section and is recommending it to the head consultant. Apparently i'm having a giant baby! I'm 29+4 today (i'd miscalculated lol) and babs is already weighing in between three and a half and four pounds. So i actually don't mind if i have a section i honestly don't think i'd be able to deliver naturally after hearing that. Hell the doc thought i was due in the next few days until he asked how far gone i was! My uterus is measuring 36/37, babs bum is literally sitting underneath my boobs with no space between them and his head is partially engaged, probably because he has no room to go anywhere else. Oh and i've another poxy infection. I've been referred to the pyhsio in the hospital as well because of the spd. Its the spd and giant baby are the reasons the doc is more than happy to recommend the section. I know i gave birth to a big baby before but the spd has me terrified of it this time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Oh and doc said head consultant takes spd into account and is more likely to give early inducement/sections for women who have it despite being usually very anti intervention.

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Hi Thumby.

    Gosh your little bean may be even bigger than mine. Think I was measuring just over three pounds at 30 weeks.

    Great that the doc has agreed to an early section - you seem to be having awful luck on this pregnancy - at least knocking a few weeks off the end of it will help you out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Thumby I'm so glad a decision was made today for you! Are you happy with it? At least you know now that there is an end in sight if you don't go yourself :) a section is in no way easy but by the sounds of the size of your baba it's the safest way out for both of you! My goodness you grow some whoppers :p when will they give you your date?

    3 weeks to go today till meet my little man :) I've only realised how much we still have to do :o it's so close now! And with Xmas and my sons birthday only days away its all gonna go so quick! I'm a little overwhelmed today.. On top of that I've a sick baby and he's passed it onto me :( my OH is gone off for the night so I'm hoping both of us manage to sleep tonight!
    Going to my work Xmas Party tomorrow night so looking forward to that! Well I'm going for the dinner not the night clubbing lol

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  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Thumby: thats fantastic that you have such an understanding consultant. Mine is soooooo anti section! Doesnt take SPD into consideration at all as its "ONLY MATERNAL PAIN".
    Depending on who you get, they can be so nice or so awful when it comes to SPD i find, some are lovely and so understanding (My GP for example)

    Some of the midwives and Doc are like " Ah there was no such thing as SPD years ago".
    I actually feel like they think im faking it sometimes, and anybody thats had this will know theres nothing fake about how uncomfortable you are and how hard it is to do things.

    Anyways, i have my apt on Tuesday and i am not leaving without an inducement date as next time il be back to the clinic id be overdue and i just feel its not fair to leave me go overdue and prolong this. If i go natural fair enough, but i want an inducement date whether it be before xmas or on the 27th or something i dont feel i should have to go over. The weight of babs now in the pelvis is killing me!

    Rant over... for now :D
