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Due January 2013!!!



  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    So sorry to hear ye are sick too ladies. Once 4.30-5pm hits i am so nauseous and vomitting until bedtime, i have run out of dinners that i will eat as ive vomitted up everything from spag bol to fajitas. (Sorry but i know most of ye understand)
    Just make sure everyday that i have a good breakfast and lunch and then anything i can keep down in the evenings is a bonus.
    I have a 2 1/2 year old so i understand the fatigue feeling... but all i keep thinking is its sooooo worth it in the end :D
    Anybody have a little bump yet? I didnt get a bump until 26weeks on my first but i think i will show sooner this time...

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Hi ladies! I'm joining too. Had thought I was due 25/12 but after my scan yesterday iv been redated as 02/01/13.
    So cos I'm not quite 12 weeks still can't tell ppl yet!! I may burst with excitement before I get to 12 weeks now!
    It was so surreal seeing the little munchkin on the screen and hearing the heartbeat but I can finally believe that it's real!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 758 ✭✭✭bubbaloo

    Oh ladies - all that sickness sounds horriffic. I'm very lucky I think. Generally speaking I'm feeling fine, apart from tirednesss. I was the same on my little man - I had one weekend of sickness and then I was fine for the rest of the pregnancy. I'm a lot better today than I was yesterday. I slept for about 10 hours straight and my headache went away thankfully.

    Princessa - I can't believe you were 26 weeks before you got a bump - I would have been sticking cushions up my jumpers at that stage!! :D I was about 17 weeks before anyone would notice anything. I don't know what will happen this time but I would imagine I'll start showing at around the same time, or maybe a week or two earlier. I'm overweight anyway so nobody will dare ask me anything until it's fairly obvious.

    My next scan is Friday of next week - bring it on!

  • Registered Users Posts: 18 Vmash

    Thanks petalgumdrops, I did exactly as you advised and got confirmed by the midwife on my gp's surgery turns out I was 6 weeks, I'm now 10+3 now. Have my first appt at the Rotunda, chose it as its close to my gp and I liked the response I got when I went to drop the letter from my gp.
    Been going alright no nausea or anything apart from fatigue then I got struck with sinus infection and put in antibiotics. Now I don't feel pregnant as it seems the sinus infection and now hayfever has 'masked' my pregnancy. I still feel tired, work trousers a bit tight that's all. Spoke to Husband about getting a scan and he reckons I'm worrying too much. My appt is in 3 weeks do not sure really what to do.
    Anyone experienced this?
    Hope everyone is keeping well. X

  • Registered Users Posts: 81 ✭✭SaucySue

    Hey everyone, hope you are all doing well. I'd like to join in if that's ok, due my first on 2nd January so I'm just over 12 weeks now. Had a private scan two weeks ago and all was well so that was huge relief but still worry that something might have gone wrong in meantime, will be back to GP in another week or so and think they will listen to heart beat then so hope that will reassure me. Wrecked tired all the time and feeling nauseous but luckily not getting sick very often.

    No sign of bump at all yet, I know its early days but I'm pretty impatient. A few people have said I'm getting a bump but thats just the squishy chocolate/pizza belly I've always had :o

    I feel so clueless about everything, like the difference between all in one type travel systems and separate prams and car seats etc, and cots vs moses baskets etc etc. Plenty time I know to worry about all that stuff but I feel as if everyone else knows everything and I know nothing :rolleyes:

    Anyway how are all of you?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Hi SaucySue, i am due the day before you (New years day - 13w tomorrow :D). Although i went 10 days over on my first so i am not holding my breathe on that date this time. I keep thinking the middle of Jan the baby will be here, anytime before that as long as its cooked and healthy to take home, will be a bonus.
    Dont worry about all that yet, you will be grand and loads of people will be ready to offer you advise and tips on prams and moses baskets etc. Ive decided im not thinking about it till sept then i will start getting organised again, make lists of what i have and need and pick things up every few weeks. What an expensive time huh - right around christmas, oh well :D.

    I dont have a bump yet either and apparently you are suppose to get one faster on number two. I could have easily hid my first pregnancy till at least 25w, i was still going around in my size 8-10 :rolleyes:. I am starting to notice a little chance in how my close fit and my tummy has a bit of a bump that i can notice ha ha.

    Im still very nauseous but i havent had any vomiting in two days now.... fingers crossed its coming to the end as i head into my second trimester.

    Hope ye all are keeping well ladies. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Hi ladies, I wish I could say I was entering my 12/13 week but entering my 9th and this last week had bad morning sickness. I put iit down to my night shifts last week where I was actually sick a couple of times but they finished fri morning!!! Then this whole weekend I have been so tired....even had to come home from shopping I was so tired and now I've woken up and back to vomiting again :-( really hopes this stops soon

  • Registered Users Posts: 758 ✭✭✭bubbaloo

    Hi Ladies - welcome SaucySue!
    Oh Nicky I am with you on the tiredness - I am so wrecked, I'm like a walking zombie most of the time. But thankfully I'm not sick - except when I brush my teeth so I have to do that on an empty stomach.
    I had my second scan last Friday morning and was delighted to see that everything is going great - measuring to dates, lots of fluid and lovely heartbeat. I'm 10 weeks today - can't wait for the next 2 weeks to pass so I can let the cat out of the bag! Although my next scan is at 13 weeks so I might wait until then.

    SaucySue - don't be getting yourself worked up about prams etc - it's a whole new world and everyone thinks they're an expert but you will have to go with your gut feeling when the time comes. I always thought Smyths were the best priced on stuff like that. They usually have one particular item on sale at a great price - but like I said, there's plenty of time so enjoy your pregnancy for a while before you get involved in all of that.

    Any gossip ladies?? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10 prochefunk

    Hi All , may I join . Im 10 weeks today and due Jan 21 2013 !! 30weeks left . I have my 1st private scan in Cork on Sat , so exciting . Im wrecked all the time !!

  • Registered Users Posts: 758 ✭✭✭bubbaloo

    prochefunk wrote: »
    Hi All , may I join . Im 10 weeks today and due Jan 21 2013 !! 30weeks left . I have my 1st private scan in Cork on Sat , so exciting . Im wrecked all the time !!

    Hi there - yaay - I have exactly the same dates as you - due 21st January 2013 too!! :D Good luck on Saturday - it's so exciting to see it all happening inside you!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    So today i am officially in my second trimester :D. So i will let ye know if the nausea etc vanishes and we get all this energy back that i have been reading about ladies.

    Hayfever is driving me mad so i may call into my doc to see what kind of eye drops i could take etc.

    How is everybody else feeling?

    Anybody let the cat out of the bag yet? The grandparents know and my two best friends but thats it so i am going to start telling people over the next few weeks :).

  • Registered Users Posts: 116 ✭✭missis aggie

    Hi ladies,
    I think its time to join you :) I'm 12+4 due 4 of January. It's my second, but I tell you its as exiting :) Planning home birth this time around. Last pregnancy was a bliss so I hope for same again;)
    Hope you all well

  • Registered Users Posts: 25 lollypop23

    I am 10w and 3d. I have my first scan on 10th July in the Coombe, I am very excited but I don't know if I should visit my doctor as my usual GP is gone away for the summer and the man filling in for him hardly speaks English and when I was confirmed he never told me when I needed to go back or anything like that.

    The sickness seems to be getting better (touch wood!!) although I seem to sleep day and night. My appetite has gone altogether and even the water in my house doesn't taste nice anymore.

    Hope everyone is keeping well.. :) xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 91 ✭✭Mola1

    Well I went to Gp for my 12 week check up 2day and because of my previous m/c she decided to scan me and unfortunately baby passed away about 3 days after I seen its lil heartbeat.,only measuring 8+6. I'm totally shocked as I thought things were going well,kinda don't no what to do with myself. Anyway iv to wait till next week to be scanned again and then have a d&c. I practically begged the doctor to do it sooner as my last one was emergency and quite traumatic but he said no :( anyway I wish u girls the best of luck with the rest of your pregnancies x

  • Registered Users Posts: 758 ✭✭✭bubbaloo

    Mola1 wrote: »
    Well I went to Gp for my 12 week check up 2day and because of my previous m/c she decided to scan me and unfortunately baby passed away about 3 days after I seen its lil heartbeat.,only measuring 8+6. I'm totally shocked as I thought things were going well,kinda don't no what to do with myself. Anyway iv to wait till next week to be scanned again and then have a d&c. I practically begged the doctor to do it sooner as my last one was emergency and quite traumatic but he said no :( anyway I wish u girls the best of luck with the rest of your pregnancies x

    Mola -I am so sorry to hear this sad news. It's devastating and heartbreaking for anyone - particularly as you've been through it before. Look after yourself. :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 116 ✭✭missis aggie

    I'm so sorry Mola, its heartbreaking to hear it...

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Thinking of you Mola x

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 gravid

    Oh I am so sorry Mola! Thinking of you and wish you all the best.

  • Registered Users Posts: 235 ✭✭sonandheir

    So Sorry to hear your sad news Mola,wish you all the best,thinking of you!x

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Mola i am so sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself. x

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  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Mola1 wrote: »
    Well I went to Gp for my 12 week check up 2day and because of my previous m/c she decided to scan me and unfortunately baby passed away about 3 days after I seen its lil heartbeat.,only measuring 8+6. I'm totally shocked as I thought things were going well,kinda don't no what to do with myself. Anyway iv to wait till next week to be scanned again and then have a d&c. I practically begged the doctor to do it sooner as my last one was emergency and quite traumatic but he said no :( anyway I wish u girls the best of luck with the rest of your pregnancies x

    I'm so so sorry to hear that Mola. Xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 gravid

    Hi all! While I am really happy to be pregnant, I am dreading telling my supervisors in college... They have invested a lot of time in my research and I feel a little embarrassed about having to take time off as it will upset the schedule of the research. I know that they will most likely be happy for me and that there is a practical solution, but I am still worrying. I feel I should tell them fairly soon (Im just about 10 weeks and due 25th of Jan). How soon are ye telling employers/college?

    Also, I would like to have a plan for how much time off I will need but as this is my first child I have no idea how much time I will need… What is realistic?
    Any advice would be appreciated as my husband and I haven’t told anyone other than our parents and cannot discuss this with friends yet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Hi Gravid,
    First off congratz on the pregnancy. I am 13weeks, i am telling my boss tomorrow that i am pregnant and i have an appointment with the collage on tue to discuss defering for the year. As im due the 1st of jan i am hoping that i will be allowed complete semester 1 inc my exams then defer for the year and return then in 2014 to complete semester 2.

    I have told one of the leturers i am quite close with about the pregnancy and she says that as long as im healthy that shoulnt be a problem.

    What do you mean by time off work? Are you referring to maternity leave after the baby is born?

  • Registered Users Posts: 235 ✭✭sonandheir

    Hi Gravid,i'm 12weeks pregnant with my second child and i'm not telling my employer until i'm about 14weeks,i know how you feel about telling them,its a bit nerve wrecking but such a relief once you say it,i'm taking the full 6month maternity leave as ill need it with two,it's up to yourself but i would take as much time as you can;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 451 ✭✭LilMrsDahamsta

    gravid wrote: »
    Hi all! While I am really happy to be pregnant, I am dreading telling my supervisors in college... They have invested a lot of time in my research and I feel a little embarrassed about having to take time off as it will upset the schedule of the research. I know that they will most likely be happy for me and that there is a practical solution, but I am still worrying. I feel I should tell them fairly soon (Im just about 10 weeks and due 25th of Jan). How soon are ye telling employers/college?

    Also, I would like to have a plan for how much time off I will need but as this is my first child I have no idea how much time I will need… What is realistic?
    Any advice would be appreciated as my husband and I haven’t told anyone other than our parents and cannot discuss this with friends yet.

    I'm a student working in research, so I think I know what you mean. Are you on a stipend at all, or doing any tutoring/lecturing? If you're being paid, depending on the contract, the college may be paying PRSI for you. If this is the case, you can apply for the standard maternity benefit (6 mths duration).

    If you're self-funded like me, or you have no PRSI record, you will need to look into your options a bit more. I was lucky that my previous employment was enough for me to quality for mat benefit. If it looks like you will have to take it off at your own expense, talk to everyone - students union, social welfare, supervisors, etc. There may be funds available somewhere to help. I started back working on my thesis when my baby was about 4 months old. Before this I was just too sleep-deprived to think.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 gravid

    Thanks for all your advice!

    LilMrsDahamsta, its great to hear from someone who has been in a similar situation! I am getting a bursary from the college which is up in December (and may be renewed depending on available funds in the college) this is not taxed at all tho.

    I will only be working in the college (lecture assist) a few days this year so that will hardly be enough PRSI to cover 6mths maternity leave?

    I am also getting the higher education maintenance grant form the county council but I presume that will not be paid once I have the baby, until I go back?

    This is all very confusing. Thanks for the advice to check with student union etc, will def do that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 451 ✭✭LilMrsDahamsta

    gravid wrote: »
    Thanks for all your advice!

    LilMrsDahamsta, its great to hear from someone who has been in a similar situation! I am getting a bursary from the college which is up in December (and may be renewed depending on available funds in the college) this is not taxed at all tho.

    I will only be working in the college (lecture assist) a few days this year so that will hardly be enough PRSI to cover 6mths maternity leave?

    I am also getting the higher education maintenance grant form the county council but I presume that will not be paid once I have the baby, until I go back?

    This is all very confusing. Thanks for the advice to check with student union etc, will def do that!

    Ya, that's the sort of scenario I thought you meant alright. People don't understand it unless they've been through it, cause it's not the normal student or employee situation. Even if the bursary is not taxed, there may be PRSI payments being made on the college side; ask HR.

    Definitely check out all of the available sources of support from college and social welfare. Also bear in mind that you can de-register from your thesis (basically the clock stops and no fees accrue) while you go out on leave, so at least that will cut your expenses a bit. It's a tricky situation to be in, so the best of luck with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    How is everybody feeling?
    Anybody decided if they would like to find out the sex or not yet?

    I have a little girl already and we wanted to wait till she was born to find out on her, we are thinking we will do the same for this one too. I will be guarnteed a little surprise just after Christmas then :D. Although i know there is pros and cons for finding out and not, guess it just comes down to the individuals.

    Anyways things are going good, im still wrecked but the nausea and vomitting has gone to every second maybe third day now, i hope i dont jinx myself now, going to make an apt to see my G.P next week, hopefully she will use the doppler and i get to hear the Heartbeat for the first time... excited!!!

    Anybody plan on buying one of these dopplers?

    Hope you all are keeping well :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 21 AineK77

    Hi all just joining in here am due mid Jan all a bit surreal for me yet as it was a bit of a surprise - was v tired for a while and had a bit of nausea and the boobs are defo a bit bigger which I'm loving my poor little b cups!! Quick question from reading this and your dates what does the 8+2 mean or 6+3?? Just being nosey obviously something to do with dates - no flies on me I tells ya - so I have my first scan in CUMH in 3 weeks - I am still trying to decide between private and public - what are people's opinions on this? From what I hear there's not much difference in CUMH regarding care and what rooms you get - waiting times are less for appointments and I think there are more scans which I probably would like to be honest I don't think I will be getting my head around this until I see the scan - can't believe I'm going to be a mother I can't look after myself and I still think I am too young at 35 ha ha I need to get a grip!!! Have told my sister and a friend who is a GP but that's it worried about telling my mother as she I'm not married and that will upset her as but sher she'll have to get over it. Like everything else I don't like to rush into things we're only together nine and a half years - we are engaged now tho' but going to announce everything after the scan and feck off somewhere and get hitched before the bambino - anyway sorry I'm going off on a few different tangents here it's just good to be able to talk about things - so anyway people let me know you're feelings/opinions on private v public - my friend the GP was saying to go private for the first just for the extra reassurance so let me know what y'all think ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    AineK77 wrote: »
    Quick question from reading this and your dates what does the 8+2 mean or 6+3?? Just being nosey obviously something to do with dates - no flies on me I tells ya

    Welcome and Congrats. The first scan is amazing, i had mine at 10weeks and it was lovely, really reassuring aswell to see the little baby and the heartbeat and just getting the ball rolling and being for the apt makes everything more real i think. :D

    8+2 is 8weeks and 2days pregnant, if you have to go to hospital or an apt or anything they will ask you your dates and they will be wrote like that so its more accurate. Im 14+1 today. On your first scan the baby will be measured and you will be given an estimated week and day gestation based on the crown to rump length.

    He he he oh im sure your mother wont mind too much, after 9.5 years of being together im sure she is expecting you to be expecting ;)
