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  • Registered Users Posts: 33 gravid

    Ha ha, very clever to get a bigger mug Princessa :-) I have actually gone the other way... I used to drink a good few cups of coffee every day. Since I found out Im pregnant I drink nearly as many cups a day, but out of tiny cups, which means I dont drink all that much, but Im still getting some when Im used to getting it. My mother never knew about the "dangers" of coffee and always drank immense amounts all through all her pregnancies and we all came out ok ;-)

    I bought decaffeinated tea a while ago but just can't drink it. My husband thinks it tastes the same but I am convinced it smells of fish (!!!) so can't go near it without feeling sick...

    I have to say I do miss a good blue cheese on crackers with red wine. Ah well, nearly half ways there now! Although I presume there are lots of things one is supposed to stay off while breast feeding too?

    What are your feelings on breast feeding? Im planning on/hoping to breast feed for 8-10 months I think.

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭Nicky30

    Has everyone on here had a 20 week scan or due a 20 week scan?

    I had a scan at 12 weeks and my next scan is not until i'm 28 weeks in November :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 18 Vmash

    Nicky30 wrote: »
    Has everyone on here had a 20 week scan or due a 20 week scan?

    I had a scan at 12 weeks and my next scan is not until i'm 28 weeks in November :(

    Oh dear, that's a good way off Nicky30, I'm due mine on the 6th Sept. Will be 21+4 then. How far are you and what hospital are you going to? I'm in the Rotunda. X
    Just saw you'll 28 weeks, that's a long wait!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Afternoon ladies (and bumps) :-)
    How are we all today? My next scan in the hospital isn't until oct, i'll be somewhere between 20-22 weeks, there's a slight disagreement as to when i'm due, but i'm expected to deliver in jan either way :-)
    28 weeks is an awful long time to left waiting for your next scan. Will they not move it up sooner?

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭Nicky30

    I'm 17 + 2 at the moment.

    I'm attending Limerick maternity. Probably because i don't drink or smoke they think the baby is grand.

    More than likely i will get a private scan at 21 weeks, €250 for it but at least i'll know he/she is growing ok.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 33 gravid

    Have you no appointment in the hospital at all before 28 weeks? Or is it just the scan that is that week?

    We have combined care and after the last visit in the hospital (13w) we were asked to to go the GP 3 weeks later and come back to the hospital 6 weeks later. We have been to the GP and he checked urine, blood pressure and asked if all is good (which it is). Even though we are going back to the hospital at 19+5w Our GP is recommending us to get a private scan around week 21 as their ultrasound machines (?) are much more detailed and will be more likely to detect any possible anomalies. I dont drink or smoke either and am not considered high risk. Maybe different hospitals are just different in their antenatal care?

    If you are not happy with waiting that long maybe discuss it with your GP?

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭Nicky30

    I have to visit my Gp every 4 weeks for blood pressure, urine etc

    I have an appointment in the hospital in october and got a seperate date for my next scan november 26th.

    Just thought i would get a big scan too :(

    I booked a private scan for september ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Nicky30 wrote: »
    Has everyone on here had a 20 week scan or due a 20 week scan?

    I had a scan at 12 weeks and my next scan is not until i'm 28 weeks in November :(

    I have my 21 week scan tomorrow Nicky30. Il be 21+2 so im hoping to be able to see loads. Id love to get one of the 3d/4d scans done but i dunno is it worth the money... Hmmm decisions.

    One of the student nurses from limerick i was working with on placement mentioned to me before; they dont get 20 week scans in limerick maternity. Her sister was 21 weeks and had palpatations so they scanned baby to make sure it was ok.
    Once she said everything was perfect the sister asked could she see the sex of the baby, and was informed they will tell you that at your 28 week scan this is a scan for medical reasons not for sex determination... :eek:

    Maybe diff hospitals have different policies but i do think its nice to get one half way through. Il be back to the hosp at 28 weeks and i wont be scanned unless something is wrong il get another scan around the 30's week mark to check fluid, weight, position etc.x

  • Registered Users Posts: 81 ✭✭SaucySue

    Hey Nicky30, wow thats a long wait for next scan! We're in Galway so would only have the one scan at 20 weeks in hospital, but got a private one at 10 weeks, and will get a 3d/4d scan done privately at 28ish weeks too I think. Its about €175 for the 3d/4d scan I think, including dvd and colour pics and the usual black and white prints so looking forward to that. Forgot to ask at hospital scan about size so will ask at 3d scan, see what they say. I swear I just seem to wish away the time in between appointments / scans etc. Feeling lots of flutter/bubble movements but no real kicks so far, can't wait for that so hubby can feel it too.

    Are any of you wrecked lately? I can barely drag myself out of bed these mornings and once I get home I just make dinner and then collapse on couch for evening, I feel so lazy :( Asleep last night at 9 and still zonked today, if I could I'd go to bed at 8 every night. I'm worried maybe I'm anaemic, iron levels were fine at last tests but that was at about 8 weeks and I know they can drop in second trimester, especially as I'm vegetarian. I take pregnacare but should I take extra iron as well do you think? Going to GP Friday week so can ask then I suppose, if I can stay awake for it!

    Never drank much tea or coffee so dont miss it but I miss soft boiled eggs with soldiers or runny fried egg sandwiches :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Absolutely exhausted here too saucysue, unfortunately not only are the bump and boobs making me fierce uncomfortable at night, but babs seems to wait till i fall asleep and then kicks the bejaysus out of my until i'm awake again. They are so strong even my oh can feel them.
    If you're taking pregnacare you should be ok without taking iron supplements for now. Say it to your gp at your next app, but don't start them until you get the ok. Too much iron isn't good for you.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12 Airhostie_x

    I had my first scan at 11 weeks and have my 20 week scan next week so cant wait to find out what were having :) november will come quicker than you think!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Hey ladies,
    My scan yesterday was AMAZING!!! My midwife was lovely. We had to wait for well over an hour and a half to be seen but i kind of expected that.

    We saw ten little fingers and ten toes, kidneys, stomach, heart with septum and four chambers, spine, structures of the brain.

    I do have a stubborn little baby though - head was down in the pelvis yesterday and despite the midwifes best efforts to encourage it out, and she even stopped the scan and got me to walk around and change position to encourage it to turn out but no hope. So we didnt get to see any of the facial structures what so ever.
    Also at the moment baby is using the placenta as a pillow, i have a low lying placenta, but she wasnt too concerned with i liked about her.
    She said that there is plenty of time for the placenta to move (which there is), but she had to document it in my notes and im absolutley to be scanned at 34 weeks to check placental location and facial features. She said they make a decision then at the 34 week one.

    Back again at 29 weeks, its usually 28 but they must be very busy out there or the secretary wasnt listening to me :rolleyes:. Midwife said go to my gp in 4 weeks then back to them 3 weeks later and you will be in your final trimester then... She said it so cooly i was like oh stop, let me enjoy my second trimester :D.

    How are ye feeling ladies? Any of ye picked up anyting yet? I was thinking of picking up a few white baby grows and vests this weekend just to start things off. Have to go shopping for my daughter anywho this weekend, she is after stretching again in both her feet and her clothes. Although every time i go into clarks they seem to tell me she is gone half a size bigger :rolleyes:.

    Hope ye are keeping well. :D:D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    We bought a baby blanket, 4 babygrows, 3 packets of vests and a baby hat today =). Just as we were in penneys, we picked up a few unisexi bits there today to start the collection. :D:D:D

    My mum rang me then about 6pm and said "I bought you a new white chest of drawers for all the new baby stuff, you can put them away as you buy them over the weeks, it will be delievered on Wednesday. :D

    Might get a few bottles, bibs and sheets now next.

    Anybody pick up any bargains?

  • Registered Users Posts: 116 ✭✭missis aggie

    Hi Ladies,
    I had my scan yesterday, baby is perfect just midwife noticed that the umbilical cord had 2 veins instead of 3 which is very rare. Midwife said baby is growing perfect so there is nothing to worry about but it got me worried a bit... I just have to go back on 10th of October to make sure the growth is progressing. From all the information I gathered from medical websites once there is no abnormalities found on the 20 week scan ( nothing found with my baby ) there is no difference in babies progress and growth. So that put my mind on ease:)
    I hope you all well :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 gravid

    Oh wow, really looking forward to our scan next thursday now! Sounds amazing, but also a bit scary!

    Missis Aggie, it sounds like you have absolutely nothing to worry about, but sure thats always easier said than done, isnt it?!

    We are attending an antenatal physiotherapy class next week too, which the hospital offers. Its just one hour long class but planning to ask tons of questions and will hopefully get something out of it. I have no pain in my back so far so hoping my herniated disk wont cause too much hassle further on either.
    We have also booked the regular antenatal classes which will start in November. Anyone else attending any prenatal classes of any sort?

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Missis Aggie: Yeah i can understand that you are a bit nervous, but its great that baby is doing well. Hopefully you wont have any more complications.

    Gravid: I am starting to get a sore back, nothing major as i know what to expect from when im bigger. I hope you dont have too much trouble, nothing worse than back ache.

    My sister had her baby this morning.... at home on the kitchen floor :D. She didnt wake it to the hospital, She woke up with cramps at 4.30 am and was like hmmm is this labour? Then an hour and twenty minutes later baby is already out. We can all hope for fast labours like that... maybe without the not making it to the hospital part though ;).

    So yeah it was lovely holding a little newborn there today. Im like oooh in 18-20 weeks this will be me please God :D.

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 plahc

    Oh misis aggie that must have been very unsettling to hear. I hate being left in limbo.
    Princessa, I ve started packing my hospital bag yesterday, so i got all of the baby clothes from the attic and washed them. Was cooing over everything.
    Im really bad when it comes to organisation i think ive got ocd. Ive made my hospital bag list and my christmas list yesterday, I am so afraid of my energy dropping again, that im obsessed with getting organised now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    plahc wrote: »
    Princessa, I ve started packing my hospital bag yesterday, so i got all of the baby clothes from the attic and washed them. Was cooing over everything.
    Im really bad when it comes to organisation i think ive got ocd. Ive made my hospital bag list and my christmas list yesterday, I am so afraid of my energy dropping again, that im obsessed with getting organised now.

    My mum told me, i should pack a little hospital bag for myself. Put 2 x pjs in it, undies, deo, facecloth, towel, soap, brush and slippers. She said you never know with pregnancys when they might keep you in and it be handy that the OH could just grab the bag and not have to worry about packing things suppose shes right. I will prob pack my hospital bag about 31 weeks i was thinking. Thats a nice time. I want to go christmas shopping at the end of Oct ha ha, be super prepared too =D

    My mum said she would come down and help me sort out a few things in the house seems i cant lift and that way we can try get the babys room some what organised. Ha my mum and the OH know what im like at this stage. Oh i was looking at all my new niece's babygrows yesterday and i was the same. They are sooooo small. You literally do forget how small they are :D.

    Hows the hubby now Plahc about the gender of the baby?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Good morning ladies :-)
    Sorry i can't direct comments individually to everyone, i'm on my phone so i can't scroll back up.
    To the poster who mentioned the physio, i know its a worry and a pain but its well worth it in the long run. So are the ante-natal classes especially if this is your first. Me personally i'm not going to any, not even a refresher, as both my OH and i are old hands at this by now (we've got 8 between us and this one makes no.9, even though it's our 1st together).
    Princessa i'm delighted your scan went so well. As for hospital bags i've already started getting mine together. I'm just picking up bits an pieces in my weekly shop, including stuff for babys' bag as well. I already have an "emergency" bag packed and ready for myself, due to my history on my other pregnancies of early and frequent admissions.
    So how was everyones weekend?

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 plahc

    Hows the hubby now Plahc about the gender of the baby?[/Quote]

    Hubby totally ok with the gender now, especially when we started going through the clothes and realised that that we will save a fortune because everything we have is for a boy. And he is loving the idea of boys days out etc. The little man wasnt even entertaining the fact that it might have been a girl so he is well chuffed!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Ah thats brilliant. Sure ye can think pink the next time eh Plahc ;););)

    I was having loads of pressure down through me there today, and crampy feeling in my back, its ok now that i am lying down resting.
    My mum got a bit worried. She doesnt want me to start baby shopping until Oct, whereas id just like to get organised. When do people stop getting superstitious about things?

    Did everybody have a nice weekend?

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 plahc

    I think it comes with their generation Princessa, my Dad is terrible "don't buy anything until after the baby is born".
    I suppose at the start of this pregnancy I was alot more causious, but mainly because my SIL has a stillbirth at 41 weeks last Christmas, it shook us all, but having spoken to so many people i've accepted that it was just one of those things.
    I honestly could not afford to have to buy everything all at once when the baby is born so i have to be prepared.

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Im not going to buy loads, but i do not want to be stuck for things as i remember being sore down below after the birth of my daughter and not feeling up to popping into town.

    I want to have enough vests, bibs, baby grows, blankets, sheets, hats, mittens and a little coat to bring Babs home in.

    Oh Im sorry to hear that about your SIL, it must be completely devastating. Yeah you are right, you would drive yourself crazy if you thought of all the bad things in life all the time. At the start in the first trimester i agree but we are all coming into the second half of our second trimester now. At some point you do have to let yourself get excited.

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    gravid wrote: »
    Oh wow, really looking forward to our scan next thursday now!

    Best of luck with the scan on Thursday Gravid, let us know how you get on :D:D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 19 Sleeping Beauty

    Hi ladies and thanks for all your welcomes :) Glad that we seem to be getting our scans and seeing the little ones!!!! Had mine on Monday - a little confused about it though, being a first timer. The midwife said all is good, but didn't explain too much, so I'm googling anterior upper placenta and other things on the printout she gave me. And the baby was not really coopearting, so couldn't count fingers/toes or see and facial features - all seemed a big blur. Thinking about getting a private scan separately just to try and see everything more clearly and have all explained to me. Or am I being OTT? :confused: not sure, what do you think?

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    How many weeks are you now sleeping beauty?

    At my 21 weeks scan the babys head was down in my pelvis in the birthing position bascially so the midwife was unable to check any of the facial features. She did check the structures of the brain, head circumference and what she could. She tried very hard to get the baby to move but it just wasnt co operating.

    I dont think its OTT at all if you want to get a private scan. If it gives you piece of mind for another sonographer to go through fingers, toes, spine, kidneys, stomach, heart and that with you then go for it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19 Sleeping Beauty

    Thanks for advice. I'm 22+2 today. Has anyone had they anomaly scans done privately in Dublin? Any place you can recommend?

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 plahc

    Hi sleeping beauty i had it done in babyscan in cork, but i am sure the have a centre in dub too. i highly recommend them i felt great after mine & the staff were so so nice.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Hey sleeping beauty, what hospital are you going to? I know the coombe do them between 20 and 24 weeks. I have mine on 19th of october.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 19 Sleeping Beauty

    I'm with Holles. Decided to do a private one, booked for Saturday. How is everyone doing? Any nice plans for the weekend?
