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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Ah ok sleeping beauty.
    Not much planned for the weekend, well movie night in OH's place tomorrow night that's about it. Hopefully my bh will have fecked off by then.
    How be you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    I was suppose to go to my aunts birthday party, but my little girl woke up with the sniffles, she misreable gone off to bed there. She woke up a few mins ago crying that she couldnt breathe so i had to jump in the bed for a cuddle and she fell right back.

    Wont be going anywhere if she dont feel better, just be tea, cuddles, barney, carvol drops and cartoons. Hope she feels better after a good nights sleeps, going to put a carvol drop in the room when im going to bed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 plahc

    Well wont be up to much for the weekend myself either. My little man started school yesterday, i was so exhausted that i fell asleep at about half 3 and when i woke an hour later my glands were swollen, sore throat & congestion. Id say it was all the stress of him starting brought it on. I feel like crap tired & moody!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 gravid

    Hi all,

    had the scan yesterday... No bad news is good news I suppose, but it was very rushed and we didn't get to see much. The lady doing the scan was standing in front of the screen so my husband couldn't see the screen at all, and it was all done within 1 min. She said all looks as it should. I asked about finding out the sex but she just said that their equipment isn't good enough to tell that at this stage (19+5). We had planned to book a private scan in a weeks time anyway and will def do that now to get a better idea of how baby is growing and that all fingers etc. are there.

    Im off on a holiday to the sun with my best friend, glad to be leaving this weather!

    Hope all are well!

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Hi everyone,

    As for the weekend I'm on night duty :-( at work.

    We had a private scan yesterday day 19+3.

    It was amazing. My 12 week scan wasn't very clear as I was very sick but this one was amazing. I'm growing a princess :-) it was only a gender scan but she said everything looked good. Showed us the four heart chambers and the bladder and kidneys, fingers and toes. The little on was so active it was great. She was waving, yawning the started kicking and punching me before doing a few somersaults. It's surreal all that is going on inside me but yet I haven't felt anything yet..... I'm waiting for them butterflies

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  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    gravid wrote: »
    my husband couldn't see the screen at all, and it was all done within 1 min. She said all looks as it should. I asked about finding out the sex but she just said that their equipment isn't good enough to tell that at this stage (19+5)
    Nicky987 wrote: »
    I'm growing a princess :-)

    Oh Gravid that wasnt the nicest of experiences by the sound of it. 19+5 you should be able to well determine the sec of the baby, some people find out anytime from 17weeks +. Its a shame your hubby couldnt see anything either, although a min seems very fast for a scan. Best of luck with the private scan anyways. Oooooh we are all jelous now. Enjoy your trip.

    Congrats Nicky987!! A little girl, is this your first baby Nicky987 or do you have princess or princes at home?

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Yes gravid i went to babyscan in swords but believe they are in dublin and cork too. Ahe was lovely said from 18+ is good for gender scan. It was def worth the money.

    Princessa this is our first. Halfway there now :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Congratz Nicky987. Is the Oh thrilled or did he have his heart set on a little boy?
    My OH had a little preference for a boy on our first pregnancy, we didnt find out the sex and when SHE came out, he was just so thrilled. She is truly Daddys little princess. Hes even good at picking out dresses and that for her :D.

    Now the next step agreeing on a name... Do you have a short list of names ye like?

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    I think we both secretly wanted a boy as have three neices and just the one nephew although hubby always said he thought it was a girl. He was amazed at the scan and how clear the pics was and everything we could see and says his delighted with a girl. We had mainly boys names so back to the drawing board for the girls names!

    Couldnt help but go and buy a little pink outfit today.... The first one to their collection!

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    She has plenty of girl cousins to play with is all :D. Uh picking names is so hard i think, esp if one loves a name and the other doesnt like it at all. We had that on our first. I loved the name Callie for a girl, OH hated it. So we just stopped talking about names ha ha and when she was born we named her after two days. We are going to do the same this time too, we have a list of boy and girls names that we like and we can name babas when it comes out :D. See what it looks like. :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Thats it, we will prob gather a short list then wait until there arrival and place a name to the face.

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Yeah we have a short list too, which is way more than what we had last time ha ha. Some people are super organised and have the name and everything sorted, but me and the OH like to look at the little face and "argue" out a name.

    We did that on our first, it was just the three of us in the hospital (Rare occasion we had no visitiors), and we through names around and we just came up with a name together, it was lovely looking back on it. She was there sleeping away while we were deciding what she would be called. :D

    How ye all feeling today ladies? Hows the aches and pains and what not?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Afternoon ladies.
    Had fierce braxton hicks from thursday afternoon right through till evil o'clock friday morning. They stopped before i started back at physio friday afternoon thankfully. Other than that i've no news. How is everyone doing today?
    Oh we've kinda decided on lily for a girl but still can't even think of one for a boy, let alone settle/agree on one lol.

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Thumby is it not very early to be getting braxton hicks contractions? Maybe mention it at your next prenatal appointment or your GP visit.

    Lilly is on our short list of girls names too Thumby, the OH loves Lilly Rose and
    Éabha Rose (Ava Rose). Rose being the middle name that is not a double name. Our car is called Lilly, when we got it the little one christened the car Lilly car as that was the name of her fave dolly at the time and it stuck ha ha ha. When we are in tescos, she says "Lets go out to Lilly now", i think people think i have left my other child in the car and not that its the actual cars name :D:D:D.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Lmao princesssa. That is so cute though. Visa couldn't cover the things kids come out with sometimes. Is your little one looking forward to the new arrival yet? Mine has only really begun to get the whole "baby in momma's (her name for me, the posh little madam) belly" thing the last couple of weeks. She'll randomly come over pull up my top and hug the bump. The poor girl got a massive kick in the face for her efforts lol.
    I'm not to worried about the bh though, i was getting them from 20 weeks on the last time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Hows everyone getting on???

    Were another month closer now!! Im really starting to show now and even noticeable i my work uniform!

    Im not looking forward to this week- i need to have a tooth out because of a abscess but not looking forward to the limited pain relief afterwards! And to make matters worse the hubby is working away this week too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Thumby wrote: »
    Is your little one looking forward to the new arrival yet? I'm not to worried about the bh though, i was getting them from 20 weeks on the last time.
    Nicky987 wrote: »
    Im not looking forward to this week- i need to have a tooth out because of a abscess but not looking forward to the limited pain relief afterwards! And to make matters worse the hubby is working away this week too!

    Yeah she is fine about it i think, she likes when we get a few babygrows etc and put them in the babys room. She gives her Brother/Sister a kiss if she is going off anywhere with Nanna too. I dunno will that all change now when she sees the baby or realise we are taking it home. :D Heres to hoping everything just runs smoothly. I will be starting her in playschool in Jan so il be making a big fuss about her about what a big girl she is and ask loads of questions and attension when shes home from playschool as baby will of had a few hours undivided attension in the morning. Im hoping thats how things will work out anyways :D.

    Oh you poor thing Nicky, i had both my wisdom teeth removed last summer as the were growing down through the gums abnormally and i was so thankful that i had ponstan in the house. Paracetemol is a very underrated analgesia though i must say, and its perfectly safe during pregnancy so maybe you will manage with lots of rest and some paracetemol.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19 Sleeping Beauty

    Girls, thanks for support and recommendations. We went with babyscan Dublin in the end and they are very good. The screen is huge and the lady doing the scan was explaining everything as she was going through body parts. Hope everyone enjoys their scans

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Sleeping beauty we had a scan there last week. Had a gender scan but she went through everything else too. Like u say was fab to have the big screen there to. The lady was excellent felt we def got our money worth, much longer than i had expected. Would def recommend them!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Oh nicky you poor thing. You must be in agony. the nurofen luqicaps are excellent for dental pain, although i'm not sure if you can use them atm but it wouldn't hurt to double check. Hopefully it won't be as bad as you're expecting though. I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya though.
    @sleeping beauty, delighted your scan went so well for ya.
    @princessa i'm doing the same with my little one but i'm only putting her in playschool part time in the beginning. In saying that though i have to potty train her first. Lol

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  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Oh potty training is done, thank god. Start soon Thumby, you wont be able to lift her onto the toilet soon with a big bump on you he he he.

    Ah i am thrilled you enjoyed your scan sleeping beauty. I am already excited about seeing the baby at the 34 weeks scan they said i have to have. Very sad i know. Ha if i had a scan machine in my house id never get anything done. Its just so amazing when you see them moving about and the little fingers and toes etc in there :D.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Another few weeks and i'll be starting her princessa. I wanted to wait till my older 2 were back at school. The min they go back i get hit with appointments left right and centre, so i may wait till i've the next 3 weeks out of the way. I'll be training her with a potty at first as my shoulder is too weak to lift right now, i'm back in physio twice a week again :-( as for the bump thats already massive, i'm now in a size 16 maternity (was an 8/10 before i fell pregnant). Shaving my legs in the shower has already become impossible as everything from the bellybutton down has diappeared lol.

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Thumby are you sure you are only growing one baby in there? Maybe theres one hiding behind the other... I joke dont worry :p.

    Ah bumps are beautiful anyways thumby, dont mind if people saying "Oh you are so big, i was so neat... BLLLAAAAAHHHH". They are just jelous. On my first i didnt get a bump until nearly my third trimester and people thought i was just getting fat ha ha, i couldnt wait for a big round bump. I Have one this time and i love it, even though a girl i went to school with came up to me yesterday and was like "Awwwh how long have you left?" I was like "17 weeks".... "Ooooh your eh you have eh.... your bump is big". I just smiled "It is yeah"

    Ah thats handy Thumby, send the kiddies off to school and you can focus on the wee wees with the little one. I potty trained my little one over the easter when i had two weeks off together.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Oh i've always shown from the first few weeks princessa. I'm tiny myself (4'9) and any type of expansion in the tummy area is blatently obvious lol. Thankfully my bumps have always looked like bumps from the get go because i can't carry any weight well at all. Lol.
    Like you said a couple of weeks solid where i'm not running around like a headless chicken will be the perfect time to train madam. Its going to be fun lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    I know you joke about more than one but i swear if i didn't already know better i'd say you were right. Despite the fact that babs is only supposed to be about the size of an orange i quite frequently have a head in my right hip and a foot in my left hip/rib (depending on the time of day) lmao.
    How are you feeling today?

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Im not too bad this morning i was sore yesterday. After i saying it to you on this is it not too early for Braxton Hicks, i had them all day yesterday. I certainly didnt get them this early on my first.
    But i guess my body has had a previous pregnancy so it is just practicing :D

    Hows the physio going for you? I am back on friday for more...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Yeah they tend to show up earlier in subsequent pregnancies, like everything else lol.
    Physio isn't too bad when it's being done, but it does exhauste me and by that evening i usually end up in a bit of pain, but sure it has to be done unless i want to lose the majority of movement in my arm again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Aaaarrrggghhhh up since poxy evil o'clock again. I'm getting seriously sick of this now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 plahc

    princessa i was the same on my first no bump, but im huge now already. Cant sleep on belly anymore as of last night. Im finding it hard at d whole embracing the bump. I am a very conservative person so i find ot difficult wen ppl state evn tho dey prob dnt.
    Thumby I feel your pain, up at 4:30 yezterday & 5 this morn, its painful!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Don't be stressing about having difficulty embracing the bump. Alot of ppl never can during pregnancy but it doesn't change their bond with babs. If it makes you feel any better i completely resented my bump up until recently. Both myself and my OH had alot of difficulty accepting the fact that i was pregnant and my bump was just a massive reminder of it (started showing straight away, not my first pregnancy and i'm teeny tiny). I couldn't even stomach seeing myself in the mirror and cried everytime i couldn't fit into yet another piece of clothing.
