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Going to tri this

  • 08-05-2012 12:12pm
    Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭

    New to triathlon and thought I would start a training thread here in the hope it will motivate me to train more!

    First off apologies about the silly thread title! Couldnt really think of anything!

    Bit of a background on me, Kayaked from the age of 8, won a few competitions but after a few nasty injuries to friends and near misses have nearly completely given it up. Only time I kayak now is when I am teaching beginners which is not often. As well as this played a lot of soccer, played at college level and was alright but a little small for it!

    Around a year ago I decided I needed something to keep me busy in the evenings, few friends had done triathlons so decided I would give it a go. Began training by myself and got up a relatively ok level of fitness. Done one or two small races last year and realy enjoyed them. Trained a bit more and could see improvements so decided I would start some proper training.

    This will be my first proper season in triathlon and will be more about seeing what I need to work on, dont think I will ever be the fastest but like to push myself.

    Joined activ multisport at the start of the year and having been doing a bit of training with them, but prob not as much as I should be! Went to the beginners training day over the weekend and was very pleased with my times and this has motivated me to train even more.

    Brief over view of my training is at least 2 swim sessions a week, at least 3 run sessions and at least 3 bike sessions. This does not always work out but I've started cycling to and from work, approx 22k each way, and have recently bought a turbo trainer so the bike is coming along.

    Activ Multisport beginners day. 750 timed swim in the aquatic centre (approx 16 mins) think I could get this down as I got caught behind a few slower swimmers a few times. After this was a group 20k cycle, started off with the second group but at the half way point decided to go by myself and try catch the first group. Caught a few of them, was glad I went by myself, gave me a chance to push the bike. Then was a timed 5 k run, distance was a bit shorter than 5k, around 4.8k. Managed a 19.35 for this and was very pleased with it, even though I felt after that I could have started pushing early than I did.


    Went for first open water swim session, went out to Seapoint to try out my new 2XU wetsuit, done about 800m in the water and felt good even though it was freezing and the water was very choppy. Took it easy for rest of day as legs were tired after Saturdays sessions.


    Went for a run in the local park. Done 800m warm up followed by 10 X 200m intervals with 100M break between sets. My uncle who is an athletic coach recommended this to me to improve my speed so will give it a go to see how it goes.
    After this practised leaving the shoes on the bike and pushing off from a running start. Never done this before, and took a few goes and whacks to the shins but got it. Then worked on taking feet out of shoes while moving and dismounting while the bike is moving. Really glad I practised this as it was not as scary as it looked when I seen other people doing it!

    A long first post but hopefully it will keep me motivated to keep the training up and not take too many rest days!



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Welcome to the logs :) Have you any races planned?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thanks for that,

    Signed up to do the Try athy back in Jan with a few mates, wouldnt mind doing the sprint but it has a bit of money riding on it so will do it just to get used to transitions and see what its like at a race.

    Signed up for the Dublin city olympic and looking at the Kilkenny olympic too, again friends doing this one. After athy I might look at doing the Athlone sprint but will depend on other factors. Generally just want to see what its like to race this year and work on my own training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Hi Joe

    Good to see another activ multisporter logging their training and I look forward to seeing how it's going. There will be a crowd if us at Athy, Athlone and Dublin as they're club races so should see you there.

    You want to put down in writing what times you are aiming at for the Dublin Olympic?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Hey R,

    Not sure really about times for the Dublin city triathlon. Entered as something to train for for the season. No idea of swim time, swam a 400m timed river swim in 5.30, swam the 750 in the pool in the NAC in around 16.00 minutes so would guess somewhere around 33 mins? not sure how realistic that is or the chances of swimming it! Cycle not too sure either, can arverage around 33kmph on the commute to work so would reckon around 1hr 15 maybe for the cycle? again not sure of this. On my training run I can run 15k at 4:40 per k so would reckon around 47:00 for the run.

    Again these are all very rough estimates! Prob not a bad idea to do a timed session in each to try and find out a guide time though! Will work on that over next week or two!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    joey100 wrote: »
    Hey R,

    Not sure really about times for the Dublin city triathlon. Entered as something to train for for the season. No idea of swim time, swam a 400m timed river swim in 5.30, swam the 750 in the pool in the NAC in around 16.00 minutes so would guess somewhere around 33 mins? not sure how realistic that is or the chances of swimming it! Cycle not too sure either, can arverage around 33kmph on the commute to work so would reckon around 1hr 15 maybe for the cycle? again not sure of this. On my training run I can run 15k at 4:40 per k so would reckon around 47:00 for the run.

    Again these are all very rough estimates! Prob not a bad idea to do a timed session in each to try and find out a guide time though! Will work on that over next week or two!

    Probably worth doing the timed sessions to give you some idea but...

    S: 33:00
    T1 2:00
    B: 75:00
    T2: 2:00
    R: 47:00
    2 hrs 39 mins

    I reckon you'll be good for that maybe even closer to 2hrs 30mins, and it will be a good target for your first Oly.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Tuesday 8th May

    Legs still a bit tired when I woke up and took a lot of will power but got on the bike and cycled to work. Cycle about 21km long and cycled home from work around 23km. Cycle is pretty good, some nice long open sections with no lights so not as good as a proper cycle but nice to get some miles in on the bike.

    Tuesday evening went for a swim, about 80 lengths of a twenty metre pool. Split into different groups and working on few drills. Session went well and felt grand after it.

    Not sure about training on Wednesday as in work from 9.00 until around 9 but hopefully can get a short swim or run in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wednesday 9th May

    Long day in work, in at a meeting at nine and in until nine so didnt leave much time for training. Was bringing a group of kids high board diving in the evening so managed to get a quick swim in while they were bombing off the high board! Done approx 36 lengths in a 25m pool, not as long as I would have wanted but all I could get in while keeping an eye on the lads and getting changed before them.

    Plan was to cycle to work today but not good weather at all so decided that the new turbo will come out when I get home. Fingers crossed that the rain clears a bit so I can go for a run straight off the turbo. Havent done much running this week at all and dont want to let it slip when I was getting close to a sub 20 min 5k.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thursday 10/05/12

    Didnt get to cycle to work as the weather was too bad. Took it easy during the day, was hoping for a half day but didnt get it in the end. Ended up taking out the new turbo and done about 35 mins on it followed by a 6.5k run straight after. Legs are definitely starting to get used to the transition, but still have to take it easy for the first 500m just to get them moving again. Run was done at a steady pace as the gf was out trying to get some training in for the race too.

    Hopefully get to the pool tonight and have a long run and long cycle over the weekend. This has to fit in around the opening of the best worst movie of the year though with the new piranha movie!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Friday 11 May

    Day didnt start out great, combination of weather and having to take in a load of canoeing gear to work meant I couldnt cycle. This and hassle at work put me in bit of a bad mood for the day but decided id run it out of me and when I got home I ran to the swimming pool (approx 7k in 33 mins). First two kilometres where tough, legs felt very heavy and stiff but once I got past these the speed upped and I felt much better. Got to the pool and done approx 70 lengths, combinatin of drills, pull buoy and board work so felt like i had a good work out when i got home (got a lift home, was feeling tired after pool and swim!)

    Saturday 12 May

    Got up nice and early and went for a 24k cycle with the gf, she is doing try athy too so wanted me to take her out for a spin, nice steady pace around 24kmph average speed and nice few hills too. Dropped her back to the house and then went on by myself and done another 40k at approx 32k per hour. Done my usual lap backwards and realised why I normally cycle it the other way, its more down than up! Was good to mix it up though and enjoyed trying to keep a good speed when going up hill.

    All in all a good two days training and will hopefully be doing a long run tomorrow morning.Finally seem to have got into a nice training routine, just have to keep it up for another week or so now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Sunday 13th May

    Was all set to stay in bed today after the cycling yesterday but legs were suprisingly fresh so no excuse not to run. Went for my long run, aroud 13.5k in about 64 mins. Good pace throughout and legs felt grand during and after, only problem was the wind, one hill especially on the run where once I passed over the top of it was running into the wind for the next 1.5k and the pace really suffered because of it! little blister on the side of my foot when I got home but didnt notice it when I was running and seems ok so should be grand to run all week.

    Not in work til tomorrow afternoon so tomorrow morning is planned for my favourite session, fast kilometres. Again this came from my uncle and seems to be working, Pretty basic session, about 800m warm up and then 4 X 1k fast, tryin to keep it around or below 4:00 min. Break of ninety seconds between each kilometre. Last time I had this session was after a rough weekend and ended up sick along the road, so need to get back out and do it again, this time keeping my breakfast down!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Monday 14th May

    Was meant to be doing my fast kilometres today but legs didnt want to move when I got up. Decided I could prob do with a rest day so took it easy all day and then done lots of stretching in the evening after work.

    Tuesday 15th May

    Felt bit guilty after my rest day so cycled in and out of work. Really noticed the difference in the legs after the rest and averaged around 34kmph on the way into work. Cycled home from work too but not as fast thanks to a lovely headwind the whole way, done about 45k in total.

    Tuesday evening went to the pool and done approx 2.2k in a mixture of pull buoy, board work and drills. then tried to swim non stop for the last twenty mins. This was more to see could I keep swimming than aimming for a number of lengths so was very happy when I done the twenty mins. Felt I could have kept going too but decided not to push it too much!

    Tomorrow will be my fast kilometres and then try and get a few lengths done in the pool when the kids I work with are doing their high board diving.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    joey100 wrote: »
    averaged around 34kmph on the way into work. Cycled home from work too but not as fast thanks to a lovely headwind the whole way, done about 45k in total

    That's pretty good going into a headwind. I'll have to make sure you're well handicapped for the TT league when you ride!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Ah its around 22k each way, didnt have the head wind when I averaged the 34kmph, more like 28 with the head wind!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wednesday 16th May

    Got up before work and done a running session. Was a 800m warm up and then 4 kilometres under 4:00 pace with a 90 sec rest in between the kilometres. Felt good after it and prob could have done one or two more but left it at that and will prob up it to 5 kilometres next week.

    Plan for the evening was to get into the pool while the kids I work with done their high board diving lessons and do some lengths but after getting away with it last week didnt think I would this week. And how right was I! Ended up doing the lesson with the kids, was good laugh but didnt get much training in, nice break from doing lengths though!

    Thursday 17th May

    Have been doing a lot of extra work in work over the last few weeks so was able to take today off as flexi time. Decided that this would be the best day to do my first proper brick session of the year, all brick sessions up to now have been from turbo to run. Mapped out a 40k cycle route and then a 6.5k run. Left my running gear in the car so that I could jus throw bike in there after the run and head straight out. Comfortable enough on the bike, but took about 6/7k to get the legs really moving, think this is a combination of me being a slow starter and most of the hills being in the first 5k. Done the 40k in around 1hr 17 so not too bad a pace. Bike went into the boot of the car and on went the runners and I went off on my run. Legs felt much Jellier (that even a word??) than after a turbo brick but after about 600 m started to feel normal again. Tried to keep the pace up through it though and done the 6.5k averaging 4.30 a kilometre. Felt good after it, calves bit tight but nothing major.

    Feeling good for my first race in Athy, even though it is only very short I can see big improvement from where I am now and where I was when I started training in September. Back then I was averaging around 5.25 on a fast run so to average 4.30 after 40k on the bike really makes all the training worthwhile!

    Hopefully going to get out for a steady 6k run with the gf later, will be around 5.50 pace so shouldnt be a problem, I hope!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Fri 18th May

    Legs felt tired after the brick session on Thursday so took the car to work. Got out of work early to get home and try get some training done but car wouldnt start so had to wait for two hours for mechanic to call out an sort the car for me. Ended up not getting home until nearly eight so didnt get anything done really, just some stretching for the legs.

    Sat 19th May

    Calf sore when I woke up in the morning, but only seems to be sore when I run so decided best to stay off it and rested as much as I could for the day. Got out to the pool and done approx 1.5k in a mix of straight swimming, pull bouy and few drills. Swim is feeling good for the races and seem to have no problems covering the distance, see how this transfers to open water though.
    Took the evening off to watch the Chelsea match and done some more stretching. Leg felt much better by the end of the day so hoping it be better for running during the week.

    Sun 20th May

    Best to rest my calf again so went for an open water swim. Travelled down to Bray with the gf and spent about 25-30 mins in the water, thought my googles were pretty clean and scratch free but noticed a lot more scratches in them when in the open water, no issues with fogging though so that was a plus. Might need to take a trip an get a new pair for my races! Worked on my swim start from a floating position and my sighting. Even though there was only a few small waves got a few mouthfuls of water but nothin major. Surprised myself with how straight a line I swim but do need to work on my sighting. Not sure of distance I do as some of the time was spent helping gf with her sighting and trying to keep her going in a straight line. Reckon I covered around 700-800 metres and felt grand. Surprised when I got out though how dizzy I felt and took me a min or two to get my balance back, never felt this before so will have to keep an eye on it.

    Hopefully get back to running on Tuesday, calf feeling grand today but will give it another days rest and do more stretching today and tomorrow before a steady run on Tuesday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    joey100 wrote: »
    Fri 18th May

    Sat 19th May

    Calf sore when I woke up in the morning, but only seems to be sore when I run so decided best to stay off it and rested as much as I could for the day. .

    you should look into getting a foam roller for the calves- like getting a massage after every session- they are the business and they are cheap

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thanks Trig musta have a look at one of them, its an old football injury, always plagued by my calves when playing. Currently using compression calf guards and then have been doing the job up until now but seem to have lost their compression so might need a new pair!

    Monday 21st May

    Had to get back out today but spent the morning trying to get new tyres for my car. Didnt leave anytime for training so decided to go out that evening after work. Done a 3k with the girlf arond 5:15 pace, very fast for her so she was delighted. Then carried on by myself and done another 4k by myself. Calf felt good so pushed it a bit and done a 4:38, 4:22, 4:22 and a 4:11 to finish. This was more to see how my calf would hold up and was very happy when it felt fine after. The rest and stretching seems to have done it good.

    Plan tomorrow is to do another run, usually swim on Tuesday evenings but have a meeting in the evening after work tomorrow so will prob just head out for a run when I get home.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Tuesday 22nd May

    Legs felt grand this morning after the run yesterday so was feeling good about that all day Got stuck in work and then the meeting after a bit longer than I would have hoped but pushed myself to go out for a run when I got home. Tried out a new running route and comes in just over 9k, fairly flat too with no real traffic or raods to cross. Took this as a steady session and done the 9k in around 42 mins, averaging around 4.45 per km. Legs felt good when I finished.

    Plan tomorrow is to avoid the high board diving with the kids in work and do some lengths to make up for the missed swimming today. Prob will be forced into doing one or two dives but dont want to spend the whole session doing it like the previous week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wednesday 23rd May

    Another long day at work, they all seem to be coming at once which is a bit of a pain trying to fit in the training. Was bringing a group of kids high board diving in work in the evening so brought along my swim gear in the hope I could get in for a swim. Ended up getting in 30 lengths non stop, more to see how it felt than anything else. Felt grand after the lengths, only thing if anything was the pool was probably a bit too warm! (never thought I'd say that!). Then done 5 sets of fast fifty metres with a break between them, and then 6 lengths just to cool down. Swim felt comfortable, and although I'm probably not up to the olympic distance quite yet I dont think I will have a problem getting there for the Kilkenny triathlon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thursday 24th May

    Took advantage of the good weather and cycled into work, bit windier than it looked when I woke up in the morning but legs are definetly getting used to the journey. Average speed is gradually going up and am getting a higher top speed than usual. Also legs are not tired when I get into work which is always a good thing! Pushed it a bit going into work for approx 18km and then I hit my first set of lights and traffic for the next 3k. Legs felt good and plenty left in them at the end. Went down the strawberry beds along the liffey to go home, decided to use the ramps as a bit of intervals, taking a break of two ramps and then from a very slow rolling start trying to get above 35k before the next one. Didnt make all of them, no set distance between ramps and some came up quicker than I expected. Made the cycle home a bit more interesting and hopefully do some more good.

    Wont be doing much more today as gf had her viva for her phd so getting the pleasure of taking her out for dinner tonight and few drinks. Tomorrow is down as her first brick session so will do this with her and then we are heading out on a celebratory night out with her lab people so not sure what training will be done on Sat but will try get out for even a quick run. Amazing how your priorities can change in a very quick period of time! This time last year I would have been drinking at least 2 to 3 times a week and not just a few drinks. This year I drink if even once a month and rarely get drunk, keep thinking of the time that I could be training that I would miss!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Friday 25th May

    Went out with girlf on her first brick session. 10k on the bike followed by a 3.2k run. Legs felt grand throughout the whole thing, never felt tired or sore. Only a short one but did feel the heat, hoping the first race in athy wont be as hot! Short training day but at least I got something done.

    Saturday 26th May

    Took a day off training, went out for a few drinks on the Friday night so took the Saturday easy. Done plenty of walkin but dont know if that counts for training!!

    Sunday 27th May

    Went down to gf's parents, her Dad has signed up to do the try athy as well. He does a lot of cycling and will struggle through the run but was his first time in a pool in a long time today. Just gave him a hand with a few things and done approx 36-40 lengths myself, mostly in groups of 2 or 4 fast lengths. Felt good in the swim and feeling in good shape for the try athy on Saturday. Will be taking it fairly easy during the week but will still get out for my runs and cycles, probably take Thursday and Friday off training so ill be fresh on Saturday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Monday 28th May

    In early in work and was going to be in for a long day so didnt cycle in, had to carry stuff between our two premises in work so needed the car too. Went for a run after work to make up for taking it easy during the day. Done approx 5.5k in about 23 mins. Legs felt good throughout the run and upped the pace as the run went on so the kilometres became quicker. Feeling good about the race on Sat and the plan for the week is cycle in and out of work tomorrow and swim tomorrow evening. Wednesday hope to get in a sea swim with the club but that will depend how quick I can get out of work. Not sure for Thurs and Fri but wont be training too hard this week.

    Going to up the training again after the race to try get myself ready for the olympic races I have on later in the season

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Tuesday 29th May

    Cycled in and out of work today and told myself to keep it easy rather than push it. Took it easy going into work and dont know if their was a tailwind but found the whole cycle a lot easier than usual but turned out I also done it quicker so was pleased with that! Think this will be important in the races that I don't push too hard too early and end up dying on the second half of the bike and for the run.

    Cycled home from work too and again took it easy, some of this was enforced because of traffic but enjoyed the cycled and even though I took it easy tried to keep it up above 30kmph for the majority of the cycle. Legs felt grand at end of cycle. This will be my last cycle before the try athy on Sat and still trying to decided if I should leave the shoes on the pedals for the start or just run in them to the mount line. Have practiced a rolling mount and dont really have a problem with that, bit of a problem with getting right foot into the shoe easily though. Something to think about during the week anyway.

    When I got home from work went straight to the pool and done approx 800m swim. Worked on my breathing and done few sets where I breathe every 3, then 5, then 7. Have been doing this on and off for a month now and starting to really feel the benefit of it, 3 seems nearly too soon to take a breath but means I can go for a lot longer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wednesday 30th May

    Didnt do too much on Wednesday. Collected a wetsuit from cyclesuperstore for the gf's dad (even though I managed to end up in Blessington when I took a back road out!). Got a new battery for the bike computer when I was there as well as some new pedals for the gf.

    Club (Activ Multisport) were going for a sea swim that evening at high rock in Portmarnock so finished work a bit early and headed out to meet them. Water was cold but warmed up in it pretty quickly and was one of the last out of the water along with Courdelion. Swim felt good and feeling more and more relaxed in the open water, starting to prefer it to the pool. Not sure what we done distance wise rough estimate of 200m out then back and then repeated this. Arms and legs felt fine and had no problems with breathing or sighting.

    Going to try get back in the pool tonight for a few lengths and then plan tomorrow is to take it easy and get myself sorted for the try on Saturday. Going in the second wave and not quite sure what to expect but looking forward to it and hoping the rain holds off!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Good luck at the weekend!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Well done Joe, I told you on Wednesday you would get a top 10 and you didn't disappoint. Look forward to reading your race report.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Cheers Trig and couerdelion.

    Took Thursday off training and just done some stretching at home, Friday was pretty much the same. Packed and sorted all my gear for the race and Saturday, still hadn't decided between shoes on or off the bike but thought i'd wait until I got down there to decide.

    Saturday 2nd June Try Athy

    Didn't have to register until two down at the race in Athy and race didn't start until 5 so didn't want to get down there too early and spend a lot of time waiting around. Got down there with plenty of time and went over and registered with the gf and her dad, walked down to the transition area and found my bike race spot and took some time to sort out my gear. After I laid out my gear I walked up from the swim exit to my bike space and then walked to the transition exit, and then from the bike entrance to the rack and on to the run exit, done this twice to make sure I knew where my spot was! Spent bit of time going thru how I wud get changed in my head and then got changed into my gear and wetsuit for the briefing.

    Walked up to the siwm start with the rest of the group and I think the fact my girlf was so nervous it didn't give me a chance to think too much about it.

    Swim : 4.26 (1st Overall)

    I was going in the second wave and got in nice and early and got myself right to the front of the wave, was strange because people seemed to move away from me and give me lots of space so didnt have to worry about elbows or feet. Got myself positioned nicely and got ready for the start, wave started and got off to a nice start, pushed it a bit for the first 30-40 metres to get away from people and got into a nice rhythm. Could see one person either side of me who were keeping up but seemed to be pushing harder so I slowed my stroke slightly and just worked on getting a nice long reach and pull. This worked great as they started to tire and I pulled away. Passed a few of the swimmers from the first wave before I got to the bridge and then another few before the ramp.

    T1 : 1.40 (6th)

    T1 went well, managed to get top half of my suit off and found my bike with no hassle. Wetsuit came off fairly handy and on went socks and bike shoes (was getting wet so decided to leave them off the bike). Number had been on under the wetsuit so helmet on and out of T1 with little problem.

    Bike : 30.08 (3)

    Bike felt good as soon as I got onto it. Got into a nice rhythm and just kept picking people ahead who I could aim for. Kept the speed above 30kmph and legs were feeling very good. Turned around at the out point, probably started to slow a bit too early here and lost bit of time. Pushed it coming back on the bike but was a lot tougher into the headwind. Again just kept picking people off and watched my speed so I wouldn't go too much above what I had trained at. Second lap was fairly uneventful and got out of the shoes nice and early on the way into Transition, straight off the bike and over the mount line.

    T2 : 1.16 (28)

    Was pretty happy with this time and got to my rack with no problems. Was low down on the overall standings but think thats because alot of people had their running shoes on on the bike.Running shoes went on as well and straight out of Transition.

    Run : 15.18 (7)

    Ran out of transition and straight away felt a strain in my left calf, like bubbles moving up thru it. Have had this a lot in the past so slowed down to give it time to pass. This stopped me getting into a nice rhythm but I had only seen one person exit transition before me so I put my head down and tryed to pull him in. The strain in my calf made me careful not to push too hard so took my time and slowly caught up with him. About hundred metres before I overtook him I was passed by another runner and used this as my cue to up the pace. I hung onto him for approx 1.2k until we were about 400 metre from the end, by that stage calf was very sore and just couldnt keep up with him on the final sprint.

    Felt good at the end of the race (apart from my calf) and was delighted to have finished the race. When I signed up in January I was hoping to do it under 1.05, as it got close to the race I hoped for under the hour and on the day I was hoping for under 58 mins. I couldnt believe when I got 52.50, well under what I expected and was very happy with all parts except for the run, which I would have hoped to have done quicker.

    At the timing van at the race I was placed as 2nd overall and 1st in my age category, irish triathlon has me down as 3rd but either way I have to be pleased with the result. For my first race and not knowing what to expect everything went really well. Event was really well run and the support was great for everyone, not just the top lads in olympic and double, good crowds stayed out to cheer people on in the try too.

    Overall very pleased with the weekend and plenty to work and build on over the coming months! (gf has now said she doesnt mind me buying a nice new bike at the end of the season, so thats a plus!)

    Sorry bout the long post, first race and wasn't sure what people would want to read or not. Now back to training tomorrow!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    joey100 wrote: »

    At the timing van at the race I was placed as 2nd overall and 1st in my age category, irish triathlon has me down as 3rd but either way I have to be pleased with the result.

    With what is going on with Irishtriathlon and results recently be thankful he is only taking a place off you ;)

    Well done great result

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Congratulations on completing your first tri, and also on a podium finish!! Well done, and nice report! :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thanks for all the replies!!

    Back training today after taking a few days off after the race, trying to get fitness up now for Kilkenny Olympic and Dublin olympic. Wont be placing well in these, will just be a learning experience and finishing them. Not sure of time to aim for yet, want to do few more weeks of training to see where I stand and how I feel going into them.

    Tuesday 5th June

    Back in the pool after my little break. Done approx 1.1 k, mixture of drills, working on my breathing and stroke and just plain simple swimming. Felt good after the race, little tired but think that was more due to lack of food before I went. Going to try spend more time in the pool over the next few months and get up to olympic distance.
