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Going to tri this



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Friday 5th April

    Meant to be a recovery day, slow 1 hour run. Still wasn't feeling great and with heading to Sardinia next week decided to knock it on the head. Took the evening off and done nothing. Pretty sure it was the right thing to do, plenty more training over the next 2 weeks so wanted to be able to make the most of it.

    Saturday 6th April

    So woke up feeling much better, throat feels back to normal and legs not as tired as they have been. Plan was for a long cycle. Headed out with the gf for 45km, took this fairly handy. Nice pace, fairly windy but a lovely day to be out. After this I stayed out and done another 20km myself. Legs were feeling good but the wind was picking up and had a nice headwind for most of it. Altogether 65km done, good days cycling. Feeling much better now too, Few more days training and then off to Sardinia for club training camp, can't wait now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Sunday 7th April

    So bit of a mixed training day today. Started off well, was to be an hour bike building throughout ending with a 10km TT. Thought I had picked a nice route for this but turned out there was a type of cross wind/wind at my back on the way out. Was enjoying this until I remembered that I would have to come back into it. Took it handy enough starting out, was out on TT bike and am still getting used to it. The last bit was to be my 10km TT and then bit of a cool down before quick transition at my car. Think I paced the 10km well, didn't start out too quick and built into it as it went on. 10km done in 15.45, pretty pleased with this time, bit of a drag from clane to just outside Celbridge, where I had to stop at a roundabout and then bit of a short drop in Celbridge. Legs felt good for it and could have probably done a little bit more. After this straight to the car and bike into the back, change of shoes and off I went. Plan was to keep it at 10km race pace and after the wobbly jelly legs for the first 600m I settled into this well. The longer I ran the more I felt comfortable with the pace. Good training session done.

    The evening was meant to be a swim session. Knew I would be going to a family do so brought my gear with me so I could go straight to pool on the way back. Unfortunately I got stuck longer than I thought and ended up missing the opening hours in the pool so not a great end to the week. Bit of a tough week training wise, annoyed at few sessions, changes to one session and then missed sessions. Hopefully next week be an improvement.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Monday 8th April

    Back to the turbo after the weekend out on the bike. Plan was for a hour and a half session, in this was seven sections with short hard intervals ranging from 130% to 150% of FTP with 15 seconds rest between each. Early on I had to skip every third one, but because of this I was feeling good on the bike, much better than last week and was a lot closer to the numbers I should have been hitting. At 1 hour in I got a shooting pain in the outside of my right leg just at my shin, eased off on the bike but was still sore so cut the session short. Another session cut short but good reason this time, still a bit sore now. No idea what happened or why but hopefully a bit of rest and compression socks tonight will sort it out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    So back from the club training camp in Sardinia, ended up having to take a day or two off before it because of the pain in my ankle after the turbo. Training camp itself was great, weather was great, over 20 degrees every day.

    Place where we were staying was perfect for what we needed, plenty of hills for the bike, quiet roads for running and a beach and local pool for swimming.

    Week consisted of 4 run sessions covering over 40km, 5 bikes covering over 385km with 6240m of climbing, 3 pool swim sessions and 2 open water swim sessions. The bike was without a doubt the toughest part of the week with even the shorter spins having over 700m of climbing. Most of the spins averaged around 70km but with the tough climbing and the heat this was enough for most of the group. Pleased with how I got on, pace was kept up going up the hills and improved as the week went on with my descending. Highlight for me was one of the days on the bike, after a tough 50km climbing we stopped for lunch. I was struggling up to this point so was not looking forward to the spin back, but whatever I done over lunch worked and my legs felt great after it. Pushed it up the last few climbs and managed to pull out a lead over most other people, once we dropped to the flat spin back we formed a group and the speed was kept over 35km for around 15km back to the house.

    Today was a 15km run, nothing too fast. Legs felt good, gave them a rest day after the camp and feel very strong now. Not sure what the plan for the week is but with first race of the season coming up next weekend (Joey Hannon Oly) I would say it will be more about keeping ticking over and keeping the legs strong for the cycle leg.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Sunday 21st April

    So back into the swing of things after the training camp. Headed out on the TT bike early in the day, want to try get a bit of time on it before the race on Sunday. Starting to get used to the position and spent some time getting into and out of the aero position. Felt ok on the bike, legs a bit tired and missing a bit of sharpness. Took it out for a 40km spin, longest yet on it and covered 39km in 72 mins, was taking it fairly handy and had to stop at few traffic lights so pleased with that and once I get the sharpness back in the legs bodes well for this Sunday.

    Evening was back to the local pool, it was freezing compared to the pool in Sardinia! A natural mineral water pool that was warmed by the thermal springs, bit warm at the start but lovely to swim in. Session was a handy one, bit of kick board work, bit of drills and few 200m intervals. Altogether around 1700m done and felt good in the water. Plan for the evening now is some foam rolling to try sort the legs and to take it easy!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Monday 22nd April

    So back into the training routine and up early for turbo before work. Handy enough session today, 1 hour between 60-65% of FTP, mainly focusing on recovering after the training week. Legs felt bit heavy on the turbo but the time went surprisingly fast and felt good at the end. Evening session was home circuit, felt this. Been a week or two since I have done these and found it tough enough. Body feels bit tired but week ahead isn't too busy and the focus is on recovering so will be all set for the weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Tuesday 23rd April

    So back to my non mineral water pool for my swim this morning. Good bit colder than what I got used to in Sardinia but after a few lengths was probably nicer! Not too bad a session today, bit of warm up, few drills then into main set of 8 X 100 moderate. After this was 320m kicking, a lot of kicking seemed to be in today's session. Legs bit tired at the end of it but felt good in the water.

    Evening was back to my speed work. 20 min warm up then into 4 x 800m to come in around 2.55. Started these ok and was going well until the third one when I ran 900m instead of 800m. This made the last one a lot harder than it needed to be. First time wearing heart rate monitor on the run and by the 4th interval it was up around 183. Only thing I can compare this to is when I'm on the turbo and the highest I've hit is around 174. Had to take bit of longer rest after the last interval and then into 3 kilometres at ten k pace + 10 seconds (4.22 min). These felt hard, legs were tired and heart rate began creeping back up. Tired by the end of it but a good session done. Altogether around 12.3km done and that seems to be it for hard sessions for this week. Rest of week the focus will be on recovering for Sunday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wednesday 24th April

    So with nice tired legs after Tuesday's run session it was back to the turbo. 1 hour of easy spinning with the focus being on recovery, found the time went quick enough which is always nice on the turbo. Legs were definitely tired but got through the session ok, without having to push it. Evening session was another home circuit, again after the break and just being tired found this tough going.

    Thursday 25th April

    Back to club swim session. Pool was all set up for long course championships so meant going in 25m pool in the diving pool. Place was very busy, only about 8 lanes between everyone. We managed to get a lane to ourselves and after a bit of FC, pull buoy and kicking warm up was into the main set. This was 8 X 50m 35'' RI, 7 X 50m 30'' RI, 6 X 50m 25'' RI, 5 X 50m 20'' RI, 4 X 50m 15'' RI, 3 X 50m 10'' RI, 2 X 50m 5''RI and then one last one. Aim was to keep the times are close together as possible. Managed to keep these all between 42-45 seconds so was pretty pleased with that. Felt good in the water too, none of the 50's felt very tough and seemed to be moving well.

    Nice easy run for later, 45 mins at an easy pace. If weather keeps up will be a lovely session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thursday 25th April

    So headed out in the lovely weather for a slow run after work. Only stayed out about 40 mins but legs were feeling ok during and better after so looks like it done it's job.

    Friday 26th April

    Another evening run after work and again very slow. Stayed out for around 55 mins and legs felt alot better than Thursday night. Kept the pace down and just took it handy for it. Legs feeling good now and going to skip the planned circuit tonight, haven't been getting through them well during the week so will do some foam rolling and stretching instead.

    That's it for training now until the race on Sunday. Will take a quick spin on the TT bike tomorrow to make sure everything is ok and the run tonight was in my gear for Sunday. Now it's time to put down what I'm hoping to do. I've only completed one full Olympic distance Triathlon and that was last year's Dublin city. Times were 28.58 Swim, 1.18 Bike, 46.29 Run. Overall time including transitions was 2.39.22. Plan for this race is to go faster in every section and try to get as close to 2.25 overall as I can.

    I'm aiming for close to 26.30 for the swim, 1.10 on the bike and 43 on the run. If I get all these times I'll get a new best overall time too so plenty to aim for. Be nice to get 4 new P.B's in the first race of the season and with some luck I'll improve these times before the end of the season too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Sunday 28th April -- Joey Hannon Olympic distance

    So back from the first race of the season and only my second ever Olympic distance tri. Headed down to Limerick on the Saturday so I could get registered nice and early. Got sorted fairly handy and then back to the hotel to relax. Up at 7 this morning and forced myself to eat a pot of porridge before I left. Got to transition nice and early, you could rack your bike where you wanted so wanted to make sure I could get somewhere I would remember. Found a nice spot in the carpark beside a yellow box so no excuses for not finding the bike. I wasn't going until wave 6 which meant waiting around from 9 to 12. Got some more food into me at 11 and had a gel about half 11 before my swim.

    Swim 26.12

    Down early and we got a 100m warm up before the start. Lane was organised and with me aiming for 26.30 went towards the back of the group. Lane was well organised and for the first 400m there was no problems, got a nice draft the whole way but then one of the lads in front started fading so took a sprint off the wall to find the new set of feet in front of him once I got past him. Again was happy enough to draft most of the way, others in the lane said they were going for 24 mins so thought I'd let them pull me along to that time. Bit messy again towards the end, bit of mid lane overtaking and avoiding oncoming swimmers but altogether swim went well. Finished feeling great, Felt like I had only warmed up. Out of the water in 26.12 so big improvement on my old time of 28.58, but reckon next time I'll over estimate my swim a bit more, never felt pushed at all and had no problems catching feet when I passed slower swimmers, definitely a sub 26 min swim in open water I'd say.


    No time for this, no issues either, took it handy. Didn't put the shoes on the bike, haven't practised it on the new bike and today wasn't the day to try it.

    Bike 1.02.34

    Bike started well, first time racing on the bike and first time with aero helmet. First few kilometres flew by and I was overtaking a good number of other cyclists. Legs were feeling great and got through the first 10km in 15.30, pulled it back a bit at times, wanted to leave something in the legs for the run but was feeling strong on the bike and even the easy paced bits were well above 32kmph. Only overtaken by 1 person on the bike and overtook a good few. Wind was a bit blustery and I felt it when we passed a few gaps in the hedges but the course was very fast with very little into the wind. Wanted to come in around 1.10 so well below what I was looking for.


    Again no time for this, taken handy again. Unclipped from the bike and ran in in my bike shoes. Change to runners was smooth enough and got out pretty clean to the run.

    Run 41.25

    Felt good for the run, no jelly legs at all. Took me a while to get comfortable though, few short hills on the course disrupted my run a bit, wasn't until about 6km that I started feeling able to push on a bit and up the pace. Got overtaken by a good few on the run and overtook a few too, probably lost more places than I made though. Overall run went well and was aiming for close to 42 so below that too.

    Overall time 2.12.58 and 34th place overall.

    When I got home I was shocked by how fast I had gone, I honestly didn't think I would go that fast. This is my first race of the season and knew that being a National series race the standard would be fairly high. Set new PB's in every section and an overall PB too so a good day's racing. Few things I picked up today though, over estimate your swim time, everyone in my lane seemed to do it, meant getting stuck behind a few a few times. Next is I need to practice getting in the shoes with them on the bikes and out without unclipping. The run was my weak point today, it's were I lost the most time and where I felt most uncomfortable. Will be working on this over the season so hopefully next time out I'll go bit faster.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,576 ✭✭✭Ceepo

    joey100 wrote: »
    Sunday 28th April -- Joey Hannon Olympic distance

    So back from the first race of the season and only my second ever Olympic distance tri. Headed down to Limerick on the Saturday so I could get registered nice and early. Got sorted fairly handy and then back to the hotel to relax. Up at 7 this morning and forced myself to eat a pot of porridge before I left. Got to transition nice and early, you could rack your bike where you wanted so wanted to make sure I could get somewhere I would remember. Found a nice spot in the carpark beside a yellow box so no excuses for not finding the bike. I wasn't going until wave 6 which meant waiting around from 9 to 12. Got some more food into me at 11 and had a gel about half 11 before my swim.

    Swim 26.12

    Down early and we got a 100m warm up before the start. Lane was organised and with me aiming for 26.30 went towards the back of the group. Lane was well organised and for the first 400m there was no problems, got a nice draft the whole way but then one of the lads in front started fading so took a sprint off the wall to find the new set of feet in front of him once I got past him. Again was happy enough to draft most of the way, others in the lane said they were going for 24 mins so thought I'd let them pull me along to that time. Bit messy again towards the end, bit of mid lane overtaking and avoiding oncoming swimmers but altogether swim went well. Finished feeling great, Felt like I had only warmed up. Out of the water in 26.12 so big improvement on my old time of 28.58, but reckon next time I'll over estimate my swim a bit more, never felt pushed at all and had no problems catching feet when I passed slower swimmers, definitely a sub 26 min swim in open water I'd say.


    No time for this, no issues either, took it handy. Didn't put the shoes on the bike, haven't practised it on the new bike and today wasn't the day to try it.

    Bike 1.02.34

    Bike started well, first time racing on the bike and first time with aero helmet. First few kilometres flew by and I was overtaking a good number of other cyclists. Legs were feeling great and got through the first 10km in 15.30, pulled it back a bit at times, wanted to leave something in the legs for the run but was feeling strong on the bike and even the easy paced bits were well above 32kmph. Only overtaken by 1 person on the bike and overtook a good few. Wind was a bit blustery and I felt it when we passed a few gaps in the hedges but the course was very fast with very little into the wind. Wanted to come in around 1.10 so well below what I was looking for.


    Again no time for this, taken handy again. Unclipped from the bike and ran in in my bike shoes. Change to runners was smooth enough and got out pretty clean to the run.

    Run 41.25

    Felt good for the run, no jelly legs at all. Took me a while to get comfortable though, few short hills on the course disrupted my run a bit, wasn't until about 6km that I started feeling able to push on a bit and up the pace. Got overtaken by a good few on the run and overtook a few too, probably lost more places than I made though. Overall run went well and was aiming for close to 42 so below that too.

    Overall time 2.12.58 and 34th place overall.

    When I got home I was shocked by how fast I had gone, I honestly didn't think I would go that fast. This is my first race of the season and knew that being a National series race the standard would be fairly high. Set new PB's in every section and an overall PB too so a good day's racing. Few things I picked up today though, over estimate your swim time, everyone in my lane seemed to do it, meant getting stuck behind a few a few times. Next is I need to practice getting in the shoes with them on the bikes and out without unclipping. The run was my weak point today, it's were I lost the most time and where I felt most uncomfortable. Will be working on this over the season so hopefully next time out I'll go bit faster.

    Well done today great race, would i be right in thinking this is you,

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Yep that's me alright, look a bit dozy there! The tattoo's make it hard to blend into the background.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,576 ✭✭✭Ceepo

    joey100 wrote: »
    Yep that's me alright, look a bit dozy there! The tattoo's make it hard to blend into the background.

    that and the tri -suit lol, would have said hello but i was up in the viewing area and shouting down might have been a bit much,
    I was talking to a guy beside you as you were waiting to get in.

    I had that very bright GREEN Tri Irlend junior academy hoodie on, Hard to blend in also lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Well Done on a great race look very young and innocent in that photo :D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    joey100 wrote: »
    Sunday 28th April -- Joey Hannon Olympic distance

    So back from the first race of the season and only my second ever Olympic distance tri. Headed down to Limerick on the Saturday so I could get registered nice and early. Got sorted fairly handy and then back to the hotel to relax. Up at 7 this morning and forced myself to eat a pot of porridge before I left. Got to transition nice and early, you could rack your bike where you wanted so wanted to make sure I could get somewhere I would remember. Found a nice spot in the carpark beside a yellow box so no excuses for not finding the bike. I wasn't going until wave 6 which meant waiting around from 9 to 12. Got some more food into me at 11 and had a gel about half 11 before my swim.

    Swim 26.12

    Down early and we got a 100m warm up before the start. Lane was organised and with me aiming for 26.30 went towards the back of the group. Lane was well organised and for the first 400m there was no problems, got a nice draft the whole way but then one of the lads in front started fading so took a sprint off the wall to find the new set of feet in front of him once I got past him. Again was happy enough to draft most of the way, others in the lane said they were going for 24 mins so thought I'd let them pull me along to that time. Bit messy again towards the end, bit of mid lane overtaking and avoiding oncoming swimmers but altogether swim went well. Finished feeling great, Felt like I had only warmed up. Out of the water in 26.12 so big improvement on my old time of 28.58, but reckon next time I'll over estimate my swim a bit more, never felt pushed at all and had no problems catching feet when I passed slower swimmers, definitely a sub 26 min swim in open water I'd say.


    No time for this, no issues either, took it handy. Didn't put the shoes on the bike, haven't practised it on the new bike and today wasn't the day to try it.

    Bike 1.02.34

    Bike started well, first time racing on the bike and first time with aero helmet. First few kilometres flew by and I was overtaking a good number of other cyclists. Legs were feeling great and got through the first 10km in 15.30, pulled it back a bit at times, wanted to leave something in the legs for the run but was feeling strong on the bike and even the easy paced bits were well above 32kmph. Only overtaken by 1 person on the bike and overtook a good few. Wind was a bit blustery and I felt it when we passed a few gaps in the hedges but the course was very fast with very little into the wind. Wanted to come in around 1.10 so well below what I was looking for.


    Again no time for this, taken handy again. Unclipped from the bike and ran in in my bike shoes. Change to runners was smooth enough and got out pretty clean to the run.

    Run 41.25

    Felt good for the run, no jelly legs at all. Took me a while to get comfortable though, few short hills on the course disrupted my run a bit, wasn't until about 6km that I started feeling able to push on a bit and up the pace. Got overtaken by a good few on the run and overtook a few too, probably lost more places than I made though. Overall run went well and was aiming for close to 42 so below that too.

    Overall time 2.12.58 and 34th place overall.

    When I got home I was shocked by how fast I had gone, I honestly didn't think I would go that fast. This is my first race of the season and knew that being a National series race the standard would be fairly high. Set new PB's in every section and an overall PB too so a good day's racing. Few things I picked up today though, over estimate your swim time, everyone in my lane seemed to do it, meant getting stuck behind a few a few times. Next is I need to practice getting in the shoes with them on the bikes and out without unclipping. The run was my weak point today, it's were I lost the most time and where I felt most uncomfortable. Will be working on this over the season so hopefully next time out I'll go bit faster.

    p.s. if you click on your name in the results in Triathlon gives you a breakdown of where you came in each discipline and your t1 and t2 times

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Monday 29th April

    Partly because I was bit stiff and tired after the race on Sunday and partly because I ended up working a very long day I took the day off training, bit of a ly on and then into work earlier than planned. Was nice to have a complete rest day.

    Tuesday 30th April

    So up early again and back to training. Swim session in the morning, bit of a warm up then into 6 X 120m at Tpace, then into main set of 10 X 120m moderate, 320m kick and 200m easy. Felt good in the water, shoulders a little bit stiff but nothing major and enjoyed the session.

    Evening session was a run session. Looking at my splits from the weekend and my run is my weakest part of my race. Even running fresh it would probably be the weakest part! But confident enough this will improve over the next few months, have only recently started speed work. Always knew that this was going to be a long term thing so I have no problems working away and waiting. Session was to be 20 mins warm up then into 5 X 800m intervals, all coming in between 2.52-2.54, 400m recovery inbetween each and then 2km at the end at 10km pace + 10 seconds (in and around 4.20mins). Legs were surprisingly fresh for this and even though I wasn't looking forward to adding the extra interval it went ok. Highest heart rate was around 182 and it was only the last 100m of each interval that I really started to feel it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wednesday 1st May

    So even with it being a lovely day out it was back onto the turbo trainer. Session was to hour and a half long with bit of a warm up then into 3 X (3 X 5min intervals, with one min break in between each interval and 8 min break between sets). The first 15 seconds of each interval was a sprint too. These were all done just under FTP. Found this a hard session, legs were still tired after the weekend and the tough run on Tuesday night. Got through most of it ok though, took a longer break than 1 min on the last two intervals but other than that got through it ok. After this was home circuit, no breaks between exercises or sets.

    Thursday 2nd May

    Was meant to be up early for a club swim but for the first time I slept it out. Don't know what happened the alarm but didn't wake until half seven so had completely missed the session. Evening session was a run, 5km warm up then into 30 X left foot taps with cool down after. Legs were bit heavy but wasn't too bad a session so got through ok. Altogether around 8.5km run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thursday 2nd May

    Evening session was a run. About a 20 min warm up then into 12 X 30 left foot taps and then a bit of a cool down. Legs were tired but got through the session.

    Friday 3rd May

    Home Circuit and then into a recovery run. Only done 45 mins, and legs were feeling it from the start. Felt a bit better at the end but still tired.

    Saturday 4th May

    Was helping out at the club training day so got a 20km on the bike during that. Nice and slow and only a bit of a warm up really. Headed home after and headed out on the road bike for around 50km. Tried a new route and was pretty hilly but unfortunately the surface wasn't great when it was descending so didn't get much of a break. Legs were tired by the end but a good day done on the bike.

    Sunday 5th May

    Woke up and the legs were feeling heavy, knew it was a tough day ahead too so wasn't feeling great. Session was to be a brick session, headed out on the TT bike covered around 14km into a bit of a headwind and then turned and pushed it back home. Done a TT over 10km and covered it in 14.05 mins, definitely wind behind me but still pushed it hard the whole way. After this was around 4km and back to the house, practised my dismount from the bike leaving the shoes on the bike. Straight from this out for run, to be done at race pace. First 3km were done at race pace but were into a head wind and when I turned out from it I realised how much I had pushed it and was suffering. Next 3km the pace dropped a little bit. After this stopped for a short walk and then a slow jog home. Legs were really feeling it and were very tired.

    This evening then was a swim session. 200m FC warm up, then 4 X (80m Kick, 120m FC building). Then into main set that was 22 X 80m at different speeds, all at T pace or below. Came in 3/4 seconds below the time on each of these but shoulders were feeling it. Then was 320m cool down. A tough session in the pool and arms and shoulders are feeling it but a very good training day done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Monday 6th May

    So back to the turbo. Session was an hour and a half, mainly focusing on endurance but with 6 X 3 min intervals, rising from 120%-135%-150% of FTP and back down. 3 min rest between each. 120% wasn't too bad, managed to keep the power up but struggled with the higher ones, ended up having to take 45 second rest during the interval to keep the power up. Had to cut short the session by about 5 mins, took off my headphones and realised just how loud the bike was, gears are starting to slip and rattle. Living in a first floor apartment means this isn't ideal so for the good of my neighbours I cut it short. Will have to get the gears looked at on the bike. After this was a half hearted home circuit, struggled through but got it done.

    Tuesday 7th May

    Back to pool for morning session. Bit of a warm up then into main set of 3 X (5 X 80m sprints) with 120m FC inbetween each. After this was 320m kick, definitely feel my kick is getting better. Used to struggle up the pool doing it but over the weekend raced the girlf over 20m and managed to beat her using just my kick. Feel now that if I kick I actually get some propulsion out of it rather than just keeping my legs up.

    This evening was back to running intervals. After a 20 min warm up was into 5 X 800m intervals aiming for 2.54. Came in for the first 4 at 2.52 but struggled with the last one and came in around 2.58. 400m recovery between each interval. After this I took a bit of a longer rest interval and then ran 2km at around 3 second below race pace. This felt good and apart from the wind was comfortable enough. Wore the heart rate monitor again and high of around 183. Seem to be able to hold around 170-175 on the run where this on the bike would probably be too high for me. Still getting used to using heart rate but can see the benefits of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wednesday 8th May

    Another turbo session. Only an hour this time and the majority was spent around 80% of FTP. Plenty of changing of power so kept it interesting and broken up for the full hour. Felt ok today, legs bit tired but the session was a handy one.
    Evening was home circuit, no rests between exercises or sets.

    Thursday 9th May

    Up nice and early for club swim, didn't want to miss it again. Warm up of 50m FC, 25m FC fast, 25FC slow, 25 Back fast, 25m back slow, then 50m choice (X2). After this was 100m FC. Then into main set of 5 X 200m with pull, descending 1-5. Then 5 X 200m FC descending 1-5. These were tough towards the end, by the end of the second interval breathing and shoulders were feeling it but managed to bring the times down for each 200m. After this was 300m kick, was able to keep up with few people in lane beside me doing FC so delighted with improvement in my kick.

    Evening was run session. 6km warm up then into 12 X 30 left foot taps. These felt ok, legs bit tired but nothing major. Cool down of around 1.5km. Altogether around 9.5km done.

    Friday 10th May

    Recovery run today. Hour run at an easy pace, legs enjoyed this. No pushing and just relaxing and enjoying the run. After this was home circuit.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭Chartsengrafs

    Just read the JH race report, very impressive. Nice to get a surprising result.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Cheers Basster, yeah it was one of them races when everything seems to go well, hope I get a few more like it.

    So the weekend was a bit of a write off for training, a christening and visiting family and then being sick meant I done nothing over the weekend. But got back to it yesterday.

    Monday 13th May

    Jumped up on the turbo for an hour session. Session was concentrating on sweet spot work with 9 X 3 min intervals (3 at 80%, 3 at 85%, 3 at 95%). Felt good during this and enjoyed it. Legs were bit tired and heavy but got through it ok. After this was a slow 5km in my new runners, bought a pair of Saucony Kinvara 4's. Seem to be very nice, much prefer them to the nikes I was recommended in the last shop I went to. Only took it handy but 5km done anyway. After this was home circuit, no breaks and no rests.

    Tuesday 14th May

    Into the pool for my morning swim. Alternated between 200m's FC and 80m kick. Felt a bit all over the place in the pool, some of the time I felt very smooth but other lengths felt like I was fighting the water. Tried to work on my body rotation through the stroke and when I got it right I could feel the difference so will try to concentrate on this over the next while.

    Evening was another interval run session. 20 min warm up then into 5 X 800m. Frist 3 came in at 2.51's and last 2 at 2.53 so was very pleased with it. That's faster than I have ever ran them and to run three at that pace was very good. There was 400m recovery inbetween each of these. After this was 2km at race pace 10km, felt good for these too. Few problems with stomach during the run, hadn't really been eating before it so not sure what was up there but will keep an eye on it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wednesday 15th May

    Hour turbo session today, focusing on endurance. Plenty of changes in power so never stuck on one long enough to get bored. Enjoyed this session, legs are feeling good and felt comfortable throughout. Evening was home circuit, no breaks or rests.

    Thursday 16th May

    Another missed club swim. Thinking I'm going to have to move the alarm away from the bed so I have to get out to turn it off. Can't even remember it going off. Evening session was an easy 45 min run, nothing fast just nice and steady.

    Friday 17th May

    No home circuit today, just an easy 30 min run. Again nothing fast just kept nice and steady.

    Saturday 18th May

    Nothing today, just very short spin on bike to make sure everything is working for the 3d tri tomorrow. Then it was off to a communion in Wexford and back up to register and start getting my gear ready.

    Not sure what the plan is for tomorrow, I'd be hoping for 12.30 min swim, 33min 20km ( with course being shortened to 15km will be looking for 25 mins), and then a 20 min run off the bike. Not sure on transitions because not sure how far it is away from the pool. Main aim tomorrow is to try and run a sub 20 min 5km off the bike. I've never done this before but would be hopeful of being able to do it tomorrow, running has been going well in training so with a bit of luck I'll do it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Sunday 19th May

    So up nice and early and out to the NAC for the race. Was going in the last swim wave again so meant a bit of a wait around, a lot more club members doing this race so plenty to watch while I waited. Hadn't slept great the night before (never do before a race) and training hadn't been going great since Joey Hannon so wasn't sure what to make of this race. Down to the pool nice and early to get ready.

    Swim 12.57 (40th)

    Was making sure I wasn't going to be at the back of the swim this time after the last race. Most in the lane aiming for 12 mins except for one who was going for 11.30. He set off first followed by a relay team swimmer who said he would go well below 12 mins. He didn't. He lasted about 2 lengths and then ended up at the back of the group. This meant I was at the front of the rest of the group and no chance of catching the faster swimmer. Led this pack for around 500m and then let the fella behind pass and drafted off him for the last 150/200m. Got out of pool at pretty much the same time and was feeling ok after the swim. Bit disappointed with swim time but after the last pool race was pleased I took the front for most of it and was able to set the pace.

    T1 1.57

    Slow T1. Bit of a run to transition and was down the far end so meant a long enough run. Helmet and number belt on and off I went. Really need to learn how to get into the shoes when they are on the bike.

    Bike 26.16 (23rd)

    Onto the bike and was feeling ok, legs didn't feel as sharp as they have but still plenty on them. Pushed it a bit on the bike and passed a good few who had got out before me. Pushed it right to the turn about point and then into a bit of a head wind for the cycle back. Started to suffer a bit about 3km from the finish and was passed by one person. Stayed around 20m behind him the whole way back through the tighter section into the NAC. Legs bit tired but not too bad after the cycle.

    T2 1.14

    Long run to rack the bike, didn't help that I was wearing my shoes, again need to get used to this. Slight twinge in thigh putting runners on but calves felt grand.

    Run 22.22 (69th)

    Out on the run and the first km went ok. Pace was around 4 min kilometres and was feeling good. Suffered though after this, pace dropped and struggled to get it back up, got an awful stitch too. Never get stitches, had to stop and walk for a second just to get breath back. At about 3.8km my legs started to feel ok again, pushed it a bit for the last 1km, done in around 3.55. Disappointed with my run, over 3 mins slower than my PB and wasn't comfortable at all through it.

    1.04.46 (30th Overall)

    Looking back on the race it wasn't too bad. Just felt like I was missing a bit of sharpness but if I am honest I backed off the training since Joey Hannon and it showed today. Bike and swim were ok, not great but decent. Run wasn't. Just couldn't get going on the run and it cost me a good few places. Run did seem bit long but not long enough to justify that time.

    After talking to the coach the race wasn't that bad. My run was always my weak part and this is only my first season racing so still lots to do. Times were only a little bit off what I was hoping for and race was a good workout.

    Race itself was great, great atmosphere and lots of marshalls. Really well organised and a very enjoyable race.

    Monday 20th May

    So after the race I was more determined than ever to get back training. No race hangover like after Joey Hannon, was going to get straight back into it and working hard. 1 hour turbo session focusing on sweet spot and endurance. Made sure I hit every target power and kept it just above when I could. Felt good on the bike, heart rate a bit high but put this down to the race the previous day.

    With work was out to Wicklow harbour for a pier jumping group. Was wrapped up in a 5mm scuba diving wetsuit but the water still felt cold at the start. Stayed in for a while and it turned out to be ok, wasn't moving too much but was still ok. Big group heading in when we were leaving, would have liked to have done bit of a swim but couldn't with all the kids there.

    Home after work was home circuit. No breaks or rests between exercises or sets.

    Tuesday 21st May

    Didn't sleep well at all on Monday night and with no uncert sick days left from work meant I had to head to the doctor to get a cert for the day. Well that was the plan, turns out I have a chest infection and a throat infection. Off work for the week and no training for the next two days at least anyway. Will see how I feel after this, hopefully I can get back to it after this, Athy is coming up and want to get a bit done before it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    So after two days or doing absolutely nothing, just sitting around the house bored and feeling sorry for myself it was time to get back to it. On Tuesday I dropped the turbo bike down to the local bike shop to get them to have a look at the gears, been getting worse and worse recently and the noise had been getting pretty loud. Sorted the gears and chain shortened so was looking forward to trying the bike on the turbo.

    Thursday 23rd May

    So started with a 45 min turbo session. Was only ever going to be an easy session but wanted to check the gears so threw in 2 building efforts into it. These were only short but I have all the gears on the bike now and I managed a 5 second, 10 second, 20 second and 30 second power record today so some positives. Heart rate was a bit jumpy but to be expected. Legs felt great though, breathing still bit short but a lot better.

    After this was a short 5km run, inbetween the turbo and run I managed to break my HR monitor so had to run without it. Was a chance to break in my new runners too, Kinvara 4's. Pace was kept right down, legs felt great, no soreness or tiredness in them at all. Breathing was more of an issue than on the bike though and could really feel how shallow the breaths were but this will improve over the next few days. The runners are lovely, even if they are a glow in the dark yellow colour. Very comfortable and doesn't seem to be any problems with breaking them in.

    I decided this morning that I would miss the club swim, with way my chest is it do it no good to get into the pool. I'll be out of the water until Sunday at least. Club have first open water swim session of the year on Sunday and am aiming to be back in the water for it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Friday 24th May

    Another turbo and run day. Started with an hour on the turbo, concentrating mainly on endurance but wanted to better my 1 min and 2 min power records now that all the gears were working on the bike. Started with 2 min one and after a warm up pushed it for the two mins, never felt like I was going all out and kept it nice and controlled for it. An increase of around 10% over my last record. Then it was a bit of a break and went for 1 min power. Again pushed it but was controlled, an increase of 20% on my last one so a good day on the bike. Also improved my 30 second power record for the second time in two days. Legs felt better today and breathing was much better.

    After this was out for a run. Plan was a 9km loop around the house, pushed it a bit to see how the chest felt without ever pushing it too hard. 9km done in 41 mins and felt good for most of it, was a few times running into headwind where it was tough but overall a nice run.

    Saturday 25th May

    Headed out on the bike for an hour and a half spin. Legs felt good and threw in a few 800m bursts during the time to see how the legs were. Chest felt good too, but still taking me a little bit longer than usual to recover after the sprints. Overall though feeling much better than I have in a week or two.

    Sunday 26th May

    Club open water swim. Headed to lough lene in Westmeath for a club open water swim session. Wanted to get in an open water swim before Athy next weekend. Water was very cold initially but after a few sprints the body started to warm up. Worked on my sighting and race starts. Chest felt much better today, should be grand for Saturday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Monday 27th May

    Turbo session. 1 hour session with the majority spent at or around FTP, was 4 X 10 min intervals with 2 min break inbetween. Ended up taking a longer break on the last one and bit of a break during it. Legs felt good, was just hard on the breathing. Even still felt good to be back to it. After this was a home circuit with no breaks between exercises or sets.

    Tuesday 28th May

    Back to the local pool for my swim session. Seems like I haven't been in the pool in ages. Session wasn't too bad, lots of fast 60m's and kicking. Felt ok in the water, not great but getting back to where I was.

    Evening session was to be a tough run one. 10 min warm up then into 5 X 2km at 3.55min kilometre pace, with a 90 sec rest between. The rest needed to be extended pretty much straight away and ended up taking 2 mins for my rest. Only 30 seconds longer but a needed 30 seconds. Got through 4 of the intervals keeping the time pretty much bang on but had to stop after this, was nearly sick at my break and legs were really feeling it. Had half a mind on the race this weekend and it did give me bit of an excuse to cut it short, but skipped the last one and done a 10 min cool down.

    Wednesday 29th May

    Woke up with tired legs! Was to be an hour on the turbo but knew I had to be in work early so this would only be an hour. Was to be bit of warm up with 4 X 1 min intervals raising in power with 1 min break between each and then 3 X 3 min intervals at the top power with 3 min break between. This was done twice with a bit of a break inbetween them. Legs felt ok, not as bad as I expected but this is mostly down to having a lot more working gears on the bike. Got off with even tireder legs. Evening was a home circuit.

    Thursday 30th May

    Club swim in the morning. We were split into two groups, one of people racing the weekend and the others who weren't. Our session wasn't too bad, plenty of drills with a few fast 50's thrown in but with plenty of recovery intervals too. Around 2100 metres done. Felt good to be back in the pool with others. Even with a handy session pushed myself more than I would by myself.

    Evening was a steady 45 min run, nothing fast just nice and slow. Lovely evening for a run and an enjoyable session.

    Friday 31st May

    Just a very short spin on the bike to make sure everything is working ok. No problems at all with the bike.

    So tomorrow will be my second Olympic triathlon race of the year in Athy. Looking forward to this race, be my first open water race of the year too. Probably not as sharp as I was heading into Joey Hannon but am feeling better than I have the last few weeks. Will be aiming to get as close to 2.20 as I can, hopefully going under. Would be nice to get a swim close to 26 mins too. With some luck I will improve on at least one of my times from Joey hannon. Few last min nerves now but that always happens me, off to pack all my gear now and get ready for an early start. After my race I'll be sticking around supporting the girlf who is doing the try version, even though she has had a chest infection all week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Saturday 1st June

    So up early and off to register for triathy. Got there with plenty of time and great car parking spot right beside registration. In and out quick enough (after I picked up my new amphibian king tri suit I won, which is for sale if anyone is interested!). Off down the town then to get ready in transition.

    Got a nice spot in transition right beside a bin and sign post so was hoping this would make it easy for me to find it. Made one mistake though, never opened the bike shoes, only realised this when I got into T1.

    Swim 23.50

    Was going in wave 7 and plan was to push it without going too hard. Only just finished the antibiotics for my chest infection so knew this was never going to be a great race. Swim started well, few bangs and hits but nothing major, got into a nice rhythm quick enough. There was pretty much no flow on the river so meant an easy up stream swim. Watch was set to vibrate at 500m's, and was surprised at how quick the first one came along. Overall swim went well, only problem was I got stuck in no man's land between the fastest group and the rest of the group. Meant doing most of the swim myself with no draft.

    T1 2.07

    Found the bike nice and quick, and then found out that I never opened the shoes. Few seconds wasted here. Then it was a clip clop out to the bike with the shoes on, still need to practice that. T1 was slow.

    Bike 1.07.18

    Bit of messing around with the watch when I got on the bike meant it took a bit to get going. Once I did I felt good. Pushed it a bit on the bike without ever feeling like I was going all out. Course had some good sections and some very narrow sections, where people where going both directions and made it very difficult to overtake there. Began passing people soon enough and was only passed once on the whole bike, by Brian Harris. Hung on a bit behind him for a short while but knew I could never keep that pace up for the whole race. Bit of a problem getting my feet out of my shoes, think they are a bit too narrow for my feet, (These are also for sale!). Happy enough with my bike time, probably took a bit too long to get going and eased off a bit early but overall happy with it.

    T1 1.42

    Managed to miss my spot in transition, as usual. Nothing much to say here, bit slow but not too bad.

    Run 43.44

    Run was tough. Always going to be my worst section and the course did not help either. Once we got down to the river bank it got very narrow and with runners going both directions it made passing very hard. Meant getting stuck behind few slower runners and I found it hard to get into a nice routine. Tried to push it for the last 1km but my legs didn't have it, thighs and calves started to cramp so eased off and slowly upped it.

    Overall time was 2.18.41 so another race below my 2.20 target and just outside a top 10% finish. Plenty to take from the race, could push it a bit more on the swim, plenty to do with transitions and more improvements on the run.

    Great atmosphere down at the race and was good to meet Ceepo in transition, and when he flew past me towards the end of the run!

    Enjoyed the race apart from the run course, was far too narrow in places and nearly went over on my ankles a few times trying to pass people. This and the goodie bag were probably the low points of the race. Don't expect great things from these but this was pretty bad, lots of flyers, a kinetica drink and some seeds to eat, pretty poor overall. Saying that it was an enjoyable day and Elvis done a great job on the MC.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Sunday 2nd June

    Rest day, tight thighs and a sore ankle from one or two near falls. Took it easy all day and enjoyed it.

    Monday 3rd June

    Back into it today, sometimes I leave it too long after a race to get back properly training and wasn't going to let that happen this time. Went out for a run this evening, plan was just a steady 8.5km to see how the legs were, brought the watch but this was just to measure the distance, never really looked at it for speed. Overall done the 8.5km in 39 mins and never felt I pushed it, apart from the last 200m. This wasn't far off my pace from Saturday and gives me some confidence in my run. Think I need to learn to suffer a bit more on the run, I'm probably a bit too soft!

    After this was onto the turbo. 1 hour session, 15 min warm up then into 4 X 8 min intervals (4mins fast, next 3 bit easier and last one bit easier) with 3 min break between these. Again wasn't going to go too easy back to training, session wasn't too bad but wasn't full on either. Legs took a while to warm up but once they did felt good on the bike. Pleased with today's training, right ankle is a little sore but should be ok, no pain when I run or cycle, just awkward when I walk. Will keep an eye on this.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Tuesday 4th June

    An early morning pool session, great weather outside and the pool was pretty empty. Took it fairly handy in the pool, few drills, kick board and pull buoy and some moderate 200'3 thrown in. Felt good in the water, ankle bit sore when pushing off the wall but not too bad.

    So had bit of a chat with the coach and a few little concerns but nothing major. Feeling is I have started to plateau a bit over the last few weeks, this plateau is higher than what I was expected to peak at so not too bad, but will mean changing a bit of my training. Few illness's in the last while as well so plan for the rest of the week is to take it easy, no runs longer than half an hour and no cycle's longer than an hour.

    Took Tuesday evening off, ankle had been at me all day so rested it.

    Wednesday 5th June

    Plan was for a cycle and being a nice day I headed out for an hour spin before work. No garmin, just my phone with the time, so headed out for 1 hour. Took it handy and kept the route flat. Felt ok on the bike, bit tired but no problems.

    Thursday 6th June

    Up early for club swim, I'm still to do swimming at a high intensity so was looking forward to this session. Felt good in the water, breathing felt a lot better than it has in a while. Session was 8 X 50m, descending 1-4 with 3 across the lane. These went well, fast pace felt comfortable enough and was faster than previous weeks. After this was 2 X (400m slow, 300m steady, 200m fast, 100m all out). First set done with pull buoy and strap and second done with fins. Felt good, still slow with the fins on but starting to feel much better in the water.
