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Going to tri this



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wednesday 6th June

    First run since the weekend. Done a 2.5k warm up with the girlf at around 5.50 kilometre pace. Then went off by myself and done 5k at around 4.25 a kilometre pace. Legs felt good once I got them moving. Took a while to get the feeling back in them and felt stiff and tight at the start but once I got properly moving I was ok. From the race at the weekend the run was the place I really suffered, took me a while to get into my stride and just didnt have the power in them I wanted. My run has been a part that I have been targeting for the last while to try get the pace up and going to keep working on it over the coming months.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thursday 7th June

    Had hoped to cycle into work today but with the weather the way it was didnt fancy it. Went for a run after work, done a 1k warm up at 5.15 to start and then 10 X 200m sprints with 100m steady in between them. All the 200's were done under 3.50 pace and legs were really feeling it towards the end. Then done 1k at 5.00 pace to cool down. Not as bad as I thought it would be going into it but glad I done it afterwards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Friday 8th June

    Outside of left foot was pretty sore when I woke up, dont know what I done to it but made sure I took it easy all day. Brought my swimming gear to work so went straight to pool after. Not sure how many lengths I done but done approx 45 mins straight swimming with very little breaks. Done a mix of pull buoy, breathing drills and just normal swimming. Feeling very good in the water and haev started to break down my stroke a bit and work on it, trying to make it as easy as possible to swim the olympic distance. Few things I need to work on, like rolling onto my hips but will work on this over the coming weeks until it becomes second nature to me. Have done this before for my arm movement through the water and although it didn't make me initially faster it was more the energy saved that was the benefit.

    Tomorrow I'm hoping to get a long cycle out to blessington done but have to get some stuff sorted on my car for the NCT so will all depend how long this takes. Heading out on Saturday night so not making any plans for Sunday, will see how I feel on the day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Long time since I updated this. Didnt do anything at all last week, combination of chest and throat infection meant I wasnt fit for any training. Went for a short swim on Sat but didnt do too much, spent more time in sauna and jacuzzi than pool.

    Monday 18th June

    Went out for a short run to try get back into training mode. Must not be as over the chest infection as I thought though as struggled thru 5k. Took it easy and done 4.50 kilometres but chest was feeling very tight towards the end. Not sure what plan is for rest of the week, will have to see how I feel as the week goes on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wednesday 20th June

    Didnt do much on Tuesday, gf was in hospital having an operation on her foot so meant I spent most of day waiting in hospital and then looking after her after she got over the anaesthetic.

    Wednesday I decided I had to do something, was starting to get too comfortable doing nothing and could see myself slipping away from my training. Decided that I would cycle to Blessington after work as it had been something I had wanted to do for some time now. Left the house at a quarter to seven and it took me a good 16 kilometres to get the legs back used to being on the bike. Was a tough cycle out thru Newcastle onto Saggart then onto the Blessington road. This was a lot more hilly than my usual cycle and was definetly feeling it in my legs. Struggled up to the nursing home on the hill but from there on my legs seemed to come alive and pushed it the whole way to Blessington. Stopped on the edge of the village and stretched out my calf and ate my well deserved mars bar.

    The cycle back was much easier, combination of legs feeling awake and the majority being downhill, still one or two tough enough hills through Saggart but felt good on these. Altogether done apprx 57 kilometres in 1 hour and 53 mins so felt good at the end. Great to get back out on the bike and think I'll have to do this loop more as really felt I had been out on a cycle after it.

    On another note, my girlf has said I can buy myself a new bike at the end of the season. Have been putting money aside every month and going to keep going all year so reckon I'll have the money early next year. Going to take advantage of this as after this its saving for a wedding and house so have got permission to spend big. Looking for a bit of advice on some bikes here as currently think its between BMC timemachine 01 Ultegra build but this will need racing wheels as well or the new Canyon Speedmax pro evo, no confirmed prices at moment but suggested prices are around what I'm looking at. This looks like it will come with Ultegra Di and racing wheels. Know these bikes are probably more bike than I'll ever need but anyone got any advice on these bikes or alternatives? Cheers, Joey

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thursday 21st June

    Not much training today, Went pier jumping with work so tried to get a swim in but hard in a 6mm wetsuit and buoyancy aid. Done about 800m but took awhile. In the evening took another group in work BMXing so gave that ago too. Legs felt grand after the long cycle the other way and got a bit of cycling in during this, but again not great training.

    Friday 22nd June

    Didnt do much today at all. Went out for dinner and had few beers but that was it.

    Saturday 23rd June

    Met up with the club, Activ Multisport, for a long slow run in the morning. Done approx 7k at between 5.30 and 5.50 per kilometre pace. Nice to ease back into it after chest and throat infection. Then for the last two kilometres pushed it to 4.20for the first one and then 4.00 for the last. 9k in total and felt grand after it so think I'm over worst of the sickness.

    Club then went out to Lough Lene in West meath for some open water swimming. Missed a few turns on the way out but got there eventually. Done approx 1100 metres but no way of measuring and think it might have been a bit longer. Swim felt bit slow and hard but first time swimming in a while so happy with what I got done. The lake was a great place to swim, crystal clear water with a sandy bottom. Really enjoyed the swim.

    Sunday 24th June

    Went out for another long cycle. Cycled out to Blessington and then out thru Blessington and back along the lake through Kilbride and back to the main road. Approx 60k in total and again alot more hills than I'm used to but enjoyed the cycle. Should have had more to eat before I went, legs died abut towards the end but had a quick sandwich and was good to go again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Monday 25th June

    Starting to get back into the swing of training after the last race and then the chest infection. Long day in work with a few heavy meetings but made myself go out for a run when I got back. Done 7.5k in approx 33 mins. Felt comfortable enough, chest was getting bit tight towards the end but not as bad as it had been. Tried to keep the pace as consistent as I could as I feel that one of my big weaknesses is that I will run a 4.00 min kilometre and then my next two will be around 5.05, think it be better to run 3k at 4.30 pace.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Tuesday 26th June

    Needed the car in work today so didn't get chance to cycle into work. When I got home I cycled to the gym and went a longer way so done 12.5k on the way there. When I got to the pool it was first time in the pool in a while so changed up my routine a bit. Done 20 mins just straight swimming adn then done 30 lengths doing breathing work. Mix of breathing every 5 strokes (normally breathe every 3) and doing pyramids of 2 lengths every 3, 2 lengths every 5, 2 lengths every 7, then 2 breathing every 5 and then 2 every 3. Found this tough but hoping it will help with my endurance over the longer distances. Then done 20 lengths to cool down. Over all felt very good, no real idea of distances because I didn't keep count during the 20 mins. Cycled home from the pool then around 9k and legs felt grand.

    Done a bit of a home circuit at home working on my core, including lots of different types of sit ups, and few low weights exercises. Hoping this will help with the swim and just general fitness too. Starting to feel really back to myself so hoping I can start properly training again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wednesday 27th June

    Decided to do another long cycle today. In work early so got out early, got home and got my gear ready for another spin out to Blessington. Headed out just before 6 and reached the 27.5k turn around in approx 1hr. Not bad considering alot of it was into the wind and has a few gradual long uphill sections. Took a drink and small bag of jellies on here and headed back. Speed was much faster heading back with the wind behing me and really pushed it for the whole journey. Done the return leg in around 45-48 mins. Legs felt good after the cycle and starting to get used to the uphill bits, still not proper uphill but working towards it and will start going closer and closer to the wicklow mountains on my spins now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Another write off of a weekend, work do on Fri night and then Brother home from England on Sat night so over done it both nights and paid for it the next days. Resulted in a grand total of no training done over weekend, again!

    Monday 2nd July

    Had to do something this week training wise and spent most of Monday thinking about my training and where I wante to go with it. Up to the last month or so I had been good at keeping up the training but my motivation seems to have eased off a bit and took this time to try re motivate myself. Monday evening went out for an 8k run done at approx 4.45 mins per k pace. Feeling it in chest but legs felt ok so pleased with that.

    Tuesday 3rd July

    Was annoyed with myself on Monday night for letting my training slip so set out my bag for swimming on Tuesday morning. Got up at 7.30 and made my lunch for work, have been eating crap the last few weeks in work, hard to eat well when we bring the kids out most days for lunch but just going to have to be better at bringing in my own lunch. In the pool at half 8 and done 20 lengths to warm up. Then done 4 sets of 6 lengths only legs and then 10 lengths with pull buoy between lengths. After this was 2 sets of ten lengths working on breathing and then 10 lengths to cool down. Felt really good through this and was grand at the end of it. Boosted confidence a bit too for the swim in Kilkenny at the end of the month. Approx 114 lengths of 20 metre pool so about 2280 metres.

    Got home from work had quick bite to eat and then went out on a run. 500 metre warm up then 2 k under 4.15 a kilometre, then a rest kilometre at 4.35 a kilometre and then 2 k under 4.20 a kilometre. Then a 700 metre cool down. Felt good at start of this but was def feeling it in my breathing at the end.Legs didn't feel too bad, calves a bit tight but good other than that. Good to get back into proper training and plan for tomorrow is another long cycle and probably a home circuit.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wednesday 4th July

    Got home nice and early from work and headed on for a spin on the bike. Decided to try the Tri bike on the hillier route that I have been doing recently. Struggled out thru Newcastle, Saggart and onto the crossroads for Tallaght and Blessington. Combination of legs being asleep and bad road surface meant my time was bit down on this leg of the journey, was really feeling it on the hills too, was finding it lot harder to keep the speed on them compared to the road bike.

    From then on it really improved, felt comfortable on the uphill up to the nursing home on the hill and then upped the speed from there to Blessington. Tried to keep it above 32kmph, hard in some parts but for the most was ok, legs felt good throughout too. My time at the turn around was up a bit on my usual time to here so made a bit of time on the flat.

    From here back to home was much faster than usual. Pushed it back to the nursing home as it is a handy cycle from here to home really. Kept the speed above 35kmph for the most and then got nice and low on the bike for the hill down to saggart. Got up to 60kmph and felt stable on the bike so was happy with that.

    Over all felt a lot more comfortable on the tri bike, felt better at speed and just seem to get less aches and pains on it. Time was well up so was pleased with that, plan now is to continue on that cycle but back to the road bike and try the hills in higher gears.

    Long log today but happy with how some of the training is going!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,188 ✭✭✭mrboswell

    Hey Joe,

    I think I met you at the training day in the NAC - that was some result in Athy.

    You seriously ramped up the training and I ended up going the other way!

    Well done and good luck for the Dublin Olympic!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Hey MrBoswell,

    Yeah really enjoyed the training day in the NAC. Gave me an idea where I stand in relation to other beginners. Made me very eager to train.

    Athy was good alright, probably only time I'll get a top 3 in my triathlon career so have to make the most of it!

    Any plans for races yourself this season??

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,188 ✭✭✭mrboswell

    Just think if you do the tri-a-tri next year you could win it!!

    I did Athy and Athlone sprints recently.
    Did 1:37 in Athy and 1:31 in Athlone.

    Athy was first time wearing the wetsuit and I nearly passed out (combination of not having wetsuit on properly,the cold and pushing too hard at start). Had to breast stroke all the way from the buoy and so did it in about 17 mins! Awful. I was so tired getting out I couldn't get my wetsuit off and took 5 mins in T1. I was wrecked and so my bike was 46 mins but run was ok at 26 mins considering that I had no brick sessions done.

    Was feeling better for Athlone. Got some decent swimming done and some bike but feck all running.
    Manage the swim in 10:41. Think it was stretched out to 980m and was all down stream but I wasn't far behind some good swimmers so I was happy enough. I was quicker in T1 but it was a long run in so it was still about 4:30. Bike was windy on the way out and but with us on the way back only pushed on the way back and did it in low 44's. Was fairly tired for the run and it showed - low 28's. Apparently it was 5.7 or 5.8km but I still should have been quicker.

    I had aimed for 1:25 in Athy and was well off but I reckon that I would well get under it now. I enjoyed Athlone but the entry and exit for transition is very long and can add of a few mins.

    Going to to sprint in Dublin tri and will prob sign up for one or 2 olympic next year but its difficult to get out training with the little fella. Might do a few Duathlons if I get the time.

    Enjoying getting fit again (slowly!)

    Hope you win that bet with you mates!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thursday 5th July

    Rest day after the week of training. Enjoyed this day

    Friday 6th July

    Meant to do some training today but ended up doing a very long day in work and was wrecked when I got home so no training.

    Saturday 7th July

    Had to get back training so decided on a run and swim. Ran to the gym, around 7.5k averaging around 4.45 min kilometres. Legs felt good and so did chest, starting to get my running fitness back. Swim was a 1600m swim working on breathing and just getting the distance in. Again felt good and enjoyed the swim. Going to try up the distance in the up coming weeks for Kilkenny.

    Sunday 8th July

    Another rest day, Went to concert in Phoenix park but didnt drink so will be able to train on Monday.

    Monday 9th July

    Up early before work and done a 12.5k run at 4.50 min kilometres. Felt good thru second half of this and was longest run since the race in Athy in June. Starting to feel more and more comfortable running so just need to work on my speed over coming weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Tuesday 10th July

    Good training day today. Got up early and went to pool before work. Done 10 lengths, then 20 lengths, then 30 lengths, then 20 and then 10. Just a little break inbetween each, approx 35-40 secs. Felt good doing this, seems to take a while for shoulders to loosen out but once they do there doesnt seem to be a problem with keeping on going. After this done 20 lengths working on breathing and stroke and then 10 to cool down. Altogether around 120 lengths so approx 2.4k. Felt grand after this and could have done bit more but needed to leave for work.

    After work came home and got out for a run. Done a 700 metre warm up and then planned to do 5k at around 4.30 min kilometres. Felt good during this and ended up doing the 5k in 21.30. Worked out around 4.20 min kilometres. This felt easy enough with no real strain on the legs or chest so very pleased with this. Really starting to feel the running levels improving.

    Felt good after the double session today and looking forward to doing some more during the week. Busy week in work and need to get car serviced so will need to fit the training in around this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wednesday 11th July

    Short training day today, bit tired after Tuesdays training and another long day on Thursday. Another run today, 1km warm up just done on feel rather than on pace. Then 10 x 200m sprints all under 3.45 min kilometres with an hundred metre rest pace between each. Then a 1km cool down again just done on feel. Felt good after this, much easier than the last time I done this. Legs and chest both felt grand, all this running is starting to work!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thursday 12th July

    Meant to be a double training day but had to go into work early and was in work late so only got a steady 5k done in the evening. Done around 4.40min a kilometre pace. Was tired after the long day and felt it during the run.

    Friday 13th July

    Another long day in work today. In at 8 an not home until after nine so just took it easy and done a few stretches at home. Nothing major but feeling tired after the long days in work.

    Saturday 14th July

    Got out on the bike today. Wanted to try something different so done a 13k warm up cycle out to the Saggart turn off on the Blessington road. Then done the 3k climb up to the nursing home 4 times using the cycle down as my rest. Pushed it during the climbs and enjoyed going down the hill as fast as I could. Definetly felt it in the legs after this but was glad I done it. Different type of bike workout than I'm used to but felt great after it. Used the 13k cycle home as the cool down.

    Sunday 15th July

    Was at a wedding on the Saturday night but didn't drink but didn't get home until late so was a bit later getting out for my run. Done a 13.4k run in one hour. All done around 4.30 min kilometres. Legs were tired after the cycle on the Saturday and felt it after the 8th kilometre but was still able to complete the remaining kilometres around the same pace. Longest fast run in a while and legs were feeling it after it.

    Monday 16th July

    Legs were still sore after the weekend so took it easy on Monday and just done some stretches and light body weight workout.

    Tuesday 17th July

    Got the turbo trainer out because of the rain and done a 6 min warm up. After this done 8 X 1.30 min pushing it hard in a big gear, with a 2 min rest between them. These were tough and there was a lot of sweat! Last few months have been just concentrating on getting the distance in on the bike so good to mix it up with the hill's and turbo trainer sprints. Done 6 mins then to cool down. Going to try catch up on my sleep tonight and get in the pool tomorrow morning with a short running session tomorrow evening.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Been a while since I have logged anything on this, mainly because work is mental busy at the moment so havent been getting out as much as I would have liked. Done enough to keep ticking over but had been a while since I really pushed it in training.

    Had signed up to do the Kilkenny triathlon Olympic distance as friends have a house two mins from start line so would be handy and could make a weekend out of it. As it started to get closer became bit worried as this was my first race above the try a tri distance and training hadn't been going very well. Going to do a brief race report;

    Race day 28th July


    Swim was shortened on the day to a 750m downstream swim because of the strong flow in the river. Was quietly pleased with this as my training hadn't been going well. In the third wave and got into the water nice and early and done a bit just to warm the body up. Waiting for the countdown to make my way towards the front of the wave, previous waves had been counted down from ten when I heard 3,2,1, go. Started from far back in the wave and had to work my way thru a lot of the swimmers, few pushes and slaps but nothing major. Done the swim in 10.22, not a bad time but should have pushed it more, very fresh at the end and could have kept going. I was hoping to get to the front of the wave and try and draft most of the way behind faster swimmers, ended up swimming whole thing without a draft and between the slow swimmers and the faster ones.

    Probably the longest transition in the world! took 4.30 (ish), not a slow time either. Set off on the bike, bit of hassle getting shoes into the clips but not too bad. Kept a steady pace on the bike, got to the turnaround with out losing too many places and with my legs feeling good. Cycle back was a lot tougher, into a headwind and with a lot more up hills. Managed to pass a lot of people on the uphills but most would just latch on and let me pull them up the hill. Huge amount of drafting going on throughout the while course. Pleased when I got to the end that my calves had held up well, no twings or pains at all. 43k done in around 1hr 17 mins

    Another long transition, misjudged the bike racks so that cost bit of time but was pleased to get thru it ok.

    Took it handy on the first 1k of the run to get the legs moving again. After this got into a nice rhythm and made a few places over it. Only ever 10k I had raced before this was a 10k in Donedea park last October and I done that in 48.50 so wanted to beat that time. On the second lap upped the pace and began picking off people in front of me. 10.2 k done in 44.22 so very pleased with how the run is progressing.

    Overall done in 2.19 so very pleased. 9th in my class and 73rd overall so very pleased with how my first olympic race went. Looking back I really should have pushed further forward in the swim but was a bit worried about getting caught up in the faster swimmers. I think the longer swim probably would have suited me better. Paced the bike well and enjoyed the run. Really wasn't sure coming into the race how I would do but very pleased with the outcome.

    Plan for the rest of the week is a light run tonight and then back into training as work is starting to quieten down again. Thinking about doing the racing 795 race in Bunclody this weekend as that's were gf is from and her dad is doing it. Know the area a bit and their is some good hills on the bike and this could suit me but going to see how I feel tomorrow before I decide.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    That's a great result Joe, especially on your first Olympic.

    You were pretty consistent too within your gender:
    50th swim,
    66th bike,
    63rd run,
    65th overall.

    No weaknesses there!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Cheers Courdelion. Yeah pretty pleased with the result, happy with the pacing on the bike and run but should have pushed the swim more, but will be more prepared in the next race.

    Pleased with how the first olympic distance went, felt more comfortable over that distance than I did over the super sprint where it was constantly pushing it, seemed to have recovered a bit quicker too. Pleased with the times and where it puts me in my first year in triathlon, plenty to improve on but plenty of time to do it too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Again not a great week for training but was feeling good after the way the race went on Saturday in Kilkenny so signed up for the Sprint Triathlon in Bunclody on Sunday.

    Took it easy through the week and kept the training ticking over without doing anything too strenuous.

    Bit of a race report now,

    Racing 795 Triathlon Bunclody.

    Got there nice and early, gf is from the area and her Dad was doing it so got a bit of local knowledge on the course. Hadn't been too sure on what bike to take for the race but decided on the TT bike mainly because I find it more comfortable and with the bottle between the aero bars is very easy to drink on the bike. Good atmosphere at the race and got a nice space in transition, right at the end of a rack near the run and cycle exit so was pleased with that. Checked the gearing on the bike before I racked it as the exit from transition was uphill so wanted a good gear for that. Bike racked, transition layed out. Got into my gear and waited at the pool for my wave to go, was in wave 4 based on my estimated swim time.


    Was going in wave 4 so was a lot of waiting around while the previous waves went off. Finally we got in and tried to sort ourselves out based on estimated times. Meant I was going 3rd and was happy enough with this as was hoping for a nice draft throughout the swim. Figured out fairly quickly though that the others times were very hopeful. Two lengths and me and the 2nd starter had over taken the first. Took about 8lengths then for the counters at the end of the lanes to get the person in front of me to stop as they didn't want me to pass, never mind all the ankle slapping I was doing. Got past and pushed it for the last 10 lengths, out of the pool feeling very fresh but bit annoyed at not getting past sooner and starting so far back. Need to be more confident in my swimming. Got out approx 1 length clear of the next in my lane. 500m done in 9.27 min


    This was going to be my first time cycling sockless and leaving the shoes on the pedals in a tri so flew through T1. Glasses on, helmet on and number belt on and I was out. 47 Seconds


    Left foot in shoes straight away and waited until top of hill until I put my right foot in. Legs felt good, pushed it up the hill as I knew it would be downhill for the first few kilometres. Was feeling good and moving nicely until the hill through Clonegal. Legs really felt this and got passed by 4 people on the hill, but once these passed I kept them in sight, no more than 100 metres ahead of me, hoping I could catch them on the downhill parts. Passed 1 before the final 5k and caught up with the rest just as we reached the neutral zone, this was what I was hoping for as we would all have to slow. Fairly clean dismount and into T2. Cycle 20k 40min 14 seconds


    Legs felt very wobbly off the bike but straight to my spot, bike racked, helmet off and runners on. Took a few extra seconds to wipe the stones off from underneath my feet. T2 59 seconds


    Straight into a hill from transition and had two of the 3 who passed me on the run right in front of me. Just concentrated on keeping the legs moving quickly and gradually gained on them. Once the legs were feeling good pushed it a bit and passed them on the hill. Tough run for 2.5k out to the turn around point. Was suffering at the top but knew it would be downhill the majority of the way down. Second half of the run was good and was able to really push it the last 800 metres to the finish line. Run 5k 21mins 46 seconds

    Overall time 1hr 13 mins 14 seconds for 8th place overall.

    Absolutely delighted with the result. First time I have ever done a sprint distance race and only my third race so very happy. Felt good the majority of the race, few issues thru the race though, speedo dying on the bike 10k in was a bit annoying, but tried to keep the speed up myself without pushing it too much. The swim was the thing I was most annoyed about tho (although not that annoyed about it!), should have placed myself higher in the wave and should have been moved up the wave quicker by the lane counters but this would have had little difference in my over all result. The top 7 were too far ahead of me that even if everything had of went perfect for me I don't think I would have placed higher.

    One of the highlights of the race was in registration when we were given our numbers and then a little girl was to write these on our arms. The look on her face when I took off my hoodie and she seen my arms covered in tattoos! Didn't know what to do, looked like I had just ruined her day!

    My first sprint race and my first smaller race after Athy and Kilkenny and really enjoyed it. A tough cycle and run but great atmosphere and well organised. Will definitely be looking out for this race again next year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Well done. I remember you, the numerous tats give you away :) I was the marshal at the turn into transition roaring at you (and everyone else) to slow down and watch the kerb. Glad you enjoyed it

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    It goes to show its all relative- I suffered from a similar non-moving toe tappees during my swim, and had theorised I'd have got a place or two better... Sure you could have said the same thing! Well done good report, we'll have to go head to head next year:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Congrats on your solid performance and 8th place finish. :D
    I have to ask, did the little girl find a spot for your number? ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Dory, She decided to carry on with her work and just write over some of the lighter colours on my arm! Wasn't going to be stopped doing her job.

    Training since the race has been a bit unstructured. Week following I done a 8k run followed by a 60k cycle the next day. After that I went over to the artificial White water course in Cardiff for some kayaking. Great weather, above 20 degrees every day. The long drive and days spent wedged into a small plastic boat meant I was very stiff but got in a bit of running over in Wales.

    Back last night and back to work today so time to get back into my regular training. Just going to keep ticking over until the Dublin city triathlon and then will start getting ready for my winter training. Actually looking forward to it now, but not sure that will last when it starts getting colder and darker.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wednesday 15th August

    Starting to get back into this training lark. Run today, 2k warm up done at 4.30 min kilometres pace. Then it was 8 x 100 metre sprints up hill (hill is a bridge over train tracks so tough enough), with the light jog down as my cool down. Was tough and felt it in my breathing but good to get back out running again. Then a 2k run done around 4.45 min kilometres pace. Calves were tight after it but these always suffer after any break in training so not too worried about them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Saturday 18th August

    64k cycle with the gf. Done at a steady pace, nothing too fast but pushed it up the hills and took a little break at the top of them. Legs felt grand and was first time in a while I had been comfortable on the bike being on it that long.

    When I got home I done a 8k run. Took the bikes in, cleaned them down a bit and sat down for a while. Then headed out on an 8k run. Took off at a good pace feeling good but struggled through kilometres 4 and 5. Tried to keep the pace up but they were slower kilometres than the rest. Felt good after them and was able to up the pace again. 8k done in approx 37.30 mins so pleased with that.

    Sunday 19th August

    Headed out with the club for a swim in Lough lene in westmeath. We marked out a course between two buoys and started out with a few of these just to warm up. Then we done a few start drills into a sprint for approx 20 metres. After this it was working on drafting, taking turns drafting and being drafted. After this was a few more just to cool down. Felt good during the swim, especially since its been a while since I've been in the pool. Altogether done approx 1.3k, measured by the new garmin 910xt that my girlf bought me as an early birthday present. Still getting the hang of it but it is a great piece of kit, and so far have had no problems with misting up (touch wood).

    Also put up an add on donedeal and adverts selling a pretty much brand new Felt B16, if any one is interested just let me know.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Monday 20th August

    Nothing! Absolutely no training today, just rested and took it easy.

    Tuesday 21st August

    7k run, done in total time of 30 min 15 sec. This was done as 5k at 4min 18sec kilometres, this felt good so tried upping the pace for the next kilometre, this was done at 4.05 min kilometres last kilometre done at 4.50min as a cool down. Legs felt good at the end of this and was comfortable doing the sub 4.20 kilometres but not sure how long I could keep it up for. Nice to get a fast run in before the race on Sunday.

    On Sunday I cleaned down my TT bike and then when I had it sparkling decided this would be the best time to take pics of it, planned on selling it after the Dublin city triathlon anyway. Add went up on Sunday evening with what I thought was a fair price but can never be sure what people will offer. Had three phone calls on Monday and one email and sold it tonight. Never thought it would go that quick but had to take the offer that was there, exactly what I was looking for for the bike. Means I will now be doing the race on Sunday on the road bike, not ideal but now means I have the money from the sale of that bike to put towards my new bike.

    I have decided to keep my current road bike, upgrade a few parts and buy a new TT bike. Waiting for the new Canyon speedmax evo to come out and more than likely going to buy this. More bike than I will probably ever need but if it gets me out training more will be worth it. Just waiting now on canyon to release date and price info!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    I noticed you had put on your advert that you had already used it for this years DCT and thought that might be a bit premature.

    Still with you on a road bike I might be able to get a lead on the bike and not get overtaken till the second lap of the run. I won't be counting on it though you'll probably be clear by the end of the swim and long gone by the end of the bike :)
