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Going to tri this



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Monday 22nd October

    So today was going to be the start of me being coached, no more sessions to plan just follow what it says on the plan. Today was to be a 40 min turbo session mainly focusing on single leg work. This was tough enough, was done on new TT bike and found the gears bit bigger than on the road bike. Was good workout tho and was definetly feeling it at the end. After this was a type of home circuit that I had meant to do in the morning but ended up in work at a meeting so had to leave it to the evening. Found this tough, have done very little of this stuff myself and was definetely feeling it by the third circuit. All in all good day though, these type of sessions are forcing me to be more organised, which is a good thing as it wouldn't be my strongest point!

    Tuesday 23rd October

    In the pool for the first time in a while now. Done over 2000m as a mix of drills, pull buoy, board and fins. This was very tough, could feel how unfit I have become in the water. First time using fins and they are not the most comfortable thing in the world to wear. There was a 400m swim with fins and kickboard and by the end I was barely moving in the water, was very very slow. Much more structure than what I would normally do swimming and this Tuesday morning session combined with a club swim on Thursday mornings will hopefully see my swim improve on last year. Evening session is a run tonight and from the plan doesn't look too bad.

    Collecting my other new bike tomorrow and will be fitted on it in base2race too. Been a good week with 2 new bikes and starting the coaching!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Tuesday 23rd October

    Evening session was a run session. Warm up and then into 5 X 30 seconds done around 400m pace, this was done more on feel than timed. Few running drills too and then a 1.8k cool down. First time wearing a heart rate monitor running and too be honest didn't pay too much attention to it! Glanced at it a few times but don't really fully understand about the zones and stuff yet for it to be worth anything right now. Did notice that it was not very high numbers tho, for what ever that's worth!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wednesday 24th October

    Collected my new road bike today from Base2Race. Looking forward to getting out on it now.

    Training today was a type of circuit training at home, finding this tough as been a while since I have done any of this myself. The evening was 45 mins on the turbo. Warm up into spinning drills and then bit of a cool down. Very different than any other session I have ever done on the turbo but definitely can see the benefit of it. Legs a bit tired today and have club swim and run tomorrow but good nights sleep should sort the legs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thursday 25th October

    First club swim session for me this morning which meant being at the aquatic centre at 6.30, very early for someone who doesn't usually work until half ten at the earliest! Session went well, good to have people there to push you on. Was a lot of using fins, something I haven't done much of before. Feet more so than legs were feeling it after, few small blisters on tops of my toes but nothing too bad. Not sure of total distance done but wouldn't have been far off 2000m.

    This evening was another run, same session as what I done on Tuesday evening. Probably look a bit special hoping down the road but have to do what the plan says! Legs felt grand through it and was a handy enough day for training with the swim finished so early.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    joey100 wrote: »
    Thursday 25th October

    Not sure of total distance done but wouldn't have been far off 2000m.

    2 x (50 fc, 50 bs, 50 brs, 50 scull)

    4 x (50m x (3,5,7,9) hypoxic breathing)
    300m kick w/fins

    3/4 x (50m x (3,5,7,9 hypoxic breathing))
    300m kick w/fins

    50m easy / 50m sprint

    100m BS Cool down

    So 2250m or 2400m dependent on if you did 3 or 4 sets of the second breathing drill. I said 600m but then when asked I think I said 3 times. It was early in my defence!


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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    That sounds about right couerdelion! Couldn't really remember the starting bit, so around 2250m done.

    Friday 26th October

    Up before work for a 30 min easy run. Went handy enough, no aches or pains and legs felt grand throughout it. After this was a bit of a break and then some circuit exercises. Some of these are starting to get a bit easier and starting to remember the sequence so I don't have to keep looking at the print out to see!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Sat 27th October

    Had to make a change to the planned session today (sorry Couerdelion!!), stuck with the original session of a 90 min bike done very easy. Covered about 43k during this time, took it handy throughout the cycle, was told to use it as a recovery cycle. Found it hard not to push it at times and had to concentrate on keeping the pace easy.

    Then this evening I done the swim session that had been planned for tomorrow, going down to Wexford to the gf's parents tomorrow so wouldn't have been able to get the swim in so just moved it to today. Was a good swim session, started with 500m easy to warm up and then about 400m of drills. Then it was into 7 X100's with each 100 being faster than the last, not too sure of how these were to be done really but gave it a go! Came in at 1.52, 1.48, 1.46, 1.42, 1.39, 1.38 and 1.35. Then it was 3 X100 at as close to the fastest one as I could, these were done at 1.36, 1.35 and 1.34. Was really struggling to towards the end of these hundreds and was surprised to see the times staying in or around the same. It was then into a cool down of 400m kick with fins and then 200m easy. Altogether around 2400m done. Surprised at how good I felt at the end, enjoyed the last 200m easy and seemed to be going at a fairly steady pace compare to what I would normally consider easy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Sunday 28th October

    Up nice and early and out for my long run. This was to be a long slow run for around an hour. Ended up doing 1hr 5 mins and covering 13k. Legs took a few kilometres to wake up but once they did the run was grand. Felt very comfortable and even managed to miss most of the rain. Nice to get training done nice and early and have rest of day free.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Monday 29th October

    In the afternoon was another home circuit with more reps this time than last week. Added one or two sit up type exercises from my kayaking days too.

    In the evening was a turbo session. Do these on the new TT bike and can feel the difference in the new position. This was done as 15 mins warm up and then 10 X 1 mins individual legs. Last two on each leg was tough but was a gear up from were I was last week so pleased with that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Tuesday 30th October

    Another good days training done. Swim in the morning, apart from an old woman being in the lane and deciding it was her lane the swim went pretty well. She was in the lane for the warm up which meant a bit of stopping and starting while she done her walking and stretching in the middle of the lane. Main set was ok, 2 X 500m done at a moderate pace followed by 400m board and kicking. Legs were very tired at the end but got there! finished it off with 200m easy and steady pace. Including stop start warm up covered approx 2200m.

    Good day in work today, group of young lads out mountain biking in Ballinastoe woods. Great day for it, bit cold but warmed up quickly once we got moving. Not sure on distance done but good bit of climbing done.

    Evening session was a run one today. Approx 1.5k warm up at a steady pace then into 6 X 30seconds at 400m pace. These felt good, legs felt strong and plenty of speed in them. Then there was a 1.5k cool down run. Legs felt good at the end after the long day.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wednesday 31st October

    Up early and 15 min core workout done before work. Enjoying the way this is short and sharp, gets it out of the way before the day has even started really.

    This evening was 40min turbo session. This session was all about spinning and holding a high cadence with short cool down and then build back up. Legs were really feeling this, even though I have turbo on one of the lowest settings! Doing most of my turbo work on the TT bike to try and get as used to the position. Legs are starting to get used to it a bit more and not as sore as they have been on it before!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thursday 1st November

    Club swim session in the morning. Tough session this week, 600m swimming with legs crossed and just using arms being one drill that stands out! Tough session but again good to be in the pool with other people, keeps you pushing yourself. Not too sure on distance (again!), but reckon over 2000m done. Legs were tired at the end but felt ok.

    This evening was a run session. 1.8k warm up then into 6 X 30 seconds at 400m pace with slow run and hops back to start. This was ok, legs felt bit tired but the distance I was covering in the 30 seconds was nearly the exact same as usual so was good to see I can still run when my legs are bit tired. Found the session good, garmin jumped around a bit at the start so pace was bit off but happy with over all pace.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Good work on the swimming!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    joey100 wrote: »
    Not too sure on distance (again!), but reckon over 2000m done.

    I think it was 2500m

    WU 2x200m
    600m legs crossed
    200 bs
    600m kick
    12x50m accelerating
    100m back

    That sound right?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Once again couerdelion you have a better memory than me. Was concentrating so much on trying to keep my legs floating when they were crossed thtat I forgot everything I had done. The 50's getting faster at the end were good. I find that I used to have only two speeds for swimming, fast and slow! These make me think bit more about controlling my speed and the effort I put into the stroke. Definitely a benefit of having some one come up with the plans for you! Not something I would have ever done myself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    It was a pretty big session yesterday. I did an extra 100 kick I think too :(

    I was swimming the 50's at the end getting slightly faster every length. It was only when Bj told me that I seemed very one speed that I realised it was a progression within the 50.

    Felt good after with the hard work put in so early in the day. I never work that hard when I'm swimming on my own!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Friday 2nd November

    Evening run today, 35 min, nice steady pace. Took it easy and just concentrated on keeping the pace slow. Not sure of distance covered but legs felt good during it and after it legs felt good. After this was a circuit session. These are starting to get bit easier but still tough, no breaks between sets or exercises, move from one to the next. Nice handy day training wise and all set for upping the distance over the weekend now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Saturday 3rd November

    Easy enough cycle today, around 90 mins and covered around 44km. Out on my own today and found it tough to manage my pace. Kept having to pull myself back to stop myself going too fast. Nice day out and an enjoyable cycle. Legs feeling grand this evening. All set for more training tomorrow!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Sunday 4th November

    Up nice and early for an hour run. This was to be a steady pace run so took it fairly handy and covered 12k in 63mins. (the 3 mins are when I went into xtravision to drop back a dvd and forgot to turn off garmin!). Legs took while to warm up and never really got fully going but still got through the session. Legs felt bit tired after but nothing too bad.

    This evening then was a swim session. This was 500m warm up into 400m of drills. After this was 7 X 100m getting faster each 100m's. These came in at 1.49, 1.47, 1.43, 1.38, 1.36, 1.33. These felt good but legs were getting tired towards the end and this showed in the 3 X100m's at around the same pace as the fastest 100m. Form went out the window a bit and came in around 1.33, 1.34 and 1.37. Legs were nearly gone by the end but took short break and didn't feel too bad. Then was into 300m kicking with board and then 200m easy. Altogether 2400m done and was feeling it in the thighs at the end. Good session though.

    Tomorrow I'm starting Trainer road and looking forward to it. Have the FTP test tomorrow and then will be doing a few sessions on this every week that will be picked by the coach. Have looked at a few of the workouts and they look tough so should be good training through these!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Monday 5th November

    This morning was to be the 8 min test to determine FTP on trainer road. Legs were bit tired getting onto bike and even though I was looking forward to doing it wasn't feeling one hundred per cent (never really am when it comes to turbo though!). Got stuck into the test and found it very tough. was barely anything left in the legs when I got to the 2 X 8 mins holding pace. Number I got was very low for FTP (will keep that a secret!) but with all the workouts done in relation to this number it should help me improve this. Don't think I have ever sweated so much on the turbo in my life, could nearly wring out the towel by the end.

    This evening then was another home circuit with the number of reps increased from last week, again nothing too major but was surprised at how good the legs felt after the tough session in the morning. Feel stronger after doing the home circuits and looking forward to doing some more trainer road sessions to try get that low number up higher!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Tuesday 8th November

    Up nice and early to try get to the local pool before the woman who walks the middle of the lane. Got there before anyone else so was nice and set up in the lane by the time she got there, and she didn't look happy seeing someone in her lane. Good session, Approx 400m of drills to warm up, then into some sculling followed by 2 X 500m and then just to finish my legs off completely 400m kicking with board. There was a cool down then of 200m so altogether around 2200m. Good start to the day.

    As day went on legs got heavier and heavier, just started to feel dead by end of work. Then got a phone call from gf who had been in hospital for a check up and was told by the doctors that she would be in later than planned. Called in after work, then told she would be in all night, flew home in car and got her bag of stuff and back to hospital to drop it off. Stayed there until about ten and then I had to leave, nothing much wrong with her they just want to keep her in overnight for observation. Just back in now from my evening run, was actually pretty nice out, quiet and mild. Done 1.8k warm up, the 5 X 30 seconds sprint and then a 1.8k cool down. Legs actually felt pretty good once they got moving and lost the heavy feeling very quickly, legs feel good now. Should be ok for first trainer road session tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Hope the GF is ok. Well done in getting in before the water jogger/walker. Do it a fw times in a row and she might give up :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wednesday 9th November

    Another good training day. 1st proper session on trainerroad, made up of a bit of a warm up and then 6 X 6 min intervals focusing on sweet spot power and working on keeping a high cadence. So far really enjoying trainer road, makes it harder for me to skive off when I'm on the turbo and really helps speed up the time on the turbo. Legs felt grand after it, got through the 6 intervals ok and was able to do a home circuit after too. No rests between exercises or sets and 3 sets, hard at the end to keep the pace up but starting to feel the benefit of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thursday 10th November

    Up very early for club swim. Not sure of distance again and couerdelion wasn't there to count for me but reckon it was in or around 2200m. Main bit of this is what I remember, 800m time trial. Last time I done any time trial in the pool was March and that was for 750m and came in around 15min 30 sec. Ended up in a lane today with the two fastest swimmers in the session so meant that their would be no chance of getting held up or drafting, just nice clean water in front of me. Came in at 13 min 50 seconds which is improvement on last one I done. Only at the start of my swim training after being out of the pool for about 2 months so pretty pleased with the time. This time will be taken again at the end of the 10 week swim block so hopefully I can bring it down a bit!

    This evening was another run. 1.8k warm up and then 6 X 30 second fast. Starting to get few metres further in these than I have been the last few weeks so good to see improvement. Then was a 1.5k cool down run.

    Legs were feeling very good today, bit of a shock because they had been pretty tired most of the week. Made an effort to get to bed early last night and think that this is what made the difference in the legs, wasn't that I had been staying up all night but missed out on an hour or two sleep the previous two nights and think it caught up with me. At least I know now what to do if I'm feeling bit tired, a good early night.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Friday 11th November

    Not too much training today, 30 min run at an easy pace to e used as a recovery run and then home circuit. Again no resting between sets or exercises. Felt good after these and combined with good night sleep tonight should be feeling good tomorrow for my first club cycle. Looking forward to it and seeing how different it is than the usual cycling on my own I do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Saturday 10th November

    So seems like I miscounted my dates during the week but got that sorted now. Anyway training done for today, first club cycle. Activ have organised for us to be able to join Lucan cycling club for our cycling spins. Have been trying to get down for the last few weeks now but just hasn't worked out. So today was to be my first day, Headed down to meet them at half nine and was surprised at how many people where there. Set off in the intermediate group,plan was 80km around 28kmph. Stuck at the back at the start to see what was going out, lot of shouting and hand signals that I wasn't used to but got the hang of it quick enough. Gradually made my way up the outside of the group to the front and was finding the pace handy, fast without being too fast. Really enjoyed the session and the weather wasn't too bad, bit wet but not too windy or cold. Group stopped in Maynooth on the way back for coffee so just had quick stop and then carried on. Cycled back to Lucan with Couerdelion and then home to Celbridge. Ended up being my longest cycle ever coming in at just over 100km and my first 100km too. Route was Celbridge-Lucan-Newcastle-Saggart-Blessington-BallymoreEustace-Naas-Clane-Maynooth-Lucan-Celbridge. Really enjoyed it but next time will have to bring more food for the bike, by the time I ate something it was too late and was feeling tired at the end. Only bad thing about the day was having to spend the last half hour cleaning my new white bike, knew there was a reason bikes shouldn't come in white!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Sunday 11th November

    Up early to get my long run done and have most of the day free. Legs bit tired after the 100k on Saturday but woke up soon enough. Done 14km in 67 mins, most of the time around 4.50 pace. Took it fairly handy then for the last 1.5km, slowed down the pace a bit and took it easy. Total distance ran, 15.5km.

    Evening session was a swim. This was a 500m warm up then 400m of drills. Then it was into 7 X 100m getting faster each length, these came in at 1.47, 1.48 (Not sure what happened here, found my wind wondering a bit), 1.46, 1.43,1.37,1.34. Then it was 3 X 100m at as close to the 1.34 as I could. These came in at 1.35,1.35 and 1.38. Was really feeling it at the end, legs and arms were pretty tired. Then it was 300m with kick board and then 200m cool down to bring it to a grand total of 2400m.

    Altogether a good weekend of training, felt very strong on the bike and run and my swim is definitely improving so all good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Monday 12th November

    Start of fourth week of being coached, and have been really enjoying it these last few weeks. Haven't missed any sessions and have enjoyed it more than I have in a while. Anyway today was 1hr turbo session on trainer road in the morning. Bit of a warm up and then into 4 X 8mins efforts in the 'sweet spot', these weren't too bad until the last one when I felt it a bit. Looked back at the summary of the session after and my highest power output was the last one. Need to push myself a bit more on the first few and stop saving so much power for the end. Altogether a good session and legs felt good after.

    Evening session was a home circuit. This week has an increase in the number of sets from 3 to 4. Nothing major about this session, kept it steady and got through it without much pain. Bit of stretching now this evening and that's it for the day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Tuesday 13th November

    Another early morning swim session. In the pool at quarter past six and had the whole place to myself. Bit of a warm up to start with then some drills. Then into main set of 2 X 500m at a moderate pace. Then it was 400m kicking and then 200m to cool down. Altogether over 2000m done. Felt good during swim, not too tired but legs were definitely feeling it towards the end of the kicking.

    This evening then was another short run session. Waited and waited for the rain to ease off but no sign so just headed out anyway. Turned out to be really nice when I got out, bit of rain but very mild and no one else out at all. 1.8k easy pace followed by 6 X 30 seconds fast then another 1.8k cool down. Legs felt grand during and after. Really enjoyed this run session.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wednesday 14th November

    Nice turbo/trainer road session before work. Bit of a warm up then into 4 X 8mins at FTP (well what trainerroad worked out my FTP to be). Tough but good session. Finding it much easier to put in the hours on the turbo using trainer road, just adds a bit of structure to it.

    This evening then was a home circuit, 4 reps keeping pace quick with no breaks between exercises. Not too bad, feeling stronger through this and starting to get faster through it too.
