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Going to tri this



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thursday 15th November

    Another early morning club swim. No couerdelion there either to remember the sets so had to make an effort to remember what I done. Started with 100m FC, then 50m kicking on right side, 50m kicking on left side and 100 backstroke. Then into 300m legs crossed, 100m kicking, 300m legs crossed, 100m kicking, 300m legs crossed. Then it was 4 X 50m 1st length easy, 2nd medium, 3rd fast and 4th very fast. This was done 3 times and then 200m to cool down. So approx 2000m done and was feeling it at the end. Legs have been a little tight this week and got tighter as day went on.

    This evening was 1.8k warm up run then into 6 X 30 seconds fast and 1.8k cool down. Legs didn't feel too bad through it, bit heavy but nothing sore. Sitting down now bit of a twinge in my right calf so will keep an eye on that and do some stretching later to see if that helps it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    joey100 wrote: »
    Then into 300m legs crossed, 100m kicking, 300m legs crossed, 100m kicking, 300m legs crossed.

    Glad I missed it. Bj is mad for the legs crossed drills at the moment!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Yeah he seems to have developed a liking for them at the moment alright. Doesn't help when the new snorkel leaks water either, ended up just having to push it to the side for a while until I got to the bank to take it off. Think I'm lucky enough with the crossed legs though, my legs seem to float fairly high, can see some lads in the club who's legs just seem to sink as soon as they start, looks alot harder for them!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Friday 16th November

    Not too bad a day today, slow steady 35 min recovery run. Really concentrated on keeping this slow and avoiding the temptation to push it at all. Legs feeling better after it and although there is a bit of a niggle in the right calf it's not that bad at all. Then straight after was into home circuit, 4 sets of exercises keeping the tempo high and no breaks between sets. Another good day of training, consistency seems to have really improved since I started getting the coaching, just hope I can keep this going now over the coming months.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Saturday 17th November

    Long cycle with the club today. The club were meeting at the aquatic centre but I met them in Newcastle, had a few drinks last night and needed the ly on in the morning. Good group out from the club and a pretty good level so the pace was kept up for the cycle. Headed out from Newcastle towards Saggart then on towards Blessington and then out up Sally Gap. Cycle was going well and pace was pretty good but after Kippure it got a lot more hilly than anything I'd ever cycled before. It just seemed to keep going up and up and up. Kept the cadence high and tried to stay in the seat for as much as I could, I could see the last hill up to the top and reckoned if I was getting out of the seat before that then it would be a struggle up. Got very tough the last 400/500 metres and I started to look to my left to find a nice soft place to land if the bike stopped. Kept it going though and broke it down to 10/15m lengths and just kept turning the pedals. Group took a bit of a break at the top and then started the cycle down. Pushed it a bit at the start but a gust of wind caught the bike and went into a bit of a speed wobble, really thought I was going to come off the bike but managed to slow it down. This dented the confidence a bit and took it handy enough down the rest of it then. Cycle back home was much easier, group kept a good pace and made good time back to Newcastle where I left them. Altogether 75km done and glad I didn't have to cycle back to the NAC from Newcastle!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Sunday 18th November

    Nice early morning run. Plan was for 75 mins and to cover around 15km so about 5min kilometres. Legs were tired but had no problem keeping the pace there, ended up doing 15.5km in the 75 mins. Legs felt good after but done another 1km at a slower pace to cool down. Just managed to miss all the rain too so good session running.

    This evening was a swim session. Different session than my previous Sundays which was a nice change. Session started with a 600m warm up, mix of front crawl and kicking. Then was into main set of 600m broken into smaller sets at a moderate pace, then 375m broken into smaller sets at normal pace. Then was 200m fast, 30seconds rest and 100m fast. Then into 6 X100m with pull buoy. Then a cool down of 100m backstroke. Total done approx 2550m. Nice broken up session and plenty of different sets to keep it interesting. Arms were bit tired at the end for a change, usually my legs that give up first.

    Another good weeks training. 1 month into coaching and haven't missed one session yet. I know I will miss some sessions but I'm going to try to keep that for when I really need to miss a session, I know what I'm like and if I start missing some now for silly reasons it will just get worse. 28 days now straight training and feeling stronger than ever on the bike and swim. Haven't done much fast running stuff but reckon once I do my run will be good too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Monday 19th November

    Started the day with another trainer road session on the turbo. Bit of a warm up then into 5 X 7 mins in the sweet spot. 1-4 were grand, took the first one to warm up but number 5 was the toughest. Put the head down and got through it. Legs felt good after, recovery after these sessions is getting quicker and quicker the more I do. Evening session was home circuit, 4 sets of exercises with no rest between and pace kept up. Got through this fairly handy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Tuesday 20th November

    Early morning swim session. Got there for half six and the place was packed, at times it was like swimming through waves at the beach with some of the wash off the other swimmers. Warm up was 500m then 8 X 50m, split into 25 fc and 25 legs crossed. Then into main set of 7 X100 with each length of the 100 getting faster than the last. Then it was 3 X 100 at same speed as the last 100 of the 7. These all came in or around the same time, not sure if they were meant to, took it from the session plan that it was within the 100 to get faster. After this was into 300m kicking with board and then 200m FC to cool down. Felt good after the session and was home and all by 7.45 which is always good.

    Evening session was a run. 1.8k warm up then into 7 X 30 seconds at 400m pace. Not quite sure what my 400m pace is but just pulled back a bit from full on sprint and kept it at this. The distance I'm covering during the 30 seconds is starting to get visibly further than when I started. Then it was 1.8k cool down at a very slow pace.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wednesday 21st November

    Another trainer road session in the morning before work. This one was again working on sweet spot. It was 3 X 15 min intervals at around 80-90% of FTP. First two were not too bad but was feeling it in the legs by the end of the third one. 3 min rest between intervals were not very long and was only getting heart rate down when the next one would start. Was a case of putting the head down and just getting through them. I have to weigh myself every morning as part of training and this morning before turbo I weighed 64.1KG, I had some breakfast and drank approx 1.5l of water, after the turbo I weighed 62.7KG. I reckon that loss was all sweat, was wearing a white t shirt for it and it was pretty much see through by the end!

    This evening was another home circuit. 4 circuits with pace kept high and no breaks between exercises or sets. Up early now for a club swim session tomorrow morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thursday 22nd November

    Early morning club swim. Started with 100m FC, 100m on right side kicking, 100m on left side kicking and 100m FC. Then it was into 20 X 50m getting out of the pool at the end of each length and diving back in. Enjoyed this session, broke up the lengths and was a bit of a breather. Then it was 200m back, then into 600m kicking with fins and board and then 100m sculling on back with legs crossed. Good swim session, good group there too. Numbers are big of people going, makes it easier to find someone around your own speed and try to keep up with.

    This evening was another run session. 1.8k warm up then into 7 X 30 second sprints at 400m pace. These were good, few aches in calf but nothing major at all, just need a good nights sleep really to sort it. Then it was 1.8k cool down.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    You're getting in some very consistent training, impressive reading. Any races coming up at all, or whats the goal?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Cheers Kurt. No real plan on races for next year. Definitely going to do some more national series races, only done one last year. Would like to do five this year and see what happens. Have a few ideas of races I want to do but nothing set in stone yet, only race that is definite will be Dublin City triathlon which looks like it will be my A race. Will more than likely be 4 sprints and 2 olympics as well as this. Just hope I can keep the training up as well as I have been over the next few months.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Friday 23rd November

    Easy enough training session today. In the morning it was home circuit, 4 sets of the usual exercises with no breaks between exercises or sets. Then this evening it was a slow 35 min recovery run. Took this very easy, legs were feeling much better than last few days but resisted the urge to push it a bit to see how fast I could go comfortably. Just took it nice and steady. Nice enjoyable run in the cold weather.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Saturday 24th November

    Had to make a few changes to my training plan for the weekend. Usually do my run and swim on Sunday but heading out for drinks tonight so moved the swim to today, don't think I'll be in fit state to do both tomorrow.

    Early morning swim today. Today's swim would be working off my T-pace which is 1.45 for 100m. Started with 8 X 50m done as 25 FC easy and 25 FC building speed through length. Then it was into main set of 400m to come in at 7 mins (T-pace). Wasn't too sure how to pace this but came in at 6.49 so was happy with that. Next was 300m at 5.09 (T-pace minus 2s), this came in at 4.55. Then 200m at 3.22 (t-pace mius 4's), this came in at 3.14. And then 100m at 1.39 (T-pace minus 6), this came in at 1.31. Tough session but enjoyed it, came in under all the times and from what I can remember that is my fastest 100m in training, usually coming in around 1.34-1.36. Then it was 2 X 300m FC easy pace. Then a cool down of 8 X 50m alternating between FC and BS. Tough session and was feeling it at the end but a good session too. Wasn't feeling 100% in the water but still came in below each time so pleased with how session went.

    Then in the afternoon was a trainer road session because I wasn't out with the club this weekend. This session was and hour and a half one with 3 X 20mins at around 90% of FTP, with 5 min rest between intervals. Found this tough, much tougher than going out for a cycle. 1st interval wasn't too bad but was really feeling it by end of 2nd one. Third one was tough but just had to try block everything out and just pedal. Kept it above the mark for nearly all of the intervals and legs didn't take long to recover after either.

    Now it's out for few drinks tonight and a long run at some stage tomorrow. Reckon it will just be a case of getting out rather than pushing it at all but at lest it will keep the run of not missing a session going!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Sunday 25th November

    Very hungover this morning but set off out on my run. Had forgot to take my watch to my parents so was done on feel and time. Managed aprox 12k in 65 mins but felt every step of it. Have to try minimise the amount of training done hungover! But still another session done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Monday 26th November

    Back into the swing of training after my hangover day. Today was a trainer road session on the turbo. 1 and half hours with 5 X 10 minute intervals and 5 minute rests between intervals. Didn't find this too bad, the 10 minutes felt very short after doing the 20 minute ones at the weekend and was easier to keep concentrating for it. Was able to push it for the last minute of each interval and try and raise the watts. Enjoyed this session and as is usual after a turbo session I was soaked.

    This evening was a home circuit. 5 reps this time of the same exercises. Again pace kept high and no breaks from start to end. This week is first week of Base training so hours will be upped a bit on previous weeks. Nothing too drastic but still an increase. Looking forward to it though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Tuesday 27th November

    So slept it out for my early morning swim. Determined not to miss a session though so this meant doing my run and swim in the evening. Got off work a bit early and headed straight out for a run when I got home. Bit of a new routine tonight that was 8 X left foot hitting ground 30 times aiming for this to be around 20 seconds. Wasn't sure how to pace them so pushed it but not all out, these came in around 17/18 seconds so pleased with that and wasn't too hard at all. Felt good after it and included 1.8km warm up and 1.8km cool down.

    Then it was something quick to eat, quick sit in front of the tv and then onto the swimming pool. Had planned to use the family pool as kids aren't allowed in after 7 but there was an aqua aerobics class on so that wasn't going to happen. Other pool was very busy but eventually got bit of space and got through my warm up fairly handy. Then it was into main set of 12 X 100m trying to keep a balance between effort and speed. Was pleased with these came in at 1.30,1.30,1.31,1.35 (forgot to stop watch at wall),1.30,1.29,1.29, 1.30,1.32,1.34 and 1.35. This was all I got to do as lane got too busy to do any more. Moved onto my cool down and got through this ok, even managed not to slow other people down too much when I was doing my kick with board. Good session but not ideal to be doing two sessions in the evening. Will have to remember this next week when I wake up.

    Some good news this week is that the club are organising a club training trip to Sardinia in April. Had got the plan for the week from the club and it looked very good, cycles, swims and runs every day. Up to each individual person what they want to do but a great chance to get some training in and not have to worry about work. Booked my flights this week so am all set to go, even though after looking at some of the climbs out there I might be chickening out some of the days!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wednesday 28th November

    Another early morning turbo trainer road. Only an hour this time (never thought I would be saying ONLY an hour when talking about the turbo!). Bit of a warm up then into 8 X 4 mins at very close to FTP. Not too bad, last few sessions have been 20 and 15 min intervals so 4 mins felt grand. Plenty left in the legs at the end. Finding trainer road great for getting on the turbo, only way I can manage to motivate myself to get on the thing!

    Evening session was another home circuit. 5 times with no breaks between exercises or sets. Felt grand through this and now for an early night, club training session tomorrow and with the weather out there will have to get up extra early to defrost the car.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thursday 29th November

    Very early morning club swim today (Which Couerdelion managed to miss again, bit more slagging there today!). So from what I remember, 100m FC slow, 100m BC and then 100m choice (went FC again). Then it was into main set of 16 X 100, split into groups of 400 going slow first 100, medium 2nd 100, fast 3rd 100 and very fast 4th 100. Then to make it even more difficult to remember first 400m done with right fin on only, 2nd 400m done with both fins, 3rd 400m done with left fin only and then 4th 400 done without fins. Was really feeling it at the end of this, started at the top of the lane and managed to finish there too so pleased with that, when I started with the club I wouldn't have been able to do that. After this main set was 100m FC. Then it was 3 people across the lane starting slow and getting faster thru the 50m. Then the 50m back was starting slow but getting fast. Done this twice and then 100m FC cool down. Tough swim session. Was really feeling it in shoulders and breathing at the end, enjoyed it though. 3 people swimming across the lane was interesting, plenty of pushing and banging!

    This evening was another run session. 1.8km warm up then into 8 X 30 times landing on left foot. These took around 17-18 seconds. Then it was 1.8km cool down. Didn't find these too bad at all, plenty left in the legs at the end.

    One thing I have been thinking about over the last few weeks as part of my swim is my kick. I done a 1 to 1 lesson in base2race before and was told that I have a 'nice 3 beat kick'. When I'm swimming I find my position is pretty good and I can maintain a good speed, even when using the pull buoy I can keep this speed, would be one of the fastest in the session at doing both of these but when it turns to pure kicking, either with fins or with board I have no speed at all. It nearly feels like my feet are too high in the water to get any real 'purchase' on it, and when I push them deeper to feel like I'm getting more water it just feels like I am dragging my legs through the water. If anyone has any advice or knows any good link around this it would be appreciated! I know couerdelion reads this so hopefully he can point me in the right direction!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Friday 30th November

    Nice easy recovery day today. Wasn't feeling bad after the weeks training but was still happy it was an easy day. Nice slow 35 min run followed by home circuit. 5 sets of exercises with no breaks or rests between exercises or sets. IN work tomorrow so training will be another trainer road, not ideal, would muhc prefer to be out on the bike but just wont have the time for it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Saturday 1st December

    Training done nice and early today because I have to bring a group of kids from work to the panto so most of the day is gone. Another trainer road session today, 1 and a half hours with 5 x 9min intervals split into 2 mins 95% FTP, 1 min 105% FTP done three times per 9 min interval. There was a 6 min rest period between intervals. Had seen this session during the week and wasn't looking forward to it but legs felt grand through it. Plenty left in legs at the end so will look at raising my FTP again. Legs are really feeling stronger from doing the trainer road sessions. Now I'm off to the panto, just hope I'm not brought up on stage to dance like I was a few years ago!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Sunday 2nd December

    Up nice and early for my long run but was lashing rain out. No way I could go out in that weather, would have be drowned before I got out of the estate. This meant heading to the gym for the treadmill. Have been trying not to use this as much as possible as I don't think there is anything as boring as it, the turbo is even better. Anyway headed to the gym and got started, long run was to be 75 mins covering around 15km so 5 min kilometres. Got to the end of the hour and had to change treadmills as they seemed to be set up to do one hour then go into a cool down mode, so came in a little over the 75 mins but only because of that.

    This evening was a swim session so back to the gym. Warm up was 300m FC, 400m Pull buoy, 300m FC and then 200m kick with board. Then into main set of 10 X 100's at T-pace +15 seconds (T-pace 1.45). Had seen other club members had done this session and found it tough so decided not to set off too quick. Kept the pace steady and came in at pretty much bang on 1.37 each hundred. Left me with a nice short break and then back into the next hundred. Then was a 2 min break and then into another 5 X 100m. Again these came in at very close to 1.37. Then was a cool down of 300m. For a grand total of 3km. Enjoyed this session and didn't feel too bad at the end at all. The 15 X 100m were tough but kept the pace steady rather than setting out too fast and shoulders were bit tired at the end but still kept pace constant.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Monday 3rd December

    Trainer road session before work. 1 and a half hours, short warm up then into 5 X 10 minutes intervals at pretty much FTP with 5 min cool down inbetween. Found this a tough session, had upped the FTP and was feeling it towards the end. Intervals were short enough though that mind didn't get time to wander. Legs were tired at end but didn't take long to recover after. This evening was another home circuit. 5 reps with no breaks between exercises or sets. Felt good through this, and definitely feeling stronger.

  • Registered Users Posts: 31 sonas060

    hi really enjoying your log, your doing great training.
    What sort of home circuits are you going? be interested to see what your doing seeing as you feel stronger as a result.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    To be honest when I say feel stronger I mean I feel stronger than when I wasn't doing any home circuits, so don't think it would take much! Been doing a lot in the pool too so think this is helping with the strength.

    Home circuit is 5 rounds of mix of push ups, squats, lunges, plank, sit ups and different types of these exercises too like Hindu push ups (not very good at these!).All bodyweight exercises, no weights. I do 12 reps of each exercise but started by doing 3 rounds and 8 reps of each. I do this three times a week and have seen improvements from it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Tuesday 4th December

    Back in the pool this morning and was looking forward to it after how my swim went on Sunday. Had the place to myself which is always nice, but just didn't feel as comfortable in the water, hard to explain but it just didn't feel as smooth as Sunday did. Done a bit of a warm up and then into my main set, was to be increasing distances form 100--400 and then back to 100, with set breaks between. First 100 in 1.39, 200 in 3.22, 300 in 5.02 and 400 in 6.42. Was starting to feel better in the water and felt much more comfortable for the second half. Descending distances 300 done in 4.57, 200 in 3.16 and 100 in 1.31. Second half was faster and felt alot easier in the water.

    Then this evening was another run session. This has been changed a bit from previous weeks and was a 5km warm up then into my 8 X 30 left foots coming in around 17/18 seconds. Then a cool down of about 1.5km. In total done around 8km and felt good after it, average pace was below 5 min kilometres including some of the slower runs between intervals.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wednesday 5th December

    Busy day in work was in 9 to 9 so meant all my training had to be done after work. Was a long day and was feeling tired when I got home but had already set up the turbo so up on that for a 1hour trainer road session with 3 x 12 min intervals at FTP. Was really feeling this at the end but not sure how much was general tiredness and how much was the effort of the bike. After this was straight into home circuit,5 reps with no breaks or rests between exercises or intervals. Pretty much straight to bed and slept very well! Was knocked out!

    Thursday 6th December

    Up nice and early for club swim session, was really feeling tired but didn't want to miss the session. Session was 100m FC, 100m BcS, 100m Kick, 100m FC. Then into 8 X 50m, split into 2 sets of 4 with 50's being slow, medium, fast, very fast. Then to make it a bit more interesting we started mid length, so had to thread water for 15 seconds between 50's and try and start as we would in a race. Then it was 10 X 100m pull with each 100m the cadence of the arms getting faster and faster, not worrying about speed of swim just speed of arms. Then it was another mid length 8 X 50m and then 100m FC and 100m BcS to cool down. Good swim session and was really feeling it after, shoulders were tired and the kicking didn't go too bad today so pleased with that.

    This evening was down for a steady 45 min run, weather was really bad again so meant going back to the treadmill. Done 9km in around just under 44 minutes and again felt tired but not sure how much was general tiredness and how much was from the effort. No work tomorrow morning and a short day in work so will catch up on my sleep tonight, ly on tomorrow and then be back to normal for the weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Friday 7th November

    Bit of a recovery day today. Nice long slow run around 8km. Took it easy and the legs felt good after it. Got out late and it had already started to ice over when I was getting back to the house. Really starting to get cold out there now! Once I got back to the house was a home circuit, 5 reps with no breaks between exercises or sets. Felt good after, bit tired but has been busy week in work and training distances have been upped so will put it down to that.

    Saturday 8th November

    Woke up early to head out on a club cycle and to be honest was happy when few people in club pulled out because of the ice. Meant I could head back to be for another while. No outdoor cycle so meant another trainer road session. 1 and half hours, bit of a warm up with some at FTP and some above FTP, then into 10 X 3mins increasing power on each one, all done above FTP. There was a 4 min rest interval inbetween each and I needed these! First few were no problem but was starting to feel it in the middle but seemed to get over this ok and kept the power up. One of the tricks on the turbo seems to be trying to get the right gear combo between front ring and back cassette. Once this is ok is a lot easier to keep the power at a nice cadence.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Sunday 9th December

    Morning session was a long run. Was to be 17km in 85 mins. Set out and decided that I would go on feel as much as possible, have a habit of letting the watch rule the run. Tried to find a pace that I could keep for the whole time and wouldn't be too tough. Surprised when I looked at the watch and the kilometres where consistently under 5 mins, came in around 4.50-4.55 for each and didn't feel to tough. After the 17km done another 800m very slow just to cool down.

    Evening session was a swim. Out to the pool and it was nice an quiet so had pretty much the pool to myself. Warm up was 200 FC, 200 kick, 200 pull,120 FC, 120 Kick, 120 pull. Then into main set of 6 X 60m coming in at 57 seconds for each, then 15 seconds RI. Then 2 X 160 negative spilt intervals. Then into 6 X 80 metres coming in at 77 seconds and 15 seconds RI. Then 300m negative split. Then another 6 X 60 coming in at around 57 seconds again and 3 X 100 coming in at around 1.35 for each. Then a cool down of 200m SLOW!
    It was during the main set that another fella got in the pool in the lane beside me, recognised the fella from last week in the pool and kept an eye on him. Never seen anything like it but he copied my exact set, for the second week in a row. I was bit faster than him but when I stopped he stopped, when I pushed off he pushed off, lost him a few times when the distances on my intervals changed but wasn't long before he tagged back on. Then for the cool down I messed around with him a bit to see if he was really copying me, I'd take it very very slow and so would he, then I would speed right up and he followed. Was very very strange. GF was in the jacuzzi and it was the first thing she said to me when we got out about 'the other fella copying you for the entire time you were in the pool'! Will have to keep an eye out for him over the next few weeks!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Monday 10th December

    Started the day with a turbo trainer session. Hour and a half with the main set being 12 X 3 min intervals, with 2 mins break between. These were done as 4 sets of 3, all the sets were a good bit above FTP with raising in sets of 3. This was probably the toughest turbo session I have ever done. Legs were really feeling it, from the start my legs felt tight. Tired keeping above the FTP as much as I could and on most of it I was. Struggled with the last set of 3 but managed to keep it above the FTP on screen, about 40 watts above my FTP. Legs felt like they were going to cramp for a lot of it but managed not to.

    This evening was another home circuit, up to 6 sets now with no breaks between exercises or sets, felt good through this.

    Meant up with coach to pick races for next year and now pretty much have them set. Going to be doing 9 races next summer with 7 of them being National series races, only ever done one of these before so looking forward to completing them. Will be two non national series races that will be more for training. Some tough races in there but seems to be plenty if rest between them. Two main races for next year are the National sprint championships in Athlone and the Dublin City Triathlon Olympic in August.
