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Going to tri this



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    I love reading your swim training, you're really making fast progress! Nice to be hitting a couple of 6:20's in a row. Won't be long now until you're hitting 5:xx.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Cheers Kurt, yeah with a bit of luck I'll be going sub 6 come the start of the season. Still some things I need to work on, not really rotating my hips as much as I could and need to really work on finishing my stroke past my hip, have a habit of when upping the speed of my stroke cutting it short and pulling it out at my hip. Looking at maybe doing a one to one lesson, was thinking maybe B2R or with our coach but will see how I get on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thursday 7th March

    After the good swim session in the morning was looking forward to the run session in the evening. Was to be usual session of 5km warm up then into 12 X 30 left foot taps, took it handy for these and then bit of a cool down. Threw in a 400m interval towards the end of the warm up just to see how the legs felt and kept the pace around 3.22 mins per kilometre pace for the 400m , wouldn't say it was comfortable but last time I done a 400m interval I was around 3.40 mins per kilometre pace so a pretty big improvement there. Legs felt good at the end and was a very good days training.

    Friday 8th March

    Friday's are my recovery day so home circuit, 6 reps with no breaks. Then a slow run, covered around 11.8km and kept the pace handy. Legs felt good, felt like they wanted to go faster but kept the pace slow.

    Saturday 9th March

    Had a union meeting in the morning so meant I would miss the club cycle, weather wasn't great but there was no way I was doing a 2 hour turbo session so headed out by myself after the meeting. Route was Celbridge-Newcastle-Saggart-Blessington-Valleymount-Lacken-Manor Kilbride-Saggart then home. Covered 80km in 2hours 52 mins, legs felt ok. Been a while since a good long cycle by myself and you forget when your in a big group about how much of a pain the wind can be. Legs where a bit tired around blessinton lakes but this was more to do with me struggling to find a rhythm with constant hills and wind to deal with. Once I got back to the main road I got into a nice rhythm and had plenty left to push it towards the end.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Sunday 10th March

    Busy today so was always going to be a struggle to get all my training done. Woke up and legs felt good but was a bit worried I would feel it once I started my training after the long cycle on Sat. Run was on the treadmill in the gym, was meant to do 19km but could only get 15km done in the time I had. Legs felt good through it and plenty left in them at the end.

    After this was straight to swim session. Warm up was 400m FC, 200m Pull, and then 8 X 20m building in each lane. Was feeling tired after this, then into the main set of 2 X (4 X 320m, 6 X 60m) all done below T pace. Was really feeling these towards the end. Arms and shoulders were tired and pace had dropped but still came in below my t pace. Then a cool down of 200m, altogether just under 4km done and was feeling it by the end. Glad when the swim session was over!

    Monday 11th March

    Because it's getting closer to the season I've been told to up the turbos on Mondays to 1 and a half hours. Was definitely feeling the Saturday cycle in the legs and it was a tough enough session intervals being 3 mins long all above FTP with recovery between them working on my endurance. The third last interval was the toughest and had to drop power for part of it but got through the rest of the intervals and kept it going right until the end. Tired legs at the end but these are the session I need to finish and get through. It's ok to get through a session when I feel good starting it but these are the ones that will really stand to me during races, being able to finish sessions and hitting the power targets when my legs feel a bit tired. Evening session was home circuit, 6 reps, no breaks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Tuesday 12th March

    Another long swim session today. Bit of a warm up and then main set was 520m at Tpace +6 seconds, came in nearly a min below the time for this. Then 2 X 240m again Tpace +6's, came in nearly 30 seconds below the time for both of these. Then another 520m, nearly 50 seconds below the time for this then 5 X 120m to finish. Was feeling it at the end of this session, arms were definitely tired.

    After this was my run session, 5km warm up then into the 12 X 30 left foot taps. Felt ok through this, tops of legs a bit sore and tired but ok. Then a 2km cool down after.

    Wednesday 13th March

    Early morning turbo session. Was to be a similar session to Monday's one but with less breaks between the intervals. Was feeling this from the start, legs were very tired and after a bit ended up adjusting the workout to 90% of what it should of been. Still was tough to hit but got through it ok. Long 28 minute session at end of session to work on endurance again. Was tired after this and legs were hanging off. Evening session was home circuit, felt this. Arms were tired and so were legs.

    For the last few months of training I've cut right back on the drinking so this meant I had a bit more money than I usually would. To treat myself for this and the training I have been doing I bought myself two new pairs of bike shoes. One for triathlon and one for road. These shoes are so nice I've decided to include a picture of them in the log (everyone likes pictures!).

    New Tri shoes


    New road shoes


    Nice and loud shoes, at least I'll look the part at this years races!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Nice shoes!

    Are you noticing any training/health benefits from being on the dry?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Just find it easier to train Kurt. Less need to ly on in the mornings, just feel better and recover quicker from training. When I do go out and drink it takes me a few days to feel normal when I'm training. I might only be hungover for the next day but training suffers for a few days after. I was training hard and then drinking Friday and Saturday night and it got to a point where it was just undoing the work I was doing during the week. Decided to knock it on the head and really don't miss it, don't get me wrong I still head out every now and again (Will be having a big night over Easter) but the frequency of them is right down.

    This combined with more structured training has seen big improvements in my times this year so for me right now that's more incentive not to drink than the benefit of drinking.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Agree with all of this (I'm doing something similar the past few months). When you wake up fresh and training is going well, the incentive not to drink is massive. No more hangover induced easy days!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thursday 14th March

    So up for my normal Thursday morning club swim. Made more interesting by the fact I got no sleep at all last night. Drank a cup of coffee (I never drink coffee) and a gel to try and get me through the swim. We were told to bring our wetsuits to the pool this week and the warm up was done in them. Some lengths building, few lengths moderate and 2 fast 50m's. After this it was getting timed getting out of the suits, done in around 22 seconds so not too bad, even though it took me a few seconds just to figure out what was going on around me. Main set was 1000m continuous, no touching the walls, just turning around before them and setting off. Enjoyed this, took it steady enough for the first 800m and then pushed it a bit for the last 200m. Finished with plenty left and arms felt good. After this was 8 X 50m with the first 25m being a sprint and the second 25m being slow. Again felt good through these, session finished with 200m kick, 200m drills and 200m back. Felt grand at the end, tired from lack of sleep but not tired from swimming so that was a plus.

    Plan for this evening if I can stay awake is to get out for a run, distance and speed will depend on how awake I can stay for the run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thursday 14th March Evening

    So after a long day in work and little or no sleep I only managed 6km done at a steady pace. Legs felt good but body was just too tired for anything more. Needed a good night sleep and I'll be back to normal.

    Friday 15th March

    Recovery day so slow run for 1 hour. Covered around 11.5km and took it very easy. Legs took a while to get going but once they did they probably felt better at the end than at the start. After this was a home circuit, no breaks between exercises or sets.

    Saturday 16th March

    Was meant to be heading out with one of the lads from the club but he cancelled so just headed out by myself. Took it a bit easier than I did the previous week, didn't want to wiping out my legs. Route was Celbridge-Lucan-Newcastle-Saggart-Blessington then back to Celbridge. Altogether 65km done and legs felt good through it. Was a nice day for a spin and felt great after it.

    Sunday 17th March

    Headed to the pool for an afternoon swim hoping most people would be either out drinking or at a parade, was delighted when I pretty much had the place to myself for the whole time I was there. Session was a warm up 520m steady, then around 800m of drills. Then into the main set of 8 X 100m below 1.45, coming in on 1.32, 1.34, 1.32, 1.32, 1.32, 1.31, 1.29, 1.32. Felt good through these, Then was 8 X 80m below 1.24, coming in on 1.12, 1.14, 1.15, 1.13, 1.15, 1.13, 1.14, 1.14. Then it was 8 x 60m below 1.03, coming in on 53.6, 54.9, 55.2, 52.9, 54.3, 57.6, 54.2,55. Then to finish off the main set was 10 x 20m pushing it for the full 20m, came in on 14.8, 14.7, 15.2, 15, 15.1, 15.4, 15.5, 14.8, 15.5 and 15.1. I tried to keep the times as consistent as I could and keep my stroke together as much as I could, so I didnt go out and push myself too hard on the first 2/3. Then bit of a cool down. Session went well and was feeling it by the end in my breathing and arms.

    Evening session was a long run. This was to be my longest run at 20km. Set off nice and steady and stuck to that pace. Was a lovely evening for a run and legs felt good for the whole thing. The time flew by and covered 20.2km in 1hour 40 mins. Legs a bit tired now but nothing major.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Monday 18th March

    I'm into a recovery week this week which means a lot less training. This week is timed so that I'll have a week like this again after Sardinia and then be set for my first race of the season. Meant to be an easy day today with nothing really on but headed out for a cycle with few people from the club. Not great weather and spin was cut short at around 52km, just got too wet to be any sort of fun. Legs felt ok through it, wasn't sure how they would be after the long run the day before. For the last 5/6km of the cycle the pace was upped but managed to hang on. Looking forward to an easy week now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Tuesday 19th March

    Handy enough day today, probably a good thing because my sinuses are starting to cause trouble again. Session tonight was easy 1 hour swim in the pool, more to try keep my feel for the water than anything. Kept it simple enough and done 3 X 400m FC, 400m Pull and then 200m FC to cool down. Kept it slow and steady and felt grand through it apart from some underwater sneezes.

    After this was to be an easy 45 min run, just went upstairs from the pool to the gym and done about 8.5km easy in the time. Again kept it nice and steady, even though the pace felt faster than it does running it outside. Session tomorrow is an FTP test on the bike so nice to have an easy day before that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wednesday 20th March

    First testing session of the week and an FTP test on the bike. Always dread these but was feeling confident enough I could make a decent improvement on my current FTP. Legs were feeling good and was in good form. The more of these I do the more I learn about the pacing and about not going out too quick. Built into it and managed to keep the power up, legs were feeling it in the last ten mins but concentrated on just turning the peddles and keeping the body from rocking. The long endurance sessions I've been doing on the turbo really paid off here, the 20 mins felt quick enough, not like the 2 hours it used to feel like. By the end my legs were gone, bit light headed and took me minute or two to get back to feeling normal but after that was ok. Since I came back from my holidays in February I've had a 5 week block, after the test today I have increased my FTP by approx 7% since then so very pleased with that. Still a fairly low figure on the trainer road but would be pretty confident that the real world figure is higher than this.

    Tomorrow is to (hopefully) be a 400m TT during the club swim session. I'm hoping to go as close to 6:10 as I can. If I can get close to this and then go below 20 minutes in my 5km race on Sunday I'll be very pleased with how the testing week has gone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    joey100 wrote: »
    Wednesday 20th March

    Since I came back from my holidays in February I've had a 5 week block, after the test today I have increased my FTP by approx 7% since then so very pleased with that. Still a fairly low figure on the trainer road but would be pretty confident that the real world figure is higher than this.

    Tomorrow is to (hopefully) be a 400m TT during the club swim session. I'm hoping to go as close to 6:10 as I can. If I can get close to this and then go below 20 minutes in my 5km race on Sunday I'll be very pleased with how the testing week has gone.

    What's your overall % increase since you started training using trainerroad? nearly 40%???

    Who said it was only 400m? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Couerdelion, just had a look back there at my first FTP test at start of November, seems like much longer that I done it. Improvement since then has been just under 40% so a big increase. Definitely feel stronger on the bike anyway, this combined with a bit of a drop in weight means my watts per kg is up a good bit. I set new records for 5min, 10min, 15min, 20min and 30 min power today so very pleased with how it went!

    Was hoping for a 400m TT tomorrow, but suppose I could stretch to an 800m one! Last one of them was back in November too, interesting to see the improvements in my swim since then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thursday 21st March

    Down to the pool for club swim session. We were told to bring our wetsuits down again, warm up was going to be done in these and then practice getting out of them fast. Just as I was zipping up my suit it decided to tear at the seam where the zipper is. No real strain on the suit and suit is new enough, less than a year and worn around 10 times. Not a great start to the session. Main set was to be 5 X 400m with each 400m being quicker than the last, well that's what I thought the main set was until I was called over and told I would be doing an 800m TT. Last time I done one of these was one of my first sessions in the pool with the club and came in on 13.45. Was confident that I would come in under this but wasn't sure how far under I would go. Set off bit fast, turned out I done first 100m in 1.26, pulled it back a bit and tried to keep it steady. Felt good until the last 200m when I started to feel it, stroke started to suffer and got a bit messy. Came in at 12.58 so good improvement there. Splits were pretty consistent too except for one that was about 5 seconds slower. I'm pretty sure that this was because my mind started to wander. Goal at start of training was to be swimming sub 13 mins 800m by the end of the season so very pleased with where I am now. After the TT I joined in with the rest of the session, 3 X 400m done getting quicker. 1st very easy in 7.00, 2nd in 6.54 and 3rd in 6.48, felt comfortable through all of these, never felt I was pushing it too much. Good swim session and another good testing session. Two testing sessions so far this week and both showing good improvements.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Well done joey, some great progress, your gonna have some season

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Cheers Trig, yeah training has been going well the last while. If I can stay injury and illness free I should be in good shape for the start of the season. Won't be anywhere need the top of the results but never thought that for this season. That's a longer term goal!

    Thursday 21st March

    Evening session was to be a run session. Wanted to do it out doors but no chance with that weather. Headed to the gym and done 8.5km steady on the treadmill, tried a few 30 left foot taps but found it hard to get the treadmill up to speed in time so just concentrated on covering the distance. Bit tired but been a busy week in work and two testing days. Next two days are very handy and then my first 5km road race on Sunday to look forward to.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Friday 22nd March

    Session was meant to be a slow run, around 40 minutes. Weather was awful and didn't fancy another session on the treadmill so decided to spend the evening with the gf instead. Food and a movie, nice change from all the training.

    Saturday 23rd March

    Took it fairly handy today. 1 hour on the turbo in the morning keeping the power between 55-60% of FTP. Legs felt grand, took it handy and kept the gears light. The evening was just a 3.5km slow run just to loosen out the legs before my 5km race on Sunday. Took it nice and easy again, legs feeling good.

    Sunday 24th March

    The day of my first ever stand alone 5km race. Not great weather with the temperature being around 2 degrees and high winds. Plans at the start of the season were to be running sub 20 min 5km's. This was the plan for today, to try go as far below 20 minutes as I could. Got out to the race nice and early and done a good warm up just to get the legs moving. Started up near the front and was glad I started hear, once the race started it was onto a small road and things were a bit tight. Got bit boxed in once or twice but after about 400m we started to spread out and could get into a nice rhythm. Kept the pace below 4 min kilometres and was feeling good. Moved up through the field and found a few people in front of me who were running similar pace so had something to focus on. Not sure of the kilometre splits but they were all in and around 3.50. The last 500m was onto the home straight and into a nice strong headwind. The wind had been a bit of a problem during the race, always seemed to be into our faces apart from when it was side on. Pushed it for the last 500m but the legs had nothing more. Chip time was 19.28, garmin time was 19.12, course measured a bit long so I'll take the 19.12. Pleased with this time, last timed 5km was 20.30 so a good chunk of time taken off there. Felt I paced it well too and had it not been for the headwind at the end I reckon I could have gone just below 19 minutes. Legs felt ok at the end, no push left in them but I reckon I could have kept running at a similar enough pace for another bit.

    So the end of my testing week and 5 months into the coaching. Was looking forward to this week, would give me a good idea where I am coming into the start of the season. Really pleased with how I'm getting on, power on bike is up by 40%, swim time is below 13 min for 800m TT and my 5km time is below 20min. These were all goals set out at the start of the season so will have to go back and look at them with my coach and come up with some new ones for the end of the season. Back to a normal training week on Monday and will be introduce speed training into my running soon so looking forward to that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Savage results!!! congrats!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Monday 25th March

    So back to normal training after the testing week. Was looking forward to getting back into it and was all set for the turbo when I got a call from work to say I needed to go in, bit of a mess in work at the moment so couldn't say no. Meant turbo session was moved to the evening. Session was to be hour and a half, with 20 X 30 second intervals at 125% of FTP, with 30 second recovery inbetween each. This was repeated 3 times with about 5.30 minute break inbetween each. Wasn't as bad as I expected when I seen it on the coaching sheet and actually found it ok. Legs still had a bit of Sundays run in them but didn't feel too bad, again these are the hard sessions I need to get through.

    Run goals for the season have been changed, plan was for sub 20 by end of season for a 5km so this has now changed to an 18.12 minute 5km by end of season. Reckon this is fairly achievable, bit of speed work in training along with another few months of training should see me getting close to this. 10km has changed too, bit. Goal was for sub 42 min, haven't ran one in since I started training but after the race on Sunday 10km goal time has been changed to sub 40 minute by end of season. Again I'd be fairly confident of hitting this by end of season.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Tuesday 26th March

    So back to the pool for the early morning swim. Set was to be 4 X (80m Pull, 80m Kick, 80m FC). Then into main set of 6 X (4 X 80m descending, then 80m kick). Then it was 80m flat out, and 200m cool down. Was a lot tougher session than I was expecting and was really feeling it by the end. Arms were tired, legs were tired and breathing was getting tougher. Felt good in the water through the session just tired by the end!

    This evening was my first speed session of the year. I really wanted to do this outside but I couldn't go out with the cold and the snow. No point making myself sick now trying to train when I can use a treadmill in the gym, even if I do hate it. So plan was to be 20 minutes warm up then into 4 X 800m ran at 3.40 min kilometre pace (10 seconds below my pace at the weekend), with 400m recovery between each interval. After the last interval it was straight into 3km done at 10 seconds above 10km pace so we estimated this at around 4.22. Legs felt good on the run, didn't really struggle with any of the intervals and found the last 3km no real problems. Calves a bit tight now but bit of foam rolling will sort that out. I hope it will anyway, tough turbo session tomorrow night!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wednesday 27th March

    So up nice and early to do my home circuit before work. Got it done no problems, pace kept up and no breaks. Wanted to get this out of the way because I knew it was going to be a tough turbo session in the evening. Legs were tired after a busy start to the week and wasn't too confident I'd get through the full thing. Even started trying to think of some ways around what was planned on the way home from work. Session was to be short warm up then into 6 X 10 minute intervals pretty much at 100% FTP with 3 min break between these. Legs didn't feel too bad at the start so just kept the pedals turning and tried to concentrate on the breathing and keeping any pain or toughness out of my mind. Intervals went quick enough and before I knew it I was on the second last one, it was here that it started to get pretty tough. Kept the pedals turning because I knew the end wasn't too far. Enjoyed that 3 min break and then set into a nice rhythm for the last interval. Got through it ok, bit of tough time from 3 mins to 7 mins, this has been something I've been working on, trying to get through these tougher bits. Tried to take my mind off how my legs were feeling and concentrated on heart rate and breathing and got to the end ok. Really happy to have pushed through this session without having to shorten or change anything, now to see how the legs are for club swim in the morning!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thursday 28th March

    Up extra early for club pool swim, because of the weather wanted to give myself plenty of time to get there. Only 5 out of usual group of 10/12 there, and pool was in 25m layout instead of 50m. Session started with 400m with fins, done as 50m steady 50m kicking faster. Then it was into main set of 10 X 200m descending. These were tough! Managed to bring the time down for most of them, slowest was around 3.30, coming down to my fastest of 3.04 (Second last one). Bit disappointed that last one was 3.09, drop off from the second last one and was hoping to try get as close to 3.00 as I could. There was fifteen second rest between each 200. After this was 200m kick. Tough session in the pool but glad I travelled over in the snow.

    Brought my running gear to work, with the way the weather has been I've been doing most of my running on the treadmill so gear was packed so I could go straight to gym on the way home. But much nicer day today so managed to get out in the open, session was 5km warm up, then into 12 X 30 left foot taps and then a bit of a cool down. Altogether just over 9km done. Legs were feeling tired for this, looking forward to rest day tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Friday 29th March

    Recovery day, and needed it. Home circuit with 6 reps, no breaks and pace kept up. Recovery run, around 10.5km took very slow. Was nice to run outside and get off the treadmill.

    Saturday 30th March

    Saturday and Sundays sessions were swapped around, heading out on Saturday night so wanted to get the tougher sessions done. Early morning swim session. 320m FC, 320m kick and 320 FC to warm up. Then into main set of 6 X 120m at tpace, 120m easy, 4 X 120m at tpace, 120m easy, 4 X 120m at tpace. Then 2 X 320m steady. few drills and then 200m cool down. Another tough session in the pool, arms were really getting tired at the end. All the 120m intervals came in at between 7-9 seconds below t pace so was pleased with that.

    After the swim was up to the treadmill to do my long run. Had to cover 20km and was tired before I started, ran it a bit slower than usual and it turned out to be ok. Just kept the pace steady and covered the distance. Legs didn't feel too bad at the end.

    Sunday 31st March

    So after a heavy enough night I headed out with my dad for a cycle. Distance wasn't going to be huge but we headed out towards Howth and went up Howth head from the Sutton side then down into Howth, turned around and back up from the Howth side. This was a tough climb! Wasn't expecting it to be bad, legs were starting to cramp a bit and was feeling it but climb was short enough so was ok. Altogether around 42km done and felt better for getting out. Another night out tonight but probably not as mad as Saturday night and that will probably be the last big night out for a while.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Monday 1st April

    So after another night out on the beer I wasn't looking forward to the turbo today. Put it off most of the day and got on this evening, plan was hour and a half with 6 X 15 minute intervals with 15 seconds at 150% of FTP and 15 seconds 50%. Didnt last at all, legs just wouldn't move. Knew from the start of getting on the turbo that it wasn't going to happen. Annoyed with myself but stayed on the bike and done 30 minutes between 55% to 65% of FTP just to keep the legs moving and try loosen them out. About 45 minutes done on turbo instead of the hour and a half but will put it down to being after a heavy weekend. Won't be many more of them between now and the end of the season.

    On the upside, Wheelworx have sorted my wetsuit for me. Unfortunately 2XU no longer make the wetsuit I had and their new wetsuits wouldn't be in until May, not much use for me, going on club training camp to Sardinia in week and a half so need one for that. Instead wheelworx gave me a brand new blue seventy axis wetsuit as a straight swap. Wetsuit feels a lot more flexible than my last one, lot more expensive too. Will try bring it to the pool on Thursday morning to try it out and see how it feels in the water. Hopefully back to normal training for the rest of the week, don't want anymore sessions affected by weekends drinking!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Tuesday 2nd April

    So up early, but not too early have figured out that if I get to the pool for 8 it's a lot quieter than at 6.30 so that's my new time. Warm up started with 4 X (40m Pull, 40m Kick, 40m FC). Then into main set of 5 X (4 X 80m descending with 40m kick between each set of 4). Then it was 80m flat out and 200m easy. Nice handy enough session today. Felt my stroke held up much better than over the last while and actually felt fast in the water.

    This evening was another speed session for my run. Started with 24 min warm up then into 4 X 800m all ran around 3.35min kilometre pace. 400m recovery inbetween each. Then after this straight into 3km at 10km pace + 10 seconds. This was comfortable enough and came in around 4.16 per kilometre. This was a tough session, was really feeling the 800m intervals. Much harder outside than inside but felt good after them. Good run session and about 12.5km done altogether.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wednesday 3rd April

    Second turbo of the week and like the first one didn't go according to plan. Felt ok on the bike, plan was bit of a warm up then 8 X 4 min intervals above FTP, with 6 min recovery between, in these 6 mins was 3 X 12 second all out efforts. These were the first thing to go, got through the first 2 intervals ok, tough but was hitting the targets. Couldn't get the legs going for the 12 second efforts though and these were dropped for the rest of the intervals, thought it would be better to concentrate on the above FTP efforts. These got tougher too though and by the 4th one I was just trying to keep the power as close to FTP as possible. Stayed the same for the next few but in the second last one I just had to stop, right hamstring cramping, right quad sore and calves starting to cramp. Felt I'd be better off stopping than keeping going and doing some damage. 15 minutes short of full session but power well down on what it should be. Seem to get these weeks every now and again were the legs just don't work on the bike, week or two ago I was hitting these targets no problem and for longer but couldn't keep it working today. Will take next two days off the bike and try get out on it twice over this weekend and hopefully that will help the legs, fingers crossed I'm just spending too much time on the turbo!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    joey100 wrote: »
    Wednesday 3rd April
    try get out on it twice over this weekend and hopefully that will help the legs, fingers crossed I'm just spending too much time on the turbo!

    There's no such thing as too much time on the turbo! I'd be worried if you were finding every session easy.

    There's four keys to training: Specificity (is that how you spell it?), Progression, Overload and Reversibility.

    Your training relates to your sport (Specificity).
    Week on week your sessions are getting hard (Progression).
    You're finding some sessions tough (Overload).
    If you stop training you'll go back to how you were (Reversibility).

    From your logs you are hitting everything so there's nothing to worry about. Your gains are testament to this.

    [/preaching mode]

    You doing the three peaks on Sunday?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Cheers Couerdelion, suppose I shouldn't be really hitting all the sessions easily but just annoying when I know I can do it but just doesn't work.

    Not in for the three peaks this weekend, down to do a nice brick session. Be nice to get out on the TT bike. Bit like you I should have entered TriLaois but unfortunately unlike you I don't have the contacts ;)

    Thursday 4th April

    Up early for club swim. Got to try out my new wetsuit too, fits much nicer than old one and about 2 seconds per 50m faster for similar effort. Wetsuit was worn for my warm up 2 X 200m building throughout. Then into main set of 700m FC with every 4th 50m being fast, 30 second rest, 700m FC with fins every 3rd 50m being fast, 30 second rest then final 700m FC with every 2nd 50m being fast. After this was 200m Back with 100m FC at the end. Felt good in the pool, feel I'm keeping the intensity up in the sessions and improving.

    This evening was a change to the scheduled run, was meant to be usual warm up, 30 left foot taps and then cool down but changed this to 6.5km steady, throat feeling a bit raw and legs still tired and bit sore so took it a bit easier. Legs felt heavy and slow but breathing was ok, not as comfortable as usual but good to get something done.
