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MH116 Community and Youth Work- Interview

  • 09-05-2012 10:18am
    Registered Users Posts: 33


    I have applied to MH116 Community and Youth Work in Maynooth and I did the entrance test and got through, yay me :).

    Tomorrow I now have to go to a group interview and a single interview, if I do well and get through the interviews I basically have the course.

    I was wondering for anyone who has done this course or just has knowledge of interviews what I might be asked. I would really like to know the range of questions that are possible in an interview like this.

    Would greatly appreciate your help :)
    Many thanks,
    T x


  • Registered Users Posts: 285 ✭✭Moon Indigo

    Think you post is elsewhere on here... anyway like I wrote before currently finishing up my first year full time on BACYW 3.1. I too am a mature student so any questions etc just let me know :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 tazmcn

    Yeah I previously put up a post but for some reason disappeared on me and I couldn't even find it through searching.
    I dunno what happened.

    I would just like to know what type of questions I may be asked :)

    P.S. Apologies for the mix up

  • Registered Users Posts: 285 ✭✭Moon Indigo

    Morning :)... Just wanted to send this early as I don't know when you have the interview. Okay first part is the single interview and its honestly not as bad as you might think. Its the waiting to be called that's the killer!

    The Questions are basic enough as far as I recall as in: Why did you choose this course? Is there any particular reason why you feel this course would benefit you? What experience you have in Com/Youth work? With whom (eg: what groups of young people etc). I think I was asked did I see any particular challanges arising in the youth community/community sector? You don't have to wreck your head to think of something. Be honest in the interview and have clear enough answers I think that's what they want to see your passion and drive behind the calm and clear answers you give.

    Group Interview: I was sick for the group so rather than do it with the matures I did it with the younger applicants. The set up is a group is called and brought to a room and told the process. A Tutor will then explain what is going to happen. He/She will give sit the group in a circle (or if not try do this trust me when you get on circles will become part of your life :P)

    A scenerio is then given think mine was like 'you are youth work workers charged with putting together a six week programme to increase inclusion among traveller and settled community' or something like that and give say ten mins to do while the tutor sits in the corner taking notes. Can be dauting but trust me you will forget they are there.

    My advice on the group is be clear, think before you speak and don't dominate the group. Listen to what everyone is saying and take it from there

    Just remember at the end of the day how much you want this and let that desire shine. I assume you already have some experience in the sector so use that to your advantage. Be proud and remember you did great to get through the written interview so keep that in mind and go be yourself and do your best.

    Sorry for the really long post. Let me know how you get on and if you need any advice or anything you know were I am. Best of luck give em socks! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 tazmcn

    Hey again :)

    Thank you so much for that post. It helped so much. I actually read it when I was waiting to be called for my single interview (you were right about the waiting being horrid :P). I was reading and shaking at the same time, but your post cheered me up and gave me a nice boost of confidence.

    The single interview went well I think. Well in my own head I feel it went well. I hope it went as well as I thought. The questions weren't that difficult at all. I was interviewed by a man and a woman, the man was the head of Social Policy and he asked me what my knowledge was on the course content and I said what I knew but didn't know much on social policy at all. I think that was the only major problem I had, it was a little embarrassing.

    The group interview... different story. Still went well but we were given 'there is an election at the end of the month for a treaty, how will it effect you'. It was a horrible question! Also no one in the group knew what it was about, we bluffed our way threw it basically but we still had a nice discussion :) .

    I will know if I got it in 3- 4 weeks. Fingers crossed :)

    Thank you so much for your help. It was much appreciated :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 285 ✭✭Moon Indigo

    I am delighted it went well :D I was actually leaving off an assignment on Thursday and caught a glimpse of many a nervous face and much leg shaking going on! I would't worry over not knowing about social policy seems a bit much to be fair to ask at a first interview. You did the right thing by being honest and saying you didn't know about it.

    That really was a horrible question for the groups kind of kicking myself I didn't think of it for you. Soooooo many exams, assignments etc on at the moment my head is spinning! You gave it a bash and that's what counts at least you didn't just sit there and you made an attempt.

    Main thing now is be positive and stay calm and don't pick apart everything that you did or should have done in your head. You will know when you know and that can't be changed.

    Let my know what the results are and I will buy you a coffee at some stage to celebrate :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 33 tazmcn

    I was certainly one of the leg shakers. The waiting was horribly intense.

    I know our group interview question was disgusting to say the least. But hopefully we were good at bluffing our way through it.

    Unfortunately, my head is picking at the interview. The more and more I think about it the more I am realising my mistakes, or I could just be becoming a bit paranoid :P. I am starting to look at PLCs I am getting so scared. I really want this.

    I will know in 3 to 4 weeks if I have gotten a place or not. If I have I will defiantly let you know because you helped a lot, thank you. If I haven't gotten it... whiskey shall be my new best friend :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 285 ✭✭Moon Indigo

    It is hard not to go over every single word or in my case lose my memory and be like 'did I say that?' tend to get mental blocks under pressure.

    Not to be negative but if on the off chance you don't get this don't give up. The numbers that go for it and the numbers that even get to interview stage well I am sure you know yourself they are very few. It half and half anyway as in 15 matures and 15 traditional students.

    It might be hard to find a plc course and to be honest I would't worry to much over that. There really is no substitute for experience. Don't forget its national volunteering week so just get your face in and get all the experience you can. If worse comes to worse you come back next year with even more to say and more prepared.

    But enough of the negativity you will be great keep your head up and looking ahead. Ahhh whiskey could do with one of those to get me through the exams:p

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 tazmcn

    Mental blocks? I have a feeling you could have jinxed me today, there are parts of my day that have giant gaps and I can't remember what happened or who I was with or anything. It like in loads of different 5 minutes throughout my day today are just erased from my memory. Probably just my day dreaming but I am never normally that bad...

    At the interview people heard that the number of people who took the test was 500, I think that was a bit much, I would say it was more around the 300 mark. But to get from 300 to 70 people who where called for interview I think was pretty good. Especially for a written test. To get to be on of the 15 traditional students out of 300... bit unlikely, unless my 'amazing' personality blew them away, but I highly doubt that. I shall wait and see and for the next four weeks I shall come home looking for a letter everyday.

    I don't think whiskey will help your exam circumstances to be honest :P could possible make you do worse. Maybe after the exam :P
    What are exams on the course like anyways?

  • Registered Users Posts: 285 ✭✭Moon Indigo

    Lol I think I did jinx you! Just keep the faith as Bon Jovi would say... :p

    The exams aren't actually that bad to be fair its just its so busy. The thing about the course is it really is unique in comparison to other courses in NUI. Even simple things like there are a set 32 in my class and that dosen't change but in say Social Science there could be 200 or so at the start of the year while people dip their toe.

    We are in 3 days all day 10-5 with a block placement of 3 months work experience so it can be tough going. I think to be honest you have to really want it to get through it. If you want the typical student lifestyle it is possible on the course but tough. Thank fully for me I didn't and couldn't go down that road or it would be a very dangerous slippy one :D!

    Just keep going with what your doing and wait to hear. I remember the wait last year and longer it went on I though no way did I get it. I swear I was nearly stalking the poor post man at one stage!

    Yeah think it is closer to 300 down to 70 or so and to get to that stage is wow so be really proud and you never know your wonderful personality may just have shone through more than you know ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 tazmcn

    They are really long hours but i wouldn't mind at all. I would probably have a little bit of the college life going on in the backround. I wouldn't want to become a total recluse :P

    Anyways those hours are nothing compared to what i currently do. Majority of my days between Monday and Thursday consist of leaving the house at half eight and not returning until 13hours later at half nine. I think i could manage 10 to 5 :).

    I am currently sitting at my front window waiting for the post man. . . Literally. I had nightmares last night. One consisting of me sitting in the same room i was in at Maynooth and everyone there got a place but me. It was like a mocking you- should- have- known-better dream.

    It has been two weeks today since i had my interview. They told some people it would be 3 to 4 weeks until we know. So i am sure i have plenty more waiting time.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 285 ✭✭Moon Indigo

    They said the same to me last year 'oh it will be a few weeks'. It felt like forever till I heard from them but when I got the letter... In fairness I didn't think I had got it and was at the stage I just wanted to actually get the letter regardless of if I got it or not.

    You really have long days I won't even ask why :p! Yeah judging by that 10-5 should be fine. We are just finishing up now on the home stretch. Just two exams next week then Summer here I come!

    Take it easy and enjoy the sun because if yo get in you can say bye bye life and hello sleep and study! But I am sure you are smart enough to find a nice college balance.. bring on the postman :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭danish pasterys

    Morning :)... Just wanted to send this early as I don't know when you have the interview. Okay first part is the single interview and its honestly not as bad as you might think. Its the waiting to be called that's the killer!

    The Questions are basic enough as far as I recall as in: Why did you choose this course? Is there any particular reason why you feel this course would benefit you? What experience you have in Com/Youth work? With whom (eg: what groups of young people etc). I think I was asked did I see any particular challanges arising in the youth community/community sector? You don't have to wreck your head to think of something. Be honest in the interview and have clear enough answers I think that's what they want to see your passion and drive behind the calm and clear answers you give.

    Group Interview: I was sick for the group so rather than do it with the matures I did it with the younger applicants. The set up is a group is called and brought to a room and told the process. A Tutor will then explain what is going to happen. He/She will give sit the group in a circle (or if not try do this trust me when you get on circles will become part of your life :P)

    A scenerio is then given think mine was like 'you are youth work workers charged with putting together a six week programme to increase inclusion among traveller and settled community' or something like that and give say ten mins to do while the tutor sits in the corner taking notes. Can be dauting but trust me you will forget they are there.

    My advice on the group is be clear, think before you speak and don't dominate the group. Listen to what everyone is saying and take it from there

    Just remember at the end of the day how much you want this and let that desire shine. I assume you already have some experience in the sector so use that to your advantage. Be proud and remember you did great to get through the written interview so keep that in mind and go be yourself and do your best.

    Sorry for the really long post. Let me know how you get on and if you need any advice or anything you know were I am. Best of luck give em socks! :D

    Hi there im currently considering choosing this course as a mature student i was gonna do one similar in itb but apparently it dosen qualify you for anything other than community work (which in my exp is mostly volunteerly) so im thinkin this one would be alot better. Im just wondering what the course is like? Whats the workload like? Whats the atmosphere like in the college is it very impersonal considering its a uni? Im a mature student comin off a fetac in social studies so i do enjoy it and now seek advice on this particular course :) also is their many males in this course?

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭danish pasterys

    If you want the typical student lifestyle it is possible on the course but tough. Thank fully for me I didn't and couldn't go down that road or it would be a very dangerous slippy one :D!


    Hi there,

    Im just curious on the above statement that you mentioned on one of your posts

    As i will be hoping to get on the course nx year but now i am a bit worried now that i wont have any time to take advantage of the full college experience as in joining a society, sport or one night out on the town, due to a bombardment of work. So im wondering if you could give me more details on the workload, i dont think 24hrs is to much in classes. But your most likely referring to assignments. The two chaps i talked to on the open day told me it was a pretty do-able course, can you not just fit in your assignments on the monday and thursday ur off and be free for the evening and weekend maybe bit more on sunday.. Also how long is your breaks?
